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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.89 MB, 1280x720, Fastest 2L SODA CHUG with Badlands - Guinness World Records.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18922836 No.18922836 [Reply] [Original]

How does /ck/ feel about competitive eating? Ever won an eating contest yourself? Have a favorite eater?

>> No.18922882

i don't care about competitive eating

>> No.18922932

badlands chugs
based youtube channel
he drinks so much soda

>> No.18922943

>how does /ck/ feel about competitive eating
It's kind of like MMA. 20 years ago it was kind of interesting because it was just a bunch of fat fucks who like food eating more food than you or I can, whereas these days everyone just uses the exact same techniques that are about as disgusting and uneventful as watching two dudes cuddle in their underwear for half an hour.

>> No.18923093

I don't know if he's my favorite, but Randy Santel can be interesting sometimes. It's mostly fun to watch him turn into a massive tubbo over the course of a year, and then try to lose it all and get back down to being a minor tubbo.

>> No.18923099

This gentleman looks just like me but black. I bet he has to beat women off with a stick too.

>> No.18923115
File: 769 KB, 656x1232, chestnut.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chestnut chads, we gonna take this from these chuds?

>> No.18923134

No, I said I DON'T care about competitive eating.

>> No.18923138

there is nothing based about being a fat fuck

>> No.18923208

He was literally trying to cuddle that guy.

>> No.18923239

I view them as freak shows. They're kind of fun to watch but best not take them too seriously.

>> No.18923245

Shouldn't this be in /sp/?

>> No.18923251
File: 2.93 MB, 720x404, Powerleveling.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a crossover episode.

>> No.18923263

It's fascinating but very dumb. It's a freakshow.

>> No.18923273

Is this before or after the cancer?

>> No.18923280

I think he grabbed the guy, expecting there to be a struggle, but since it's probably some species of vegan, it was like grabbing a wet noodle.

>> No.18923292

Chestnut's a vegan, too. The hot dogs are strictly business.

>> No.18923315
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x720, I can't believe it's not heart disease.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18923317

I like to think every time I like this guy's videos he gets closer to dying. There is no way his morbidly obese, diabetes ridden body can keep handling literal gallons of corn syrup. It is a unique modern thing I think - to watch someone killing themselves in real time for some views.

>> No.18923327

Do you have to pay someone money to participate in a food eating contest?
I'd like to give it a try at least once so I can feel like a Nigerian king.

>> No.18923332

>That autistic shuffling trying to find a spot to get in to wave his little sheet of paper
>When he does, it's not even a clear view of it before the homosexual in the flat cap stop him and the wiener eater takes him down

>> No.18923334
File: 699 KB, 770x427, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is a unique modern thing I think - to watch someone killing themselves in real time for some views.

>> No.18923347

So does he fast for like a week after doing this or what?

>> No.18923355

That is the "Michael Phelp's Diet", and is supposedly what he would eat in a day while training for the Olympics. An Olympic athlete at their peak can easily burn that in a day.

People thought it was absurd so Pete made the video to prove that not only can someone do that in a day, they can do it in one sitting if they try. Pete was also a body builder so he probably just went easy the next day.

>> No.18923368
File: 2.44 MB, 576x1024, cyclists.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not enough time to show sign
Nathan's doesn't fuck around.

>> No.18923396

If true, then we're back to it being a cuddle. A vegan who eats hot dogs for business is the ultimate hypocritical faggot.

>> No.18923402

It's just wax paper, why bother peeling it?

>> No.18923407

Fuck off. Everything bad I hate was invented by ytpipo in the last 200 years.

>> No.18923408
File: 2.95 MB, 640x360, Tis the season then.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably part of the rules. Competitive eating can be very specific about how you have to do things.

>> No.18923418

People heal, but all of those $20k bikes are made of carbon fiber and crystallized unicorn urethras. They shatter if you breath on them from the wrong direction.

>> No.18923428

This seems highly specific. Is he just spamming Guinness with bullshit?

>> No.18923432
File: 2.71 MB, 1280x720, World Record Maple Syrup.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of. He found a few eating challenges that either didn't have records or records he knew he could beat and did them all in one day.

