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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 733 KB, 744x418, kale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18870936 No.18870936 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, it's nutritious as fuck, but it tastes like bitter asshole. We got plenty of tasty ass leafy greens that are better.

Keep eating your kale, but let's end this charade of pretending to enjoy it SO MUCH to appear super healthy or some shit.

>> No.18870945

never even tried it. i dont really like eating seaweed

>> No.18870946
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I like rocket/arugula, I make a mean roast beef sandwich with it.

>> No.18870955

Treat kale like collards. It’s a bitter green you have to cook for a while to make good.
Anyone who eats it raw is a weirdo.

>> No.18870959

I eat kale like every day. Sauté that shit up with some garlic, red pepper, shit… it’s divine. You’re missing out homeboy

>> No.18870966

I think the texture is really good when its smeared with a shit ton of oily flavorful dressing

>> No.18870968

So it sounds like you actually just enjoy the taste of butter, garlic, and peppers. Which makes sense. Without hiding behind other flavors, do you really actually enjoy the taste of unaltered kale?

>> No.18870976

I made pesto with kale that was decent.
So what if it doesn't taste like a hamburger or fried chicken it's good for you and not everything can be an indulgence.

>> No.18870977

Am I genetically different? It tastes sweet to me. Winter kale even moreso.

>> No.18870978

Do you enjoy the taste of raw chicken? Retard

>> No.18870990

How is that a fair comparison? Vegetables are often consumed raw.

>> No.18871012

You like raw potatoes? Aside from pointing out your dumbass comment, only a complete retard would eat cruciferous vegetables raw.

>> No.18871044

i like raw kale, but then again i am a man and can drink whiskey straight. so there is that.

>> No.18871067
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I remember getting kale from walmart as a living plant for a science project in late elementary. I though it was pronounced kahlay because I was a dumb kid. My dad took me shopping, and the woman in front of us asked about what we were doing. My dad said we were growing kahlay for a science project and the lady looked at him and said, "You mean kale?" I've gotten a lot of dirty looks from my dad, but nothing compared to that. You were married to my mom at the time anyway, don't look at me mofo

>> No.18871089

I don't I like the lime juice I drench them in. Same with all the other vegetables I eat.

>> No.18871093

You know nothing about food

>> No.18871144

That's because you eat it the wrong way and don't turn it into proper sloppa.

>> No.18871158
File: 73 KB, 540x360, Grünkohl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18871660

Cut out the center stem, chop up the leaf, and let it sit in some hot water+vinegar for a few minutes before eating or cooking. Reduces the bitterness.

>> No.18871690

why is it such a common idea on here that everyone else is only pretending to like things?

>> No.18871990

I legit like kale so long as it's not frozen at any point. Once it's been frozen, kale tastes disgustingly sweet and i hate it.

>> No.18872054

Wow better not mess with you tough guy.

>> No.18873381

Olive oil +
onions +
garlic +
kale +
balsamic vinegar +
Do you eat salads bare?
Collard greens are my favorite leafy green vegetable, with kale after it.

>> No.18873724

I had kale for the first time recently, and to my surprise it tastes delicious. Basically broccoli.

>> No.18873731

super good if you sprinkle it with oil and salt and make it crispy in the oven

>> No.18874075

I eat this every day at work for the past 6 months. Lost 40lbs from doing that mostly. Just this month I started adding kale to it. Its ok but arugula is top tier.

>> No.18874105

love kale, i've eaten it out of the ground

>> No.18874109

Kale is delicious

>> No.18874286

Hate that. I actually dislike most roasted veg. Blanched and braised in butter or other cooking fat is my preferred method for many but kale i like stewed or stir fried/sauteed.

>> No.18874374

i only eat kale in boerenkool, which i love, but raw kale, or just kale by itself does seem kinda boring.

>> No.18874434

>i only eat kale in kale
stop using foreign words you obviously don't understand the meaning of, lolmerican

>> No.18874440

wtf happened here? Meant in reply to >>18874374

>> No.18874505

mein brudi

>> No.18874933

Kale when it's roasted and crispy like chips is fucking dope. Just like how Brussel Sprout leaves are dope when they're crispy and roasted. I'm sorry it's filtering you anon.

>> No.18875994

Kale sauteed in ghee with garlic and a bit of lemon is a great breakfast side with eggs

>> No.18875999

you can roast and crisp paper and its gonna taste good retard, its the fats that taste good

>> No.18876219

You use it the same way in German. Grünkohl is the vegetable but also a specific dish as there's basically just a single way of preparation. Same dish as Dutch boerenkool but otjer sausages and meats.

>> No.18876508

But collards are terrible. They're like leather made out of plants, and taste like shit to boot. Kale is infinitely superior. Though turnip and mustard are the patrician's greens.

>> No.18876516

I unironically love kale, but grew up eating many green vegetables. There are almost none I don't love.

>> No.18876524

This guy gets it. Fried or roasted kale with the right amount of salt, pepper, and optionally garlic powder or cayenne is the bomb diggity.

>> No.18876529

>We got plenty of tasty ass leafy greens that are better.
That's the key. Mix kale with collards and turnip greens. Add some tater's and a salty meal (hamhocks, smoked porkchops).
Serve with Maggi, wah-fuckin-lah.

>> No.18876536

>Vegetables are often consumed raw.
Celery, broccoli, lettuce? Sure.
Asparagus? Kale? Brussel sprouts? Hell no.
Please at least pretend you know anything about food.

>> No.18876552

*salty MEAT (obviously).
And mustard greens don't hurt ether.
Never tried it with spinach, but...?

>> No.18876921

i don't pretend that I like it I don't even eat Kale.

>> No.18877189

are we talking about raw kale? i dont actually know what that tastes like. but boiled kale is good, especially with a good bit of strong mustard its delicious

>> No.18877192

it is pretty meh and people here in eastern europe like to make all kinds of sloppa from it

>> No.18877196

Arugula lemon juice olive oil salt, need I say more?

>> No.18877198

I see germans are no different ..

>> No.18877250
File: 39 KB, 360x640, Buddy-Christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good bit of strong mustard its delicious

>> No.18877525

>tastes like bitter asshole
That's your fault if you're not cooking and seasoning it right.
It's not great if it's just steamed and plain, but can be made pretty good if it's sauteed with some olive oil, garlic, worcestershire, etc

>> No.18877774

mein neger