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File: 2.63 MB, 2000x2666, sub-buzz-3286-1669237617-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18930862 No.18930862 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make the perfect cheeseburger? Is picrel it?

>> No.18930880


>> No.18931176

for starters , dont cook it over med rare

>> No.18931181

I was just reading about smash burgers. Now I want to try them.

>> No.18931196

>medium rare
>ground beef patty
go eat some raw ground beef if you want but don't suggest that others should have your shit taste.

>> No.18931199

sh-sh-sh-sh- my sharone?

>> No.18931217

80/20 ground beef mixed with onion garlic worchesture egg salt and pepper. your choice of condiments/buns

>> No.18931247

The parasites need more friends

>> No.18931313

smash it

>> No.18931326

I don't think steak should be cooked more than medium rare, but it's different for burgers. The texture just gets weird, I want it to be at least medium or medium well

>> No.18931347
File: 2.95 MB, 640x360, salvation burger - perfect burger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like so.

>> No.18931365

neat presentation but it's raw and way too thick

>> No.18931383

You don't need to specify picrel. If you say "is this it" we will all understand that "this" refers to your pic. That's why you used it.

>> No.18931394

>The texture just gets weird,
By weird do you mean delicious? because burgers cooked all the way through suck

>> No.18931397


>> No.18931466

patties pressed into a mold....souless

>> No.18931509

Cut the pickles a little thinner and OP image would be a great model to go off of.

>> No.18931524
File: 3.00 MB, 640x360, salvation burger - classic cheeseburger.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, you said perfect cheeseburger, my bad. Like so.

>> No.18931530


>> No.18931536

>Is picrel it?
>shitty bun
>not american cheese
>retarded pickles
those are just the big 3

>> No.18931544

This is what happens when you have a pretentious pastry-focused dipshit try to make a burger. They think it's some sort of wedding cake and end up fucking up the most important part (the beef patties). Don't believe me? Look at that weak fucking sear. And that is also way too much fucking salt.

>> No.18931643

ja/ck/'s biopic is really flashy

>> No.18931649

Came here to say this. You can get a good crust on any burger. There's no reason to cook it till the middle is grey and disgusting.

>> No.18931650

it defeats the whole point of the beef being GROUND beef if you still cook it "medium rare." It's a burger. If you want a medium rare sandwich then you want a steak sandwich or a roast beef sandwich like a french dip. Burgers need to be cooked through. It'll still be tender because it's been GROUND.

>> No.18931658

>grill marks instead of a complete brown crust on the entire surface
fuck grilling meat. Use a griddle or pan. An actual flat surface. And thick burgers suck ass compared to flat patties or smashburgers.

>> No.18931675

I dont have a problem with rareish burgers, ill take my chances
But patties that large suck, you cant season it enough, there isnt enough cheese to deal with the meat.
Itll taste like eating just a handful of raw hamburger with little else.

>> No.18931716

That flavorless dry inside tho.

>> No.18931734

It ain't gots no seasonin

>> No.18931821

>Burgers need to be cooked through
They dont
Gray burger suck
Ive never onced gotten sick from rare burgers and I have been eating them since I was a kid

>> No.18931824

Nobody ever gets sick from eating burgers, but they're going to keep being irrationally scared for the rest of their lives. Most likely grew up in a household that watched Fox News 24/7.

>> No.18933157

if there's parasites in your ground beef then there's gonna be parasites in your steaks too
if I lived in a third world country I would definitely cook all meat well done.

>> No.18934067

The quality of the bread is more important than the quality of the fillings and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.18934091

you wouldn't know if you had gotten sick from one specifically, since clearly you were eating them all the time

>> No.18934092

the secret is baking soda. dissolve 1 tsp baking soda in 1tbs water and add this to 1lb of ground beef. stir it in (dont over mix) and let sit for 15-20 mins before shaping into patties and fry.

Supposedly the baking soda increases the PH of the beef and this causes it to retain moisture and brown better.

>> No.18934100

A solution in search of a problem.

>> No.18934115

how do you figure?
This video is where I heard about this btw. it appears to make burgers better than without adding the baking soda..

