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File: 132 KB, 800x600, Moka-Pot-with-Patina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18873322 No.18873322 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.
Moka pot edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, can you help these mokabozos?

Previous Thread:>>18855987

>> No.18873328

beautifully seasoned moka pot

>> No.18873334
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, Kiss-The-Ground-Movie_TotallyVeganBuzz-1280x720-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been doing that trick of adding a aeropress filter
Its a game changer if you like black coffee without the muid

>> No.18873350

Jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.18873592
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Convince me that OP isn't just hated that a $30 pot can do most of what a $1000 bike pump presso can.

>> No.18873712
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>> No.18873743
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excuse me sirs, 18 bars of pressure sirs

>> No.18873760

it does the same thing for 99% of people because no one drinks espresso. people just use it because it's concentrated and is a good base for mixing coffee drinks. they both make concentrated coffee

>> No.18873780

Pretty much what I use mine for desu. I add a bunch of whipped milk and a little sugar. Wouldn't make any real difference it was 'real' espresso or not.

>> No.18873795

what moka does differently is take away factors of control from your brew.
no: pressure, tamping, control of water input, control of water temperature, control of temperature of the overall vessel.
you pray the water raises evenly through the coffee bed, you pray nothing gets burned.
that in mind, espresso is not the be all end all of brewing methods. its a useful concentrated base drink to make many other drinks out of. but if you want the best out of your beans, you learn to do a proper pourover.

>> No.18873817

>jew has an opinion

>> No.18873831
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Roommate obliterated my v60 drip decanter this morning and I need to buy something to replace it for pourover. Should I grab an origami or the hario switch?

>> No.18873833

It makes a concentrated coffee with a wildly different recipe. Different pressure, different temp, different grind size, different contact time, different ratio. I'm going to make espresso right now. With filter beans. It'll be much better than anything you can pull out of a moka.

>> No.18873838

I have a French Press. I keep getting a lot of sediment in my coffee. I have a burr grinder, I grind it about as coarse as it can allow. Still getting a lot of sediment. I've cleaned out the grinder, and still getting it.
Any advice? Should I just double filter if I'm gonna be a pansy about it?

>> No.18873888

cool story bro

>> No.18873891

I've got both and use the origami more. You should snag something sick like a loveramics smooth/mellow, kadou m1, or cafec flower tho. Those are the 3 I'm looking at when I break mine.

>> No.18873934

If you want single serve, I believe a standard ceramic v60 would do the trick. In my opinion, kalita wave style filters do best when there is an airgap on the sidewall, so i'm not too fond of my origami and prefer an actual wave or stagg x. Your personal taste will vary.
If you want to make multiple cups, seriously consider a 8-10 cup chemex. The funnex is an option, but I feel there is better single serve drippers out there.

The silt is part of the experience for a french press, but if it really bothers you consider getting a 200 micron filter device. It feels kinda wasteful discarding some of your grounds, but will negate your issue. You can also use the filter to help prevent paper/cloth filter clogging.

>> No.18873939

Watch for fines in your grinds. Give the brewing grinds a stir and time to settle to the bottom. Pour slowly and maybe discard the last couple ounces. You might even also spoon off the first crema as I find that really improves the clarity of the cup. The FP shouldn't rely on the screen. It helps but gravity does most of your filtering.

>> No.18873944

guess i am part of that one percent, as i often drink espresso straight.

>> No.18874063

is a carafe worth it

>> No.18874083

Depends on your use case and brewing style

>> No.18874085

The beans I bought have been degassing for two weeks bros. I'm excited

>> No.18874091

>he let his beans go stale
Coffee beans should be used no more than 48 hours after roasting

>> No.18874099

delicious, well rested nectar

>> No.18874112

The only good carafe I have found was at a thrift store, and it died long ago. It was my fault. It was an ugly cream colored plastic shell that was lined with a copper-looking metal and had a removable glass insert via the bottom access hatch. The spout poured even and smooth, something I have yet to find on a new unit. The lid screwed on and off for the seal, so no complex mechanism there. I put the glass in the sink to dry and a pot shifted and smashed it. I miss that ugly thing so bad. It kept it HOT for hours. I had to let it cool down before I cleaned it

>> No.18874127
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>pic rel
It was much more yellow. One source says it was west german from the early 80's

>> No.18874152
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this thing any good

>> No.18874158

There is one anon in these threads that will tell you it is. He is wrong of course, they are an abomination.

>> No.18874560
File: 52 KB, 678x452, 9barista.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get this instead if you really want a hands-free espresso

>> No.18874594

I just bought a sturdy looking kettle for 30 that has temperature control with a gooseneck
Why are you about to pay at least that much for what look like a cheaply produced piece of crap?
Did someone meme you thinking this was a quality selection?

>> No.18874614

Any time the topic of percolators comes up, I hear nothing but bad things about them. I have never heard anyone say a single good thing about them.

So why do they even exist? Who is even buying them?

>> No.18874691

Does it really take $600 and aerospace engineering to add a pressure valve and portafilter to a moka pot? I tamp the crap out of the pucks in my Grosche and it does great every time.

>> No.18874710

people that dont realise espresso can be watered down to fit into their giganta mugs.

>> No.18874722

Why would anyone buy an off-brand moka pot? Bialettis aren't even expensive, mine was £20.

>> No.18874727

But this one is made in china with an
>italian made
safety valve jammed in the side.

>> No.18874743

"Grosche is a brand from Canada that strives to not just provide quality products but make the world a better place for everyone."
theyre making the world a better place, anon.

>> No.18874790

I like the way it looks. I can't find my Bialetti and it had a weird corrosion in the base.

>> No.18874804

>and it does great every time
Yeah, but it doesn't make espresso.

>> No.18874983

Where should I keep my cafe frijoles? A vacuum sealed container? One of those special "coffee canisters" with a one-way CO2 valve? Any random jar I might already have lying around? Loose handfuls in my pants pocket?

If I use them quickly enough, does it even really matter? And how long does it take for an opened bag of coffee to go stale?

>> No.18874994

I legitimately don’t understand why coffee drinkers still like moka but hate on percolators.

>> No.18875010
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I'm thinking of replacing my french press with a nicer one, and reccs? I'm going to probably just going to give my current one to my buddy who has a drip maker. If not for his sake, than for mine so I can at least make decent coffee when I go hangout

>> No.18875032

Clean your shit you greasy goomba

>> No.18875220

>I'm thinking of replacing my french press with a nicer one

>> No.18875253

How much average grams of coffee is made into a cup of espresso?

