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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18938123 No.18938123 [Reply] [Original]

are sharpening stones reddit?

>> No.18938128

No one is a website the other is a stone.

>> No.18938136

I wish I was stoned

>> No.18938151

A 3000/8000 grit one is pretty reddit

>> No.18938157

Just a polishing stone.

>> No.18938158

Reddit in the sense that they're not worth the time, effort, or money? YES. You should not get one. Pull-through sharpeners are just fine, or better yet if you have knife sharpening services near you (which you probably do) then just use those.

My local grocery store sharpens kitchen knives for free, for example.

>> No.18938172
File: 7 KB, 522x276, 65365654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use pic
is this reddit too?

>> No.18938203

I wish you were sharp.

>> No.18938226

Are you saying sharpening stones specifically or sharpening your knives in general?
I like my sharpening stones though. I use it for chisels as well. Someday I want a big ass grinding stone for my shop, then I'll finally be able to spend all my time grinding my axe and I will be happy.

>> No.18938227

I wish I could shove my erect member in your tight, luscious, hungry little boyhole

>> No.18938240

i have one. never use it, its awkward and a file gets the job faster done

>> No.18938271

How the fuck do I use polishing stones. I make my knife sharp fine with 1000/2500 but I have 6000 and 8000 and they do literally nothing but produce a slightly shiny grey smear. I don't ny care about most my knives but I'd like my yanagi to be shiny

>> No.18938281

Those are for scythes.

>> No.18938289

they work on any blade

>> No.18938295

no, but threads about sharpening stones are

>> No.18938301

No duh, but they are designed for scythes.

You can use a wrench to hammer a nail also.

>> No.18938359

how often do you strop?

I heard that's what you should normally use and stone is only needed like every 6 months

also how should I test if my knife is sharp enough? I just got new knives and it was hard to even slice through printer paper

>> No.18938372

No, they're one of a number of abrasive items which can be used to hone the edge of a blade.

>> No.18938393

Getting your knives done at the locksmith is the redpill.

>> No.18938576

this, holy shit OP sharpen your fucking knives

>> No.18938587

I have one that's like 600/1000.

My friend who is into knives is a huge faggot and tries to tell me I need to spend all this money on different shit. Thinks I should own a dozen different pocket knives and various sharpening systems. Meanwhile he's a retard who can't sharpen anything worth a fuck, despite it being his "hobby", and having spend thousands on knives and sharpening apparatuses. When I ask why my $4 pull through sharpener does a better job, he blames it on "shitty steel" and says "it's probably not even d2”.

Consumerist hobbyist fags are the absolute worst.

>> No.18938608

You're an autistic idiot that doesn't like his "friends".
What ever that word means to you

>> No.18938642


>> No.18938649


>> No.18938650

Nope. You can get a serviceable stone for under $20. Once you know how to use a stone it will out perform everything short of a professional sharpening machine.

>> No.18938663


I'm not the one that takes issue with a "friend" being interested in knives.
Combine that with your "consumerist" comment and yeah, I think you should pay a visit to /lgbt/.

>> No.18938689
File: 44 KB, 1300x1300, 51KuykReriL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sharpening WAND however............

>> No.18938691

I know that vibe. One of my friends bragged how he replaced the thermal paste on his watercooled CPU after one year like it was actually necessary. The best thing is to laugh and not react or you're gonna look like a faggot.

>> No.18938732


Polishing is supposed to make your 2500 edge last a tad longer. Since a knife's edge is basically made of a lot of pointy spikes, a grit past 2000 makes them smaller and thus hold their shape better. They will just be more efficient longer by just using a strop or one of those honing rods, which straighten the spikes that gent bent (but not dulled) after use. Chefs would probably sharpen their knifes around every 2 to 3 weeks but these guys go theough literal tons of vegetables and meats per month and also need something that is razor sharp all the time. Meaning you could easily stay a few months without any sharpening as long as you regulary strop

>> No.18938741

if a stone says oil only, can you use water anyways?

>> No.18938767

There's debate as to whether or not a more refined edge lasts longer.

When the ridges on lower grit edges get worn down it lets the bottom of the ridges cut. Some people also enjoy the cutting action of an edge with microserrations.

>> No.18938794

yeah but it will wear down a lot faster if its designed for oil. will probably clog up too. but it will still function as a sharpening stone if you use water.

>> No.18938821

>my $4 pull through sharpener does a better job
Unless it's a professional sharpening service shop, this is pretty much always going to be the case. Most people don't know how to use stones as effectively as them, no matter how confidently they think they do. Pull through sharpeners are a great option for the common man. And they give you a sharp blade in seconds.

>> No.18938828

I made this up btw but I'm pretty sure its probably accurate.

>> No.18938846
File: 74 KB, 1392x1040, KatoSujiKiitaFinished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn how to do the fingernail test.

I'd consider myself quite proficiently at sharpening. Here is an edge off my jnat at 200x magnification. Super super hard warer quenched old school white paper steel. The knife is a 270mm kato sujihiki, which is why I refined the edge so much.

>> No.18938890

obligatory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk3IcKUtp8U

>> No.18938937

Yes. All you need is a cheap sharpening stick. Ask yourself why you're sharpening a knife in the first place. Are you seeking the keenest possible edge, or do you just want to cut a fucking tomato?

>> No.18938984

>Pull through
This guy gets it. It's mostly skill. I'm still shitty, but I only use the coarse stone and a strop. I can't flay paper, but it's sharp enough that I can cut meat and shit like it's new again.

