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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 25 KB, 300x300, kraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18838245 No.18838245 [Reply] [Original]

>low fat cheese
>sugar free soda
>decaffeinated coffee
>vegan meat alternatives
>alcohol free wine/beer

Seriously. Grow up. If you want to abstain from things do it properly or don't do it at all.

>> No.18838583

fat girl snacks are the worst of the worst.
i've literally seen packages that have "guilt free" printed on them.
what kind of fucking stupid shit feels guilt about eating food?
that emotion is not tied to eating unless you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.18838977

I think there's a debate in Coptic Christianity about whether Impossible and other meat-alikes should be allowed during abstinance days or not. I think it shouldn't be for the exact reasons you gave. As a Copt, you abstain from X, Y or Z to get closer to your faith. Looking for loopholes kind of misses the point because you're now following the letter of the law, but disregarding its spirit due to lack of faith. If you lack faith, why bother with any of it at all?

>> No.18839013

>You HAVE to drink the corn syrup!
Fuck off blue helmet

>> No.18839035

>nooo you can't just enjoy things

>> No.18839040

Its not a loophole.
Its not meat.
christians are weird

>> No.18839055

>said faggot op telling anonymous people on mongolian kite making forum what should they eat and what not

>> No.18839130
File: 65 KB, 640x640, 1663012869633791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you my brother from another mother OP.

I'm so fucking tired of this nonsense. My house is full of fucking garbage that shouldn't exist like low fat milk without lactose(also known as fucked up milk), low fat sugar free decaffeinated coffee, oat "milk"(IT'S NOT FUCKING MILK, STOP CALLING IT MILK), primarily because of women. Why the fuck are people so goddamn pussified that they can't eat normally.

And they even dare to tell me "You can't tell it's lactose free". YES I GODDAMN CAN. It tastes flat, weak, unnatural. I can taste it.

>> No.18839166

You vill now eat ze low-calorie bugs.

>> No.18839187

>Yeah my religion requires fasting, but I don't want to feel like I'm doing it
How is this not weird to you?

>> No.18839213

Abstaining from meat isnt fasting

>> No.18839219


>> No.18839255

I'm not even going to argue with you because the very first sentence disproves your point and clearly you are incoherent

>> No.18839269
File: 733 KB, 873x628, 1671771343848625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Fuck you. I will eat my scientifically formulated cheat foods, and a little cunt like you isn't going to stop me. We conquered the material world, and it is now subject to our subjective desires. Simple. As.

>> No.18839273

Catholics aren't Christian, so...

>> No.18839290

AFAIK American cheese has always been low/zero fat and that's just a marketing thing. It's basically emulsified whey protein with coloring and salt.

>> No.18839307

Its all paganism I dont care

>> No.18839322
File: 265 KB, 624x616, Maltaise de homard bleu, carpaccio de butternut et clémentines rôties.Pacaud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's (unfortunately) nonsense too and it has been for centuries. Escaping lent has actually been one of the main drives behind Catholic countries' (Belgium, France, Spain and Italy) High End gastronomy. That's where most of our lavish fish dishes, soups, stocks, sauces and desserts come from, much to the ire of well-meaning clergy.

Pic related. It's a first course costing 120-170 Euro per person. For lent.

>> No.18839340

Not him but if you honestly don't understand and this wasn't just trolling, you're really pretty stupid.

I see nothing wrong with low fat cheese and decaf tea is wonderful when I want a cup of tea in the evening but don't want the caffeine to keep me up. Telling others to grow up while trying to police what people you will never meet is delightfully ironic.

>> No.18839352

>I'm not even going to argue with you
Okay Whatever you say buddy

>> No.18839368

>Escaping lent has actually been one of the main drives behind Catholic countries' (Belgium, France, Spain and Italy) High End gastronomy.
Sounds like bullshit.

>> No.18839390

Nah, I like energy drinks that have 0g sugar because they're tart instead usually. I hate the taste of things loaded with sugar.

>> No.18839398


>> No.18839403

>no argument
>ad hom
You hate to see it

>> No.18839498

The point is the sacrifice of giving something of value up for a time, it's negated if you replace it with something that's technically not the same but satisfies what you were supposed to ve giving up. This guy >>18839322 gets it. Of course these people are all trying to pull the wool over the eyes of their God which what's funny, because it's not just Christians not getting the point of lent anyways, but also thinking they can trick an omniscient deity. It would be a pretty stupid God, which fits perfectly with a religion of stupid people.

>> No.18839638

>caring about what another man does
pretty gay if you ask me

>> No.18839669

Trying to find loopholes and trick god is a very Jewish thing to do. Like when they put up lines bewtween the houses in order to technically still be inside even when they're outside.

>> No.18839681


>> No.18839841

The biggest cope, alcohol free beer.

>> No.18839979

I specifically used the word "abstinance" to avoid the pointless argument over what is and isn't "fasting" and yet... here we fucking are.

>very Jewish
Bruh, it seems like a lot of people across multiple faiths do this shit. From Mosques doubling as whorehouses and Imams acting as pimps (man with three or fewer wives goes to the mosque/whorehouse, picks out a whore, pays the Imam to perform a quicky marriage, they fuck, then the Imam performs a quicky divorce) to Christians conveniently ignoring Christ's own commandments and teachings to Sikhs claiming to be monotheistic yet acknowledging multiple gods to Hindus preaching ahimsa yet condoning homicide to Bahai'is claiming that if their religion ever schisms (it has) that would prove their faith false, to the Dalai fucking Lama running a literal army of child soldiers, all religions have their hypocricies.

>> No.18840082

Except you didn't
>My religion requites fasting

>> No.18840933

Decaf is unironically a good alternative and is the outlier there

>> No.18842920

If you don't want to be shown what a retard you are, don't complain I didn't explain it to you next time. Fucking retard.

>> No.18843006

Is it lint season or something? When start when is it over? This when you eat a bunch of fish

>> No.18843008

who the fuck enjoys beer just for the taste?

>> No.18843029

old dudes who can't drink anymore or they'll die
i imagine the taste is a placebo calming drug

>> No.18843074


>> No.18843080

Thanks for proving me right again.

>> No.18843132

Some sugar free sodas actually taste better than the original. Regular coke always tasted like drinking acid to me. Coke zero tastes better because that part of it is toned down.

