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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18879557 No.18879557 [Reply] [Original]

Line cook thread

I just no call no showed a job and forgot I left my knife there. Fuck me.

>> No.18879563

So go get it.

>> No.18879564

just say you had covid and couldnt talk and bed ridden

>> No.18879571

I've had a few people do this in the past and I don't get it. Just come in at an off time in a few weeks after it's blown over, keep your head down, and grab your knife. If anyone confronts you just say you're going through some shit or whatever and get out of there.

>> No.18879619 [DELETED] 

I'm tired of you whiny faggots crying about the job you signed up for, shut up already you fucking pussies. I'm glad my kitchen is full of wetbacks so I don't have to work with whiny queers like yourself.

>> No.18879697

I left because the chef yelled at a guy so hard he quit on the spot. Tired of dealing with asshole chefs like that.

>> No.18879698

Why are prep cooks so shit at their job

>> No.18879699

You guys have prep cooks? I have to do everything myself.

>> No.18879713

jesus. take your cigarette break and get the fuck back to work, you low-life fuckup

>> No.18879716

You're not cool or based because you let an asshole egotistical chef scream at you. Sick of the ones who think they're Gordon Ramsay.

They also lied and tried to pay me minimum wage. LMAO. I have 8 years of experience, I don't need this shit.

>> No.18879721

I worked prep for a bit at a steakhouse and from my limited experience there's simply never enough hands to do the work. I eventually moved to line and every other prep cook besides the one middle aged dude who'd been doing prep his whole life would quit within a month because management would demand they stay extra hours to finish the prep list, but wouldn't try that shit with the middle aged dude since he was simply too valuable and always hopped out at 3 to pick up his kid.
By the time I left they had a new line cook's mom coming in during the afternoon to do the worst of the prep work like portioning linguini into bags for over an hour per day
Prep work at its best where you're making multiple fun recipes at a time is a great way to pass the time, the worst of it is just mind numbingly boring to where I'd take an understaffed 20 top walk in over it any time

>> No.18879723

>Oh no he said mean words to me
Fugg off tranny

>> No.18879729

dude, you seem like a total pussy. you no-call no showed, which means at one point your dumbass agreed to being paid minimum wage. what a fucking retard lmao

unless all ex-convicts aren't allowed/smart enough to negotiate pay?

>> No.18879730

Hey anon, before you go we need you to mince this 50 pound bag of onions. Thanks!

>> No.18879737

No, they actually lied to me. They said they could match my old job's pay of $20 an hour, but when I downloaded their stupid app to check my schedule, it said I was only being paid minimum wage. That, paired with a retard asshole chef made me say fuck it.

>> No.18879739

OH another thing. The owner didn't allow the cooks to make their own food. He made all the line cooks pay for their meals. Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.18879746

That guy sounds smart. I steal so much food as a line cook, probably costs the restaurant a lot of money.

>> No.18879786

dude, you're fucking gay

>> No.18879788

Yeah, you're the smart one for continuing to work at a place that lies about your wages, screams at its workers, and makes you pay for your food.

>> No.18879798

Holy shit anon that sounds awful. Do you think an old coworker might be able to get the knife for you?

>> No.18879804

You're stupid for putting yourself in that situation if you're not outright making it up. What kind of fucktard leaves a $20 an hour gig for a "sure we'll match that just start working before doing any onboarding" job? Let me guess you got triggered by the wet backs yelling "aye pinche gringo" when you knocked some shit over frantically tossing a saute pan in the dish pit. Be a fucking man and tell them to fuck off to their face after you find a new job instead of being a pussy

>> No.18879806

yeah, buddy, i am the smart one. i'm not the one who got cucked into some shitty job in the first place.

>> No.18879807


>> No.18879812

I'm really glad I've never had a job in the food industry because I think it would kill my enjoyment of cooking.

>> No.18879813


>> No.18879817

>they lied and tried to pay me minimum wage
Didn't you sign an employment contract?

>> No.18879818

woah mama mia cunt

>> No.18879819

I got fired from my last job. It was my own fault. I made the mistake of drinking during my shift.

>> No.18879827

Sounds like you have 48 years experience of being completely retarded and worthless.

>> No.18879832

Nigger, I bet you're deadweight on the line and stuck on pantry.

>> No.18879849

Son, it's time for you to stop being a child and become a man. Your woe is me bullshit isn't helping you and your no call no show isn't sticking it to the chef, you're just fucking your coworkers in the ass, the chef will feel validated that his assumptions about you were correct and then you know what'll happen? They'll hire somebody else and the world will move on. At least if you man up and tell the chef to fuck off the boys will have a good laugh. Even then the best move is to just show up to your last shift, work it the best you can, and then quit after all your work is done because melodrama is for women and fags.

>> No.18879865

Stop projecting, enjoy working at a gas station well into your 60's.

>> No.18879868

Okay, pantrycuck. Enjoy making salads for dumb white women while the real men cook steaks.

>> No.18879876
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Yes, cook them for me at a business lunch that costs more than your car.

>> No.18879882
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Why don't my line cooks respect me?
t. 26 year old sous

>> No.18879885


>> No.18879897

Probably because you're too young. Most men do not respect young people.

>> No.18879906

Pretty based anon

>> No.18879918

Well, that sucks.

Maybe also that fuck that I'm a tranny doesn't help either.

>> No.18879922

>also that fuck that
also THE FACT that

>> No.18879950

Hold your grown, Chad. You got this.

>> No.18880363
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Lmao what the fuck is going on? Bro go do something other than complaining on 4chan. Nobody gives a shit. You're retarded if you think you're helping op.

>> No.18880376

No point in respecting someone who's gonna neck themselves soon

>> No.18880436

Actually, I'm the happiest I've ever been. I don't particularly have a reason to become an hero anytime soon.

Don't worry, I don't go girl mode in the resturant. I'm not that retarded.

>> No.18880490

>: FB_IMG_

go back

>> No.18880605

Damn bro last time that happened to me I had to go back and suck off the entire kitchen staff including the dishwashers to get my shit back. You better get over there and try to smooth things over!

>> No.18880613

OP here, well I'm a huge faggot so that sounds great!

>> No.18880703

i got a temp gig in a union kitchen and the confliction of making frozen sysco bullshit but being paid more than 99% of chefs in NA with benefits etc is making me want to drop this entirely to go back to school and be an FSM or just do it in my free time and get a career more involved in food production, the weight of knowing that after this i get to indulge my passion at the cost of living any semblance of a life outside of that is crippling

>> No.18880753

It's why I quit. Did 2 years at a high end hotel restaurant after culinary school. Realized I just loved cooking, and hated the industry. Left. Best decision ever.

