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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18927762 No.18927762 [Reply] [Original]

And then just let them die like they don't care or nuffin

>> No.18927764

Because getting a little tipsy and shitposting is fun

>> No.18927769 [DELETED] 

Bumping your own thread is bannable and you could also get your other funny posts deleted.

>> No.18927776

because they're drunk, duh

>> No.18927798
File: 74 KB, 403x406, ED8353E3-7F69-427A-8386-9326885ED534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these things are great for the convenience

>> No.18927816

I like to drunk drive-by shitpost every single board in order. Just click one of the links at the bottom of the board, scroll the first page until i see a post I can impulse reply something insulting to, post it and move on to the next board. /a/ and /c/ obviously get the most abuse out of this because I'll typically get bored and stop before I make it through the whole list.

>> No.18927818

this is what makes this site what it is

>> No.18927880

Doing gods work

>> No.18927914
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>And then just let them die like they don't care or nuffin
im sorry i passed out and it was 404ed when i woke up

>> No.18927948
File: 287 KB, 1100x706, omnomnom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes shitpost here when drunk because I have a very bad habit of getting hungry when I drink, and this is one of few places where I can be drunk and talk about food.
The vast majority of the time I try to make seriousposts here, though.

>> No.18927993

The turkey ones kick ass. Idk why I prefer them to the porches but I do.

>> No.18927998

Doesn't the paper and origami shits have a thread thats like 10 years old? I wonder if your drunkass is preserved there.

>> No.18928015

passed out

>> No.18928065

Bc it's just 4chan, it's not that serious

>> No.18928079


Do they?

>> No.18928095

I've gotten drunk and shitposted too many times, mostly on different boards though. It sucks when you wake up with a 3 day vacation though

>> No.18928116

I think..

>> No.18928131

They did a few years ago, but it will be gone by now. They usually have a few 5 to 7 year old threads, though.

>> No.18928148
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based /qa/ systematically raided every slow board and chan they could find to permanently 404 threads like that

>> No.18928232

>. It sucks when you wake up with a 3 day vacation though
i got a 30day because i had /b/ and /ck/ tabs open and accidentally posted a webm of a guy eating out a chicken on /ck/, i guess it was kinda on topic

>> No.18928259
File: 45 KB, 687x600, 1435085899496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first permanent ban was for posting Chris Hansen in a jailbait thread. That was my only post in that thread.

This site and its moderation is shit, especially /ck/ which is moderated by some tr/a/nny mod. Imagine waiting out your bans on this shithole federal honeypot.

>> No.18928484
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a few months ago (maybe a year) there was a thread here that lasted over a month which is pretty long nowadays unlike the early days were you could communicate faster with homing pidgins

>> No.18928834

i love seeing the replies i get

>> No.18928947

Going to start doing this.

>> No.18928986

I love getting banned. It makes me feel like doing my part

>> No.18928998
File: 90 KB, 865x944, 1522176925172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>click on a random thread in the catalogue I haven't read
>It tells me I have several (You)'s

>> No.18929085

Wow they have a freezer section in one of the dollar trees near me. I need to see if they still have those

>> No.18929321
File: 215 KB, 1232x1394, ed5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incredibly based drunkposter

>> No.18929419

Im drunk right now and rather than make a thread I guess i ask this one. Do I make Crab Legs with Corn, Ribeye (Medium Well) and Green beans, or Bacon with Biscuits?

>> No.18929477

Rib eye and BEANS.

>> No.18929541

Do the ribeye with biscuits and make bacon and green beans in a crockpot with cornbread another time.

>> No.18929546

What is that image of? Pre made breakfast? I'd be down to pre make a week of breakfasts.

>> No.18929572

It's a snack box for a cat

>> No.18929584

why do sober people make threads here

>> No.18930183

posting is easier when drunk. otherwise I worry too much about it. also never returning to my posts helps me stay safe from my own autism.

>> No.18930269

kek, good question
possibly they represent that portion of the populace that doesn't drink at all

you might actually be me, anon