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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 240 KB, 1200x1421, Turtle_Soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18854507 No.18854507 [Reply] [Original]

do you like turtle soup?

>> No.18854530

it's just a name right? it doesn't actually have any turtle in it but

>> No.18854537 [DELETED] 

I live in Marathon FL and have killed a few sea turtles in my time and I've never used it with a tomato base. It's frowned upon to kill them down here.

>> No.18854544
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It's made from turtle meat, yes, been eating them for thousands of years, giant alligator snapping turtles are very meaty and have leather too. They can also break your bones and bite off your hand if you are not careful.

Very delicious Cajun spices as well, would recommend it. It's also a thing in Asia.

>> No.18854552


Alligator snapping turtles in Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida have been hunted and eaten for thousands of years, but I've never seen someone eat sea turtles. However, they are eaten in the Cayman Islands and parts of the Caribbean. Muskrats have also been eaten and hunted for a long time, but opossums are domestic pets for many.

>> No.18854560


Sea turtles are endangered for the most part and endangered animals should not be hunted honestly

>> No.18854568 [DELETED] 

>not be eaten because some govt says you shouldn't
>been eating them since before my father was here in the 50s

No one gives a shit about the coast guard or fish/game wardens

>> No.18854572

don't eat turtles anon. you literally don't even have to do that

>> No.18854578

The government just parrots what actual valuable agencies tell them to say.
Just because something is tangentially connected to the government, doesnt mean its bad.

>> No.18854582 [DELETED] 


You don't eat (whatever you eat)

And fuck off.

>> No.18854586

I only ever had canned and it wasn't very good.

>> No.18854589

how would you like to be eaten

>> No.18854593

anon get real. we all know you don't eat durdles and you're just posting your larks and fairy tales on cooking/b/ so don't even start with this bullshit.

fun story but leave it at that.

>> No.18854596

imagine being a chud who comes from a family of turtle eaters and bragging about it online

>> No.18854598 [DELETED] 

I wasn't him. I've eaten turtle before a few times but I just don't like assholes like you trying to impose your will on others. Fuck off.

>> No.18854607
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>> No.18854617
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>not be eaten because some govt says you shouldn't
>been eating them since before my father was here in the 50s

>> No.18854618 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18854636
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>> No.18854646 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18854667
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>> No.18854719

That thing looks like it's going to start spouting out fire and fly off like that Japanese turtle monster Gamera

>> No.18854721

Never had it.
I've had deep fried turtle though and that was pretty great.

>> No.18854977

Haven't had any in 15 years or so, but yes, I do. If I could find a source of turtle meat I trusted, I'd cook it myself.

Also a thing in the Philly area.

>> No.18854982
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shredder hands typed this post

>> No.18855075

I wouldnt want to eat most turtles but these fuckheads I'd eat out of spite.
Fuck them.

>> No.18855102

How about this. Chunks of turtle meat in a spicy Thai green curry sauce. Call it "Shredded Ninjas in Ooze"

>> No.18855212

Did he delete the post himself or is it against the rules to say you did something illegal?
4chan has a whole board for torrenting ffs.

I have only had mock turtle soup. It was good.

>> No.18855279

The same.

>> No.18855286

Sauce picquant is great with turtle. Snapping turtle is what is typically used.

>> No.18855409
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>> No.18855455

Alligator snapping turtles are actually friendly
It's the regular snapping turtles that are assholes

>> No.18855462
File: 40 KB, 479x359, 7VTpmNj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you like soup?

>> No.18855826


>> No.18855828

they are bred for their meat in the cayman islands. they have a half zoo half farm thing there for turtles, i visited - its a strange feeling. they show off the turtles like its a zoo but then you also know that many of those turtles will be slaughtered in the future. i could never eat a turtle, they are too cool of a creature.

>> No.18855930

Someone has never come face to face with a snapper.

>> No.18855940

I’ve never had it but I’d like to. My grandfather raves about it. Back in the day that’s something everybody made. There are 7 different types of meat in a turtle.

>> No.18855942
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>> No.18856065

these are sea turtles I am talking about though not snappers....