>> No.18880791

>Even then the best move is to just show up to your last shift, work it the best you can, and then quit after all your work is done because melodrama is for women and fags.
Yeah, and if someone is trying to scam you the best move is to just send them your money.

>> No.18880792

>a tranny sous chef
please please PLEASE tell me this is some shitty bait.

>> No.18880799
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ignore the edgy fags, get out of the service industry, or try to get a contract catering gig. lots of them have Mon-Fri 7am-3pm shifts, pays better than restaurants, and the job is much more chill.

>> No.18880800

fuck being a line cook, fuck being a chef for that matter.....bust your ass for fuckin peanuts, now i drive a truck and i couldnt be happier....btw ive done that before op i just walked in there grabbed my shit and bounced

>> No.18880828

Why? I don't know how to respond.
>inb4 YWNBAW
I litteraly don't care.

>> No.18880996

if it makes you feel better im a 26 year old tranny line cook who is getting fired because im a tranny

>> No.18881004


>> No.18881009
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based, boygirl life

>> No.18881015

t. Anthony Bourdain

>> No.18881031

That faggot was a hero to "restaurant work is hard I'm so depressed my life in this ultrawealthy country is so rough" types like OP

>> No.18881038

you don't look like a girl, you look like a man

>> No.18881044

And yet if you read kitchen confidential he says almost verbatim what you just said about 20 times

>> No.18881047

I dropped it after 20 pages because of the endless midwit digressions

>> No.18881060

Because you unironically download snale's garbage dogshit art

>> No.18881082

To wit
>Generally speaking, American cooks-meaning, born in the USA, possibly school-trained, culinarily sophisticated types who know before you show them what monter au beurre means and how to make a béarnaise sauce-are a lazy, undisciplined and,
worst of all, high-maintenance lot, annoyingly opinionated, possessed of egos requiring constant stroking and tune-ups, and, as members of a privileged and wealthy population, unused to the kind of 'disrespect' a busy chef is inclined to dish out. No one understands and appreciates the American Dream of hard work leading to material rewards better than a non-American. The Ecuadorian, Mexican, Dominican and Salvadorian cooks I've worked with over the years make most CIA-educated white boys look like clumsy, sniveling little punks...A guy who's come up through the ranks, who knows every station, every recipe, every corner of the restaurant and who has learned, first and foremost, your system above all others is likely to be more valuable and long-term than some bed-wetting white boy whose mom brought him up thinking the world owed him a living

>> No.18881086

Also just as a bonus
>Another class, Oriental Cookery, as I believe it was then called, was pretty funny. The instructor,
a capable Chinese guy, was responsible for teaching us the fundamentals of both Chinese and
Japanese cooking. The Chinese portion of the class was terrific. When it came time to fill us in
on the tastes of Japan, however, our teacher was more interested in giving us an extended
lecture on the Rape of Nanking. His loathing of the Japanese was consuming. In between
describing the bayoneting of women, children and babies in World War II, he'd point at a poster
of a sushi/sashimi presentation on the wall, and say in his broken, heavily accented English,
'That a raw a fish. You wanna eat that? Hah! Japanese shit!' Then he'd go back into his
dissertation on forced labor, mass executions, enslavement, hinting darkly that Japan would
pay, sooner or later, for what it had done to his country.

>> No.18881143

What do you do now?

>> No.18881181

These threads are the reason why I stopped eating at restaurants
All the insults screaming and drugs
Makes me sick to think I'm making that happen

>> No.18881213

Actually you didnt say anything since youre a bitch who couldnt even show up, lmao.

>> No.18881233

question for a tranny chef

how can you cook with love if you hate yourself?

>> No.18881237
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notice how the trannies always make this about themselves....its literally what they do any why nobody likes them despite the fact they theyre never going to be that opposite sex

>> No.18881247

Insults and yelling are just part of working class jobs, only snowflakes get their feelings hurt by ball busting.

>> No.18881260

I will not force you to experience that
Maybe everyone else will. But I will not

>> No.18881271

You mean the chef yelledxat a guy so hard that two people quit. What a chad chef.

>> No.18881283
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Hospo industry has gone to shit since COVID where I am. No staff, zoomers don't want to work, everyone is entitled, nothing but foreigners who don't speak English and can't understand instructions.

Am I turning into my dad when I say I miss the god old days?

>> No.18881289

Don't tell me, they're Romanian?

>> No.18881312
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Brazilian and eastern Europeans mostly... so close enough. Problem is prices are driving up everything, our chicken fillets when up fucking 300% in the last 12 months...

But owners don't want to pay more even tho it means they get better peoiple and provide better service... mad fucking world man...

Shits going downhill and I'm on a sled.
>sips triple whiskey...

>> No.18881320

ignorance is bliss huh

>> No.18881337

dude its just a job, grow up.

>> No.18881342

lol you work for hourly pay, retard.

>> No.18881350

who the fuck cares about these garbage jobs ill do this as many times as i feel like it and wont give a fuck.....thankfully i found a job im happy with and i pity anybody in the service industry

>> No.18881387
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I'm in fucking tears you funny cunt

>> No.18881407

>Restaurant closes for renovations because it's deaf
>Called to clean while renovations are being done
>Each time I clean it's dirty again 20 minutes later
>Only me and one coworker show up
>Chef says it's not her job to clean and we can all fuck off
>Coworker spends 20 minutes cleaning and the rest of the day talking with supervisor
>Supervisor yells at me because I'm cleaning the bar wrong
>Doesn't tell me what cleaning wrong is
>Points out I already washed it without diluting the washing product and it's all dusty and white
>Even tho I didn't wash it, my coworker did
>Even tho I did dilute the chemical
>Even tho that's the only thing my coworker cleaned in the entire day
>Renovations are done, we are ready to open, get a text, I'm fired
>I'm the only one fired
How do I kill this man?
Should I just go there as a costumer and make a scene?

>> No.18881437

Leave a bad google review and report them for health violations

>> No.18881442

I wish I could report them to the gas company because 99% of restaurants operate out of regulations but the kitchen is electric

>> No.18881523

Self employed.
Property management and precious metals refining.

