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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18904783 No.18904783 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

Coffee glass edition

>> No.18904886


I am thinking of upping my game from cheap insta-coffe.
Looking through some info, it seems like one of them Aeropress would suit my need. Qne cup, quick&ez, no fuzz.

But now I'm stuck on the question of grinder.
Got any insights for a rookie?

>> No.18904892

Use a blender

>> No.18904909
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Folgers GANG

>> No.18904926
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>> No.18904954

If you're fine with hand grinding:
1ZPresso Q2 Heptagonal - $99

For the grind sizes of filter coffee and the Aeropress, hand grinding really isn't that bad. It's only for espresso that it's a real pain.

>> No.18905148

I hate light and medium roast coffee
Truly discusting

>> No.18905247

They could go cheaper with a kingrinder, for aeropress a K0'll probably be enough

>> No.18905269
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>mom leaves the Gaggia running after making her coffee to 'keep it warm for you'
>it basically just boil itself for 30 minutes, running dry
>this happens 3 times a week
how do I stop this.

>> No.18905280

Quit being a loser and move out of home you parasite

>> No.18905289

>his parents bought the american 'pick yourself up by the bootstraps' boomerism
im sad about you anon, and also sad about your kids who will wake up on the curbside on their 18th birthday.

>> No.18905309

wake up 30 minutes earlier.

>> No.18905330
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>He didn't get a thermoblock
>he didn't install a gaggiuno

>> No.18905360

That's true. I'm just only familiar with the 1Zpresso lineup

>> No.18905379

I don't blame you, kingrinder is 1zpresso's asian-market brand, same burrsets and same factory AFAIK

>> No.18905455

Honestly fuck Italy. I don't care if coffee culture started here, espresso is gross, your cappucinos are good but too small, your service is slow and 90% I get an attitude with my coffee. Also asking if I want sugar every time, fucking obviously, who wants bitter coffee? And you have seats but people hardly spend much time in cafes and they are always busy and overrun with people, you run out of food options fast, and it's not relaxing. You don't even offer non dairy options. And there's always flies for some reason. I want to sit and enjoy a nice sized sweet coffee and enjoy being at the cafe, which I can't.

I've had better coffee in Japan.

>> No.18905471
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I'm usually not the kind of guy who shames people for not drinking their coffee black because god knows I love me a latte, even if my attempts at latte art suck ass.

But have you tried going to a fucking starbucks you loser?

>> No.18905533

>getting food cucked left and right by other countries making better italian food
i feel sorry for all you wops

>> No.18905577
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Finally got pic related dialed in. Took a few tries since it's my girst darker roasted coffee and it's pretty nice
I don't really get many of the notes they describe except the biscuit one and some cherry but I'm still enjoying it

>> No.18905664
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>> No.18905691

Run it on a smart plug with timer. Upgrade to a plumbed machine or at least one with water level auto shutoff like most bezerra’s

>> No.18905787


No, the food is fantastic, no problems there

>> No.18905816
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light roast ristretto motherfuckers

>> No.18905872

For me it's still La Palma sidra.

>> No.18905897
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is that the super expensive sey one? i think i'd be afraid to spro that for fear of wasting $ on a sink shot.

speaking of sey. i have a couple on the way

>> No.18905939

>No, the food is fine, no problems here
except that most countries btfo ethnic italians when it comes to most pasta and meat based dishes, and now add coffee too

>> No.18905947

Yeha. I pulled a couple 12g turbos that were pretty good but the rest has all been big mug sippers. It's so fucking good bro. It's a lot easier to fuck around with it when you didn't pay for it kek.
Thanks for making it this time. I fell asleep at 308 replies.

>> No.18906044

>get some freshly made coffee from gas station
>tastes like dish soap
how the fuck does this happen? if you can't make coffee yourself you need to buy it from the same place you get gas for your car just buy a redbull at that point

>> No.18906131

I didn't say that dipshit

I'm just saying he went to the most obviously wrong place for his coffee

>> No.18906209

sgpanon, we know its you.

>> No.18906265

Did you switch papers recently?

>> No.18906406

/ctg/ is now cocktail general. you fags need to stop taking my thread name.

I use a bes840 and eureka mignon. How do I make delicious coffee based drinks, espresso strait is disgusting

>> No.18906410

I have fond memories of gas station coffee, but that's because I drank it with my mom in the car at 6am with cookies.

>> No.18906430

Hey guys I mostly drink moka pot espresso, I get fancy preground coffee from this yellow tin, it’s pretty high quality and strong. But my roomate let me try some tea he made and it was better than any coffee I’ve ever had, is tea better than coffee?

>> No.18906459

Buy better coffee. Also figure out a way around the dogshit 15 bar pump. A better grinder wouldn't hurt either.

>> No.18906470

>moka pot espresso
>preground coffee
I mean I can't say with 100% certainty but you've probably been drinking shit coffee.

>> No.18906471

moka pot isn't exactly a good device for high end coffee either. not that it makes bad coffee

>> No.18906710

What should I buy

>> No.18906725

Should I squeeze the filter out after making pourover?

>> No.18906750


>> No.18906981

Get a moka pot, tried, true, easy.

>> No.18907001

are african coffee beans supposed to be a bit sour or do i need to git good

>> No.18907013

do NOT get a moka pot. get a good hand grinder (1zpresso or kingrinder - i love my 1zpresso ZP6), a scale like Timemore black mirror, and either v60 or aeropress. if you go v60 or other dripper, youll want a gooseneck kettle. i like the fellow stagg electric kettle for convenience and restricted flow rate, but you can get a stovetop one for much cheaper.

then stop buying gear and use your $ to buy a variety of good coffees

>> No.18907051

coffee instant type 2

>> No.18907121

This is some finely tuned bait

>> No.18907130

Or, he can get a moka pot for $40 and spend the rest of all that on good quality beans.