>> No.18843191


>> No.18843425


>> No.18843434

>God is omniscient, omnipresent
>God won't see through my sneaky trick to avoid the totally not made up rules
Religious people are mentally ill

>> No.18843451

>what kind of fucking stupid shit feels guilt about eating food?
>that emotion is not tied to eating unless you're a fucking idiot.
Sometimes when my liberal overlords compel me to consume the still-beating heart of their child sacrifice to Moloch, I feel a twinge of guilt.

>> No.18843472

people in europe where beer tastes good

>> No.18843480

Reddit is that way

>> No.18843484

Probably, American beer is like sex in a canoe after all.

>> No.18843488

He has a valid point though. Most religious people don't really believe the stuff they follow, just look at all the proudly rich Christians in the world.

>> No.18843495

Money corrupts for sure, but to say all religious people are mentally Ill is 17 year old tier nonsense

>> No.18843512

Nah, you have to be mentally ill/indoctrinated to not see through the obvious bullshit. I honestly envy religious people, because it must be nice to be that blissfully sure in something despite having absolutely no actual reason to believe in it other than blind faith. I can't do it.

>> No.18843518

>no reason to believe in it besides blind faith
Yes that's what religion is. I see you are very young so I won't try to argue with you about morality and higher powers. One day you'll get it maybe.

>> No.18843526

>everyone who see it for the bullshit it is is very young
Basically the same as claiming everyone becomes conservative when they "grow up" despite that not being even close to reality. Very dismissive from up there on your high horse aren't ya? Believe it or not, a growing portion of the population doesn't buy it, and they aren't just very young. Thank "god" you lunatics are dying out faster than you can raise more kids to indoctrinate.

>> No.18843533

>won't try to argue

>> No.18843569

Not all, but most. It's telling when people go to church to worship a God and then ignore the rules laid out to get to the heaven they believe in. Certainly any rich Christian is a fool.

>> No.18843572

I'm not a christian so I'll take your word for it.

>> No.18843587

That's just the low fat part I think. I had some lactose free milk and it's just regular milk with lactic acid (I think?) added which neutralizes the
lactose and it tasted pretty ok.

Agree with everything else. Can't believe it's not butter? Yes I damn well believe it.

>> No.18843613

There's a specific rule in their religion about wealth with the analogy being it's easier to fit a camel through the eye of a needlethan for a rich man to get to heaven. It's less about the hoarding of the wealth than the hypocrisy and people pretending to follow a god they don't actually believe in.

>> No.18843630
File: 133 KB, 1080x560, Screenshot_20230122-144534-094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might wanna look at demographic birth rates before talking about which groups will be dying out faster than others. Also to see which groups rely on "conversion" more often

>> No.18843649

>Christianity has strong criticisms of the rich baked into it
>use rich Christians as a central example to claim the religion is fake
I don't even need to make a counter argument, but since I know you'll claim victory if I don't, I'll just say "strawman".
>God says don't eat meat
>eat something that's not meat
>atheists absolutely seethe
Impossible meat will never be based but this is kind of funny.

>> No.18843654

Not him but you might want to look at actual data

>> No.18843674

>religion is slightly trending downward
>meanwhile atheism is demographic suicide

>> No.18843676

I don't necessarily claim the religion is fake, I'm saying a large number of the people who follow it don't actually believe in it themselves. If they believed the Bible was real, that God was real and that he was watching and caring then only an absolute fool would amass wealth when they know it will doom their soul to never getting into heaven.

>> No.18843677

offensively stupid americope opinion

>> No.18843686

>1992 70% of people go to church
>2021 47% of people go to church

>> No.18843693

Ok that's quite a drop.

>> No.18843729
File: 952 KB, 783x1465, 1647187022106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference between all those and jews, is that jews will defend their bullshit by claiming they're meant to look for bullshit loopholes to prove they study their funnybook. As a test.

>> No.18843748

>crying ad hom on a site that has had faggot and nigger as an ingrained part of the vocabulary since day 1
Go back.

>> No.18843772

Obsessed. America has a wider variety of beer than any euro shithole. Not everything is a watery macrobrew

>> No.18843806

Fat free cheese is /fit/.
>low calories
>high protein

>> No.18843855

That’s still an insanely high amount wtf America

>> No.18843873
File: 1.81 MB, 428x480, EB449823-5027-4E1A-9320-8FCEAA1AA583.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AIDS is why I abstain from working the local glory hole I refuse to suck a condomed cock

>> No.18843879 [DELETED] 

Being proud of not having morals isn't the own your think itnis

>> No.18843881

Please use punctuation. I can't tell what you're trying to say.

>> No.18843883

>hurt christianity is the only religion ever

>> No.18843896

Being gay is an objectively bad thing and is a fair negative connotation word

>> No.18843903

>If you want to abstain from things do it properly or don't do it at all.
nonsensical autistic purism. though I agree half those products are memes like where they make low-fat cheese with corn syrup to replace what's missing
you're a fatass

>> No.18843906

Thats not even a rule. How old are you?

>> No.18843921

>theres this rule
>said rule is a homily
>they dont follow it
Literally what

>> No.18843930

If you are a fat bastard abstaining might be a good idea

>> No.18843955

Never seen a 'Canadian Greeting' caught in mid flight before.

>> No.18843987

How does this counter anything I've said? My point is that the religious have more kids, so religious people will continue to have children and raise them in said religion. Those children that decide to abandon their religion will have less kids on average than those that don't.

>> No.18844040

Those products aren't even available in the Old World, it's just the diaspora community struggling with americanized hedonistic decadence, same thing goes for all the Eastern Christians. Only Ethiopians don't have this problem from what I've seen.
From a Greek Orthodox perspective, as far as fasting goes, you either try to eat fast-appropriate food with greater or lesser effort, or you don't even try to fast. The religious rule of fasting exists to build character, primarily temperance and humility. Outside monastic communities it is not a strict law and more of an ideal, and for laymen it is usually considered enough to simply try your best. Not to get into the finer details, but there is also a strong tradition of vegetarian cooking which exists in order to properly celebrate religious feast days which occur during the fast. The food is meant to taste good, but it is very obviously lighter vegetarian cuisine.
Unlike the Catholics, fish is not licit during the fast (although it is seen as a "less-bad" food, in some places) and in fact in most places, the ideal fast excludes all dietary oils as well - which is by far the least-followed restriction among laymen for obvious reasons.
In this light, it is pretty clear where Beyond Meat and similar products belong. They are, at best, a "less-bad" food like fish, but fake meat products embody principles opposite to the ideal fasting food. The reason there is a "debate" is basically that disinterested laymen who might feel community pressure to fast will try to find loopholes in their daily life, and since the point of the fasting rule is humility, if you are another layman and not a priest it is considered counterproductive to insist and posture over the dietary rule that others are following, for the same reason that you aren't supposed to act prideful over people who don't fast. Still, I think it's pretty clear to everyone that this is a loophole.