>> No.18881524

>chef left for new job
>leaves young sous check bitch as new kitchen manager
>in over her head
>doesnt do shit
>sunday night
>my station busy as fuck everybody else chillin
>everybodys cleaned up and shut down for the night
>im busy as fuck no help
>change all containers out leave some empty instead of refilling because tomorrows monday and im coming in the morning anyways
>come in pastry chef (friend of the sous chef) comes up and starts bitching that prep cook had to refill my containers
>its not fair to him he has a heart problem
>i tell this bitch you not my manager get off his dick
>have meeting with new kitchen manager and general manager
>general manager keeps cutting me off doesnt listen to me
>he says if you cut me off one more time this conversation is over
>i stand up walk out
>get a text from him later saying i meant this conversation was over not your job
>suck me dick i ever see that bitch pastry chef imma crack her jaw

>> No.18881545

I found out my grandma died while reading this post

>> No.18881551

What really happened:
>This conversation is over
>Haha y-you too, thanks.
>Went home because your shift was over
>Got text you were fired
>Cried uncontrollably because your transitioning hormones have made you even more mentally unstable
>Shitposted on 4chan

>> No.18881564

Dude, that's fucking awful. My sincerest condolences.

Unless you're lying. Then fuck you and your entire bloodline for eternity.

>> No.18881570
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0wnd lmao

>> No.18881577
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you wish faggot

>> No.18881588

Eternal oblivion.

>> No.18881589

If you don't reply to this post your grandma will also die while you are reading this post

>> No.18881690

I don't hate myself, anon. If I hated myself I wouldn't transition and continue to live a lie.

Well that sucks. Maybe you could get legal on their behinds if your getting fired purely because you're a tranner. Workplace discrimination and all that.

>> No.18881736

>no call, no show
>shows up next day
>i have covid
>just need to rummage around in the kitchen a bit

>> No.18881876

>and your no call no show isn't sticking it to the chef, you're just fucking your coworkers in the ass
pretty much this. op said the boss was a dick. I'm willing to believe that but no call no show fucks your coworkers as much as anyone. reminds me of that tranny Starbucks worker or whatever complaining how it's gotta work understaffed and had to go and cry in the closet or something and make a video about it. the whole time watching that video I was like, well aren't you a pos leaving your coworkers even one more hand short to go bitch about it. I'm sure they love you for that.
and you don't come back from that, go ahead say all his coworkers were shit too. at that point, the commonality is op, not everyone around him. would and have bullied people till they quit for this behavior because firing people is kinda hard anymore. and what I do isn't nearly as team oriented as food services, mechanic and we basically work alone even if in the same building. only occasionally asking for a hand. but if you've got a lazy fuck that won't take down the rush of oil changes and bs jobs like that they're hindering you. fuck that shit. if you wanna quit I have no problem with that even if you don't give the 2 week bs but just not showing up at all is a pos move. course on that same note, a guy that would do that was probably already the type of guy who should have been fired long ago/no help anyway so whatever

>> No.18881942

hi im a line cook,

>> No.18881968

so many completely cucked idiots itt
imagine putting up with an abusive work environment and shit pay for tough guy points
t. food manufacturer

>> No.18881974

Nothing about being a line cook is cool. You make food for drooling retards and get yelled at by an asshole all day.

>> No.18882038

Who here /only ever worked nights/?

Daywhiners, no, I will not fully stock my station before leaving, I have to close you faggots.

>> No.18882050

It's a unique and sometimes very fun job. I've worked lots of entry level jobs and line cooking is more interesting and fun than most

>> No.18882054

That being said I won't ever do it again because I always forget how much watching servers make 2.5-3x what I do causes me to seethe intensely on busy nights

If I got to walk out of work with $200 in cash like they do after a brutal shift I'd LOVE the job, and they still complain all the time

>> No.18882249

I hate working nights. It's always so much busier and closing the restaurant sucks ass. The floor does not need to be mopped every single night, dammit. I'd rather wake up at 5am than deal with that shit.

>> No.18882256

I was working overnight at a hotel and I just fucked off and go to the bar

>> No.18882529

please stop yelling at me to refill the sani buckets mr. chef

>> No.18882713

mechanic from earlier
kinda undersold my role actually I'm the guy in the shop that fixes everyone else's issues. I'm a differential specialist technically but got my start through my pop that basically does it all and so do I for cars from performance to restoration all the way back to antiques. like I've worked on pre model t shit regularly for a museum and shit. ex used to make more on a catering job by tips than I did that whole week.

>> No.18882853

Kek, my brother has done cooking his whole life, if I had a dollar for the amount of jobs he just walked away from ,I'd be a rich
shit profession very stressful

>> No.18882863

Someone already took that shit home

>> No.18882877

Fuck all the meanies in this thread. Don't work somewhere if they won't treat you decently. Probably cut your loss on the knife though. Chin up anon just keep looking, you don't deserve that

>> No.18882909

>Scrolling /ck/
>Text comes in
Anon....our cherished grandmother passed away today. She's in a better place
>Back to the worst thread on /ck/
Probably didn't even need to type a captcha

>> No.18882979

People will spend whatever you say it costs when it comes to events, vacations etc. Good industries to be in.

>> No.18882997

I work in loans.

>> No.18883053

Based. Fuck that tranny mspaint garbage.

>> No.18883503
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>> No.18883553


an adult would say you failed at life. and if youve lost any form of interest, what are you doing anymore?

>> No.18883640

Kek... what place have you cooked at? Not meaning any chain shit format

>> No.18883657


>> No.18883778

Disagree, I've worked at some construction jobs where if you'd insult someone you'd get your wig split.

>> No.18883857


>> No.18884609

nobody deserves that at work....youre busting youre ass for peanuts especially in a kitchen

>> No.18884614

have you considered getting a real job

>> No.18885119

get your food handler and fill out 10 applications and go through each of them over the next 3 days
if they dont respond in 3 days pick the ones that do

>> No.18885140

Anons if you hate it in the kitchen, trades are a very real alternative career.
t. 7 years fine dine line paid ~13/hour and now im a 2nd year electrician's apprentice making 25 with benefits and profit sharing. I stand to make 35-40% more in a few more years, provided i clear the schooling in one go
once you get your foot in the door and take your licks in the first year it gets much better.

>> No.18885712

are you drunk right now what does that have to do with anything he said he left his knife

>> No.18885750

Working at a restaurant is for losers.

>> No.18885777

I felt this. The sorrow.