>> No.18923597

I want to drink her syrup, if you know what I mean.

>> No.18923605

I shouldn't care but sometimes the beard guy's videos get recommended and I watch them

>> No.18923641

I don't get out skinny people do it. I know they stretch their stomachs but where does it go, tzuyang eats so much food, the winner for hot dog contest was a japanese guy for a long time, how in the hell, are asians built different?

>> No.18923653

I can't wait until robot hearts become mainstream so dudes like this can stream on life-support/ebt/welfare.

>> No.18923660


>> No.18923669

>I don't get out skinny people do it. I know they stretch their stomachs but where does it go, tzuyang eats so much food, the winner for hot dog contest was a japanese guy for a long time, how in the hell, are asians built different?
The secret is to sit on a toilet at the same time that you are eating the food so when your stomach and intestines get full, you can just defecate and eat more.
Ever notice that the cameras never show the seats that they are sitting on?

>> No.18923682
File: 2.81 MB, 640x360, 8 Filet-O-Fish Eaten in 60 Seconds - Matt Stonie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's bullshit. There's two explanations for how it works
>1. Actual competitive eaters: Stretch their stomachs, fast beforehand, stay active so their body burns calories efficiently
2. Gook mukbang shitters: Video editing.

>> No.18923692

Is that EDP455?

>> No.18923802
File: 131 KB, 1441x813, selfdestruction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's unironically got some class.

>> No.18923910

I don't know about class, but he's got a good personality and seems like a fun guy.

>> No.18923937


i agree

>> No.18923939


you're a fucking idiot

>> No.18923942
File: 2.94 MB, 720x404, Cream Corn Chug.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is right that there's nothing based about being fat, but that doesn't mean a fat man can't be based.

>> No.18923956

But tzuyang does not edit and eats in public, a lot of people would need to act and lie for her. I think she might be there for an hour and it seems like ten minutes

>> No.18923959

I don't know who that is and I don't care to be honest. It sounds like a gook which means there's a 100% chance of it being fake.

>> No.18923997

Ahe's famous enough to have her own show, because this 먹방 thing started in Korea and it was just people eating and talking so they don't feel alone, Koreans hate eating alone, and then she started eating so much food people were really amazed and she is very rich now. So tons of people started copying that formula, and yeah a lot are ruining their health or faking it, but this girl is real.

>> No.18924069

enough talk
you need to step into the chug zone

>> No.18924072
File: 2.95 MB, 320x180, Tostitos salsa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get to it.

>> No.18924459

Prior to Kobayashi, most people doing speed eating shit like Nathan's were going in with the mindset that competitive eating was essentially a subset of eating. Kobayashi developed his techniques to completely divorce the two concepts. When most of us go into amateur eating contests, like in college or whatnot, or see amateur eaters on youtube, it's all just an extension of eating, and not what the modern sport is about.

And yes, I did several eating contests in college, and very much in this amateur style. Mostly spicy food and quantity/endurance. I'm a skinnyfag also.

Are they drinking plain water or something that will emulsify the butter? For example, could the rules allow one to source tap water from a community well with trace amounts of some salt that can ever so slightly bind to fats, and then possibly even take hundreds of gallons of that water and reduce the shit out of it beforehand?

>> No.18924472

clicked on the thread for my nigga badlands

>> No.18924513

>when most of us go into amateur eating contests, like in college or whatnot, or see amateur eaters on youtube, it's all just an extension of eating, and not what the modern sport is about
Yeah, and when most people go into a fight they think "I'm gonna punch this guy in the face and kick him in the liver until he goes down", and MMA felt like watching a Jean-Claude Van Damme movie. Then Royce Gracie came along and said, "I don't need to do any of that flashy stuff. I'll just grab them and bring them to the ground and hug them in a certain way for a couple minutes until they tap out". Sometimes the most effective method is the most boring and soulless.

>> No.18924582

if you fasted for a week and gorged like that you would probably die from refeeding syndrome

>> No.18924700
File: 42 KB, 653x711, 20230208_085944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badlands is the goat food youtuber.

