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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 129 KB, 640x1100, jenny_mcds_career.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18896501 No.18896501 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone on /ck/ ever gone from fry cook to franchise owner? Is it a viable career path for someone that likes food?

>> No.18896503

God this is depressing

>> No.18896519

do zoomers really thinking having a career is depressing?

>> No.18896524

dedicating your life to the goyslop industry sounds depressing

>> No.18896530

youre right they should be a terminally online faggot like yourself

>> No.18896534

lol why are you so defensive
owning a fast food restaurant doesn't sound bad, but flipping burgers there for 20 years so you can afford it surely does

>> No.18896536

what happened during the Restaurant Manager period?
you seem very insecure

>> No.18896538

insecure about what? not wanting to spend half of my life as a mcdonalds employee?

>> No.18896551
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Weak bait, but I'll humor you with a reply anyways (assuming you're even literate).
The level of commitment required to work your way up the corporate totem pole of a fast food restaurant isn't worth the effort by any metric. By American standards, you'll still be making sub to near poverty level wages up until you're a licensee. That would take well over a decade of loyalty to McDonald's, and you're not guaranteed success once you're a licensee either.
This career path, if you can even call it that, is so unbelievably retarded that it makes taking out a massive loan to get a university degree seem like a good idea by comparison. And in this specific scenario, it actually is. Anyone who possesses the saint-like level of determination it would take to climb from fry cook to franchise owner at a McDonalds would find much more success getting a degree and gradually paying off their student debt. It's basically the same thing, with the added bonus of working a real job that's actually fulfilling.
Now get the fuck off my board you ESL mutt.

>> No.18896564

What's so bad about McDonalds? I could think of a fucking lot worse places to work. Oh wait are you doing the edgy teenager thing where you pretend to hate stuff because it's popular or something?

>> No.18896572

I have nothing specifically against mcdonalds, I mean all fast foods in general

>> No.18896578

Oh okay so you are. Got it.

>> No.18896587

>low wages
>having to deal with absolute retard customers
>on your feet all day
>mundane repetitive work
>shitty working conditions
>no experience applicable anywhere else or real career development
>even if you move up the ladder you don't avoid most of things above
majority of jobs are better than working in a fast food for sure

>> No.18896596

oh and I forgot
>no respect earned whatsoever
you might be the one being really insecure here, if you cannot dream a better career for yourself that waging in mcdonalds in hope of owning a franchise one day

>> No.18896602

I worked at a mcdonalds for three years from 16 to 19 and I realised that the older guys who were doing 50-60 hour weeks generally got "promoted" to a manager just so they wouldnt get an hourly wage anymore but rather a fixed wage. they also got to wear a white shirt instead of a blue one and got to tell other people what to do, but they'd still be flipping burgers and doing the regular tasks

>> No.18896653

dead end climb-up is for people how gave up school and/or life on any level. but still want some ladder to climb up.

>> No.18896665

why is op suddenly so quiet? do you think he is crying?

>> No.18896708

I don't need validation from from angry losers on 4chan

>> No.18896713

I thought that's what ranked matchmaking in video games was for

>> No.18896737

I know a guy who did that. Started as crew at Arby's them became regional manager in a decade. He earns well into the six figures.
Also know a woman who did that with Cinnabon, but she doesn't work for them anymore and I have no idea what she does now and never knew how much she was paid when she did.

>> No.18896745

evidently you do if you're still here

>> No.18896749
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McDonald's is the place to ROCK!

>> No.18896770

If you work at McDonald's for a fulltime job you smell like shit. The stench seeps into your pores, into your hair, to the point that no amount of showering can remove the smell. You can attempt to mask it with copious amounts of deodorant, but there will still be a lingering undercurrent of rancid frying oil and that god-awful smell of reconstituted dehydrated onions.

>> No.18896780

>I know a guy who did that. Started as crew at Arby's them became regional manager in a decade. He earns well into the six figures.

Knew a guy who did the same thing with Target when they opened up in Canada, went from floor wagie to regional management making 100k within 10 months as a 21 year old. Probably not unheard of in fast food but it's always depressing seeing boomers still working at macca's or other retail monkey jobs

>> No.18896785


Its a hard ladder to climb, and it may not the "worth" the effort, but having a ladder to climb is far better than being stuck at a dead end retail job.

If he can get a good restaurant going in a good location, use that to open another location or two, that's enough for him to make bank.

