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18944869 No.18944869 [Reply] [Original]

New drinker here. Just picked up a bottle of this Kraken rum (picked it because it had a cool mythical creature on the bottle.) Need some advice on what kind of cocktails I can make with this that will taste good.kjkda2

>> No.18944876

Here's a cocktail I came up with. I call it the "just turned 21 special"

>1 part Kraken black spiced rum

>> No.18944889

just mix it with some ginger beer.
tasty, spicy and gets you drunk. that is if you like ginger beer of course

>> No.18944890

>buying alcohol based on how cool the bottle and label are

Unironically based

As for the cocktail:
• 80ml of pineapple juice
• 40ml of rum
• 40ml of Jägermeister
Or just 2 parts juice and 1 part rum&jäger

>> No.18944893

I only use rum for shots or rum+coke

>> No.18944932

that's not rum, that's "black spiced rum", you drink it straight

>> No.18944957

Maybe mix it with Coke, but Kraken isn't good rum or very useful for cocktails. Try to avoid the spiced stuff and look for rhum agricole if you want to make proper mixed drinks like daiquiris.

>> No.18944986

>"spiced" rum

>> No.18945014

What's wrong with spices rum?

>> No.18945038

If you like hot drinks, two ounces rum, spoon of honey, squeeze of lemon juice, fill with hot water.

>> No.18945059

based grogman

>> No.18945063

people get bent out of shape over companies "artificially" messing with flavors with traditionally made liquors
spiced rum is niether good nor bad simply because it is spiced, rather it is it's own thing

you can use it like a traditional rum, but will probably have different results in mixed drinks that are looking for a specific flavor

best suggestion is to stick to simple/easy things and just mix it with whatever coke/rootbeer or literally any sort of strong flavored drink and figure out what you like

>> No.18945088

Simple, cheap rum is for cocktails and getting loaded, anything else is for sipping and savouring. Stay away from big/cool names and edgy labels, all/most you pay for is marketing.

Spices/herbs are often used to hide poor quality anything: alcohol, (cured) meat, fish. Fennel and chili in particular.

>> No.18945240

I got a ton of rum recently. Bayou white, Clairin Le Rocher, HSE blanc & très vieux, Plantation 5, Hamilton 114 and Pot Still Black, Hampden 8, Goslings, and Maggie's white, 50/50 dark, and spiced. What should I grab next? Thinking some pineapple rum, Bacardi 12, some overproof white and dark rum.

>> No.18945273

1 part rum
2 parts Coke. Not fucking Pepsi or other shit

>> No.18945470

Get some Pusser's Gunpowder Proof

>> No.18945582

What's the deal with high end sipping rums, I'm a burger and I don't think I've ever seen someone drink rum straight in my life that wasn't at a college party. Where do rum connoisseurs live?

>> No.18945595

More in the south. But rum is the most traditional spirit of the US. Whiskeys became more common here after expansion west.

>> No.18945634

Hamilton 114 is categorized as a navy rum though it's 57% instead of 54.5%, is there a major difference?

>> No.18945644

You obviously don’t winter in the tropics like a proper gentleman. Take a trip to Martinique, it will change your life.

>> No.18945649

I dislike kraken, it tastes weird like too chemical if that makes sense.

>> No.18945763

mix it with ginger ale and a lime, my go to drink.

>> No.18945769
File: 177 KB, 580x696, plantation-pineapplestigginsfancy-rum580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The weekly Kracken shill thread.
Buy this and thank me later.

And dont mix it with anything you pussies.

>> No.18945820

I remember drinking a bottle of this and puking in the shower back when I was younger and had a drinking problem

>> No.18945833


>> No.18945861

I must say I do like the idea of drinking a rum named "plantation"

>> No.18945878

Get Diplomatico next time

>> No.18945883

I also Puked after drinking this with my boys. Great night though.

>> No.18945888

I just mix it with Vanilla Coke or cream soda. Root beer or Dr. Pepper might work too.

>> No.18945934

>New drinker here
NO. Go back. Save yourself. Don't go down this path.

>> No.18945945

Why do you assume everyone is a dumb cunt like you who can't control self after 1/4 of a beer?
Drinking is great, just don't be an idiot kid about it

>> No.18945964

Throw it away. It's not good. Just get captain morgan white. For dark rum you have to spend a lot of money

>> No.18946076
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Try it with some Dr Pepper.

