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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 114 KB, 1500x1000, GettyImages-583798468-8ee2f0c545aa4fd78062d0bce2500547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18849808 No.18849808 [Reply] [Original]

>Consistently has some of the highest quality produce in the world
>Their lamb, beef, pork and lobster is so good that most of it is exported
>Recently rated to have the best coffee and cafe culture in the world
>Bountiful assortment of delicious gourmet bushfoods and animals, including macadamia nuts, lemon myrtle (known as the "Queen of the Lemon Herbs"), finger limes, kangaroo, Coffin Bay oysters and King George Whiting
>Australian wines are just as good as French wines and win many global awards
>Perfected British cuisine
>Famous for creating some of the best desserts in the world
>High amount of immigration means every Australian city has food from all over the world and from thousands of cultures
>Immigrant cuisine in Australia is as good, if not better, than the food found in their country of origin
Is Australia the cuisine Mecca?

>> No.18849814


>> No.18849816

Whoops, forgot to add
>the world class dairy industry and the milk from Tasmanian cows that is used to make amazing chocolate
>Inventor of many famous soft drinks including lemon, lime and bitters

>> No.18849820

No offense but you sound pretty biased toward australia

>> No.18849826
File: 661 KB, 733x757, Americanslop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about how Australia's food safety and quality is some of the best in the world while Americans have to advertise their food as "real"?

>> No.18849830

I'm just stating well known culinary facts. Nothing I've said is a lie or stretching the truth.

>> No.18849850

Aussie exported beef seems to be shit

>> No.18849852

>only famous for the goon bag

>> No.18851226

Somehow you're the only one who has heard of these "facts".

>> No.18851234

Australian beef is the worst ive ever had

>> No.18851259
File: 188 KB, 2048x1152, bunless down under.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yet, no hot dog buns :( sorry Australia, you lose. nice try though

>> No.18851269

I don't even know what Australian cuisine is beyond chicken salt and fairy bread.

>> No.18851407

>Perfected British cuisine
lmao even

>> No.18851552
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>fairy bread
>chicken salt
>some hobo once said eggnog was made in Australia but I highly doubt it
You seem to be projecting, can you digest dairy?

>> No.18851574

>Sold as a meme, never better than local
>Aussie cafes are pretty good
>Only 2 of those things are even popular exports
>AUS wine loses to EU and NA wines, more comparable to SA wine (similar climates and all)
>lol no
>Absolutely not, prepacked candy is not dessert
>You have chinks. Every fucking country has chinks now
In summary, no.

>> No.18851581

>Consistently has some of the highest quality produce in the world
>Their lamb, beef, pork and lobster is so good that most of it is exported
>Recently rated to have the best coffee and cafe culture in the world
>Bountiful assortment of delicious gourmet bushfoods and animals, including macadamia nuts, lemon myrtle (known as the "Queen of the Lemon Herbs"), finger limes, kangaroo, Coffin Bay oysters and King George Whiting
most people in the world dont even know what those things are
>Australian wines are just as good as French wines and win many global awards
>Perfected British cuisine
>Famous for creating some of the best desserts in the world
>High amount of immigration means every Australian city has food from all over the world and from thousands of cultures
thats not good
>Immigrant cuisine in Australia is as good, if not better, than the food found in their country of origin

>> No.18852243
File: 145 KB, 960x720, 1178-Fayetteville-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I've had your "cuisine" - its barely edible. Also the bloomin' onion is too small.

>> No.18852651
File: 58 KB, 800x600, 19242F76-EBF9-4B2A-8A93-BCA06EB01F3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australians do a good chicken parm

>> No.18852733

How do you get australians to go back home?

Cause an avalanche

>> No.18852752

So you're an American whos only exposure to Australian food is some mutant mix of US and Australian cuisine? That's like saying you don't like chinese food because you don't enjoy the bastardized American version they sell all around the place.

>> No.18852759

i would like to eat your meat pies, stacked burgers and shrimp on the barbie m8

>> No.18852794

Tastes awful.
>High amount of immigration means every Australian city has food from all over the world and from thousands of cultures
We're full and most of those are poor imitations of what you can find in their home country, which is almost always bad to begin with.
You cook rice with meat where you come from? Get in line.
You dump sauce over everything to pretend it has flavour? We have plastic bottles for that already. Please leave your disease infested spices at the border.