>> No.18885862

That's not nice

>> No.18886062

I haven't worked in a kitchen in 4 years and was never more than a line cook but I still like to steal valour and say I was a chef.

>> No.18886078

>wants to date a waitress
I'd literally rather be single the rest of my life than date any of the whores working tables. Waitresses and female bartenders will make you never want a woman again

>> No.18886084

Is it true that y'all linecooks are all alcoholics and drink all day on the job? Sounds fuckin based

>> No.18886246


>> No.18886269

aw sweet an untalented middling wannabe chef cool pose thread
grrrr im so angry! lol! whyyy isnt the world exactly how i want it to beeeee lolll?

>> No.18886280

>maybe if i keep screaming things will be the way they should be, i dunno lol

>> No.18886283
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You were a chef though just not of the sous or de cuisine variety.

>> No.18886298

It's genuinely baffling to me why anyone would work in a kitchen. You get paid shit money, get treated like shit, work absurd hours, and are almost guaranteed to become an alcoholic or drug addict. Surely 1% of commis go on to be James Beard winners living a decent life.

>> No.18886318

i got paid 25/hr to get stoned and work a fryer cookin french fries for 12 hours

>> No.18886321

I should have specified as a career. Were you attending college while working that job?

>> No.18886336

>This is what wageslaving does to a motherfucker

>> No.18886340

Just know that if you look like a girl, id fuck you so hard everyday like there is no tomorrow. No touching at all allowed and you WILL cum

>> No.18886345

>Yes little goyim, its part of the working class and normal behavior. You are infighting with your co workers so you can't band together and punch upwards. Good goyim. Very nice indeed.

>> No.18886420

>Insults and yelling are just part of working class jobs
maybe in the second world where all your co-workers and superiors are violent alcoholics, Ivan.

>> No.18886554

>Even then the best move is to just show up to your last shift, work it the best you can, and then quit after all your work is done because melodrama is for women and fags.
>Just allow yourself to be humiliated and then quietly leave because standing up for yourself is melodrama

On a scale of Cream to Snow, how white are you?

>> No.18886577

No, this is wholly an anglo thing.
>haha just busting you, a near stranger,'s balls
Eastern europeans are notoriously insecure and an insult is usually met with violence.
And in most of western Europe, angloids are seen as boorish children because of this shit. It's work, not school, act like an adult. Your coworkers are not your friends, this is not the playground. Work. Don't play.

>> No.18886592
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>No, goy- I mean übermensch. Keep slaving away for pennies on the hour because one day, if you're lucky and put down the coffee and avocado toast, you'll be able to rent- uh, I mean own your own restaurant and then do the same unto others just like Jewsus did! And because of your superior white work ethic you'll surely make it in the free market of the hospitality industry!

>> No.18886617

Is the job as bad as the meme sounds? What does it pay in burgerland?

>> No.18886622

a few bucks above the minimum wage in your state. Even if you rise to the position of chef, you're only making around 40 - 50k a year.

>> No.18886628

What makes people choose such a career? I worked at a Panera in college and there were college kids doing it so I understand that, but there were some older line cooks that were truly lost.

>> No.18886636

It's for fuckups who have no other skills. It's also one of the only jobs that will hire you if you have a criminal record.

There are some people who go to culinary school because cooking is their genuine passion, but they oftentimes don't have any real job experience and don't understand how shitty the reality is.

>> No.18886669

>As a manager I liked illegal workers better because they would let me mistreat them

>> No.18886687

>They still complain all the time
It's impossible to avoid, front of house has huge faggots bullying them as well. I worked restaurants, glad I did because it did make me tougher, but most of them are run by bad managers who learn that abusing people gets results.

>> No.18886806

james beard level chefs don't make much money either unless they whore themselves out to media networks and make a brand for themselves, which is still a gamble. I know a chef that's big enough to have a pr manager and they still scrape by even with multiple restaurants

>> No.18887107
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>> No.18887493

she cant die twice

>> No.18887784

unfathomably based

>> No.18887846

No you didn't

>> No.18887851

I wouldn't complain a day if I took home $200 on busy nights. Servers are just scum who will bitch and complain about any table undertipping them yet only tip out 3% to boh themselves.

>> No.18887883

I understand that, I'm just saying that restaurant abuse still exists on the front of house side and that's a legitimate reason to complain. But, you are right and part of the reason front of house also sucks is because you have faggot coworkers like this. I just wanted to be happy and work, but my boss was abusive and my coworkers hated the guests. I wound up hating on them too, which I regret now that I'm out. The money in serving isn't even as good as you make it out to be, especially when you consider the hours. Front of house workers don't usually get paid hourly, and even if they do, you only have a few where you're earning money, so yeah, you could be walking out with 200 on a busy night, but your actual income averages to like 25-30 bucks an hour and you're working 1500 hours a year.

I reiterate, after two years of this: Working in a restaurant is for losers.

>> No.18887944

I worked as a line cook for about a year. I would come home after a 12 hour shift, eat only a French baguette, and then sit outside drinking beer and listening to music depressed as hell. Repeat the same thing the next day.

>> No.18888009

>Front of house workers don't usually get paid hourly, and even if they do, you only have a few where you're earning money, so yeah, you could be walking out with 200 on a busy night, but your actual income averages to like 25-30 bucks an hour and you're working 1500 hours a year.
Here they make hourly minimum which is 15 and if they take home $200 on a busy night, which will be the norm all throughout summer, their hourly will be $45-$55.
>but they work fewer hours :(
I also don't get paid for hours I don't work. I'd love $200 for a 6 hour shift plus $75 for my hours. It'd be a dream, and we deserve it more than they do.

>> No.18888015

>I reiterate, after two years of this: Working in a restaurant is for losers.
You can leave the thread whenever you like stupid faggot foh. Carrying plates to tabled and bitching nonstop about customers is for women and mega fags like yourself.

>> No.18888210 [DELETED] 

was she hot?

