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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 695 KB, 733x633, Screenshot 2023-02-05 at 11.40.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18900109 No.18900109 [Reply] [Original]

A classic bit of British grub

>> No.18900112

so this is why old people are all fat here
t. bong

>> No.18900116

I will never understand how British """people"" can make beans look inedible

>> No.18900126

I'd eat the peas and then probably 2 of the spam slices. If I was really hungry I could probably crush the beans too. Before eating the spam I'd try to scrape off whatever that poopoo sauce is, and also seperate the beans contaminated by it. I ate only canned beans for probably 2 months, when I was on my biggest benders.

>> No.18900133

What other food habits have you had on benders?

>> No.18900164

Doesn't look great, but taste good. I fail to see the problem

>> No.18900180

i will never understand how anyone can eat beans. they're fucking disgusting

>> No.18900255

you have low t

>> No.18900262

>whatever that poopoo sauce is
What shithole are you from where you don't have gravy?

>> No.18900293
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>> No.18900298

thats not english
thats fucking tramp

>> No.18900309

Never seen anyone have that combination ever. Its beans OR peas and the spam is random af

>> No.18900366

That is not a meal, it's a bunch of stuff thrown together on a plate in an attempt to bait the 'do bongs really' crowd. Now if it was an amerifat posting a plate with pepperoni pizza, mac and cheese, fried chicken, oreos and five sticks of butter, covered with a quart of ranch and served with a half gallon cup of Mountain Dew, that would be believable.

>> No.18900373 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 364x852, 1674014225997304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18900380

British beans yeah, well prepared beans are really good

>> No.18900514
File: 621 KB, 733x633, proppa lush breakfast innit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That breakfast looking proper lush lads
got me a little hot under the collar

>> No.18900518

corrr im erect

>> No.18900538

Not obligatory. Your post was awful and you need to delete thay image before you embarass yourself again.

>> No.18900546

>i can't believe american postion sizes
>eats 13,682 calorie breakfast
bongism. not even once

>> No.18900561 [DELETED] 
File: 194 KB, 512x220, 1671062362084383.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe, Nigel.
The damage control and bongaloid tantrums that go on whenever that webbum is posted makes it a national treasure in my book.

>> No.18900580

Indeed. The tears of Sir Walfred Roderick Benjamon Howard Nigel Lord Cuckington IV are always delicious.
To be fair though, I enjoy the tears of all filthy yurocuckistanis.

>> No.18900590
File: 315 KB, 340x488, pea wets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18900614

What in the everloving fuck is that abhorrent monstrosity?

>> No.18900625
File: 48 KB, 1080x540, 7E458CBB-18B9-4667-A1BE-81EE7914C6B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18900627

A smack barm, pea wet.

>> No.18900637 [DELETED] 
File: 2.14 MB, 250x264, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks like something that tried to crawl out of my asshole after a bender but didn't get very far.

>> No.18900641

There was some UK food subreddit and I gave it a check out of morbid curiosity. 80% of the pics were food like OP posted, the rest were pics of the easiest Italian pasta dishes. Do they really live like this? About the only thing they have better than the US is sausage. We have good sausage but I'll admit most eat trash sausage or hot dogs.

>> No.18900645

I'm sure you're used to having things crawl out of your asshole because things are always going into your asshole in the first place

>> No.18900659 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 1920x1080, CWxJzWQUAAE9bEj.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems reasonable enough...

>> No.18900668

I like the addition of black pepper as if it were a gourmet ingredient

>> No.18900682

b-b-breakfastchan, not in f-front of my family!

>> No.18900683

If that won't give a man diarrhea I don't know what will

>> No.18900688

If you want to see the problem get a mirror

>> No.18900714

Love how we get the best of reddit here without having to go look. Janny must agree too!

>> No.18900860

Why the fuck are there 2 oreos beside the eggs

>> No.18900871 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 607x960, 1673984779177532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's blood sausage, idiot. I forget what the subhumans call it, but it's basically blood sausage.

>> No.18900923

black pudding and it's fucking delicious.