What British cuisine has been perfected? When I try to compare them, it just seems to be all dough and overcooked beef in Britain and an American take on fish in Australia.
You don't know about Fosters? Strewth, it's not hard unless you've got the brains of a Sheila.

>> No.18852796
File: 124 KB, 1024x765, BFF329F4-28D0-4880-A86B-A27A5D09A39A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the bloomin' onion
The blooming onion was invented in New Orleans in 1985. They don’t even grow onions in Australia because onions can’t grow south of the equator

>> No.18852804
File: 180 KB, 1280x853, 652AC265-A841-4E13-A986-3C9E0D217705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloomin’ Onion from Russell's Marina Grill in New Orleans

>> No.18852824

australia is shit and the only thing you can ever hope to be is canada-lite. do you think any of these things are achievements? the usa does this with its eyes closed, doesn't even mark them as accomplishments

>> No.18852897

i dont get it. pls explain as if i were retarded

>> No.18852905

I'm sorry you Australians take offense to others finding your onion dishes subpar.

I know its like your only "thing" but maybe try to improve it a bit, OK?

>> No.18852911

It's the old joke that purposely mistakes north to south for an elevation shift. See also the one that imagines the earth as north being rightside-up and south being upside-down.

>> No.18852931

oh yes, very nice

>> No.18852959
File: 53 KB, 576x769, 72D27E8A-FB7C-4F4D-A795-5AABB3C46721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Australian onion dishes
Lol, there is only one

>> No.18852984

We have hot dog buns. Sausage sizzles use slices of bread because it's a cheap no-fills fundraiser.

>> No.18852994
File: 44 KB, 360x270, D0D2FB07-63FA-4AC1-96DF-77C5D377ACA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you don’t have New England style hot dog buns

>> No.18853004

I want to eat margot robbie’s bhole

>> No.18853012
File: 569 KB, 1908x1146, 15562876-0-image-a-26_1562120432487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has a government mandated health star rating that is blatantly wrong

>> No.18853047

What is it about Australians that deprives them of any sense of humor about themselves? Any other nationality would catch the gag and return with some banter. Is it a nation of overly proud autists?

>> No.18853057

Australians are notorious shitposters. they minmaxed their skills towards offence, and neglected defense. Classic Glass cannon approach. Black Mage extraordinars.

>> No.18853236

They produce good ingredients, but their food is quite unremarkable. I don't know a single unique thing about "Australian cuisine" except for that one hot dog in a slice of bread

>> No.18853296
File: 204 KB, 2048x1365, 00B1D90E-D32F-40C3-9E34-DA4525EC56CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know a single unique thing about "Australian cuisine" except for that one hot dog in a slice of bread
That’s basically it. It’s all they have

>> No.18853306

star ratings are only within the same category. you aren't comparing tomato paste with cereal, it compares different cereals with each other
also, milo isn't 44% sugar if you mix it with 250ml of milk like the up & go.

>> No.18853814

Austalians have good produce but as a collective have pretty horrible brit-bong tier taste in food

>> No.18853822

It's so far away from everything
maybe why it was a penile colony

>> No.18854087

In BC, on mountains working at ski resorts is where you typically find australians

>> No.18854101

> He doesn't wrap his meat tubes in oblong doughnuts
Fuck off cunt, a slice of white bread is a superior utilitarian solution.

>> No.18854247
File: 66 KB, 493x571, 1666780839855465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been a long time since I've seen bait this good

>> No.18854254

kangaroo steaks are cheaper than regular steaks
and I love them. could even say I prefer them.
I heard they're so cheap because australians don't like eating them because they feel sad for the kangaroos being killed.

if anything australia is some of the most cucked cuisine in the western world.

>> No.18854266

couldn't fuckin care less about those upright hopping vermin
Their meat has a very strange flavor between rabbit and cod, and is so lean that it's a pain in the ass to cook it right so it doesn't taste bad

I don't know where the fuck you buy your meat if roo is cheaper, given that cows, chickens, pigs and sheep are bred and killed in orders of magnitude greater numbers than kangaroos are in terms of abattoirs and meat fit for human consumption

If anything, you sound like a Sydney faggot that bough an akubra and are larping as bushpig trueblue fucklin fair dinkum

>> No.18854282

>onion on top of the sausage
report that bunnings immediately

>> No.18854305

I am French and I backpacked and lived in Australia for five years. Don't believe his speech, in actual reality, and trust me, I ate out almost every day of the week, at many different places, their food and beverages are shit, services sloppy.
The only mid-level restaurants/cafes that had their shit in order were the ethnic ones which were doing clean healthy stuff, or the really health freak ones which at least did food right.
The rest is just a soulless conglomerate of deep fried shit and seed oils, and sloppy burgers, and disgusting food standards.