>> No.18844071

>america is the only country in the world
I understand that you're a country of narcissists but the peak of atheism was actually in the mid-20th century corresponding to Soviet influence, and atheism has been proportionally dropping consistently since then. Especially considering that lots of supposedly atheist societies are still shamelessly spiritual, it has always been an overestimation

>> No.18844285

Thank you.

>And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
t. Jesus Christ, Son of God who came here to teach you wisdom and be killed horribly to atone for original sin

You and other Christians ignoring the teachings of Jesus just makes my point for me. You don't actually believe any of it. Jesus Saud it but who's he? The son of God? Psssssh you know better than that goody goody dipshit.


>> No.18844314

Oof, in 2023? No thanks.

>> No.18844455

>atheist societies are still shamelessly spiritual
What fucking societies are dedicated to a lack of belief? Jesus Christ. Like Pinball Night at the bowling alley?

>> No.18844478

sugar free soda is great though, it's just soda but not bad for you

>> No.18844660
File: 72 KB, 570x773, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said anything about paganism or how it's better than mainstream bullshit?

Spoiler alert! If the creator of this vast and complex universe, the Sum Of All Things, exists it doesn't care about humans in the way you think it does.

>> No.18844704

>God is a man
>Triune Godhead
>deitiy inseminating a virgin
>whos said anything about paganism
Lol funny man

>> No.18844722

leave the 0% alcohol out of this man
i love beer, i just dont drink alcohol anymore, and for the first time in my life they're actually making decent 0% beers

>> No.18844880

So are you saying Christianity is just more pagan bullshit with a new coating? I agree if so. Hell, we just had "Christmas" which is just a rebranded Saturnalia.

>> No.18846432

Glad we agree

>> No.18846505

You are not very smart.

>> No.18846518

>blind faith
All faith is blind. That's the point of faith. If you have evidence of something, that's knowledge, not belief/faith.

>> No.18846527

Which is also what makes it useless.

>> No.18846554

Sure, but again: that's the point. If it had a use, it wouldn't be faith.

>> No.18846702

Not him but not all faith is blind, far from it. But blind faith is blind which I would agree is pretty useless as it's really just wishful thinking.

>> No.18846704

I actually am

>> No.18846732

Proof denies faith. You have no need of faith when there is proof. Faith is belief without proof.

>> No.18846735

Out of context. Some anon having to explain Faith on this Nigerian basket-weaving forum.

I'm exhausted bro, and I love you.

>> No.18846738

I have no proof that you are exhausted or that you love me but i have faith you do. <3

>> No.18846754

This is your brain on Jewish/CCP propaganda

>> No.18846825 [DELETED] 

You don't seem to actually understand what the word means which makes discussing it hard. Faith without proof is worthless delusion.

>> No.18846829
File: 80 KB, 720x880, Screenshot_20230123-093219_Google~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't seem to actually understand what the word means which makes discussing it hard. Faith without proof is worthless delusion.

>> No.18846899

I am guilty of only one thing
>Sugar free soda
I sometimes get a craving for that bubbly goodness but don't want to drink my calories. Everything else is silly though. The day I bring in low fat cheese or decaffeinated coffee is the day I have welcomed death.

>> No.18846910

>You don't seem to actually understand what the word means which makes discussing it hard. Faith without proof is worthless delusion.
she says as she provides a screencap kneecapping her point
either you're a woman with an inferior female brain or the only point you have is at the tip of your skull, pinhead
but then, why but both? if feminism has taught me anything it's that women can be anything a man can be, including a pinheaded retard

>> No.18847031

Again as I said, not all faithis blind. But blind faith, without evidence is useless which is the point you are desperately trying to avoid. This is a perfect example >>18846738 just wishful thinking.

>> No.18847091 [DELETED] 

>Again as I said, not all faithis blind. But blind faith, without evidence is useless which is the point you are desperately trying to avoid. This is a perfect example >>18846738 (You) # just wishful thinking.
she says as she provides a screencap kneecapping her point
either you're a woman with an inferior female brain or the only point you have is at the tip of your skull, pinhead
but then, why not both? if feminism has taught me anything it's that women can be anything a man can be, including a pinheaded retard

>> No.18847097

>Again as I said, not all faithis blind. But blind faith, without evidence is useless which is the point you are desperately trying to avoid. This is a perfect example >>18846738 just wishful thinking.
she says as she provides a screencap kneecapping her point
either you're a woman with an inferior female brain or the only point you have is at the tip of your skull, pinhead
but then, why not both? if feminism has taught me anything it's that women can be anything a man can be, including a pinheaded retard

>> No.18847101

Enjoy your unfounded wishful thinking that relates to nothing then. Knowledge is what matters, faith with Knowledge is power. Faith without knowledge is delusion.

Nice misogyny BTW, very Christian of you. :)

>> No.18847128

Decaf makes sense to me in theory because I sometimes want to drink coffee but don't want the affects (usually because it's late). Shame it tastes like shit.

>> No.18847201

>she thinks i care what a woman thinks

>> No.18847228

Ohh no I don't expect you to. You are Christian, an idiot and an asshole like most. I'd expect nothing less.

>> No.18847243

>she thinks I'm a christian
there's that inferior female brain again, jumping to conclusions without her precious evidence. why would you ever think me a christian? what evidence have you to make such a call, girlie?

>> No.18847248

Forgive me, you just act like one but thar makes my point all the more. What's your blind faith based on then? This is great.

>> No.18847357

again with the conclusion-jumping. you're terribly unclever

>> No.18847372

>What's your blind faith based on then?
Evidently the notion that (You)s somehow matters.
He's going out of his way to be a snide cunt just to ensure sure you feed him another (You).

