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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 830 KB, 1024x683, muenster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18858231 No.18858231 [Reply] [Original]

what is the greatest cheese of all time and why is it muenster?

>> No.18858238

My little sister is an absolute fart machine after cheese. Getting her a wheel of Edam next week. Pleasant wind.

>> No.18858298

You disgust me but I wish you good luck

>> No.18858320

Muenster is for tasteless who can’t handle Monterey or Provolone
Let me guess, Kraft Singles are your second favorite cheese too?

>> No.18858323

I'm a huge fan of brie, but also gorgonzola. Muenster just doesn't do it for me, sorry.

>> No.18858324

You sound fully vaxxed and boosted.

>> No.18858326

you mean fontina, right anon?

>> No.18858328

It's brie, sorry

>> No.18858355

>Muenster is for tasteless who can’t handle Monterey or Provolone
>not enjoying all three

>> No.18858359

Maybe if I get enough boosters, I’ll lose my sense of smell and taste, maybe then I might finally enjoy the utterly dull and lifeless taste of Muenster

>> No.18858362

American cheese.

>> No.18858363

True, throw Kraft singles in there too!

>> No.18858364

you mean normal? yes.
now please go back and dont come back.

>> No.18858371
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Huntsman and it's not even close

>> No.18858375

stop grooming her already ive seen your other posts

>> No.18858377

That's liek answering "Bacon wrapped shrimp" when asked what your favourite seafood is. Shit opinion too, btw.

>> No.18858378

Premium quality vaxcope.

>> No.18858379

Bacon is meat and shrimp is seafood dum dum. Blue cheese and cheddar are both cheese dum dum.

>> No.18858397
File: 854 KB, 1280x800, Camembert-Calvados1_1280x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me, it's camembert au calvados

>> No.18858399

I think it may actually be gouda

>> No.18858403
File: 83 KB, 525x284, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not münster.

>> No.18858406

>why is it muenster?
You spelled "gruyere" wrong.

>> No.18858411
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>> No.18858660


i tried manchego for the first time ever like a year ago and its my new favorite cheese. i do like munster on a ham and cheese but it really doesnt have much flavor.

>> No.18858665

Mozzarella cheese, because that is what is in my hot pockets.

>> No.18858698

A bite or two of manchego in between sips of my morning coffee is lovely.

>> No.18858708
File: 95 KB, 1200x800, Limburger5abb616e115d5_600x600@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Chad enters*

>> No.18858723

This. Laughed my ass off when i found out Americans call babybel muenster.
Still muenster is not worth the stench in your fridge at all.

>> No.18858738

>the stench
Eh, it's not so bad. And don't fridge it. Just buy enough for your board, enjoy it at room temperature with some breads or crackers and various fruits (and other cheeses) and you'll have a good time.

>> No.18858853

>hot pockets.
You don't deserve to post on /ck/, and that's one HELL of a low bar.
The only thing worse than eating a hot pocket is shitting it back out.

>> No.18858863

Manchego or Azorean.
Iberians win again.

>> No.18858868

fucking gross dude

>> No.18858941
File: 244 KB, 900x900, fromager daffinois.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lose my job, gotta eat on a tight budget
>go to grocery store, see a wheel of cheese
>tell self, even if it's shit it's cheap shit
>explain to girlfriend yeah it's a lot of money right now
>but even if it's basically Velveeta I'll eat it and be happy
>first bite unbelievable
>one of the best bries I've ever had in America
>eat the whole thing in less than a week
>go back to store, see another wheel, purchase immediately
>eating brie every possible way
>baked, toasted, in crepes
>feel rich like a boss
>finish second wheel, go back, buy a third wheel
>starting to get tired of brie a bit, but oh God it's still good
>eventually lose steam, can't finish wheel 3
>cravings come back after finding dry hunk in fridge
>store stopped carrying it
>store replaces deli staff
>never see it again for two years
>eventually moved across the state
>new grocery store carries S-tier brie
>go to buy a wheel
>per pound
>realize the other store mislabelled the cheese
>bought $350 in cheese for $75
>mfw I got fired so hard other people lost their jobs
>buy cheese anyway

>> No.18858958

>explain to girlfriend yeah it's a lot of money right now
b: $23.99 is a lot of money?????
WOW, I'd off myself if I were this big a loser.
Seriously consider opening a vein.