>> No.18907168

Do you guys really spend over 20$ for only 100g of beans?

>> No.18907257

I've basically only drank whatever comes in my Counter Culture single origin subscription for a year now. Any recommendations for similar coffees in roast level and price?

>> No.18907272

What even is the blend in Coffee Instant Type 2?

>> No.18907277

>Or, he can get a moka pot for $40 and spend the rest of all that on good quality beans.
moka pot is too finnicky to get right consistently imo. aeropress, v60/origami, or kalita/orea are much more repeatable and consistent

>> No.18907283
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>Do you guys really spend over 20$ for only 100g of beans?

>> No.18907321
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Someone please help my hypochondriac ass here.
I got a filter coffee maker from a friend and apparently, you're supposed to let it dry out after every use, but won't dust and other shit get on it? Especially that nasty ass plastic water tank on the back that I still believe is gonna give me butt cancer or something.

>> No.18907365

Fuck your mom in her ass to show her some respect, worked for me

>> No.18907480

My bad, I mistyped. What I meant to say was
>The last third of my drawdown seems to take way longer than the first two thirds, is that normal?

I thought that gravity and the water on top pushes the water below through the filter, so when the water gets low it slows down. However, I didn't think it would slow down so much to take about 3-4 minutes extra.

>> No.18907503

3 to 4 minutes extra compared to what? Brew time is usually 3-4 minutes total
Are you brewing extremely dark roasts with a pretty shitty grinder?
My guess is either too many fines from your grinder and/or bad pouring technique.

>> No.18907505 [DELETED] 


>> No.18907509

swaglord more like

>> No.18907560

if you binge more than 3 cups daily, why?

>> No.18907773
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Thoughts on the Nespresso Vertuo machines? I got one for Christmas and haven't used it yet
pic rel

>> No.18907838

You need to get out of this echo chamber for a few months

>> No.18907842

sometimes i just run out of excuses to leave my house so i go to get more coffee

>> No.18907844

Thanks bro I worked hard on it

>> No.18907849

>too finnicky

Lemme guess, electric stove?

>> No.18907887

Nespresso is the worst thing to ever have happened to coffee

>> No.18907891
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>too many fines from your grinder
yeah... that was it... thanks anon

>> No.18907893

>Get new moka pot
>drink a two pots worth of espresso
>restless legs, loopy feeling, feel vaguely sick
>zero energy, zero caffeine euphoria
Fucking hell, don't become a caffeine addict.

>> No.18907900

Light roast is gross

>> No.18907931

What's the general wisdom on blends vs single origin?

>> No.18907943

Coffee should be difficult to make, expensive, and the enjoyment should be minimal and focused on improvement.

>> No.18907955

>Lemme guess, electric stove?
no i have a gas stove. but i also own a v60, a kalita wave, a clever dripper, and an espresso machine - all of which i use before a moka pot

>> No.18908038

Blends are leagues ahead of single origin

>> No.18908040

Idk what half of that shit is

>> No.18908097
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I'm not too familiar with moka pots.

Any recommendations that work well with an induction hob? Or is Bialetti the only option for that?

>> No.18908141

single origin all the way

>> No.18908212

Blends are a good way to sell shit quality beans to unsuspecting customers.

>> No.18908213

A lot of their pods list cereal as a tasting note, lmfao

>> No.18908260

moka pots should work on any type of stove

>> No.18908464


>> No.18908536

Just go with Bialetti, even if there are other options Bialetti has a patented safety valve.

>> No.18908566 [DELETED] 

Wop guaranteed or your money back.

>> No.18908581

Whatever you get, just make sure you get something out of stainless steel instead of aluminum

Aluminum doesn't work on induction

>> No.18908586

Absolute garbage, if you can return it get a breville bambino or, failing that, even a delonghi dedica

If you insist on using it, your best best is reusable pods that you fill with decent coffee

>> No.18908588

>Echo chamber
>Buys the worst, most reddit recommended combo he can get his hands on
Explain please?

>> No.18908689

moka pots suck no matter the heat source

>> No.18908692

Why are you here? It’s not even niche brewers he is listing. Try some new things, maybe you’ll end up liking them

>> No.18908803

You grind your beans with a woodchipper anon?

>> No.18908963

Moka pots are great but the effort:reward ratio is so fucking off balance

A moka pot was my first actual good way of making coffee and I loved what it got me but goddamn is it a pain in the ass to use and get consistent results out of

I ended up getting a delonghi dedica as a gift a while back and I haven't look back and I upgraded it with a precision basket, so much more enjoyable to use

>> No.18908975

>delonghi dedica

>> No.18908994
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What kind of coffee would you say this is exactly?

>> No.18909012

Looks like an 8oz cappuccino in a disposable cup to me.

>> No.18909016

Thanks bro

>> No.18909055

But is it good for you?

>> No.18909101

Honestly it makes me better coffee than what I get from even specialty cafes around here

The main issue I have with it is how big of a pain it is to find 51mm parts around here

>> No.18909172

buy an induction plate instead. if you want to get another moka or something in a different size you won't have to pay extra again and you don't need to worry a your induction not picking up on the small size pot

>> No.18909239

it doesnt matter why im here, what matters is how shit your coffee tastes

>> No.18909408

I friggin love my mokamaster bros. I’ve had this baby for over five years now and it almost never fails to brew me that perfect pot of Java. God willing this sexy machine lasts me at least another few years before needing to be replaced.

