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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 424 KB, 1080x808, Screenshot_20230217_134456_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18948749 No.18948749 [Reply] [Original]

im making myself an icecream cake for my birthday today!! :D
ive never made one before (and ive only ever bakes a cake once), so wish me luck?

>> No.18948754
File: 224 KB, 1080x762, Screenshot_20230217_134500_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ice cream layer has been flattened (to the best of my abilities) and is now chilling B)

>> No.18948755

Happy birthday, anon. Fingers crossed that this is your last.

>> No.18948779
File: 92 KB, 540x613, tumblr_d508dee1f5e0511b22ee0edb115b13bc_b1722548_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday fren, don't listen to >>18948755
Hope it turns out well and you have fun today

>> No.18948805
File: 196 KB, 1080x715, Screenshot_20230217_140008_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot that that is my only baking thing so iced cream is now free form chilling
thanks idk if ill be celebrating anymore im in my mid twenties now xc
thank you!! im sick so its just gonne be this and bed lol but maybe ill watch my favorite movie

>> No.18948817
File: 368 KB, 1077x1436, Screenshot_20230217_140404_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my friend betty crocker is helping me make the cake part :D

>> No.18948832

Happy birthday! I hope the cake is tasty

>> No.18948843
File: 532 KB, 1080x1398, Screenshot_20230217_141035_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am gonna be bonkers and do some tips i saw on the internet (add an extra egg, butter instead of veggie oil, coffee instead of water) fingers crossed!!
thank you!! i hope so too!!

>> No.18948866
File: 389 KB, 1080x1434, Screenshot_20230217_141710_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no... i only have one baking thing. im gonna try to just split it in half and maybe have two cakes instead of just the one i thought i would have?? maybe i can just put the whole thing in one thing and hope for the best?? im at a crossroads, and the devils food cake is here

>> No.18948887
File: 228 KB, 1153x733, Screenshot_20230217_142557_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going for the latter option fingers crossed i dont burn it lol
(the batter smelled and tasted good hehehe so i have high hopes for the taste)

>> No.18948897
File: 271 KB, 1080x1399, Screenshot_20230217_143034_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what possessed me to want to make my own whipped cream but ive also never done this before and im gonna have to do it by hand......"OTL

>> No.18948908
File: 184 KB, 1080x726, Screenshot_20230217_143342_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is getting whipped but its so messy

>> No.18948909

happy birthday anon! i hope your cake turns out well, and i hope you have a great year this year :)

>> No.18948918

>im making myself an icecream cake for my birthday today!! :D

>> No.18948968

Based, every man is the architect of his own happiness

>> No.18948974

fuck you bitch you don't even cook. i bought a guitar and a new iphone and made some bombass gumbo on my birthday a few weeks ago and i had a great time with it all, fucking sad to see how many lonely little bitches start whining the second they're forced into some alone time, maybe you should stop chasing thots around and consider a little self-reflection, maybe you wouldn't be so insecure to try to shit on some random stranger for showing your their progress on their first ice cream cake on the fucking cooking board, maybe then you wouldn't be such a little sadsack biiiiiiiiiiiiitch

>> No.18948983


>> No.18948984
File: 371 KB, 1080x1350, Screenshot_20230217_145247_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my whisk came off the handle mid whipping. such a mess!! xc
shouldve just bought cool whip lol. i didnt sweeten it so its just slightly vanilla. cake should be coming out of the oven soon!!
thank you!! i hope you do too! :D
how is icecream cake depressing?? cx
*wipes a tear*

>> No.18948992

Happy birthday OP

>> No.18949005

don't worry anon many people noticed you today, you did good, nice work, if you work hard maybe tomorrow you can post more obnoxious things and even more people will notice you :3

>> No.18949008
File: 280 KB, 1080x801, Screenshot_20230217_145801_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes lookin good!! gonna let her cool down before taking the pan off then ill chill her in the freezer... then ill get to decorate!! :D

relax! and happy late birthday!!
thank you!!! c:

>> No.18949012
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What a faggot thread.

>> No.18949020

Did you take a pic of the gumbo?

>> No.18949023
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snack break :0

>> No.18949034
File: 174 KB, 828x684, F3BBE20A-335D-41EF-9FDE-96D9D231D1C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday

>> No.18949040

this was near the end, still extremely hot so doesn't look so thick i admit but realized a lot of the roux had stuck to the bottom once added and after more vigorous mixing it was pretty gud, thinking of making another batch on sunday

>> No.18949042

It's a girl

>> No.18949069
File: 200 KB, 1080x749, Screenshot_20230217_151839_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for her to chill in ghe freezer c:

thank you sm!! cx
i think mid twenties qualifies me for a woman title

>> No.18949085

maybe i shouldve done the cake first so i didint have to wait D:

>> No.18949088

>i think mid twenties qualifies me for a woman title
You aren't a real woman until you have baked a cake in your own oven. Until then you're just a loose strumpet.