Trust me when I say that you can sense they have no culture by the flavor of their food.
And the only restaurants here who are extremely good and well rated, guess what...They are opened by immigrants.
In Sydney, the best restaurants were always ''French bistro'' or ''Italian/Spanish Tapas''.
They are also merchant jews, 9/10 it's an investor who hires some foreign chef to create him a restaurant concept, at least the high end stuff. No sense of food community.

The ''coffee culture'' really is more like a hipster sub-culture that branched out into a niche and created nothing themselves, but brought in all the savoir-faire and techniques and equipment from abroad and now claims it's ''their culture''. I'm 100% serious.
I almost had a physical fight with my Australian friend about this. He never left this piece of shit convict island and he claims they have ''the best this'' because he read it in some tourist shill newspaper.
Meanwhile I've been to over 35 countries to compare with, on all continents.
They're out of touch if they think they can edge into the food culture. Just keep playing rugby league, mate. That's your niche. Not food...You live in a fucking desert and a food import hellscape, how can you even claim off that alone...Call me when you can get non pasteurized milk or certain strains of fruit and vegetable and herbs on your soil legally, yeah.

>> No.18854316

>real food, mate
why aren't frozen meals my friends where I live?

>> No.18854322

>I am French
It's good you mentioned that, you disguise it so well in everything else you wrote

>> No.18854325

you mean the bun for a lobster roll?

>> No.18854335

Beef is shiet, prefer usda anyday

>> No.18854336

australia is the developed version of Brazil

>> No.18854344

I'm sorry but you wouldn't have taken the criticism from anyone else otherwise. It had to be me. I get that we have a snob reputation but really it's about having standards mate. For example, on the coffee conversation, I don't even think the French have the best coffee, sure it's part of our traditions, and we invented a few techniques (french press), we really democratized it early in our spice trade history, back in early 1800s it became a commodity etc.
But I am honest and unbiased enough that I can admit we don't have the best coffee. The best coffee (please stop thinking culture boils down to consuming it, its more than that) comes from the place the bean is grown. All the rest, the brewing aspects are mediocre in comparison in terms of importance. It's the bean. So someone asks me which place has the best coffee, in my opinion. I will say the best coffee bean I had came from Colombia. Secondly, Ethiopia. That's it.

So take the criticism and focus on what you're good at, based on the resources you have. If you asked me, god knows...Who has the best rugby league infrastructure/federation, I will say the Australians. You ask me who has the best environment for beach life and surfing specifically, I will suggest Australia.
But not food mate...It's like you don't even know what you're missing I swear. Book a flight bro and go eat out somewhere in Europe, the traditional meals. What would you even compare it to here? It's an immigrant country. Like my aussie friend he was northern irish of descent. His mom made Irish stew. That was the last he knew of ''good food''. But he ate at Maccas and would constantly suggest KFC. You had to motivate him to eat vegetable other than fries. Yeah.
It's scary honestly the food culture in Australia.
You should really go see elsewhere mate how people eat local, and good in small owner/business, not the endless chains of soulless shit. Then you will know what we mean by culture. Not fucking Zambrero or Rashays.

>> No.18854361
File: 165 KB, 1300x971, selection-of-belgian-pastries-bruges-belgium-2BENW7K[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo French guy can you give an honest in depth review on Belgian food?

>> No.18854383

its okay anon, I don't take offense. You stayed here for 5 years, you must have appreciated a lot of things about it.

I agree with a lot of what you said about the cuisine here but not all. Think of the 'best food in the world' comments as comparing us primarily to british and american cuisine, the low level is still total trash (pie and chips & a choc milk for lunch m8) but the mid to high end tends to be a bit better than them. I didn't have a subpar meal in france, but I had a lot of terrible ones in the UK/america.

Where did you spend most of your time in aus? I'm getting the feeling it was mostly NSW or maybe queensland where I have the least experience.

I think there's a lot of good food in australia, and it tends to come when the focus is on relative simplicity and the freshness and quality of ingredients - as it does in many countries.

