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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18894449 No.18894449 [Reply] [Original]

Hello fellow scientists, alchemists, foodies, and my only friends!

I thought I'd do something fun tonight. Here we go!

>> No.18894455

whyd you circumcise th chickuns

>> No.18894463
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I don't know if there is any easy way to remove the meat from a raw chicken leg. If so, it's beyond my capability. Although, where there is a will, there is a way.

I started these chicken legs dry brining 24 hours ago. Here I've got the meat from 3 of those chicken legs, and the skins from 6 of them.

Not pictured: saving those meaty bones for stock tomorrow.

>> No.18894468

pure motherfucking malice

>> No.18894476
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Before we go too deep... I had to actually go in to a grocery store to find something other than IPA.

>> No.18894486

Additionally, soundtrack for this thread:


>> No.18894503
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Just because I'm like... retarded or whatever...

I did this the hard way. Minced by hand. Pro-tip: when mincing meat by hand, it helps if it's partially frozen.

Anywhere here's my dry brined chicken leg tartar.

>> No.18894509
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1 egg yolk, 2 TBSP flour, a bit of black pepper, a bit of white pepper, a bit of salt...

>> No.18894514
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A 10 peice?

>> No.18894534
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Yeah I got some IPA too...

>> No.18894543
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rolled in a bit of flour, pressed and shaped into vaguely familiar shapes...

>> No.18894548

Fucking retard.

>> No.18894557

Do you have some kind of problem brother?

>> No.18894568
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Breading. This photo didn't come out great. I recommend, whenever frying stuff, that you mix a bit of the egg wash with the flour before you get started. This creates lil crispy crunchy chunks.

>> No.18894579
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Ready to go!

>> No.18894586
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Fryin' that shit in coconut oil boyz!

>> No.18894600
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How's ya'll Friday night going?

>> No.18894603

I just got a meat grinder. I'm going to make a huge batch of these and freeze them. Way better than the dino nuggets my wife buys for the kids!

>> No.18894608
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Look at this shit my frens!

>> No.18894613

THIS is my kind of autism.

>> No.18894620

How about THIS!? fuck you!

>> No.18894622
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>> No.18894626

looks beautiful mate, cheers

>> No.18894638
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We are definitely frens tonight. Looks Ahmazing!

>> No.18894698

I ain't gonna lie, I'm strugglin' a bit at this point... How much are they chargin' for a 10 piece nowadays?

I would estimate this cost me right around $1.50... if you don't mind the labor. I would maybe suggest using a food processor instead of hand-mincing, though!

>> No.18894727

A meat grinder would make this recipe pretty easy. Although you have to clean the grinder...

If you're making a bunch at once though, it's not bad. I would maybe suggest using boneless thighs. Also, it helps a lot to freeze the meat fritters before the final dredge.

>> No.18894731

Why does that guy have such small fingers?

Also new soundtrack post-thread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXkIxexW0XE

>> No.18894876

Shiet I'm still so hungry dudes...

What should I do?

>> No.18894995

Use pig fat. It's easy to render, just slice and low heat in a pan

>> No.18895000

I don't have any pig fat though, I would. Coconut oil is pretty good for frying, it isn't animal fat, but it's solid at room temp which I think is part of what makes for good frying fats.

>> No.18895009

Okay they actually look better than I expected. I am sorry for calling you a retard.

>> No.18895015

It's OK I called myself a retard too.

>> No.18895028

lovely thread here i would like a beer

>> No.18895038
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Pretty based ngl

>> No.18895039

These look incredible. Homemade tendies (ignoring the fact they're not tenderloin). I'm having a hard time believing you got all those dummies for a buck fifty but then again I'm canadian

>> No.18895054

I have a freezer full of chicken legs I got at $0.98/lb which ends up being ~$0.35 each a murrica dollars.

>> No.18895065

how about a tequila, instead?

>> No.18895078

OP here not the guy you're responding too I'll have a tequila :D

>> No.18895091

fuck...now i got to have another. Cheers, Bro!