>> No.18875263

This one was free with a coffee order, and it's a couple years old and was a bit cheaply made to begin with. Figured getting a nice one to leave at home and bring the older one to my friends wouldn't be a bad move if they were a reasonable price

>> No.18875269

A double shot is around 18-20g of coffee

>> No.18875300

There's really no point in spending more on a French Press. Most of the "premium" features you'd get on more expensive models (borosilicate or stainless vs cheap soda-lime glass; dual wall/insulation vs single wall; etc) are kind of pointless in a French Press. Because it's an immersion brewer, you shouldn't be leaving the grounds and water in there long enough for heat loss to be an issue, and even the cheapest, thinnest soda-lime glass won't experience catastrophic thermal shock at 100°C. Now, having said all that, if my cheap chinkshit French Press broke, I'd probably replace it with an Espro P3. I'd be interested in seeing how/if the dual mesh basket affects the brew.

>> No.18875393

I was thinking it might be cheaper to make single shot cafe americanos instead of a cup of pourover or french press with the cost of an espresso machine and coffee beans in the long run.

>> No.18875427
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Who should I be following for non-woke coffee insights? And don’t you dare say Hoffmeme.

>> No.18875431

Sadly, no. By the time you get any where near a roi with a reliable machine capable of doing a 7-9 gram-in dose, you're going to be let done with maintenance, not to mention the cost of a grinder if you buy whole bean. An areopress setup with a fine mesh filter might be your best bet under that scenario (making an aeropresso shot and turning it into areopressano), but even a standard 6 ounce areopress coffee will take 11g of coffee, the only real consumables being a 2 cent filter, the coffee, and eventually the gasket.

>> No.18875470

Espro is great. Got one in sale and would have taken the plunge way earlier now I know the difference. Basically no silt, smoother taste. Thicker glass too so hopefully I won't fuck it up like my uh last four french presses

>> No.18875483

well I'm finally going to do it. What is the best espresso machine I can buy for below $750? Maybe willing to go higher

>> No.18875488

What the actual fuck are "woke coffee insights?"

>> No.18875496

>ethically sourced coffee jewishness
>muh fair trade
>sustainability memes
>dancing around opinions that may lower his views
I don’t care about any of that, I just want to hear someone talk some shit about coffee and give me a clear perspective

>> No.18875499

I just tried my hand at making Turkish coffee. I've never had it before, so I don't know what a proper one is meant to taste like, and I didn't have the proper equipment, so I ended up putting my tiny 350ml milk pitcher on the stovetop, but it was actually surprisingly nice. It was very "intense," which I imagine is the point, but it wasn't bitter or under/overextracted at all. I didn't have the nice foam/crema on top, and I don't know if that's due to improper grind or improper heating vessel, but it was quite a pleasant experience. Now I'm tempted to find a place around me that makes Turkish coffee to see what it's actually supposed to taste like, and how close I got using my poorfag method.

>> No.18875500

>ethically sourced coffee jewishness
Wait, so non-exploitative labor practices are now also "Jewish?" You fucking retards don't even know what you believe in anymore.

>> No.18875507

Think about your carbon footprint with every sip of your venti.

>> No.18875508
File: 273 KB, 1105x1600, Vintage-Winnebago-motor-homes-from-1971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a RV coffee gear.
>moka pot, probably will just get stainless bialetti
>small grinder, electric, I'm not cranking one out by hand.

Are those aliexpress USB rechargeable burr grinders serviceable? I'm not asking for much, as long as it can do moka pot kind of a grind.

Any recommendations?

>> No.18875513

"Sustainability" is a huge part of third wave coffee fanatics. At this point, the two are tied as the only way to economically source specialty grade coffee is to pay larger amounts to insure the farmers don't cut corners, 'cause they too want a share of the profit. Since you seem to be more focused on the brewing process, it will be harder to find a media outlet that takes a more scientific approach. Who knew that it was so niche?

>> No.18875523
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>> No.18875524

For a grinder, I would go with a quality hand grinder that either comes will a drill chuck adapter or can be modded to take one. You need to spend money on the grinder to get moka pot fine, and at least if you take a drill you can potentially use it for RV maintenance/operation as well. Having a drill to set down stabilizers most of the way will make a difference.

>> No.18875589

If you're shopping on Aliexpress anyway, you can get a Kingrinder. They're designed to use a drill straight out of the box. The K3 and K4 can do espresso, so I imagine they can do a moka pot. If you're doing both a moka pot and v60, then I'd go for the K6.

>> No.18875597

>but if you want the best out of your beans, you learn to do a proper pourover
Are you saying the cheapest way is the best?

>> No.18875704
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I have pick related in same colour, brand a model.
I have a moka pot that I make whever it comes out with some lavazza ground coffee I purchase.
Then I try to froth some milk.
I tried 60°C, didn't froth
then 70°C, didn't froth
then 50°C, didn't froth
then I changed from 40ml to 50, 60, 80, 120, didn't froth.
I tried with milk and heavy cream in ratios from 1:0, .5:.5, .25:.57 all way up to 0:1
then I tried some "barista" milk in all previous configuration, didn't work.
I randomly some frothed milk in inconsistent ways out of random proportions/temps/stirring time
what am I doing wrong?

>> No.18875716

Depends. If he's making espresso, stale beans remove a variable from the extraction calibration. For any other method freshly roasted coffee is better. Espresso is an objectively worse way to prepare coffee than any other method because it is based on stale coffee; the entire point is to get the caffeine inside you and get it over with. The method pairs well with shitty coffee. Wasting really good coffee on espresso is a bizarro modern fad.

>> No.18875721

>what am I doing wrong?
Well, for starters, it looks like you're trying to aerate milk with a milkshake mixer.

>> No.18875729
File: 354 KB, 1025x1000, ARIETE-MILKSHAKER-CREAM-GREEN-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what am I doing wrong?
needs a whisk

>> No.18875736

I get the point of sustainability and I don’t mind paying higher prices for good consistent quality but Jesus, shut the fuck up and get off your soapbox like you have an “obligation” to preach about ethical choices in coffee consumption, just tell me how to get my caffeine hit with a better taste.