>> No.18949091

....washing dishes and cleaning oven since it dripped a lil
also gonna do something with the left over egg shells

>> No.18949120

i had an apartment but had to move back in with my parents because covid but i only ever baked cookies there

>> No.18949155
File: 327 KB, 1080x795, Screenshot_20230217_154859_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldnt wait any more! trying this toothpick trick to level her out

>> No.18949165
File: 149 KB, 1062x651, Screenshot_20230217_155301_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it worked! >:3 back in the freezer!!

>> No.18949206
File: 151 KB, 897x831, Screenshot_20230217_160346_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made the top into a couple of mini (non ice cream) cakes! did cake, whipped cream, cake, whipped cream then hot fudge but i shouldve done cake, hot fudge, whipped cream, cake, whipped cream xc
am also snacking on what was not made into mini cakes. tasting very tasty >:}

>> No.18949223

Happy birthday c'mere and let me give you a noogie!

>> No.18949260

prepping oreos for assembly

thanks but no! im too old for noogies!! D:

>> No.18949261

Stop with the emojis

Call it a birthday present to an older less cringey you

>> No.18949262

happy birthday anon

>> No.18949265
File: 440 KB, 1080x1371, Screenshot_20230217_162304_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic cx

but also im thinking. cake, hot fudge, oreos, ice cream, whipped cream (i hope i have enough!), then lil hot fudge drips and dollops of whiped cream with a cookie for decorating!

>> No.18949281
File: 266 KB, 1080x1424, Screenshot_20230217_162851_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oreos thoroughly prepared! i dont think i have a big enough plate to fix the cake! aaaaa!!!

emoticons will be coming with me to the grave!! >:U
thank you! :D

>> No.18949283

are you sure you want to put shitty biscuits in instead of something good like youghurt hocolate or fruit?

>> No.18949296
File: 2.54 MB, 2400x1800, 172756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday, OP!
I made myself a chocolate banana bread cake with chocolate ganache buttercream this year. Pic related. I wasn't really planning to make a cake for my birthday this time, but we had a bunch of overripe bananas that needed to be made into banana bread and I was pretty bored with standard banana bread. Turned out pretty good.

>> No.18949305

oh yeah baby every recipe needs some palm oil for that UNAMI BLAST

>> No.18949313
File: 259 KB, 1073x798, Screenshot_20230217_164143_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found a dish but cake had to be trimmed to fit! now to do it to the ice cream...

if i was making it just for me i would go for fruit but my younger siblings mostly like oreos, so oreos.
thank you!! that cake looks so friggin good!!! happy late birthday!

>> No.18949317
File: 456 KB, 719x1103, Screenshot_20230217-174032_QuickPic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year I made myself a simple butter cake with honey buttercream, served with strawberries in syrup.
Anyways OP, best of luck to you!

>> No.18949337
File: 170 KB, 894x582, Screenshot_20230217_165015_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ice cream trimmed! hands very cold. ice cream on the floor

ooo yum!! and thank you!!

>> No.18949339

Nice cakes, belated happy birthday frens!

Looking good, happy birthday!

>> No.18949368
File: 143 KB, 994x566, Screenshot_20230217_170255_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she fits!

>> No.18949376
File: 307 KB, 1080x729, Screenshot_20230217_170300_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fudge layer successful! didnt tear up the cake. hopefully isnt too thick and will freeze alright

thank you!!! c:

>> No.18949388
File: 213 KB, 1080x741, Screenshot_20230217_170305_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oreo layer also a success. also hopefully not too thick and stuff!
letting the icecream firm up a bit more before final assembly! am very excited!! cx

>> No.18949404
File: 56 KB, 414x693, 1661726056375295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy birthday

>> No.18949423

chill omfg. but thanks!

>> No.18949455

damn looking real good

>> No.18949461
File: 112 KB, 849x568, Screenshot_20230217_172601_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

layers stacked!! :0

aa thank you!!

>> No.18949478

cute thread and cake is looking good
happy birthday!

>> No.18949505
File: 114 KB, 814x653, Screenshot_20230217_173917_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had just enough whipped cream to cover her! hope i have enough to pipe on top like i want

thank you sm!! cx

>> No.18949525
File: 1.10 MB, 1080x801, Screenshot_20230217-174401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks good I'm jealous.

Here's the strawberry lemon cake I made for mine this year.

>> No.18949550
File: 133 KB, 839x553, Screenshot_20230217_174735_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oreo skirt c:

haha yours looks soooo good tho!! lemon cake is so good plus strawberries! yum!! happy late birthday! :D

>> No.18949588
File: 123 KB, 1071x732, Screenshot_20230217_175531_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fudge drips dont look as planned... and this is the pretty side! lol
theyll taste good regardless cx

>> No.18949609
File: 265 KB, 1327x1074, Screenshot_20230217_180013_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dollops took their own form and luckily the misfire came off pretty easy!
ive been popping it in and outta the freezer so the warmer stripe didnt stick

>> No.18949622
File: 123 KB, 676x570, Screenshot_20230217_180517_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cake done!! :DD
now just to wait for everyone to get home! thank yall for all the birthday wishes!!! i hope todays a special day for you, even if its not your birthday!!