>> No.18859010

it was a magical time called the past
$25 was enough to buy a bottle of Laphroaig and a pack of smokes
I want to go back

>> No.18859045
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blocks your path

>> No.18859068
File: 227 KB, 1500x1000, heuboden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys have no clue

>> No.18859206

>pasteurised process gouda and cheddar cheese
So plastic cheese with liquid smoke. No, thanks.

>> No.18859336

different cheese for different purposes but i'm swamp kraut and love edam and gouda

>> No.18859368

was just the first image that came up when I searched smoked gouda

>> No.18859370

How old

>> No.18859403
File: 42 KB, 800x800, 7471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing will ever top this you can it when you want where you want even if you are a lactose intolerant nigger

>> No.18859418


>> No.18859422

>what is the greatest cheese of all time
Sheep's milk feta. Shitloads of fat and shitloads of A2 casein with zero carbs. Perfection.

>> No.18859426

>a bottle of Laphroaig
Mah niggah!
God, that shit tastes like a swamp caught on fire, and somebody put it out by pissing on it.
Awesome whiskey.

>> No.18859624

>b: $23.99 is a lot of money?????
When your ass just got fired yeah it is, every dollar counts in a situation like that. (at least if you're a shitty lvl 1 slime who lives paycheck to paycheck)

>> No.18859633

It smells like feet

>> No.18859638

post wincest cheese story

>> No.18859642

the best cheese is chevre.

>> No.18859646

parmigiano reggiano is indeed one of the best cheese out there. also buffalo mozzarella is. but don't forget the premium dutch cheeses for a grilled cheese.

>> No.18859650

Laughed out loud, thanks (I agree with you btw)

>> No.18859684

Muenster is so fucking good, man

>> No.18859761

Smoked cheddar is my favorite in the entire world.
I used to get a really good smoked cheddar with wasabi in Japan. I miss it.

>> No.18859767
File: 25 KB, 408x230, 210317162110-casu-marzu-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like casu marzu. It's certainly not for everyone, but it has a really nice and strong taste, like a stilton. Soft too.

>> No.18859809

Nasty smell that sticks to your fingers, this garbage is best handled with gloves as you put it where it belongs, the garbage bin (outside)

>> No.18860118

Havarti or havartii, whatever.
I fucking love it.

>> No.18860193

Queso de búfala/Mozarela de Búfala
Also here on venezuela we eat Queso Blanco/Fresh Cheese, and man, I can't imagine my life without it. Is this shit illegal everywhere else or what?

>> No.18860196

You need to try some Époisses. Best french cheese easily.

>> No.18860226

Not illegal, just everything else makes the companies more money than the other stuff.

>> No.18860275
File: 66 KB, 658x695, 1582216171019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pleasant wind.

>> No.18860323

It is literally cheese straight from the farm, no fancy aging and sheit, I can't think how it can get any cheaper than that

>> No.18860388

You wrote feta cheese wrong

>> No.18860438

The shortlist is cheddar, edam, brie, and gouda.

>> No.18860466

Western farming practices blow the dicks off non-westerns in terms of efficiency. Even with a little more production, it's still nowhere near worth doing whatever gay shit you're doing.

>> No.18860500

>speaks a western language in the western hemisphere
>is not western
Explain this bullshit!

>> No.18860840

>Queso de búfala/Mozarela de Búfala
God, it must be super dangerous to milk a buffalo.

>> No.18860946

disgusting slop
>t. Gouda resident

>> No.18860955

Pecorino romano.

>> No.18861589

Don't listen to the plebs here, muenster is the king of cheeses.

>> No.18862327
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>> No.18862839

Ignorant palatelet, it's gruyere or nothing. Melts wonderfully.