>> No.18875738

that looks like the broken exposed inside parts of some sort of mixing device

never ever ever rely on any shit made of plastic bro

>> No.18875783
File: 2.20 MB, 3264x2448, 20230130_105004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe how Nigerian I was.
I just whisked some hotnmilk and... violence, here it is.
I'm gonna shit myself drinking coffee in this big nibba coffee mug.

>> No.18875806

Boomers that grew up with them

>> No.18875822
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Please clean.

>> No.18876044

Flair 58.

>> No.18876079

old people and their boomer kids who grew up with the taste of burnt coffee with silt and think of it as nostalgic. those were the good old days. deluded.
big sad.

>> No.18876150
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Cheer up, charlie

>> No.18876365

Anon you know what's more soi than injecting your opinions into your content? Giving a fuck about the opinion of people providing information.

>> No.18876474

Thanks for the recc/ info. The espro p3 does look really nice, what did you guys pay? Amazon has them for $55 which seems a little steep

>> No.18876479
File: 223 KB, 555x1084, Screenshot_20230130-084757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't ping-pong put motor on grinder? I don't want to keep the drill in the kitchen cabinet.
I'm gonna buy it and try, burr looks exactly the same in the pics as the hario hand grinder I have, if ping-pong copied that design , it should be good enough.

>> No.18876544

Why not a hand grinder? You don't need to grind that fine for a Moka so you won't be making your arms sore grinding the coffee for 10 minutes every morning

>> No.18876662
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>> No.18876687

It was $40 on sale for me when I got it in october.

>> No.18877333
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Because I don't want to.
Same reason I pack an electric water pump when hiking. I don't want to waste time jerking off robots.
If the Lord wanted us to hand crank shit, he wouldn't have given us motors and batteries.

>> No.18877351

he did give us cranks though

>> No.18877361

In the US they're $40, which is about the average for a French Press.

>> No.18877369

It's a really dumb idea to waste the space and electricity in an RV on an electric coffee grinder. Hand grinders are really nice now, too.

>> No.18877440

You're a really dumb waste of space and electricity

>> No.18877471


>> No.18877702

Another thread, another uppity van dweller. Buy a p64 shut the fuck up.

>> No.18877754

He also gave us cancer, so he can fuck right off.

>> No.18877836

>waste the space
That's why I'm asking about compact grinder. I don't have the counter space for my usual one.
Yes, the 15s of grinding coffee a day will really make a big dent, not the fact I keep running the AC all day.

>> No.18877845

Lagom mini. Now fuck off.

>> No.18877855
File: 15 KB, 272x250, 1670620477050893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats disgusting,

post some coffee frogs.

>> No.18877878

>Lagom mini
[Pre-order for approx mid/late Feb dispatch]
I'm not a zoomer, so not pre-ordering shit.

>> No.18877912

Fuck off, election faggot.

>> No.18877919
File: 575 KB, 2758x1874, musolini frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me nigger.

>> No.18877932

I can sell your my Lagom P64 for $3.5k then if you don't feel like waiting.

>> No.18877943
File: 14 KB, 530x530, gg_11180100_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your shitass pastebin.

>> No.18877978

Mid feb is 2 weeks away retard. It'll be there before you wash the winnebago.

>> No.18878007

>before you wash the winnebago
True only because I don't wash it.
It will be delayed by at least 6 months and probably cancelled with company going out of business. Even then, nobody knows if it's actually good.

>> No.18878079

Its a year old product from a 7 year old company that also sells $1600 and $2600 grinders. People know exactly how good it is.

>> No.18878257

>what did you guys pay?
I don't own an Espro. I bought a cheap Chinese one for $8 on amazon from a company called Highwin. Looking them up, it seems they don't even make the model I have anymore. Mine is glass, and they only seem to make stainless ones now.

>> No.18878556
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>$1600 and $2600 grinder
Imagine spending that much on a grinder and not buying a commercial one.

>> No.18878612

If you've ever used a super jolly or stood next to an ek43, you'd understand why your comment is so retarded.

>> No.18878648

I buy coffee from Orthodox monasteries

>> No.18878652

>If the Lord wanted us to hand crank shit, he wouldn't have given us motors and batteries.
Yet you still jerk off

>> No.18879327


>> No.18879399


>> No.18879405

Cool, dark, temp stable place. Opaque container would be ideal, but its more about minimizing air exchange for longer term storage. I use mason jars with (salvaged)one way valves for the coffees I'm currently resting, then divide them out into convenient portions to vac seal and freeze. The coffees I'm currently drinking are in kurasu cans. Bought them because they're cute, but I'd imagine the ceramic airscapes are much better.
>And how long does it take for an opened bag of coffee to go stale?
Depends on the roast and how often you're exposing it to fresh oxygen.

>> No.18879568

I started making espresso at home last month, and went to the thrift store to try to find some demitasses or cappuccino cups. I ended up picking up two brown cappuccino cups that looked nice for about $3 for the pair. I just looked up the company that's embossed on the bottom, and they're made by a company called ACF Italy, which means I picked up two $100 cups for about $1.50 each. I didn't buy the saucers, so I'm going to back to see if they're still there so I have the complete set.

>> No.18879614

Post em up senpai

>> No.18879616

Kek nice job.

>> No.18879707

the Lord gave us women too. it's not his fault if we don't use them as intended

>> No.18879711

They're worth as much as an ordinary coffee cup, since all you're gonna do with them is drink coffee. Except now you have to drink out of a mug someone else has done god knows what with.

>> No.18879755

What would be better for work/school use, an aeropress or a mini/nanopresso?

I already have a chinese minipresso-style contraption that I got as a gift, but it's a pain in the ass to use.
Also I'm not sure I'd be able to get actual boiling water from the watercooler here.

Would it be worth it to get an aeropress go?

>> No.18879758

Just got really mad at some coffee and started screaming and punching myself in the head

>> No.18879777

I got an aeropress go and it makes a good cup of coffee and espresso-like drinks, and it travels well. If you are brewing dark you might not need boiling hot water but there is always the microwave, that's what I use to boil water anywho

>> No.18879808
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milk me

>> No.18879811

I'd take cold brew instead.