>> No.18909482

Are people not using lab scales simply due to aesthetics? There are small ones too to fit under espresso machines.

>> No.18909556

Some people do. The thing coffee scales usually have is a timer, which is important for shit like pourover. You can time it manually but it's more convenient to have it on the scale. Some will also have a flow rate meter for pourovers.
And also that one popular chink scale comes out to about the same price as lab scales with a few extra features.

>> No.18909611

It keeps the normalfags away from the good stuff at least

>> No.18909726

Don't stop believing

>> No.18909984

You fucked his mom?

>> No.18910043

I wish I could move out so I wouldn't need to put up with my dad anymore. But I couldn't handle a job while I'm a student.

>> No.18910093

Ugh. This morning I had 65g left of one coffee. Normally I use 50g per cup. My hand grinder fits 45g in the hopper and 50g in the catch cup. No problem, I can dump halfway. Well, I waited too long to dump the catch cup. The force of the grounds pushed the magnetic catch cup off the grinder and spilled the coffee to the floor.

Fuck it, right? It's my house. I swept up the grounds onto a piece of paper with a paintbrush. Not using the broom–I know what the broom's been in. I recovered 60g. Yes, there was hair in there. Yes, there appeared to be some sand and dirt. But those aren't going through the paper filter. Anyway, pourover brewed as normal. Resulting cup is MORE delicious than usual.

What has happened?

Scenario 1: my floor dirt is fucking delicious.
Scenario 2: increased coffee to water ratio is better (this is not ideal because it means more money)
Scenario 3: The floor has sieved the finer fines out of my grounds giving me a cleaner cup (also not ideal because I'll be tempted to waste coffee)

>> No.18910256

I don't use any scales, just the timers for grind duration and brew duration on my machine lol

>> No.18910259

My coffee tastes like coffee :(

>> No.18910522

Sorry bro

>> No.18910750

Probably #3, either invest in a better grinder or get a sieve lol

>> No.18910754

I too wish I wasn’t a tastelet.

>> No.18910770

Ogey, keep projecting but you’re still a faggot

>> No.18911025

getting out of the spro game because brewed coffee is just better.
what flat burr meme grinder and burr set under ~$2k should I get for hyperlight kenya v60s? is there any reason not to get an ode with ssp unimodal burrs?

>> No.18911034

Went finer and got some more bitterness but that sort of acidic juicy sour taste is still there. I guess it's just a profile of this bean or the roaster might have underdeveloped it or something.

>> No.18911053

I have a nice grinder. I'm at the point of diminishing returns already. I'll experiment with ratios and sieving.

>> No.18911058

>hyperlight kenya
Careful. That shit gave me an ulcer.

>> No.18911124

I'm this anon >>18911034 >>18907001, I'm drinking a Kenyan that tastes pretty sour... Should I be concerned?

>> No.18911316
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Nice, good choice on the Aeropress
No such thing
You have poor taste
Way too coarse Holy fuck
No. 55$ / 1.3kg
It's not

>> No.18911412

>load basket with grounds and tamp down tightly to about half full
>put moka pot on full heat electric hot plate
That's it. It's extremely consistent. If I want more solids in the drink or a stronger pull then I can grind finer or fill more of the basket.

I think a gas range makes it harder because it's harder to heat the base evenly. I was also getting gross cups from mine for a long while and that included looking up methods. When I do the greentext I know I'm getting similar brew times and temps. It makes a sweet easy cup. Tamping probably discourages solids from traveling to the final cup and in theory maybe lowers channeling.

>> No.18911745
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Ive only been at this for a month but it's a lot of fun

>> No.18911821

I independently invented "pour over" in a vacuum 25 years ago.

>> No.18911864

I'm thinking about just diving in and upgrading my grinder, right now I'm working with a baratza encore. I would like something that will last as long as possible, and I will never have the desire to upgrade from again. Anyone familiar with the Rancilio rocky?

>> No.18911958

new lance kino

>> No.18911998

for real?

>> No.18912220

I cleaned out my hand grinder for the first time but when I put it back together the settings didn't match up perfectly

>> No.18912292

I gave up with hasbean, the ownership changed hands and the new owners were eager to cash in on the reputation - now it's too expensive and quality dropped. They used to be pretty good.

>> No.18912315

Which grinder?

>> No.18912356

it's a Kinu, maybe -0.0.05 off so not awful, but just something I have to make a mental note of

>> No.18912587

any reason my coffee tastes like literal feces? do i need to clean my machine or is that the flavor of my beans, the super market beans tastes better than the specialty coffee beans i bought

>> No.18912665

Just get an induction plate, you can use it with all sorts of shit not just the moka pot.

>> No.18912668

Do the beans say Kopi luwak anywhere? If so I have bad news.

>> No.18912700

I guess I would give it a cleaning and make sure everything else is good to rule them out

>> No.18912825

How do you know what feces taste like

>> No.18912826

If you got some meme anaerobic fermentation and/or natural processed coffee, it explains why it's funky.

>> No.18912834

coffee? more like poopie water for poopie people

>> No.18912857

Just ordered some geisha for the first time. Does it actually live up to the hype?

>> No.18912860

Don't ask me I haven't had it either

>> No.18912935

aren't geishas just japanese whores

>> No.18913003

Is Japanese cold brew a meme?