>> No.18924764

They all immediately go and puke their brains out the instant they're off camera. Don't believe anyone who tells you otherwise.

>> No.18925189

>I can't imagine someone doing something I can't, so I'll just make up shit to feel better about myself

>> No.18925298

chestnut is shittalking the guy for being vegan in his statement saying it was why he was skinny and easy to take down

don't just make shit up, especially something so slanderous

>> No.18925306

i love shittakes

>> No.18925381

how the fuck does a cardboard sign obliterate a man on a modern bike?

>> No.18925467

The guy just panicked and over-corrected.

>> No.18925852

This guy was on french tv for 1 week straight and a public enemy

>> No.18925884

>How does /ck/ feel about competitive eating?
I think its terrible
But I love Badlands Booker

>> No.18925914
File: 442 KB, 1280x1700, ultimate power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want someone to help me with a philisophical question here.

Let's say, i don't eat ANY thing for a few days, and ONLY thing i drink is pure water.
Let's also say i took LOTS of laxatives and junk for those days.
Then let's add to that i smoked a CRUD TON of cannibus(weed), like really REALLY potent strains.

And then let's add to that, that i'm a type ONE diabetic, and take insulin.
And let's say i take a SHIT ton of insulin.
Now if you don't know type one, you can DIE from LOW blood sugar.
And the ONLY way to fix it is with SUGAR/food.

And then i go into the food competition, against random people.
Heck for this senerio let's say some of the BEST competive eaters in the world.

How well could i do? Theoretically......in theory...

>> No.18925968

>likes early UFC
>likes old eating competitions
Based fellow spectacle fan

For anyone who hasnt watched some old UFC (talking original 1-10) you should really do it.
Its like the wild west where there were little to no rules, they were just winging shit with tough guys from all over coming to fight.
Shit is awesome.

MMA sucks to watch now.
This is the last fight I gave a shit about watching


>> No.18925976

Lmao that chick all smiling and costing him thousandths with her stop watch reaction time

>> No.18926361

Was he caught? If that's from the Tour, I could easily imagine an acquaintance ratting him out.

>> No.18926759

Am I blind or are you guys blind? that looks like a middle aged lady to me.

>> No.18926763

You would get distracted by something and forget to show up to the contest late.

>> No.18926768
File: 68 KB, 540x720, 1599156052261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"i reckon 8-13"

>> No.18926775

LA Beast seems like he'd be a cool guy to hang out with

>> No.18926798

And if i didn't get distracted, and made it to the right eating competition?

Which in this senario is the eating competition Championship of the world.
Would I get 1st place, or close?

>> No.18926804
File: 58 KB, 896x615, 1675823518148784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not still.
Weed is a performance enhacning drug in the competitive food eating scene. The pre-conference drug screen will kick you out before you make it to the stage.

Im sorry to burst your bubble, Anon.

>> No.18926805

They were caught and fined 1200 euro
Handles hit the lady's arms and jerked the steering to the right which made him lose balance, he's on a massive marathon bike ride he's probably exhausted and not exactly holding the handles with an iron grip so anything slightly substantial hitting him is enough to do that.

>> No.18926807
File: 550 KB, 2400x1600, How many hotdogs can you eat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18926816

There was more than one? I only see one guy in that video.

>> No.18926820

Yes, "they" can refer to one person.

>> No.18926823

LA Beast is ma nigga for real.
He's a humble no bullshit dude
Have a good day

>> No.18926828

Then why do you go out of your way to spell "lady" in the next line?

>> No.18926833

Does it matter? It's basic english. It's the default way to refer to a single person if the gender is unknown/irrelevant, as it is here.

>> No.18926840

It clearly isn't irrelevant to you, since you went out of your way to correct yourself in the second line.

>> No.18926845

Only takes a couple of autists to ruin a thread

>> No.18926849
File: 2.94 MB, 640x360, Could you Eat this in 90mins for $3,500.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're both pretty, stop arguing about pronouns.