>> No.18879821

Sort of depends on what you want to drink, and how much work you're willing to put in to drink it. An Aeropress will get you brewed coffee; users will claim you can get espresso out of it, but they're going to hell for lying. It's far easier to use than a Mini/Nano, though. The Mini/Nano has the added benefit of taking pods, if you don't want to carry around a grinder or pre-ground coffee, but since it's closer to an actual espresso machine, it'll be more finnicky about temperature, while also being more work to produce coffee. I don't use either an Aeropress or a Mini/Nanopresso, but I do use a Picopresso as a daily driver espresso machine, but I can't imagine using that at school, but that machine is far more finnicky about all of the various coffee variables, since it's an actual espresso machine. For the record, I think Wacaco, the company behind all of the various [word for small]-presso products is also Chinese. And if you think a device similar to a Minipresso is a pain in the ass to use, I can't imagine a Mini or Nano being any less of a pain in the ass.

>> No.18879825

Oh, I forgot:
tl;dr get a Bripe

>> No.18879831

>I don't use either an Aeropress or a Mini/Nanopresso
stopped reading right there

>> No.18879835

>Oh, I forgot:
>tl;dr get a Bripe

You are such a faggot if you own one of those. Plain and simple. You could not be more of a faggot

>> No.18879851

Bripless brokefags keep seething

>> No.18879932

Why the hell is a used Gaggia Classic/Pro more expensive on eBay than a brand new one at any online store?

>> No.18879949

What about that goofy bit of paraphernalia brings out such strong emotion in people?

>> No.18879985

Is an Aeropress the most American way of making coffee? It's a cheap mass-produced piece of plastic, that pretty much epitomises everything about America.

Meanwhile a moka pot is stylish, made to last, and makes actual good coffee. It feels very European

>> No.18879997

I don't think you know what actual good coffee is friend.

>> No.18880002

Okay. Enjoy your AeroPress coffee, now with 50% less microplastics.

>> No.18880004

I drink espresso, not whatever piss you and the aeropress gang are pretending is actual good coffee.

>> No.18880043

>moka pot
>good coffee

>> No.18880059

Does /ctg/ have gooseneck kettle recommendations or can I just get whatever?

>> No.18880062

Fellow stagg ekg/brewista>everything else

>> No.18880065
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I grind my beans in an amazon-bought grinder that costed €15, poured over thick paper filters way meant for coffee machines and way too big for my filter holder thing, and pour over it straight from my electric kettle.
When I can't be assed with the long and involved process of pourover, but I still want more coffee than espresso would give me, I just use my 1-cup bialetti and top of the result with hot water in my mug.

Then I sip on my caffeine scented water while reading threads about insane lunatics spending €1200+ to approximate what the bar downstairs makes me for €0.80

>> No.18880066

>150$ kettle
puke inducing

>> No.18880077

Am I the only one having problem with the button on the stagg? I have to press it like five times. unacceptable for a kettle with that price tag

>> No.18880096

You need to pull it off and clean it. Happened to mine after about a year.

>> No.18880108

Probably not coffee related, but how does caffeine interact with melatonin supplement?

>> No.18880119

thanks. it looked clean but the spring was upside down. It feels like that solved it. I usually wouldn't buy stuff like this used, but the previous owner only had it for a month or two

>> No.18880130

Yeah there was no debris or anything in mine, it just suddenly got harder to press one day. Quick pop off of the knob and its been back to normal since.

>> No.18880145

it doesn't, really. melatonin isn't a sedative, it's just a hormone

>> No.18880154

I am worried that combining the high from daytime caffeine and the low from melatonin dose in the night will be too much for my body.

>> No.18880156

Just made an absolutely digusting cup of coffee

>> No.18880157

You'll be fine schizokun.

>> No.18880159
File: 757 KB, 1400x784, 1 CXrVcu1x-4z8d23zjzLRug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to get coffee out of these things? I already have a wdt, and stuff like an 18 gram basket, puckscreen, and a kingrinder k4 on the way

>> No.18880160

Drink your mistakes, I say. Reminds you why you shouldn't have done whatever it is you did that fucked it, and broadens your palette for fixing your shit in the future.

>> No.18880163

Consistency in your prep and figuring out what compromise you need to make with a smaller diameter basket and probably a higher pump pressure than what people prefer for espresso. That and pulling a fuckload of shots. However much you drink in a fortnight, order double and do it knowing that you're paying to learn, not to drink great coffee while you practice.

>> No.18880166

Yeah I'm still relatively new to grinding my own coffee and I just put too much in my Moka, when the puck expanded it stopped any water from getting through so I had to put it on a higher heat to get any coffee. It tastes pretty burnt but I'm not going to waste those beans

>> No.18880169

>decide to make pour over
>make cup
>taste it
>jump in disgust as its under extracted and room temp
>forgot to turn on kettle
>rip 17grams of beans

>> No.18880194

Fried egg on toast and coffee is a strong breakfast. Legit don't feel like eating most of the day after it

>> No.18880212

That's relieving, thanks

>> No.18880232
File: 1.92 MB, 3468x4624, 20221208_154318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes the Go is the way to go
I'm not American, fuck boy
Fuck you

>> No.18880281
File: 169 KB, 800x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my buddy got me these for my birthday, can't wait to try them
been thinking about joining the aeropress gang. how is it for light roast compared to french press?

>> No.18880545
File: 3.28 MB, 2984x3506, 20221025_094908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only drink light roasts. I ditched the French press years ago! You can't go wrong with the aeropress.

>> No.18880857

What is, in your opinion, the most delicate and tea-like Coffee?

>> No.18880866

How much would upgrading my grinder really improve my pour over? I have a cheap burr grinder and it's a bit inconsistent. Maybe I have bad taste but I feel like my coffee tastes just as good as in the fancy shop where they have the super expensive grinder.

>> No.18881041

It will be a very noticable difference. What grinder are you using now?

>> No.18881059

It's a Capresso Infinity. How come I'm not impressed by the coffee shop coffee then when they use a grinder I could never afford? Is something messed up with my tasting ability?

>> No.18881091

>capresso infinity
That's the piece of shit you buy when you don't want a girlfriend or roommate running decaf through your nice grinder.
> How come
They're buying cheap margin padding beans and using that grinder to fill bags and make drinks as quick as possible. You've got the chance to buy good beans and make the minute grind adjustments to suit your taste, they're trying to turn over as many customers per hour. Two very different games being played.

>> No.18881109

So what's a good grinder I can afford? I don't fancy hand grinding. I got the one I have because it's cheap but I can really notice the grind is inconsistent, so I can tell it's bad as you say.