>> No.18900935 [DELETED] 
File: 439 KB, 1200x1636, wp8634602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, that's it, thanks. I've never tried it, but I'd definitely like to.

>> No.18901257

>Still counting calories

>> No.18901306

yea but put a piece of spam on stickyrice and wrap it in seaweed and suddenly its cool

>> No.18901320
File: 125 KB, 872x1375, EU7WY7FXYAMTPdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phwoar proper grub that

>> No.18902383

I wish nan would sort me out if you know what I mean

>> No.18902417

>elaborately setup photo opp with well cooked food
>the eggs still look like shit
Bongs cant cook eggs.

>> No.18902432

>tagged as Homemade
I lol'd

>> No.18902499

they can't really do anything

>> No.18903757

seething jealous amerisharts

>> No.18903790


>a Wigan akimbo with the smack barm pet wet and the Wigan kebab
>there's no pey, it's just wet
>babby's yed
These people are a memerace

>> No.18903807

Why is shitty canned food their culture now?

>> No.18903852

Rent free.

>> No.18903863


>> No.18903888

I love Spam. I don't care what any of you dumb weaboos say about it.

>> No.18903967

proper scran

>> No.18903972

What are those little turd logs in the beans

>> No.18904161
File: 91 KB, 900x900, 1660004079657601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carbs with a bit of carbs with an extra helping of carbs
No wonder brits all look like old sacks of potatoes

>> No.18904164

post yourself
some anon mentioned yesterday that only fat people talk about carbs and as far as ive seen hes been right

>> No.18904173

5'8' 160 lb skinnyfat manlet
I still know better than to eat beans on toast with potato mash every day for brekky

>> No.18904191

woah are you me?
and we dont eat beans with mash for breakfast i think thats an american thing, hash browns maybe, most people just eat weetabix because we dont care about taste as our food so evidently shows

>> No.18904194


>> No.18904195

It would be much better with a pork chop instead of spam.

>> No.18904214

Looks good. I fail to see the problem here.

>> No.18904395

That also works with the Spanish, except their women are beautiful but have an awful temper and attitude.

>> No.18904415

No American ever does that.

>> No.18904424

Do English really?

>> No.18904457

looks like vienna sausages to me, but perhaps the britbong equivalent

>> No.18904464

yeah those fuckers have the texture of a soft wax candle and are probably less nutritious

>> No.18904781

spotted dick for dessert?

>> No.18904787
File: 241 KB, 1500x1000, roast-prime-rib-beef-au-jus-101560-hero-e96c570d30b64e83ab64128591c12f90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yorkshire pudding and prime rib with a horseradish sauce, spotted dick for dessert of course

>> No.18904842

When I vacationed in England, my great aunt would cook a fucking delicious breakfast with blood pudding, bacon, fried tomatoes, and fried mushrooms. So good.

>> No.18904864

absolutely pretentious

>> No.18904868

Kek. You’re alr8 m8. No Americans eat neither beans or mashed potatoes for breakfast, which is a shame, because you guys got that one right. Beans go great with eggs. I like baked beans for Brit style standard brekkie eggs and beans on toast, spicy black beans with avocado and pico de gallo for something fancier. They’ve replaced sausage and bacon for me.

>> No.18905011

>on baked beans

I'd tell this guy to kill himself, but if this is a usual meal for him then he's probably way ahead of me.

>> No.18905017

you still have functional taste buds?

>> No.18905024

fry-ups are the gayest food meme on earth

>> No.18905026


>> No.18905035


>> No.18905186
File: 9 KB, 572x693, 1646295893718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What in the everloving fuck is that abhorrent monstrosity?

>> No.18905220

i say this
but look like this
and eat this

>> No.18905222

that's blood pudding m8

>> No.18905226

anon that's my height and weight wtf
get out of here

>> No.18905238

we've got a right coomer over here

>> No.18905251

>all call eachother fat
>turns out were all skinny manlets

>> No.18905255

I'm trying to drop from 160 to 140lbs lmao, I'm overweight. I'm like 5'8.5" and its just not enough height. I have a gut and an ass due to it.