>> No.18896812

>that must be so soul crushing!
>literal proof right there it didn't crush her soul

>> No.18896817

it is the restaurant where they buy food to eat

>> No.18896822

>was known as jenny except for supervisor rank
man, she was happiest during the jennifer rank because she was referred to by her full name and had to wear business slut outfits.
now she's just jenny again, but probably has her own boytoy secretary that licks her ass while she does paperwork.
she feeds him her greasy qpc shits while he's dressed as the hamburglar and she's dressed as birdie.
she has the poolboy dress as ronald and dig her ass out which hamburglar secretary willing laps up the santorum afterwards.
his cock cage is made from an old fry basket.
she often runs a mcflurry machine on his asshole, making the forbidden flurry.

salt and pepper to taste.

>> No.18896842

Jenny is happier than an incel like you ever will be.

>> No.18896853

didn't know there were so many fast food workers on this board
after looking at the catalog, I really should have known better

>> No.18896855

i don't believe anyone who gets pussy has ever referred to anyone as an incel

>> No.18896859
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>> No.18896860

many people had it as a part time job in their teenage years

>> No.18896864

>gyno centric cynic online quips with projection against someone criticizing the validity of a dubious industry
Huh. Interesting. Call people more names.

>> No.18896868

holy shit you talk like a faggot i don't even think you could get away with sucking this much cock on tumblr

>> No.18896880

>mentions homosexuality twice
Who's on Tumblr? Tell me about them.

>> No.18896906

This is a realistic take, SOME companies like walmart make a point of promoting from within but typically rising into an "officer" rank from a wage worker position is difficult and may be closed off completely, amazon got in trouble for running things that way recently. You're going to have to basically have a perfect record, work lots of shitty hours, the amount of effort and stress involved will almost certainly produce greater rewards if you just left for a better job elsewhere, when you can move to a higher "track".

>> No.18896915

My highschool friend did, so I know it's possible, but you have to be committed and an All Around Good Dude. He also learned Spanish to speak with the employees, then started going to a Hispanic church and dating latinas way out of his league so maybe there's something to it. Good luck.

>> No.18896921

that too.
but some [people] want a [real] component, so they do the same [irl].

>> No.18896926

going to Walmart depresses the fuck out of me. It's always staffed by early 20 something YOs or retirement aged grandpas/grandmas
I mean it's basically their own fault for ending up there, but I still feel bad somehow

>> No.18896928

>committed and an All Around Good Dude
lol we all kind of know that op is neither

>> No.18896950

Op also wasn't the one to earn the badges in his pic so that's a moot point anyway.

>> No.18896954

but that's apparently his dream, to become a jenny

>> No.18897138

Suck my dog’s diiiiick!

>> No.18897149

It takes about a year, sometimes two. You'll still be in college.

>> No.18897270

I know a manager at a bbq place. 10 years a manager, hard fucking worker.

The owner came and gave him a backpack and a plaque for his house.
Is this the kind of honor you deserve? Or are you being taken as a fool.

>> No.18897273

How did she raise the necessary capital to own a McDonald's franchise? The minimum is like $550K and that's for the tiniest McDonald's in a very rural area. If you want to open one in a mid-sized city, it's $1.5M+.

>> No.18897399


>> No.18897483

Looking at Indeed. A manager of McDonalds makes around 70k a year. So, they probably saved and then got a loan or other investors to get the capital to start a franchise.

>> No.18897578

You haven't worked in fast food. the customers are absolutely fucking awful people and you are supposed to slave for their happiness.
I don't if people were always like this or they have become absolute trash recently but i don't remember things being like this 15 years ago

>> No.18897701

You could probably frame that and sell it for a million dollars or something as "art"

>> No.18897714
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Years back, A buddy's aunt who had started working at a McDonalds while she was in high school ended up becoming a franchise owner but her husband had a union gig with one of the Big Three auto companies, so it's not like money was tight in their household and they could afford the risk. As far as I know, she still owns it.

>> No.18897758
File: 55 KB, 476x535, disappoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You sound like my shitbag 21 year old nephew, who got all A's in jr.high and high school, got a bunch of scholarships to Lawrence Tech college then... did nothing his first semester and failed all his classes and claimed he has "anxiety" and "suicidal thoughts" and dropped out.

Mom bought into his bullshit and now he just sleeps all day and sits on his ass all night playing video gams and shitposting on-line, sponging off his parents and bitching that the System is rigged against him.

You zoomers disgust me.

>> No.18897771

Jennifer P***t

>> No.18897786

It takes $1 to $2 million to actually launch it and you need to have at least $500k liquidity. She's probably just the face of an ownership group.

>> No.18897829
File: 322 KB, 1062x899, Jet's_Pizza_Store,_Ypsilanti_Township,_Michigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A couple of years back at a graduation party for a friend's son, I meet a guy I had gone to school with as kids and he now owns six or seven Jets pizza joints and is rolling on money and has a smoking hot (and much younger) girlfriend.

This was really surprising to me, as I remember him being dumb as a bag of doorknobs but apparently he started a landscaping business right out of high school, busted his ass and built that up to the point that he sold it to buy his first Jets franchise and kept on buying more as each brought in more money.

