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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18904692 No.18904692 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make this taste good

>> No.18904694

It's trash mate, feed your dog with it if you have to

>> No.18904695

That's harsh to give to a loyal friendly doggo

>> No.18904697

wash it
wash it
wash it some more
one more wash
throw the fuck away and buy actual meat

>> No.18904700

No matter how much it's cleaned and bleached, it will probably smell like a barn.
This. Stomachs and intestines are for feeding animals, only after you've cleaned them a lot.

>> No.18904706

My dog won't even eat this. he looks at me like what?
I say c'mon buddy all your getting eat it. he walks away growling

>> No.18904732

Make callos with it, a traditional Spanish food.

>> No.18904740

Make menudo. You should clean throughly and boil the shit out of it.

>> No.18904749

I love how tongue and liver and tripe and chicken wings and hearts and gizzards all used to be such shit tier garbage unwanted cuts that they would sell for at most a tenth of what real meat cost and now because of hipster dumbasses soyjaking over mexican food they are now same or more expensive than real meat

>> No.18904756


>> No.18904760

Become a catholic or a dog.

>> No.18905045

make soup stock out of it

>> No.18905058

Eat it with hotpot

>> No.18905116
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>chicken wings
>mexican food

>> No.18905126
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It always tastes good in the pho I order

>> No.18905128

>they are now same or more expensive than real meat
Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.18905131

my parents would chop it super extra fine so you can't feel its texture and mix it into a tomato sauce for pasta

otherwise can't help, that stuff is dogshit

>> No.18905156

Lots of dried peppers in the broth. Lime, oregeno, corn tortilla and a coca cola

>> No.18905160

>hipster dumbasses
You mean actual Mexicans? Over the last 20 years tens of millions of them moved to the US

>> No.18905163
File: 60 KB, 1280x853, trippa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in italy we have a recepie "Busecca/trippa"
Take a translator. Is not bad, we eat it as tradition every winter, this years wan't that bad the one my mom made, while the one the church made always suck, lacks of taste and salt.

>> No.18905182

I've eaten it when it was cut into tiny chunks, breaded and deep fried in Spain and the texture was still disgusting.

>> No.18905224


>> No.18905267

i always loved Trippa growing up, we make it a bit different here in Sicily but still the same basis

>> No.18905311

I will never forgive anyone after what they did to oxtail and shank, a 300% mark up over 2 years is fucking outrageous here in the midwest

>> No.18905576
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>> No.18905609

Gentle fry with loads of onions and garlic, when it's almost falling apart throw in a glass of a really sharp white wine and reduce. Absolutely gorgeous, a real treat.

>> No.18905613

They're all divinely tasty.

>> No.18905674


>> No.18905676

Tripe doesn't and cannot taste good. It tastes like nothing at all and is best sliced in very thin strips added to strongly flavored soups, like pho or menudo, to stretch out the protein sources and add texture.

>> No.18905784
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Do Americans really bleach their food?

>> No.18905800

Slice super thin after boiling and put in a soup

>> No.18905821

make choncholi with anticuchos. best way to consume it. actually delicious if you can get the peruvian ingredients.

>> No.18905902
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>> No.18905951

>tfw no more frying up $1 of chicken hearts and having snacks for the rest of the day

>> No.18905962

make a soup or stew with it

>> No.18906053 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 800x600, Receita-de-Dobrada-%C3%A1-moda-do-Porto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's tripas à modo do porto

>> No.18906060
File: 132 KB, 800x600, Receita-de-Dobrada-%C3%A1-moda-do-Porto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's tripas à moda do Porto

>> No.18906064 [DELETED] 

it's not worth the effort, it's trash

>> No.18906099

Welcome to Belgium, Burgundy, Ireland and Normandy. 500 fucking years ago. The Spanish and by extent, the Mexicans know fuck all about tripes.

