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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 186 KB, 624x832, 20230207_195521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18912380 No.18912380 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a spicy fella lets do spicy things in this thread.

Pictured is: Roasted chicken pan liquid, smoky pork and chicken stock, leftover canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, sweet peppers, garlic, leftover shallot, onion, and serrano pepper, and some pulled roasted chicken leg meat seasoned with black pepper. Let's make some spicy pepper soup!

>> No.18912469
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I got a feelin' this soup is not gonna be for the faint of butthole.

>> No.18912479

Why? Are we crammin' this bad boy?

>> No.18912526

I would but I lost my butthole in Afghanistan to an IED

>> No.18912532
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Alright, pan on high heat, bit of oil, onion/garlic/shallot/serrano in...

>> No.18912538
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Chipotles in...

>> No.18912544
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Sweet peppers and chicken in...

>> No.18912547
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Roasting pan liquid and smoky pork/chicken stock in...

>> No.18912562
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Sheesh this flash... I do live in a cave if ya'll had not noticed.

~3 cups water and 1 TBSP cornstarch goes in. Now we bring up to simmer.

>> No.18912625
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A pretty quick soup, already done. I wasn't wrong this is one angry MF soup. Immediately spicy, but tasty. Freezing for later, when I do have it I will probably get some fresh cabbage and limes to go with it.

>> No.18912775
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Alright, on to part 2...

Here I go infusing coconut oil again. Determined to spice it up a notch.

>> No.18912777
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Last minute decided to include some sun-dried tomatoes.

>> No.18912782
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Since this isn't the first time I've posted this, skipping to 90 minutes in... oil is done.

>> No.18912795
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Strained. It's a bit darker and redder actually... my camera + flash isn't doing it justice.

>> No.18912810

And of course, I popped some corns in it.

I wish ya'll could try this. It looks like regular unassuming popcorn, but it is legit spicy. I've eaten a bit less than half of it, and my scalp is sweating. I didn't even use much for chilis... you could do this to make some practical joke popcorn.

It's pretty tasty, as well. Anyone who likes "flaming hot" stuff would probably love this. I'd say it's about twice as hot.

>> No.18912814
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Shieettttt forgot photo...

>> No.18913016

So I've determined that chilis works really well, and so does dried peppermint. What to try next?

>> No.18913019

i am from kerala. we use coconut oil in everything here.

>> No.18913028

I love coconut oil :D

The only downside is that it makes a big mess... it's sort of like cooking with candle wax lol.

>> No.18913033

have you ever made beef curry fry — beef chukka — with coconut oil

>> No.18913039

vary nice

>> No.18913040

I am not familiar, but it looks like heavily spiced beef fried in coconut oil (from google).

What I think would be interesting is to infuse the coconut oil with whole unground spices first.

What whole spices do you think would be good to attempt a coconut oil infusion? I was already thinking star anise, cumin seeds, ginger, fennel, clove, etc...

>> No.18913047

yes and shallots and tamarind extract and curry leaves and this will be good for to fry meats in like pork or duck or pheasant or cow. veryyyy good to use specifically fresh curry leaves. mustard seeds necesaary too.

experimenet as you please, my amma and appa made with different ratios and omiissions of coconut oil infusion and keeept it in home to make with meals

>> No.18913066

Very interesting! I'm not very familiar with curry leaves... it's not very common here. Slightly familiar with tamarind, from working with central american folks.

I think there are a lot of interesting applications. Since coconut oil is solid at a low temperature, it can be used as a substitute for butter or lard in a lot of solid fat applications in western cooking.

>> No.18913081

Ye mum's a spicy fella I like to spicy things with.

I can provide explicit and highly detailed greentexts if anyone, and I mean ANYONE is interested.

>> No.18913085

This guy wants to get his nose bitten off...

>> No.18913090

Funny you mention biting noses off...

>> No.18913100

What are you going to say something about my mother being a nose biting whore?

Because that's what I was going to say as well. Fuck around my my whore mother at your own peril.

>> No.18913115

Well since you asked, on the 83rd hour of an 85 hour long, meth fuelled, cram and slam bender she demanded I bite her nose off! It was strange, but I obliged. It was the only possible way to shut her up, so I could get back to salmming and cramming bowling balls up her bumbum. On the 84th hour I was able to cram a total of three 16lb bowling balls up her ass, and 26 gold balls in her coochy. Should I post the pictures? I can if you want. It was truly a weekend to remember.

