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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 149 KB, 1000x667, seafood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18868549 No.18868549 [Reply] [Original]

*is absolutely disgusting in your path*

>> No.18868560

>people unironically eat the disgusting creatures that swim in their own piss and feces
>half the the "seafood" is literally underwater bugs

fish and seafood have always disgusted me and i will no longer hide my contempt at it.

>> No.18868603

You have the palate of a child. Go back to your cheese sandwiches and leave seafood for those of us who are older than 12

>> No.18868709

Octopus eaters will be dealt with accordingly during the Aquatic uprising

>> No.18868725

Learn to recognize a Dmitri thread when you see one. Oh wait, you're a Dmitri as well. Never mind. Carry on.

>> No.18868732
File: 20 KB, 480x269, B3845D15-0F9B-4052-8D5E-CA1BA4C49480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s another “I’m based because im a picky eater” thread

>> No.18868746

I'm not though. I'm open minded to try seafood every time it's offered but it's always ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING every single time.

>> No.18868759

I feel disgusted seeing the octopus, but solely because it is an intelligent sentient creature

>> No.18868769

What is that you don’t like? There are so many kinds of seafood? You don’t like smoked salmon? Chilean Sea Bass? Crab? Can go on and on

>> No.18868888

it all tastes fishy

>> No.18868948

seafood isn't bad but every time I eat it I think about how I could have bought something equally tasty for half the price

>> No.18868953

>Never mind. Carry on.
Should've started your post with this, not everyone is here 24/7 with whatever you're on about.

>> No.18868962

Fishy as in spoiled fish? Because that is what people mean when they say fishy. Spoiled seafood is no good.

Fresh fish and seafood does not smell or taste fishy.

>> No.18868974

This is my biggest gripe. Good salmon is 4x the price of good steak per pound, and is 10x the cost of chicken.

Shame seafood got nabbed as a richfag food, I want to go back to it being a poorfag cope food.

>> No.18868978
File: 1.18 MB, 3932x1847, _20190127_180141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are weak.

>> No.18868980

Kike thread

>> No.18869025

this looks so atrocious compared to >>18868069

>> No.18869147
File: 252 KB, 1500x1500, Tuna Canned 170g in oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good salmon is caught, not farmed
you're free to have poorfag cope seafood but dont expect it to be great

>> No.18869155

Regarding animal protein, I'd 60% of the quantity I eat comes from seafood, basically wild caught atlantic fish. I eat a lot snapper, mullet, flatfishes, black swordfish, cod, hake, mackerel, etc. Also cephalopods like octopus, cuttlefish, squid. Shellfish less frequently because it's not easy to get wild caught and fresh unless I go to the harbor. If I was rich I would order seafood from the harbor every week, like the restaurants.

And please keep hating it. We need more manbabies like you to we have more fish leftover for us.

>> No.18869192

Most animals are sentient

>> No.18869202

Want to know where you're getting good steak for 3-4/lb

>> No.18869228

>creatures that swim in their own piss and feces
boy oh boy wait until you find out about where your meat comes from

>> No.18869426
File: 301 KB, 520x678, 1469383481686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18869488

isn't lobster and crab just bigger shrimp (which is also disgusting btw)?

>> No.18869716

I had a girlfriend once who wouldn’t eat any seafood. It actually made me dislike her over time. I tried to give her a chance but it’s just such a sign of poor taste to refuse seafood. Seafood is top-tier and people who don’t eat it are literal hobgoblins.

>> No.18869722

I'm on the seafood diet, I see food and eat it

>> No.18870111

Learn to take your meds. I'm telling your mom you haven't been taking them. She's going to be angry at you.

>> No.18870133

Except your mom

>> No.18870355

Don't you talk to your mother enough as it is, Derek?

>> No.18871531

totally different textures

>> No.18871738

I hate picky eaters so much it's unreal, and i hate the fact that the internet glorifies and enables autism

>> No.18871753

Right on comrade. Fuck off back to pol Ivan's. Slava Ukraini.