>> No.18906146

we spaniards eat callos, it's a very spanish "tapa" we eat here

>> No.18906148

It's the other way around, omnivore mammals always favored the organs instead of the meat because it's easier to chew, Until modern times it was the most valuable part of livestock, only after the industrial revolution it became kind of a waste, and now it slowly regains popularity.

>> No.18906346

plus there's often food in the intestines, so you get 2bl the bang for your buck

>> No.18906505

>there's often food in the intestines
No, intestines are easily washed, it's basically a hose.

>> No.18906524

Soak in preferred seasonings for soup filler.

>> No.18906525

Fucking nu/ck/. Telling people to get rid of food because they are cooklets, who can't cook for shit.

>> No.18906547

negro's are almost retarded. not even being racist. do not group them in with anyone.

>> No.18906549

I love how everyone that gives suggestions on how they eat this shit shows dishes that have so much flavor without the meat that you could basically throw anything in there and it would taste good. It's a shittly intestine/stomach lining that is unnecessary today, when we can afford to buy real meat. Grind it up and add it as a filler in something you don't care about but stop asking how to make it taste good. IT DOES NOT.

>> No.18906561

tripe is not even safe to eat. it has little nutrition . and costs more than tilapia.
it is the dirt of meat.

>> No.18906597

talking about animals eating other animals, not tripe you buy at the butcher's

>> No.18906634
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Tongue and liver are delicious

>> No.18906647

throw it in chinese hot pot

>> No.18906648

post timestamped tripe dish

>> No.18906654
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My mom would rarely make into a broth when I was a kid, I thought it was pretty good. I really miss her food anons, only reason I would go home is to see her and absolutely relish her food

>> No.18906690

Make menudo or vampi

>> No.18906783
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>post vampi
You first.

>> No.18906791
File: 54 KB, 564x494, acZNNNx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I make this taste good
Tripe? A dog might eat it, but I'd have a hard time ever looking it in the eye again.
You're a human, right? Don't eat that shit, it's beneath us. Don't drag the species down to that level. Fuck's sake.

>> No.18906798

Wings used to be really cheap until Buffalo Wild Wings

>> No.18906811

Tripe is delicious, fuck you Nelson

>> No.18906858

It's still cheaper than real meat in Australia but that's if you can find it at all. A lot of places don't bother to sell it.

>> No.18906867

Oh ok. I've seen survivalists eating what was in the intestine of herbivores though, but I wouldn't try it.

>> No.18907093

Tongue isn’t that bad.

>> No.18907108
File: 48 KB, 570x589, 1675727408202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in Bulgaria a shitload of people love this shit, the tripe soup. There are restaurants where the sole specialty is tripe soup. It smells absolutely disgusting, it tastes just as bad, and people line up and fight over it around here.
>How do I make this taste good
No idea. Everybody I know insists it tastes incredible if cooked right but I tasted the so called "great properly cooked" in places everybody swears are "the best" and I only swallowed it because there were people around and couldn't just spit it out.
Puked later.
Never again.

>> No.18907120

I think blacks are just used to eating bad meat, that's why they wash it and season it so strongly, so you can't tell it's bad or borderline unless it makes you sick. Slow cookers are also very good for making low quality meats taste good, but I never hear about blacks using those. I do it a lot though, especially with freezer burned or old meat, like you sometimes get from the food pantry. After a day or so, you can't even tell.

>> No.18907169

WTF it's some kind of internal body part? I thought it's some weird mushroom and ate it. Was kinda like jello. What is it exactly?

>> No.18907209

you're a dishonor to your country

>> No.18907417

Tripe is the stomach lining of (usually) cows.

>> No.18907428

>Tripe is the stomach lining of (usually) cows.
This is probably a dumb question, but why don't they make something like American pork bacon out of cow stomachs?

>> No.18907833


I prefer pozole tho

>> No.18907848

does my stomach look like that too?

>> No.18907897

And they have to go back.

>> No.18907915

that's the trick, you can't.

