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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18920436 No.18920436 [Reply] [Original]

So long story short my neighbors son got into a fist fight with my daughter because she told the school nurse he was selling illicit substances in school he got from his dad.
I'm inviting their family over to my wife's and my house for dinner on Saturday and I don't know what to make. They come from an ethnic cultural background and I don't want to insult them. The guest list will include my wife, daughter, my female neighbor and her 7 sons, 2 daughters.
I just want to make a meal that will make all of us forgive and forget.
Any suggestions?

>> No.18920442

A few buckets of KFC or Popeyes always hits the spot

>> No.18920443

Feed the girl's mother your jizz and the whole ordeal will be behind you.

>> No.18920448

Make food from your culture

>> No.18920453

Ask the mother specifically what the son likes, make it clear you want to make amends for the hardship the sin had to endure, but also want all the othwr kids to have something they'd like to eat at the table as well. Don't imply anything about their background, just ask

>> No.18920455

*boy's mother

>> No.18920461

edibles of illicit substances

>> No.18920477

The mothers prose are very difficult to understand. I often have to use her youngest son to interpret. I can try to get the two together I guess
we do not allow Crack or cocaine into our house.

>> No.18920481

This is the biggest mistake of your life. You shouldn't do anything seeing as their son decided to hit a girl. YOUR girl. He should be apologizing to you. Mowing your lawn, cleaning the house. They should be inviting YOU to dinner, not the other way around. The son is already trash. They probably already hate your daughter. Most you should do is just "apologize" and say shit happens.
If you invite them into your house, expect things to break and "disappear".

>> No.18920492

This is a larp but kys anyway for thinking of this and posting it

>> No.18920497
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Rat poison.

>> No.18920499

This is a cuck thread.
If I had just beaten the shit out of your daughter, I would expect you to provide me with a bucket of KFC, some watermelon slices, and a 40 of Olde English.

>> No.18921026
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Bake some ribs in the oven. Cook some cheeseburgers and hot dogs on the stove. Put some Bush’s baked beans in the microwave. Get some bags of potato chips and give them lots of Pepsi and grape Nehi

>> No.18921065

Olive loaf sandwiches with American cheese, Duke’s mayonnaise, on white bread. Coke, Pepsi, or RC, (not diet).

>> No.18921402


>> No.18921443

>"an ethnic cultural background"
This is a troll thread

>> No.18921453

If any boy got in a fist fight with my daughter over suspected drugs
I wouldn't have them over for dinner to say the least

>> No.18921456

make them a pork spread.

>> No.18921459

he already does. :^)

>> No.18921462

7 sons 2 daughters

>> No.18921470

Heart warming. Your wife will forgive themfor murdering you this evening in a Yahoo News article and cite he strong Christian faith as the reason.

Fondue pots sound like a fun idea

>> No.18921501

Wait one cotton picking minute, fried chicken and watermelon for after

>> No.18921549

Weed it is, then.

>> No.18921593

Whites are such cucks...

>> No.18922013

How about you try not being a cuck and stand up for your daughter by pressing charges against the darkie who hit her.

>> No.18922195
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This board is full of fucking racists but I am the one that always gets banned just because I dislike vegans and am slightly misogynist MGTOW

What a joke

>> No.18922198
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You should be more racist, then.

>> No.18922202

>my neighbors son got into a fist fight with my daughter
>just want to make a meal that will make all of us forgive and forget.
What? How about you serve them your fucking testicles you fucking twat?

>> No.18922487

Your ideas are making you miserable anon

>> No.18922491

hey Dr Faggot this is the cooking board

>> No.18922502

>So long story short

>> No.18922507

>it’s ok for niggers to assault people when they get caught breaking the law
>it’s ok if it’s an underage girl
Holy shit why didn’t we send these retards back to Africa

>> No.18922528

>Your ideas are making you miserable anon
No. The physical and unavoidable presence of certain individuals does.

>> No.18922550

>what sacrificing children does for your skin.jpg

>> No.18922563

It's a cooking board and the jannies are vegan. Read the room, when in Rome, walk like an Egyptian, etc.

>> No.18922577

>It's a cooking board and the jannies are vegan
that is an unacceptable situation

>> No.18922610

>They come from an ethnic cultural background
Everyone comes from SOME ethnic cultural background.
Jesus, OP.

>> No.18922615

>my female neighbor and her 7 sons, 2 daughters.
>Any suggestions?
Single Mom, 9 kids. Sounds like she's down to bang.

>> No.18922621

man that's some weak bait
and yet...

>> No.18922630
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>the jannies are vegan
we need to take back control of this board and kick out the vegans and the racists

>> No.18922644
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>Crack edibles
is that even a thing?

>> No.18922654

>my wife's and my house
what a curious way of stating this

>> No.18922656

He's right though. IME vegans are the most vehemently racist people I've ever met.

>> No.18922659

I suggest you hide your valuables, and change your locks afterwards.

>> No.18922661
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I love olive loaf

>> No.18922676

I like you baloney.

>> No.18922681

Adrenochrome transfer tech has existed since the 70's and Epstein had a facility just for that.

>> No.18922691
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I honestly don't even know if this is bait or not because 99% of /ck/ posters are braindead amerishart redditors.