>> No.18888251

Why the fuck does anyone work as a chef, I’ve never heard anything positive about it

>> No.18888321

those scumbags dont own you
go get your shit and walk out dont say a word look them in the eye and ignore them
fuck those people

>> No.18888352

that isn't how laws and social decency work anonymous
im sure your antisocial autistic power trip sounds cool in your head though

>> No.18888358

it's an OBJECT
are you too weak to go retrieve an OBJECT

>> No.18888363

are you too mentally weak to pick up the phone and say "hey, im coming in to retrieve my property, cheers"?
you would kill yourself if you worked in a kitchen for a day

>> No.18888554

that's a courtesy to them & nobody can demand it of you. need permission to get your own things? slave mentality

>> No.18888597

It can be fun. I'd recommend it to people

>> No.18888662

Almost every state in the union is right to work meaning you can quit at any time without reason, if the knife is yours that's your property anon just go back and get the knife. They can't keep it, the other anon is right you don't owe those dudes a fuckin thing. Go get your knife homie

>> No.18888683

don't be jealous lolz

>> No.18888688

I'm not. Your story isn't true

>> No.18888731

>T. Literal slave
Cooks are fucked in the head from the meth they smoke. My advice: the second your boss is shouting at you, leave work immediately, it's not going to get better because he most likely a psychopath or mentaly ill. You're not a slave and you should value your sanity more over money.
t. Worked in an restaurant at all positions

>> No.18888746

Lucky old cunt

>> No.18888768


>> No.18888784

>t. liar

>> No.18888796

>lives off smokes and energy drinks
eats every meal at workplace*

>> No.18888827

>he thinks $200 is a lot
If that's all it took to pay you off, I'd give you the shittiest conditions possible. Costanza's office in the janitor's closet-tier shit.

>> No.18888831

>buy big bandage, stick to chest somewhere
>go in a few days later wearing a wifebeater
>get knife
>if anyone asks say you got shot
it's that easy anon

>> No.18888846

I dont know how that's going to work in a kitchen environment. And, ya, $200 in cash every night on top of hourly is a lot more than what line cooks make. You seem strangely stupid.

>> No.18889290

We actually completely agree, bitching about everything under the sun is why I hated working foh. It was demoralizing to put up with all their crap every day, rather than appreciate what a good thing we had going.

I respect that, and yeah if you made hourly minimum on top of tips it comes out to be a better deal. We don't where I was, and I was making less than the cooks, precisely because of how short my hours were. If you want to work less, so be it, but I left for the bank and doubled my salary. Which is to say, I wasn't making much.

>> No.18889300

>I made LESS (omg omg omg) than the people who work much harder at a more difficult job because I worked less than they did :(
You still doubled them hourly

>> No.18889322
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I'm quitting my 70k office job to work in a kitchen
What am I in for?

>> No.18889323

I respect the fact that you're being salty, because I respect my kitchen staff, and I see the stuff you guys put up with. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying restaurant work generally sucks regardless of where you are, and the point to my story is that I got out.

>> No.18889326


>> No.18889331

>no you don't understand... I made LESS money than a cook for working half their hours :(
>ME! I made less
It's a line cook thread faggot

>> No.18889339

>People who come from poverty are willing to work for pennies whilst not paying taxes
>This means they've got a better work ethic and i'm not taking advantage of them

>> No.18889735

>short person problems
skill issue

>> No.18889748

lankenstein cope

>> No.18889759

>being a drama bitch is macho
publicar los manos, puta

>> No.18889762

You’re lucky to still have had grandparents for so long. All my grandparents were dead by the time I was 11. Now I have one remaining parent.

>> No.18889772


I used to eat at a mexican restaurant that only had one cook in the back. He would pop out every dish in reasonable time and then he'd watch everyone eat from his cook window. All the food was freshly made for the day. I still wonder, how the fuck did he do it all by himself? How miserable was he? Likely an illegal immigrant. And to get paid what, probably a little bit over minimum wage?

>> No.18889786

Nice response time Napoleon, I didn't see you hiding under the fucking prep table lmao

>> No.18889813
File: 6 KB, 194x259, B3BD291E-84DE-4D92-A68E-2563ABD579BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’’m not a line cooxhk, I’ve actually never had a job. But I’ve always wondered, where do you guys get your ideas from?

>> No.18890529

Yell back and get fired so you can collect unemployment.

>> No.18890549

That pic...OOOOoooohhh.
>Friday night, 6:42p
>86, 86, 86....Fuckin' Prep.

>> No.18890566
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>because I think it would kill my enjoyment of cooking.
I comes close to doing JUST THAT for many.
Line Burnout is REAL.

>> No.18890832

ive never been a line cook despite working at whataburger. Is it true that real line cooks drink while on the job? Where the hell do they keep the alcohol at? I heard one story where a guy would drink 16 beers throughout his entire shift. I thought that's a bit dangerous since you're working around open flames, frying oil, and ovens.

>> No.18890961

we're in the age of refinement, not invention. look at a few restaurants in your area with the same cuisine it's all the same really.

>> No.18890998

I've never worked anywhere where that would be allowed and I've never seen it but people are often high.

>> No.18891030

Depends on your kitchen layout and where the cameras are. You'd have to figure out the blind spots. Either that or keep it in your car. Most walk in coolers have no cameras in them.

>> No.18891070


Only thing that would work in a chain kitchen is keeping a flask or two in your pocket. If you're working in a family restraunt, they'd have to trust you enough that you won't do something stupid while drunk.

>> No.18891897

ohnonono it's true

>> No.18891907

Pfft not a single person on my crew is EVER sober. All smoke breaks are weed breaks, half of them are straight up alcoholics and a few are hooked on opioids with plenty more working on it.

>> No.18891916

>3 days 6 hours ago
>OP has still not retrieved his knives

>> No.18892054

better stay on good terms with your current employer you complete retard

>> No.18892239

a visible product of your labor, welcome chef

>> No.18893367

say you got into an accident and it broke your phone tf?

>> No.18893401

I knew a line cook type guy and having only met him twice he admitted to having been addicted to cocaine, having totally burnt himself out by working insane shifts for years, and now he was into various get rich quick schemes. He seemed insane, but was a charismatic guy

>> No.18893906

>half of them are straight up alcoholics and a few are hooked on opioids with plenty more working on it.

I think this phenomenon is very interesting among cooks. It points to the idea that only addicts can handle working in a kitchen. Why is drug use so prominent among line workers? This should be studied by professionals.

>> No.18893937

Been working at a place off and on for the last 4 years(covid and having a serious medical issue made it so it was more like 2 ACTUAL years of regular shifts).
Notice my raises were all but erased because of a minimum wage going up(Started off with the manager saying all line cooks start at $2 over minimum wage, and get raises every 9-12 months based on performance. Because of covid i never got the last 2 evaluations). Since then minimum wage has gone up by $1.85 cents.
New hires are actually paid more than me, even though i literally had to show one how to use a fucking thermometer last time i worked with him.
Tip-outs was also really exaggerated, with the manager saying it averages around $2/hr for BoH. At best, i did maybe $2.20/hr, but prob 80% of the time its around $1/hr.