>> No.18926852

Son, what in the everloving fuck are you talking about? I don't understand where this line of questioning is intended to go.
I referred to them as "they" in the first line because it's clear the person being fined is the one holding the sign. It changed to "lady" in the second line as clarity was needed as to which person's arms I was referring to. If I had said "handles hit their arms" it would be less clear as to whether I'm referring to the cyclist's arms or the sign holder's arms. Nothing further to it.

>> No.18926860
File: 63 KB, 600x888, retards being retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18926873
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's clear now that >>18926816 is trying to bring some autistic "hurr durr pronouns" thing into the thread, I guess.
Back on topic, whatever happened to furious pete? >>18923315 reminded me he exists but I feel like he fell off hard after he got cancer and recovered. Sucks because I loved his videos. Maybe they're just stale now.

>> No.18926886
File: 1.54 MB, 400x300, 1674109712784760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tune into Badlands every so often to see if he is still alive. The man is literally killing himself for entertainment and its a shame because he seems like a nice person.

>> No.18926895

Basically what happened is what you said. He got cancer and backed off from eating competition, and without that couldn't really stay relevant in today's Youtube world.

>> No.18926901

considering it was testicular cancer I would think it's more the roids that did him in, but yeah probably still a smart move to back off from competitive eating.

>> No.18926906

Bummer. Falloffs are brutal in the youtube world, he has 5m subs but his videos get less than 100k views these days.
Do roids cause testicular cancer? Not a roid enjoyer myself but I didn't know.

>> No.18926908

k but is there a video of this guy trying to eat that

>> No.18926912

Yep, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCE1W-aGsWU around 17 minutes in.
>13 years ago
holy shit.

>> No.18926913

idk I just kinda assumed they increase the chance, I don't actually know wtf I'm talking about.

>> No.18926914

That's the entire point. THEY is not clear at all.
English is a piss poor language for not having a real word for singular unknown, and the people that insist on keeping the retarded complete opposites double meaning alive can take it back to whatever PC echo chamber they came from. There is no "gotcha :^)" here, since I'm using the correct plural form.

>> No.18926922

>ask this against my better judgement knowing full well there won't be a video
>there actually is a video
holy BASED

>> No.18926928

Buddy, nobody cares, and non-ESLs can infer who it is referring to just fine. Don't knock on the walls of the echo chamber if you don't want to hear people yelling at you from within.

>> No.18926936

Yeah man, I would recommend his old videos, they suffer from the old youtube quality curse but he has videos of him eating tons of absurd shit.

>> No.18926939
File: 2.13 MB, 1920x1080, Vodka Chug.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pure Polish Power.

>> No.18926946
File: 1.06 MB, 1059x663, americans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18926972
File: 419 KB, 500x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18926993

Nice effort but Shoenice was the best youtube alcoholic of all time. OF ALL TIME

>> No.18927014

There are real words for singular unknowns, retard. People just think it makes them sound pretentious or snotty.

>> No.18927015


buy some merch, lets recommend be do soda, energy drink reviews ect instead

>> No.18927130

>nothing even remotely close to a source
(You)r post has been duly noted and ignored.

>> No.18927141

Yes, it's clear you ignore many things in life.

>> No.18927189

If you're going to make bullshit claims for (You)s, then you better be able to back them up. No further (You)s until you do.

>> No.18927289

I feel like the diabetes type 1 + insulin + low blood sugar, would give me more of an advantage then the weed.

Have you ever heard the story of a mom lifting a 1,000 pound? car up in air by herself, to save her child?
You can say its fake, but I believe, that when pushed to the edge, humans can do crazy shit.
Mind over matter.
You think that's wrong?

>> No.18927336

he dead yet?

>> No.18927387

LA Beast ripped off Shoenice

>> No.18927395

I went through a period of hypoglycemia.
Your body doesn’t function, but at the same time your body doesn’t want to eat anything anyways, it’s not like you get this insatiable hunger, you just sort of fall into this anxiety that doesn’t make sense.