>> No.18847573

Remember, we're talking about this >>18846518 which is a factually untrue and idiotic statement which you've only avoided. All faith is not blind, some faith is blind. The pointless kind.

>> No.18847871
File: 46 KB, 500x486, 587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but god is supposed to be omniscient, he knew exactly how people would exploit the loophole and left it in anyway. Seems like fair game to me, assuming the holy texts were written by god. Surely they were, right?

>> No.18847904

shit homegirl, is you legit retarded? TF that bullshit gotta do w/anything? you one dumb ass ho

>> No.18848017

Still avoiding that the statement is factually incorrect and you've been trying to argue a false and retarded notion this whole time. Blind faith indeed.

>> No.18848022


>> No.18848025

You misunderstand it entirely. For one, abstinence is not a Biblical commandment. At no point does the Bible or the Christ command followers to fast or abstain. What the Bible does say is that doing so can help you more easily focus on prayer and turn your thoughts to the Divine. Since that's the reason to do it, looking for a loophole, again, misses the point of it entirely. One who does so is only abstaining or fasting out of a sense of tradition or duty rather than a desire to appreciate His Grace.

Following the conversation, you do realise that Anon is very clearly not Christian, right? I could understand mistaking me (>>18838977) for a Christian or specifically a Coptic Christian due to my knowledge of their faith, but I'm not. I'm a nontheistic Friend. I just happen to know a bit about various faiths due to interfaith dialogues I've had with followers of other traditions.

Also, if you disagree with or have misunderstood my original point on one's need for proof or evidence being antithetical to one having faith, that's fine. The way i see it, though, is that it's a bit of a Schrodinger's cat sort of thing: until observed, the cat is both alive and dead, right? Faith is believing one outcome over the other despite lacking evidence of either. Once you open the box, you can no longer have faith the cat is alive (or dead, whichever the case may be) /because you'll then know which it is/. That's why proof/knowledge/reason and faith/belief are antithetical concepts and why faith is always blind.
Have you an example of faith which isn't blind?

>> No.18848040

What sort of idiot believes in a male god?

>> No.18848079

>The way i see it, though, is that it's a bit of a Schrodinger's cat sort of thing: until observed, the cat is both alive and dead, right?

Although that analogy is flawed since the cat is only mathematically either alive or dead either way, it's just not an outcome we understand. It only illustrates how little we understand the exact way atoms decay. That said, let's just assume it's right.

In that case "Faith is believing one outcome over the other despite lacking evidence of either." I agree, that is what is referred to as blind faith and to me is completely pointless. You don't know and can't know whether the cat is alive or dead at any given time. Faith in believing it's alive is literally just wishful thinking. But no matter how strongly you wish or have faith, it doesn't alter the reality of what state the cat is in. It's a waste of energy with no benefit other than a possible dopamine boost if the cat is alive and luck mimics your faith.

Any effort should be put into learning more, so that the question of whether that cat is alive or dead doesn't remain a mathematical paradox to our limited human minds. And as science has shown that the more we study and learn then the more we understand, so I have a well founded faith that with continuing efforts we will learn.

>> No.18848083

What sort of idiot believes in any God with a gender?

>> No.18848087

>crying about what other people eat
>goes on to tell others to grow up
lol, lmao even.

>> No.18848101

So you don't have an example of faith which isn't blind, then?

>> No.18848188

Science like I just mentioned. Most examples really faith in government etc

>> No.18849755

But what if God put it thereto test whether you practice what you preach or are trying to scam the system? Seems like a bad gamble when the fate of your soul is at stake.

>> No.18850284

This. Nobody reads any studies or verifies anything.

>> No.18851712

I can't have caffeine. I have an allergy to it or something, not sure what it is. I like the taste of black coffee. Fuck you. I agree on all the other shit, though.

>> No.18851732
File: 162 KB, 994x745, 0gL4oxd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I fucking love science!
Time for you to get your booster, kike.

>> No.18851952

Many people do. Don't assume everyone likes being ignorant.

If you don't believe in science you should not be using a computer.

>> No.18852061

You dont

>> No.18852076

Science isn't something to "believe" in, in the way God is
It's a method to try to better understand processes throughout the world, and it is often exploited by midwits in academia to push a narrative. That much is true and I can show you many examples, yet you put blind faith in scientific papers to inform your belief system.
You're attacking the religious worldview, which might be wrong, while yours is demonstrably wrong.
>trust le heckin' experts!
Wow, truly astounding. Go back

>> No.18852086

I really hate this. Especially the meat replacements. OK you don't eat meat, why does every dish have to try and replicate meat? Where are all the recipes showcasing the ingredients instead of pretending to be something it's not?

>> No.18852104

I don't "believe" in science, or anything for that matter. Life is about making choices, and I choose to think you are a brainwashed faggot who worships "muh peer reviewed science papers". You are the one that needs to get off the fucking computer and go outside you nigger.

>> No.18852239

>god lets us murder
>he knew someone would
>so you're a good christian whether or not you do

>> No.18852312

>alcohol free beer
this actually serves a purpose if you have a driver's license.

>> No.18852451

Way to miss the point.

>It's a method to try to better understand processes throughout the world,

>and it is often exploited by midwits in academia to push a narrative.

Okay give some examples and where their scientific findings are made up.

I believe the process of science has a lot of merit and the study of it has brought us incredible knowledge and continues to do do. Go ahead and find any peer reviewed paper on any subject at all that has false or misleading information. We both know you can't and won't even try because you enjoy the safety of being ignorant.

>> No.18852480

No I got the point, you are hypocrite. Your point is worthless.

>> No.18852767

I have faith in the process of science, a faith founded on the great learning science has brought us and which shall continue as we continue to learn more. That is a far better faith than one that is blind.

>> No.18852990

To be fair Kraft cheeses not being proper good cheese is basically their brand signature

>> No.18853045

It's not even that it's shitty kraft cheese, OP is literally butthurt that there's a low fat option for it.

>> No.18853201
File: 297 KB, 512x512, the_man_who_destroyed_time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now you're beginning to understand

he's evil

>> No.18853372


>> No.18853738

I like how you dodged that doctrine is not subject to revision but science is.