>> No.18881163
File: 300 KB, 7841x561, yoinkv10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what's a good grinder I can afford?
Tell me what you can afford. A $60 kingrinder k2 will make better coffee than that capresso. A $99 k6 will embarrass it. Stick a drill on one of those two and you're set if you can't be bothered hand grinder. Or spend more and ditch the drill. Fellow Opus comes out in less than a month for $195, refurb Fellow Ode(gen1) for $195, ode gen 2(new burrs, some QoL updates) at $345, varia vs3 at $299.

>> No.18881184

why is it always the first and last cups that taste the best from a bag of coffee

>> No.18881191

I could afford the $300 I'm just reluctant since I tried coffee from places doing pour over and the more expensive grinder and felt mine at home was as good. The supply shop I go to has a Eureka Mignon Crono on sale, how does that one rate? It has a hopper so I assume it's not an espresso centric one.

>> No.18881196

I meant grounds container, the hopper is on top.

>> No.18881273

Buddy, you have to kill this notion that cafe wagies are trying to serve you the most decadent cup as possible. They're just keeping the line moving. They're only adjusting that grinder when they get complaints, and most dipshits at the shop you go to won't complain.
>Eureka Mignon Crono
If it has the brew pro(filter) burrs, it will be a fairly high clarity burr, much more consistent grind than your capresso. It'll get espresso fine, but will be very slow and very loud. Eureka's other burrs are all high body lower clarity for traditional "italian style" espresso. Think very blended, generically chocolately. Thats what some people like about the niche, and what "most" people think of when they think coffee.

>> No.18881311

neat, the stainless steel stagg ekg was on sale so I got that. Thanks anon.

>> No.18881325

The cafes are the only places I can go to compare what I make to what others make. I don't know any coffee experts. Some roasters have a tasting area and I think I do better at home than they do with the same beans. But who knows. I have no reference points really.

>> No.18881411
File: 76 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_2708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying a better grinder isn't going to make shitty cafe beans any better. Its going to make them worse. You're going to be extracting more, and more evenly so if the flavors are shit, you're going to get a clearer picture of shit. Going from a $200 hand grinder to a $2600 titan, I have to be much much more careful with my homeroasts. I'm just able to expose more flaws. Might be worth splurging on some nice coffee for a few weeks, then going back to try your cafes again before thinking about dropping money on a new grinder.

>> No.18881421

There don't seem to be any roasters that don't also have a cafe attached where I live. I didn't know this was an indicator of them being low quality.

>> No.18881489
File: 1.45 MB, 1313x1751, PXL_20221126_001925627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't know this was an indicator of them being low quality.
Not what I'm saying. MOST cafes and roasters are shit. They source and roast cheap beans, because 8/10 customers are just drowning them with adulterants. You want to keep that 80% happy. They keep your shop running and retail space ain't fucking cheap. There's zero reason to source quality for them as you'll just bleed away your profit margin. Branch out from your local pond. Try some others.

>> No.18881527

That's a nice shade of coffee beans. Is that true light roast?

>> No.18881563

I'm happy with the roaster, nowhere else specializes in the nice light roasts I enjoy.

>> No.18881582

I go lighter but yeah. Probably should have picked up a roastvision before they went out of business. Thats wuri grade 0 nat. swroasting has some right now if you wanted to try it. Likely a touch darker than mine.

>> No.18881586

I tried the wuri, pretty tasty stuff though I only do pourover

>> No.18881590

Sounds like you need to change absolutely nothing then. Congrats, you're at endgame.

>> No.18881596

I liked the washed better for pourovers. I only snagged an lb of each tho.

>> No.18881607

Just my grinder. It does not look anywhere as consistent as that one pic above. I was originally just wondering how much difference that makes, that's all.

>> No.18881660

Thats the difference between a $99 capresso and a $1900 wug2 83a with $500 Ditting lab sweet burrs dropped in. You can put clones of that lab sweet burr from SSP or Option-O in something like a fellow ode, df64, or p64. SSP is also working on an 83mm version.
Left to right SSP, OO, Ditting.

>> No.18881661
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Fuck forgot the pic.

>> No.18881682

That's why I thought going to the place that had the Weber EG-1 would show me what I was missing, but I wasn't that impressed with what I got. Like you say they probably did a half assed job though.

>> No.18881712
File: 11 KB, 835x81, eg1non.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nice hammer doesn't make a skilled contractor. For the record tho, theres a guy who posts here who has an eg-1 and a 1zpresso K and he really likes the k lol. But he's using some weird tc burr set, not the newer ones. Theres another anon with a kafatek flat max and a 1zpresso zp6 and he really likes the coffee coming off the zp6.

>> No.18882423

cheapest would be chucking it into a pot of boiling water.
but theres a reason cupping is a thing to explore bean flavours.

>> No.18882428

dont you miss out on crema with stale bean? i thought crema was part of the hype.

>> No.18882432

yuup me too. game changer.

>> No.18882726

If you're not drinking espresso, you're not drinking real coffee.

>> No.18882826

Crema looks nice, doesn't taste nice.

>> No.18882885
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So 2.0.0 seems a bit too fine... Also sneezing while stirring after the second pour had about the effect I figured it would

>> No.18882901

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.18882906

Lol I told you 4.0.0 was a starting point for big batch pourovers. Try 3.5. I was above 2.0.0 pulling shots on the 46mm flair baskets.

>> No.18882912

Oh I did that and it was great. Didn't post the results because showcasing the failures is a bit funnier.

I wanted to see how fine I could get before things went sideways and I know now.

>> No.18883067

I'm not denying that it's a good consistency in that image, but it looks way to fine for a pourovers. the finer your grind the less variation there will be. so you shouldn't compare grounds unless they're the same approximate size

>> No.18883099

Too much hassle, you can't get started for cheap because cheap machines suck.

>> No.18883309
File: 1.57 MB, 1718x2290, PXL_20230201_070850271~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean yeah, I was pulling turbo shots that day. Its a pic from november I had saved to my desktop. Here's a little late night finca monteblanco purple caturra nat for the gamigang. Bit coarser than I usually go. <1100micron from a quick brewler measurement.

>> No.18883354

>I mean yeah
Why do faggots type like this

>> No.18883380

>but it looks way to fine for a pourovers
>its not a pourover grind...
He's stating something incredibly obvious, I'm acknowledging it without calling him a tard for stating something incredibly obvious.