>> No.18913018

It's the only way to make cold brew that doesn't taste like human piss. But in the literal sense of a meme, a concept or idea exchanged between people and developed upon as it is passed down generationally, the social version of a gene, yes.

>> No.18913051

is it a better meme than an aeropress cold brew though

>> No.18913059

Estropress cold brew is definitely the move when developing gynecomastia is the vibe

>> No.18913071

americano chads wya

>> No.18913183

tasting note on these brazillian beans is toffee and i cant get anything but bitterness from them.

>> No.18913192
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Been really enjoying their stuff, they roast to order and aren't terribly expensive. Only critique is their dark roasted stuff is way too dark but I think most people who order specialty coffee stay away from anything that isn't light or medium roast anyways. I've been enjoying learning how to dial in shot timing with one of their light roasts and the flavor reminds me of light molasses or even that tinned brown bread (in a good way).

>> No.18913195

What brew method?

>> No.18913215
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Wait you're supposed to rest coffee and not drink it as soon as it arrives?

>> No.18913222

Definitely not true for espresso

>> No.18913234

Anon, as a followup since you may not see this until later: excessively bitter flavors frequently come from overextraction which means you might be brewing your coffee too long. You should consider grinding coarser without changing any other variables and see if that makes a difference. If using espresso, consider pulling a shorter shot without changing grind size or grind coarser to get a faster shot. Either way, the extraction of the beans will be less. Another possibility is that the water temperature may be too high which causes more efficient extraction of bitter compounds in coffee. If varying grind size doesn't solve your issue, consider lowering the water temperature 3-5 degrees or so to see if you move in a good direction and continue until you reach where you want to be.

>> No.18913241

can't get anything but extremely watery coffee from my french press. i've been using hoffman's method, 30-32 grams per 500 ml. and i keep dialing my grind finer and finer but it barely makes a difference. do i keep going finer or just start playing around with the water:coffee ratio.

>> No.18913246
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Does anyone else hate it when you go to a cafe or somewhere, see "Latte" on the menu, and when you order it you get this?
Each time I see these tall glasses come out and this lazy foam and non-mixed milk I'm let down.

>> No.18913248

Immersion brewing methods like the Aeropress or French Press are more forgiving of grind size but a grinder is something you probably don't want to cheap out on. 1zpresso might seem expensive up front but it's actually a really nice grinder for the price that performs at a very high level and will last you for many years.

>> No.18913258

His method does make the coffee feel a lot "cleaner" by allowing the solids to settle - are you possibly missing the richer texture of the less clarified coffee? Before I started using his method I used to enjoy the sludgier texture of french press but I realized it really does allow the flavor of the beans shine through better.

>> No.18913262

What about Moka

>> No.18913271

I thought the coffee fad was over 10yrs ago

>> No.18913274

his method makes my light roasts taste sweeter, try lowering the brewing temp

>> No.18913279

No idea but it's kind of a retarded brew method unless you're extremely autistic about temperature control

>> No.18913333
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Aeropress whilst I'm at work and use a sage barista touch at home.
Pic related: the coffee poop I just made.

>> No.18913337

ill try that next time, thanks. ive spent nearly the whole 250g bag trying different tactics.

>> No.18913387

Use 50g. Do about 8 minutes. Grind medium.

>> No.18913394

It's a 500 year fad.

>> No.18913512

never had french press coffee any other way and i will admit it has less of the "undesirable" qualities of coffee, but i simply can't think of any other word to describe it besides watery. i wouldn't say it makes the flavor of the beans shine through
guess i'll try this. thanks

>> No.18913519

I can't relate to any of that, sorry.

>> No.18913566
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I'm going to make coffee ice cubes because im incredibly sensitive to caffeine and only need a tiny little bit as a pick me up so now i can pre-measure a whole bunch

PS: decaf makes me feel like shit

>> No.18913595

You could just brew with smaller doses...

>> No.18913624

No guarantees this will solve your issue but a broad rule of thumb is that harsh bitter flavors are from overextraction and harsh acidity is from underextraction. If acidity and bitterness are both balanced and there's a pleasant almost sweet taste from the espresso then you're right where you want to be. A general rule of thumb is to get your desired amount of coffee out in approximately 30s, which is a surprisingly long time if you're not used to it. If you want 2:1 (30g espresso out for 15g of coffee in) you may need to grind quite fine. If you find your shots are running quick, then you may need to settle for luongo shots at a 3 or 4:1 ratio until you can dial in your grind for more conventional 1.5-2.5 espresso ratios.

Temperature defects are tough to deal with because typically only really high-end machines will have custom temperature settings. Hoffman says that temp defects are typically not that severe compared to extraction defects so grind size and its effect on shot timing are more important.

Another factor a lot of lower-end machines run into is channeling because the pumps run at too high of pressure. You end up with underextracted and overextracted areas which creates the worst of both worlds. Adding a puck screen in forces even flow over the puck and if your machine is modifiable with an lower-pressure OPV spring (9 bar is considered standard) then I would recommend making that modification because it's easy and cheap to do. My Gaggia runs at 15 bar stock which is way too high, the 9 bar spring will set that as the new upper limit.