>> No.18897850

Based jets owner cradle robber
That's the dream. Retarded young kids always think they're going to change the world. You're here to keep the machine moving and there is no higher value in making others happy

>> No.18897885

Anyone got her number? I wanna make her mine.

>> No.18897908

Yes. So that's what I meant when I said she saved money to get a loan or got other investors to get capital to start the investment.

>> No.18897926


>> No.18897980


He said pizza joints have the best cost-to-profits ratio of any small business, as literally everybody buys pizzas while the ingredients are cheep and store's operational costs are small.

>> No.18898058

sounds based desu

>> No.18898221

People go here to listen to the rock music

>> No.18898355

Nah, its a fucking miracle someone actually work up from the bottom and ended up owning a franchise.
The odds of this happening is so infinitely low its not funny.

>> No.18898362

I really hope this is bait and you're talking about yourself because he sounds extremely based and the system IS rigged against white intelligent men

>> No.18898382

did a mcdonald employee diddled you?

>> No.18898386

Blessed post.

>> No.18898400

It's true. When I wanted to start a cafe (I didn't), I asked my dad for the start-up cash. He said he'd give it to me if I considered opening a pizza joint instead but not for a coffee shop. We talked about it a bit, and he showed me figures and shit and, of course, he was right.
I then got to thinking that I've only seen a single independent pizza place ever go out of business, ever, but independent coffee shops seem to open then go out of business quick as a kitten queef and just as often.

>> No.18898406

You end up doing the pizza place?

>> No.18898407

good on her

>> No.18898408

Nah. Jenny, she changed her number.

>> No.18898415

Made other horrible life choices besides that one and wound up an educator.

>> No.18898641

Or you can learn to code in 6 months

>> No.18899157

I probably would have if my life hadn't fallen apart due to drug addiction. I started out at mcdonalds part time in college. Ended up dropping out of college and working full time. Made manager and they were training me to move up but I fucked everything up marrying the first girl that showed any interest in me and she ended up being a crazy person that ruined my life and in my depression everything spiraled out of control and here I am 15 years later just waiting for the sweet release.
But yeah if it wasn't for that I would probably be driving around one of those company cars right now inspecting random franchise stores looking over the shoulder of sanchez making sure he's cooking those patties to temp.
If you have no education or ambition it's about the best a person can do. Could be worse, could be better. I wouldn't suggest it but someone has to do it so might as well be you.

>> No.18899212

I kind of did it for a good portion of my 20s. Went from $9.50/hr to ~165k depending on bonuses/perks.
Crew member at a regional coffee chain to regional manager in about 4 years. Wasn't hard, just a steady grind, good timing and being able to constantly find ways to increase YoY sales against overhead. My drinking caught up with me and the crash was a very public and humiliating wreck but that is neither here nor there.

>> No.18899466

This person probably does things on their days off.

>> No.18899473

>the only way to get respect is through your employer

>> No.18899475

Heh you drunk bastard

>> No.18899506
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From what I understand, once you're no longer the Boots on the Ground, McDonald's does very right by their people. Like I've never worked food-service but I know people who started at McDick's, worked their way up (because their competition was dogshit) went to Hamburger University and all. Like when you think of it, they aren't the household-name they are for no reason... And I've never seen one go out of business. I know to be a franchise-owner is a different thing and you basically have to be a millionaire already to even be one to begin with. But the idea that some people work their whole careers for McDick's and are damn proud of it makes complete sense to me.

>> No.18900092

You must be 18 years or older to post on this site, kiddo.

>> No.18900106

Nah I mostly worked in office cafeterias, country clubs, casinos, weddings when I did food service. The best food service jobs you will find through agencies and catering services that employ professional chefs, or nice restaurants that need skilled workers.

Being a owner/manager is just a white collar business role and not necessarily a food job, as you can be an owner/manager of other retail establishments. Many business owners don't even visit the place of business, or just on occasion.

>> No.18900107

Nah it's not it's just about going into debt, you can start as a business owner if your dream in life is to own a McDonald's

>> No.18900113

he never claimed that you retard, it's nice to have a respectable job in your 30s and later instead of staring to deep fryer 10 hours a day

>> No.18900117
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>Hamburger University

Fellas, what's it gonna be for me:

Clown College or Hamburger University

>> No.18900122

I'm so sorry anon but me and your mom can only afford Tendie Camp

>> No.18900123


>Tendie Camp

Enlistment is free, anon

>> No.18900125

guys ... it's real

>> No.18900129

>More than 5,000 students attend Hamburger University each year and over 275,000 people have graduated with a degree in "Hamburgerology".
godspeed mutts, never stop amusing us

>> No.18900131

I actually applied to Lil C's and some other fast food joints but they rejected me, am not good enough for that, so made more money at a food staffing agency instead

>> No.18900134
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imagine this is your alma mater

>> No.18900135

It's just a way to train employees, don't act like McDonald's isn't a global franchise in your country too

>> No.18900138

it is, but we flip those burgers without studying the hamburgerology

>> No.18900153
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We need more research grants for hamburgerology, they keep cutting funding for public education and lowering fitness standards for the Army, we need more Ronald McDonald's mascots, licensed and unlicensed, hopefully with degrees in clownology. We could always have more burgers and smiles.