>> No.18907945

You don't have a reticulum, so no.

>> No.18907965

>you can't
peak tastelet

>> No.18907969
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>boil in some broth
>deep fry

>> No.18907994

No, cows have odd digestion systems design to turn grass into steak and fertilizer

>> No.18909033

I feel like most people pretend they like it because theyre considered dishonour to the country otherwise.

>> No.18909093

Trade it for a pizza.

>> No.18909229

Barbarian foods is so much better than dumb uncultured western dog shit foods

>> No.18909351

Only works in stews, specifically mondongo stews

>> No.18909648

If it really tasted good you would be able to eat it by itself. You can't, so it's shit that needs strong flavors around it to make it palatable. I challenge anyone to cook tripe by itself or even with just one other ingredient and eat it, then say it's good.

>> No.18909663

what the fuck is that and why is it all spiky ughhh fucking disgusting

>> No.18910072

>If it really tasted good you would be able to eat it by itself.
Do you eat potatoes just like that?

>> No.18910118
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I think you just have to boil it for a while in some soup, it is really chewy and tough if you don't boil it for a while first. Too much work in my opinion, but I do like it. You probably want it cut into small pieces too.

>> No.18910126

Baked potatoes taste good on their own. I eat the fuckers after they cool down. I eat them like an apple.

>> No.18910136

Boil until it's soft, stir fry with butter and salt

>> No.18910276

Ca someone tell me if in Spanish callos: does the morcilla disintegrate in the soup or it stays solid? I dont eat blood and it would be a shame to not taste it

>> No.18910401


No, that's abdominal muscle.

>> No.18910440

Baked potatoes taste bland, just like tripes and most food when just cooked plain.

>> No.18910504

I should beat you with a stick

>> No.18910508

Vampi is Croatian or Slovenian?

>> No.18910511

I don't know what that is

>> No.18910545
File: 82 KB, 575x579, Screenshot_20230207_221345_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have special tripe restaurants in Bulgaria? Called shkembedjnitsa or something?
Here is a menu for a Sofia restaurant, it seems they have other stuff too, maybe you can translate?

>> No.18910552
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Search for recipes of patsa, πατσά, a greek tripe soup.
The recipe is boiling for minutes to hours, depending on the stomach, goat, sheep, cow with water and salt, strain after the first 10 mins, cont. boiling.
When boiling is finished take the stomach out and cut it into small pieces.
Put pieces in with the juices. Serve in soup plates with raw garlic on the side, a drip of vinegar in each plate and a shitload of black pepper.

>> No.18910556

put some lemon and tapatio on that shit foo

>> No.18910576

Is most patsas done with beef tripe?

>> No.18910604

What's going on in the picture ?

>> No.18910636

large tripe soup / pork /
large tripe soup
double tripe soup
tripe soup / beef /
large tripe soup
mineral water

below in written - double beef tripe soup

you're an absolute fucking faggot made entirely of soy and sugar, kill yourself

>> No.18910652

Thanks man

>double beef tripe soup
Good Lord have mercy I would stay here forever

>> No.18910693

>you vill eat ze shitsoup and you vill like it

>> No.18910708

mi edesh uq togava snejinke


That's probably the easiest to do and it's unbelievably good

>> No.18910721

But it is GOOD

>> No.18910723

>Gatekeeping innards
Is this the life you imagined?

>> No.18910748

sha lapash uq palq4o mamati sha eba
its disgusting. glad you like it, i gag whenever i catch a sniff

>> No.18910751

It's unironically my favourite food, to each his own I guess

>> No.18910787
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It exists in Slovenia. So do dragons though. Awful nation, but the countryside is beautiful.
This is probably the only way I haven't tried it. I might give it a go, thank you.

