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18898308 No.18898308 [Reply] [Original]

What's the deal with eggs? I don't mean the recent price hikes but just in general, if you google eggs you'll get results saying don't eat more than 1-3 a week or you'll get a heart attack and get terrible cholesterol issues and all this nonsense. This has to be some sort of psyop or something so people avoid healthy super foods and just eat shit instead, how can eggs be as bad as they claim?

>> No.18898311
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Jewish psyop, just like gas stove bans.

>> No.18898313

okay but THIS century we'll surely figure out nutrition

>> No.18898314

The jew fears goys eating cheap healthy protein

>> No.18898319

I forgot to add that my friend that's super into avoiding plastic (he only buys stuff in glass), eating well, lifting, etc told me I could eat like 10 eggs a day for as long as I want if I enjoy them, I wanted to believe him and I know he wants the best for me but what if I accidentally fuck up my cholesterol...

>> No.18898326

Your friend is based and correct.

>> No.18898330
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Well I had like 6 yday (OP pic) and 4 more just now, so whatever.

>> No.18898340

either make up your mind or consult your doctor. asking strangers online is like consulting the graffiti on a bathroom stall door.

>> No.18898343

So they can blame your clotshot death on you eating two eggs for brekkie

>> No.18898345

>he thinks I got it

Basically I'm just not gonna take it (the vaccine!!)

I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know..... UGH I know.....

It's just that I'm not taking it is all!!!!

>> No.18898375

I thought cholesterol and this kind of shit died in the 90s. When I was a child eggs were the devil. Then they became healthy. Now they're bad again?

>> No.18898414

look up any scientific research or reputable health/medical literature on the subject and you'll see the consensus is that the only health concern with eating too much eggs is eating too much saturated fat. It's generally agreed upon in medicine that people should limit their daily saturated fat intake.

This doesn't mean avoid saturated fat, however. Only don't eat too much of it. Only people with legit heart problems need to avoid it.

>> No.18898425

>consult your doctor
What the fuck do doctors know about eating eggs?

>> No.18898430

>the consensus
there is no fucking consensus you retard. The only research I keep seeing repeated is that some people are affected by ingesting dietary cholesterol and others aren't.

>> No.18898445

There is a consensus. and that "research" you saw is from online magazine articles that don't even source real medical literature.

>> No.18898455

Eat the eggs, ignore the jews, simple as

>> No.18898472

There's a lot of things THE SCIENCE is figuring out that lead to heart attacks these days. Laughing too hard, stumbling, sleeping too much, walking woth a skip to your beat, being too happy, being too sad, being too neutral, clapping, dancing for joy, bad grades, playing with your cat, sex, orgasm, clams, candlejacking, the common cold etc.

Such a coincidence when you consider the new information that's coming out about the va

>> No.18898475

a great deal more than you, same as with most things to do with food and nutrition

>> No.18898478

you didn't even do it right, the vaccine doesn't make you stop posting talking about candlejack do

>> No.18898483

Lol, lmao even

>> No.18898737

>spend a decade studying the human body from people who have dedicated their entire life to the discipline
>regularly have to re-engage with the latest developments in the field or lose your license to practice
Something about horses, water, etc.

>> No.18898761

If you think ALL doctors are smart and logical people, you're dumb. There are fat dumb doctors out there who smoke and drink.

>> No.18898765

Egg science has gone back and forth since before we were born

>> No.18898776

there are also fat dumb people who smoke and drink who aren't doctors. just be upfront, who do you think is more qualified than an average doctor to give medical advice.

>> No.18898796

I'd say anyone can be really good dietary advice because its just reading what has shown to help versus not. Its not some specialized medicine.

>> No.18898848

>its just reading what has shown to help versus not
You can do that, but it's not as good as going to medical school and doing that for a decade with people who have done that for their entire life. which is why if given the choice between trusting a doctor or the average person on the street I'll choose a doctor and suggest others do the same.

>> No.18898878

Get boosted

>> No.18898882

> it's not as good as going to medical school and doing that for a decade
Bro, nutrition isn't a complicated thing. Nobody needs to be a doctor to understand how to eat right.

>> No.18898906

why are there so many lardasses then

>> No.18898912

I'm not saying that. Notice how my original post was make up your mind OR consult a doctor. People can come to their own conclusions, but my reasoning is that doctors SHOULD have the final say because they put in the most time with the best resources. Excuse my caps, but I'm not sure I'm being clear.