>> No.18883415
File: 1.09 MB, 5495x3663, 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breakfast of champions...

>> No.18883439

What does any of that have to do with what I posted, faggot?

>> No.18883441

I've got a RO system for water but I was wondering, is remineralized water better for coffee? If so what do you use to remineralize it? And what pH is best?

>> No.18883482

How often are you thinking about gays?

>> No.18883535
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good enough?

>> No.18883718

Depends what kind of coffee you're making

>> No.18883722
File: 3.80 MB, 320x220, bender.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why even grind your own beans and make pour over or use your moka pot when you can walk downstairs.

>> No.18883823

Anon what the fuck

>> No.18883842

i roasted some coffee.

>> No.18883844

>hear to grind finer for lighter roasts, coarser for darker roasts
>the opposite tastes better to me
Am I just retarded

>> No.18883849

Depends on other variables too. Things that increase extraction:
>more finely ground coffee
>darker roasts
>higher temperatures
>longer brew times
>larger amount of water (during brewing)
And the opposites decrease it obviously. You don't want your coffee to be over or under extracted so you need to find the right balance. Generally it's recommended to only fiddle with one variable at a time and keeping the rest consistent.

>> No.18883965

i love coffee so much bros

>> No.18883971

Yo, these niggas drinkin beans!

>> No.18884059

only got into drinking specialty coffee recently, half a year or so. i think i'm finally happy with what i get out of my moka pot and french press but i've only been getting one type of specialty coffee until now.
i'd like to experiment with more and the place i order from has a specialty coffee package that gives you a box of 8 types of different beans (bitter, acidic, chocolatey, fruity, dominican, brazillian, kenyan, ethiopian, indonesian, etc) but it's only 50 grams of beans for each.
is there a point in me ordering that or will all those require drastically different techniques and grind sizes and at such small amounts i wouldn't be able to experiment and fine tune it? or will the one moka pot and french press technique that works for me be enough to produce decent results.

>> No.18884060

>sneezed INTO his coffee and not into a tissue or at least in the opposite direction
You're an animal.

>> No.18884065

You're using a French Press. 50g should be enough to get a drinkable cup of coffee with the dominant flavors, it's not like you're trying to fine tune a pour over. My local roaster does 80g for samples but the idea is that you get a decent brew out of that, decide "I want to explore that more" and buy a full-sized bag. Don't expect to fine-tune and dial it in, just try to get a feel for whether you like the overall taste.

>> No.18884078

alright, thanks. i'll try it when i run out of my current coffee.

>> No.18884120

I'm continuing to experiment with the dimmer and other variables on my Breville. Yesterday, I added in a period of pre-heating (thermo block), and today I ground finer. Each change is bringing a better shot.
I've noticed that the coffee is most sour right after being brewed, and it mellows as it cools. Out of curiosity, does anyone know why that might be the case? Are there some acids or oils creating that sour flavor before oxidizing?
I'm going to see if I can rig up a whiskey ball tomorrow to quickly cool it as it comes out of the basket.

>> No.18884127
File: 3.72 MB, 4624x3468, 20230130_083534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you genuinely trolling? How can you keep fucking up so badly
Stupid take

>> No.18884156
File: 2.34 MB, 350x350, 1672367575342750.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I learned from my mistakes and made a delicious cup of coffee

>> No.18884211

From memory it's something to do with the temperature windows on what is most detectable at what temperatures - as in, it's on the human side, not a particularly rapidly changing chemical on the coffee side. I find I prefer to drink my espresso after about the time it takes me to dump the portafilter, clean and reset it, then stir my shot - it's quite interesting how noticeable change is after quite a short increment.

>> No.18884226


>> No.18884227

Sure, do whatever the hell you want. You seem pretty invested in other people doing things different than you.

>> No.18884260

>drink coffee
>feel more tired
And I don't mean I had a cup earlier and am crashing now, I'm literally halfway through my cup and starting to yawn.

>> No.18884299

Cope and seethe mokatard.

>> No.18884406
File: 837 KB, 1816x2708, 3453B502-1B2B-482D-95AA-4B19FA3D22D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I just bought the eureka mignon filtro from wholelattelove and I think it was around 200$. Inb4 filter burrs. STFU THEY ALL HAVE ESPRESSO BURRS.
Every eureka mignon machine up to the specialita has the exact same internals. They all have a beefy motor and they all have espresso burrs. So buy the filtro online.
Pic related shows the filtro burrs vs the espresso burns, the burrs on top came with the filtro strait from whole latte love. Getting a hand grinder seems like a joke compared to getting a great electric espresso grinder for 200$n2a4tv

>> No.18884425

This doesn’t happen to white people btw

>> No.18884430


>> No.18884436

Nigga I ordered my grinder two weeks ago brand new and it came with the espresso burrs, even if it didn’t they are 27$ online

>> No.18884446

Yeah. WLL is selling old stock. You don't see how the shorter grind path and massive outfall on those filtro pro burrs would affect PSD?

>> No.18884448

I am unfortunately white.

>> No.18884497

adhd. caffiene levels out your mood. google it.
i can be the same way, but when i lay down to try and nap its really hard to turn my thoughts off.

>> No.18884547

Those filtro burrs look like shit, I agree.
The fact is whether they’re selling the machine with those burrs or not, buying the espresso burrs after is still the cheapest way to get a decent grind on the whole market, if you don’t want a manual grinder.

>> No.18884578

But the anon specifically was looking for a grinder to improve his pour overs. You're telling him to buy a high fines producing traditional Italian burrset designed for high body espresso...

>> No.18884588

Oh, my b

>> No.18884683

that's weird, I've never had sediment in my french pressed coffee even when I used drip ground beans. I'd replace the screen(s) if I were you.

>> No.18884712

ADHD for sure. That's how my diagnosed woman is.

>> No.18884922

just got a moka pot, where do i start? i've only drank instant black coffee for reference, thanks!