>> No.18910810

the taste can not be surpassed by the texture
personally can’t get past the texture regardless of taste

>> No.18910816

make flaczki https://aniagotuje.pl/przepis/flaki

>> No.18910845

Oh god I love the english autotranslate for this. It's near flawless, only I have no idea what the fuck beef claws are. People don't cook with hooves either. Also cooking when the heating element blinks worries me. Maybe that's why so many European apartment buildings blow up, if the flame is blinking in and out, there's gas leaking everywhere. Lower until the stove is blinking. The fuck man?

>> No.18910872

Where do you see beef claws?

Ingredients for meringue soup for tripe

1 kg of beef - for example, brisket plus neck
2.5 liters of water - 2500 ml
2 medium or larger carrots - about 280 g
about 15 cm of leek - up to 150 g
a piece of celery root - about 100 g
1 parsley root - about 120 g
spices: 1 teaspoon salt, half a flat teaspoon pepper

Other ingredients for tripe

1 kg of beef tripe - flaked or sliced
3 cloves of garlic - about 15 g
Spices and herbs: 3 full tablespoons of marjoram; 4 grains of allspice; 2 bay leaves; one flat teaspoon each of ground ginger and nutmeg; half a teaspoon each of hot and sweet paprika; salt and pepper - dosed at the end

Ingredients for roux - can be omitted

5 tablespoons of wheat flour - up to 70 g
5 tablespoons of butter - up to 80 g

>> No.18910940

This, based callos
(superior callos have chickpeas btw, fuck Castillian dogs)

>> No.18910959

I probably used a different translation program. I don't like google's spyware in my system.

>> No.18910985

it's impossible

>> No.18911008

No. Sheep/goat.
Beef is not that common in the greek rural cuisine.
Sheep, goat, pork are the most used meats. Beef became more common in recent years with minced meat mostly.
With allies like turkroaches you don't need borders. The sign says "Greece. Welcome"

>> No.18911081

Summer potatoes with salted butter is all I need may-august.

>> No.18911120

>with salted butter
So not by itself.
You don't eat raw potatoes or tripe, and you don't eat cooked potatoes or tripe without a bit of seasoning, that was my point.

>> No.18911155

Tastelet, go and choke on a Macdonalds

>> No.18911162

Not the same anon you tried to make that point to in the first place.

>> No.18911826

wings were garbage parts of chicken until buffalo sauce was invented

>> No.18912068

this looks kinda disgusting and is activating my trypophobia

>> No.18913288


>> No.18913311


>> No.18913315

Filtered and mentally ill.

>> No.18913350
File: 29 KB, 400x296, shkembemaslo6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wash it with slacked lime (I don't like how it comes out with vinegar) if it's fresh(by fresh i mean the animal was still twitiching in the last half hour), cut to strips and then deep fry

>> No.18913429

gotta try this

>> No.18913434

What country is this sandwich from? Is that beef tripe?
Looks yummy

>> No.18913529

You boil the tripe first and then deep fry it?

>> No.18913714

not him but nope not needed.

>> No.18913722

Whats the texture usually like?

>> No.18913770

rubber with a hint of beef

>> No.18913985

Does it have batter or something? Looks like cornmeal maybe?

>> No.18914005

ITT: Assholes eating assholes. Nuff Said!

>> No.18914243

make filjeki, add parmesan

>> No.18914425
File: 689 KB, 2560x1704, 1636215803-12.11.-b-Skembici-u-saftu-stock-photo-tripe-with-tomato-sauce-called-tripe-alla-romana-a-typical-dish-from-lazio-1834093609-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keeping the tripe thread up.
This is skembič u saftu, a thicker dish, from Serbia and Bosnia.
I ate this in Sarajevo, a bit difficult to find in Serbia

>> No.18914518

Yeah, I used to get buckets of intestines and the local meat store for free back on the 90s because gringos taught that was just trash. I used to even sell those at the taquerias but I guess they found out and now they sell it

>> No.18914544

>lacking the reading comprehension of a 3rd grader
is this how you thank your father for raising you?