>> No.18949624

You put the ice cream on top of the entire cake? Well, whatever makes your birthday happy, I guess

>> No.18949626

Looks good though desu

>> No.18949629
File: 75 KB, 443x832, Screenshot_20230217_180929_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eggshells will be cleaned and added to my collection of witch craft ingredients, for those curious :P

>> No.18949635

>witch craft

>> No.18949636

well yeah!! its an ice cream cake! and thanks cx
thank you!! :00

>> No.18949638

HBD, that looks tasty!

>> No.18949645

Happy birthday, and very scrumptious looking cake I must say.

>> No.18949662
File: 152 KB, 733x977, Screenshot_20230217_181417_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my candles btw cx
https://youtu.be/nzgsIqxuXmc (the tutotial i followed!!)
https://youtube.com/shorts/XuCeTiuVoVM?feature=share (the elevated box cake tips)

i used to be a skeptic too :P

thank yall!!! cx

>> No.18949676

Actually pretty impressive for a first attempt. Good job OP, I'm proud of you. There's something special about making your own birthday cake, not to mention ice cream cake, from scratch. If you ever make another ice cream cake try putting the ice cream layer inbetween two cake layers.

>> No.18949693

i didnt make it all from scratch! i bought the cake mix, the ice cream, the cookies, the hot fudge! but thank you!!!
i might try that out next time if my siblings end up liking this one! we've got plenty of birthdays here hahaha

>> No.18949707
File: 194 KB, 890x1294, Screenshot_20230217_183117_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best picture i could take of the underside, for those curious, because i was curious cx

>> No.18949739
File: 132 KB, 1080x763, Screenshot_20230217_183722_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay sorry ill let the thread die after this but if youre in the market for a new cake pan--
skip over this wilton removal bottom one! theres a lip on it thats practically impossible to clean!!

>> No.18949747

I have a similar and I just run mine through the dishwasher and it's clean

>> No.18949748

i'm the dish washer! and i cant get it clean xc

>> No.18949791

lmao women are so stupid, believing in horoscopes and crap like this. Then you turn around and expect men to take you seriously outside of the bedroom.

>> No.18949794

*tips fedora*

>> No.18949798

she's not going to fuck you bro

>> No.18949807

I advise reading the Gospel of Matthew and turning from the wickedness you're describing. Witchcraft is pretty much a one way ticket to Hell if you're unrepentant

>> No.18949822

"the bedroom" please kill yourself

>> No.18949827

>here come the white knights right on time
she's not going to fuck you either bro

>> No.18949832

astrology is an ancient practice! its not that absurd to recognize it as being accurate, especially when you consider it in its full form and not the watered down western version.
*fucks them*
putting things into jars isnt going to keep me from heaven. shoo! *throws banishing salt at you* (it works because no one likes salt being thrown at them)

>> No.18949843
File: 375 KB, 1080x1332, Screenshot_20230217_190404_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*fucks them also*

>> No.18949847

>astrology is an ancient practice! its not that absurd to recognize it as being accurate
It's like you're doing everything in your power to live up to every stereotype about retarded female hobbies lol.

>> No.18949849

I would like to eat out that cake

>> No.18949850

nice shorts :3

>> No.18949851

i bet youre an aries. i hate aries. happy early birthday!

>> No.18949856

this isnt that kind of thread! :P

>> No.18949878

Dunno looks like a simp thread to me.

>> No.18949891

we could make it into one :)

>> No.18949898

Extremely based

>> No.18949902

He will never be a woman

>> No.18949904

people are just being nice! whys it always gotta be abt weirdo stuff like that

no :P but you might find me in those kinda threads every now and then lol

>> No.18949908

Happy bday OP, cookalong threads are always a treat

>> No.18949913

Upload a slice pic when you cut into it

>> No.18949915

one day i will own an oven and bake a cake in it...

thank you!! c: have a good one!

>> No.18949920

will do if the thread is still here!

>> No.18949927

Why do store bought ice cream cakes never have any cake in them? Funk dat...

Post slice later. Do you have a slicing strategy?

>> No.18949933

let cake dethaw a bit before serving and
put knife in hot water? hope for best.

>> No.18949957


>let cake dethaw a bit before serving and
put knife in hot water?
That would seem to be the go-to, but with the ice cream on top and cake on bottom, will the cake get soft before the ice cream and make it difficult to slice? I would use a bread knife maybe and gently saw it...I don't know how moist the cake is, but it almost seems like it would slice better if you don't thaw it too much.

means to freeze? :3

>> No.18949988

dethaw, un thaw, thaw
they all mean the same thing.
ill prob take it out just long enough to do the whole singing thing. hoping they dont shove my face in it, thats been a trend for the last few birthdays.

>> No.18950010

>shove my face in it
sounds fun but also a bit rude when you made it yourself

>> No.18950020

that's my hope, too!!

>> No.18950030
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks delicious OP. Happy (Ice Cream) Cake Day.