>> No.18898920

There are clickbait articles telling you everything cheap and affordable is poison and expensive imported produce will cure you of all disease. This is an industry.

>> No.18898931

>they put in the most time
yeah and the findings are available free in fairly condensed articles. Again, if you can read harry potter you can read general dietary guidelines on eating well.

>> No.18898944

YOU should have the final say. Every doctor is taught in bioethics that they are only consultants/advisors. Medical paternalism is dangerous and wrong. We tell you about all the options and you decide what is the best option for your circumstances.

>> No.18898969

>general dietary guidelines on eating well
the results of consulting with doctors and """industry profressionals.""" Now when those dietary guidelines get updates, say in the case of eggs, who do you consult? I say a doctor.
that's not in contradiction with my post. The pool of appropriate candidates who medical opinions you should co-opt include your own (make up your mind) or a doctor. Where do you see me saying that people shouldn't be forced to obey doctors because that was not what I wanted to communicate.

>> No.18898996
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>> No.18899035

Dont look up that shit man its an obvious water-muddying

Go off how you feel. I eat about 2-4 eggs a day as a college student and I longboard everywhere and I feel fine. Eggs are fucking awesome

>> No.18899066

It's weird though because even IRL that's what everyone says, family, friends, even my parents, the guy here >>18898319 is the only person I know that hasn't told me they're bad

Is everyone psychotic

>> No.18899088
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At this point, you should IGNORE practically ALL Dietary and Medical advice..
It's been massively co-opted by Pharma and other lobbyists.
>pic rel

>> No.18899095

>Is everyone psychotic
Most people watch television and refuse to admin they're influenced by what they see. So yes.

>> No.18899111

>either make up your mind or consult your doctor.
You're on your OWN kid--Look up research papers on your own.(It's WELL established that dietary cholesterol -Eaten- does NOT effect blood serum cholesterol--They got that one REALLY wrong)
>asking strangers online is like consulting the graffiti on a bathroom stall door.
Also, I heard Tyrone has a rilly rilly biq Cock.
(The sketch was convincing)

>> No.18899134
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>since before we were born
Maybe if you are a Millennial or younger--
Before GenX, eggs were considered universally an excellent food.
Corporate food interests in the '80s fucked up a lot of people's "Common Knowledge"

>> No.18899148

>but my reasoning is that doctors SHOULD have the final say because they put in the most time
Most modern "Doctors" have less than 8 credit hours of nutrition--a HEAVILY lobbied arena anyway--just as much as Pharma now.
That's TWO(2) classes on dietary science.
And they STILL keep getting it wrong.
Most Dieticians aren't any better.

>> No.18899166

So what you're saying is that all doctors have at minimum 8 hours of study in nutrition. Compared to your aunt who has...? You need to compare the AVERAGE doctor to the AVERAGE of another group of people. Otherwise you can just pull dumb shit by cherrypicking the best or worst of one group. Imagine if I said truck drivers are better pilots than actual pilots because of one truck driver I know who has over 5000 flight hours or whatever is a stupidly high amount for that profession.
>And they STILL keep getting it wrong.
who is claiming that doctors are incapable of being wrong

>> No.18899191
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HFCS and sneeeeed oils.
a deadly combo that ONLY serves Pharma and the NEW Medical paradigm
That's really ALL there is. Other than getting enough vit.D(sunlight or supplement, 10,000IU) If you eat natural foods, that aren't industrially processed, you'll be good.
(Fructose isn't poison either, It's just the sugar that is stored for winter survival for most--Think about when most fruits are available naturally--Fall into Winter. We weren't designed to be drinking Fructose every day of the year--And certainly not without the added fiber and other complex nutrients.)

>> No.18899211
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>telling you everything cheap and affordable is poison
Sometimes it is...
That doesn't mean you have to buy a special product, I agree--but Ag Chems have really done a shit-tastic job on poisoning the food supply.
>If only you knew how bad things really are
The current recommended diet is Cancer and Diabetes, ready made to serve the "15 pills a day to normalcy--but it's OK, Insurance pays for it all" morons who buy in.
DON'T be that guy.