>> No.18913122

By all means, yes, post the photos.

>> No.18913126

Look. You are clearly drunk. I don't know what you problem is, but you sound like a fucking retard. Can you stop? Nobody wants to read your retarded shit. It's not funny or edgy. It's not even offensive. It's really just very cringey. You sound like someone who is going to be puking violently within the next 20 minutes.

If you have some sort of problem with me, let's have at it. Otherwise, I suggest, if it's not too late, that you cool off, or, alternatively, make your way to the toilet to prepare for the inevitable.

>> No.18913136
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Bud, I'm not drunk. You are! Just like last time! Do you even remember that?
I just wanted to troll you some for your wonderful performance a few days ago. Thanks for the encore. It was fun. Thank you. I'm done now. Have a goodnight Mr.piecrust.

>> No.18913141

You mean the other time you came in my thread and shitted it up with your drunken retarded nonsense?

Keep making pubic hair pastry, you bitchass fucker!

>> No.18913145

Also, if you have the balls, (I have determined that you do not in fact have any balls, and are a woman) my challenge still stands.

>> No.18913153

Ohhhhhh so you really are an alcoholic, boneheaded, little, victim baby, narcissistic, internet tough guy, are yah? Absolutely hilarious and truly sad. I thought you were just super drunk...

In that case, I shall resume in the morning! Thanks for giving me reason to continue, bud. Farewell for now.

>> No.18913172

lol must be that time of the month for this broad amirite?

>> No.18913220

thanks for the idea anon!

>> No.18913284

No problem, man, I do highly suggest trying it out if you're into spicy stuff. Especially if you're into spicy stuff and snacks with really clean ingredients labels. The ingredient label for the really spicy tasty popcorn I posted earlier would be:
>Corn, Coconut Oil, Serrano Chilis, Garlic, Shallots, Thai Chilis, Salt.

It tastes better than that processed shit does.

>> No.18913287

oh lol I forgot sun dried tomatoes!

>> No.18913292
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Fuckin OP can't handle a little shitposting. You've got thin skin, like your whack ass chicken drumsticks lmao

>> No.18913299

I don't know what you mean I can't handle it all I do is clap back and embarrass everyone who tries.

What about you, you're going to post photos or something? Or what, you're the same upset karen who has some sort of problem with me?

You think I don't know how to handle a troll? The jokes on you I'm so bored that I wish fuckers like you, or anybody would respond to my threads. You're generally too fat and lazy to keep up. Sad for me, I guess.

>> No.18913301

>posting pig cops
what did they mean by this?

>> No.18913303
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Tl;dr lol

>> No.18913306

what does an IED do with an extra butthole?

>> No.18913318
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Make booty blasting beats.

>> No.18913324

I like kikis :D

>> No.18913326
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>> No.18913391

look at mr. fancy pants using plastic recipients and not reusing the yogurt ones

>> No.18913395

I don't eat yogurt dairy is for cunts

if I were to eat dairy it would be a special occasion pepperon pizza

my mouth is waterin

>> No.18913399

my ass is watering as well... fully dilated, am I gay?

>> No.18913401

I dunno man. Did you get horny reading my thread? You might be?

Do you want to post bodys again?

>> No.18913622

OP here. There is just something special about spicy stuff in the kitchen. My entire house smells both amazing and also alive. The smell of aliveness.

I don't give a fuck if that sounds stupid. Yeah, I had a few drinks. It's still true. I'm sittin' here in an aromatic dreamland.

I hope I gave ya'll something to think about.

>> No.18913626

Shut up faggot.

>> No.18913635


Captch: ddrdd

>> No.18913637

Unsubscribing to this thread and all your future threads.

>> No.18913657

yeah well nobody was subscribed to begin with and nobody ever comments on my threads anyway so like...

this comment describing that you are unsubscribing is like 10% of the entire comments I have ever received over the last few dozen threads.

So fuck you I got you to say something eat shit, plus I win?

>> No.18913661

Probably because you're posting when all the American's are asleep and you have a retarded pan. You're a bit of a spastic too.

>> No.18913668

You can talk shit about me or my pan that's fine. Nobody ever seems to find the balls to talk shit about the food though.