>> No.18950048

thank you!!! :D

>> No.18950168

Happy Birthday OP! makes me want to do the same for when my birthday comes up

>> No.18950278
File: 296 KB, 1080x1228, Screenshot_20230217_211004_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~1/3 of cake eaten at presentation.
2 siblings didnt eat due to lactose intolerance (even tho were all lactose intolerant. i regret not taking some lactaid tho)
2 siblings complained of coffee taste
1 parent complained that it was too cold
compliments given: none
face in cake: negative (success)

>> No.18950285
File: 429 KB, 1080x1404, Screenshot_20230217_211017_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you!! happy early birthday!!!
heres the tutorial links again in case you do! whatever goes down i hope its tasty!

>> No.18950291

Well what did (You) think about it then? It is your birthday after all

>> No.18950306

(forgot the ultimate opinion)
i thought my cake was awesome =w= loved the coffee taste in the cake in combo with the cookie n cream. i wish i had made the hot fudge and oreo layer a bit thicker! i also really like the unsweetened whipped cream. i hate it when icing is too sweet! and maybe it was a little too cold
couldve gone faster if i did cake first then ice cream layer, and if i didnt live blog it lol
4/5 would eat again
only regrets were not taking some lactaid X0

>> No.18950310


>> No.18950315

thanks again for the birthday wishes!! sending my best wishes to yall as well! :D

>> No.18950336

Sounds great, hope you enjoy the rest of your day and get better soon!

>> No.18950345

thank you very much c:

>> No.18950413

only critique would be to slice the cake in half and sandwich the ice cream in between the to cake pieces
otherwise nice

>> No.18950522
File: 53 KB, 1080x601, D9311003-EC84-4EFA-BD57-44B4DB174DCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a conflicting thread I seemed to have stumbled into
damn either I'm getting soft or 4chan is
happy birthday regardless OP

>> No.18950528

Looks like it sliced up good!

Happy Birfday!

>> No.18950534


>> No.18950559

thank you! c: /ck in general is softer. not less horny tho, ive found.
thanks you cx

>> No.18950973

Looks great and happy bday. Whats your favorite movie?

>> No.18951082

I recommend Acts 19, which is the Ephesians burning everything associated with witchcraft.

>> No.18951112

its not my birthday anymore but thank you cx
it was the last movie i saw in a theater! birds of prey valentines day 2020. ive been watching it on valentines every year now! i didnt end up watching it i kinda just did dishes, ate, took meds, played some video games, and now im in bed cx
i cast a spell called prune thread!!
(more salt, thyme snipped in half, and a dash of thank you, janitors!)

>> No.18951138

>thanks idk if ill be celebrating anymore im in my mid twenties now xc
if it brings you joy anon, never stop celebrating

>> No.18951478

Looks great, OP.

>> No.18951519

I wanna fuck you on your cake.

>> No.18951542

I would have loved your cold coffee cake, anon. Happy birthday. Great job making something cool on your own

>> No.18952077

maybe i should used whole thyme sprigs and added some pepper... maybe some garlic too lol

thank, Anon c:
that would be very messy and very cold. doesnt sound too pleasant
thank you, Anon!!! cx it's not my birthday anymore :P and i wasnt alone i made it with y'all c:

>> No.18952439
File: 333 KB, 1080x1132, Screenshot_20230218_125530_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it tastes even better the next day! fudge layer in between got even yummier. im bumping my score up to a 5/5 would make this just to eat it lol

>> No.18952457

Great. It looks tasty. Keep up the good work!

>> No.18952467

Looks very nice. Densely packed with delicious fatty sweet calories and no nutrition. Like a dessert should. Happy late bday anon.

>> No.18952486

thanks and will do, chief!
thank you!! its nutritional value comes from all the love cx
i am no longer sick just really snotty

>> No.18952489

Happy Birthday anon! Nice dubs and the cake looks great.

>> No.18952596

not my birthday anymore but thank you!! :D

>> No.18952610

looks good. happy bday.

i hate making desserts. also the amount sugar that goes in to them is staggering

>> No.18952668


>> No.18952741

not my birthday but thanks :P
i didnt add any sugar myself, but theres probably still plenty of it
id post my pussy but this is a blue board cx

>> No.18952766

>blue board
Doesn't matter, you're a phoneshitter. Banevasion literally takes 2 swipes and 10 seconds worth of patience. Don't forget the timestamp.

>> No.18952794

i dont wanna get banned from this board again is one of my faves i dont even know what i did wrong last time

>> No.18952814

You're a phoneshitter. Bans doesn't matter to you. You can evade them in 10 seconds. Until you post proof to the contrary, you're an attentionwhoring twink.

>> No.18952829

whats a phoneshitter? you can't insult me if idk what that means
also i know you really want me to have a penis and be skinny but im sorry im chubby with a pussy

>> No.18952834

>acting retarded to keep the (You)s flowing
Attentionwhoring twink confirmed.

>> No.18952842
File: 126 KB, 1080x685, Screenshot_20230218_145343_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you trying to insult me for being a mobile user? why would i care about that? im not gonna deny the attention whoring yall are generally nicer to me than even my family is lol

>> No.18952845

Future reference, parchemnt paper is generally easier to remove from the frozen ice cream later.