Pretty fucking demoralized desu. I'm thinking of just handing in my notice tomorrow. I'm also given shitty shifts(like both opening shifts on the weekend. Something that i guess only a few other guys are trained to do.) that are impossible to offload and would cripple the business if i did a no-show.
I'll admit i'm probably one of the weaker cooks there if you only look at the people who are actually fully trained, but i'v never missed a day or came in late, never take breaks(so many other guys just fuck-off for smoke breaks or disappear in the bathroom for 20 minutes. I made it a point to not use the bathroom unless i literally need to) and have stayed past the end of my shift if asked.
I know its a shitty industry to work in, and i have said so myself plenty of times, but when i actually took a moment to reflect on it when i got my tax papers for it, it really hit me just how exploited i feel from working there.

>> No.18893952

He went for them but didn't come out alive.

>> No.18893998

Is the manager legally allowed to bang on the bathroom door and ask wtf are you doing in there

>> No.18894005

fucking same shit. How goddamn hard is it to prep shit when you run the fuck out

>> No.18894011

not every restaraunt works like a subway

>> No.18894022

shit these lasy fuckers dont even pull thaw they just let us run out at night and then everyone bitches at me

>> No.18894064

i dunno, probably? Everyone here is kinda chill about not giving others shit for doing that kinda stuff.... But also not rewarding or appreciating the people who dont do it either.

>> No.18894083

Restaurants that serve fresh mashed potatoes, how do you keep them from drying out over time? Do some restaurants just microwave portions?

>> No.18894101

Most places keep them in a steam tray with a lid on.

>> No.18894118

>>no call, no show
>>shows up next day
>>i have covid
>>just need to rummage around in the kitchen a bit

yes. 100%. even better is to say you need to look around in the kitchen for your mask or something covid related. boomers will eat it up

>> No.18894127

At my place, we'd make i think 18L every 3 or 4 days, and keep it in a big cambro in the cooler. At the start of the day we'd heat up enough to fill a 1/3rd tray and keep it in a steamwell, and add to it if needed.

I also worked at a place that would portion it out in 10oz bags, and re-heat(in the microwave) to order. Steam well works better since its uniformly warm and for some stuff you need to put it in a pipping bag anyway, so having it portioned in a plastic bag is just wasteful and extra hassle.

>> No.18894188

you get a lot of pussy

>> No.18894200

as a delivery driver I have a theory that most restaurants are starting to microwave to-go orders. the number one complaint on app jobs is cold food. I actually think it's a good idea if they do microwave the food. one time I drove all the way to the customers house and opened up one of their trays. a cloud of steam went into my face and I was shocked.

>> No.18894263

kek no you can fuck off

>> No.18894372

restaurant workers over the age of 25 are fucking loser unless it's a side gig

>> No.18894384

what about at 25

>> No.18895017

>what about at 25

either you should be the owner/co-owner or you should be planning your route out of the industry. a line cook or chef above the age of 30 at a restaurant is a sign they are a loser.

>> No.18895199

>no call no showed
fuck you

>> No.18895231

Cope. He moves on to a better job while you're cucked with one less employee

>> No.18895284

>20-something pretending to be a "muh hard work" boomer
Why do so many of these retards inhabit 4chan?

>> No.18895328

I used to be the closing manager at a fast food restaurant. I walked out one day after a cashier called in for her shift, claiming it was her birthday for the second week in a row. Got a job at a grocery store stocking milk and eggs a month later, make more money for less bullshit. I'm especially glad I don't have to do DoorDash orders anymore.

>> No.18895393

Where do you think you are anon lmao

>> No.18895425

doordash has been an absolute cancer on the food industry. Why the fuck is every door dash order like 50 different items??

>> No.18895441

>working conditions are shit im leaving
>No you cant leave, you'll make it a modicum more shit for everyone else :((
Maybe don't run a shit kitchen?

You make it sound like everyone in the kitchen is trying SO HARD to make it a good place but lame old OP had to leave and that's why its bad

>> No.18895457

not reddit

>> No.18895634

These threads always bum me out. Does anyone else actually like working on the line?

>> No.18895680
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Never worked as a line cook, but I did briefly work at a factory that made frozen tv dinners and hot meals for Meals on Wheels, and cafeterias too. The guy that hooked me up with the job told me it was hard work, but the part he left out was just the INSANE amount of mental math I'd have to be constantly doing in order to make sure that the portions were equal....they were very adamant about perfect portions. I couldn't keep up. I mean it was like some dude would just walk past me and say 8 grapes for 37 and place a basket of freshly washed grapes in front of me and expect me to scoop out exactly 296 grapes in less than 30 seconds. There was other shit too like placing scoops of PERFECTLY measured rice into trays that were moving on a conveyer belt at the speed of light, and about 30 minutes into that the rice scooper felt like it weighed 500 lbs.....and there were motherfuckers doing that shit for like 12 hours straight. I never looked at a tv dinner the same way after that job.

>> No.18895688

tl:dr I like this cat I would beat like a dozen jerkoffs to death to protect this retarded looking cat cuz he so cute...

>> No.18896091
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>> No.18896127


>> No.18896414

What careers/industries are good to pivot to as cooks? Food science, B2B consumer product sales?

>> No.18896441

I don't know if you're still in here but I saw your lovely thread on /lgbt/, anon. I'm sorry they treat you this way but cooking is really not the job for you. Leave it and find something else.

>> No.18896527


>> No.18898039

You are a degenrate

>> No.18898124

>come into work
>sushi rolling machine is out of commission as of two days ago, meaning that the old Korean dude I normally work in the back with is helping on the sushi line
>hear yelling in heavily accented Engrish
>"What did I just see with my own eyes?!"
>Head server runs out crying
>My partner for the day is an old woman with a bum shoulder who is psychologically incapable of not constantly cleaning everything, to the point of burning food, not starting bills, and ruining the dinner service if not constantly kept on task.
>owner is already steaming mad from whatever nonsense the server did to get yelled at
>without the head server, we didn't have anyone with the experience to manage all the takeout stuff, bills are constantly being rung in wrong and food is sitting for several minutes
>literally every bill involving old lady's station is nightmare, burnt tempura, burnt karaage, sushi chef constantly asking for stuff she just didn't drop into the fryer
>have to turn off the delivery apps and comp half the diners in the restaurant
I'm not looking forward to the situation when I come in on Monday.