>> No.18854051

lol god isn't real dumbass

>> No.18854120

You think you have it bad, in the UK there is a sugar tax if you want soda that isn’t full of aspartame.
Most drinks didn’t survive; I can’t have capri sun anymore because they’re ruined.
Aside from this,
>no artificial flavours or colors
>”per serving” limits
>refills on soda fountains are illegal
>supermarkets cannot legally put any foods deemed unhealthy by the government on the end of food aisles
There’s more government interference at supplier/production level too but as a consumer you don’t hear about it.

>> No.18854824

"Peer reviewed" can mean a bunch of fucking retards reviewed the study and came to the same conclusion. It's as worthless as my time even talking to you. I accept the scientific method, I don't "believe" in science because that'd be treating it like a doctrine or a religion. Which is something you obviously do. You're right, I'm not gonna search for the hundreds of peer reviewed studies that have been proven wrong over the decades because I don't give a fuck what you think. Yes, I'm here typing a response to you, but that is because I'm bored and am in between tending to my garden and renovating my RV.

>> No.18854837

>Okay give some examples and where their scientific findings are made up.
The CDC cunt who said if you get the vaccine for Covid that you cannot transmit it to others. "Get your vaxx for grandma!!!!" That turned out to be a lie and they even admitted that they didn't even test the vaccine for that. "We had to move at the speed of science". That is a direct quote. So fuck you. I've had vaccines obviously when I was a baby and then a toddler because my parents just listened to those big brained "experts". I had no consent. Not saying I had any adverse affects from any of them. That's not my point. So don't lump me in with the anti-science crowd because I'm calling you on your bullshit.

>> No.18854851

You're stupid. God gives us a choice to make. I choose not to murder or rape people. He knew some dumb fucking nigger would choose to do it. That makes God evil? All it proves is that human beings are capable of despicable things. Also, the term "good" is objective at best. There are very fucking evil people on this planet and they didn't just decide one day to be like that. It's in their DNA. There are evil Christians, just like there are evil cunts all upon us no matter what religion, doctrine, or screed they follow.

>> No.18854941

Never said God was real. As said in >>18848025, I don't believe in God.

>> No.18854949

>false or misleading information
Bitch please, scientists hasn't been allowed to draw the wrong conclusions for over a decade now. If they do, it'll cause a shitstorm and they'll loose their funding and/or career. See literally any study on trannies. Or Rind et al.

>> No.18855204

Enjoy an eternity in hellfire you fucking heathen degenerate.

>> No.18855307


>> No.18855957

You wouldn't say that if you knew how they decaffeinated it

>> No.18856012


>> No.18856261

Just wait until you see sugar-free pickles flavored with splenda

>> No.18856371

Hell = Pagan.
I see you have the mind of a 2 year old.

>> No.18856954

I'm not saying you have to have faith, just that I do.

>I accept the scientific method, I don't "believe" in science because that'd be treating it like a doctrine or a religion.

When I say I believe in it, I mean I believe in the process, which many in this thread seem not to.

>You're right, I'm not gonna search for the hundreds of peer reviewed studies that have been proven wrong over the decades because I don't give a fuck


>what you think.
What I think should have nothing to do with it. Interest in the truth is it's own merit.

Okay cool, got a specific example? A single study on "trannies" that has drawn scientifically wrong conclusions will do.

>> No.18857022


>> No.18858337

Pagans don't believe in hell. Your statement makes no sense.

>> No.18858390

>Triune godhead
>God incarnate
>Deity impregnating a virgin
>God had a son

>> No.18858421
File: 983 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mf5s0vlkqO1rbn1qw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are you just saying Christians are Pagans? Christianity is hyper retarded, but calling them pagan just makes you cone off as illiterate.

>> No.18858472


>> No.18858477

Belief in the following
Makes you a pagan. If you have pagan beliefs, you are a pagan. Thats how it works.

>> No.18858495
File: 72 KB, 720x684, Screenshot_20230126-105914_Google~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try learning English before you reply next time. Are you this guy? >>18846518 be honest. How is it that people who posy on this English language board are so ignorant of the language they are using to communicate? Words don't just mean what you would like them to, they have set definitions. You do understand that... right?

>> No.18858500

>learn english
>people who posy
Ok bud

>> No.18858536

If you expect to communicate in a language, it's your responsibility to know what the words you are using mean.

>> No.18858624

If you expect me to take you seriously you need to be able to accurately spell the words in your language.

>> No.18858635

decaf coffee is useful for patients who want coffee at 3 in the morning. You wouldn't believe the amount of absurd shit the general public demands

>> No.18858657
File: 513 KB, 1304x1669, 1670805018484866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like coffee
>realize caffeine is really fucking with me over time
>swap to decaf
>still enjoy coffee
If I could get caffeine free Redbull I probably would desu. There are several sodas I'd still get occasionally if I weren't trying to avoid caffeine.

>> No.18858664
File: 631 KB, 2560x2560, 1674752915209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FYI they make caffeine free bang if you are interested

>> No.18858670
File: 231 KB, 1080x1080, tcdglee_ec455_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for being too lazy to spellcheck when I am replying to an ESL retard who doesn't understand the meanings of the words he is using?

>> No.18858672

Never had Bang, not really attached to it. Might give it a shot if I see one in a gas station some time though, so thanks for the tip.

>> No.18858680

No prob anon. Be well.

>> No.18858728

I'm >>18846518 and I stand by what I said. Even Anon's (your?) screengrab meant to disprove me did quite the opposite.
It literally says
>rather than proof
right in it because, again, proof denies faith. If you want to lecture on the meaning of words and how they can't redefine them at will, you really ought to do the same. Otherwise, you'll just look silly and foolish. If that was your goal, mission accomplished. You look a right goose.

>> No.18858743

>incorrectly using a question mark
>You're ESL

>> No.18858745

>peak fertility around 42
So, atheists are more likely to produce downy kids? Makes sense that retardation breeds retardation.

>> No.18858754

They are also more likely to abort the fuckers and try again, as opposed to knowing your kid is without a brain in your womb but still shitting it out and having your wife push the vegetable around in a wheelchair till it inevtiably dies at 17
Then you can praise god for the privilege of letting it ruin your whole family life for nearly 2 decades, as you leave your prime and enter old age

>> No.18858762

Or, get it over with early so that by the time you get old enough to want to start slowing down, the little shits are out of the house. Who wants to be close to retirement age and still supporting a kid?