>> No.18913638

thas a lot of words bro

>> No.18913652

>No guarantees this will solve your issue but a broad rule of thumb is that harsh bitter flavors are from overextraction and harsh acidity is from underextraction. If acidity and bitterness are both balanced and there's a pleasant almost sweet taste from the espresso then you're right where you want to be
when i fuck up it tastes very sour when i drink it but it makes my saliva feel sweet during the time between sips

>> No.18913681

the coffee releases carbon dioxide, but that's what makes crema. so if you want lots of crema then you should use freshly roasted

>> No.18913753


>> No.18913776

I'm taking like 1-2 grams of grounds

>> No.18913860

Drink tea then

>> No.18913951
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Nice puck! Nice quads!!

>> No.18913998

Hartmann estate gesha - very very good taste anon. Blows esmerelda out of the water in my view. My favourite along with creativa's static cherry gesha.

>> No.18914395

My coffee tastes like blueberries.

>> No.18914416

No it doesn't.

>> No.18914559


>> No.18914676
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Bought some new coffee to help support this general. How are you guys gonna use the funds?

>> No.18914697

I'm gonna spend it on 1/5000th of a wug.

>> No.18914701

ait guess not

>> No.18914754
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>light roast ristretto
I can't even imagine how acidic it is.

>> No.18914782

Do you mean it did not zero out correctly?

>> No.18914784

How would I know if they do this

>> No.18914816

Yeah, it just sounds like you want stronger coffee. Simple answer is to use more coffee. If 50g to 500ml is too strong, back it down to 40g/500ml. I do single cup pourovers at 50g/500ml. Thing about these internet guys who do "recipes" is that there's no accounting for taste. Most people prefer a weaker brewed coffee. The important thing to understand is how to change the cup to suit your tastes. Going finer and finer with the grind will eventually give you a more bitter, overextracted cup, yet still be watery. So, go a bit coarser to eliminate fines, steep a bit longer to account for the lessened surface area, use more coffee.

>> No.18914963

should say on your bag

>> No.18915508

I hate African single origins because of this. The moment it gets colder than boiling it starts tasting like fruit tea. “Modern” roasters usually roast light and you lose the deep flavor people think of when they think coffee. Go for South American beans or blends.

>> No.18915517

I like medium roast African coffees. I like the way the flavor changes as the cup cools. It makes life interesting when your drink goes from warm and delicious to cold and differently delicious.

>> No.18915537

For a long time I was hung up on the paradigm that coffee must be hot and that the flavor must remain the same from start to finish. When I let go of that because this is not the way coffee works, I had a much lovelier time. I suppose it's like appreciating the nature of things, rather than forcing them to do things they don't want to do. I think this is why I don't like espresso very much.

>> No.18915538

the pucks dont show any visible channeling and usually can be knocked out in one piece, so maybe im avoiding that.
my first suspect was temperature but things improved and went to the bitter end when i began adding a preheating basket procedure.
maybe things will improve when im past this one bag. its the only bag i havent gotten at least one nice brew out of.

>> No.18915547

awww yeah, 50% more aware, baby.

>> No.18915835

Higher temps do a better job at extracting bitter compounds, I would back off on that and reserve the preheating for light roasts. I highly recommend watching Hoffman's understanding espresso series, everything I posted above was basically lifted from that. Temperature is usually the last thing he tweaks if messing around with the extraction by varying the brew weight and/or grind size fails.

>> No.18915856

Espresso is absolutely subject to this, trying to force a very low extraction on a light roast coffee is going to result in battery acid disaster. It's all about tweaking your grind, dose, and yield variables to match what the coffee actually wants to do.

>> No.18915981

I guess, I'm still learning all the terminology. When I put everything back together, the grind level indicator didn't line up perfectly with 0.

>> No.18916018

I think unless you take note of the exact position it pops out from the groove and then install it from the same position, the zero point always moves from the factory setting.

>> No.18916389

OK. Go look up how to zero out the kinus. Guarantee you there are videos about it.

>> No.18916503

i have roughly one shot worth of beans left now to get it right for this bag. i might start ordering roasters espresso blends for a bit rather than fiddle with SO.

>> No.18916626

it's that simple

>> No.18916643

Wake up earlier and make espresso for your mom

>> No.18916685

Are microlots worth it? I found a local shop that sells Cerro Azul for $5 per cup, vacuum packed and all.

>> No.18916722

If by espresso blend they mean super dark roast stay away. I have been stuck with a bag of very dark roast "espresso" beans that I have only been able to make tolerable by grinding very coarse and pulling like 9s shots to prevent overpowering bitterness from coming through. Espresso should be medium roasted on average IMO.

>> No.18916723

I've got one of the bialetti stainless models and it works fine (don't have induction, just wanted stainless)

>> No.18916930

why heart palpitations when drinking coffee

>> No.18916978

that only happens to gay people

>> No.18916995

I won't drink any coffee that costs less than $30 at Starbucks because I'm not a poor

>> No.18917112

watched hoffmeme supermarket taste test, end up buying tim horties but in beans.. dialed in v60 and it has decent and pleasant caramel sweet notes, with main flavor being grape/red wine depending on how I grind it. very decent, considering i didn't look at best by date and i probably bought an old bag. no business being this good coming from a super

>> No.18917973

>v60 draining super slowly
>grind coarser and coarser but nothing helps
>find out that not all hario v60 filters are equivalent
>ones made in holland drain suuuper slow
>get some nip ones
>all problems go away
Fuck you holland. And yes I'm aware there's non-hario filter papers people recommend, but they're not available to me locally and I can't be bothered to ship them in.

>> No.18917980

It's really hard to predict how much caffeine teas will have unless you're a super-autist or growing it yourself.

