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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18897394 No.18897394 [Reply] [Original]

my dad keeps bringing me shit loads of apples and my fridge is full of them. if i dont eat them he will get mad, is there anything i can do with them instead of throwing them out?

>> No.18897401

blend those bad boys into smoothies with greek yogurt and almond milk every morning until they're gone.

>> No.18897408


>> No.18897411
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>> No.18897412


>> No.18897417

apple crumble

>> No.18897420

>if i dont eat them he will get mad

>> No.18897421

Making apple juice seems like it would be one of the most efficient ways to take a huge volume of apples and condense it down into a much smaller volume of something else. It probably takes like 50 of them to make a gallon

>> No.18897422

is he really gay?

>> No.18897423 [DELETED] 

Why post a MAP as a picture OP?

>> No.18897425 [DELETED] 

Yea, he is a child fucker/rapist aka homosexual.

>> No.18897437

skin them, core them, dice them, and then throw them into a slow cooker for a few hours.

>> No.18897440

apple butter

>> No.18897441


>> No.18897956

Get a dehydrator and make fucktons of apple chips.

>> No.18897988

apple baseball
apple dodgeball

bake the apples they look deflated but they centre is sweet, basically like pie filling apple slices
or to be fancy try biffin or rombosse

roast them with pork roast

apple containing salads.. waldorf salad is famous but it doesn't need to be like that, can just be like apple+stilton+leafy green and oil+vinegar, or can be some thin sliced apples on mandolin as the base and then garnishes

peeled apple slices with a bit of lemon juice to prevent browning

toast with butter, cheddar, and thin slice apples i like that as a poverty sandwich

>> No.18898011

You missed the obvious, Apple Tennis

>> No.18898014

make an apple compote. put it on pancakes, potato pancakes, ice cream, pie filling, some asian dishes

>> No.18898028

apple cider
apple pie drink

>> No.18898035

lazy asshole's apple pie just bake the pie crust itself and crumble it on top of a fuckton of apple pie filling and yes it kust be called that

>> No.18898053

Apple butter, apple crisp, apple sauce, pork and noodles with apples, roasted apples, apple juice, apple cider, apple wine, you can do anything with them

>> No.18898182

compost them and plant them in your yard and return the favor in 10 years

>> No.18898210

apple to garnish your steak tartare

>> No.18898370

Apples are like 100% water just leave them outside and a thirsty animal will drink them

>> No.18898381

Eat the fucking apples until you like them anon, your old man is right.

>> No.18898429

Personally I like to cut up my apples, sprinkle some sugar and lemon juice on them (the lemon juice keeps them from browning) then put them in a ziplock bag and cram them up my ass.

>> No.18898468
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Cut up the apples, save the seeds.
Use water and blend the seeds into paste. Add cream and cinnamon and Viola, painful, but tasty suicide.

>> No.18898535

something like this happened to me in grade school once. somehow got tricked to go upstairs where these girls were and they tied me down and blindfolded me to 'paint my nails', but they were taking turns sitting on my lap and trying to kiss me. luckily i sperged out and escaped, im not a pedo and we were all well underage.

>> No.18898872

We don't post rapists here.

>> No.18898893

Men are made to be raped by women.

>> No.18898899

>Hey dad stop beinging me so many apples
Anything else is cope

>> No.18898904
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You can make cider if you like alcohol.
Otherwise I think you could freeze them for pies or fritters. I'm a terrible baker I just hear things other people say about it.

>> No.18899735


>> No.18899921
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>> No.18899927

>dad chokes back tears, nodding silently
>he knows the apple cartel will kill him for this
>but he must respect his son's wishes

>> No.18900105

Seething zoomers mad that their grandpa will never be this cool

>> No.18900128

I know they're called ground apples, but I don't think you can make them from regular tree apples

>> No.18900152

>Bury them
>grow a fucking forest
>harvest tons of apples
>keep bringing them to your dad
>Tell him you get mad if he wont every single apple

>> No.18900156


>> No.18900349

Just eat them? Also why are you keeping them in the fridge.

>> No.18900361

You could probably make a living shoving them up your ass on onlyfans.

>> No.18900379

I'll shove them up your mother's fat whore cunt

>> No.18900381

give some to your neigbours, people used to do that back in the day before everyone started hating each other for no reason

>> No.18900678

>You have to eat all the apples

>> No.18900695
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>knock knock
>good morning sir d-d-d-would you like some apples?
>door shut

good ideea fucking weirdo

>> No.18900698

Apples used to be fed to poor workers and peasants, your father is trying to teach you humility

>> No.18900703

have you tried killing him?

>> No.18900711

get the hate kid, go do your fucking homework

>> No.18900731

wouldn't be awkward if you weren't an autistic sperg that avoids his neighbours at every possible opportunity
can you imagine that some people can even become friends with their neighbours?

>> No.18900737

i dont avoid them you stupid bitch i just say hello or nod my head and be on my way. i dont engage conversations in the fucking elevator like you. go watch some more anime you fucking clown

>> No.18900747

why does the idea of being friends with your neighbours make you so mad?

