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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.51 MB, 1125x1308, C76D1C8F-B87E-4828-9759-A65B88778C8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18904081 No.18904081 [Reply] [Original]

>mr beast food on clearance
It's over...

>> No.18904310

I have no idea who Mr beast in and I'm glad because anyone who puts his name on cookies I wouldn't care to have as part of my brain

>> No.18904407

Kek that poor pez dispenser.

>> No.18904522

i think zoomers usually will have 1 main celeb slop they must consume at a time. right now all they care about is the prime drink

>> No.18904602

0/10 for the packaging. No wonder its flopping.

>> No.18904607
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>> No.18904620
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, 8u787u87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He forgot to put this face on the packaging to ensure buys

>> No.18904621

Walmart drone here.

its only the cookies. The chocolate bars sell like hotcakes. 2.50 a bar and kids, teens and tired parents buy them by the 10-pack boxful. Cant even keep it on topstock because theyll reach up and take all those too

Apparently the cookies were just dogshit

>> No.18904632

the what now?

>> No.18904669

I found a pace that no one shops at that always has them stocked to the point theyre in boxes piled on the floor around the drink section. Shame I dont care for them or plan to scalp

>> No.18905553

>Fad food that tastes like shit doesn't catch on?
Well imagine my shock!

>> No.18905881

>plant based
There's your problem.

>> No.18905892

>ready to eat s'mores

>> No.18905964

>Mr. Beast coffee
Who thought this was a good idea? That's like selling Teletubby beer

>> No.18905972

I don't see any mr beast branded coffee. What are you smoking?

>> No.18905978

>I'm gonna pretend I live under a rock and unaware of the current trends as some badge of honor to stick it to the zoomers
weird flex but okay

>> No.18905982

>plant based
Aren't cookies normally made of plant ingredients?
>37 whole cents off

>> No.18905989
File: 743 KB, 964x768, 1653072928441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mr breast cookies
>Zero breast milk

>> No.18905991

They probably mean no butter.

>> No.18905999

>The Original Donut Shop COFFEE

>> No.18906001
File: 82 KB, 500x505, beastslot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18906007

>Original donut shop cookie dough
Is it a cookie dough flavored donut?
Is it a donut made from cookie dough?
Is it just cookie dough?
We just don't know

>> No.18906019

Donut Shop is one of the original Green Mountain labels that have been around since they came out with the Keurig. It's in no way affiliated with Mr. Beast.

>> No.18906041

It's coffee

>> No.18906054
File: 83 KB, 1334x750, DcWCT5qWAAEvt-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are kidding right?

>> No.18906057
File: 26 KB, 640x480, bruuuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>processed trash
no loss from the looks of it

>> No.18906137


>> No.18906151 [DELETED] 

why would he, I don't know it either, well it will be obviously some e-celeb but who over 18 even watches them

>> No.18906157

It's not like when Paris Hilton was a thing and plastered everywhere whether you wanted to see her or not. These niche celebs are only overexposed to specific demographics.

>> No.18906259

>I am past le magic age so my only interests are trve advlt things like 4channel dot org and sports VGH

>> No.18906374 [DELETED] 

so you think that literally everyone consumes all the e-celeb stuff or what? you know it's possible to live without knowing what kardashians did last night?

>> No.18906386
File: 1.08 MB, 800x773, 1635321680582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plant based
>gluten free

>> No.18906388


>> No.18906399 [DELETED] 

and I don't know what vgh is either

>> No.18906445
File: 142 KB, 1003x1150, A99416A6-E548-4F26-A0F2-7C243E408A92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18906455

mate this is hardly comparable. It's one thing to know how large the shit of one of the kardashians was last night, it's a whole different aspect to just know who they are in general. Being completely clueless about the largest current trends and e-celebs like some out-of-touch boomer who's progeny hates him is not a badge of honor

>> No.18906492

>I'm gonna pretend
nobody is pretending

>> No.18906500 [DELETED] 

idk how old are you but from certain age it's completely normal, the target demographic of all these content creators are teenagers so it's not even weird, for example all my colleagues are in 30s-40s and I wouldn't expect any of them to know any tik toker by name, I don't know any either, I have never had the app installed, it's not like you have to try hard to avoid it

>> No.18906507

He's a youtuber

>> No.18906516 [DELETED] 

it's similar with youtube though, if you don't follow any such channels youtube won't recommend them to you, none of them will just appear in your feed

>> No.18906530

It's pretty fucking obvious you're only doing this for (You)s.
The difference between actual celebs and the less-than-z listers common known as "e-celebs" is that you have to actively look for the latter.