The cling wrap shit can be a pain if it gets bunched up when it freezes.

>> No.18952851

i used the cling wrap so that i could mash the icecream into shape :0

>> No.18952865

that's fair, having done the same thing with both parchment paper and with the cling wrap I was simply stating my own view on the matter.

Both work, I simply found parchment paper a bit easier to deal with as it was more forgiving.

More than once I had to come back the next day and warm up a section of the ice cream to remove some stuck cling wrap that got frozen inside whereas with parchment paper it generally wouldn't get stuck to begin with, and when it did could just be pulled out without the risk of leaving plastic inside your ice cream.

>> No.18952873
File: 76 KB, 900x900, 1669202290536936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm addicted to desserts, so in a thread like this I'm too busy drooling over the food pics. I'm also going to the store to buy ice cream cake now

>> No.18952879

makes sense!!

>> No.18952902

hope its yummy!

>> No.18952904

Happy birthday anon *<:)
Enjoy your cake :)

>> No.18952911

the cake looks good and I'm glad you enjoyed it anon :)

>> No.18952912
File: 91 KB, 515x219, district-9_prawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Birthday, I forced a prawn to say it too but it's unintelligable.

>> No.18952920

is not my birthday today but thank you!! youre hat is very cute!!
thank y'all regardless! cx

>> No.18952928

Our body heat would take care of that and we'd shower afterwards, silly.

>> No.18953052

ice cream cake happens to be frozen and very cold. maybe i didnt make it clear but id prefer that none of my body touches that cake except my digestive tracj and maybe my hands

>> No.18953064

Then I'll lay on the cake.

>> No.18953111

are you a guy who wears nail polish or a girl? Either way, happy birthday.

>> No.18953140
File: 38 KB, 200x200, 4250-1571091483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here little cake. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading bites, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't even get eaten. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby cake.
>mfw thinking of you being eaten.

>> No.18953226

down another slice, folks

you will not! took me several hours to make her
i wear nail polish, even on days its not my birthday! thanks
the bites are grateful and delicious! she was made to be eaten

>> No.18953229
File: 270 KB, 1045x889, Screenshot_20230218_171649_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic cx

>> No.18953230

We don't need the cake at all lil mama :^)

>> No.18953235

*boops ur big nose* this threads about cake

>> No.18953251

The tragic part is the thread is full of newfags that have no idea what you're alluding to.

>> No.18953256

enlighten me cx

>> No.18953263
File: 2.04 MB, 268x214, tumblr_06c58514667303897b3074084efcb032_6c11d221_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just know you're hot and it's killing me

>> No.18953300
File: 72 KB, 1024x682, 1294014554324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tits first, then I will. Remember the timestamp.

>> No.18953315

i had eyes too big for my tummy and i could not finish the slice. tucked away into the freezer to be eaten later umu

why?? lol
this is a sfw board :P

>> No.18953326
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I'm the one asking questions here!

>> No.18953435

i dont see any questions :P

>> No.18953500

also body lied to me this morning i am still very much sick. still doin better than yesterday tho!

>> No.18953516

Oh I've got some questions...

>> No.18953582

still not seeing any questions!! cx

>> No.18953588

I've got so many questions

>> No.18953598

I wish I knew a qt girl that'd bake me stuff.

>> No.18953652

Will you be my gf

>> No.18953661

what questions ?!? :0
i cant bake stuff for you but i encourage you to do so yourself or to buy smthng sweet to eat/drink!!

>> No.18953666

hmmmm..... maybe!! if youll cuddle me everyday and brush my hair cx

>> No.18953682

what color and type of hair

>> No.18953704

>being a dumb bitch
lmao, alrite then..

>> No.18953710

If you're an actual biological woman, then I would absolutely do that :^)

>> No.18953715

The heat generated by whisking cooks the egg

>> No.18953733

my hair is very dark brown/black. it has a few streaks of grown-out bleached blonde hair at the nap of my neck. i would call the hair cut i have a choppy shag mullet, but i think other people would call it a modern mullet. the longest parts of my hair are a couple inches past my collar bones (ive been growing it out!), the shortest parts are my bangs (stertched out they touch the tip of my nose, normally they rest above my glasses. i also have these framing pieces on either side of my cheeks. i have type 1a, medium? coarseness. i usually style it by going to bed and waking up with a bedhead, but when i wanna i like to take the ends of my layers and flip them out way from my head so theyre all bouncy. i like putting my hair often, in a ponytail, pigtails, or a bun! c:
mostly want my hair brushed bc i love scalp massages, head scratches, head pats, the like

>> No.18953736

What would your feet look like covered in ice cream cake or hot fudge?

