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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18868068 No.18868068 [Reply] [Original]

Time to make beef stew and watch Seinfeld.

>> No.18868084

I wanna be Kramer but deep down I know I'm newman

>> No.18868085

got mushroom?

>> No.18868106
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Cubed up the beef and hit them with salt and pepper.

>> No.18868120

>for top round
Holy fuck

>> No.18868121
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Sear time

>> No.18868234
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Onions in

>> No.18868239

onyo <3

>> No.18868241

>sweating the onions apart from the meat instead of together

>> No.18868320
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Tomato paste, garlic and then the wine.

>> No.18868326

No point, it’s all going into the same pot in the end anyway.

>> No.18868330


That's outrageous. WTF Kroger!

>> No.18868344
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It’s the Kramer pimp episode

>> No.18868373
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>> No.18868426

Try watching seinfeld without the laugh track.

>> No.18868433

idk if you are making all of these threads but im loving it thanks man

>> No.18868436
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Everything is in the pot and it’s coming up to a simmer. Added in the potatoes, thyme, rosemary, pepper, bay leaves as well as a few kernels of allspice.

>> No.18868440

Seinfeld sucks dirty goat ass.

>> No.18868450

I'm the perfect blend of
>George's insecurity
>Jerry's neuroticism
>Kramer's autism

>> No.18868454

How much beef stock?

>> No.18868468

this will taste like rosemary soup

>> No.18868475

Not a mushroom fan, call me a tastelet if you wish

Tell me about it. Ground chuck was $6.50/lb. Only reason I decided to make the stew was because it makes that money stretch.

Doesn’t work because it was filmed in front of a live audience and the actors often have to pause to wait for the laughter to die down before they can deliver their next line.

What threads?

>> No.18868494

Nah, that rosemary is old as hell and probably pretty weak. Kroger was out of fresh thyme and rosemary. We are living in dark times. I’m about to bust out an old grow light and grow my own.

>> No.18868505

rosemary is a bitch, the old one can ruin stuff even better than fresh one, I once completely fucked up french onion soup this way

>> No.18868510

"Classic" seinfeld laugh track removed.


>> No.18868515

we will see chief
a leaf of fresh rosemary is usualy enough to spice my roasted pork and to stink up my kitchen and my fingers for a day

>> No.18868522
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Surely youve seen every Seinfeld by now, right? Watch something new bro. It doesn't have to be literally new, but I guarantee there's something you'd enjoy that you haven't seen. Experience, incorporate, move on. Stew looks nice.

>> No.18868532
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Ok fine, I’ll remove some just to make you happy anon.

You’re not going to convince me the greatest sitcom of all time isn’t funny.

>> No.18868574

the onions are clearly being cooked in the beef fond and absorbing flavour, and they would either burn or the beef wouldn't sear enough if you cooked them together as they require different temperatures.

basically all you're missing out on is the beef being adjacent to raw onion and there is no flavour development worth pursuing there

>> No.18868583

that shits too damn lean to make a decent beef stew shouldve gotten a chuck

>> No.18868600

We’re living in end times anon, there was no chuck. Had to make do.

>> No.18868693
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It's still funny.

>> No.18868905
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i agree and will return in another couple of hours when it's time to reduce the stew. also switching to mst3k.

>> No.18868912

I'm Frank.

>> No.18868924

Epic gas stove man. Good luck on the beef stew

>> No.18868950

well, yes, it is a pimp.

>> No.18868989

Beef stew looks good ao far

>> No.18869044
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>in another couple of hours
Excuse me good sir! Have you heard the recent warning that natural gas stoves are linked to the development of asthma in children? I hope you are well ventilating your kitchen area or are childless, like me and my wife.

>> No.18869048
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Gave it a stir and decided to add some more rosemary. Couldn’t taste much. Going to leave the lid off to reduce the liquid down since I just realized I don’t have any flour.