>> No.18858763

Even so, I'm more worried about the retarded things that come out of religious folks mouths than their cunts.

>> No.18859026

>I'm >>18846518 # and I stand by what I said. Even Anon's (your?) screengrab meant to disprove me did quite the opposite.

Then you are functionally illiterate. Actually read the first definition >>18846829 That is the most common usage of the word faith. I have faith that science will continue to provide us with more answers to how the physical world works because it has done so very well do far.

Only the second definition refers to blind faith, in God, the afterlife ir whatnot. I have no idea why this is so hard for you, it's basic English.


>> No.18859031


>> No.18859495

Lol there's another word you apparently don't understand. Your stupidity is astounding.

>> No.18859503


>> No.18859582
File: 60 KB, 720x710, Screenshot_20230126-163144_Google~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pointing out that you don't understand the words you are using is extremely easy. So indeed, you apparently do jot know what the word cope means either. Maybe you should stick with your native language until you get a handle on English.

>> No.18859620

>you apparently do jot
It just keeps getting better

>> No.18859883

See >>18858670
I'm putting zero effort into this and can't be bothered to look if I've spelled something right. That's totally different from your inability to grasp what faith is. That's what you keep trying to avoid, but you suck at it because you're so incompetent.

>> No.18859906

I'm not arguing with you about what faith is. I'm not that anon

>> No.18859913

I like Diet Coke. I don't even feel like it's a replacement. I just like it and Diet Dr. Pepper.

>> No.18860053

>the second one doesn't count because... well, it just doesn't, okay!
That's your argument? Really?

>> No.18860063

Yes you are. You all are. All those who say I'm wrong, including me with my own screenshots, are the same guy. I was born in 42 log cabins!

>> No.18860301

The second one obviously counts, blind faith is a thing. I have been clear on that from the start. But blind faith is not the only definition of faith, nor is it even the primary one. But this fucking retard >>18846518 >>18858728 can't understand that and wants to keep trying to argue the point, when there is nothing to debate. The word means what it means, all his whining and stupidity will never change that.

>> No.18860327

>the second one counts!
>the word means what it means!
>but i'm not wrong despite that!

>> No.18860855

>Yay we tricked God!

>> No.18860913

Correct, I am not wrong. I have always said there is more than one meaning for the word since my first reply. I have said it over and over, but you apparently can't read.

It is you who are wrong Remember your statement >>18846518 "All faith is blind. " Which you doubled down on and said you still stand by. But you are objectively and factually wrong. Not all faith is blind, far from it. You not being able to understand that doesn't change anything. It just makes you stupid. That you refuse to learn even after it has been proven to you just highlights that.

This is not a debate. You are simply wrong and you not liking what faith is doesn't change anything.

>> No.18862507

>both definitions are equally valid!
>but the one i like is moar equal!

>> No.18862687

One is more common, that's all I'm saying. You on the other hand are trying to pretend one of the main definitions doesn't exist. I know this will make no sense, because you're functionally illiterate and cognitively impaired, but it's reality. Now grow the fuck up and learn the language you are communicating in.

>> No.18862724

More common means nothing. People are stupid.

>> No.18862784 [DELETED] 

>People are stupid.

Yeah like you, who can look at the definition of a word and not believe it exists because it does fit your childish assumption of what you think it should mean. You're fucking pathetic.

>> No.18862792

Yeah like you, who can look at the definition of a word and not believe it exists because it does'nt fit your childish assumption of what you think it should mean. You're fucking pathetic and your willful ignorance is disgusting.

>> No.18862793

When you cook, you're sending a message that you're too broke to have someone else cook for you and deliver it to you. So these imitation products, soft cheese for example, are signs of high initiative and drive, because you can't make them at home. Pretty sure they come from laboratories and shit like that.

>> No.18862832

I'm not that guy. Chill.

>> No.18862894

Apologies then.

>> No.18862940

what happened to discussing food?

>> No.18862975

Its all good

>> No.18863929

that's a nice argumentum ad populum you've got yourself there : )
either the definition is right and you're wrong or the definition is wrong and you're right. which izzit, homie? since you already admitted that the def is right, what does that leave you with, sweetheart?

>> No.18863995

based anon

>> No.18864067
File: 180 KB, 624x810, 1674345497325983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18864263
File: 155 KB, 730x973, 16-31438a9b05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are gonna buy American cheese at least buy the good stuff.

>> No.18864269

I make it myself sometimes, and it's actually really really good. I can blend multiple cheeses together and use more cheese and less filler ingredients. Smoked gouda + sharp cheddar is probably my favorite.

>> No.18866068 [DELETED] 

The definition is obviously right. What are you even trying to get ar now? Some faith is blind, most is not. What part of this confuses your childish brain?

>> No.18866073 [DELETED] 

>The definition is obviously right. What are you even trying to get at now? Some faith is blind, most is not. What part of this confuses your childish brain?

>> No.18866079

The definition is obviously right. What are you even trying to get at now? Some faith is blind, most is not. What part of this confuses your childish brain?

>> No.18866562

Retard. It isn't meat. How is it a loophole?

>> No.18866607

>proved wrong
>still insists she's right
i know ya gotta "live as a woman" for a while before you're ready, but ya clearly earned your bottom surgery with that one
refusing to admit when someone else is right is peak female behavior, caroline

>> No.18867158

Proven wrong where you simpering fucking retard? Can you even read? Try dropping this lame woman bit and use your pea sized ESL brain if you have one.

You are absolutely objectively wrong and either too stupid to understand or too immature to admit it. But either way doesn't matter, you're equ pathetic either way.

>> No.18867888

>the definition is valid!

your first day as a woman and already it's that time of the month lol

>> No.18868782

Is that really your reply? Are you a bot? You can't follow a conversation and just keep throwing the same word salad semi replies with zero comprehension. Do you even remember what's being discussed enough to form a human response? This is getting surreal.

>> No.18868827

I have faith in you, Ms Goose

>> No.18868860

Okay, if you are human. Take your statement >>18846518 "all faith is blind" which you claim to stand by. Read BOTH definitions of the word here >>18846829 and give me a valid reason why you stand by the statement "all faith is blind". It's not me who has to prove anything, both definitions are there. You need to explain to me why the first one doesn't count.