The part I disagree with is about all good food being immigrant based. You're right, but it's a young country. There is no cultural local cuisine based off a thousand year history, we make food based off the cultures that came here in the last few hundred. 30% of australias population was born overseas, second generation would bump that to 50%+, and immigrant communities are in the restaurant business at a much higher rate around the world.

KFC is an unfortunate part of that 'absorbing shit from everywhere else' and we're one of the few countries it does really well in.

>> No.18854402

I appreciate that you see my comment is coming from a place of brotherhood. I understand your historical limitations but I think positively that you could be doing much better.
For example, I think that the culture was lost in term of 'pub food'. I have been to Ireland, Scotland and England to base my discourse.
I feel like the British cuisine in Australia is very derivative, like they have lost their processes, their culture. It comes from a lack of respect in the savoir-faire. Of course you get kids from TAFE with no cultural training, no long lessons to cook for cheap in the pub of the hotel/motel, of course it's not going to come out with the standard of a proper British steak dinner, mash and vegetables with gravy. There is so much more complexity, I really respect that and I understand the problem with both logistics and the immigration background of the country.
I also concede this to you. Using the term immigrant was too broad. What I mean is that first generation immigrant food is usually outstanding here. It's once again the same problem of people getting acculturated and losing their roots, and serving you a bland fac simile of what once to be an ancestral recipe. I hope you understand my message better.

>> No.18854411

Sure. So of course, we share some recipes on the border. I am familiar mostly with those. I am also familiar with the desserts, the pastries. The waffle, the crepe culture, the chocolate.
The reason belgian chocolate is so good, a lot of people forget is because of your empire in Africa, specifically Congo, and your ability to corner the chocolate spice trade early on, and develop your chocolatier arts very early on too, like we did.

Most people fail to realize usually the countries with the highest rated cuisines are so because they are past empires who had the resource hundreds of years before some others got finally access to it. Like coffee, like chocolate, like potato, like corn.
You ask me who does corn best? I will say the Mexicans. You ask me who does olive best, I will say the Spaniards, the Mediterraneans broadly.

In the case of Belgium, I appreciate the hearty aspects which are reflective of the gloomy, overcast weather. It's food for the soul. Not particularly pretty sight, but very filling, contenting and will extremely well designed flavor. Simple yet effective is what I'd say. Like flammekeuche..
I think also from the monastic culture of priest running the abbeys as production mills for income generation, by brewing ales for example, gave you an edge since Medieval era in your production of spirits.
In the category of alcohols, I think this is a matter of fact, it takes millenia for sure to make one single positive advancement. We have so to speak already discovered everything under the sun. So it makes sense that countries who had almost 1000 year leg up in some specific products like beer, are better at it. Sometimes it's stroke of genius, sometimes it's just slow-burn erosion like trickle down of water tasting different from the mountains on this specific climactic phase.
You got some good things going overall, but what I most of all appreciate is that your local food life is real, and still alive.

>> No.18855975

They have a severe inferiority complex. If it wasn't for new zealand, they'd be the most irrelevant useless pack of retards in the entire anglosphere.

They're so backwards, stupid and unimportant that even us Canadians don't respect them.

>> No.18856086

source for any of this? pretty sure copenhagen is still the cuisine mecca

>> No.18856162

G*d I fucking love Australia.OP forgot a few things though
>91 percent white, making it whiter than nearly every Euro country
>most athletic population in the world
>steve irwin

>> No.18856165

and many of the non-whites are cute asian girls.

>> No.18856191
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If you're into that, sure. I prefer latinas so that's the only downside for me. Luckily I married a mixed amerimutt.

>> No.18856255

There are still some pockets of latinas. Where I am there's a few pockets of Chilean migrants. But yeah, it's not a huge amount.

>> No.18856281

I've actually noticed a lot of Peruvians in Brisbane lately.

>> No.18856366

I have no idea how anyone can be attracted to those alien looking things

>> No.18856745

According to the internet they can indeed grow onions in Australia

>> No.18856757
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famously one of our many retarded prime ministers decided to eat one raw at an onion farm.

>> No.18856983

Abbott was based as fuck

>> No.18857127
File: 239 KB, 800x464, 00UB4044A-2_800x464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aussies you meet in real life are much better at banter. The basement dwellers on this website are typically introverts that would be irl shitposting if they could handle the bantz.

>> No.18857129

I agree that the average person doesn't particularly care about fine cuisine, but that doesn't mean good stuff can't be found or enjoyed.