>> No.18917983

woah, thanks for the heads up. i was considering getting a v60 from my local shop and i didn't know i should be looking out for this. i'm relieved to see the pictured filter boxes on their site have moonrunes on them

>> No.18918023

We call it Timmies, not Tom Horties, geeez...

>> No.18918044
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The holland papers also have some japanese writing on them. The actual japanese ones come either in cardboard boxes of 40, or in more loosely packaged plastic wrap in packs up to 100. I think the latter is from a different factory than the former, but both are japanese.

>> No.18918137

hmm no, their 100 packs are in cardboard boxes. i take it that means they're from dutchland? unfortunate.

>> No.18918146

Post a link or a pic. I don't think I've ever seen a 100 pack in a box.

>> No.18918148


>> No.18918153

Ok, I never drank it in store though because I heard it sucks

>> No.18918164

Huh weird, didn't know 100 packs came in boxes. But from what I can tell they're japanese. On the hario website they showcase all their filter packages (including this 100 sheet one) and on the holland papers they explicitly mention they're from holland, but on these ones they don't say anything. So I'm guessing they're probably japanese.
I'd say go for it, worst case scenario you get some shit filters and buy new ones, they're not horribly expensive.

>> No.18918170

great, thanks. next time i order from them i'll go for it

>> No.18918174

Oh yeah, just make sure you get the right size filers for your v60. The ones in that box are 01, aka the smallest size. If you get a 02 or bigger v60 they're gonna be too small.

>> No.18918179

yeah i noticed they have two sizes of filter, but they sell only one type of v60. i'll make sure to note which one it is, exactly

>> No.18918276

Got myself a little bottle to moisten my beans, much more convenient. Would recommend.

>> No.18918291

Yeah it does for sure lol

>> No.18918623

Can anyone recommend some decent decaf beans in the UK? I'm going to be working late shifts so I want to limit caffeine intake during work, but I like the taste of coffee and would like to drink something coffee-tasting whilst I work.

>> No.18918710

If there was such thing, Hoff meme would have made a video on it.

>> No.18918733
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Coffee maker / espresso machine has a kidney stone

>> No.18918799
File: 145 KB, 500x321, s-l500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my method of making coffee
similar concept to french press, but without using an actual french press because it's too much work (and a waste of water and heat and time) to clean several of them per day (family also drink coffee, so thered be so many presses to clean per day it's just dumb, so thats why they use my method now too)

>fold an unbleached filter paper into a tall cone, place it in a mug
>put coffee in (for my usual it's 16g of dark roast)
>boiling water (it cools down immediately by touching the mug so it's never really boiling, so it doesnt 'scald' the coffee)
>for me it's usually ~6 minutes, occasionally longer
carefuly lift the 'bag' (filter paper) out, place a mini sieve on the top of the mug, place the filter paper on that to let the rest flow out into the mug
>after a minute give the 'bag' a good squeeze to squeeze the rest of the roasted bean juice out into the mug
>'wa la'
>no need to wash a french press, just throw the 'bag' into the food waste bin
I add other stuff to make my overall coffee 'drink', but that's not the point, the point here is my brewing method
Different family members use different coffees and make different drinks overall, so different times and different amounts of water, but we all use this same basic brewing method now
Admittedly one drawback is we don't get the oils that we would from a french press, in a french press the oils would flow through, but here the paper filter captures it
So we're missing out on that but that's a worthwhile tradeoff in exchange for not having to wash the presses
Whaddya think?

>"Hurr durr why not just make pourover coffee with those filters?"
I literally have never understood pourover coffee
Every time I tried, the coffee just flows through in seconds
Literally no time for extraction
How can you even make coffee that way?
I'm sure you can make some gay artsy >le floral delicate sour flavours '''coffee''' themed dilute water that way
But not actual coffee
The ultimate meme

>> No.18918806

Are they different beans than they use in their stores? I had the misfortune of trying their store coffee and it was undrinkable.

>> No.18918812

I'm surprised at the difference. I couldn't find my regular cafec filters and just went to do things normally and 4 minutes in it's not even close to being drained.

>> No.18918859

Can a few days of rest really make a difference? My coffee beans were making sour brews, and now it's less harsh just a few days later.

>> No.18918925

just get a clever/switch/aeropress chud

>> No.18919139

every moka pot I've bought is used and covered in mold

>> No.18919149
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Hario changed paper suppliers recently and their filters are now dogshit
this is the company that used to make their filters, they still sell under their own brand

>> No.18919152

I wish I could get them without a 100% markup (or higher)

>> No.18919154

How much do you pay per filter for it?

>> No.18919175

Like 20 cents per filter. I underestimated the shipping cost actually, it's more than 100%.

>> No.18919180

what a fucking retarded take. you're litteraly retarded and so us your method. is espresso low extraction too because that's even faster than pour over? buy a switch, clever, mugen or just kys poorfag

>> No.18919203

For the 4 cup one? That's very expensive. Even ordering 3 packs from Japan for me would cost 16 cents a filter. If you're ordering from your own country some importer is price gouging.

>> No.18919207

Not from my own country, that's the problem. I need to have them shipped in from elsewhere. There aren't a ton of coffee specialized shops here in general (I'm pretty sure I've mapped out 100% of them) and those that are here will only sell hario filters.

>> No.18919215

tell me how the extraction from 5-10 seconds of contact before passing through can be anywhere near the same level as 6 minutes of immerson?

espresso obviously compensates for the low time with high pressure
pourover has nothing

you delusional faggot, completely detached from reality

>> No.18919225
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Is there a difference in performance between the white and 'natural'?