Consider this your Turing test. Are you able to give a logical human reply with an explanation of why you think only blind faith exists.

>> No.18868969

There was one a Christian named Julius Caesar who landed in England and was merry by three men, all named John Hollyshoes. The master of the castle at Pity-Me had a magical ring that was stolen by his daughter and eaten by a Christian goose at St Matthew's feast.

>> No.18869040

Nice word salad failure. I take it you're either a still learning AI or literally just too stupid to have a coherent conversation. That it's a coin flip is kinda funny.

>> No.18869065

it sure was, but you're still wrong, and no amount of text is gonna change that so there's no point in responding to you coherently, sweetie pie :3
now stop staring at my hips

>> No.18869090

Explain with words and logic to explain why then? How are both me and the dictionary wrong and the first definition listed is invalid. So far you haven't come close.

>> No.18869114

false attribution and stop staring at my hips

>> No.18869138

So you day both me and the dictionary are wrong and you are more correct than both of us, bit you can't come up with even one coherent reason? Good talk.

>> No.18869174

false equivalence, false attribution and stop staring at my hips

>> No.18869246

Okay, now it sounds like you don't know what false attribution is either. Are you saying you think having faith in something like science to continue to give us more knowledge or faith in government to provide a stable society, faith that my family loves me, faith that most people are good hearted are blind faith ir is that not faith to you?

Remember, this is a very common word and you are trying to insist it has a much more narrow definition than is typically used. You have some work to do if you want to keep insisting get your understanding is the only valid one.

>> No.18869274

Guys shut up

>> No.18869300

false attribution, fallacy of exclusion, argument from fallacy, definitional retreat and stop staring at my hips

>> No.18869321

So again you are completely incapable of providing a valid response. Cool beans. It's nice that you don't understand the word faith, what it means, and how it's used. Keep clinging to that ignorance, it makes you a very special kind of snowflake.

>> No.18869342

Shut up this is the coming board

>> No.18869368

>only jews try to find loopholes in their religious rules
literally every religion does this shit but christians are probably the worst for it because they most often refuse to acknowledge it's even a loophole or that they even did it, it only needs to be justified in their head and they can keep on believing they're following the rules but it's others that aren't.

>> No.18869371

Meh, I'm having fun deep diving into why this weirdo is convinced his definition of the word faith overrides everyone else's definition. Just hide the thread if it bugs you.

>> No.18869431

I hope more low calorie products are made. That would be nice

>> No.18869438

ad hominem, argument from fallacy, definitional retreat and stop staring at my hips

>> No.18869482

This is a wonderful, informative post. Thanks anon. I got something from it. I tend to fast through the eastern traditions, but you’ve opened up a new way of looking at it for me.

>> No.18869486

Nothing you just said is true. Make an actual argument if you hope to be taken even semi seriously. At this point all you're doing is evading and throwing out random phrases you don't really understand in the hopes of deflecting from the actual subject at hand.

>> No.18869571

sugar free soda is fine, its actually 0 calories unlike most low fat or 'lite' stuff that might cut 50 cal off of the regular version and taste like watery shit.

>> No.18869633

>Sometimes when my liberal overlords compel me to consume the still-beating heart of their child sacrifice to Moloch, I feel a twinge of guilt.
You should feel guilty, that sacrifice was for Moloch, not for you

>> No.18869654

Nothing you just said is true. Make an actual argument if you hope to be taken even semi seriously. At this point all you're doing is evading and throwing out random phrases you don't really understand in the hopes of deflecting from the actual subject at hand.

>> No.18870173

Full sugar sodas taste too filmy to me but you're right about the rest. Just count calories damn.

>> No.18870431

Nice try. It's on you to explain why you think the most commonly used usage of the word faith is wrong since that is your claim. All you ever do is deflect and we both know why. You are all cheap talk and no substance, always running from discussion and throwing insults in the hope it will distract.

Go ahead and call me a woman again, see if it makes your retarded assertion that your opinion of what something means should override everyone else. It's all you seem to have after all.

>> No.18870593
File: 99 KB, 1152x822, freeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic rel of thread is a jpeg of fucking Fat Free Kraft Singles.
>Screaming-into-the-void Slapfight about Religion/Faith is the shitshow going on in the replies

2016 and its consequences were the worst fucking thing to happen to /ck/ and/or 4chan I swear to fucking God. It's like /pol/tards are contractually obligated to bring their spergfest to every other goddamn board imaginable. Do you retards also shit up the origami board as well? Honest question.

>> No.18870631

He doesn't exist, tho.

>> No.18870655 [DELETED] 

It's not even a fight about faith, it's a fight about English. They want to redefine words to fit their agenda and when faced with opposition just flip to random insults in the hopes to distract. These "people" ate trying to redefine language to their own purposes so need to be put in their place. This is just fun because the guy is too stupid to even make an argument in the first place.

>> No.18870658

It's not even a fight about faith, it's a fight about English. They want to redefine words to fit their agenda and when faced with opposition just flip to random insults in the hopes to distract. These "people" are trying to redefine language to their own purposes so need to be put in their place. This is just fun because the guy is too stupid to even make an argument in the first place.

>> No.18870661

*tips fedora*

>> No.18870678

>conveniently ignores the part of the definition that proves her wrong
>"It's the guy (not me and my shiny new vagina!) who is trying to refine words!
he's a cunt but you're a retarded tranny faggot. dilate

>> No.18871324

This is as close to the (You)singularity as we'll currently get. Two retards chain baiting each other for (You)s. Imagine if we could harness this autism as an energy source.

>> No.18871514

>conveniently ignores the part of the definition that proves her wrong

At no point have I ever done this you disingenuous asshole. It's he who utterly refuses to address the part of the definition that proves he is wrong.

It is him trying to redefine the word. He is literally saying the first definition does not count, but he refuses to give any logical reason why.

Go ahead and make another tyranny remark to deflect from not knowing what faith even is, maybe that time it will magically change the definition!

>> No.18871856

>ITT gluttons coping with being unable to stay off certain foods for a day

>> No.18871951

There's other, worse packaging like "happiness inside".
It's enough to make a Buddhist monk vomit.