>> No.18884924

Chocolate pudding

>> No.18884943 [DELETED] 
File: 392 KB, 630x630, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's got one of these Coffee Gator hario knockoff kettles from amazon? 21 bucks

>> No.18884952
File: 117 KB, 1500x1228, 71hlT4AHSeL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what? this is the image I posted

>> No.18884955

you start off by watching hoffmans video on moka pot and doing that instead of whatever the instructions for the pot tells you

>> No.18884976

Retard. Show yours

>> No.18884982
File: 93 KB, 282x400, 400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"post body"
>"post coffee"

>> No.18885001
File: 2.92 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grind coarser faggot

>> No.18885015


>> No.18885294

Post both nigger

>> No.18885302

>grind coarse
>still have looking v60
Life is pain

>> No.18885395

Yeah, I'm on both
Fuck no. Why?

>> No.18885418

Where can I buy a looking v60?

>> No.18885427

>using the meme shower head

>> No.18885439

Because your bed looks like shit and probably tastes like shit too. If you want to drink bitter sludge be my guest. I’ll be sipping my Naturally Processed Ethiopian with notes of Strawberry Jam.

>> No.18885449

Grinder and technique?

>> No.18885454

K6 and hoffmeme single cup. I already asked for advice last thread (>>18858452), and it did help me improve it a bit but not that much. I'm gonna try going 10 clicks coarser next time. This is because recently I've also started to notice that the last bit of coffee to drain takes a really long time, so the filter is getting totally clogged apparently.

>> No.18885469

try swirl during bloom only, otherwise focus on an even slow pour not lingering in one place.

>> No.18885489

Hoffmeme’s method never worked that well for me and I just assumed it’s because my grinder produces more fines than his. Try a brew without swirling at the beginning and instead stir. See if that helps. I would try that before going coarser.

>> No.18885510

>Are you genuinely trolling?
No, like I said I've made some much better beds but this was basically a large batch experiment that got double fucked up

>> No.18885890
File: 702 KB, 3072x4080, rn_image_picker_lib_temp_5e12d9dd-8367-43ec-bd06-4de843ce02ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made today so you guys don't think I'm intentionally giving you the run around

>> No.18886192

Now buy some cafecs and you're good to go.

>> No.18886245

Wait, really? Because caffeine always makes me sleepy, but I didn't think I had any other ADHD symptoms. That is, until I looked it up, which was a stupid idea, because reading the DSM just makes me think I have everything.

>> No.18886274

the filters? are they that much better?

>> No.18886317

Everyone I shill them to ends up thanking me a few days later. You trusted me on the kinu adjustment, give em a try. I use mediums or abacas. Origamis are pretty good too.

>> No.18886343

cool, I'll add it to my shopping list. thanks again anon

>> No.18886347

Anyone like Rao’s coffee?

>> No.18886354

I tried the Abacas recently. They aren't immune to clogging from fines but they draw down noticeably faster than Harios.

>> No.18886389

Yeah, they'll all have different 'loading points'. Lights load up and stall early, darks stall late. Mediums, abacas, and origamis all seem to flow fairly evenly with a high loading point. The super expensive sibarist filters are also using abaca fiber.

>> No.18886580

I got cafec medis on your or someone’s recommendation too, but I don’t know what happened or changed. My brews no longer clog so the drawdown time isn’t bad and I end up never opening them. Odd thing is I was grinding finer too because I was trying Hoffman’s multi pour method while back, shit is weird

>> No.18886719

regardless, its not unusual to find someone that feels more tired after coffee.
caffeine doesnt give you energy, thats what sugar does. caffeine reduces your need for sleep.

>> No.18886739

>sugar gives you energy
You really are a dumb fuck.

>> No.18886772
File: 6 KB, 243x207, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18886887

Sugar gives your body energy in the sense that it's a source of carbohydrates. That doesn't have any relation to giving you energy in the sense of feeling alert or awake.

>> No.18886952
File: 743 KB, 1600x900, cover7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sugar is energy in the literal sense
>coffee is energy in the "vibes" sense

>> No.18886963

Fat is also a source of energy, in fact it contains more energy than sugar. Yet somehow retards like you don't talk about how drinking vegetable oil will energise you.

>> No.18886995

calories are units of energy

>> No.18887003
File: 90 KB, 482x315, 41d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so you are telling me that fat, the thing our body stores for energy, won't make me as energized as a spoonful of sugar? Do our bodies prioritize different forms of energy to burn???

>> No.18887009

All right, you have a sub-90 IQ so I'm not gonna bother.

>> No.18887029
File: 44 KB, 800x450, brainlettttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All right, you have a sub-90 IQ so I'm not gonna bother.

>> No.18887039

Oh this nigga be green textin

>> No.18887066

I went through that coffee faster than I thought I would but my next beans are like a week from being properly rested

>> No.18887109

Just fucking drink it

>> No.18887246

carbon foot print is made up bullshit by big oil.

>> No.18887346
File: 190 KB, 720x1018, flavorwheel-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sometimes have the frustrating experience of enjoying a really good cup of coffee at a place, then going back and they've changed the type they use, and I don't enjoy as much. BUT- I don't have the knowledge or language to ask for the kind I like (and I think maybe neither does the server). I know there's all these different tastes, and there are 4 different types of bean, but not sure about any of them.

It would be like going to a bar for wine, but not having the vocab to ask for the wine you liked from last time.
>Hey do you have any... wine?
>Sure, what kind?
>I dunno, just... wine.

Or on the flip side, asking the server,
>'I like Shiraz, do you have any?
And they say
>'Oh I don't know, we just sell wine. That's all I know.'

So, how can I hone in on which coffees I like and which I don't, so I can at least ask what they have and buy the kind I want, and maybe increase my enjoyment of coffee by about a solid 25%.

>> No.18887405

Not just big oil. The whole concept that the consumer is responsible for all forms of pollution completely undermines the whole green movement. Take K-pods. Completely irresponsible amounts of plastic waste for a single cup of coffee. Very few recyclers take them. However, it's the consumers job to find out where to take them.
Those who care have to see how corrupt and ass-backwards this shit is.

>> No.18887406
File: 1.21 MB, 3072x4080, 1675335034512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I go coarser?

>> No.18887413

just because it was created and put forward to deflect responsibility doesn't mean there's zero utility in it as an idea

and awareness of of emissions from the consumer end isn't a bad thing, it can drive consumer change. And can ultimately lead to calls for more policies and industry standards. I'd like to see associated emissions labelling on foods like now see with calories and nutrition

>> No.18887431

your grind looks very irregular

>> No.18887434

>like now see with calories and nutrition
yeah because those sure drove consumer change

>> No.18887451

well thats what you get with a 200$ grinder, nothing crazy consistent but good enough

>> No.18887456

I don't know man, my hario mini grounds look better
sure there's nothing stuck in there making the burr all wonky?