>> No.18900559



Mc donalds isn't viable everywhere. Guess its ok to work at maccas if you are an alcohol baby, have down syndrome or just have dirty water in your genes

there is no Hamburger university here also shout out to that fucker that started a thread asking what Australia contributes to cuisine. Mc donalds closes down here need I say more.

>> No.18900610
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>> No.18900658
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I'm sorry, Chap (or whatever gay-ass name you call each other over there) I'm quite sure we were discussing real countries where humans live.

>> No.18900760

>imagine having a steady career
Yeah I guess that would be hard for you to imagine.

>> No.18901397

You don’t seem to understand that “lel go into debt” isn’t just some easy thing. Banks don’t give out million dollar loans to anyone who asks, you have to work long and hard to be qualified for such things. Normally you do it through owning assets and paper trails of good financials.
I did a quick search, to franchise a McDonald’s, the starting requirement is 500,000 liquid cash, and another ~1 million for the building and startup costs.

Do you know how much a turnkey McDonalds franchise goes for once it’s established and making money?

99% of the population could not acquire a franchise with even a middling “good” job alone, no matter how hard they worked, it requires extraordinary circumstances like coming from wealth or building a much smaller business up from scratch beforehand.

Subways are the cheapest franchise to own, which is why they exist everywhere. And even then, they are still very hard to get going.

>> No.18901438

In 2018 I worked at a Jersey Mike’s that had one of the worst managers on planet earth. She looked like an ugly lunch lady and would always suck up to the franchise owner’s kids and put me and other employees down, verbally ahide us and would promote the worst of the worst as assistant managers. One week, every single assistant manager quit with no notice and a large swathe of regular employees quit except me. Never have I seen an individual act so brazenly fake before and never had I felt so good quitting. Fuck that shit, life is too short.

>> No.18901633

You know nothing kid. That woman has lived a more complex and interesting life working at mcdonalds than you ever could sitting in front of your computer.

>> No.18901683


>t. Guy who'll spend the rest of his days in a cubicle and will be forgotten about 2 days after his retirement

>> No.18901700
File: 20 KB, 300x262, Frisky_Feast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget that you can have frisky feats, only you...

>> No.18901717

why is this the latest and greatest non-white 4chan incel insult

>> No.18901747

then don't go into mcdonald's you fucking retard

>> No.18901764


Because after 6 years, screaming 'incel' at each other loses its sting

>> No.18901850

Damn straight. Why should hamburgeronomy get all the grant money? And don't even get me started on the ridiculous amounts of dosh just thrown at hamburgertry research. Fuck.

>> No.18901872

My best friend has been telling me for years this "learn to code" bullshit. He packed his shit, moved halfway across the country, bought a house then the tech lay-offs started and he was let go. So there he is, with a house he can't afford and a wife who not-so-quietly resents him for not going back to work more quickly.
The kicker is: he used to be a medical researcher and he won't go back to that for some reason. Great use of those biochem degrees, faggot.
Meanwhile, I'm not anywhere near losing my job and income.

>> No.18901886

weak attempt

>> No.18901966

For someone you consider a best friend, there’s a load of passive aggression in that paragraph lol

>> No.18902493
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God I want to be Jenny’s McFlurry assboy

>> No.18902498

so what's your job?

>> No.18902521
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Not him, but dealing with other people's problems can get old after a while, especially if they refuse obvious remedial options.

>> No.18902535

Jenny's boytoy.

>> No.18902556

It's a difficult situation. He's becoming radicalised and idk wtf to do. When I tried to move him away from that, he literally called me a race traitor. Not even joking. So me slagging him off is a way to not feel so bad when he finally goes blow something up and leaves his wife a widow.

See >>18898415

>> No.18902571

Fuck you, Steve. I'll make it all back in less than a year when my freelancing picks up.

>> No.18902582

how's teaching going anon?

>> No.18902593

Not Steve, but this gave me a giggle because I know a SECOND guy in a similar situation to my best friend and /his/ best friend actually is named Steve. Only difference is that second guy comes from money so he's not that bothered. In fact, despite being out of work, he and his wife are visiting his parents' winter home on Porto Santo right now.

>> No.18902750