>> No.18946106

I'd be surprised if anyone bought Kraken for literally any reason other than the one you did, anyways make rum and coke with a squeeze of lime. Or just drink it, that isn't one to savor. Get Wray and Nephew or any decent aged (brown) rum not from Puerto Rico

>> No.18946142

vodka works better with gingybeer. fuck rum and gingbr

>> No.18946145

cool it with the anti-semetic remarks.

>> No.18946214

I like rum but am I the only one who thinks Kraken taste like shit? Apparently it's meant for mixing because I drink my rum neat

>> No.18946253

>Need some advice on what kind of cocktails I can make with this that will taste good.
2 shots kraken ina glass of pepsi. If you want a run and coke rum you wNt something like sailor jerry.

>> No.18946257
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bro you forgot the coca-cola 2 liter

>> No.18946262

Kraken is shit now, used to be good but they changed the recipe. If you like kraken you can make your own at home by mixing molasses and everclear with a drop of vanilla extract.

>> No.18946432

this isn't true at all. you don't have any spice. add shit like cinnamon, charred oak, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, etc.

>> No.18946438

Kraken doesn't have any of that shit either. Maybe it used to, but this is my point. It's bad.

>> No.18946441

don't give out your shitty recipe then

>> No.18946456

Do you know how to read you stupid fucking nigger? The "recipe" I posted is for how to recreate Kraken, which sucks shit and tastes like molasses with everclear in it. It was not a suggestion for how to recreate a good spiced rum.

>> No.18946523

make a shit but derricious mojito

>> No.18946895

dark and stormy

>> No.18947337


>> No.18947356

It's a bit of a soy drink, it makes any cocktail a soy cocktail. Favoured by mildly obese men with facial hair and liberal values.

You can put 15ml in an espresso Martini, you can mix it with coke and lime. Often the soyboys just shoot it with cheap beer.
This. More flavour does not equal better flavour.

>> No.18947358

They promised to change the name after all the St Floyd chimpouts. Then they quietly stopped talking about it.
Hopefully they just brush it all under the carpet - I'd expect better from the French than to bow to that kind of retardation.

>> No.18947396

Butt chugging is fun and you don't get hung over.

>> No.18948076
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You're missing something from Barbados. pic related is nice.

>> No.18948148

you fucking nigger mixing pineapple juice with rum calls for a white rum and Jager should not be anywhere near it

>> No.18948294

Here's my personal recipie, I call it the Miami Cola:

1/3 Rum
1/3 Cola
1/4 each orange and lime juice

Ideally you'd want Cuban rum, or as close as you can come to it. *cough* Baccardi *cough*

And that glassbottle Mexican Coke with real sugar.

Bonus points if your juice is fresh squeezed.

>> No.18948338

Rum plus ginger ale and a lime wedge is fucking delicious. Tastes like cream soda somehow. Called a dark n stormy

>> No.18948339

Lmao that's brilliant . Did your dad own a tavern?

>> No.18948424

thought I was back on /x/ for a second

>> No.18948428

No, but maybe I should.

>> No.18948461

>rum too spicy for whitey

>> No.18948688

>mix it with some ginger beer.
>gets you drunk
>that is if you like ginger beer of course

Mate, I think it gets you drunk even if you don't like ginger beer.

>> No.18949094

Fill a tall glass with ice
Add a shot of your rum
Add half a shot of lime juice
Add ginger beer (not beer, not ginger ale) until glass is full

Wa la, you have a "Dark and Stormy"

>> No.18949121

kraken is gay, but just do cuba libres. Rum, coke and lime juice. Little lime zest if you wanna be fancy. Shit's great all year round. Sailor Jerry is the classic budget mixer dark rum, flor de cana is a good affordable white rum to have around for the cocktails that call for it (ie the ones that will get chicks trashed and your cock wet).

Here's my other trick: get a bottle of vodka and put coffee grounds in it. Better than any purpose made coffee liqueur i've had and also much cheaper if you just buy a costco bottle. Mix with an Italian amaro like amaro montenegro or fernet branca for an instant sophisticated cocktail that is also immensely sippable.