>> No.18869054

>I don’t have any flour.
Got any corn starch or else your NGMI

>> No.18869057

>he removed the rosemary

>> No.18869077
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From my cold dead hands

Last resort but available

>> No.18869125

You have a clean kitchen. I'm jealous of not having four roommates to clean up after.

>> No.18869157

I don’t understand why people have a hard time keeping their kitchens clean. Just clean as you cook. Having a damp rag handy makes life really easy. When you find a down moment in the cooking process, clean.

>> No.18869164

didn't you already make this thread? timestamp faggot

>> No.18869171

Some kitchens are easier to clean than others. OP has a nice kitchen.

Try cleaning a kitchen where there are areas that will crumble and fall apart if you attempt to scrub it.

>> No.18869183

that's not chili...that's beef stew. faggot.

>> No.18869222

I got Jerry. I'm going to kill myself.

>> No.18869232
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>> No.18869489
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She’s done boys. The house smells amazing, you can cut the beef with a fork and the gravy is perfect. Gotta have some bread to soak some up.

>> No.18869497
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>> No.18869501

Oops wrong thread..
Your stew looks good tho :)

>> No.18869551
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Crushed it.

>> No.18869572 [DELETED] 

This stew cost $29 to make and yielded 5 servings for a total cost of $5.80/meal. I’ll freeze these and pair them up with some white rice whenever I need a dinner I can just reheat. Why do people eat out again?

>> No.18869585
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This stew cost $29 to make and yielded 5 servings for a total cost of $5.80/meal. I’ll freeze these and pair them up with some white rice whenever I need a dinner I can just reheat. Why do people eat out again?

>> No.18869586

Shoulda fried the carrots and celery to start for a while.

>> No.18869613

I am so sorry.

>> No.18869849

next time add a couple spoon fulls of barley and it will come out a lot thicker.

>> No.18869899

i cheated and used some cornstarch slurry as well as cooking off a decent amount of liquid and the consistency is right where i want it for stew. if it was pot roast i'd want it thick as hell but for stew i want to be able to drink from the bowl.

>> No.18869914

you got to be careful with barley. You'll think it's done and put it in the fridge and next day it will have the consistency of mud

>> No.18869921

Made a very similar stew the other day for probably less than half that price. Used grass fed organic beef and tallow no less. Also had mushrooms but no celery.

>Why do people eat out again?
In most cases because they're lazy and don't care about their health

>> No.18870291

Thank you for doing these every week or so anon, it's comfy to monitor on a Saturday night while I plan my menu for the week.

>> No.18871506

>there was no chuck
>didn't get a sneed roast

>> No.18871880

you want the meat to boil instead of getting nicely seared?

>> No.18871965

My pleasure.

There was nothing anon. No chuck, no bottom round, no nothing but a couple of these top rounds. I got the last bag of frozen peas in the entire store and I was thankful for that because the last three trips to the store there was none in stocks. Is this is what it feels like to be European? You go to the store and you have to make do with what they have instead of picking up exactly what you came for?

>> No.18872453

Welp, this is it! The post that makes me leave /ck/. This is so wholesome and genuine, it could only be downhill from here. Have a great time yall, enjoy getting into a flamewar about 5 guys twice a day!

>> No.18872556
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Or you could stay. I’m fortifying a chicken broth to make chicken noodle soup tonight.

>> No.18872640

So when you sear these, you literally hit all 6 sides?

>> No.18872664

why would someone find this unfunny? the soup nazi clip was hilarious and I've never even seen it before. nor did I ever really watch the show beyond seeing bits here & there on a tv in a store or something.

>> No.18872677

What oil do you use to sear?

>> No.18872697

too watery pham, imo it needs longer time simmering down and perhaps some flour

>> No.18872764
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Two sides get hard seared and the rest just get touched up. If you kept them in king enough to get that kind of sear on all six sides you would burn the find.

A small amount of canola.

>> No.18872792

OP didn't say he's cooking chili you dumb nigger.