>> No.18938999

What fundamentals? You're literally just grinding the dull edge of the blade off and making a new sharper edge. It's not rocket science and doesn't take that long to explain.

>> No.18939006

>I can't flay paper
You probably could if you used a pull through.

>> No.18939046

..... you are completely clueless anon.

>> No.18939055

I use my sharpening stick every now and then, and it makes things cut better. I don't know what to tell you here anon, you're just some German autist who cares about things that don't matter.

>> No.18939063

I know what the fingernail test is. What's that supposed to change?

They give you a blade that'll slice receipt paper in 30 seconds, with no skill or effort required. I never use my stone anymore. The pull through and a steel hone are all my kitchen knives see anymore. Then again I generally but victorinox stuff because I feel it's kind of retarded and unnecessary to use anything more expensive for the average home cook.

>> No.18939076

pullthrough fucks with your knife geometry and if it's porcelain, the porcelain can wear out pretty quickly (can't easily clean the metal out of it) and if it's metal, can cause gouging in your blade

>> No.18939079

The fuck is a "sharpening stick" you faggot? You mean a honing steel? It doesn't fucking sharpen it, all it does is straighten the blade.

>> No.18939082

This has nothing to do with autism, you simply have no idea about what you are talking about.
Yes, a sharpening stick is good enough for cooking knives and such.
But if you are cutting harder substances or you want an ultra-sharp edge for carcass dressing etc it is another story.
You need to have a precise blade edge angle and you need a specific order of sharpening steps to get the best edge.

>> No.18939089

I find it to be the defacto test to measure sharpness and edge refinement. After doing the finger nail test 1000 times you can judge how sharp a knife pretty easily.

Just to be clear what I'm talking about is how much force it takes to have the edge stick on your nail.

Once you have a great way to measure sharpness you can understand what is working and what is not working to improve your edge.

I have very expensive and hard steel knives, so it would be sinful to use a pull through. Regardless is takes me about 2 minutes on a 1500 grit stone to get shaving sharp from a knife that needs a tune up.

>> No.18939113

I know a guy like that, my setup is a i5 with 8 of ram and does everything i want for video editing and games.
One day i asked a advice for a upgrade and he said that i should throw everything in the trash and waste 2000 USD in a new gamer pc.
btw his setup for 2 years was literally in a cardboard box while he was using that shit.

>> No.18939135

ITT people with shit knives.

>> No.18939140
File: 979 KB, 2581x1800, 20221216_184234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post pictures of your knives?

>> No.18939147

Mine were made for me by a lad in Norway.

>> No.18939154

Cool. Post some pictures of them?

The left one(kiyoshi kato) and the ones on right(shigefusa) are considered to be the best kitchen knife producers in Japan and arguably the world.

Handmade made one at a time using traditional methods. You should look up what a sen scraper is.

>> No.18939159

>japanese thing

>> No.18939165

Lol. What a tired meme. Sorry, but all of these knives objectively btfo your fibrox. I bought one to see what all the fuss was about and was sorely dissapointed by it.

>> No.18939167

Thank you for this awesome tip, anon.
I usually sharpen my own knives, but instead of buying my family members super nice knives that they'll probably fuck up right off the bat- I'm just going to buy a few of picrel and get them sharpened by a professional.
That way they can use them, enjoy the benefits of having a sharp and functional knife, gain some cooking enthusiasm, and eventually learn the skill and maintenance to treat a nice knife properly.
You're a champ.
You've just saved me a lot of time, money, and frustration.

>> No.18939268

Stones are great if the profile of your blade is already where you like it. They aren't particularly hard to use at all, just lay the knife along the profile of your blade.
Stones are much fucking harder to use if you intend to reprofile a shitty blade. If that's your intent behind getting a stone look at other options that mechanically hold an angle for you.

>> No.18939366

>Stones are much fucking harder to use if you intend to reprofile a shitty blade.
nothing an ultra-low grit and some muscles won't fix
I'll get a machine if fixing blades is my lifeline but as it is, it's hobby, and I'll enjoy it the way I like it

>> No.18939384

My point is if someone simply wants to buy a stone to maintain a blade they absolutely should. There's nothing to be afraid of and almost no learning curve.
Unless you're trying to reprofile, then there is some learning to do.

>> No.18939395

Cooking is r*ddit
Eating for taste is r*ddit

>> No.18939509

depend on the type of paste, some harden and if you have extreme heat cycling from
OCing the thermal expansion can cause it to crack then you notice your temps spike
or just buy MX5 and change it every 7 years

>> No.18939527

>i5 with 8 of ram
its not worth upgrading if its a old ddr3 era because you'd spend just as much up grading to a old compatible i7 as you would building a new low end ryzen with would be faster and make less heat

>> No.18939535

pull through basically dull your blade into a serrated saw which sure cuts paper because it jagged but its not sharp and mangles soft veggies

>> No.18939649

how do I know if I am using honing steel at the right angle

>> No.18939751

should I cut towards or away from honing steel
I see both ways in videos

>> No.18939803

No it doesn't do that.

>> No.18939845

>for the average home cook
even 90+% of professional chefs use pull through sharpeners on relatively cheap professional knives with plastic handles. Usually electric ones like Chef's Choice.
Only knife autists would spend hours on japanese style whetstones to achieve a final result that it's just slightly sharper than what you can accomplish in 20 seconds with no effort.