>> No.18906532

People keep up with things regardless of their age because the world isn't some cut and paste excel spreadsheet. All I personally know about this MISTAH BEEST is he's some soyfacing faggot who has a suspicious amount of money. That doesn't mean nobody over the amerifart age of adulthood knows about the guy just because you take pride in not knowing things.

>> No.18906567 [DELETED] 

google says he is the one with most subscribers right before the pewdiepie, yet I know about pewdiepie but not about mr beast
it's just random piece of info, I probably just never got him in recommendations on youtube but I got pewdiepie instead, or I didn't notice it there or what, what's hard to understand? it's not like people around me talk about any of them, nor any websites I go to mention them, it really isn't an elementary knowledge or something you bump into every day

>> No.18906571


>> No.18906580 [DELETED] 

but where is the line then? give me the list of youtubers a civilized person should know according to you, it's all ridiculous

>> No.18906682

if you're over 45, I can cut you some slack, but you don't really have any excuse 25-34 when you more or less should be concerned about being aware of your peers. I'll give you a pass on TikTok since no one over the age of 21 should have it installed but we aren't necessarily talking about TikTok, are we?
this isn't really a science so there's no cut and dry list, but it stands to reason you should be aware of the common YouTube channels if you are using that platform in any specific capacity (you are). You're aware of Pewdiepie, so it stands to reason you'd be aware of his entourage. Saying you aren't or actively refuse to be aware shows you're either an out-of-touch boomer or an active spastic; neither of with are aspirational

>> No.18906779

I don't know who this fag is either. This entire thread is full of some little consumer faggot complaining that we don't know or care who some social media fag who apparently has/had a crappy food product licensing deal is. The world is falling apart. Nobody cares about this shit. Read a book or something. You're going to die soon.

>> No.18906843
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>> No.18906850
File: 56 KB, 1024x960, 4F04815B-7DA7-441D-81CB-0BB4C01B1A89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're going to die soon
not before I kill you anon. there is no way I will allow a MrBeastlet to outlive me. sorry, but your time is soon. make peace with your loved ones and your god

>> No.18906866

Not that guy but I only have the most marginal idea who tf this person is because he's been plastered all over my news feed lately. I don't know anything about him or why I should care to. All I know is that some people have gotten their titties in a twist cuz he paid for a bunch of people's eye surgeries. That's literally all I know.
Not a flex from me, either. Just a statement of fact. Not everyone is as interested in celebrity, e- or otherwise, as others are.

>> No.18906890

Not him, but short of Kim, I honestly wouldn't be able to point out literally any of them in a crowd. Not. A. One.
I have no idea what they look like and I only know what Kim looks like for... reasons.

>> No.18906902
File: 143 KB, 900x1240, 6643BA58-98ED-48EF-A03D-6C638B281D27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not everyone is as interested in celebrity, e- or otherwise, as others are
that's fine, I hardly know anything about him myself outside of the fact that he's a YouTuber with an underage demographic with an eyebrow-raisingly questionable amount of wealth.
that being said, you clearly HAVE heard of him if at the very least you know he's a YouTuber that's had a recent controversy
I rest my case

>> No.18906912

idk who that is nor what s/he does.
I'm not even sure how to pronounce the name. Does it rhyme with cutie pie? Is it "pew-die-pie," like three separate words? I haven't a clue.
All I use YT for is... well, nothing really other than scraping music from it and old QI episodes. That's it.

>> No.18906918
File: 189 KB, 1400x1050, peeps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bread needs peeps

>> No.18906919
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, 38012AAA-83B6-4898-9D82-6FCC649ED830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you have heard of them?
that will be the extent of my questioning your honor

>> No.18906926
File: 1.34 MB, 1170x1343, 736839A0-A916-4D67-A529-D4D1743E5483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18906928

Good for him what is your point? I dont consume trash zoomer content

>> No.18906931

I didn't know he was a YouTuber, no, and only heard of him sometime within the last ten days or so. Maybe fewer.
I haven't a clue what he looks like nor what sort of content he makes. No idea at all.
Poor use of Nick there, tho.