>> No.18872869
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How do you evolve soup to stew? Just keeping boiling the soup til its reduced to stew state?

>> No.18872889

a soup is made with a prepared broth that is then combined with other ingredients that are heated or cooked by the broth they sit in before serving. a stew is when you combine all the ingredients together in a pot and cook them together from beginning to end in the same pot.

>> No.18872931

Where's the puddle of water? I swear all the meat from the Krogers near me are filled with half their weight in saline

>> No.18872947

it grows well outdoors, very hardy

>> No.18872955

I love stew so much

>> No.18872963

should've done this in an instant pot, ngmi

>> No.18872972

i've got george, what else did i expect

>> No.18872983
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>$8.99/lb beef
Gadzooks my lad, gotta hit the sales

>> No.18872987

You have inspired me to do a cook along next time I make INDIAN FOOD

>> No.18873301

use higher heat

>> No.18873428
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Brought the broth back up to a simmer and added some more onions, carrots and celery. That will cook for another hour our so until the carrots are cooked. I’ll be back to get the noodles ready then. The chicken is sitting in the fridge for now.

>> No.18873520

If anything, that second clip is funnier without the laugh track. It makes the guy seem even more unhinged.

>> No.18873625

I'm hyped.

>> No.18873710

Veggies are good and cooked so I added the chicken back in to reheat and I’m got a pot of water coming to a boil to cook the noodles.

>> No.18873720
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>> No.18873775
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>> No.18873820
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Done with a ton left over.

>> No.18873850

Thanks for the comfy thread, OP. Now I have to make a stew this week. But I'll probably watch Next Generation.

>> No.18873881
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Just as good as last nights stew.

>> No.18873925
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And three more dinners ready to go, just add noodles. Soup cost $14 to make for a total of $3.50/meal.

>> No.18874043
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Why yes, I do like soup.

>> No.18874062


>> No.18874073

I picked up some sirloin for 3.99 an lb. Look for sales. These meat prices aren't based on wholesale price increases its just greed. They're forced to drop the price before the meat spoils. Thats when I stock up.

>> No.18874134
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Soup Nazi.

>> No.18874197

obviously i stock up when i see stuff on sale. i've got a bunch of ground sirloin in the freezer i got at $4/lb as well. i'll just have to start keeping a chuck roast in the freezer if i see it on sale. i just hate to freeze meat but we're living in end times so i guess drastic measures are in order.

>> No.18874220

Why is every cook-a-long thread on this board either soup or bread?

>> No.18874246

probably because everyone is cooking for economy while prices are so high. stews and soups make your dollar go pretty far. that and euros just eat a lot of soups and stews.

>> No.18874303

Hey, what is the cooking time for the beef stew on stove top? 1 hour? thanks. and simmer right?

>> No.18874377

I like to throw barely into my beef stew at the end for some beef and barley

>> No.18874391

several hours when at a simmer typically. just got to test the beef towards the end with a knife. if the knife goes in with almost no resistance, it's done. you can also do it in the oven if you want to but somehow the stove just feels right even if it isn't the most efficient.

>> No.18874493
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this is your kitchen isn't it OP?

>> No.18874524

What do chilianons think of goulash? it's chili but with paprika, which is chiles from hungary.

>> No.18874572

i like it, i add paprika to almost all my stews and chilis anyways.

>> No.18874574


>> No.18874601

well done, watson

>> No.18874851


>> No.18874882

I've never actually made goulash. I should make it sometime because it looks like it'd be tasty.

>> No.18875323

Goulash is not chili, the meat isn't ground yet cooked until right before it falls apart, the spice and flavour profile is entirely different. You cant shove cornbread in goulash. You cant just add anything to goulash and have it turn out decent like chili. Knedlíky will never go with chili and chili can be made very quickly, under an hour if desired, while goulash takes far longer. You are a bassoon.

>> No.18875331

do huwyte peeple really......

>> No.18875336

do negros really...