>> No.18898384

*clap clap*

>> No.18898856

....You know, you have to sign a contract usually where your pay is described, correct?

>> No.18898866

>Brazilian and eastern Europeans mostly...
>Problem is prices are driving up everything, our chicken fillets when up fucking 300%
>owners don't want to pay more

>> No.18898870

Fuck em. Get it when it's in the window, fag. I'll ding you on your anal tamogatchi.

>> No.18899013 [DELETED] 
File: 151 KB, 933x960, 2029921-crossed_06_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, you guys are all fucking faggots, and to the children on here saying "toughen up" I bet you fags never been through shit in life.
Any way, I pray every day the Mexican cartels, ISIS and Russia just fucking pipe bombs Americans to ash.
You lot are the worst, scummiest people I ever had the displeasure of serving with.
Scummiest vessel I even seen, God damn you all.

>> No.18899133 [DELETED] 

Would you like fries with that?

>> No.18899194
File: 61 KB, 793x753, 1663079777480080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used to be a line cook for a restaurant in a nice part of town. In retrospect the job was oddly comfy but just can't will myself to go back since my current job pays more and don't want to deal with skitzo managers trying to make me stuck there for life.

>> No.18899204

What compels someone to work as line cook or anything other than a professional chef at a high class restaurant? Like why would you want to work as a cook at a shitty family restaurant?

>> No.18899217
File: 101 KB, 750x750, 1675547270874050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The closest I've ever gotten to working as a line cook is working the fryers at a fast food place for less than a month at my first and last job. So I have some questions for you experts.

1. What are your culinary career goals? What are you doing to accomplish them?

2. Is there any prestige in being a line chef in a fancy restaurant? Like, do you get paid or treated better for being a cook in a michelin star restaurant as opposed to a dennys?

3. Tell me something you cook regularly, summarize the process, tell me if you think it's good to eat.

4. Are you ok?

>> No.18899267

Last place I worked 2 best dishes were probably a seafood/cream sauce pasta and lamb chops

>garlic and olive oil into pan with 6 shrimp and 3 scallops, as well as 6 cherry tomatoes, season, add butter
>get the scallops browned on both sides and almost fully cooked and remove from pan, remove shrimp as well
>deglaze pan with white wine, add 12 mussels and heavy cream, season and let reduce to a thick sauce, add back the reserved seafood, add linguine, plate the noodles than add the seafood and mussels to the top, add parsley and parmesan

>Lamb Chops
>add to grill and get them marked nicely and cooked to whatever temperature (med rare, etc)
>remove and plate on lemon potatoes and whatever veg we're doing that day

Both were good to eat. The pasta dish was a pain to do 4 or 5 or 6 at a time.

>> No.18899269

Lmao its pussies like you that make experienced staff dread having to train new hires. Grow the fuck up and do exactly what you're told and maybe you'll learn something and eventually prove that big meanie-bo-beenie chef that you're worth a damn. Nobody will miss you and you likely dont even deserve your own knife.

>> No.18899373

Hello, I'm still here!
I get where you're coming from and it's understanble. But I'm really not looking to quit anytime soon unless it becomes borderline unbearable.
I just find it ironic that I'm having to channel my masculinity despite trying to mask it. I really think I can pass either way depending on my getup but I guess its the voice that gives it away?
Oh well, that's life I suppose.

>> No.18899393

>given long ass list of prep tasks
>work ass off with no break for 7 1/2 hours, get maybe 3/4ths of it done
>just enough time to clean station and take out everyone's trash
>"hey anon, before you go can you restock the line?"
The funniest part about that job was, despite all this they wanted to make me employee of the month, and I quit that very same day lol

>> No.18899403

>sushi rolling machine
Hope things go well I just got out of rolling

>> No.18899457

>I really think I can pass either way depending on my getup but I guess its the voice that gives it away?
Most think so. Most cant. Voice is an obvious one but so many others are as well to someone who hasn't deluded themselves.

>> No.18899469

i work for a union making $54/hr to inspect trees near powerlines, so i have zero experience working in a kitchen but i love people who have this mindset where they want to shit on the inexperienced/younger workers
shit like that doesn't happen in my industry i just think it's funny to imagine some retard making minimum wage harassing some other retard making minimum wage because his carrot wasn't peeled properly or whatever and that makes him a pussy

>> No.18899493

Crab bucket mentality, most marginally competent low level restaurant workers would rather be mad at the monkeys than at the bosses hiring a million monkeys, because they know they're not actually worth full time plus overtime wages

>> No.18899500

I was on androgen blockers while puberty was a thing for me so most of the secondary characteristics didn't become an issue. Voice however is a different problem altogether. It's still sort of in this mid point of development so it tends to lean on either side unless I'm actively trying to sound like what I want to sound like.
As for the elephant in the room, I don't think anyone outside management knows about it.

>> No.18900041

never mind

>> No.18900150

It's just cope. They've amounted to nothing in life and barely make 30k a year. They haven't actually achieved anything to be proud of, so all they have is their smug sense of superiority that they can peel potatoes slightly faster.

>> No.18901506

Myself I'm just mad I don't have the social skills, financial acumen and good credit needed to start my own food business

>> No.18901608

cook here, we put zero effort into making sure to go food is hot when it leaves the building because it will probably be cold by the time it gets to the customer anyway and we also can't really be proven to be at fault
we'll box stuff up even if the driver isn't due to collect for 30 minutes, no effort to make the whole order at the same time so sides and mains might be made 10 minutes apart, if we end up with an extra of something and we get a to go check for that thing it's like hitting the jackpot no matter how cold it is, it's getting slapped in a box and sent out the door

>> No.18901901

nice job fucking up quoting you retard

>> No.18901918

only one year at mcdonald's but it's more than you'll ever do

>> No.18901934

may he rest in peace

>> No.18901937

Yeah unless the restaurant is really busy with walk ins and you tip high enough to get a driver quickly, your Doordash/Uber Eats is guaranteed to be cold

>> No.18902043

>prep cooks didn't do shit
how dare you

>> No.18902194

Maybe this is true if you work someplace absolutely shit with no standards. Never understood the arrogance behind "haha we do things shitty, problem?" posting.