>> No.18906938

He's a literal nobody to anybody that doesn't follow pozzed channels on Youtube.

>> No.18906939

Yet like the hypocrite that you are, you know how to identify "zoomers" fucking pathetic weirdo.

>> No.18906941

As of ten minutes ago, yes. I didn't even know they're multiple people. Just kind of assumed it was a guy but used s/he due to my lack of certainty. Unless you used "them" in the ridiculous "gender-neutral singular," in which case then I still don't know who tf pewdiepie is. Another poor use of Mr. Wright.

>> No.18906943

What the fuck is that supposed to mean you soccer mom weirdo?

>> No.18906947

Looks like I am legit retarded cuz I thought >>18906919 was about pewdiepie, not the Kardashians IE my reply >>18906941 was retarded.
Is legitimate retardation okay?

>> No.18906951

what is this, space alien shit from flying saucers?
Who knows or cares about that shit?

>> No.18906957

Yes, I know how to identify zoomers because they use phrases like "weird flex but okay"

>> No.18906962

Isn't it the brunette thing that botoxed up the wazoo?

>> No.18906972 [DELETED] 
File: 200 KB, 421x519, 1605595510467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18906976
File: 40 KB, 340x270, jenny_flex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget Jenny Flex from James Bond

>> No.18906982

Jenny is going to teach that monkey to behave

>> No.18906984
File: 44 KB, 280x240, 7D9AA845-2362-4FAC-A3CB-8D9655B78755.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your honor, clearly the prosecution is full of clowns and should be held in contempt of court
motion to dismiss this case on multiple accounts of terminal retardation

>> No.18906992

Isn't Mr beast that YouTube tard that does stupid shit? Why the fuck does he have his own line of cookies and candy?

Or should I say HAD his own line. The clearance aisles at Wally world are always full of that shit.

>> No.18907009
File: 84 KB, 670x500, garlic_beast_bk_japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got your beast right here

>> No.18907019
File: 71 KB, 600x490, El_Pato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one cool thing about wally world is that if lucky I can get El Pato sauces, they're great for chili I learned that from a master who won competetitions. Stick with the green and yellow.

>> No.18907022

He does retarded shit, but that dude hustles 100x more than you ever will. Yeah, he has a bunch of shitty products, but how many products have you launched?

>> No.18907030

none, but I've been paid a lot for what I write

>> No.18907034

100x bullshit from a faggot is still a zero faggot

>> No.18907039

I like El Pato too. The mexicans I used to work with called it duck sauce lol.

You can use it for a lot of stuff. Good for rice, as a wet seasoning for tacos, chile quiles...

>> No.18907046 [DELETED] 


>> No.18907055

hahaha the duck

>> No.18907058 [DELETED] 


>> No.18907060

He's advertised the chocolate bar quite a bit, never heard he had cookies though.

>> No.18907063
File: 117 KB, 500x375, Beijing_Duckfu-Year_of_The_Goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18907067

I patronize the girl scouts for cookies and try to look up their short skirts

>> No.18907083 [DELETED] 


>> No.18907084

looks pretty tasty ngl

>> No.18907089

who are you quoting?

>> No.18907096

forgot >>18907083

>> No.18907102 [DELETED] 


>> No.18907110
File: 216 KB, 640x606, 6DF4FCA0-2A68-4F2C-B039-E818E3D64BC1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your honor does the prosecution sound like someone of sound mind and judgement?
motion once again presented to dismiss this case on multiple accounts of terminal retardation

>> No.18907131

God America's so lucky. These bags are like $7 in Canada

>> No.18907143

>not following zoomer youtube channels means you're living under a rock
you live in a bubble

>> No.18907171

A clickbait title and retard making weird faces in the thumbnail is the surefire way to get me to keep scrolling. Do zoomers really fall for that shit?

>> No.18907180

Literally the biggest yter in the world, stop acting like you've never heard of him

>> No.18907183

what is this faggots problem?

