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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.46 MB, 2816x2112, Hungarian_goulash_soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18941321 No.18941321 [Reply] [Original]

CTRL F No soup thread, lets change that.

Guys I am snowed in and dreaming of soup.
I went shopping before the storm and have a full pantry and freezer
What soup should I make?
I even bought stuff like barley and slit peas because I knew I was going to go soup nuts if the storm was too long

>> No.18941325

Something about soup turns me off. Every once in a great while I'll crave it, though.

>> No.18941341

Did you have a perverted auntie pour soup on your genials ?

>> No.18941360

I prefer thicker stews/chowders etc, but a really good soup is a great appetizer.

>> No.18941470

I like a thinner soup with my sandwich and a stew with some baguette or tortillas

>> No.18941549

cream of leak and potato soup

>> No.18941624

hot n sour SOUP

>> No.18941631

I have everything for that but the leeks
I have yellow onion, green onion and shallots
I wonder if this will be as nice

>> No.18941633

Never had this but it sounds nice
Do you have an ingredients list?

>> No.18941673

>hot n sour SOUP

Just googled it an I lack several ingredients including shitake mushrooms, tofu and bamboo shoots

Will have to save that one for the next storm
I am well stocked though with things like fresh ginger and various asian staples like fish sauce and seasoned rice vinegar , sesame oil , oyster sauce and so on

>> No.18941695
File: 104 KB, 1200x800, bacon-leek-and-potato-soup-24174-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onion and shallots would work in place of leeks.

But for me it's bacon and potato soup

>> No.18941723

for me it's cream of x soup

>> No.18941826

>SOUP thread
>instantly derailed by bugmen
This board is beyond salvation.

>> No.18941861

Homade or out the can

>> No.18941878

homemade, canned is nasty and only for adding to stew recipes and the like (and even then you're probably better off just adding normal cream or sour cream)

>> No.18941883

That goulash in OP looks a bit lacking. But maybe I'm used to mine being more paprika-rich.

>> No.18941891

did you even sear that beef first?

>> No.18941896

I can manage cream of potato pretty easy but how would you make other cream soups? With flour as a thickener?

>> No.18941999

you could use a flour roux or corn starch or heavy cream or coconut cream

>> No.18942141


Ok , what are some cream soups that are easy to make?
I have mushrooms, cauliflower , cabbage , might have some broccoli leftover

>> No.18942161

this here is a STEW anon

>> No.18942171

Hate that picture, reminds me of the "soup" my mother makes.
She just puts beef in water and boils the meat before adding carrots and vegetables.

>> No.18942186

cheddar, bacon, potato soup and you can thrown broccoli if you want

>> No.18942238

the way I do any cream of vegetable soup is just grill onions, then add whatever veg you want (in your case mushroom and cauliflower or broccoli would be good, better to leave cabbage for a stew) grill for a bit, then add couple cups of stock or water and bring to a simmer. Let simmer until everything's nice and soft, then let it cool a few minutes before blending it (immersion blender is easiest but you can also add it to a blender, just make sure it's not too hot or it might explode out the blender.)
Then you finally add whatever thickener you're using and heat it back up before serving

>> No.18942295

Recipe for Hungarian soup plz. I’m a newbie and want to make it tmrw.

>> No.18942383

I like a good thick split pea soup, some ham hocks thrown in, comforting on a cold day

>> No.18942398
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>made stew
>forgot the potato

>> No.18942435

You can't beat a nice classic chicken noodle soup.
Add some soy sauce to that and use ramen noodles and you got yourself a decent discount ramen honestly.

Never forget fish soups and stews are great. And you get great quality seafood ingredients from cans and the freezer at the store. Bottles clam juice, canned anchovies, canned oysters, canned clams, and cheap frozen fish that taste awesome like tilapia. Can't go wrong.

You can try making a chicken or seafood gumbo. Gumbo is great.

>> No.18942673

Soup is not food.
Only stew is food.

>> No.18942689

My wife and I will make our stews or soups to a consistency somewhere between a soup and stew. The kids love it. I call it stoup. OP is a stoupid faggot.

>> No.18942713

you, your fat wife and snotty kids can all get crammed

>> No.18942828

Ill cram your mom in her stinky v hole if you talk to me like that again

>> No.18944504
File: 2.74 MB, 498x276, so soupy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh , miso soupy
oh oh miso soupy

>> No.18944662


>> No.18944734

Which one anon?