>> No.18939853
File: 215 KB, 433x325, Screenshot 2023-02-15 at 00-08-44 pull through sharpener damage - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it does

>> No.18939858

you don't need to fucking shave your food, a quality pull through multi stage sharpener is good enough for anyone, even professional chefs.
Ragusea is a faggot, but he's right about this one

>> No.18939862


>> No.18939877

If you're the typical /ck/ hotpocket eating slob then they are.
But if you actually cook food regularly then they're great.
Even as a novice, you can make a knife very sharp with a cheap $50 double sided stone.

>> No.18939879

So you got a shitty one from some chinese brand with a jumble of capital letters on amazon like a retard. Cool.

>> No.18939885

Explain the difference between a quality and cheap pull through, because this sounds like the ultimate cope.

>> No.18939893

>Only knife autists would spend hours on japanese style whetstones to achieve a final result that it's just slightly sharper than what you can accomplish in 20 seconds with no effort.

No silly, you can just learn a skill everyone knew 100 years ago and learn how to sharpen a blade using a stone. unless the blade is really bad, getting it sharp should take about 30 seconds to a minute.

>> No.18939905

what are sharpening stones made of?

>> No.18939911
File: 49 KB, 600x315, RvKadunoPZn01-qtMq7aCQVnoR9qBvCzO2kqb9R3fJs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the contact patch is simply to small on a pull through to produce a even and smooth edge
and electric ones are even worse

>> No.18939912

jfc go outside

>> No.18939918

>letting someone else sharpen your knife
do you also let other people mow your lawn and fuck your wife?

>> No.18939930

It depends, but most are made from an abrasive and a binder. Nicer ones will be sintered, and cheap chinese ones are just shengfung beach sand and the cheapest guangdong glue to hold it together.

>> No.18939939

who the fuck cares about what a blade looks like at a microscopic level?
if my knife can cut through food very easily and very cleanly, it's good enough for me.
>muh eccessive material removal
oh no, I would lose half a millimeter of steel in 10 years, what a tragedy

>> No.18939940

even sharper knives pressed together into a block

>> No.18939941

Rock and diet

>> No.18939956

dull knives can appear sharp to dull people because they tear food apart but if you want a actual clean cut you can't use a jagged edge

>> No.18939960

gimme fun things to cut and test sharpness

I just got my first real person knife

>> No.18939962

If I were you I would take the compromise. You're fighting a losing battle because you have an inability to admit you're at least partially wrong.

Correct. When you cut carrots you can see striations in the cut carrot if the edge is not highly refined. Some even believe the food tastes better when cutting vegetables with a properly sharp knife.

>> No.18939966

japanese style whetstones remove very little material (that's a pro acording to knife autists) so it takes very long to actually sharpen a blade using a series of stones with different grits.
I bought a set years ago, and it took me more than an hour to get a decent edge starting from a slightly dull knife. I never used it again.

>> No.18939967

Hair, you grab the opposite end of the root and drag it down the edge. If it's very sharp it will shave the hair in half.

Paper is pretty satisfying.

Trying to cut ultra thing veggies like cucumber is also fun and good practice.

Freeze meat until it is stiff, but not fully frozen and slice super thin slices for hotpot.

Fish for sashimi. 1 motion to slice each piece is the aim.

>> No.18939972

You suck at sharpening. Simple as. I can take a highly dull knife and get it shaving in about 5 minutes if I worked quickly.

Start with a 600-800ish diamond plate, 1500 grit stone, 5k if you want, but the 1500 will get shaving with skill.

>> No.18939984

>Some even believe the food tastes better when cutting vegetables with a properly sharp knife.
i know there is a noticeable difference when cutting green onions, dull knives smash them and they get kinda slimy

>> No.18939991

high end knife are cool and having a perfect razor blade level of sharpness all the time would be awesome. But I still think it's not worth the hassle for a normal person.
If you're into that and don't mind the time and effort spent into sharpening your stuff, good for you.

>> No.18939992
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>> No.18939994

I can't remember exactly what I read, but it was something along the lines of tearing the plant cells vs. Dividing them and how tearing them all open releases the aroma prematurely rather than when you're actually eating the food. Similar enough to what you're saying..

If you consider how a very sharp knife will make you tear up less when cutting onions I believe it has some merit.

>> No.18939997
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My stone works great on my Bismuth knife

>> No.18940011

Agreed. A high quality single 1500 grit stone is always what I recommend for someone who just wants to keep their knives sharp. 600 grit if you want something for chip repair and 3-5k if you want to play around with getting a knife extra sharp.

After honing a straight razor for 45 minutes passing the hht perfectly is incredibly satisfying.

You take a strand of head hair and pass it down against your razors edge. If your edge is sharp it will pop the hair in half the moment it touches the edge.

>> No.18940018

Hair hanging test video if you want to see a really sharp blade.


>> No.18940104

Fuck yeah

>> No.18940152

>how often do you strop?

i do about 20 strokes (10 per side) before each use

>I heard that's what you should normally use and stone is only needed like every 6 months

yeah, that works for a lot of people. i cook at least 4 times a week at home. i have several knives, but my go-to shitty Wüsthof will keep its edge for about a year. I usually sharpen it on the stones about a week before Thanksgiving.

>also how should I test if my knife is sharp enough? I just got new knives and it was hard to even slice through printer paper

idk man, there's like a thousand sharpness tests out there. goto jewtube and watch how people test for sharpness. I sharpen my knives on 400->800->2000->5000->10000 grit progression. after that my blades will shave the hair off my forearm with ease, and with no irritation. Maybe try that and then kill yourself.

>> No.18940162

>after that my blades will shave the hair off my forearm with ease, and with no irritation.
my blade can shave with no irritation at 1200 but can't at 6000
what am I doing wrong, master?

>> No.18940173

yeah man
sharp knives = reddit and dull knives = 4chan

>> No.18940188

>1500 will get shaving with skill

this is true. i went so far down the sharpening rabbit hole a few years back that I got into straight razors. if you are going to sharpen a straight razor that you intend to shave with, you should be able to do 20 passes per side on a low grit stone (400-600) and have it cutting hair afterwards. otherwise, you aren't good at sharpening, and you should work on your technique.

of course, quality straight razors don't require a steady hand to hold an angle. you literally just lay one side flat on the stone, do your strokes, and then flip & repeat. the key is to use the same pressure for each side.

>> No.18940199

pls response >>18940162
I sharpen with my double sided 400/1200 and my knife can shave without any problem, really great hair bites but it can't when I finish with my 6000

>> No.18940202

>my blade can shave with no irritation at 1200 but can't at 6000
>what am I doing wrong, master?

that's too big of a jump in grit size. never jump more than 2.5x in grit size. doing so will take much more time for the smaller grit size to actually be effective at reducing groove size. the same concept shows up in sanding wood.

>> No.18940292

>that's too big of a jump in grit size
ah right
well I guess I'm fucked since I have 400/1200 and 2000/6000
gonna need to buy 3000/4000/5000 I guess, or I can just leave them at 1200, perfectly serviceable

>> No.18940316
File: 17 KB, 554x554, 99DE438E-93D7-4F88-B404-54A33DEA1AB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>letting someone else cook food you eat
>letting someone else make your clothes
>letting someone else perform surgery on you

>> No.18940323


Overrated gook shit lol. You got psyoped, dummy

>> No.18940382

i don't think i could do better for what my 400/1000 cost, and i use it for other stuff besides the 2-3 sharpenings i do a decade

my knife injuries have dropped to zero since keeping my knives somewhat dull. all of them result from clumsy handling, not excessive force. i have the discipline to never brute force and always mind my vectors. there also aren't any foods that require significant force when actually slicing instead of just pushing. What's an example of a hard food? I haven't found any. Even frozen stuff cuts like butter with basic technique.

>> No.18940500

>white dude in a yukata
>with a t-shirt underneath
wee a boo
wee a boo

>> No.18940585

i looked it up and you're right. To be honest I wouldn't bother. I've got a 1000/6000 King stone and it's perfect for all applications. Once you've sharpened a dull knife with a cheap chinkshit low grit stone, you can basically use the King stone forever, and it only takes 2-3 minutes to get done. I usually take it to 6000 when I have time but 1000 KING grit is basically razor sharp.

>> No.18940596

>is it gay to sharpen my knives

>> No.18940600

even reprofiling isn't that hard, he's right on getting some low grit stones and starting with that. Like is said above, i've got a 200//600 chinese stone that is great at recreating an edge. I once did a tour of all my family members because they've never really had to deal with actual, sharp knives, so I offered to sharpen the kitchen knife they use the most (usually some kind of santoku style knife, which is what most people use nowadays for everything). It takes about 30 minutes per knife to get something razor sharp with a polished edge, which i complement with a little stropping.

Retards here like to argue that holding a constant angle is hard, but as long as your stone is firmly placed, and you're standing or sitting with your back straight, it's like learning a weightlifting form, and an easy one at that.

>> No.18940664


>> No.18940707
File: 2.89 MB, 640x360, knife sharpening under microscope.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18940731

There's "sharp" then there's "autistic weeb knifefag sharp". Some of y'all niggas taking this shit way too far.

>> No.18940769

every knife or sharpening thread without fail
immediately devolves into shitflinging, cope, and a couple based anons/the shignig actually posting information pertinent to discussion

>> No.18940854

The knife is facing the wrong way.

>> No.18940871

yes, just use a bottom of a ceramic mug

>> No.18940922

You haven't used a shig or kato before .your arrogance makes me laugh at you.

Kang stone

I am sort of the same way with my jnats, but I just love using them so I will use one or two most of the time.

That's why they're fun occasionally.

>> No.18940939
File: 366 KB, 1600x774, Galaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He uses knives that cost less than a dollar.
Sharpening them on a whetstone gives them a wonderful sharpness.

>> No.18940968

What you expect, this is all subjective and 100% opinion anyway.
The irony is, the more one anon spent on abrasives the closer he gets to the revelation that 99% of his purchases are bloat.

>> No.18940970

No, but harping on about them is. It's just a tool to sharpen knives which is handy since knives need to be sharp.

>> No.18940979

Unironically based

>> No.18940989

There's science to it. You need extremely expensive equipment to get near objectivity, but it is there waiting. On the other hand you can simply learn what you like and get a stone that best suits your sharpening style.

An excess of Slsynthetic stones is bloat unless you have fun testing them. High value natural stones will probably retain their value or get more expensive unless the world economy irreversibly crashes, so I don't feel bad about having so many. I've got the collecting bug also...

>> No.18940998

Yada yada sunken cost, i get it
>There's science to it.
Pseudo science at most. For some reason all DE razor blade manufacturers figured it out a century ago without making a big fuzz. But all online tool sharpening communitys like to mystify shit.
Few posts above there is an anon who thinks he can taste the knife finish level ln a carrot ffs. What does he think his teeth do

>> No.18941002


>> No.18941043

This post screams a special kind of ignorance.

>> No.18941047


>> No.18941051

>i do about 20 strokes (10 per side) before each use
you it need like 2 strokes for each side
t. professional cook

>> No.18941144

You too will wise up some day

>> No.18941148

Lmao. Really dumb.

>> No.18941160


>> No.18941266

t. Fucktard

>> No.18941267

>mangles soft veggies
Cutting vegetarians is bad.

>> No.18941351

Just let them have it. It's all they got.

>> No.18941380

No. What you say is incoherent for a simple reason. A large selection of grits is used specifically to diminish sharpening time. Which is only something you need if you have a bunch of dull ass knives that you needed sharpened.

In reality you only need a good quality 1000 grit stone once the knives are sharpened because they'll never go back to sucking that much if you ever so slightly care about them. If you can get a KANG 1000/6000 that's perfect because 1000 will get em sharp but 6000 will get em razor sharp.

If you really insist on reprofiling your dull ass knives then yeah sure, invest in a shitty two faced stone with low grit face like 200, 400 and a slightly better grit like 600 or 800. Sure, it'll take a while, 15 mins per knife, but once the edge is redone, a few passes every month will suffice.

You only really just need one sharp knife if you're a home cook. The rest is just mental masturbation.

>> No.18941390


>> No.18942391

Yes. True chads buy cheap Walmart knives and throw them away when they become too dull to cut bell peppers.
Only absolute normies and poorfags buy decent knives for long as term use and practice basic upkeep on them.

>> No.18942486

>and throw them away when they become too dull to cut bell peppers.
so immediately?

>> No.18942567 [DELETED] 

You ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed are ye Moishe?

>> No.18942635

no. using dull blades is reddit. kys

>> No.18942668
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>he doesn't razz the boys

>> No.18942670

I have so much trouble trying to sharpen knives but paying someone is expensive. How can I hold the same angle reliably? Any tips? I've been practicing with my old usuba but it never seems super sharp.

>> No.18942708

2000 is less than 2.5x1200

>> No.18942716

He sounds like he knows what he's doing, and you sound like you just don't get it.

>> No.18942720

having a collection of stones is reddit but having one decent stone and being familiar with the fundamentals of freehand sharpening is not reddit.
honing a knife on the back of a mug actually works but you have to be familiar with sharpening.

>> No.18942798

what are those? never seen those runes

>> No.18942829

Single bevel? If it is you need to make sure your stone is super flat to work the ura. The front side is either flat or slightly curved. You need to form a burr on the front and then remove it from the other side. After that you use light pressure to refine the edge.

If your knife is double beveled use your fingernail to feel for a gap between the stone and edge. Gently increase the angle until you just can't feel the gap between stone and edge.

2 or 3 fingers on the edge and a firm pinch grip on the handle. Do a few swipes on the stone and recheck your angle using the fingernail test. Checking consistently will help you improve by showing you if you have held the angle consistently.

Eventually you can actually feel if you have the bevel on the stone properly, but that is quite difficult and requires a lot of experience.

What if your collection has a handful og museum quality Japanese natural whetstones, and you're a highly proficient sharpener?

>> No.18942841

From left to right.

Kiyoshi kato

>> No.18942854
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It's single bevel like in the image I have attached here. Do I follow the angle by the long tapered part or is there a different angle close to the edge? I guess I'll just practice more and flatten my stones more carefully.

>> No.18942874

You will need to feel and observe to see. Sometimes the blade road has a slight curve to it. Try that fingernail trick I was describing.

The other trick you can try is to observe how the blade undercuts the water on your stone.

You do an edge leading stroke and look to see if water flows over the edge. The blade undercuts the water. This trick also helps show you how sharp your knife is on the stone you're using. As your edge gets closer to the max your stone will give you without any burr the undercut will get more and more pronounced.

>> No.18942883

holy shit an actual woman posting
let me fix my hair

>> No.18942888

Ahhhhh shit your that guy. Do you have tips. I finally got around to sharpening my knife and getting the rust off but how do I polish it? I don't use it professionally anymore so I wanna make it pretty. The edge is pretty reflective but the rest is still super tarnished. Also worried about overdoing it and erasing the insignia. Pic is what I have, the white one is the finest at '8000' grit or whatever

>> No.18942895
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>> No.18942899
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It's too pretty to troll weebs with but I wanna make it really shiny

>> No.18942905

You need to use sandpaper backed by something like hard rubber or wood if you're talking about polishing the flats. Do the tightest progression you can and remove the handle if possible. You won't be able to make it look perfect if you can remove the handle.

At the final grit of sandpaper do strokes perfectly straight from handle to tip so the scratch pattern is straight and consistent.

>> No.18942916

Oh.. nice a masamoto yani. Pretty nice knives I have a big one.

So sandpaper the flat where the runes are. For the blade road/shinogi you can work a progression of stones. They need to be flat, and you need to be consistent along the entire length of blade.

Once you get up to a high grit you should use finger stones to even out the polish and create good contrast between the hard steel and cladding.

>> No.18942967
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/ck/ is like 50/50 male/biofemale and im not sure where on the irony scale that lands

>> No.18942981

>sandpaper the flat where the runes are
is that the best way to get rid of the black spots? do you go with a more coarse paper or finer one?

>> No.18943007
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Yeah, unfortunately. That tarnishing is actually quite laborious to remove if you wanted to use a stones. The smith originally used one of those giant abrasive wheels to produce that finish.

I would start with 600 grit backed by a flat wooden block. Lots of water, or windex. I like rhynowet brand, but 3M is also good. If you feel the 600 is too slow move down to 320 grit. It's soft steel, so the 600 should do the trick.

I'm so tempted to put a good polish on my kato gyuto, but I think it may be sacrilegious to do so.. I recently got an amazing sword grade uchigomori benchstone that would be quite fun to use before fingerstones.

>> No.18943113

wot never heard of that, because it's more slippery? or just a who knows works well kinda thing
yeah it's kind of ironic, but the super knives with character like that I wouldn't want to polish for the same reason, kinda like rare coins or somthing

>> No.18943143

you are actually autistic

>> No.18943148

Way to miss the point chud

>> No.18943168

thinking about getting a KING 1000/6000 whetstone to learn handsharpening, what do you think co/ck/s?

>> No.18943212

I think it has something to do windex being a surfactant. It helps keep the sandpaper from clogging up a bit longer than just water.

It's kind of a funny predicament because polishing that gyuto will actually allow me bring out its unseen character by creating contrast between the core and cladding. I think I'm going to do it. I have a beastly kato sujihiki that I will keep unpolished.


>> No.18943216

Get a splash and go. My personal favorite is the shapton kuromaku 1.5k. It's a fast and hard stone that has decent feel to it. It's actually faster than the 1k.

>> No.18943283
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dope thanks mang will give it a try

>> No.18943364
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>> No.18943403

Good luck! The soft cladding should be all that bad to polish.

>> No.18944389

I think your friend is correct. I work at a msp and we don’t give out clients anything less that 16 gigs no matter what what their workload is. It’s better for the longevity of the machine.

>> No.18944784

get a doublesided norton india
it is the definition of good enough and will last a lifetime.
Something being sold and produced for over a century should tell you everything

>> No.18944928

I've worked in 6 different star restaurants (never *** though) and this is the go to for everyone.

>> No.18944930

You ever just read a post and want to shoot yourself

>> No.18946306


>> No.18946316


>> No.18946341

I got a new wusthof classic ikon and it doesn't feel that sharp
I can rub three fingers on it ez
is that typical of new knives these days

>> No.18946345

6 months to 1 year, only when you notice substantial sharpness loss, unless something stupid happens and you chip the edge etc.
Generally only after using stone, to remove the burr, or much like the stone as needed for edge deformations that are perceptible but not enough to bother with the stone.
A few strokes before every time you use your knife.

Do this and your knives will be razor sharp for ever.

>> No.18947217

I have a KANGZ 1000/6000 and it's definitely great for an affordable price.

Be warned though, 1000 grit means any knife that you haven't sharpened before may take a lot of time to get there. I highly suggest you also buy a lower grit stone to ease your way into 1000. usually, a chinese noname brand does the trick. Other retards will suggest other one faced stones but a the 6000 face grit gets you something as sharp is it can get. Also, all stones pretty much last a lifetime.

Again, the first sharpening may be a pain in the ass but once that is done you'll never have to spend more than 5 minutes on a knife. Definitely more like a minute.

Just make sure you dry your stone after use, by leaving it slightly leaning on a wall for example.

>> No.18947286

Stone sharpening freqyency really depends on the uses. I cook a lot for my family and i like having sharp reliable knives so it's more of a 2-3 months basis. This being said it's never more than a few minutes per stone side (1000/6000)

Stropping I feel isn't necessary, doesn't make any difference aside from giving the edge a mirror polish. A honing rod does the trick.

>> No.18947376
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>> No.18947480

This is what i was waiting. thanks for nothing.
hope you guys buy this guy >>18938587
knife setup too since the $4 is useless .

>> No.18947500
File: 115 KB, 800x386, LanskyDeluxe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knives and sharpening is not mystical or rocket science...

The world is absolutely full of cringe-ass knife dorks who both don't understand the fundamentals of steel, pay hundreds of dollars for shitty boutique knives, fuck them up and scratch the shit out of their edges... when all that is ever needed is like a decent $20 stainless steel knife and a fool-proof way of sharpening it... pic related.

Do you think professional knife sharpeners use all this retarded shit? If they did, they would go out of business.

>> No.18947533


All you need is one (1) stone that has a 1000 grit or more, possibly a two faced one, and it's just as fool proof.
Maintaining a steady angle is ridiculously easy, it literally takes seconds to set up (basically put your stone on a flat surface that doesn't slip). Oh yes, sorry. If the stone isn't splash and go, you have to let it soak for a little while.

You can do that shit on both Ikea or expensive knives. Knives are made to be used and mistreated and ruined. As long as they have a sharp edge and are functional, that's all that matters.

>> No.18947844
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>Pull-through sharpeners are just fine

>> No.18947865

1000 grit stones are peak reddit

>> No.18947965

You don't buy a stone with a grit lower than 1k. You buy a diamond plate with a grit lower than 1k. Speed and some precision is the only thing you want all low grit stones feel like shit to use and are really soft, so they need reprofiling.

I hate diamond plates, but their speed is unmatched.

>> No.18947985

I'm a butcher, I use a stone on my knives once every 3~6 months. Use steel daily. Pull through sharpeners fuck up your knife quicker than steel. Don't see how its reddit to take care of your knifes yourself.

>> No.18948304
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>> No.18948475


>meme :|
>Tired, retarded meme :0

>> No.18948505
File: 4 KB, 329x115, Screenshot 2023-02-17 at 13-29-46 _ck_ - are sharpening stones reddit - Food & Cooking - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meme :|
>Tired, retarded meme :|
> meta meme :0

>> No.18948512

You're the one simping for japs. Not me

>> No.18948524

Get your hands on a shigefusa or kato gyuto and you may just change your mind. They are objectively excellent knives.

>> No.18948539

Brittle as fuck. Start using your knife properly, then talk.

>> No.18948552

Part of why they are so good is because they have quite strong edges from their blade profile. The steel is brittle, yes, but there's ways to mitigate that and they have done so very successfully.

It's almost like you're talking out your ass.

>> No.18948554
File: 134 KB, 974x998, 53465346554654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get your hands on a shigefusa or kato gyuto and you may just change your mind. They are objectively excellent knives.

>> No.18948562

Jealous, stupid, and most likely poorfag cope. Truly hilarious.

Want to hear about my weeb stones that cost more than your clapped out 1998 toyota corolla?

>> No.18948587

a soyak fitting for you doesnt exist yet lol
imagine paying 500$ for a piece of slate

>> No.18948593


Lmfao. Ye mum was pretty impressed with my collection.

>> No.18948629

Sharpening stones are for blades that have been dulled too much for pull-through sharpeners or steels to really do much to fix them. Ideally you'll have one of each - the latter for everyday sharpening before cutting and the former for periodic maintenance, maybe once a month.

>> No.18948636
File: 111 KB, 645x1571, 456354635454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being a retard with money is not impressive anon.
And bragging about something everyone can order online is peak reddit.
pic was custom cut. some dude found a stone supplier whos tile samples are true straight razor finishers. 35$ and blows trades with kyotos finest lvl 4.5
could easily sell it for 10x that and the likes of you would cream themself over it

>> No.18948668

I'm not a chef so about $10 a wheel, #1000 and #6000 grindstones and a correction stone are enough for me!
The only two steel knives I have are a Yanagiba knife and a Dewa knife that I bought a long time ago for about $80.
All the others are stainless steel knives.

>> No.18948684

Find a real nakayama maruka or kiita sunashi online right now. A few of the top top quality stones are not something you see online everyday. My very very trusted guy drops 2 or 3 very high value stones on his site every year and they sell very quickly.

That's great that you found a tile that does the job for you. I doubt that they actually stand up to a proper jnat, but who knows? You don't have any edge pictures from them do you?

>> No.18948692

you realize they sell you cut up reclaimed foundation blocks for a huge markup
>You don't have any edge pictures from them do you?
im not that autistic

>> No.18948694

Here is an edge picture. I found a $15k olympus metallurgy scope for 2k a while back...

200x magnification, free handed on a 270mm blade with exceptionally hard carbon steel.

>> No.18948710
File: 973 KB, 2243x1796, 20230217_113152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh... You have no clue what you're talking about. Thanks. Good to know.

>> No.18948717

what does a picture tell you? nothing, the only test one needs to evaluate a stone is a shave.
but its clear your obsession went past the point of reason years ago

>> No.18948732

Not wrong, but you purposefully forget or don't understand that an image can tell you a lot about the quality of a stone.

>> No.18948758

not at all
scratch pattern shown is more dependant on stone surface preb, stroke type and used under slurry or flowing water and of course skill.
I can make a shapton 12k perform like ass if i rub it with a diamond diamond plate before use.
Or the arkansas stone family, where a sg >2.7 can perform like a 800 jis or a >8000 jis depending on how its been lapped.
Did you ever ask yourself why some guys can make a coticule rock while others fall in despair with theirs? even with the modern ones all mined from the same veine

>> No.18948778

It sounds like you've never used a jnat in your life, while acting like an expert on them.

>> No.18948806

>is sharpening your knife a website

Nuke this place

>> No.18948877

I own a shobu. Nothing special, you bought into the memes.
There are european mica slates for 1/5th the price of equal hardness. Same shit

>> No.18948955


>> No.18949009

We got Jap knive autists, we got sharpening autists and we get Jap knives sharpening autists. Get high carbon steel knive for 30-60 bucks. Get a worksharp precision adjust. Now you have the sharpest most undemanding knive you can imagine. Hell even the work sharp is overkill if you ask real chefs. They don't have time to sharp a knives for 1h. You can even get good results with a 800 grid diamond rod and call it a day. But I guess a hobby is a hobby so whatever hone your knives with a 200000000 grid for 24 hours i don't give a fuck.

>> No.18949640

>Really soft
When you say lower grit, you mean a coarser one or a finer one ? Low grit (coarser) tend to actually be pretty hard.

6000 is soft but i like the feeling. It's smooth and velvety and quite satisfying, since you've been working your ass off rebuilding the edge from scratch.

>> No.18949659

>Pull-through sharpener
Pull-through shit just rearranges your edge into one line to create an illusion of sharpness.
Stone however, actually remove steels so the edge get thinner.

>> No.18949917

You know... it actually depends on the brand. The shapton 120 grit is really soft, as in the stone dishes easily.
The shapton 1.5k and 5k are both very hard stones.

>> No.18950513

>Again, the first sharpening may be a pain in the ass but once that is done you'll never have to spend more than 5 minutes on a knife. Definitely more like a minute.
i tried sharpening a knife for the first time the other day, on a shapton 1000. it took forever and is just barely cuts a tomato. hoping it gets easier in the future

>> No.18950551

When you get a bit better you can start to put a lot of pressure on the blade as you sharpen it. Form a burr, remove it, reduce pressure.