>> No.18907192

Spot on

>> No.18907193
File: 11 KB, 336x326, 287873B9-E563-4FCF-BFE2-4C4003511401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>not following zoomer youtube channels means you're living under a rock

>> No.18907198

I don't know who you were replying to, but I know who he is. I've even watched some of his shit just to see what the hype is. The good news is that after five years, the doctors tell me I'm officially in remission.

>> No.18907208

Not him, but why do you think everyone lives on Youtube?

>> No.18907226
File: 67 KB, 336x400, zoom pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18907237

I don't even use yt and I know of him

>> No.18907248

Bussin fr fr

>> No.18907275

on god fr

>> No.18907287
File: 77 KB, 1024x757, 1636069185720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18907293

Who the fuck is gonna buy shit with packaging that looks like that?
Those trans cookies look the worst out of all of them

>> No.18907306

Good for you. I don't. Maybe it's because I only access YT via the browser, only log in if necessary (eg age restricted stuff) and use it quite intermittently.

>> No.18907307
File: 2.70 MB, 4032x3024, 8D051FB8-A6BB-4C63-824C-3BDE0839307C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried Mr Beast burger because they were 40% off on my Uber eats and I damn near threw up. this guy is deliberating attempting to poison everyone who eats his food. DO NOT DO IT

>> No.18907320

They're just one of those ghost kitchens. The Denny's in town is host to like 10 of those things.

>> No.18907323

I dunno but the price is pretty cheap, I'm halfway tempted to stop by my local Walmart to see if they have any to see what the hype is, maybe pick up a chocolate car too if I can find it

>> No.18907330

are those supposed to be chili fries or somethin?

>> No.18907354

Whoops, I meant back when they were full price.
Of course, if they're actually decent-tasting, it'd be fine to pick them up now on clearance.

>> No.18907367

I remember these for my science classes. We experimented with putting them in microwaves, crushing them, lighting them on fire, and freezing them to then rip their limbs off. Good times.

>> No.18907376

limbs? you mean the head and tail?

>> No.18907385

no worries, I feel you. granted valid point on the packaging (it's pretty gaudy), for a $1 I guess it's worth a try. At best you get some solid cookies out of it and at worst you're only out a dollar

>> No.18907396

Can we get a semantics check on Mr. Beast please. That would provide explanations for a lot

>> No.18907414

Yeah, and the torso can be broken into parts as well when thrown on the ground

>> No.18907630
File: 69 KB, 1200x1200, famous-amos-gettyimages-140803615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Famous Amos?

>> No.18908004

It means gay with aids. As a faggot you should know that

>> No.18908006

I am the real Mr breast

>> No.18908018

Where else do you access it? Some dark web thing?

>> No.18908039


>> No.18908056

I bet it would be interesting to see what different types of people buy.

I saw a black old man complaining over 10 cents. The only thing he was buying was 1 loaf of Old Mill bread. The total was $1 something. Ridiculous

>> No.18908063

I can only go there with a browser

>> No.18908067

this flaunting billionare deserves it

>> No.18908073

Yes. Which is exactly what >>18907306 said he does, too.

>> No.18908076


>> No.18908130

Damn the algos are really getting good

>> No.18908419

I had no idea Mr. Beast had cookies but I'm still surprised that so many people don't know who he is. The guy was on Joe Rogan. He's one of the top YouTubers in the world and I'd guarantee that everyone in this thread has seen or heard of one of his videos. He's the guy who does shit like "I filled a football stadium with gummy bears to see what would happen" and "giving away a free Lambo to everyone who goes to McDonald's today" etc. Basically that entire genre of wasting millions of dollars on outlandish ventures is all his videos, or people directly copying him on a smaller scale.

>> No.18908443

You don't own a smartphone? Like 80% of visits to YouTube is via the app now, not a browser

>> No.18908517

why the fuck is this dude getting shilled so hard on 4chan for the past week

>> No.18908591

Who's Mr Beat and why do I not give a shit about his cookies? Give me those chocolate covered s'mores on the bottom instead.

