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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 125 KB, 1500x1001, rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18851752 No.18851752 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18851758

make tamago kake gohan

>> No.18851889

The heat from the gohan kakes the tamago

>> No.18851897

Cooking rice is a metaphor for rape in China.

>> No.18852141

Hi Cooking Rice, I'm Dances with Wolves!

>> No.18852162

I used a zochiuri rice cooker today

>> No.18852257

Based Zorji-chad.

>> No.18852269
File: 120 KB, 750x394, david-lynch-cooks-quinoa[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're cooking quinoa

>> No.18852395

*pulls corners of eyes*

>> No.18852479

Hi, Dances With Wolves...I'm Two Dogs Fucking.

>> No.18852598

First confirmed white coman on /ck/

>> No.18852635

Fuck you and your rubber handled misen garbage pot, you fucking moronic hipster cooklet. I bet you drive a fucking PT cruiser and you have a tiny yap dog you fucking widgelet.

>> No.18852777

must be a lot of rape.

>> No.18852900

>no cardamom pods
>no star or anus
faggot rice

>> No.18852907

The pic is from google.

I don't drive anything because I'm too poor to have a car. I rent a studio apartment and mostly eat rice and bologna. My teeth are starting to hurt and I have no money to fix them.

Please, consider what you type before you do it.

>> No.18852949
File: 917 KB, 981x857, 54365235235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally cannot boil rice correctly
one time I made 4 batches just out of stubbornness and they all went to shit

>> No.18852957


>> No.18852960

How did they go to shit?

If they were too wet, simply boil it longer.

Too dry? you didn't add enough water in the first place or you boiled it for too long.

anywhere between 1.5 cups to 2 cups of water for 1 cup of rice should work just fine if the rice is covered with a lid while it boils/simmers.

I really don't get how people can fuck up rice so easily that they rely on rice cookers.

>> No.18852973

eh, I guess I'll fuck up one more batch tomorrow, it's been awhile.
I did what you say, try to add more water etc but they all were just shit. Not buying a rice cooker though, that's gay

>> No.18852983
File: 50 KB, 500x266, Vigo-Red_Beans_n_Rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Vigo and you should feel very sad, it's authentic it sais so right on the bag so you know it to be true

>> No.18852991

answer the question.

how did it go to shit? what was wrong with it? run me through what you did when you cooked it.

>> No.18852997

megacorporations, look into rollerball

>> No.18853013

It's been a while, but they just always were too soggy or dry

>> No.18853200

Hi cooking rice, Im dad.

>> No.18854130

What does one mix into white rice to make it more flavor full? White rice alone is bland

>> No.18854205

Instead of plain water, try cooking your rice in beef, chicken, or vegetable stock. water + milk is another option.
Seasonings may include soy sauce, worcestershire sauce, any spices or spice blends you like.
consider adding tomatoes, like crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, or some pre-made tomato sauce.
saute some onions and garlic in some oil, then add rice, then your cooking liquid.
after the rice is cooked, you can add some acid like vinegar or lemon juice, a rice seasoning blend, fried bacon bits, herbs.
Rather than making fluffy or sticky rice, consider making a rice porridge, which is basically means using more liquid than usual to cook the rice. You can do this with leftover rice too.
Speaking of leftover rice, it's the perfect rice to make fried rice.

And check these out.

>> No.18854231


>> No.18854237

a clove of garlic
a little ginger goes great also
a bay leaf
some chopped carrots

>> No.18854373

1 cup rice 2 cups water.
boil water
once water is boiling at 1-2 tbsp of salt
add rice immediately after and turn down to simmer, stir and cover
after 10 minutes uncover and stir once, re cover
10 more minutes and its done, this has never failed me unless i dont stir at the half way point because it can kind of stick to the bottom

>> No.18854379

I add 1 tbsp of salt and 1tbsp of msg to the boiling water right before i add rice. per 1 cup of rice
I mean add

>> No.18854390

Westerners don't understand rice, and by "westerners", I also include Mexicans and South Americans.

It's common over there to make rice with chicken cubes and to fry it before adding water, but that misses the point of rice COMPLETELY.