>> No.18895293
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Don't judge me bros...

>> No.18895297


>> No.18895310

You are alright bud... I mean it...

>> No.18895376

I was watchin' the movie Leaving Las Vegas the other day and it got me wondering...

That dude's situation is pretty similar to mine. Although I might be a bit more autistic and full of unreasonable fear.

In one way or another I've gotten fucked and alienated everyone who ever meant anything to me...

I spent the first half of my life getting hurt an destroyed... and for some reason that is now all I'm capable of...

What would you all do? I'm pretty serious...

>> No.18895392

OP is that you? had a few to drink and now you're all sad?

>> No.18895416

Don't do that just answer the fakkin' question...

>> No.18895428

Where’s the oblong pot brother?

>> No.18895470

Not that I don't love that pot, it being both a reminder of the impotency of my anger, but also a strange and unexpected boon delivered to me by that self-same anger...

It takes a bit more oil to fill than the smaller pot.

>> No.18895500

Thanks I enjoyed this thread op. You’re not a fag for now

>> No.18895511

>those sad meat condoms on the right
Oh boy. Here we go.

>> No.18895521

Ah look at that, /ck/ CAN cook. Marvelous work you bastard.

>> No.18895535

Idk if all that work was worth ten nuggies but they look tasty at least

>> No.18895576

Oh fuck...

The only feelings I have are rage and hunger...

I must cook something else now! I do have these chicken legs...

>> No.18895582

Are you that same anon who made the popcorn chicken?

>> No.18895593
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How about I do something...

>> No.18895596

lol yeah they banned me for that thread cuz I wouldn't stop talking like a spurdo

>> No.18895605

Father of the chicken legs... and fast running capabilities imbued therein...

How should I prepare these several remaining chicken legs to your likinghood?

>> No.18895610

>roast them with BBQ sauce this time

>> No.18895613

heard my king! so shall it be done!

>> No.18895628

Yeah, that was stupid. The jannies will see an e-celeb thread with a vaguely food related question in the OP but all the replies are nothing but talking about the guy's wife's looks and braaps and leave it up for days, but then there will be an OC cookalong thread where the OP is drunk and talking like a retard but the food looks good and it's legitimately new and interesting content, and they'll delete it and have them banned. It's like we're living in bizarro world /ck/.

>> No.18895734

Oh muse! My nightly comfort! Oh piercing, radiant moon!

>> No.18895741
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Science has failed my world...

The spirit moves through all things...l

>> No.18895743
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I offer prayers for your long lost soul...

>> No.18895764
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>> No.18895770
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Liquor is quicker my brother in Christ.

>> No.18895792
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True Enough.

Here in the PNW tho it's questionable what can actually get the job done quicker...

>> No.18895793

I’ve always wondered how to clean those. Seems like meat would get stuck in the way garlic gets stuck?

>> No.18895814

Soap. Sponge. Water.

The same as anything else.

If only it was that easy to wash away the detritus of a poorly lived life...

>> No.18895827

You’re grinding your own meat so that’s something. I like the word detritus.

>> No.18895847
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OMFG get off my foot goddamn...

Shit...I'm losing focus here...

The chaos is taking hold...

>> No.18895852

To be clear, I didn't grind anything.

I use my knives that I sharpened on a single stone.

I brute forced it, and diced and minced it by hand.

I ain't tryna brag here...

>> No.18895855

I don't get it? Why would you go through all this effort when you could have just eaten the Chicken Tartar as is?

>> No.18895856
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Lol I used to start off with one or two of those voodoos while I waited for my kratom to kick in and then switch to vodka.

>> No.18895863

I see why now.

>> No.18895865

I'm not sure why. I thought maybe /ck/ bros would praise me more for making tendies...

That being said. A chicken nugget is, in fact, just a fried chicken fritter. And that is insanely delicious when done well.

I'm not too keen on obscenity... but if I was...

Yeah I jizzed my pants eating that shit. It was so good, and so worth the effort. If you've never felt like jizzing your pants eating McD's or any other's friend chicken fritters.. AKA nuggets... then maybe try them my way?