>> No.18909037
File: 1010 KB, 1200x628, mrbeast-makes-willy-wonka-charlie-chocolate-factory-video.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MrBeasts recreates Willy Wonka's chocolate factory down to every detail
>The pipe that descends into the river, the three-course meal chewing gum, trained squirrels, and the TV room are all real under the MrBeast brand
>Contestants are picked off during each challenge
>The candy boat race challenge ends in a huge chunk of the guests getting lost in the currents of the chocolate river
>An unfortunate soul is transformed into a giant blueberry after chewing the three course meal gum, kicking off the horrific "Juicing Room" challenge
>His workers dance around the Inventing room to alleviate the horror presented by this challenge
>The "Gather 100 nuts" challenge ends in another few contestants being shoved down a garbage chute by bloodthirsty squirrels
>The "avoid the camera flash" challenge, in the TV room, picks off one final contestant by shrinking them to the size of an action figure
>The remaining contestant wins millions of dollars, as well as a newfound respect for life
>MrBeast treats this like every other video
>He announces another factory tour video as his winner's smile turns into a thousand-yard stare

>> No.18909042

Not him, but I have two smartphones yet still only access YT exclusively by browser. I'm not even sure the app is still installed on either of them. I know it comes as part of the bloat, but I may have uninstalled it at some point.

>> No.18909075

>Joe Rogaine
20 years ago I watched him in Fear Factor, for many years I've heard him commentate UFC fights. I've never once watched any of his shitty podcasts and I can't believe so many do

>> No.18909106

>>The "Gather 100 nuts" challenge ends in another few contestants being shoved down a garbage chute by bloodthirsty squirrels
nigga that's nuts

>> No.18909204

based mr eugenics trying to remove the stupid

>> No.18909225


What does he play Minecraft on Twitch or something?

>> No.18909233

ITT: little Zoomzoom learns that algorithms deliberately show you more shit like the garbage you've already seen before and if they don't latch onto you, you can miss entire ecosystems of """""celebrity"""""".

>> No.18909260

>and I'd guarantee that everyone in this thread has seen or heard of one of his videos
i know for a fact i havent, because i know who he is yes but i only heard of him the first time like 6 months ago

>> No.18909273

yeah its pretty funny reading this thread and they think anybody who doesnt know the guy lives under a rock. most of the people i know and interact with on a daily basis will have no clue who this guy is.

>> No.18909274


>> No.18909284

oh come on, anyone who watches youtube even casually encounters that retarded fucking face on the recommendations every day. it doesn't matter what you watched before, it doesn't matter what you're watching now, it doesn't matter if you have cookies or even an account, that motherfucker shows up regardless
go ahead, pick literally any video and start scrolling down the recs

>> No.18909335

Just did. Literally nothing and I'm about 40 videos down. How far do I have to go before I can declare you an idiot?

>> No.18909341

Hundred twenty videos down now. Still nothing. Lots of Bauhaus live performances, tho, and one of U Got the Look by Prince.

>> No.18909354

Three hundred sixty down now. Started to get some recs for Tori Amos and one video about that tractor beam University of Bristol made but it's still mostly Bauhaus.

>> No.18909355

The algo just thinks you're a brain dead zoomer

>> No.18909357

Well, accidentally tapped a video for Cream's Tales of Brave Ulysses so I guess I'll listen to this and stop scrolling.

>> No.18909361

My yt algo feeds me nothing but theme parks, trains, and tries to divert me from anything guns with maximum aggression. The only food related content I get is tasting history, townsends, and stevemre. I never knew who mr.beast was just that he owned some really shit food carts in my area, and I still don't know who he is to this day.

>> No.18909372

>tasting history, townsends
They're two different channels? I thought those were the same thing. I never get food/cooking recs, either. Mostly medical research stuff and, as evidenced above, old ass music.

>> No.18909377

what did you expect delivery loaded fries to look like exactly?

>> No.18909378


Townsends is the guy who dresses up in old timey costumes, Tasting History is the Disney gay.

>> No.18909385

Tasting History is a dude named named max and he'll make stuff from any time period in his house. He preambles, provides a recipe, does a history bit, and then eats whatever he made. Townsends is a man who radiates psycotic LARP energy and has period specific clothes, cookware, even a whole house he built to do specific old recipies in and is kind of wild to watch. He seems to dedicate to sticking to a specific era old cooking. Both are alright and decent watching, especially for yt's general slop quality.

>> No.18909397

What the hell is happening here, is it some chatbot? It's like there are some zoomers defending som random e-celeb and getting all aggressive when someone says they don't know who he is. I have seen a thumbnail for a video of his, but I've never watched anything from him. Nor do I plan to.