>> No.18927700

>only one white competitive eating jewtuber that wears a hat can exist at a time or the one after is a ripoff
it really do be like that huh

>> No.18927722

He literally stole his mannerisms and his famous tagline right from early Shoenice. In fact Shoenice was uploading long before LA Beast eas.
Anyone who was around on youtube back then remembers the whole spat, back when both were relevant.

Nobody cares anymore because Shoey is a retard who fell off so hard.

>> No.18927741

The only difference is that one is a likable dude, the other drank himself into alzheimers.
LA Beast wins.

>> No.18927758

Competitive eating isn't about being hungry. Actually, being hungry can lessen your chances. The longer you go without food, the more your stomach contracts. The muscles tighten up, and you end up with less room for food. It will relax after you've started eating, as your body realizes what's going on, but by then your brain might already be getting signals of satiation and you'll start to feel full. The key to competitive eating is to cram as much in as possible before your brain catches on. For most people, this is about 20 minutes. The pre-competition exercise for most eaters is to drink a bunch of water to stretch out their stomach and make sure everything is relaxed.

>> No.18927771
File: 181 KB, 376x351, 13226862522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always liked ShoeNice better because he was always doing insane Pica stuff that was borderline lethal.
It was far more entertaining than just random eating channels.
Maybe some of it was faked, but he went to long lengths to make it look real.
The alcohol drinking came later.

My favorite video he deleted (because the faggot has deleted most of his originals) was the motor oil one.
He very clearly showed it sealed, and cracked it on camera.
Microwaved it and downed the whole fucking thing.
They just dont exist on the internet anymore

I miss that shit, it was godtier youtube content.
He only became an asshole in the latter years of his drinking, and when he stopped drinking is when it all fell apart.

He was on livestream during Peak Ice Poseiden IRL, but ran away and left 10 minutes after meeting up because Ice stopped in a bar for a beer.

Here is a screenshot I used to use back in like 2010.
Its from Shoenices Spackle Tutorial video.
He sticks drywall in his mouth, spackles his mouth shut then dumps paint all over his head to finish it. Then he chewed and swallowed the spackle and drywall. Truly kino that no LA Beast videos could ever come close to.

>> No.18927847

Shoenice you're a retard, go to bed.

>> No.18927857

High metabolism. Someone who burns a lot of calories can afford to shove a bunch down their gullet.

>> No.18928107

Badlands is kino
It's like his neck was made for chugging

>> No.18928175

I bought a signed Badlands Das Boot

>> No.18928193

this is called refinement culture: cutting all ornaments to get maximum effectiveness, it happened in basketball too with the 3 points rule. there was a good article on substack on the subject but I guess it's private now.

>> No.18928201
File: 807 KB, 1273x689, 1652049002194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18928216

Not that basketball was ever great, but yeah three pointer meta has made it completely uninteresting to watch. They should make dunks worth three as well.

>> No.18928247

it is the same for everything, from competitive eating to MMA, basketball but also architecture and technology. favoring efficiency over technique in the end you get boring buildings, games etc

>> No.18928591
File: 378 KB, 828x466, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18928620

what on earth did she mean by this

>> No.18928991

If that's what you like to watch, there are plenty of varieties of boxing and kickboxing leagues out there. The fact has remained throughout history that once submission holds become part of a combat sport, submission holds usually win. (The exception is when a sport scores other types of non-incapacitating attack separately, like sport judo.)

>> No.18929655

Please post a pic of yourself

>> No.18929878

Average meal for me id say, why would someone record this for such a fairly small portion of food?

>> No.18929986

do amerifarts really???

>> No.18930397
File: 98 KB, 600x500, deebly goncerned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as terrifying as this is to say, I fear they may actually...

>> No.18931064

I'd love to eat that but with the cost of macdonalds now id say that 'meal' cost 3500 dollars

>> No.18931087
File: 87 KB, 1295x859, foodkino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn eat a giant boigah with your bro while qts look at you in awe

>> No.18931146

I'm no expert, but it looks like $41.76.

>> No.18931192
File: 860 KB, 920x455, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won a hundo in a Jalapeno eating contest once.

I was like 24 but my ass has been stomped whenever i entered again guess i got too old.