>> No.18953744

i think id class myself as a hoarder. i could pretty easily just crush them up and feed the shells to the garden snails (which i also do, but i wanted to keep these ones)
i am alive, unfortunately umu
so does baking them into a cake! cx
now theres a question ive never been asked! probably like feet covered in ice cream cake or hot fudge

>> No.18953756

Where can I get a hold of you? :^)

>> No.18953770

i imagine my torso would be a good place to hold :}

>> No.18953775

As in contact you, silly:^)

>> No.18953783

Sorry I gtg! I need to dilate XD

>> No.18953785

I have never reflected on hair coarseness much before but mine is thick and black. I used to have hair to my shoulders and and my female friends used to love to braid it :P

>> No.18953804

im not really on social media! i lurk around on here, /b, and /gif mostly. sometimes /vt, /fit, and a few others!

>> No.18953809

Make a throwaway email ^_^

>> No.18953821

i dont have a feeder kink, sorry to disappoint!
whyd u cut it xc i wanna braid it too
no! :D

>> No.18953823


>> No.18953836

no feeder kink, likes to braid, and hates emails. just your average 4chan user!

>> No.18953839

It was too much work keeping it nice and I was bullied for being too effeminate:( Having buzzcuts and other short styles is so much less maintenance

>> No.18953843

Did your feet work up a sweat when baking all of this?

>> No.18953853

:c long hair is so pretty though! i do layers because i get the long hair and it's less maintenance than the full thickness of a regular blunt cut. but i think were getting too off topic now tho cx

>> No.18953862
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>> No.18953877
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cake thread

>> No.18953904

It is pretty but it is hard to have it look good as a cis guy imo :/ But yes, pretty offtopic lol. What do you like to eat apart from ice cream?

>> No.18953906

What if you painted your toes white to match the cream and posted pictures of them beside the cake? Haha

>> No.18953958

nonsense!!! who fed you those lies!! >:U your hair is your spirit!! never let them take it away from you again!!!! (im not projecting)
also i like to eat a lotta diff foods, im about to eat some of this sushi bowl thing that i made cx
im not gonna show you my toes here! people are trying to eat!!

>> No.18953965
File: 159 KB, 778x677, Screenshot_20230218_203903_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgive me its not cake!!

>> No.18953986

Looks pretty good but maybe a bit dry?

>> No.18954020

yeah i kept it pretty plain bc i like to taste the fish. i tried making this with a sauce i saw online but it was too much for me
.....maybe i will add a lil sriracha and mayo since i have both. and the spice will help me heal lol

>> No.18954030

I bet some bathwater would make it more moist haha :D

>> No.18954033

Fair enough, is salmon a luxury in the US? Here in nordicks it's getting pretty expensive desu unless you want the really cheap farmed quality

>> No.18954036

best decision ive ever made in my whole fucking life
you are an angel sent from heaven thank you for your thoughts i was dead and now i have been awakened thanks to you, God bless.

>> No.18954040
File: 6 KB, 236x167, b9a722caa284acc999502bfd12b2aaa9--fedora-styles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want you to know you lost something today. Something that had the potential to be something special and you gave it away because you're too invested in some stupid cake thread on an imageboard. All you had to do was make a throwaway email but some faggot is crying about his faggot braided hair.

>> No.18954046

Exactly, it would be a funny prank if you posted your toes beside the food, the salmon pink and green would make funny toe colors too, haha.

>> No.18954048

who sent me the evil eye?!? i'm cursing you and your offspring as we speak!!!!!

>> No.18954052

:( all good things come to an end before you know it

>> No.18954063

shut the fuck up!! thats my boyfriend youre talking about!!!

>> No.18954089

Get your own cake waifu and a haircut faggot!

>> No.18954091
File: 229 KB, 875x1021, Screenshot_20230218_212008_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cake time. umu
(someone eat my other slice so, regretfully, i cut myself another)

>> No.18954092


>> No.18954099

damn that looks good
sounds like you should start an investigation...

>> No.18954107

100% male

>> No.18954117

That's what I'm thinking.

>> No.18954121
File: 540 KB, 899x641, 1511802084775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really cute thighs anon
totally adorable thread that made my day

>> No.18954125

it's the knees, that was my only post in this thread and i don't really care but that's a dude

>> No.18954131
File: 2.73 MB, 480x476, 1ed16848-495a-409a-ba6d-082d033fc7f6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sideways omnoms

sans my amb4cu (assigned male by 4chan user) knees

>> No.18954133

Man I regret saying happy birthday to you OP your thread turned cringe as fuck

>> No.18954142

sorry, no take backs

>> No.18954147

I agree at the level of cringe, but it's not really OP's fault. Who knew cu/ck/s were so thirsty?

>> No.18954151


>> No.18954159

theres definitely a bunch of reezer burnt stuff in the freezer which would make the whip cream taste freezer burn if not for my foretought of me (my?) covering the cake with some plastic wrap B)

>> No.18954166

aw man i thought three slices of cake today was gonna make me skinny D:

>> No.18954173

Do your socks still fit or are they hanging halfway down your feet? :D

>> No.18954177

I'll make you skinny fucking you on the rest.

>> No.18954179

happy birthday!

>> No.18954180

cute ngl

>> No.18954216

We need to see your toes to determine if you're skinny or not...

