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18923033 No.18923033 [Reply] [Original]

What's the weirdest flavour of crisps out there?

>> No.18923044
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>> No.18923045

Chad Scott is a faggot

>> No.18923137

I would buy a bag of chips if it was "MSG and Salt" flavored.
I suppose technically that is what "BBQ" is, but I want more potato flavor and less spice flavor.

>> No.18923170
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These came in a subscription box we used to get, they're incredibly sweet, almost dessert-like, but after the initial shock I couldn't stop eating them. Everyone else in my family hated them though.

>> No.18923214
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I'm so fucking mad that they don't make these anymore.

>> No.18923260
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>> No.18923387

>I suppose technically that is what "BBQ"
You suppose wrong.

>> No.18923390

Yeah, BBQ is basically Lawry's

>> No.18923393

my sides

>> No.18923400

Except for the tomato flavor, and also Lawrey's has sugar (a lot) and that's hardly "salt and msg".

>> No.18923578

This is why you should lock the cleaning supply cabinet if you have children.

>> No.18923608

Plain. Unsalted.

>> No.18923658
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I got you senpai

>> No.18923664
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Ate these when I went Greece, they were strange but tasted fine, as exactly as you would expect. Couldn't finish the whole bag though because it started to taste sickly after a while.

>> No.18923676
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I go for the garlic & onion myself, it's when eating them with a girlfriend then neither of us notices each other's breath.
Also Wise > Lay's.

>> No.18923691

>Dollar General chips

>> No.18923701
File: 26 KB, 262x310, Walkers_Irish_Stew-crisps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple holy roller types from Canada would bring these Walkers to NY sometimes. Those crisps / chips were pretty good.

>> No.18923756


>> No.18923760

I know it's all not you, but why would anybody think "salt and msg", "bbq", "Lawreys" and "prime rib & horseradish" were all just basically the same?

>> No.18923777

the prime rib and horseradish is definitely very msg-heavy. as far as why somebody thinks bbq is that flavor, no explanation

>> No.18923837

>prime rib and horseradish is definitely very msg-heavy.
Not familiar with the chips, but in real food, neither prime rib nor horseradish have any msg.
Neither tastes anything like Lawreys, and none of that shit tastes anything like bbq.

>> No.18923888

Those are chips.

>> No.18923894
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>> No.18923921

You obviously shop there. Lol. I had these once and liked the brand a lot, but from a plane flight. Couldn't never find them again until I wandered Into one of those ghetto shitholes. They are tasty but the dollar general, is generally disgusting.

>> No.18923943

I would unironically like to try that.

>> No.18923978

I remember trying these. They were pretty inoffensive and tasted like a sweet coffee creamer. Didn't really care for them because I don't like sweet stuff very much.

>> No.18923988

I would unironically eat those.
Is unironically similar to how flammable and inflammable mean the same thing?

>> No.18923995

i wish i could find these. they stocked em for months, and then never again
fuck you kroger i hate regional autism for a well enjoyed flavor

>> No.18923998
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Related but fucking faggot Lays made these taste sweet like all-dressed flavor or bbq without the bbq flavor. It's called salt and pepper why the fuck is sugar the first thing I taste

>> No.18924013
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this company in my country is making all kinds of stupid shit

>> No.18924027
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>> No.18924031
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>> No.18924039
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>> No.18924042

They should rename that stuff JIZZ for the homo crowd.

>> No.18924049

>They should rename that stuff JIZZ for the homo crowd.
I wish they had a poop, semen, and blood flavor for the homo crowd. I would buy it.

>> No.18925514

bbq is just sugar + smoke

>> No.18926355

>I've never made bbq sauce in my life

>> No.18926382

im sure they still sell these in the uk but under some other brand probably mcoys

>> No.18926396

'pepperoni dogfart' is what almost all flavours of crisps taste like when you actually think about it objectively.

Only salt and vinegar stands above the crowd with its sharp, refreshing tang.

>> No.18926404
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Weirdest I've ever tried in real life.

>> No.18926414
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Walker's Beef & Horseradish wants a word with you folk

>> No.18926417

japanese and chinese are the worst chips
>ice cream flavour
>spider cockroach bug flavour
>raw fish with weird retard sauce

>> No.18926432
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These are the most unusual I've had, for sure. Cream Soda is an ice cream float made with vanilla ice cream.
I got them on clearance, and that makes anything taste better.