>> No.18931228

It's generally true if an organ becomes dysfunctional, the risk of cancer increases. Taking steroids suppresses natural T production leading to atrophy.

>> No.18931251

If anyone cared about this man they wouldn't cheer him slowly killing himself for clicks.

I feel like this is the inevitable end for all these people.

>> No.18931265

That seems kinda slow. I thought the trick to speed drinking was to just open your throat and pour the liquid straight into your stomach?

>> No.18931405

Its the world record

>> No.18931542


>> No.18931571

Bull fucking shit, on his own channel the video is labelled world record ATTEMPT.

>> No.18931626

Thats the video he sent in and got the record for
He proudly displays his record he got in other videos.

>> No.18931628

He drank 4 pints, two different classes

>> No.18931630

Sounds like he attempted a record no one else cared about.

>> No.18931694

Welcome to literally every single Guinness Book of World Records records
Most people arent fat enough to drink 2 liters, let alone chug it.

>> No.18931703

Just further proof that Badlands is bigger than us all.

>> No.18931766

>a record no one else cared about.
Guinness has several problems with how it determines what records are worth... recording, though at least it's gotten much better about verification. I only heard recently (I'm sure this is old news to everyone here) that the group they subcontract to for video game records is considered an utter joke by a ton of major competitive (speed etc) gaming communities out there. If the best people in the world aren't even considering competing for the company's records it obviously delegitimizes the company in that sphere.

>> No.18931770

Video game speed records are just a joke in general honestly because video games can break in ways reality can't. I can see Karen at Guinness coming up with naive rules like "you have to beat the game", then when people submit shit like OoT in 5 minutes through arbitrary code execution she just adds more and more layers of bullshit reactionary rules.

>> No.18931775

Which is why they relied on outside experts who already had established rules, standards and categories.

>> No.18931776

>Outside experts
>Video game Discord channels

>> No.18931784

Twin Galaxies has been around since before the internet and was previously well respected, until issues of bias and favoritism surfaced.

>> No.18931987

>until issues of bias and favoritism surfaced.
That's not why TG is not respected or competed at by pro gamers. It's because the rules they use are not the ones that have evolved within each game's community to maximize interests of competitiveness, fun, viewer entertainment (thus monetization), accessibility, etc.
That's why they have different categories. OoT has an anything-goes Any% category that uses ACE, but most people want to watch and play some variety of NMG (no major glitches). Same with ALTTP and many (but not all) other major speed games. Your objection is idiotic.

The basic objection you guys have is completely paralleled in Olympic track & field events, which have existed for millennia. Take the javelin throw, for example. A new technique was developed that blew previous records out of the water, but it didn't look like the traditional, martial javelin throw -- thus it was banned. The javelin equipment itself gets handicapped every decade or so because athletes get better and better, such that the best throwers can never exceed 100 meters in the best condition -- thus they can do the throw within the bounds of a standard track stadium. (So how do you compare a record from 1910 to a record from 2010? You don't; and guess what, you don't compare a 100 meter dash record between those years either, or almost any other event besides possibly shot and disc.) Yet Guinness seems to have no problem with putting, say, an Olympian from the 1970s or something as the person with the record for the furthest javelin throw, even though using the same equipment any modern world-class thrower could easily beat him.

There's a ton of Olympic sports like that, and Guinness utterly blows a load in its pants when records are broken there. Rules change and it never seems to note every single step in its books, and the record holders on each step (though Wikipedia seems to have no trouble with this).

>> No.18931994

The standards TG wants to impose are ridiculous, and if they imposed them on Olympic sports then nobody would watch.
So fuck Guinness and TG for thinking it can have this standard that it's never had before for anything else for an entire class of sports.

>> No.18932290

Its all for fun anon, no need to take this shit too seriously.

>> No.18932462

How does this guy not spontaneously combust of diabetes

>> No.18932467

Diabetes doesnt even kill people unless you straight up ignore it for 20 years.

>> No.18933394
File: 84 KB, 900x479, freak-show-1924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're literally the equivalent of circus freak shows but in the 21th century