>> No.18954282

/ck/ is a armpit board take you footfag shit back to /lit/

>> No.18954322

this is news to me.

>> No.18954334

can confirm we armpits out here

>> No.18954342

gonna need to see the posters count to go up for a true confirmation

>> No.18954376 [DELETED] 
File: 274 KB, 624x832, 20230218_201843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poster count proves nothing, I can change my IP at a moments notice

>> No.18954382
File: 7 KB, 594x235, notsamefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops wrong photo...

poster count proves nothing, I can change my IP at a moments notice

>> No.18954383
File: 236 KB, 1365x1192, PIERCE_BROSNAN_BW_Sitting_01_HQ-e1519034127495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ is an ARCHITECT board first and foremost. This should be obvious to anyone who thinks about it for half a second.

>> No.18954408
File: 52 KB, 1080x212, Screenshot_20230218_225130_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admits to braking rule 14

>> No.18954446
File: 37 KB, 736x736, 97ec1247f95a5860b4b66789cf5702e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their ain't mods here newfag just trannie jannies and they're to busy banning people for OC
you see this is a fast food board and any deviation will be punished

>> No.18954485
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>> No.18954489

Me on the left btw

>> No.18954495

my left or your left?

>> No.18954749

this threadll prob be gone by then, but my lil brothers coming to visit from the national gaurd tomorrow, and i promised to save him a slice. i hope he likes it!!
theres about 1/3 of the cake left, plus one of the little cakes and some scraps from the trim
im gonna bump my raiting down, for humilty purposes. final rating 4.5/5 coulda used more fudge
for the tutorial and bix cake tips (only used one extra egg tho)
see ya around! thanks for the overall nice thread! 4.3/5 couldve been less weird and horny, but the siriacha mayo sushi bowl that i got to taste was worth it

>> No.18954760 [DELETED] 

lol noob I am doing none of those things...

lrn2dynamic IP address

>> No.18954764

lol noob I am doing none of those things...

lrn2dynamic IP address

>> No.18954906

I know it's too late for this time, but Betty Crocker changed their recipes from using milk to using water several years ago. I know because I used to make the blueberry muffins all the time and I remember when it changed. So whenever I see water on a Betty Crocker box for something cakey, I always use milk instead and I think it turns out better.

>> No.18954913
File: 151 KB, 857x485, Screenshot_20230219_021610_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if youre gonna make an icecream cake, please save yourself the trouble and slice when not frozen solid lol. i may or may not be eating a little bit more c:

thats one of the tips in the youtube vid i linked! i did the coffee tip instead, tho

>> No.18954935

btw +3lbs X0

>> No.18954943

darn it i just realized the time i stayed up too late watching anime again

>> No.18954956

All that cake is going to your toes

>> No.18954960

How does it not melt

>> No.18954962

Dude stfu. Let the dude enjoy his birthday without being a dickwad. Is that so much to ask for?

>> No.18954985

keep it in the freezer! duh!! cx

>> No.18954995

*fucks you*

>> No.18955004

You must have a large freezer anon

>> No.18955010

is a normal sized freezer but i had to clean it out to fit my cake :U
will be conducting a more thorough cleaning once cake is no longer

>> No.18955027
File: 124 KB, 711x643, Vacherin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, why the fuck did you cling film it like that?
Buy a roll of acetate next time. That's what the pros use. Also a cake ring would be ideal, but what you have is fine.

Actually it sounds like the opposite of "depressing". The depressing thing to do would be to say, "meh, who needs a birthday cake anyway?"

Looks tasty

Here's an ice-cream cake I made a few times, courtesy of Bruno Albouze.

>> No.18955080

its what i had!

>> No.18955112

Or gay for that matter. OP keeps dodging when asked to provide proof he's not a dude, which should be all the dude confirmation you'd need.

>> No.18955143

OP is obviously playing it up for attention, and anons are obviously lonely and horny, so I’m not surprised this thread went the way it did.

>> No.18955177
File: 154 KB, 1080x1024, Screenshot_20230219_050018_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

previously unshown whipped cream messiness
/b >>894604582

>> No.18955191

Your pussy looks not bad, still like my girlfriends more tho.

>> No.18955210

good for you!! quit lookin then

>> No.18955223
File: 291 KB, 1041x1132, Screenshot_20230219_051739_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apologies for the repost but i had to get that 69th image serotonin

>> No.18955229

What are you even doing awake right now?

>> No.18955233

got horny, always my first mistake :c

>> No.18955246

Nice, I have to go out and do stuff now but I'll enjoy this later

>> No.18955250

Nothing a vibrator and a poster of Channing Tatum can't solve?

Are you really horny, or are you just lonely?

>> No.18955720

Had a pretty fun coom imagining my tongue and dick between those lips. Thanks.

>> No.18955797

That's a dude. Nigga u gay,

>> No.18955801

Don't care. I checked the /b/ link in an archive and his pussy looked real enough to me.

>> No.18955820

Sorry to disappoint you mister cock expert but OP is a Vietnamese girl with very nice boobs

>> No.18955846

You made me bother checking and I stand corrected on the >dude issue.