So whatever. I admit I'm retarded. I admit my pan is a mongoloidial pan. We do alright and keep on keepin' on.

I'm open to challenges. Nobody has the balls. Whatever.

>> No.18913672

I talk shit about your food every time you start a thread with those retarded ass drumsticks with the skin and cartilage removed. They look fucked lmao.

>> No.18913674

yeah but you just come off as retarded bro...

you have some sort of chicken skin fetish.

>> No.18913676

Nah man, they just look completely fucked. The skin and cartilage is the best part.

>> No.18913680

Look man. I have been wearing kid gloves for a while with you and the chicken legs.

I've explained why I do what I do. It's a superior, more skilled way of chicken legging. You're caught up in this extra retarded space you're in. I bet you've never even tried it my way?

It's OK. I didn't start making threads on here for your benefit. The reason I'm always posting and explaining my methods is because they are dope, and I keep it real. I've cooked thousands of chicken legs because of the cost. I've posted hundreds of it on here on /ck/. Judge me however you like, but I have stronger credentials than you. You're just some shit, talking shit, a chicken skin fetishist?

Fuck, bro, I even post chicken skin recipes and you're still upset. You know, other people see that and realize it...

>> No.18913697

Tl;dr bro

>> No.18913704

OK well fuck off then? Get outta my thread you cunt? You're retarded and your response confirms it? Your banter level is 0/10? You've got nothing but feel compelled to spew shit out?

How worthless are you that you post about my posts being too long to read when they are, from an academic viewpoint, really tiny, and also this is my thread?

Go get fucked you really dumb stupid faggoty cunt?

>> No.18913708

Maybe this is why no one posts in your threads. Your head is buried up your ass. You take this board too seriously bro.

>> No.18913717

No, my response was entirely appropriate.

Also you're a piece of shit and a retard. This is also entirely appropriate. Everyone who isn't a piece of shit retard (that's you) will absolutely agree with me upon reading this interaction.

Everyone except for you and the other shitty jerkoffs who think they're clever just look like fucking morons to every 3rd party.

And, I cannot reiterate enough, how much I enjoy having anyone respond to my threads because usually nobody does. I'll spend all night talking shit about you retarded fucks. I much prefer it to silent progression unto page 10 and beyond.

>> No.18913723

In addition to schooling you on the workings of this forum...

Feel free to post photos of your shit at any point. Link to your threads. Show me what you can do.

Coward? Yeah.. I know... That shit comes with inexperience. Fear of failure.

>> No.18913724
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Go throw your retarded pot against the wall again you angry drunk.

>> No.18913729

Post photos of any food that you prepared that isn't laughable...

Or have you lost the plot, son?

>> No.18913740

I don't take photos of my food unless I make a thread. You need to lighten up there, little man.

>> No.18913749

Woah, chill out brother... you seem upset...

All I'm saying is maybe you should post a single cookalong thread...
>lighten up there, little man.
I'm being serious here, you can fuck off. I have neither a light attitude nor am I by any measure a little man.

If you'd like to get real I would be willing to show you more, but I'm more than sure that you're a coward and would rather hide indefinitely and be a bitch.

I mean, you won't accept challenges. You won't show body. What kind of fucking pussy are you? I'm being serious?

>> No.18913754
File: 1.98 MB, 381x434, ooo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're one angry, insecure, little man.

>> No.18913760

Angry? Sure. Insecure? Bring it on motherfucker!

I have posted body in this forum on more than one occasion. You just post... this fucking shitty actor. I literally have nothing to lose. Let's go pussy?

>> No.18913764

Post body in my thread bitch. Show me what you look like with your shirt off.

Otherwise shut your garbage retard mouth. You have not proven to any degree either physical or mental prowess.

I'm waiting.

>> No.18913774
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That's because you have small man syndrome. Literally everything you do is a flex. That's why no one posts in your threads. You're an arrogant dick head. You've made fuckin lel pretty hard though, good job.

>> No.18913783

>bitching out and being pussy
fine. disappointing. I think I understand a little bit... being a fat retarded woman, it would be so embarassing for you to accept any of my challenges...

Both culinarily or just posting a photo of your body. Fat, ugly, stupid. I get it.

Maybe make your own fat stupid ugly thread and shit that thread up, and leave me alone if you're not willing to come to terms with reality?