>> No.18872006

yeah you did, just like you ignored your sex and gender and try to "pass" as a woman with your man face and plastic tits lmao

>> No.18872018

Artificial sweeteners like sucralose might turn one's gut bacteria pathogenic and contribute to leaky gut.
Your "cheat foods" don't mean shit.
Everything has a cost.
Jews make a career out of it.
If 50% of pitbulls eat children's faces while 2% of golden retrievers do, will you argue their equivalence and say it's not a very pitbull thing to do?
Gender is a word made up by a pedo.
Lower-level gods have sexes, farther-up ones do not.
The main or recognized religions are by population: state-sanctioned atheism, and by influence: Ashkenazi Judaism.
You're neither. You're pagan, and that definition is stupid and roundabout.
It's better to follow the spirit of the law when following spiritual laws.
Maybe unless one is a Jewish freemason b'nai b'rith who sees it as their sacred duty to break rules.

>> No.18872026

>If 50% of pitbulls eat children's faces while 2% of golden retrievers do, will you argue their equivalence and say it's not a very pitbull thing to do?
And? Where did that post say anything where this would be a pertinent response? What claim of his are refuting?

>> No.18872066

>jews will actively encourage loophole jumping, defending the hypocrisy by claiming the loopholes were left there intentionally as a test to see if they study their book
>the test couldn't possibly be to see if they'll abide the spirit of the book and not the easily twisted word
>christians are somehow the worst

The notion that an all-knowing entity would need to test for something, when it already knows what the result of the test will be, is frankly laughable.

>> No.18872084

Nice try, but no. You have the burden of disproving the main def of faith. You can't do that because you don't understand it. All you can do is repeat some stupid tyranny line over and over because you have no argument. You're pathetic and no matter how much you cry you can't change what faith is.

>> No.18872089

>muh '16
'13-14 was a bigger disaster. moot got cucked into letting tumblrtards into team 4chan and the festering boil that is mobile was implemented. '16 only made the shitshow worse.

>> No.18872097

you did, tho, tranny faggot
you're just too speshul ed to keep track lol

>> No.18872098

>The main or recognized religions are by population: state-sanctioned atheism, and by influence: Ashkenazi Judaism.
>You're neither. You're pagan, and that definition is stupid and roundabout.

Follow the thread, he wasn't calling me pagan, he was saying Christians are pagan. It was pretty funny.

>> No.18872102

Okay, where?

Either way you have to explain why the first definition doesn't count. Are you ever going to try and do that? Of just deflect with more tranny obsession in the hopes I'll drop the point?

>> No.18872114

>she wants me to do the work for her
at least I'm using your preferred pronouns, right tranny faggot?

>> No.18872120

You are the one saying the first definition doesn't count. Make your case or shut the fuck up. Yelling tyranny isn't helping you.

You don't know what faith is. Plain and simple. If you did you'd be making an actual argument not just deflecting.

>> No.18872552

>Jewish freemason
My sides

>> No.18873349

I wasn't joking about B'nai B'rith.
Sasha Baron Cohen is literally royalty to them.

>> No.18874170

this it tastes awful too

>> No.18874184

moot ruined the site out of spite for being called luggage lad
then he tucked tail and left like a bitch

>> No.18874189

>fat girl snacks
>"guilt free" printed on them
lmao as a skeletor, I would bust out lmao at the grocery if I read that bullshit label on any item

>> No.18874244
File: 102 KB, 300x300, Hotelcalifornia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a true oldfag, like seriously old oldfag, there hasn't been cancer worse than when /b/ cancer spread all over the internet in 2007. In the end however, that kind of exposure like the 2016 /pol/ contagion is necessary in assimilating normies and weaponizing their autism, eventually those who stick around
>you can check out any time you like
>but you can NEVER leave

>> No.18874251

Not that guy but here's what happened and why you're obviously wrong to the multiple people who have told you so. Anon said that "proof denies faith." You say "no it doesn't!" then provide an image which literally says that proof denies faith. Then you get petulant and it, insult people who point out that you're wrong and insist you're still right. The fact of the matter is, we know you're wrong and you can divorce yourself from that reality, but it will never change that fact no matter how much you hoot and holler and scream and cry and carry on. At this point, there's no further reason to rebuke you because facts are facts, wrong is wrong and you you are wrong. You only continue because you want to convince someone, anyone, that you're not but we all know you're wrong.
Also, literally no one said the first definition doesn't count. You're creating arguments in your head which no one put forth prior. I mean... you literally admitted that you're a vaxxed up atheist tranny groomer kitten diddler so I'm not surprised you're so far removed from reality.

>> No.18874270

>you literally admitted that you're a vaxxed up atheist tranny groomer kitten diddler
No I didn't, retard. I never said I diddled kittens.

>> No.18874521

What I said and what the definitions of the word clearly illustrateis that the word faith has a broad meaning. Proof does not deny faith, I never meant to imply that it does. But there is both faith founded in hope and faith founded in proof. The statement at the center of this is that "all faith is blind", but if you understand the scope of the word it's clear that's not the case. However instead of just admitting that the word has a greater and more commonly used scope than the one definition he likes, he went on some weird trolling campaign that reduced to literally streams of tyranny faggot slurs in place of coherent discussion.

Don't get me wrong I wish at least as much as you that he had shit up.days ago. But I despise ignorance and his willful delight in his stupidity disgusts me too much to let it fester unchecked.

>> No.18874936

you mad
mad that you're wrong, that everyone knows you're wrong, that you're not convincing anyone otherwise and that you'll never be right
you're so intellectually dishonest that you create points and arguments that no one made (ie strawmen) to take down instead of simply admitting that you're wrong and have always been wrong. why should anon or anyone else take you or anything you have to say seriously? i would pity you if you and your childish behavior didn't disgust me completely.

>> No.18876027

>you mad

Yeah, cause I'm talking to an illiterate ESL retard who can't read, doesn't understand what faith is and just screams tranny over and over when proven wrong.

>mad that you're wrong, that everyone knows you're wrong,

I am not wrong, and most everyone else can read and understands words. You're the only one who doesn't. Because you are literally retarded. Not internet meme ha ha you're a 'tard, I mean you genuinely have a brain disorder that makes you too stupid to learn and thinks that calling someone else a woman is somehow a valid argument as to why you are obviously right and they are obv wrong. You're subhuman garbage and that's why you will never understand faith.