>> No.18862851
File: 17 KB, 256x300, limburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of cheese, why does this filter boomers so hard? picked up some limburger back in december and while it kinda smells like feet it was awesome grated on top of a pizza and in french onion soup.

>> No.18862905

It's actually boomers who eat this.

>> No.18862926

It’s clearly English cheddar.

>> No.18862995

havarti because it tastes good :)

>> No.18863022

Muenster is great
Swiss is great
Sharp Cheddar is great
Brie is great
Bleu Cheese is great
Sheep Feta is great
Love my cheese, simple as that. Except for Kraft singles.

>> No.18863056


>> No.18863328
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>> No.18863332

>Except for Kraft singles.
Oh, and you were doing so well up to this.

>> No.18863395
File: 38 KB, 504x504, cypress-grove-midnight-moon-1S-1397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Muenster is classic buttery and salty. Great for melting and a Partrican's choice over mozzarella for pizza. It's actually American Brick cheese with annatto, paprika or both rubbed on the outside. I was cheesemonger for 7 years. I know my cheese! My favorite is cypress groves Midnight Moon a Dutch goat's milk aged Gouda sealed in black wax. Carmel, crystalized goaty goodness!!

>> No.18863400

There is no "best cheese." There are best cheeses for specific uses. Muenster is the best for melting on sandwiches.

>> No.18863778

>Blue cheese and cheddar are both cheese
cheddar isn't cheese

>> No.18863816

that looks retardedly good

i like the havarti with stuff stuck in it. caraway and dill and whatnot

also a big fan of very sharp cheddar, and fresh mozz, and the stanky stanky gorgonzola.

>> No.18863890

You're American, yeah? The animal called a buffalo in America is actually a wholly different animal, a bison. They're not the same creature at all.
Buffalo are incredibly docile animals and bison less so. Actual buffalo are quite rare in the states. IIRC there's one commercial here somewhere in the northeast. I remember that location because i found it rather odd as buffalo are tropical animals and would thrive in somewhere hot and humid like Louisiana.

>> No.18863985

how fucking new are you

>> No.18864050

Jesus, no wonder nobody likes you.

>> No.18865139

don't tell anybody. my long game is purchasing land and water buffalo with the money that normal yuppies would use to purchase a suburban house.
but i'm still 10 years away.
>I remember that location because i found it rather odd as buffalo are tropical animals and would thrive in somewhere hot and humid like Louisiana.
Both cows and buffaloes are pains in the ass when it comes to temperature. Water buffalo don't thrive below freezing, but it's even worse to have them in a super hot, humid climate because of their black hair and such low density of sweat glands.

>> No.18865303

God help me I love a sharp provolone or Swiss. Hard to find in burgerand

>> No.18865376
File: 54 KB, 600x600, cheddar_super_sharp_14_year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is good if you like sharp cheder

>> No.18865444
File: 62 KB, 1024x768, parmigiano-reggiano-cheese_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muenster is nice. Very good. But parmigiano reggiano is superior.

>> No.18865456

Yeah, my man.

>> No.18865495
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>> No.18865524
File: 63 KB, 375x530, cheese-type-pecorino-romano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one

>> No.18865527

It's aged gouda.

>> No.18865534

>i posted it again

>> No.18865547
File: 51 KB, 960x540, 1628504062805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheddar isn't cheese
What the fuck

>> No.18865590

Sounds good. I love goats cheese. Too bad I live in a one horse town where KFC is gourmet.

>> No.18865681
File: 29 KB, 600x402, munster-gerome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burger thinks his American processed cheese-type food is munster lmao.

>> No.18865683

>parmigiano reggiano is superior.
It's a completely different cheese.
It's not like you're going to put parm on a burger, or grate Muenster on a bowl of spagetti.
Besides, asiago or even romano are better at parm than parm itself.

>> No.18865776

But it's so white

>> No.18866141
File: 72 KB, 605x706, Snowy car strongly doubts your bullshit claim..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American cheese.