>> No.18944770

Ive recently started saving bones to make soup, it's pretty based
>start leaving little bits of meat on bones
>leave chicken bone cartilages intact (I usually eat then)
>save up gallon ziploc of bones in the freezer over 3 weeks
>also save veggie ends/trimmings similarly
>in 2 gallons of water, boil with salt, peppercorns, a bit of lemon juice for 4h
>add a whole onion and boil for another 30 minutes
wah lah.
You can roast the bones in the oven too if you want a roasted flavor, but I personally don't. I usually mix the chicken, pork and beef bones together too

>> No.18944915

>lemon juice
interesting, don't think i've seen that for making broth. What's the reasoning, just a little flavor? I imagine it would conflict with some dishes you might make with the broth, I usually add a bay leaf but sometimes even for that I worry if the flavor wouldn't match some dish
Also why wait until last 30 minutes to boil onion? I always just add it at the start with everything else

>> No.18944958
File: 2.59 MB, 4032x2268, Sauté de Veau au Chasseur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's ragouts.

>> No.18944969
File: 39 KB, 500x500, split peas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like split pea, easy to make just follow directions on back of package
Add some ham hocks

>> No.18944977
File: 50 KB, 800x550, DSC_0810-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll be making zurek today

>> No.18944987

which one? this is god-tier https://themodernproper.com/hungarian-mushroom-soup

>> No.18945027

>What's the reasoning, just a little flavor?
Just a little bit of lemon juice (never measured but I'd say 2 tablespoons for the 2 gallons) for the acid to draw out more bone stuff. It does add the smallest hint of acidity which goes well with everything.
>why wait until last 30 minutes to boil onion? I always just add it at the start with everything else
I pretend that it saves more of the onion flavor if you only boil it for 30 minutes

>> No.18945053

what's Hungarian about it though?

>> No.18945066

paprika i guess

>> No.18945142

you should leave the salt out while making stock and add it in later when making the actual soup

>> No.18945158
File: 3.33 MB, 4032x3024, AFEA412B-6D73-4B45-8AA6-CF83C4141A35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken noodle soup I made the other week. Still have a bunch in the feeezer.

>> No.18945402

is that like a ragu?

>> No.18945465
File: 70 KB, 554x554, ghugni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18945492

what is that? looks nice

>> No.18945500

A ragout is usually meat cooked in a sauce.
Ragu is the bastardised Italian version.

>> No.18945519

Pajeets call it ghugni
Basically a yellow pea soup, and it's real fucking good.

>> No.18945560

>tonsil stones in the soup
just use pasta jesus

>> No.18945672


>> No.18945777
File: 284 KB, 1920x1080, MV5BMjFlYmM0YmEtZjlmYi00MGE2LWI3ZGItZjJmNjAwMTk0NTA5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODQ4MjU1MDk@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18945796

This Indian chickpea and vegetable soup is easy, just add in a floury potato to make it creamier and forget the vegetable stock, you can just use salted water all the flavour is in the masala.


Anytime I want soup I just make this, I always have all the ingredients. You need a stick blender though.

>> No.18945825

Most people who make soup, including your mother just threw a bunch of half rotting shit in a pot of boiling water or chicken stock.

>> No.18945831

Why is everybody in this thread going after peoples moms?

>> No.18945839

Hate Ragusea, but his Italian wedding soup with chicken meatballs is the best soup I've ever made.

>> No.18945865

I never went after your mom m8 she came to me

>> No.18945882

How many soups have you made anon?

>> No.18945962

the osmosis of the salt sucks out the bone stuff

>> No.18946040
File: 1.26 MB, 3840x2160, IMG-20230216-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a Spanish bean stew with onion, loads of garlic, paprika, pork belly, chorizo and black pudding today

>> No.18946135
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>> No.18946149

looks nice, where'd you get the black pudding

>> No.18946152

i'm making cincinnati-style chili soup with extra beans

>> No.18946749

will you show a pic?

>> No.18947683
File: 166 KB, 1500x1500, oyster_crackers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully got oyster crackers for the soup.

>> No.18947785

I prefer a nice heel of baguette

>> No.18947790

For me it’s a tie between Wedding Soup and Chicken Noodle/Spaetzle soup.