>> No.18909409

>plant based
imagine buying mr beast cookies and pretending to either be healthy or "environmentally conscious"
how about just not having a cookie, retard?

>> No.18909466

I haven't even seen that much!
I only came into the thread to see what the discounted foodstuff was cuz I'm such a cheapskate, I'm make a Scottish Jew blush.

See? This is what happens when your knowledge of social media is exclusively through 4chan(nel). So they're two different peeps. Got it. Just figured the guy in the old-timey clothes woulda been Tasting History but I figured wrong, I guess.

>> No.18909515

he's a competitive eater that has a youtube channel where he eats crazy shit like 50 year old crystal pepsi or an entire ornamental cactus

>> No.18909536

Understandable misconception when the only real difference between the two is presentation and time period autism, honestly.

>> No.18909545

>youtuber tries to expand into food before his popularity disappears and leaves him broke
>it doesn't work
seen it before

>> No.18909547

>japanese thing

>> No.18909574

If you've never listened to his podcast then why would you assume it's shitty? It's literally the #1 program of any format in the world. If you like UFC and aren't a fag, climate alarmist, covid alarmist, or woman, then you're in the target demographic. Just give it a listen.

>> No.18909587

>hehe I don't know who this person is and am proud of my ignorance
>wear it like a badge of honor I do
>look at me I don't know this thing you know haha I'm so cool
>wtf ZOOM ZOOM ZOOMIE ZOOOOOOOOOOMERS are MAD that I don't know this
>my mindset is like a clickbait headline
>also bots
>no human could think I'm stupid for not knowing this trivial thing!

>> No.18909591

NTA but the only product I've laughed is currently worth about $8 billion so p good desu
I've never heard of mrbeast and I use YouTube a lot but as other anons have mentioned, I mostly use it for food related content by a handful of creators. Actually says more about your tastes than anything. Like those 'people' that 'complain' that tiktok is just full of underage girls dancing... Mate, it's showing you shit related to what you've been searching, that's on you

>> No.18909644

that's Matt Stonie

>> No.18909851 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1591388614381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh come on, anyone who watches youtube even casually encounters that retarded fucking face on the recommendations every day
that's just not true, why do you refuse to understand it?
those recommendation feeds are strongly customized according to stuff you watched previously, mine is mostly chess and some music for example

>> No.18909901

>autistic catposter weeb legitimately believes no one has ever posted or discussed mrbeast outside of youtube recs

>> No.18909905 [DELETED] 

back to /b/, you can discuss your e-celebs there

>> No.18909910

>those recommendation feeds are strongly customized according to stuff you watched previously,
which part of no cookies, no account don't you understand?

>> No.18909916


>> No.18909934

Who is mr beast?

>> No.18910020

Not him, but I'm >>18909357/>>18909354/>>18909341/>>18909335 and I wasn't logged in during that. Why didn't I get rec'd any Mr.Beast or literally any of the other oh-so-popular YTers?

>> No.18910311

I wouldn't eat that shit for free.

>> No.18910332

This is cookoo.

>> No.18910337

IDK but i definitely have an opinion now.

>> No.18910351

the only youtubers i've seen or heard are the /ck/ darlings

>> No.18910386

Pozzed is a term in the bug chasing community that refers to a person who is "positively breeming with joy and powerful sexual energy" so they all try to seek out that person to see what all the fuss is about. It's usually paired with the abbreviation bb which idk what that means so you'll have to tell me ;)

>> No.18910443

Honestly a buck foe even store brand cookies of that size is a steal

>> No.18910452

If anything, that just shows 80% of youtuber users are paypigs or drooling retards that couldn't install an adblocker if their life depended on it.

>> No.18910460

>old man
most assuredly on fixed income and HAS to pinch every penny. Compounded by the stubbornness of an old person, it makes them kind of intolerable. But I DO get it

>> No.18910467

also its mostly mexican kids/teens buying and begging for beast bars. Not all but they feel like a majority

>> No.18910482

I don't know about other people, but most of my youtube watching is in incognito, so this faggot is constantly in the feed.

>> No.18910493

just a small youtuber

>> No.18910507
File: 45 KB, 1032x352, beastpresident.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may laugh but you will be calling him President Beast soon enough

>> No.18910554

Again, I'm >>18910020 and I also watch incognito and still. Don't get. These recs. Why's that, you think?