>> No.18926443

A lot of asian sweets have those weird retarded flavors. Most of them don't taste like anything because they give thin amonut of cream on wafers (unlike in Europe, where you get full thing, just like on picture), sometimes you can actually taste it but its weird artifical taste, and you can tell because something is off.
That being said, there are some rare good things, like honey and soy sauce rice crackers, or crayfish snacks

>> No.18926472

These sound straight up great

>> No.18926497

cucumber and its the worst flavor

I wonder why so many companies have dogshit flavors in the US and then completely ball out on flavors abroad

Anyone ever had roasted chicken wing? Basically chips salted with boullion

>> No.18926505
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Chinese joints don't give them out anymore but they used to give out these multi colored shrimp chips with hot mustard and some kind of sweet sauce (duck sauce.) That's probably before the nogs were doing dine & dash antics so fucked it up for others including themselves.

>> No.18926737

pretty sure he's referring to the BBQ chips, not actual BBQ things

>> No.18926755
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>> No.18926778

>japanese thing

>> No.18926854

Look at the OP question, friend.

>> No.18926900

Voodoo chips are amazing.

>> No.18926905

for amateurs yeah

>> No.18926926

>anti-weaboo so deranged he can't stop shitposting even when the japanese food posting is relevant
rent free lmao
if there's one thing the japanese have it's weird ass snack flavors

>> No.18926930
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If you get the ideal amount of seasoning on the chips these are 10/10. Usually there's way too much or way too little. Also chock full of Red 40, so I only eat these on special occasion.

>> No.18926999

Fair enough, I don't usually eat chips.

>> No.18927052

Pretty sure there's a variant of these sold in Turkey and possibly Syria.

>> No.18927161

is red 40 bad?

>> No.18927329

Not him, but red dies in general have a poor health history.
Plus, they're usually made of crushed bugs.

>> No.18927425
File: 281 KB, 1200x1200, Lay_sPotatoChips-GrilledSquidFlavor2.4oz_front_1200x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18927451

Finally a chip for OP.

>> No.18927456

I understand the other ones but why is this one +18?

>> No.18927470

are you from the baltics? i remember watching a youtube video about those kek
i'd try those

>> No.18927518

These weird flavors are always a scam. I bought chips that were supposed to be cheeseburger flavored and all they did was taste like pickles.

>> No.18927548

now i want to pig out on some chips, problem is i've already eaten chips once this year
what's the correct plan of action here lads

>> No.18927582

kys britfag

>> No.18927636

Have you eaten any cum this year yet? Maybe do that.

>> No.18927644

I loved those and bought 10 bags for $5 when they were discontinued
we don't get a lot of sweet chips around here.

>> No.18927655

it's an acronym not a word numbnuts you don't capitalize it like that

>> No.18927745

You do realize that phones will automatically capitalize anything after a period? You're the retard here.

>> No.18927843

Just dusted a bag of these last night, wise is great but they need more flavors. Their sour cream & onion chips are pretty good too.
I gotta know, what did this flavor taste like?

>> No.18928009

>what did this flavor taste like
whisky, plastic explosives, and bar fights

>> No.18928368

>Real Snacks, later known as Oikia

All their crisps are way too sweet.

>> No.18928513

'sweet' chips never meshed with me. I can see the sweet and salty mix working good, but sweet doesn't work with chips. There's a difference between sweet bbq which works with all the other flavors and dessert sweet for lack of a better word.

>> No.18928525
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>> No.18928527
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>> No.18928526
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>> No.18928534

Retard, you do realise that Pringles in the USA are called Crisps because legally a Chip is cut potato that is fried and Pringles are mashed up potato formed in a shape then fried. Opposite in the UK and Ireland.

>> No.18928582

Bob and Tom?

>> No.18928601
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i think they made this a permanent flavor because i see it all the time

>> No.18928704

I've never really cared for any of the sweet potato chips. Yes, they taste OK on the first mouthful, but after that really no. Unsweetened is always better.

>> No.18928709

My erection is here again.

>> No.18929123

One time I stopped a restaurant from having a 'free peanuts' system by blatantly abusing it by buying a $6 burger combo (discount sit-down place) and filling up on peanuts. I'm quite proud of that.
I also used to make a hobby of discreetly stealing the cream from the pitchers left by the condiment stations at all the starbucks downtown.

I am the free rider problem.

>> No.18929240

I had these once. They weren't good. I bought a bag before doing a 4 hour drive and they ended up being the only thing to eat in my car. So I tricked myself into liking them.

>> No.18929300

esl moment

>> No.18929369

a clean, washed vagina literally just tastes like an avocado
apparently the same goes for penis but i dont taste penis unlike OP

>> No.18929374

>Cream Soda is an ice cream float made with vanilla ice cream.
fucking no
that's called a "Spider" or an Ice Cream Float
Cream Soda is literally it's own flavour of softdrink, and is usually yellow though can sometimes be pink in colour

>> No.18929376

pringles have been shit ever since they got outsourced to fucking Malaysia
half the size, double the price, almost no flavor

>> No.18929385

>a clean, washed vagina literally just tastes like an avocado
>apparently the same goes for penis
That was a man, anon.