>> No.18857284

Agreed that it there were some way to get aussie produce + french cooking techniques that it would be best.

>> No.18857298

Don't know about aussie beef, but your lamb is middling, at best.

>> No.18857368


>> No.18857374

Its a joke retard

>> No.18857388
File: 199 KB, 1200x1800, Fairy-Bread-14[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18857633

Basically China. I was shocked the first time I went there and 60% of the people I saw were Chinese. People shit in Melbourne but it's not that fucking bad.

>> No.18857644

I went to France once and am not surprised you keep leaving it.

>> No.18857648

I'm just sick of you throwing out the same hot dog bun line over and over. You do this every thread that mentions Australia. It was funny the first time, it was less funny the second time, but now I'm tired of seeing it. Get some new material and I'll happily play along.

>> No.18857662

You haven't been outside of CBD eh?

>> No.18857689

I get so sick of incompetent Australia. Let me give you some personal insight on the matter.

I've been with Australia for 10 years now. We met in the continental shelf, and I got it populated.
It is and always has been a lazy nation and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if it at least made it on time. But it rarely did.

We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless it was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn it was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the marsupials, and also because the accent is funny.

But one night, I got fed up. Not only did it get drunk, neglect the environment, and made me hot dog on sliced bread for dinner, but it decided to give me attitude too. It was being real fucking bitchy. So I told the kiwis to keep an eye on the marsupials and told Australia we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 leagues to a quiet area (we live in the southern hemisphere, it's not hard to find a quiet area) and I got out, went around like I was going to open its door for it and let it out, and I just beat the shit out of it while it was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked it if it wanted to go back to Oceania. It started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of it again. Then I asked it what it wanted to do. It finally got smart and said it wanted to go home. So I took it home and dared it to start trouble. I even handed it my cellphone and dialed King Charles on the drive home. I made it talk to the king, while daring it to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on it. But I had always threatened it. I told it "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."

All my meals have been on time, and it just recently tried to make a hot dog on a bun. It was topped with ketchup, but I was just thrilled that it tried.

Do with this information what you will.

>> No.18857696


>> No.18857911

That's clearly australian food.

>> No.18857914

They're all descended from criminals and criminals are notoriously prideful and humorless.

>> No.18857924

If you've never eaten a raw onion, you're missing out. It tastes good and it's always an amusing way to make any retards in the room freak out. Also eating an entire apple including the core.

>> No.18857927

more like canada-hot

broadly inferior to the real canada in every conceivable respect, save for having more crocodiles.

>> No.18857930

>We met in the continental shelf, and I got it populated.
Incoherent bot post.

>> No.18858017

I have raw onion all the time, but I don't eat it like a fucking apple in front of cameras like that.

>> No.18858037

>including the core.
Stupid fuck.

>> No.18858080

>yeast concentrate on white bread for breakfast
>white bread hotdogs for lunch
>sprinkles on white bread for dessert
I have a hard time matching your boasts to observable reality

>> No.18858100

>the important part of the chocolate is the milk
yeah okay

>> No.18858110

So what is a traditional Aussie dish to eat for Straya day?

>> No.18858168

I used to always eat a kebab and a box of bbq shapes

>> No.18858558
File: 31 KB, 611x669, Bruce australian shitposter flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>High amount of immigration means every Australian city has food from all over the world and from thousands of cultures
>>Immigrant cuisine in Australia is as good, if not better, than the food found in their country of origin
This. Even if Australian food isn’t all that great we always have the overseas guys to back us up.

>> No.18858829

It's just a day off work. Only wankers do something special.

>> No.18859112

Last time we had a thread like this someone made an interesting post about how Australia never had a "poverty" food since they're a young country that has always been prosperous.
Does someone have a link to it?

>> No.18859275
File: 7 KB, 259x194, aussie dodx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is it about Australians that deprives them of any sense of humor
1. inability to grow proper onions south of the equator, 2. lack of proper hot dog buns, 3. love of improper hot dogs that use a slice of bread instead of an actual hot dog bun with ketchup instead of mustard 4. southern hemisphere retardation

>> No.18859828
File: 46 KB, 500x424, 1654101374411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Australian "food"

>> No.18859831
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>the world class dairy industry
"The Great Australian Cheese"

>> No.18859832

hey, that shit is good

>> No.18859836

lmao it' the blandest shit ever. An australian once gave me a can and when I ate it with crackers, the only thing I could taste was the crackers.