>> No.18922704

why do americans need to have a feast to solve situations?
in my opinion the right thing to do here is calling the cops on them, if they're really involved with drug traffic
cut relations with them and protect your daughter's life, dont try to make them love you, it makes no sense

>> No.18922716

>as their son decided to hit a girl
And? How is the sex of the child relevant?

>> No.18922736

Hitting women is encouraged in their culture.

>> No.18922762


>> No.18922802

Yeah, fuck OP for wanting to make peace with his neighbors.

>> No.18922906

was she lying about it? if not you're a massive fucking cuck and I feel bad for your the rest of your family
even if she did, she didn't deserve to get beat by some little piece of shit. that he would do that should tell you all you need to know about him and his future.
tell them to fuck off. serve them one finger on each hand

>> No.18922915

>ethnic cultural background
What, like Arab? Just make an American Thanksgiving meal.

>> No.18923699

OP, you are literally and unironically a cuck, that assclown beat your daughter and you want to apologize? fuck you your family doesn't deserve to be plagued by your retardation. if you ever loved your family you would kill yourself.

>> No.18923710

hes not making peace he's bending over and serving them his asshole and his families assholes to fuck at will. they were in the wrong and they are the ones being apologized too? OP is proving his family is a bunch of pushover cucks that can be used as meat toilets.

>> No.18923722
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>irresponsible parents raise a child who beats women
>better reward them with food

>> No.18923740

I was wondering why I never got banned for promoting oatmeal...
(I actually do like oatmeal a lot.)

>> No.18923743

get plenty of kfc and sprinkle cyanide on their bucket

>> No.18923747

Someone report this fucking douchebag

>> No.18923792

>hes not making peace he's bending over and serving them his asshole and his families assholes to fuck at will. they were in the wrong and they are the ones being apologized too? OP is proving his family is a bunch of pushover cucks that can be used as meat toilets.
I don't understand why you hate vegans and Black people so much, Anon.
When was the last time someone gave you a hug? Are you feeling lonely? Perhaps you should head down to Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard and find yourself a Black lover. Male or female, zir or whatever, I don't care. Just do whatever will make you happy.
And bring more than $3 with you.

>> No.18923793

rat posion

>> No.18923800

>he was selling illicit substances in school he got from his dad
Just become a customer, that will smooth things over easy without having to prostitute your daughter out.

>> No.18923816

>Just become a customer, that will smooth things over easy without having to prostitute your daughter out.
Uh, no.
When I was a staff sergeant in the Army, I remember having to deal with a situation with one of my subordinates where her dad roofied her (at the age of 27) while she was on leave, so he AND his dealer could rape her while unconscious, and so he could get a few crack rocks.
I know this is a non-essential bit of information, but she was Black, and a queen.

>> No.18923843


>> No.18923846

>Inviting drug addicted niggers to eat in your home after your daughter got assaulted (thankfully not sexually) by their son
Grow some balls and shoot the three of them. Faggot.

>> No.18923886

OP, if they would do this to their own children, they will do it to yours.
Around Blacks, never relax.

>> No.18923906

You're a fucking cuck. Your daughter gets beat up by a boy and you invite him and his family to dinner? Your daughter will never see you as a man again, much less her father.

>> No.18923929

I don't see why you think there is something wrong with a drug dealer beating up OP's daughter. Maybe he WANTS his daughter to take the British Broadcasting Channel (BBC) in the pooper.

>> No.18923938
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>They come from an ethnic cultural background
So... Pic related?

>> No.18924000
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>> No.18924014

>inviting druggies over to your house after they assault your family
anon this is why your wife has a boyfriend

>> No.18924018
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>> No.18924529

>son decided to hit a girl
Irrelevant as fuck
OP's daughter was a filthy snitching bitch
To top it off, being a dumb whore who couldn't stay discreet.
Live and learn. Let the kids solve the matter themselves (they already did with an honourable fisticuff)

>> No.18924540

>The guest list will include my wife, daughter, my female neighbor and her 7 sons, 2 daughters.
ok I didn't fully read the OP
this has got to be a bait

>> No.18924574
File: 40 KB, 561x547, E9B32E86-37F2-4648-B946-6D5C59A2BCEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me you’re pathetic.

>> No.18924579

>The guest list will include my wife, daughter, my female neighbor and her 7 sons, 2 daughters.
Ask your neighbor how many daughters she had to abort to get that many sons. It's a hilarious in-joke in many cultures that she'll appreciate.

>> No.18924598

If some kid punched my daughter I'd fucking kill him

>> No.18924718

This. The penalty for marking the flesh of Joffrey Baratheon, Prince of the Seven Kingdoms, by a filthy commoner, regardless of whether he is a child, a simpleton, or snail, is summary execution.

>> No.18925534

you teach your daughter how to punch back
what the fuck is up with parents that feel the need to intervene everything

>> No.18925590

the nigger son was selling drugs to kids lmao. don't try to act like the daughter is immoral kek.

>> No.18925627

>long story short I'm going to be killed by my neighbors

>> No.18925992

faggot OP didn't say everything
that illicit substance could just be alcohol because "school", and we know the daughter could be a bitch seeing how her mother's husband is a complete submissive beta cuck
whatever the truth is I will always make fun and berate OPs that make up shit for replies

>> No.18926028

Lmao, I posted something like "all dairy based foods" and a darkie mod deleted it

Amazing. Enjoy your lactaid, niggerfaggot.