>> No.18934141

>So undercooked you can literally see pink on the sides
>Grilling bacon, adding it to the burger with huge chunks of obviously uncooked fat
>Barest of sears, only there for the effect of grill marks doing nothing for the flavor

A grill has its uses, cooking a burger isn't one of them (you could do it in a griddle on the grill but that's just extra work for no real benefit unless you happen to be camping), and cooking bacon definitely isn't one of them. A good burger cooked in plenty of fat (tallow ideally) to maximize the amount of flavor development on the surface, and relatively thin. Undercooked ground beef is not appealing, a burger is not a steak.

>> No.18934144

You have to use American cheese because it doesn't split.

>> No.18934159

Don't mix anything into your beef. It's gay, and mixing causes a denser texture. Salt and pepper on the outside is sufficient. Use another seasoning as you like, but keep it on the outside.

This sounds retarded.

Grills are perfect for burgers.

My favorite is smoking the patties for a bit over low temperature and then hitting them with crazy high heat for just a bit on each side to bring them up to temp and sear. You can cook in a single step if they're not too thick. Prefer more than one thinner patty instead of a thick one. Cook hot and fast and the carryover will make sure the interior is cooked enough. You might need to experiment with your setup to get it right.

>> No.18934162

>Cheese splitting on a burger
Ohayou retard-kun, daijobu?

>> No.18935199

use a tortilla press to make your patties ultra thin

>> No.18935213

based as fuck anon

>> No.18935377

Butcheranon here, I recommend using a glutenous filler to hold the meat together and to keep the juices and fat from running out as you cook. Use some dried and fresh spices and cook to medium rare to rare and let the patties rest for a couple minutes to avoid losing your juices.

-500g fresh ground beef, not too lean but not fatty either. Ideally you have a mincer and ask the butcher to buy trimmings to make your own mince (beef mince is a waste byproduct from breaking down quarters into cuts)
-about 1/2 tbsp filler. Most burgers you eat probably use rice flour but breadcrumbs or plain white flour will do
-1/2 tsp smoked paprika
-1/2 tsp onion powder
-1/2 tsp garlic powder (a pressed garlic clove or 2 is even better)
-1 tsp fresh chopped or dried herbs
-salt and freshly ground black pepper
-a sprinkling of dried chili flakes
-1 tbsp water

If you're doing the recommended method with a mincer, mix all the ingredients in a bowl together by hand and run the mix twice through the mincer and form into patties. If you're using preminced beef, use your hands to mix the dry ingredients and beef once, then add the water and mix again to evenly distribute the seasoning and filler.
This recipe will either yield about 3 6oz burgers or 4 smaller patties.
Ideally you're grilling them but you can also cook them in a pan. Cook on high/medium high until medium rare and let them rest for at least 2 minutes before eating

>> No.18935397

What the fuck is this? We're talking about burgers not meatloaf sandwiches. I like a meatloaf sandwich as much as anybody, but they're not the same as a burger.

>> No.18935455

If you've eaten burgers in a restaurant, there's like a 90% chance that they were mixed with a spice & filler mixture, usually it's just rice flour, onion powder, white pepper and salt. I used to press burgers for nearly half the restaurants in town and they all used the same mixture. Looks like pink goop when you mince it all together but it has a better texture and consistency than pure ground beef.

>> No.18936028
File: 87 KB, 800x450, grilling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck grilling meat.
idiot the flavor comes from the open flame

>> No.18936322

I rarely have burgers at restaurants. There's only a couple I'll eat, and they definitely don't use filler. If it's a place I've never been, I always dissect the patty. Just because you worked in shitholes trying to stretch and enhance inferior meats doesn't mean every place does this.

>> No.18936471

Most restaurant burgers are shit, the only ones worth a damn come from dive bars where they're cranking out 100+ smash burgers an hour, and those are just beef cooked well on a flat top with salt and pepper.

I don't believe you're actually a butcher because everything here is made up bullshit but even if you were why the fuck would I listen to your opinion about what makes a good burger? Slicing up dead cows into smaller pieces and cooking are completely different skill sets, and your opinions sound like shit.

>> No.18936505

actual retard

>> No.18936705

>Denny's line cook detected

>> No.18936713

>smash burgers
>dive bars

And then a drive home in your tesla to suck your bfs cock
What a night