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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18941514 No.18941514 [Reply] [Original]

This used to be 20oz a few years ago AAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.18941518

say the buzzword shrinkflation as much as possible as you rant in the supermarket to the teenage shelf stocker

>> No.18941522
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shrinkflations anon
I unironically blame feminism

>> No.18941576

What buzzword

>> No.18942213

Have you considered being less obese?

>> No.18942226

>clam chowda from a can
i can't imagine this tastes good

>> No.18942230
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bidenflation? what bidenflation?

>> No.18942232

>teenage shelf stock
lol. more like 50 year old "immigrant" welfare "human" with 50 IQ.

>> No.18942237


>> No.18942252

It doesn't.
>t. ate 2 of them last week

>> No.18942253


>> No.18942270

>if I call it a buzzword people might stop getting mad about it

>> No.18942271

Inflation is the logical result of increasing the money supply. The increases in prices from inflation are supposed to signal certain behaviors in consumers that would help "right the ship," and bring the economy back into a more stable state. For example, people would start asking for increased pay at their jobs. They would also probably consider what little power they may have left over the process that had just made them poor, and may begin voting for a change in the political administration.

When big corporations hide price increases through "shrinkflation," they are obstructing these processes. The ordinary person is left in ignorance, and since most won't notice at first, the price increases are then "passed on" to the least observant. It bears asking, who are all the parties who benefit from shrinkflation, and why are they benefiting and you are getting screwed?

>> No.18942280

That's capitalism brah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Either enjoy it or vote against it

>> No.18942294

See the anon right above you, it's government collusion not capitalism

>> No.18942299

A central bank tied to the government that manipulates the money supply, and big corporations that run damage control for the administration by hiding the mismanagement of the money supply is not capitalism, you goon.

>> No.18942340

That's just the word for what it is. Calling it a buzzword doesn't make it go away.

>> No.18942361

Is this /pol/?

>> No.18942371
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I'm just trying to get fat, but the food companies want me to buy into their ideology. Don't blame me for pushing back. Yes, shrinkflation is an in-kind political donation to the political administration currently in power.

>> No.18942504

hey, I stock groceries :(

>> No.18942529

all of 4chan is /pol/
except for /new/, that's just discord trannies and feds and fed trannies

>> No.18942586

im underweight idiot, i cant even gain weight because all the foods are smaller and its costing me more

>> No.18942596


>> No.18942608

>republic of high status males is best for decision making. democratic, but a democracy only for those who are free to think.
Translated: I am a high status male, prove it, you ask? I just am OK? Also "free to think" means agreeing with me in my extremely antisocial and psychotic viewpoints

>> No.18942621

>who are all the parties who benefit from shrinkflation
literally just rich people, left or right doesn't really matter

at the end of the day, companies will sacrifice most everything for profit
their workers
safety regulations

if it's cheaper to lobby the FDA to allow 15% more cockroach parts instead of just cleaning the facilities more often, guess who's more eating cockroaches?

>> No.18942633

And here we see the average normie retard, saying that someone is wrong because they are "anti-social" just like the post says.

>> No.18942643

>yes my viewpoints are considered medically significant signs of brain damage, but that's because they're right!
So tricky. If only the real world cared about you yelling into the wind.

>> No.18942658

Things are changing fast my friend
Joe Rogan has more influence than any person on the left
The next generation is going rebel
Your status quo has a limited time left

>> No.18942861

> Reminder that (((Ben))) & (((Jerry)))’s got sold to Unilever back in 2000.

>> No.18942875

wtf is that shit brand

>> No.18942877
File: 50 KB, 1418x575, The Strong Should Fear the Weak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not immune to targeted conspiratorial killing.

>> No.18942880

>Buying packaged food in the US, ever.

>> No.18942882
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>> No.18942884

Dumpster dive at a high end grocery like Whole Foods (should be called "Whole Paycheck")

>> No.18942885
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>> No.18942925

This is the one goyslop I keep in my cupboard for a rainy day.