>> No.18947845

>Wedding Soup
I hate women so much I dont even eat wedding soup

>> No.18948025

Fish soup is always great in the cold. You need some good white fish though

>> No.18948118
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>> No.18948243

say it

>> No.18948333

I don’t care about the name.
It’s good fucking shit though and I’m a man

>> No.18948380

just imagine it's a gay wedding anon

>> No.18948392

If they gays would support me in my fight against feminism , then I would support them

>> No.18948558

how do you like my soupy lupe ?

>> No.18948565

Clams are a whole different beast from Atlantic Cod. It's like comparing ribeye to rats.

>> No.18948670

what's the problem with clam chowder though? I'm sure the canned stuff isn't the best but the other canned soups will be just as bad

>> No.18948856
File: 2.13 MB, 3024x4032, PXL_20230217_201051409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food safety bros, I left my beef bone broth to simmer overnight but I think I set the burner too low. When I woke up it wasn't simmering/bubbling at all (lid was on all night) and when I tempted the water it was 147°F. If it was 140 all night is it full of bacteria now? It smells alright I guess, tastes maybe ok. Watery.

>> No.18948937

140 is the cutoff point for killing bacteria, you should be fine. Just make sure you use it in the next few days and freeze the rest

>> No.18948946

It's so borderline it makes me nervous. I'll eat it tonight and let you know if it makes me shit myself. Going to make lamb stew out of it.

>> No.18949108

140 is the temp that most hot food cases try to keep the food above. 147 is enough above that, that you're fine.

>> No.18949153
File: 35 KB, 781x349, 1650670860345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ americans throw out perfectly good food every fucking day on the extreme outside chance they might one day get a bellyache

>> No.18949327

make sure to bring it to a hard boil just to be sure

>> No.18949343
File: 193 KB, 768x1024, 1666873644833045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your pin worn infestation

>> No.18949580

That comes from eating food prepared by dirty fingernail cretins not leaving food out

>> No.18949689

it also come from not heating food to a safe temp

>> No.18950054

He heated it once you dipshit
where do you think the pinworms are coming from ?

>> No.18950113

"What is a stew but a soup cooked too long."

-Albert Einstein

>> No.18950348

sorry sweetie thats a soup now

>> No.18950356

hard boil for 5 mins

>> No.18950360

i'm gay and hate women so much it's unreal, you have my support

>> No.18950384

I made my first french onion today
It was good and I put lots of gruyere on top

but tbqh I kinda would rather use a canned soup with good cheese bros...I spent hours in kitchen today

>> No.18950386

I guess this is the place to ask. I really only know how to follow recipes, and know little on how to really play off of flavors on the fly. Here’s the recipe
>1 ½ pounds cultivated brown mushrooms, like shiitake, cremini or portobello
>½ pound pale wild mushrooms, like chanterelle (or use King trumpet or oyster)
>Extra virgin olive oil
>1 large onion, diced
>Salt and pepper
>1 teaspoon chopped thyme
>1 teaspoon chopped sage or >rosemary
>Pinch red pepper flakes or cayenne
>1 tablespoon tomato paste
>3 small ripe tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped
>1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
Porcini broth, heated, or use chicken or vegetable broth
>1 tablespoon butter
>3 garlic cloves, minced
>3 tablespoons chopped parsley
Pretty standard sauté and caramelize everything before you throw it all together to simmer. Normally I lean really heavy on red pepper flakes to spice it up but this time I’m making it for family and was wondering what could I do/add to make a more savory stew rather than just making it spicy. Any advice appreciated

>> No.18950601

You've got two pounds of mushrooms in a mushroom broth. It should be plenty savory. Go easy on the red pepper flakes.

>> No.18950633

Based and likewise. It's worth it to be gay even if you aren't "attracted" to men simply to avoid having to deal with women. I do not know how anyone who tries out grindr and sees how easy it is to get sex from men ever goes back to exclusively sleeping with women. It's legitimately unbelievable.

>> No.18950758

I’ve made the stew 4 times now. There’s a reason I go heavy on the red pepper flakes. If that’s your advice I will just pull back but is there any seasoning advice you can give to make this shit really pop for the people I’m cooking for?

>> No.18950996

I had that shit one time out of a bowl made of bread when I was in Poland. One of the best soups I've encountered.