>> No.18887460
File: 86 KB, 90x90, crazy-eyes-kid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I keep seeing every time OP's pic and this thread pops up..

Rather apt and p accurate if you ask me..

>> No.18887463

I could recalibrate it but honestly dont think it looks uneven when dry, just lots of fines that muddy it up a bit so I wouldnt judge grind consistency by that picture

>> No.18887639

>pouring water
>hand slips and starts pouring out of the carafe and onto the scale
>wipe it with a towel
>press tare accidentally
>forgot what measurement it was on
rip my cold brew

>> No.18887653

Is there anywhere to get good "specialty" coffee that doesnt cost an arm and a leg? Upwards of 20 bucks for bags that arent even 1lb of coffee seems very excessive. I dont mind supporting small business/etc but there is no other option most of the time to buy their coffees. Either you pay a boatload for a small batch or you pay only a little for absolute bog water style foldgers bullshit.

Maybe its just cause Im poor but idk, they seem so expensive for no reason. But I really hate drinking foldgers (or similar brands) because they taste soooo bad

>> No.18887668

If not a meme, where?

>> No.18887680

How much coffee do you guys actually drink? Is this thread for people that look down on us who only have 1 cup a day?

>> No.18887690

I drink 1-2 cups a day usually. Some anons drink a lot more, but this thread is more about quality than quantity.

>> No.18887692
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Espresso in the morning, Americano in the afternoon

>> No.18887708

20 bucks for 1 lbs comes out to like 70 cents a cup. I dunno doesn't seem that expensive to me. I mean it is going to be triple or quadruple the price of cheap grocery store coffee, but you're not gonna get cheaper prices than that if you want quality coffee roasted and sold at a relatively small scale.

>> No.18887718

I'd like to see regulators demand producers file for annual environmental certifications. Then hopefully the only way anyone could get their hands on non-certified government approved beans with be with cbdc.

>> No.18887721

Its almost 20 bucks for something that ISNT 1lb. Itll be like 17 bucks for 3/4 or less a pound of coffee. And they dont offer smaller sizes or prices anywhere, you either pay that much or get nothing. Again, I get it, I understand why it can be expensive. But I cant be spending that much money on barely that much coffee.

>> No.18887736

Idk who Rao is

>> No.18887737

I mean that's $22 per lb. If it's too much of a financial burden on you don't do it, find some cheaper coffee you still like well enough. Buy whole beans and just experiment with different brands to see if any of them do it for you.
Personally I don't have a huge income but I'm relatively frugal with most things so I can afford to splurge on things like this.

>> No.18887746


>> No.18887749
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Fuckin nerd

>> No.18887752

Read moby dick

>> No.18887771

Where do you get yours beans

>> No.18887776

Some local (by local I mean from my country) roaster. I also experiment with some other from time to time to see if I find any I like. I also keep a batch of cheap grocery store beans that I like well enough as a backup in case I ever forget to order new ones and run out.

>> No.18887783

Yeah but like what place specifically

>> No.18887787

Doubt it's gonna be useful to you.

>> No.18887804

should I add a PID to my rancilio silvia or just sell the machine and upgrade to something better. I'm eyeing the ECm synchronika and the lelit bianca.

I have a lagom p64 grinder

>> No.18887806

I’m happy with my Breville infuser

>> No.18887811
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>Read moby dick
o-oh, okay..

>> No.18887818

whatever you do, don't read moby dick. you have been warned

>> No.18887823

Your face looks like bitter shit
Huh, punk?
Ask for a 1/4 cup of each
Big whoop
I pay 30$/lb

>> No.18887898

Ziplock and store in a dark cabinet, will keep between 4-6 weeks depending on darkness of the roast. Longer than that, yeah get a fancy canister

>> No.18887920

just made the 2nd best cup of coffee I've ever had
thanks /ck/!

>> No.18887948
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where the fuck do I source peapod flavors?

>> No.18888002

>drink coffee again today
>doesn't make me tired (fuck you I don't have ADHD)
>gives me a nasty headache instead
I just can't win.

>> No.18888014

you need to drink water too during the day anon

>> No.18888100

My local roaster can get down to 18 CAD per pound if you buy 5lbs, 20CAD/lb if you buy 2 lbs
That's like 14 and 16 USD respectively.
They ship to the US as well but you'd have to buy 90USD worth if you want free shipping to the States.
Check them out, Agro Roasters

>> No.18888107

Vancouver scum

>> No.18888124

Any tips for brewing a v60 with darker roasts?
I've ground a fair amount coarser than my previous lighter roasted beans and now the brew happens so fast I'm not sure how to adjust my timings
The bloom happens so fast my water is gone in like 30 seconds and I feel like not a lot of co2 is released. Should I use more water to bloom or grind a little finer?
It doesn't taste bad at all it actually tastes nice but the flavour is very subtle and there's only the one dominant flavour and no other notes so I feel like my technique or grind needs to change somewhat

>> No.18888136

Adjust your temperature

>> No.18888139

What are some good v60 filters?

>> No.18888140

I have. I don't have a temp control kettle but after the water boils and I preheat my brewer I let it sit for 15 or so seconds so the temperature drops. Does colder water = slower brew time? Because I feel like my real issue is just how fast the whole brew is happening and I'd get more flavour if it wasn't so fast

>> No.18888149

Higher temp = more extraction. Lower temp = less extraction. Also get a digital thermometer (they're only a few bucks). If your brew is draining too fast grind finer. But if you grind finer it's gonna extract more, so to counteract that you lower your temp.

>> No.18888404

why the fuck aren't coffee companies held liable when they sell you bean shaped charcoal bits claiming its normal fucking coffeeeeee REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.18888406

Oh yeah adding onto this
Is it normal to get a lot more chaffe when grinding coarser or have the beans I've got just full of chaffe?

>> No.18888538

15 seconds is nothing it would barely drop 1 or 2 degrees
I've done that with a thermostat and it took it like a minute to get to 90
also keep the lid open for it to drop faster

>> No.18888566


>> No.18889056

Here are the ones I know about:

>> No.18889213

You talk like a fag

>> No.18889220

An americano is plenty of water dumbass