OP you fat slob, start shaving.

>> No.18955911

pretty SOULFUL anon. great job

>> No.18955959

Looks great anon. Hope you had a fun birthday

>> No.18956119

Comfy threat (minus the bizarre witchcraft horse shit).

Well done anon, looks like a great cake. Enjoy your birthday!

>> No.18956426

Real astrology is quite interesting from a historical and sociological perspective (and looking at stars is fun) but that doesn't make horoscopes less bullshit.>>18949843

>> No.18956955

thabk y'all!! :D

>> No.18956967

witchcraft horse stuff?
i just put eggshells in a jar i dont get why people are mad lol
you gotta look at all your placements for a more personalized read! you might relate more to whatever your rising sign is! people used to refer to their rising sign as their true sign before we made the switch to our sun sign being the main thing people look at. in reality, you should take into account all your planetary placements!

>> No.18957152

69th poster B)

>> No.18957156

wait that didnt work. no one take this from me ill brb

>> No.18957161

checkem :^)

>> No.18957294

:c bro wut the heck

>> No.18957372

Sorry I couldn't resist :c

>> No.18957476

is okay umu i wouldve done the same lol

>> No.18957481
File: 252 KB, 1064x1093, Screenshot_20230219_184419_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put an oreo on each of the lil cakes btw :0
not too sweet but still yummy

>> No.18957517
File: 188 KB, 816x795, Screenshot_20230219_185219_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i presliced the pieces yesterday, i didnt think to pre-seperate this slice from the dish, and she broke! D:
fortunately she is still yummy cx

>> No.18957551
File: 133 KB, 674x902, Screenshot_20230219_190038_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these bites are for the Anon that wanted cake, icecream cake

>> No.18957583
File: 2.43 MB, 1000x1462, desirelight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks delicous anon, why dont you give me a slice...

>> No.18957756

Disgusting fatty.

>> No.18957771

Happy birthday! Looks delicious. I'm going to drink a chocolate protein shake and pretend it's half as good. I love oreo. 10/10 would overeat.

>> No.18957774

shouldnt you be using a pic of L to ask that? cx

>> No.18957777

holy shit that looks good. got the recipe? I've been meaning to make myself a chocolate cake soon but with most of the sugar coming from bananas because it's probably delicious.

>> No.18957879

thank you!! and woah, quads! i just followed the tutorials i linked here
but i can write it out real quick!

ingredients i bought/had for the cake:
>betty crocker devil foods cake
>stick of butter
>four eggs
i followed the instructions on the box, but swapped out coffee, melted butter instead of oil, and added an extra egg. i also baked the whole batch in one nine inch round, instead of two, for about 30 minutes.
for the whipped cream, i used
>i forgot the brand heavy whipping cream (a whole one of those lil cartons)
>los cinco soles vanilla (that i won in a raffle c:<)
>you can add powdered sugar if you wanted it sweet
added like a splash of vanilla to the cream then hand whisked. put some in a baggie with a great value piping tip for the lil swirly bits then just spread the rest with a regular silicone spatula
for the icecream, i used
>blue bell cookies and cream
for the cookies, i used
for the hot fudge, i used
>smuckers hot fudge

i think thats it?
i imagine you could totally use off-brand stuff for this and itd still taste delicious!!

>> No.18957906

just found out my lil brother's flight got cancelled and he's not gonna be able to visit until next month :c
gonna wanna shove his face in the cake tho so probs not gonna make him one lol
unless he wants me to, then we'll have a cupcake or something for our purposes

>> No.18957942

>melted butter instead of oil
good choice. I do the same thing with any dessert recipe that calls for oil, but the thing you have to keep in mind when doing this is that butter is only 80% fat, so you'd need a bit extra butter than how much oil the recipe calls for.
>extra egg
also based, but for me i only add extra egg yolks, not the entire egg. you get a better flavor and texture.

>> No.18958103

shrugs! worked out fine for me, luckily. cake was cooked all the way thru and it has a good texture and taste!

>> No.18958142

wait a minute, did you make that chocolate banana cake? >>18949296

>> No.18958197

What sort of ungrateful fucks are your family? I think you did a good job OP, it looks amazing and there's a lot to compliment you on.

>> No.18958202

....i didnt and im now im embarrassed

>> No.18958253

i wish i had thought to ask for other posters cake recipes tho! they all look so friggin good

>> No.18958264

Post pic of what it looks like after digestion

>> No.18958297

they just dont like new things i guess. its my first birthday with them since i was in highschool, so i was happy regardless! they didnt have to like my cake lol

no! :D

>> No.18958328
File: 779 KB, 320x254, 2B9E68B3-454B-4C35-BA43-D45DE20EF2FE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me…

>> No.18958475

this was a wildly successful thread
good job OP

>> No.18958522

Touch grass chud

>> No.18958538

Happy Birthday, that looks like proppa sloppa and deserves to be enshrined into the /ck hall of fame

>> No.18958541

thanks to all the nice people! thank you!! c: