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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18931562 No.18931562 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck would I ever use this instead of a spoon

>> No.18931595

It makes it looks like you're receiving the honey fresh from a giant bee's asshole.

>> No.18931596
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>> No.18931611

I just get my honey in the little squeezy bears

>> No.18931619

To show off to credulous girls

>> No.18931621
File: 1.28 MB, 480x776, how to use honey dipper [oUDcKRwjbKg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're supposed to rotate it to keep the honey in the grooves. Stop rotating to let the honey drip and then start again when you're done dripping

>> No.18931623

It has more control over the honey than a spoon. It can allow you to evenly trickle the honey, a spoon can have the honey drip off in a big blob

>> No.18931629

Just the right shape ;-)

>> No.18931651

I am troubled by the smiley in this comment

>> No.18931653

In that case the honey stick is acceptable because it's part of a set comes with a tight fitting lid so you don't have to clean a fucking huge surface area every time and waste a shitload of honey every time. (Though in my case I waste nothing, because i have a savory pot and sweets pot where i briefly soak respective serving utensils prior to washing to get out the bulk of loose stuff. Then I use that bit of water in the savory pot for stock or boiling or whatever, and the water in the sweets to add to pancake batter or oatmeal.)

>> No.18931655

>Then I use that bit of water in the savory pot for stock or boiling or whatever, and the water in the sweets to add to pancake batter or oatmeal
What the fuck

>> No.18931698

You have no concept of a no-waste kitchen. You use the water the day-of and/or add it to refrigerated or frozen stock right away. It's silly to be dipping spoons into honey, jam, etc jars all the time and then washing off all that sticky stuff every time -- not to mention that if you use a dishwasher run infrequently, the sugary residue can easily build up smells.

Sorry if these concepts offend you.

>> No.18931712

Want to use it on me? ;-)

>> No.18931723
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>> No.18931725

>lick spoon clean
>no longer need to pour mystery jars into my dishes

>> No.18931730

Yummy toxoplasmosis

>> No.18931736
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>i have a savory pot and sweets pot where i briefly soak respective serving utensils prior to washing to get out the bulk of loose stuff. Then I use that bit of water in the savory pot for stock or boiling or whatever, and the water in the sweets to add to pancake batter or oatmeal

>> No.18931741

To be fair, a good water treatment program can be relatively environmentally friendly with the exception of greenhouse gas emissions, which are kind of unavoidable with the biological processes used (they'd be roughly equivalent if you put the food waste into a backyard compost heap, for example). (Regardless, at the end of the day both wastewater treatment and composting are at net, including opportunity costs of emissions, far far better for the environment than some form of mass dumping or sealed landfills as they are now).

That said, I take any opportunity to add every little scrap to my stock, almost obsessively.

>> No.18931747

There are way too many people who are utter shit at licking utensils and especially, for example, mixing bowls clean. This bit of advice was more addressed toward them.

>> No.18931749
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>(Though in my case I waste nothing, because i have a savory pot and sweets pot where i briefly soak respective serving utensils prior to washing to get out the bulk of loose stuff. Then I use that bit of water in the savory pot for stock or boiling or whatever, and the water in the sweets to add to pancake batter or oatmeal.)
Oh god I think I'm going to puke, this is the most grotesque thing I've seen on /ck/ since the first jack post.

>> No.18931771

We got one guy saying to lick the spoon, and you saying it's grotesque to use a bit of water to get the jam off the spoon and add that within the same day to batter or cereal, something that you often mix both water and jam to anyway. Are you this hypersensitive about everything?

>> No.18931795

>Putting water in cereal

>> No.18931830
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>> No.18931832

as far as humans are concerned, honey is nutritionally identical to high fructose corn syrup, or any refined sugar. Eat some dates, fatties.

>> No.18931837

Not just water but dirty dishwater cross contaminated with different meats and sauces, the raw scraps and blood from sliced meat. A literal sea of various bacteria and molds joyfully multiplying in the toxic sludge.
Europeans really do live differently.

>> No.18931858


>> No.18931868

You should stop doing that, anon.

>> No.18931895

Who gives a shit if she gives the cat taxoplasmosis?

>> No.18931918

Where did it say I used material from raw meat? The only thing that was specifically mentioned was utensils used to scoop ingredients from jars, which are sterile when sealed to maximize shelf life, as well as stuck scraps on clean utensils that one would be comfortable to eat as-is normally.
I said oatmeal. Oatmeal is a (hot) cereal. Cream of wheat is a cereal. Grits are a cereal. I generalized for regional preferences, you fucking moron.

>> No.18931930

>putting water in hot cereal

>> No.18931941

What is legitimately wrong with this process? Please point out the culinary mistake being made. How is it different from, for example, the way people continuously build up their general frozen stocks that they add their own mixes of herbs to (as opposed to straight chicken stock or beef stock or whatever for specific recipes)?
How the fuck else do you make hot cereal? Read the fucking instructions. Yes, I've boiled hot cereal in milk -- that's a shitload of milk = a shitload of money to use daily, so I typically use a mix.of milk and water on the boil, and then add a bit of cream to taste at the end.

>> No.18931947

I use whole milk. I also don't eat hot cereal daily, because I don't want to be farding all day

>> No.18931992

Why are europeans so poor they can't even afford a little bit of milk? Don't they all live on farms and have access to cows?
Is this a common practice in your country? Do you have communal gatherings in your village when you dump all of your trash into a giant caldron and the local witch uses it to brew her magic spells?

>> No.18931997


>> No.18932004
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This is like the /ck/ version of the piss jug.

>> No.18932008

Don't make fun of poor people

>> No.18932015

I would rather die with dignity than cook with my dishwater.

>> No.18932017
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>> No.18932020

Just because I can afford milk, or even grass fed organic massaged-by-supermodel wagyu milk with electrolytes, doesn't mean it makes my cereal so unbelievably more awesome that I want to use it every day. Gen Z splurges on every little thing and goes deep into debt where just a little bit of common sense and evaluating what is worth the luxury and what stays mostly hidden will make the luxuries even better.

You might understand this when you're an adult. Or once you're so deep in debt you have to beg to your parents who finally get the balls to say "no".

>> No.18932028

We all would eat raw rats to survive if we had to

>> No.18932031

Ah the... catalyst of so many bankruptcies...the spiralling addiction to the luxury...of milk for breakfast

>> No.18932039

Europeans can't even afford ice for their water. I feel bad for them really.

>> No.18932046

Interesting. If you make something like a casserole or lasagna, do you soak the baking dish and add that water to the savoury pot?

>> No.18932056

Because it's considerably more useful than a spoon for the task for which it was designed perhaps?

>> No.18932140

Speaking in generalities about the importance of general thrift and budgeting is obviously lost on you. The generation gap in this respect that I reference is, however, something that people who pay attention to the current economics and markets for any reason are aware of. Perhaps you should give it some attention too.

>> No.18932160

Depending on what was cooked there's probably nothing left that can reasonably be infused into stock or boiling water, but if within a day or so you'll need some liquid to deglaze a pan that's mixing compatible flavors, then there's no reason you can't have a significant amount of that stuff scraped down and refrigerated.

I'm not saying this is something I do religiously, and this is really getting off topic from OP's post, which was the whole point of this, which is that with a giant fucking utensil with a huge amount of surface area covered with honey I would never simply start scrubbing that with soap and water as soon as I'm done using it -- I'd figure out a way to get that half tablespoon or so of honey left on that thing into something useful.

>> No.18932242

anon this is a troll post.

>> No.18932246

youre the attention whore that had to tell everyone about your fucking autism/

>> No.18932252

No I don't think it is

>> No.18932283

What is the objection? What is unhygenic or different from making or using stock?

>> No.18932295

>In that case the honey stick is acceptable because it's part of a set comes with a tight fitting lid so you don't have to clean a fucking huge surface area every time and waste a shitload of honey every time. (Though in my case I waste little, since I make sauces out of too much excess)
here, fixed that for you attention whore.

>> No.18932300

Nah, the OP was answerable in a single post, this is actually an interesting sub topic.

>> No.18932544

Holy shit it's identical, you're just skipping the whole point, which is to make sure there's nothing left over on the fucking utensil.

It's a simple concept: a utensil with a lot of surface area means a lot of area that something like honey will stick do. If you're making something (like a sauce) later that needs some liquid sweetener anyway, you can use water to remove all the excess honey from the utensil (or analogous sticky substance for analogous applicable food) because the honey dissolves easily in water. Thus you get virtually zero wasted honey and an easily cleaned utensil. This should not be fucking controversial, yet everybody is hung up on the idea that as soon as water touches something it becomes "dishwater" like a bunch of fucking 5-year-olds.

>> No.18932550

Anon...Honey comes out the other end.
Think Bee Vomit.

>> No.18932554

nice dildo bro

>> No.18932557

Normal people don't throw their dishes into a pot and then turn around and use that water to cook with. That is high spectrum autism, of course you'll be made fun of for it on 4chan. If you want updoots and cheers for being quirky go tell reddit about it.

>> No.18932562

how do your friends and colleagues react when you tell them about this? A polite smile?

>> No.18932565

They cluck and bark.

>> No.18932570

shut the fuck up you disgusting vile gremlin

>> No.18932667
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bro water that was soaking in a dirty pot is not "stock" please bro no

>> No.18932668

Is this the fabled perpetual stew I keep hearing about? Has someone finally managed to pull it off?

>> No.18932669

Use a spoon to scoop bouillon powder or miso paste or something into water for some soup. Do you then use the same spoon to stir it in (presuming you weren't already stirring the water), or wash it and then get a new spoon to start stirring? It's the same fucking concept you smoothbrain simpletons.

>> No.18932672
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Thanks, I just punched myself in the gut for remembering I kissed a stray cat to impress my crush (she wasnt impressed).

>> No.18932676

That's not even close to the same thing and you're seething because you know how strange and fucked up it is. Your friends and family are too polite to say anything in front of your face but you creep them out.

>> No.18932704
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You're a fucking genius anon, your stomach must be either crumbling or iron.

>> No.18932707

anon, you've been harvesting their venom

>> No.18932714

Aside from a single step in between in which water in a bowl removes the excess stuff from the spoon, and then refrigerate until use within the next day (such as to boiling for a soup), it's the exact same concept. You're all hung up on that in-between step for some reason. It's a clean bowl. It's clean water. The spoon was previously dipped into jarred food that was processed and sterilized.
I may have used the wrong word in the initial post. The pot is obviously for when you cook. You take whatever excess you have and put it in a bowl, tupperware, whatever, for later, or if it's suitable to add to the stock you have in the freezer, you take what you put in a bowl and add it to that, like you would extra vegetables or herb stems or something. And I don't know why you're imagining that this stuff is in some bath soaking for hours -- it takes two seconds with a tiny bit of water to get something like honey or jam off.

>> No.18932746

Do you ever cook for other people? Are they eating this enhanced food?

>> No.18932759

he's the kind of anon who'd feed his fellow ck posters cum cookies

>> No.18933575

You know what, you've changed my mind. I doubt I'm gonna bother keeping a little glass in the fridge with dirty spoons, but it's fundamentally no different from filling an emptied can of tomatoes with water and adding that watery tomato broth to a dish.

>> No.18933620

My friend let a dog lick his face, I'd seen that dog licking it's own ass and balls not 5 minutes before.

>> No.18933633

honey is like bees vomit from eating inside flowers
is gross

>> No.18933637

>tiktok cancer

>> No.18933693

I make $80,000 a year. It’s not much, but it’s enough that I don’t need to constantly worry about wasting 2 Calories by washing off my spoon in the sink.

>> No.18933703

>this is the type of animal that posts in /ck/
Kek, you retards never fail to amuse.

>> No.18934227
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Please keep talking

>> No.18934243
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>fill to the brim
>sink lid in honey, making a huge mess later and leaving some exposed
zoomers can't do ANYTHING right

>> No.18934260

We don't post tick tock chud videos here.

>> No.18934305

yeah no

>> No.18934319

Some people can't think of the need to stop pouring honey, let alone the existence of the tool

>> No.18934329

I like the way you think

>> No.18934350
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should have just left it in the squeeze bottle

>> No.18934381

mmm microplastics

>> No.18934387

You can spin a spoon and get the same effect.

>> No.18934523
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>British cooking

>> No.18934624
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if you're consuming honey at all that's already a lost cause, you memespouting retard

>> No.18934763

The mice.

>> No.18934780

>I have an irrational hatred of this video and im too embarrassed to say its because i imagined it being posted on r/todayilearned and got mad at it manually.

>> No.18934798

This isn't a generational or cultural difference behind the process you're describing. You're just doing something gross and wrong.

>> No.18934820
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>> No.18934843

Bees that are farmed are almost always going to build their comb, on plastic sheets.

>> No.18934976

It isn't even slightly more useful.

>> No.18934996

After reading through this thread, I see literally nothing wrong with >>18931653 and nobody has raised a single point against it. Not gonna do it cause I'm lazy though.

>> No.18935004

We can see you aren't a new poster faggot.

>> No.18935013

Not hiding it. These are my only posts

>> No.18935021

I wonder if he puts his poop knife in the pot too

>> No.18935034

get out and take your slopwater with you

>> No.18935201
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>> No.18935656

that's called gray water and you should probably feed it to your plants instead

>> No.18935664

is that sneed and chuck in that graph

>> No.18935688

>particles per liter
I think it's important to note that you generally have a tablespoon of honey at a time whereas you're drinking a pint of all of those other things

>> No.18935746
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>Yes, I've boiled hot cereal in milk
what the fuck nigger

>> No.18935949
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>> No.18935994

this nippah doesn't know how bees work but claims to

>> No.18936006

Using a honey stick instead of a spoon is a great way to get the sweetness of honey without having to worry about it spilling or getting sticky everywhere. It also makes it easier to measure how much honey you're adding to your beverage or food, as the markings on the stick will give you a better indication of how much you're adding. Plus, it's just a lot more fun to use a honey stick than a spoon, so why not give it a try?

>> No.18936017

It took me a second to even understand what you were saying. That's gross. That's literally just "dish water"

>> No.18937089

>muh heckin' zoomers!!!
class A internet brainrot.

>> No.18937138

buy local honey and FUCK CHINA

>> No.18937180

Just become the one selling the honey, its pretty lucrative.

>> No.18937201

woah...so this...the power of esls...

>> No.18937214

That's...what you do with a spoon, too, anon.

>> No.18937455

Enlighten me, what do mass farmed bees build their comb on then? Last I checked all the frames in my hives were wood with a plastic center.

>> No.18937482

are you white?

>> No.18937494
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Says you

>> No.18937525

didn't know /ck/ had tiktok integration

>> No.18937551
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>> No.18937700

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.18938027
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I've been cutting with a blunt knife for years. I just bought a new knife and my mind is blown.

>> No.18938095

To cram

>> No.18938768

Holy shit is that a 100kg deadlift?!!?! Holy SHIT :OOOO

>> No.18938861

Damn, Josh Peck got fat again

>> No.18938868

>bitch weight
>can't deadlift properly anyway (how do I know this when she doesn't even do one? Simple, anon, because of the shins)

>> No.18938878

Everyone uses straps you faggot. Nobody's forearms can hold a massive deadlift. The alternating grip helps a little but just use straps you faggot. You're not here to train your forearms, you're here to make your posterior chain shit the bed.

>> No.18938881

If you cant hold it you cant lift it simple as

>> No.18938886

Bear honey is the best honey. Fuck bees.

>> No.18938906

Don't glue it to the ceiling next time.

>> No.18938907

>tfw so poor you’d rather eat dirty dish water than waste a single drop of honey

>> No.18938940

genuinely vile

>> No.18938953

>*crystallizes halfway through and becomes unusable unless you stick the plastic bottle in near boiling water to liquify the honey again*

>> No.18939596

people use the word autism pretty liberally these days but this here is a genuine spectrum dweller

>> No.18939641

I just skip breakfast, far cheaper and more appetizing than drinking wash water soup

>> No.18939667

had to take the time out of my evening after reading this to tell you to kys
t. 4 plate who has never considered straps

>> No.18939864

Ok anon, I have a clarification question for you.
When I read your post it sounds as if you have two pots of water sitting near your sink that you wash your utensils in until you decide to use that water for something. Is that the case?
Say you make some toast in the morning and use a bit of jam on the toast. Do you then rinse the knife in the sweets pot to get the jam off and then store the pot for later until you need it, or do you use the water shortly thereafter?
I think part of the hang up everyone is having is that it sounds like you're rinsing shit off in these pots and then storing them for periods of time before they get sufficiently filled with rinsed off debris.

>> No.18939876

As a kid I never understood why this shit was used in all commercials because most of the honey I've ever eaten was after it crystallised into an opaque state you eat with a spoon that doesn't drip at all.

>> No.18940100
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You had me at the first part but wtf is that second part

>> No.18940110

somebody probably said it before but OP thats a bumhole toy. or atleast it should be

>> No.18940293
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jesus H. christ

>> No.18940302

You’re supposed to cram it numbnuts.

>> No.18940361

for some reason, I find the thought of water in pancakes more disgusting than whatever you have going on there

>> No.18940884

>If you cant hold it you cant lift it
Factually incorrect.

>> No.18941175
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>i briefly soak respective serving utensils prior to washing to get out the bulk of loose stuff. Then I use that bit of water in the savory pot for stock or boiling or whatever

>> No.18941354

this is the best post ive seen here in years, thank you anon lmao

>> No.18941975

I've got your back, brother. I had some doubts from your first post, but as you continued to explain the method of your madness, it does make sense it is not actually dishwater. Still sounds like some great depression or Appalachian poverty shit though, but not gross or unreasonable. Faggots here probably peel their potatoes and fruits lmao

>> No.18942032

What the FUCK

>> No.18942367

mine does that too, but i wash my face shortly after

>> No.18942787
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>> No.18942837

Anon we are not (yet) living in a post apocalyptic world where food is scarce. We live in a world where we produce more food than we can fucking eat and preserve.

Not even in literal poor shitholes people do that.

>> No.18942843

I wonder if I can use this to stretch my foreskin

>> No.18942977

That's fine if it's not half honey half corn syrup. Gotta be careful with your bears.

>> No.18942985

It's still a liter for all of em

>> No.18942994

are you at least from an extremely poor country like Bangladesh or Argentina? The kind of place where saving every bit is life and death?

>> No.18943015

I just gagged a bit

>> No.18943023

crystallized honey has antimicrobial benefits it's all dried out and sticky it just has to be good

>> No.18943252

but is using dishwater really an improvement to your meals? if its not an improvement than that food residue on your dishes is still wasted

>> No.18943286

lmfao, more like hit the wall and give him a good laugh