>> No.18905264

>160 to 140lbs
for some reason in my head that was 60 kilos not 160lbs ignore my retardation

>> No.18905278

i'm like 210lbs at 6'2" and i'm not fat. what the fuck are you talking about? gain some muscles mass

>> No.18905285

I don't want muscle mass, what does it do for me? I walk like 40-60 mins a day and that's enough. I have enough strength to lift ~200lbs if needed to carry it around. Anything more would be stupid and I've never had a single time in my life I needed that. Good on you to be ripped though. Manchildren hate ripped people. But I'm definitely a bit overweight - 5'8" is REALLY short, buddy. Like, you probably don't get it, but its REALLY short. Suicidal-tier short.
When you see a 5'8" ripped person it looks like an angry little child. So I'm just gonna lose some weight.
Ahh fair lol

>> No.18905290
File: 10 KB, 276x183, fish and chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a beer or 5

>> No.18905326

building muscle mass isn't about strength or trying to be bigger, it's about keeping yourself busy. that's all we're all doing already. it's just another thing to add to the list of keeping busy. maybe one day you'll have to carry something heavier and keeping busy will have helped in more than one way. stop worrying about your height so much nobody cares unless you obsess over it

>> No.18905339

I keep myself busy, I have literally no free time to do anything. The internet is the entire library of alexandria for entertainment and my job is pretty fun too. I have all of that filled.
If I need something heavier to be carried in the future, I'll use the robots we're going to have soon (And already do) or rely on technology to do that for me.
Anyone who is like 5'8"-5'10" or heavens forbid shorter and muscly looks like an angry little child, its disgusting.

>> No.18905654

How much inedible stodgy, grease and sugar laden poison can you shit onto one plate?

>> No.18905660

DIY simultaneous cancer and heart disease while only tasting lard. What a shit existence subhumans who eat that muck endure.

>> No.18905669

i could do alot more

>> No.18905671

This is American baked beans anon. That's what they look like. They might be popular in the UK but they're still American.

>> No.18905681

This is American breakfast but with some shitty tomatoes, beans, and mushrooms that no one wants for breakfast and blood pudding, as if that somehow is appetizing to anyone. And this is supposed to make British "food" superior? Give me a normal IHOP breakfast any day over this shit.

Then again, I guess you have to eat sloppy shit since you can't chew with your fucked up teeth anyway, Nigel.

>> No.18905703

How the fuck can you eat this much for breakfast

>> No.18905742

its mainly for show for a post because thats an extra extra large breakfast

>> No.18905805
File: 138 KB, 917x871, 1669194597031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't had anything to eat for 52 hours

>> No.18905845
File: 25 KB, 550x309, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't, unless you're some kind of giant pot-bellied labourer. This is more like the amount you'd get for a "Full English" from a hotel.

>> No.18905882

>People who ate this conquered the world
Who the fuck are we to criticize

>> No.18905917

every time i've had beans in burgerland they've been barbecue flavour though.
bong beans are tomato flavour.

>> No.18905945

based as fuck

>> No.18905974

Baked beans are an American invention (Boston baked beans) and the most common and popular brand is American. I do understand that it seems like baked beans are more popular in the UK than their home country, but it's still American. It's like how Lipton is still British even if it's not sold in the UK.
Same goes for hash browns, I think.

>> No.18905993

>Fry-Up Police
Don't post those queers here

>> No.18906340
File: 309 KB, 500x274, the butterfield diet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all hate how easy we are to please.

>> No.18906376
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 1675401318996748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listing black pepper as an ingredient

>> No.18906472

Shit is shit.

>> No.18906482

that was the point of my comment
i could do alot more

>> No.18906483

Fuck the baked batter wads. But the meat looks fine as long as it's actually roasted and not oven abejd like the bongs do.

>> No.18906490

these are the posts that based should be reserved for

>> No.18906491

I see, but why would a human being eat it? It tastes like shit, smells like shit and literally gives you cancer.

>> No.18906559

>It tastes like shit, smells like shit and literally gives you cancer.
cigarettes ever come to mind?

>> No.18906576

the fact that they list black pepper in the title makes me think it's the only seasoning on the entire plate.