>> No.18899237

Anon...That is a absolute GARBAGE arguement, and I think you know it.
>Truck driver with 5000 hrs. logged
Yes-THAT truck driver IS a more experienced pilot, if not better.
Strawman much?
Your reading comprehension is garbage, and if you are in medicine, you should fucking change professions.
Most modern "Docs" are only pill pushers anyway.
>who is claiming that doctors are incapable of being wrong
Who indeed?
You aren't good at non-Fallacious argument, anon.

>> No.18899262

Also, I just looked it up--
It isn't even 8 credit hours(2 full semester classes)
It's less than 20 hours TOTAL.
IDK where the fuck you think you're going, bringing my aunt into this--(A Registered nurse), but I have another family member who is a Registered Dietician, And that cunt has Type II Diabetes and is fat as a fucking beachball--(There's NOTHING WRONG with artificial sweeteners or Canola oils, anon!! They told me so!!)
I can't fucking take you seriously if your first volley is so rife with bullshit manipulation.

>> No.18899290

The point of the truck driver example isn't that you can't find someone more qualified than the average expert, but that the average expert is more qualified than another person on average. I keep repeating the word average here because it's important. I would trust the truck driver too. But I would not trust any truck driver.

The average doctor is guarantied by your own admission to have 8 credit hours of nutrition studies. Full stop guarantee, 10/10 doctors. Compare that to the average person you ask on the street. Throwing out a dumb number, less than 1/100 people have spent 8 hours studying nutrition.

>> No.18899302
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the richfags of the world are basically playing a really insane version of real-life-sim-city/civilization and we are the npcs. If you really care, look up terms such as 'the great reset' and 'agenda 2030'.

Different groups want different things for different reasons but the tldr is they want to trick you into lowering your own standard of living by giving up/abstaining from certain products. Mostly, these are products they want to sell aboard to countries such as india and china whose every growing middle class demands a higher life style.

However, there is a subgroup within these organizations that want togreat a homogenious global dietary plan based on the meme of equity. That is to say, buracrats want to be in charge of your nutrition and regulate every single calorie, micro and macro. To achieve this, they must first get you to give up any food source you could clandestinely grow yourself which would make you 'less equal' than everyone else on the plan.

Finally, the really ingenious cunts in this group want to use the other two groups to enact their big brain plan of having a complete and total monopoly on food production, all forms. This is where the eat-the-bugs-fags really show their hand. In their best-case scenario, they envision an economy in which traditional animal husbandry is straight up illegal for personal consumption and production. Which means in turn the only place to get protien is from large industrial producers. Massive indoor bean and bug farms could, theoretically, be completely ran by robots and be entirely self sufficent. In one large complex the bugs/beans are grown, processed, and shipped. As long as they are properly maintained, non-stop producing product. The returns would be massive. The high cost of setting up a factory means no-competition while the lower price per unit means infinite profits. But they cant pass laws and regulations to bad the small scale producers unless they convience people of ideas like egg = bad

>> No.18899353
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>The point of the truck driver example isn't that you can't find someone more qualified than the average expert, but that the average expert is more qualified than another person on average. I keep repeating the word average here because it's important. I would trust the truck driver too. But I would not trust any truck driver.
Anon--You are either disingenuous, or a MORON--That is a TEXTBOOK strawman argument.
Also, I'd posit that ANYBODY who has any interest in their own health from a nutrition standpoint, has done more than 20 hours of independent research on their own minimum per year--maybe even every 6 months. It's really easy.
>The average doctor is guarantied by your own admission
First, I guaranteed NOTHING.
Second, You're assuming that Doctors hold any of that as a priority,(most I've met DON'T--sure they''ll give some nebulous lip-service to eating well, but what that means is dubious at best)
The number of doctors who have prescribed Statins for women, Oxycodone to children and Myriad other drugs to people without ever having read the inserts for them should tell you all you need to know.
I've spoken to a handful of old retired Doctors about medicine today--They are resoundingly ALL glad to be retired. "Medicine is FUCKED" is the unanimous reply.
>Throwing out a dumb number, less than 1/100 people have spent 8 hours studying nutrition.
Well, since only 60% of the population is obese or otherwise unhealthy from a nutrition standpoint, I'd have to disagree.
"Dumb Numbers" would say at lest 30% +/- 5% of the population HAS looked into it.

>> No.18899732

Huh? You can die from candleja-

>> No.18900181

Dude I know more about basic nutrition than most doctors. They're great at general shit, but once they narrow it down there's a reason they ship you off to a specialist.