>> No.18919235

White papers are bleached. From what I've heard the natural papers can add an unpleasant taste.

>> No.18919243

>doesn't understand grind size

>> No.18919244

NTA but pourover doesn't flow through in just 5-10 seconds, if it does you're grinding too coarse (and even with extreme coarseness I don't believe you when you say you get 5-10 second brew times, like at all), and secondly pourover agitates the coffee a lot more than immersion does.

>> No.18919329

they'll flow the same but you really need to pre-wet the natural filters or they'll taste kind of bad
most people do that anyways to preheat their cone

>> No.18919353

I always used the white so I just wondered because a store here actually has the natural so they'd be cheap. If I just run 100mL of hot water through it should be fine taste wise? Or more than that?

>> No.18919363

100-150 or so should be fine yeah as long as it's fresh off the boil

>> No.18919571

How in the actual fuck do you get mold on something that reaches boiling temperatures?

Are you sure it's not corrosion from not drying it properly? Or calcium build up from hard water?

If it's actual mold, then you need to work on being more sanitary. Clean your shit properly with soap and water.

>> No.18919952

Both kinds will give off a taste of you don't rinse them pretty thoroughly, but the unbleached definitely give off more taste, and still do a bit even after rinsing. It's not enough to really matter if your brew isn't dogshit, but having used both extensively I noticed the difference and definitely prefer the bleached ones given the choice.

>> No.18919960

By letting it sit with moisture in it for extended periods of time, especially if they're not cleaning it after use like retards recommend

>> No.18919978

I feel lucky in that I cannot taste the difference between bleached and unbleached papers. My father, a baby boomer claims to be able to taste the difference between them and says the unbleached papers taste terrible, but he cannot taste much difference between South American coffees and African coffees. I tried one of his bleached papers once and it tasted like the Glades Plugins perfume atomizer that's a foot away from his stack of filters. Crepe paper weight and density has a marked effect on the cup though.

>> No.18920115

the only reason to make espresso vs pour overs is to make espresso based drinks. post mocha recipes espresso bros

>> No.18920182

ive been cutting out added sugar from my diet a few weeks now.
theres something pleasant about the foam and little extra warmth from espresso.
i add double the amount of hot water to a shot. sometimes i might be in the mood to fuck around prepping milk, but i havent gotten the hang of having it be hot before overflowing the frothing jug.

if anyone knows a sugar alternative that doesnt taste worse in coffee im open to hear it.

>> No.18920217

gotta use detergent cos clearly running under tap and running finger around isnt enough.

>> No.18920423
File: 20 KB, 512x512, 81780568_230936744580142_1971080358542269657_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cleaning hand grinder for the first time
>mostly brushing it down, getting off grinds
>get the brilliant idea to help push out fines
>using a can of compressed air
>put it back together and make a fresh pot
and that's my newbie mistake for the week

>> No.18920575

I don't get it, what was wrong with it?

>> No.18920585

Whatever bitterant they put in the can got on the grinder and made this pot super bitter

>> No.18920696

it might not only be that pot. ive seen this come up on r/coffee before.

>> No.18920763

Fuck me

>> No.18920934

>he doesn't own an air compressor
I use my air compressor (for my airbrush) with a blower attachment I got for like $5 on sale at a hardware store and clean my grinder out with that. Alternatively if you're not a little bitch and don't mind smelling coffee for a few hours you can just stick your face next to it and blow as hard as your little lungs can manage.

>> No.18921111

I think milk is a great sweetener

>> No.18921165

>he doesn't own an electric duster

>> No.18921178
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I use this, works wonders

>> No.18921245
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I like the rocket blower (because it's shaped like a rocked)

>> No.18921328

holy shit I'm getting this

>> No.18921407
File: 339 KB, 2168x3672, MMZ3_Mini_Game_Ciel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so addicted to coffee that I looked at the machine in the background if this pic and thought "pod machine?"

>> No.18921430

got this for cleaning my headphones
it-s pretty handy in general

>> No.18921432
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Does croissant go with coffee? yes, it does.

>> No.18921436

That can happen? oooppss

>> No.18921447

I'm so addicted to coffee that I am seriously considering buying green coffee and a whirley-pop.
We all know how this goes...
Next thing I know I'm buying a used industrial roaster and roasting coffee to sell, further fueling my addiction.
>I'll only have to sell 300 bags to get a roi on this unit!
>I swear, it's only a hobby! Look at this money, my coffee is FREE.
>It's only 60k for this school bus retrofitted into a mobile coffee roastery? I can drive and roast ANYWHERE.

>> No.18921452
File: 208 KB, 1928x1928, datavac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a datavac for my pc on a black friday sale a long time ago. I seriously misuse the fuck out of it.

>> No.18922030

If I made coffee yesterday morning and I still have half a pot can I just reheat it on the stove?

>> No.18922106

Probably won't hurt you if that's what you're asking but it will taste like shit

>> No.18922145

I put heavy cream in my coffee instead of half and half.

>> No.18922214

Half and half is a retarded product. I already have heavy cream and milk why do I need a premixed version of them?

If you're not drinking your coffee black, heavy cream is the way to go anyway unless you're doing espresso drinks with steamed milk.

>> No.18922616

Based heavy cream user. It’s only based if your lean as fuck tho. Post abs

>> No.18922623

What's half and half?