>> No.18951626

>It's worth it to be gay even if you aren't "attracted" to men
Life does not work like that
You cant just choose to be gay

>> No.18951639

I'm going to make my first stew today. I kinda bought a bunch of ingredients that i thought would go well in it but i honestly dont really have any idea what i'm doing. Any advice is welcome.

>> No.18951669

Look up a recipe online, then realize that looking up recipes online is a mistake. Ask a neighbor.

>> No.18951719

I don't like my neighbors. Guess i'll just figure it out on my own somehow.

>> No.18951732

what kind of meat? This is the toughest part because some meat gets tough if overcooked and some needs to be slow cooked for hours

>> No.18951737

I have bacon cut into cubes and beef wich i cut into chunks.

>> No.18951826

What is the general order i should be cooking this in? Right now i'm peeling and cutting the vegetables.

>> No.18951833

Also the vegetables i have on hand are potatoes leeks celery carrots garlic and mushrooms.

>> No.18951841

And onions.

>> No.18952151

I've just put in the stock and the meat and everything and now i'm supposed to let it sit for like two hours on low heat right? I'm not supposed to boil this?

>> No.18952230

cook the bacon and sear the beef in its fat then saute celery carrots and towards end toss the garlic, leeks and mushroom in for the last few min then deglaze the pan with the broth/water

>> No.18952237

you bring it to a boil then turn it down to a low simmer

>> No.18952240

Fuck stew

>> No.18952311

i mean sure but you might get burnt

>> No.18952492

Why do you hate stew?

>> No.18952631

Gentlemen it is my pleasure to inform you that the stew was a success and i ate well, thank you for the advice.

>> No.18952821

glad to hear

>> No.18953813
File: 2.33 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20230219_014529588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was great and I did not experience intestinal distress of any kind.

>> No.18953830

looks good
Next time be sure to tell us information like what exact cut of beef you bought

>> No.18953929
File: 55 KB, 768x1152, Beef-Tomato-Soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some anon suggested kharcho before, and I really liked it. Used tomatos and herbs from my garden.

>> No.18953931

It was a bag of "soup bones" from the farmers market. Don't know anything more than that, except that they weren't knuckle bones. Just bone bones.

>> No.18955052

That looks really good, god that makes me hungry.

>> No.18955060
File: 242 KB, 504x336, Lexx_food_gruel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about gruel?
You folk left out gruel.

>> No.18955085

My mom is making Italian wedding soup for my dad's birthday tomorrow. Looking VERY forward to it.

>> No.18955094

Soup is a great way to avoid food waste, especially from vegetables and bones, even though you're right in saying it's not as hearty of a meal as stew. Then again, it depends on the soup, as I absolutely would call pho and ramen a full meal.

>> No.18955183

We don't talk about gruel here.

>> No.18955187
File: 375 KB, 579x341, greenstew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that green shit mothafucka!

>> No.18955189

Condolences, I've never had Italian wedding soup that wasn't barely a step up from dish water, that's the stuff to avoid.

>> No.18955197

soup is one of those stuff i always fuck up while making

>> No.18955212

pressure cooker makes stew obsolete

soup is a scam

>> No.18955225

The best thing about soup is that it can be whatever you want it to be.
I find that potatoes and carrot makes a great base for soup. It just tastes awesome.

>> No.18955269

They also go great in a stew.

>> No.18955546

Plastic heated for hours. Yum yum yeah no thanks

>> No.18955575

what plastic?

>> No.18955683
File: 1.72 MB, 4032x1816, 20221106_153056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorites is a potato soup made with spicy sausage and kale. I like a little heat, color is from the spiced sausage.

>> No.18955686
File: 637 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_5703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some chicken soup earlier this week with bone broth. The broth is so good sometimes I Just want to drink it on its own

>> No.18955706

Favorite stew:
Favorite soup:

>> No.18955743

Creamy vegetable

>> No.18955870

>shitake mushrooms
Heresy. It's supposed to be wood ear fungus.

>> No.18955883

i steam my stuff in a steel pan, inside a steel pressure cooker, for minutes.

>> No.18955918

Favorite stew: irish stew
Favorite soup: Tomato soup with meatballs.

>> No.18956673


>> No.18957128

Actual safety tip: don't leave your stove on when you go to sleep, that's just retarded.