>> No.18913784
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>legitimately pissfighting on a pakistani origami board
go have some tea, chill out, and get your blood pressure down for christs sake

>> No.18913789

Post body or stfu retard.

Post anything or stfu, you retarded anime posting worthless cunt.

Who the fuck do you even think you are judging anything here? Link to what you've done. Post your shit. Otherwise fuck off. You're a worthless apologist, and a dumb cunt as well.

>> No.18913796

You really do need to calm down bruh. This is the shitposting board after all.

>> No.18913800

kinda weird how you wanna see mens bodies so bad, anon...

>> No.18913805
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>> No.18913807

I don't think you realize exactly what is going on here...

This is my thread. I will (and have) stayed up all night responding to every little fucking response.

Why do you think that is? Because I'm some cringe narcissist?

Why do you think I post threads on here every day? You know what my average interaction is per thread? Less than 10 anons.

You think I'm going to back down or leave anything alone when people are replying to me?


>> No.18913810

oh wait hes actually autistic
ill head out, have fun fellas

>> No.18913815
File: 2.74 MB, 400x253, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw OP is absolutely seething

>> No.18913816

If I was gay did you have some sort of problem with that?

Posting photos of lions betrays your fat fucking worthless physique...

I would post mine a goddamn second but you have to make gay jokes thats how I know you're insecure.

Also homophobic.

>> No.18913821

Fine piss off, that means you lose, coward...

Didn't even show body and ran away like a bitch...

>> No.18913824


LOL ok... I honestly could not be more happy right now.

This is the best interaction I've ever had on here.

>> No.18913827

anon im gay irl its just weird to solicit anonymous mens pics on a chinese cooking board to prove your threads arent shit

>> No.18913828

Fuck off or post body you wanker this is my thread, fuck off.

>> No.18913829
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>This is the best interaction I've ever had on here.

>> No.18913831

Are you surprised? It's because this board is cancer.

Yet I still don't give up hope. I've been here longer than any of you newbs.

>> No.18913836

Just wondering if all you wannabe cowardly faggots actually want me to leave?

The answer is no. You are all retards and I will continue posting threads every day.

Here I remain, unchallenged, yet mocked. You are all so ridiculous. Does not one of you have a pair of nuts?

>> No.18913837

Yes, we want you to leave.

>> No.18913838

it would be preferable, yes

>> No.18913839

Challenge me then. Defeat me and I shall never return.

C'mon pussy. Do it.

>> No.18913843

C'mon lil' pussy boy, show me what you've got. Post any OC. Post body. Challenge me to anything. Grow a pair of nuts and become a man or shut your stupid bitch mouth.

>> No.18913856

is it that you really dont understand how pathetic you sound talking about "challenges" and "defeats" to anonymous people in a soup thread on 4chan, or
because it really is something to witness

>> No.18913857

LOL typical european cowards, amirite senpai?

USA is #1. These guys just don't get it. They must be french or something... total fucking cowards.

I have threads planned for tomorrow. See you then!

>> No.18913861

Cope. You had your chance bitch. Nobody wants to you hear your stupid shit anymore. Suck it up, buttercup.

>> No.18913900

>This is the shitposting board after all.
Is it? Is that why you come here?

>> No.18913914

I think a reddit or twitter account would suit you more good sir

>> No.18913935

Unoriginal banter, pussy.

I'm so disappointed in 4chan/ck/. Not a single pair of nuts exists on this board.

>> No.18914051

Yes. I literally come here to shitpost.

>> No.18914068

You're a weak, pathetic, fool. And a twat.
>I literally come here to shitpost.
I know you think of yourself even less...

I can't imagine the smell. The mental state. You are probably the human embodiment of a prolapsed anus. And you know it, and admit to it, as well.

Good lord please help this woman find her way...

>> No.18914195
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Wake up.
Cuddle with dog for a little.
Check the mongolian basket weavers association for any posts on the treads I'm watching.
63 new replies.
Feed dog.
Make coffee
Watch the sunrise on my multimillion dollar property, while reading the new replies, laughing out loud and drinking my coffee.
A bit foggy, but still quite lovely.
Begin formulating ye mum jokes as the caffeine starts working.

Thanks for being one of the saddest, and funniest people on here in a long time.

Here's the view from my kitchen this morning btw. We just spent 65k on a remodel. Came out great.