>> No.18922634

I'm pretty fat 210 6 feet. But I'm very hairy so its okay

>> No.18922638


>> No.18922663

Nvm, not based. Lose weight fatass

>> No.18922734

>buy a keepcup or klean kanteen tumbler set
>ask her to make you a shot and put it in the tumbler which is insulated so it will stay hot for 1 or 2 hours
>then she can turn off the machine because the coffee is already done and doesn't need to be "kept warm" for you
wa la

>> No.18922743

XPOWER Airrow is a good choice. I got that for cleaning my PC.

>> No.18923183
File: 264 KB, 1348x1556, 182539826_109773454605237_1185608776333716087_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh off a 3day for disparaging the moka people. Lets make some fucking coffee.

>> No.18924150

I usually buy from these guys but the idea of an espresso with notes of lime scares me, I usually have milky drinks.
Does anyone drink espresso with similar profiles? Should I try it?

>> No.18924186

Recommend me some no-one doubts it good coffee from europe. Not super high end expensive stuff, but just something that is mostly trusted and considered good. I'm asking because I always wonder when I buy from more local rosters whether or not this is actually good coffee or if everyone I've bought from has given me shit coffee and I just have no frame of reference.

>> No.18924247


how would you even pull off importing good coffee to europe without getting absolutely castrated by taxes & tariffs? like your best bet is making a quick boat trip to an algerian black market

>> No.18924255

That's why I asked for stuff from within europe. In my experience it's not that bad so long as it's shipping from europe.

>> No.18924634


>> No.18925004

You can get like normal cafe blend lavazza for a no-one doubts it's average baseline.

>> No.18925029
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lads, im a coffeelet on a limited budget
plz rec a fairly cheap setup that will allow me to make decent coffee
im not particular about the kind of coffee it makes, i can drink them all
i just want something better than nespresso instant coffee or those plastic pod thingys (i don't want to eat ze bugz)
also im kinda lazy, especially in the morning before i've had some fucking coffee lol, so something easy to do in zombie mode
thanks in advance anons

>> No.18925084

do you have an arduino?

>> No.18925096

i have a raspi but its currently serving as an htpc
what does that have to do with coffee?

>> No.18925101

if it helps i also have an electric kettle

>> No.18925196

How limited of a budget?

>> No.18925239
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>> No.18925253

i dunno, like a hundred shekels or so?

>> No.18925263
File: 300 KB, 7841x561, yoinkv10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kingrinder k6($99)+ a v60($~10), aeropress($30), hario switch(~$30), or french press (~$20) and you'll be happy for years.

>> No.18925355

This chart is unfairly biased against Japan

>> No.18925387

gracias amigo

>> No.18925399

How do you guys feel about spiced coffee? I know in the Middle East that’s how they roll, I was thinking of getting one of those Turkish coffee pots for fun and whipping up coffee with some cardamom and allspice

>> No.18925449

I'm unaware of any good japanese made grinders. Pretty sure the harios all use the same dogshit ceramic burr made by kyocera.

>> No.18925704

I got some geisha but I just don't think I am skilled enough to really unlock it's full potential.

>> No.18925709

If you do actually buy a turkish grinder and grind specialty stuff to that fineness. If youre used to specialty you DO NOT want to drink a cup of stale mehmet efendi

>> No.18925766

Yeah, I think all the good ones are either Chinese or German. The world changes.

>> No.18926105

dont know what you call high end, but if you just want a reference, then find roaster that are certified and sell specialty coffee. even if you don't get a light roast, you'll know the roasters are good and care about quality. you'll should be able to find a few that send a 250g bag freshly roasted to your door

>> No.18926141

this mf making confee from chaff only bruh

>> No.18926306

Aeropress enjoyers: do you dilute your coffee or just drink the ~150ml that you get out of a single press?

>> No.18926316

I brew 200ml when I make aeropress coffee. Some of that gets absorbed by the grounds, but I never felt the need to dilute it. Unless I fucked something up and it was bitter as shit in which case I add milk.

>> No.18926372

What do I buy

>> No.18926419

i fucking HATE the moka pot

>> No.18926427

would an aeropress work with pre-ground coffee?
i mean, im sure it would work, im asking if that would nullify the whole attempt at getting good/better quality coffee
if yes, what sort of ground coffee should i go for?

>> No.18926428

A wife

>> No.18926436

I mean it'll work, but no matter what technique you use the result can only be as good as the coffee you put in and pre-ground will always go stale faster or just be stale from the beginning, and that's assuming it's decent to begin with.
>what sort of ground coffee should i go for?
If you're a burger hoffmeme did a video on grocery store coffee
You could also see if local specialty shops have the option of grinding the coffee for you, some will do it.

>> No.18926635

I'm trying to dial in my V60 skills
I'm doing a 1:12 ratio (30g coffee, 360g water) with a medium-coarse grind in my Oxo
I'm pouring about 120g at a time and letting it drain. Is that too much? How long should I wait?

>> No.18926661

try the 40/60 method. it can be altered for different tastes, but the most basic would in 360ml be:
22g coffee
72g every 30 seconds(or 45 if it drains slowly)

>> No.18926689

Cool, thanks m8
Is 1:12 a good ratio? And died the grind matter that much? It's coarser than what I have found effective for the Chemex

>> No.18926706

1:15 seems to be more common for v60. 1:12 is better for french press.
grind size is probably the biggest factor of all. it should probably be a little finer than for your chemex, assuming your filter isn't as slow as the chemex filter is. dial in by taste

>> No.18926988
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grilled what?

>> No.18926996
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>> No.18927471

zamn those look good

>> No.18927555


>> No.18928132

I fucking LOVE the moka pot, so we’re even.