>> No.18950974

The more you worry about what other people use or enjoy just because you personally dislike them, the more miserable you will be.

>> No.18951050

People choose to insult or criticize things they know little about instead of trying to understand.

The secret is being intelligent enough to ask questions that challenge that person's knowledge. It quickly becomes clear if they know their shit, so you can learn something, or they are stupid, and you can make fun of them. Win-win.

Creativity, thoughtfulness, and discernment are too much effort for many people so they choose the lowest effort option possible. It's sad, really. Maybe even pathetic...

>> No.18952052
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I got one of these as a gift. Does a good enough job keeping the nice hand made knife I got as a wedding gift in perfect condition and makes my shitty target knives not shitty.
I'm thinking about getting stones though.

>> No.18952072

Project Farm is great.

>> No.18952758

If you're autistic, then you should have come to the logical conclusion and killed yourself.

>> No.18953346

>Here is an edge off my jnat at 200x magnifi-
Jesus fucking Christ shut the FUCK up faggot.

>> No.18953379

It brings joy to my day when my posts make dweebs like you seethe. Lmao.

>> No.18953385


>> No.18953393
File: 104 KB, 1392x1040, KatoSujiSunashi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the same knife, but at 50x magnification. This was done with my sunashi stone. Crazy fast stone that is very sensitive to how much pressure you apply when sharpening.

>> No.18953406
File: 449 KB, 2200x1150, GridArt_20220810_020220328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this. I formed a very large burr and used my olympus epi-fluorescent metallurgy microscope to take a picture of it. 50x magnification. Teehee.

>> No.18953425
File: 135 KB, 1481x1221, 71+2b4RV5RL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spyderco is a bit cumbersome, but makes sense for small knifes if you have time.
For the kitchen I use diamond sharpal. 325/1200.
It's a lot quicker for occasional use.
... Only cheap dishwasher Victorinox knifes though and family-members regularly cutting on ceramic tiles.
So fancy stuff doesn't make sense and taking off material doesn't hurt much on a $30 knife.

>> No.18953430

I want to practice more at butchering/dissecting/cutting meat. What knives should I get? Right now I just have a basic kitchen chefs knife? and usually practice with pork shoulders I get on sale from the grocery. I've been looking at the breaking knife and semi stiff boning knife from victorinox/forschner

>> No.18953431

Sharpening stones are kino

>> No.18953600

You mean the HONING wand. Doesn’t sharpen shit.
Clearly you mean six different KFC’s. There are many ways to sharpen knifes and I don’t give a shit which one people use. This implement however does not sharpen knives, and any chef with an IQ high enough to work at a place aiming for quality will laugh at any moron like you who tries to claim differently

>> No.18953621

Dubs = truth

>> No.18953625

Just how sharp is good enough? Is razor sharp a good milestone?

>> No.18953638

I think a good guide is to watch videos of chefs orepping shit on YouTube. Not explicitly knife sharpening videos because obviously they’ve just done their knife specially for that. Watch how easily their knife glides through whatever they’re cutting. If you’re isn’t close to that, it’s a blunt mess.

>> No.18953655
File: 268 KB, 1502x618, Screenshot 2022-08-30 at 18-50-09 Amazon.com Ontario Knife - Old Hickory 7-7 7 Carbon Steel Butcher _ Kitchen Knife Home & Kitchen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit knives but good steel

>> No.18953670

I notice whenever I cook at someone else's house just how blunt their knives are, my main knife mostly glides through most stuff with barely any effort.

>> No.18953859

Bring your 1k stone to their place and give them a sharpening lesson.

>> No.18953884

If you like these people you can offer to sharpen a few for them. They'll think you're some kind of kitchen wizard when you bring back their knives sharper than when they got them home from the store and you don't come off like a faggot nerd unless you try to explain it.
>Yeah I have some stuff lol I like to keep my knives sharp, got into that when I used to work in a kitchen
Do not go any deeper than this. Normalfaggots do not care, will not understand, and you will seem cooler if it's just a black box process where you take dull knives and bring them back sharp.

>> No.18953890

I've actually sharpened a few of their smaller knives. They would offer payment, but I always refused, so they just gifted me a few wine bottles. Pretty good deal for 10 minutes of work.

>> No.18953975

i find it harder to sharpen small knives compared to a 8" chef knife

>> No.18954200

I would love to be able to pass yard care off to some mexican, but I don't have enough in my area. It is a shitty chore and I hate doing it.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. No wife = peaceful life.

>> No.18954204

Maybe there's some random teenager you could pay below minimum wage to mow the lawn.

>> No.18954218

The only thin unique about Jap knives are the fact they make handed knives and only sharpen one side. So as a lefty, I find this neat for the left hand specific blade, but it's a novelty at best.

>> No.18954226
File: 613 KB, 1296x1296, sak-White_2Garasuki-front_1_1296x.progressive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a fair bit more when talking about very high end Jap knives, but single bevel knives are pretty sweet. They get a lot sharper than double bevel knives, but their edge is much more delicate.

I am considering getting a garasuki, which is a single bevel poultry knife.

>> No.18954462

I just watched Project Farm's thing on sharpeners which actually included the spyderco.
Would you say it's worth having the diamond shrapnel for my cheap target knives and using the spyderco on my actual nice ones?

>> No.18955415

It's the opposite for me, I find that keeping a consistent angle is harder on a bigger knife