>> No.18949141

Spice as in taste not heat you fucking retard

>> No.18949172

That bottle looks like I drew it in second grade kek
I'll have to give it a try

>> No.18949239

>recommending Baccardi

>> No.18949268

More accurately it looks like it was made by drunks, and that's how you know it's good

>> No.18949301

got it once to use for beef stews. probably should have picked a nicer normal rum. decided it wasn't adding much and poured it down the drain. that's my story and I'm sticking to it

>> No.18949326

Kraken is the only alcohol that has made me throw up

>> No.18949329

this shit is fucking awesome, bought it on accident once

>> No.18949402

Bacardi Black is unironically the best <$20/handle rum. I use to drink a handle ever 4-5 days, but have since moved onto half as much Popov Vodka and weed.

>> No.18949446

Not reading this thread, just drink straight tequila, nothing better. But I will leave you all with a cocktail I made a few years back. Vodka, Kahlua, and vanilla almond milk (I use unsweetened). Essentially a vegan white Russian. I call it the "Dirty Vegan."

>> No.18949480

no one asked for your faggot advice or college tier "cocktail"

>> No.18949574

Make some pirate grog OP!
>2 shots rum
>cup of black tea
>citrus juice of your choice (I used grapefruit)
>spoonful of dark brown sugar

>> No.18949731


>> No.18949775

>comes in a easy grip and sip bottle
Ultra based.

>> No.18949866

>"Just drink straight tequila"
>"Here's this shitty cocktail I came up with"
You got to pick one. Personally I don't get the appeal of cocktails, particularly "fancier" ones. I would always rather drink good spirits neat, and if it's cheap liquor, then for me it's 50/50 between mixing it with something like coke or just swigging it.

>> No.18949932

Kahlua, root beer, and a flavor of Bailey's or creamer. Tastes like a root beer float.

>> No.18949968

Lmao, that was the first bottle of booze I bought when I turned 21. Glad to see Kraken is still tricking dumb 21 year olds a decade later.

Just mix it with some soda of your liking and enjoy your blackout

>> No.18949990
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>first bottle thread
For me, it's Clan MacGregor blended scotch whisky. Hand aged for 36 months by master craftsmen.

>> No.18950019
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for me it was bombay sapphire that I bought for a girl I was trying to fuck. only made it to 2nd base
never bought another bottle of that shit again

>> No.18950025
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I got my first annual bonus at work so I got myself the nice bottle of Knob Creek.

>> No.18950028
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Trying this for the first time. Don't know what I think of it. It's not bad at all, but I'm having trouble putting my finger on what kind of flavors it has.

>> No.18950036

>modeled after the leather flagons that sailors used to keep their daily rum rations
I find it offers a more steady pour. anyway stuff inside is top notch.

>> No.18950205

top notch bourbon there

>> No.18950218

You know this stuff actually isn't bad as far as gin goes. I've definitely bought more expensive bottles that tasted like I may as well have been drinking hand sanitizer.

>> No.18950233
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>ripping off the Dali bottle

>> No.18950257

just toss some in with apple juice. tastes similar-ish to apple pie. 1:1 if you like it boozy. toss some cream at it if you like whipped cream on apply pie normally.

>> No.18950349

not OP but curious. mostly i have drank beer. but i notice that whenever i drink beer i just get tired. if i switch to other alcs like liquor or rum, will this alleviate the tired feeling, and do better at making me feeling drunk and buzzed like the old days?

>> No.18950417

Quite possibly yes, unless you're a steeler or something then liquor will let you catch a buzz without feeling all full and stuff.

>> No.18950438

Thank you. I am sorry to ask because I know this is so pedestrian. But would you recommend mixing drinks at first, or just drinking straight? I have always been a beer drinker but it has made me frusturated because it just makes me feel bloated and tired instead of fun and drunk. So I want to switch. I have tried some rum and coke in the past and liked it, and also vodka with tonics and sprites. But it has never been my main. I am still so new as to weather to mix drinks with one shot or two or to even just skip the mixing and just drink straight.,

>> No.18950523

Are you like 15 years old or some shit? Just slam it straight out of the bottle like a man and stop asking all these autistic ass gaymo questions.