>> No.18900761

it doesnt,. just your idea of approaching people with apples does

>> No.18900775

it's normal to share food with your neighbours

>> No.18900779

well if you were my neighbour i would move out so i can keep my kids safe

>> No.18900790

I don't mean offering it to essentially complete strangers that you met once or twice, but if you are on good terms with your next door neighbour for example then they would consider it a nice thing and then they could repay the kindness one day, depending on what kind of person they are of course
it's quite common in the countryside with chickens, they lay so many eggs that an entire household sometimes cannot eat them all before they go rotten, so they give some to their neighbours either for free or for very cheap price

>> No.18900802

well you do that, cowboy, ill go on with my big city life

>> No.18900807
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I wish Featureman would hold me down and mercilessly pound my tight bussy for just a chance at getting in a background shot on Saved By The Bell. I’m not even gay but I’d mewl like a little faggot

>> No.18900820

that's the one thing I find pretty sad about city living, there's no sense of community among neighbours, everyone avoids socializing with each other at every possible opportunity

>> No.18900823

>if i dont eat them he will get mad
Learn to speak up for yourself, idiot.

>> No.18900830

i dont dare speak back to my father you fucking mental defective, i respect him

>> No.18900859

sounds more like you fear him desu

>> No.18900865

dude please dont talk to me anymore go back to your fucking loser anime

>> No.18900882
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you can shove those apples up your ass, anon-kun

>> No.18900914
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Yeah look how it turned out to be lol

>> No.18900944

I remember a few months ago some lady on twitter said she was going to share some chilli with her neighbours and everyone went fucking insane.

>> No.18900967

It was just a month ago

>> No.18900978
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Anime website bitch nigga.

>> No.18900983

apple juice
apple pie
apple cider

>> No.18900990
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Hate to tell you it was three months ago.

>> No.18900997
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>> No.18901004
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>> No.18901010
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pls go away weeb

>> No.18901087

Buy a juicer and make cider.

>> No.18901099
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>> No.18901109
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thanks now i have to order a burger because of you

>> No.18901125

Whenever I have too much fruit I just cook it down into jam, or in this case apple butter. Lasts a long time, give some back to your dad.

>> No.18901140
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>> No.18901426


>> No.18901450

>speak up for yourself
>speak back to your father

Not only are they different, but if you've been made to think they are the same, then you have probably been abused.

When you were a baby, your parents spoke up for you because you couldn't. When you couldn't sleep because someone in a neighboring apartment was having a loud party, they went next door and demanded the noise stop, elevating to calling the police if needed. When you had certain symptoms of illness and the doctor wasn't understanding, they made sure the doctor understood so as to best cure your illness.

When you grow up, you need to be able to do this for yourself because your parents can't always be there. If your boss isn't paying you enough, you need to ask for more. If someone is bullying you, you need to fight back. If your parents are acting against your best interest and intimidating you not to speak on your own behalf, no one can fix this situation but you. Come on, you're a fucking adult now. Stop acting like a child.

>someone tries to help you
>you insult them
Like I said, stop acting like a child.

>> No.18901499

too long didnt read

>> No.18901514
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i lied i did read it fuck you and thank you

>> No.18901526

ferment them into cider
or if you're not city or suburb faggot
feed them to local deer

>> No.18901527

jesus fuck you literally made me cry

>> No.18901537
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apple strudle is fucking delicious, the crack cocaine of puff pastry desserts

>> No.18901551

Remember that with all the great suggestions here, if you're making more than you can eat/drink (which you likely are), then give away the fresh sauce/cider/pies to friends.

If you don't have friends, make friends by giving away fresh sauce/cider/pies to coworkers or acquaintances. If the amount of apples you're getting is truly unmanageable, then to take it to the nth level, you could even join a meetup or google group for free events/hangouts and, after/while going to a couple yourself, start your own weekly event in which you host at your house a cider and pie giveaway or something. If you know someone who is better at hosting, have them host and you bring the food and/or drink.

>> No.18901583

Make cider out of it.

>> No.18901904

get good at splitting them with your bare hands

>> No.18901922

Make vinegar. Make cider. Can half.

>> No.18901923

Make Apple sauce and Hard Cider

>> No.18902223

plant them and get an orchard

>> No.18902249

In his day it was called "confirmed bachelor"

>> No.18902254


>> No.18902260

This but use your oven instead.

>> No.18902263

For (((no reason)))

>> No.18902790

Step 6: become a pioneer folk hero

>> No.18903031

Make apple butter, make apple spice to have with pork chops, can them in spices and honey, make tarts or pies with them.

>> No.18904113

> hey were taking turns sitting on my lap and trying to kiss me
> luckily i sperged out and escaped

>> No.18904211

Lmao at the fucking loser eternal virgin who doesn't even know how to be a gigachad at age 9.

>> No.18904650

Lot's of things you can do, my old man had apple trees, right of the vine good shit, apple pies, cobbler, apple sauce, apple slices with peanut butter also make apple butter
He would give excess away to neighbors for free we had so many and he couldn't see them to go bad
would give excess