>> No.18929431

Those are chips, not crisps. Crisps are dehydrated potatos such as the ones in Pringles. Chips are baked or fried, like Lay's.

>> No.18929435

Shut up. Just shut the fuck up.

>> No.18929449
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Oh yeah? What's your contribution to this thread's soup besides mean words?

>> No.18929461

Noice. Norway had a limited edition salty licorice chip but I'd struggle to identify the flavor if I want told desu. Really disappointing. I fucking love salmiakki.

>> No.18929465

That's also people's complaint about actual cheeseburgers

>> No.18929590

Do any locals there buy that or is it just for tourists?

>> No.18929594

Haggis and watermelon would taste good

>> No.18929650

In case you were having trouble, buddy, that definition is for Japan. They don't have the independent soft drink flavor we call cream soda over there.

>> No.18929668

Trips of truth.

>> No.18929985
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cola flavored
And potato-flavored cola

>> No.18929990
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I likem, got a bit of spice to it

>> No.18929998

you have to be at least 18 to eat mussels in framce

>> No.18930299
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It's just marketing for zoomers, it's pathetic. Picrel is literally just cheddar
Yeah, Lithuania. They have a caramelized onion flavor too, I might try it when there's a discount

>> No.18930534

I can't seem to find the regular Funyuns anymore.

>> No.18930618

I don't give a fuck about semantics. You all outed yourselves as british. I have recommendations for that as per my previous post.

>> No.18930856

Red 40 isn't, you're thinking of red carmine, cochineal extract or natural red 4.
Red 40 is made from petroleum and is less safe than the bugs.

>> No.18931689
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so good

>> No.18931705

Absolutely would.

>> No.18931707

>numb and spicy
what a gay flavour and i dont mean that in olde english
>baked and crinkled
very based though, theyre the best type of crunch

>> No.18931729
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A soup isnt a propah soup without oystah crackahs

>> No.18931739

Calm down, ace

>> No.18931755
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these were notorious when I was a kid

>> No.18931759

I've had eggs benedict flavored pringles in Japan.

>> No.18931796

I feel bad for you and condolences

>> No.18931825

7-Eleven used to have prime rib chips. But not any more. :(

>> No.18931984
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>you caught me

>> No.18932115

dusk tu nx krw jibanas urodas is visagino kurwa

>> No.18932247

>admitting to being a phonefag

>> No.18932287

protip for stoner anons. You can make popcorn with weed butter. Add some salt and it's pretty kino

>> No.18932877
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These were great but unfortunately the government took them away.

>> No.18933111
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Having tasted both, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.18933154

Man made horrors beyond our comprehension

>> No.18933654
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by far this atrocity i remember when i first moved to canada i was suprised to see chips with ketchup flavor not tomato but ketchup i don't up it anymore but my siblings sometimes do i don't know why they like it

>> No.18933696
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actually never mind the weirdest one i stream was a fish chips but i don't remember the brand name so i can't post it but here is another one it tasted like normal chips with salt and some vegetable mix taste

>> No.18933863

>joking about a fatal disaster
Fuck you. Legitimately. Just fuck you.

>> No.18933871

Anon is used to Mexican girls. Dont hate

>> No.18933876

Isn't that just tomato+vinegar flavor?

>> No.18934053

no the ones in canada tastes like ketchup

>> No.18934063

I mean, that's what ketchup is.

>> No.18934071

I tried eating these but my mouth kept shaking and I lost three teeth due to the aftershocks

>> No.18934074
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>diet mountain dew

>> No.18934563

They must have grabbed them at a British import / novelty store. They're branded as Lays up here too.

>> No.18934568

>nigga doesn't like retard sauce

>> No.18934574

Tossed salad with ketchup flavor, no wonder those freaks wear rags on their heads and want to blow everything up.

>> No.18934591

The effect of sichuan pepper doesn't really translate out very well... When you mix it with chili, it's kind of sharp TV static with a touch of lemon pledge.

>> No.18934600

There's a bit of a coriander-heavy, sweetened masala thing going on behind most ketchups. The chips are definitely closer to being acetic acid, powdered tomato, and icing sugar, but there's an onion or garlic powder thing happening. You don't even have to like them to murder three bags, you just kind of black out, then wake up looking like you beat an old Bulgarian couple to death with beets.

>> No.18934623

can a Canadafriend explain what "All Dressed" is supposed to taste like? to me it's just a slightly sweeter version of Salt & Vinegar.

>> No.18934632

Basically... I think there's powdered tomato, onion, and sour cream/dairy/whatever they use in there as well.

>> No.18934637
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>> No.18934640
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>> No.18934659

>Just a smashed bag of plain chips


>> No.18934671

Stupid soccer moms pay top dollar for that shit

>> No.18934679

I want this.

>> No.18934978
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/pol/tard can you kindly kill yourself?