>> No.18950556

That sounds good. I'm going to try that out

>> No.18950569

>captain morgan
>admiral nelson
>coca cola
I call it the battle at sea

>> No.18950578

wa la

>> No.18950626

oo i loved kraken when i started drinking it's so nostalgic for me
i do quite like the kind of aniseed taste it has a bit and te branding is cute
if it's quality enough honestly it's palatable but i swear it's inconsistent i guess subsequent pulls from each batch are more butanol less ethanol
anyway cola is a classic for a reason and a god mixer can do alot to fix bad booze so splash out because 2x good > 1x
it's complex enough on it's own that you kinda don't wanna mix more in i mean i've had mango which works
palatable is praise but not high don't get me wrong it's a bit chemically but it beats most common rums imo
you silly caribbean spics make the best rum in the world it's there just around the gulf

>> No.18950661

Doc Oc
Kraken and Dr.Pepper

>> No.18950667

this but I was 15

>> No.18951661

Oh yeah? Well I became an alcoholic when I was 12, beat that!

>> No.18951670

>doc oc
clever, i like it
also the flavors seem complimentary

>> No.18951674

>Kraken rum
Wow, super rookie mistake.
Trust me, I've got cirrhosis of the liver, and rum is just nasty.
Whiskey is the only way to go.
Straight up, MAYBE some ice (only if it's Scotch).
Forget mixed drinks unless you're trying to separate a nearly underage girl from her panties.
In that case, go for Margaritas.

>> No.18951724

>Kraken and Dr.Pepper
>also the flavors seem complimentary
I could see that, but I've got to add, rum and butterscotch schnaps. Great combo.

>> No.18951729
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The classic.

>> No.18951774

I love the culture of Jack Daniels, I've done shots of it at my niece's funeral because that's what she wanted us to do. But JD and Monkey's Paw (fucking Japanese "whiskey" *shudder*) are the only two whiskeys I just don't like.
Bonus story: One day I hated my life more than usual and sought out the cheapest booze in the liquor store. it's called "Senator's Club", and technically it's not even allowed to be called whiskey.
It tasted "smooth", but then again, so does Vaseline.

>> No.18951793
File: 110 KB, 800x1200, Evan_Williams-Bourbon_Whiskey-Black_Label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JD is for school kids who've never had whiskey or rye, at least go for the Evan Williams, that's at least respectable.

>> No.18951799
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The Yo Ho
1 bottle of yoohoo
1 shot of rum

>> No.18951804

I've done that but with chocolate milk, it tastes better going down than it does coming up, but it could be worse.

>> No.18951818

Condolences on your neice, that said did she specify JD? If so that was mean and she wants to get you from beyond the grave.

>> No.18951825

>Spices/herbs are often used to hide poor quality anything
note that this is an attitude that only cropped up when the spice trade opened up and the middle class could afford spices.
when spices were expensive the rich would spice things up in quantities that would be completely inedible today.
this is when spiced rum was invented, btw. it used to be fancier than regular rum.

>> No.18951835

Kracken and Jack Daniels "whiskey" in a class by themselves. There are worse, but there's a lot better for less expense.

>> No.18951839

jd isn't spiced,

>> No.18951840

You come across as a bitch trying to hork your bitch ass spiced crap

>> No.18951842

you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

>> No.18951845

I never said JD was spiced, just that it sucked and a lot better like Evan Williams was available and is less expensive. For JD you pay for the JD price and it tastes horrible compared to EW.

>> No.18951847

Your just trying to defend your kracken and jd, go back to school.

>> No.18951859

I am defending the concept of spiced rum. don't judge an entire category on one bottle of rum that you don't like, that's silly.

>> No.18951954

way to sweet for whiskey and on top of that people mix it with coke

>> No.18952001

>did she specify JD?
Yes, she did, and about 40 of us did shots simultaneously from plastic cups because we couldn't put together that many shot glasses.
>that was mean
No, she comes from Wisconsin biker culture, and that's just who she was.
She was a wonderful, beautiful soul with the body and haircut of a 8th grade boy.
Still managed (I'll never know how) to pull super-hot girls.
Her girlfriend was trophy-wife level hot.
She also gave such great hugs, people still tell stories about it.

>> No.18952200

>people mix it with coke
ok, gotta tell you. My uncle Wally (not a real person) once said: "I like my women like I like my whiskey: Irish, 12 years old and mixed up with coke.

>> No.18952318

What is the best spiced rum?
>body and haircut of a 8th grade boy.
>Still managed (I'll never know how) to pull super-hot girls.
Incels take note, this bitch was 5'4, literally no dick, and got fine ass women all the time. If you can eat pussy good this could be you.

>> No.18952426

She was 5'8", and I eat pussy like I was the Michelangelo of cunnilingus, but I've never banged a chick as hot as my niece's GFs.