Rice is a side dish, and if you have a seasoned side dish with a seasoned main, your food, oddly enough, becomes boring and bland, because it lacks CONTRAST.

Rice should only be seasoned whenever it is the MAIN dish, and people in Italy, Spain and Middle East know this all too well, because they understand rice.

Dishes like biryani, paella, maqlooba, pilaf, kabuli pulao, risotto.

So unless you're going to eat rice as a main dish, DON'T season it.

>> No.18854396

>So unless you're going to eat rice as a main dish, DON'T season it.
god damn dude that might be the stupidest thing ive ever read

>> No.18854398

Explain to me why.

>> No.18854399

No thanks

>> No.18854412

There he is. I still don't get why he wears a hat indoors. Must be an American thing

>> No.18854413

Are hamburger buns seasoned? No.

Why? Because the burger is the star, not the bun.

>> No.18854421

> Imagine being responsible for the stupidest post ever on 4channel that really something

>> No.18854489

>Are hamburger buns seasoned? No.
yes they are, dipshit. google "hamburger recipe" and see what you get
because its an absolute cooklet move to not season your food. especially if your reasoning is
"its a side dish" do you not season your mashed potatoes? your vegetables? garlic toast with no butter or garlic?
youre literally on the cooking forum telling people to not season their food, you deserve to be shit on

>> No.18854492

I cant read so im leaving and never coming back. enjoy your shitty bland rice

>> No.18854499

get a bamboo steamer it's like 15 bucks. stainless steel "steaming" is not half as good

>> No.18854521

stupid Hainanese westerners

>> No.18854535

>do you not season your mashed potatoes?
Lightly. If a dish were a movie, a side dish should always be a supporting actor, not the star, so side dishes must be seasoned accordingly.

By all means, add salt to your rice, even a little butter or oil, maybe a bay leaf or anise seeds like the guy in the video someone posted, that's fine, but anything beyond that showcases a lack of understanding of how food works.

>> No.18854656

I have many, many drawings of this

>> No.18854728

Guy's passionate about rice.

>> No.18854814

>bland, because it lacks CONTRAST
spot on

only shit like this should be a main dish but amerilards always find a way to overcrowd it with tons of toppings that only ruin the taste, just like with pizza

>> No.18854975

I don't come to 4chan for feels

>> No.18855563

He's Brazilian.

>> No.18856869

Water differs based on the length of the grain

Read the package
Bring to a boil
Once it looks like the water level is below the rice I turn off the heat and never pick up the lid

Also try a rice cooker

>> No.18858055


>> No.18858557

Never trust asians. The finger method is a lie and doesn't fucking work

>> No.18858562

What is the finger method?

>> No.18858593

it's when I put a finger in your mum's bum and forget the rice on the stove

>> No.18858742

>If they were too wet, simply boil it longer.
Then you have rice mush. Clearly your standards of good rice are too low. Yeah, anyone can cook rice that is technically edible. But it takes more knowledge to make rice that's just the right texture you want.

>> No.18858744

Bud, the zochiuri is a shitty chinese knock off. I think you may have been bamboozled.

>> No.18858747

wtf they cloned ethan chlebowskie

>> No.18859114

Well that means you have to pull your eyelids back.

>> No.18859169
File: 113 KB, 1200x630, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my rice is cooking egg

>> No.18859367

>t. future rice cooker enthusiast

>> No.18859746

it's how you measure the rice's water level. you put your fingertip on the rice, and the "perfect" water amount is when the water is at the first knuckle of the said finger.

it's now a shit method because surprise, surprise! people's hands vary! (i.e. big Shaq hands or itty-bitty baby hands)

>> No.18859989


>> No.18860023

Hey that's my phone number

>> No.18860149
File: 228 KB, 746x497, 1674615301024691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18860192

ethan(who is short and looks really gay by the way)'s video doesn't have as much information as Charlie's video. Charlie is more informative and doesn't waste the viewer's time.

>> No.18860211

Same shit

>> No.18860614

>it's now a shit method because surprise, surprise! people's hands vary
not to mention that it would also vary depending on the radius of your pot