>> No.18910563
File: 3.43 MB, 1352x8372, Screenshot 2023-02-07 at 20-56-25 POWERWOLF - Poison (Alice Cooper Cover) Official Lyric Video Napalm Records - YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My recs have a peculiar lack of all the retards you seem to worship. Surely that's not because recs are tailormade based on shit you already watched. Oh wait, it is.

I swear I watch A-Yeon for the drumming :^)

>> No.18910581

tranny watch history

>> No.18910590

Can't be I haven't seen any of that on mu

>> No.18910593

reddit has more trannies than mu

>> No.18910599

What the actual fuck. That's the most retarded history I've ever seen.

>> No.18910603

Who is this guy? A cook?

>> No.18910663

Well, now I see why this site is such a garbage now

>> No.18910672


He's a YouTuber who does pranks on his friends or something

>> No.18910676

The iphone came out 4 years after this website was created.

>> No.18910686


You seem rather flustered that not every single person on planet Earth knows who this random Internet guy is

>> No.18910688 [DELETED] 

He's the Jimmy Fallon of Youtube, ((Susan's)) new favorite front-page boy who will never ever get caught saying the n-word while playing video games. It's a profitable gig but he suffers permanent lockjaw from making all those stupid thumbnails.

>> No.18910805

That's recs, not history. Note the red line under some of them. It means I watched it.

>> No.18910820

It's still retarded. I don't trust the red lines anyway. Youtube is aways trying to gaslight me into watching shit I've already watched by conveniently forgetting to put the red lines under stuff.

>> No.18910858

It seems like the money to be made is only in the UK because I see it everywhere in the US

>> No.18910880

does anyone else subsist purely on woo hoo deals?

>> No.18910948

You're thinking of LA Beast not MrBeast

>> No.18911202

don't let facts get in the way of our narrative

>> No.18911237


>> No.18911245

bye fucking noob

>> No.18911632
File: 35 KB, 684x428, 2023-02-08_00-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.18911674

It's over.

>> No.18912468
File: 403 KB, 600x457, 1671925959967259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18913245


>> No.18913320

plantation based

>> No.18913330

nah, youtube has given up on recommending me normie shit long ago. I have no idea what this mrbeast guy even looks like

>> No.18914536

nta but you're clearly a loser who fixates on meaningless shit no one serious should care about or pay attention to.

>> No.18914549

t. out-of-touch boomer
day of the nursing home soon

>> No.18914551

Even a microwave s'more will be better and is almost zero effort.

>> No.18914567

Based Mr.Beast discounting his food for poor people

>> No.18914622

Do you honestly think having a hot candy-striper scrub under my balls would be a bad thing?

>> No.18914627

>he thinks he's going to get a hot white stripper nurse not some old wrinkly Filipina hag

>> No.18914711

>she can't read

>> No.18914716

>Joe Rogan

>> No.18914740


>> No.18914742

kek zoomers really are a special bunch

>> No.18914765

>I'd guarantee that everyone in this thread has seen or heard of one of his videos.
well you'd be wrong, I'm pretty terminally online and spend a lot of time on youtube and I had never heard of this fag until the burger chain thing. I have still never seen one of his videos nor have they ever even been recommended to me. Algos are really good at keeping you in a bubble and you don't realize that. What seems extremely popular to you is totally unknown to someone else, there is so much content online at this point that there's no way for everyone to be aware of everything no matter how "big" it seems.

>> No.18914781

>Algos are really good at keeping you in a bubble and you don't realize that.
that's the thing
I don't use a google account, I have no google cookies or search history, so my "algo" is just whatever's the most popular thing worldwide
which happens to be this fag

>> No.18914787

Well, it certainly hasn't broken into mine.
PS they are still tracking you even if you think they aren't.

>> No.18914793

I know
I just really dislike targeted advertisement

>> No.18915723

If >>18914781 then why >>18910554?

>> No.18915817

>plant based

>> No.18915863

are you guys dumb

do you think cookies are made from meat?

>> No.18915868

>what is butter and eggs

>> No.18915877
File: 95 KB, 1300x866, 1653966124335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stilll not meat.

>> No.18915878

And not plant based either