>> No.18952428

Baed Popov drinker

>> No.18952429

>What is the best spiced rum?
p.s. There is no "good" spiced rum. It's like whiskey for pussies.

>> No.18952435

I find JD far better than Evan Williams. In fact I can afford much more expensive bourbons and I do like many of them...but in terms of value and flavor JD is hard to beat.

I think the people talking shit about it are the same hipsters that criticize anything that's popular or too mainstream for them which is cringe.

>> No.18952464

>in terms of value and flavor JD is hard to beat.
I really have a hard time with this idea.
I've always assumed JD got by on "I don't care if it tastes like cat piss mixed with gasoline, I'm macho enough to drink it!".
Honestly the only bad tasting whiskey I've ever tried, and I even like Laphroaig. In case you haven't tried it, they roast the barely in peat moss smoke. Tastes like a swamp caught fire.
Just get a 750 and day-drink it a work, you'll go from "what the fuck?" to "hey, why is the bottle empty?" in just a few hours.

>> No.18952500

It's a ridiculous claim because in fact JD is very specifically terrible value. It tastes like the bottom shelf and also charges like it's mid-high for The Brand. Awful, awful buy. There's worse, but they're a lot cheaper, and there's better for the same price.

>> No.18952622

>buy rum to make egg nogg
>get bottle of plantation original dark because feeling too jewish to get diplomatico just for mixing
>only make one glass of eggnog because lactose intolerant
what do I do with the rest of this shit?

>> No.18952655
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Need to go back to Michigan and get another bottle of this. If it was cheaper I'd buy a case

>> No.18952666

>what do I do with the rest of this shit?
Try mixing it with coke and lemon juice?
Why the fuck would anybody even buy rum in the first place?

>> No.18952702

Drink it retard
Because it tastes good
That looks epic, I'm guessing it's not sold outside of Michigan. I'm surprised they make rum

>> No.18952739

by itself? it doesn't seem as good as the sample bottle of diplomatico I tried.

>> No.18952827

>Because it tastes good
No, sorry that's incorrect.

>> No.18952839

anon spitting straight facts

>> No.18952852

its within $5 of knob creek and bulleit which out class the fuck out of jack

>> No.18952869

those are all sewer tier

>> No.18952885

Man i miss Kraken. Its not great but it was one of my go-to drunk juices. I should relapse soon!

>> No.18952984
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Hey fellow anons,
My go to Kraken Rum cocktail is as follows:
1 handle run
12 count buzz balls
12 count Heineken these are a must! No substitutions!
A few Ambien
Garnish with valium

Just drink it all together, this is a like a cool refreshing breeze after working for Norfolk Southern all day. Really helps me get in the zone !

Warm Salutations,

>> No.18952987
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>jack is good
>knob creek is bad

>> No.18953137

No one drinks anything straight at college parties unless you went to college in 1733. They drink hard seltzers. Dark rum over ice is cultured.

>> No.18953203

when i went to university i drank supermarket brand vodka straight out of the bottle and most of my friends drank something similar or cheap piss wine
i honestly don't know how i did it now it's unbelievably foul but i'd finish a whole bottle in a night
i believe you though i suppose times change

>> No.18953236
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I have $32 cad, what am I drinking tonight?

>> No.18953261

Coke and rum while listening to Alestorm

>> No.18953292

oh aye get some moose cider from tim hortons ay its aboot to close ay

>> No.18953298

recipe for one bitchass nigga
>ingredients: anon thay im replying to

>> No.18953307

>That looks epic, I'm guessing it's not sold outside of Michigan. I'm surprised they make rum
I actually don't know what Iron Fish's distribution range is, but I imagine it's Midwest at most. But if you're in Michigan you can probably find it at better liquor stores. It's pricey, like $65+, but worth it imo

>> No.18953505

Alestorm is so cringe that by embracing it you loop all the way around and become based again. Epic pirates ftw and we are here to drink your beer!!
>tfw off that famous old spiced

>> No.18953531

dark and stormy is good

>> No.18953665
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what ever you do buy DON'T buy this garbage

>> No.18953675

Alestorm is playing here in May. Maybe I should go see them

>> No.18953993
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tha fuck you talking bout?
we were using 100 proof southern comfort to play beer pong

>> No.18954005

this mf a fucking legend doe