If you don't care about the labor... Thas kinda the entire point of this thread... I appreciate you pointin' it out for me so now I don't seem so goddamn self-centered...

>> No.18895889
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The moon and stars told me to do this....

>> No.18895949
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Oh shit bros...

I was too prideful... and I lost both myself and my footing...

>> No.18895963
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whatever here is what i cooked...

...minus what I ate...

>> No.18895966
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Rip. I don't think that's gonna be the type of scar that chicks like.

>> No.18895980

whatever man it's just one of a number of scars...

>> No.18896075

Gross. Next time use breadcrumbs instead of flour you dumbass.

>> No.18896884

They were in the style of McDonals. No bread crumbs in those, dumbass.

>> No.18896902

implying his pudgy face is type of looks that chicks like either, the scar is probably an upgrade

>> No.18897007
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You're a real piece of shit.

>> No.18897176

I find boning drumsticks to be a giant pain in the ass too, but maybe this will help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzJN6wibTf0
Particularly the first bit about figuring out which way around it is.

>> No.18897191

I do not like this whole skinless chicken leg thing you have going on.

>> No.18897328

Neat. I don't debone them much, but I'll save this to rewatch for the next time. Also I don't own a filet knife but it looks like it would be useful here.

>> No.18897334

I've never heard of this movie before, so I looked up the plot. It seems to have a pretty sad ending. I don't want that to happen to you, fren. I've also alienated myself from really good people, including family and friends. Gone through some dark periods in my life I am not proud of. But over time, I've become more aware of my values and what really matters to me. Sometimes it doesn't click until you experience a certain something. It's different for everyone, so I hope you find clarity in your life soon. But please, never resort to what the guy in the movie did. Please take care of yourself. Your mind, your body. You're cooking delicious meals for yourself and that is amazing! Keep it up! Keep posting threads of the meals you cook! You've inspired me to try making these nuggies myself. I know it's hard out there. But please know you're not alone. There are many good people in the world. If you need someone to talk to, I can send you my email. Sending you my best wishes, I hope you have a great weekend!

>> No.18897362
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nice m8

>> No.18897371

>never resort to what the guy in the movie did
OK I promise.

Woke up on the couch this morning covered in blood and barbecue sauce... my kitchen such a mess...

Saturdays are for making stock, though. Time to clean up!

>> No.18897374

Is he putting ketchup on pancakes with berries?

>> No.18897410
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>I do not like this whole skinless chicken leg thing you have going on.
Have you ever tried it? I'll leave a couple on next time if you'd like... I think I have a photo as well somewhere let me post it again.

So when you're roasting legs, if you remove the skin you get more caramelization on the meat. Also, the skin doesn't hold up well in the fridge for very long. If I prep a tray of legs, I'll use the meat for a couple different things over the next 2 or 3 days, and by day 3 the skin is gross, and when you pull it off the meat, it just looks boiled underneath. I use it a lot in soups, which I would have to remove the skin for anyway.

Those are all the logical reasons I remove it. I also just think it looks funny like cartoon meat. I do use the skins and cartilage that I take off as well, usually in stock.

>> No.18897532

thank mr skeltal

>> No.18897667

>mr skeltal
I think that's mostly just lighting and angle... although, having formerly weighed well over 300 lbs, not the worst thing that could be said about my arm.

Speaking of which... now that I've cleaned my kitchen and started my bloody stuff in the washer, I should prolly go shower and wash the chunks of whatever it is out of my arm...

>> No.18897742
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You're crazy. Crispy, roasted chicken skin is the best part. Dry it with a paper towel before baking. Salt, pepper, paprika, cayenne. Fuck yeah.

>> No.18897769
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I can still cook the skins if I want. Lately I've been "IQF" freezing them. (Pic related) Both the legs and the skin turn out better if cooked separately.

Also, removing the cartilage also removes the large tendon that isn't very good.

>> No.18897835

mirin that ketchup dollop