>> No.18902343

Yeah I'm sure the asstarded Karen ordering overpriced delivery goyslop really appreciates the work you put into maintaining standards, LMAO

>> No.18902402

It doesnt matter what anyone does or doesnt appreciate. In a real kitchen there are standards.

>> No.18902415

If you had any standards in life, you wouldn't be slaving away among the scum of the earth for next to minimum wage

>> No.18902444

I'm quite sure that no matter how much money I was offered I wouldn't trade being me for being you. And I don't have a job right now anon.

>> No.18902454


>> No.18902599

Double boiler on a steam well, keep the pan covered. and you can always add a little.more cream moisten them up

>> No.18902620

95% of people in the industry hate apps like doordash and people who use them

>> No.18902649

High class food is for faggots. Its entertainment for finicky cynics. Making good food for affordable prices that actually fills common people's bellies is where it's at. Yes I like Fieri more than Bourdain

>> No.18903508

At my place, we legit hold onto shitty plates that are not good enough for in-house dining for 20-45 minutes, incase someone on an app orders it. Then we'll re-heat it and put it in a togo box... or sometimes we wont even re-heat it. We know the delivery driver is going to fuck around and mess with it anyway, so why give them something thats good enough quality to serve in the actual restaurant.
We even hold onto a bowl of fries for those kinds of orders, that the people in expo or servers can snack from. Order fish and chips, or a hamburger in the restaurant? you're getting made to order fries. From Grubhub? the fries are probably 30+ minutes old. Add in the delivery drivers time, and they'll be near 1hr. Stale/cold fries are the worst, so enjoy them, you lazy entitled app-using fuckers.

>> No.18903698

you have a really shitty attitude

>> No.18903702
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well put

>> No.18905252


>> No.18905266

I pocket the steaks, my jacket is always full of steak when I leave.

>> No.18905291

Catch a rat or pigeon and let it in to the kitchen or food storage, call health inspector. Or take dog feces and.

>> No.18905313

Is this dango?

>> No.18905314

I work adjacent to construction (tool/equipment rental). Everyone hates appentices, lol. I never worked in a restaurant, but working a trade is just as shit as a restaurant if you ask me.

>> No.18905915

>power fantasy made up story

>> No.18905966

>real kitchen
Real kitchens don't cater to 3rd party food delivery, get your head out of your ass

>> No.18906017

I can't recall ever filling such an order but
>lol we did it 30 minutes before pickup was required because FUCK THEM
Wouldnt fly anywhere I've worked. Sounds like some minority shit

>> No.18906035

Weak faggot, haven't earned the right to quit because of the big bad mean head chef if your still a retard line cook faggot

>> No.18906036

I want to ride the crab rollercoaster

>> No.18906039

>8 years
>Like cook

How does it feel to consistently be such a failure

>> No.18906040

Pretty fucking bad, dude. Being a restaurant worker sucks.

>> No.18906045

Good post, chef

>> No.18906048

Ye, that's a little much. 15-20 I see often though
I'm going on 10 years. Family thinks I'm a failure, but I'll prove them wrong when I get my A+ cert 2 weeks from now, right? Haha...

>> No.18906051

just shout back for fucks sake.
where is the fucking problem

>> No.18906058

Probably BC your personality is trash or you're trying to hard to seem like you deserve the position. Unless u work with a bunch of old dudes in which case it's because you are younger than them and they hate that they are failures

>> No.18906130

correct answer.

>> No.18906132

everyone's a fucking pussy nowadays

>> No.18906249

Claim you had a mental health crisis and apologize but also tell them you are still quitting but you also want your knife back.

>> No.18907285


>> No.18907290

Demand a raise or just quit and work somewhere else. You will get hired with a better rate in this economy. There is no point in staying somewhere that will not pay you well.

>> No.18907315

You're living the lie now. You live the lie because you want to believe it.

>> No.18907411

>be me
>at work
>go downstairs to the prep kitchen and ask the prep cook to heat some rice in the microwave
>he fills a metal insert and attempts to put it in the microwave
>I say bro what are you doing
>he says "what"
>I tell him you can't put metal in a microwave
>he goes "oh shit"
What did preptards mean by this?

>> No.18907535

> Son
stopped reading right here

>> No.18907564

You should've yelled at him and told you once sucked Bourdain's cock and it makes you a chef.

>> No.18907581
File: 181 KB, 226x224, naynayed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work as line cook
>want to die
>inherit 50k
>open small pizza place
>it becomes a hit
>enjoy my work
>eat nothing but pizza

>> No.18907714


lol get a real job, pretender.

>> No.18907718

It was a crap restaurant lol

>> No.18907901

buy a fuckload of insect eggs, hide them in pantry and in tough to find spots in kitchen

>> No.18907930
File: 121 KB, 1000x1000, 61OgcjU+K2L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was the microwave pic related? I had the same reaction as you the first time I saw someone do it but the place I work at microwaves 6 pans of mashed potatoes all the time without problem.

>> No.18907949

No it was just a regular microwave. Can that thing really microwave metal?

>> No.18907954

>Why is drug use so prominent among line workers?
Because it fucking sucks bro. You work long hours to the point you're tired asf after and all you wanna do is drink, you get to a point where you'd rather be doing that at the same time during your shift considering you can save your shit pay by sneaking in a few drink from the bar. Between servers, managers and clients bitching at you, it really is necessary to numb it out to not give a fuck

>> No.18907957

Not the same guy, but some microwaves do. We had them at school cause it was less trouble if kids had metalic trays

>> No.18907987

kek.meanie -bo-beanie

>> No.18908287

I doubt it's something the manufacturer would say is okay and I always pawn it off on someone else but these crazy MFs really do use the microwave daily like that

>> No.18908548


>> No.18908582

Y... you're lying! You just are trying to get me to kill myself if I ever work somewhere with that type of microwave :(

>> No.18908611

It would be living a lie regardless.

>> No.18909065

That's fucking great, Anon. I hope the business keeps growing.

>> No.18909153

All the people in this thread calling the induatry hell and laughing at line cooks for being losers and mentally unstable people makes me think this is the perfect job for me.

What do I need to do to become a cook?

>> No.18909400

>What do I need to do to become a cook?
basically two options
1. bs your way into a job with no experience (which is what I did)
2. go to culinary school

>> No.18909407

>What do I need to do to become a cook?
kitchens hire meth addict felons. it's not a tough industry to break into.