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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 390 KB, 780x1040, 20230121_001800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18850321 No.18850321 [Reply] [Original]

The other day I posted a reverse-sear technique for a London Broil, but was disappointed with how it turned out.

Pic related.

And so, since I have more of them, and am bored, I'm giving it another go.

>> No.18850325
File: 396 KB, 780x1040, 20230121_001209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can see, despite using a very very hot pan, I didn't get a very good sear.

>> No.18850331

not a BAD sear though. the trick with the 'broil is to make sure it's tender, which requires the right combination of heat and time and the precise angle from which to strike

>> No.18850335
File: 224 KB, 780x1040, 20230124_021309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had issues before searing this particular cut, but as you can see, I was successful at getting a nice sear this time around.

Pic related.

I filled up the bottom of a pan with about a centimeter of coconut oil and just shallow-fried it. Came out very nice!

>> No.18850342
File: 313 KB, 780x1040, 20230124_021431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the inside.

Was so good for a $3.64 steak!

>> No.18850343

Where's the famous pot, is it making an appearance today?

>> No.18850346

anon that's raw

>> No.18850348
File: 153 KB, 780x1040, 20230124_021705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one without the flash on. I'm not a great photographer.

>> No.18850352
File: 20 KB, 300x262, Frisky_Feast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

London broil, it looks more like cat food
I can see that going to frisky feast pretty quick

>> No.18850358

>I'm not a great photographer.
No shit and not a great cook either

>> No.18850361
File: 169 KB, 1040x780, 20230124_023856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just for you <3

>> No.18850362
File: 330 KB, 951x524, Screen Shot 2023-01-24 at 9.41.05 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pros and cons of coconut oil? if I use just canola oil is it going to be drastically different?

>> No.18850365

Ask your doctor you bitch, why are you asking on 4chan? Your going to get medical advice here?

>> No.18850366

was asking for cooking advice you mentally retarded mental retard

>> No.18850369

So anyway, the reverse-sear London Broil (Med Rare):

1. Rub London Broil with salt and let rest on elevated pan at room temperature for 30 minutes
2. Preheat oven to 240F
3. Place London broil on elevated pan in oven for 30 minutes
4. Remove and immediately transfer into pre-heated pan with ~1 cm coconut oil on high heat.
5. Sear 60 seconds on both sides
6. Let rest for 5-10 minutes
7. Wala!

>> No.18850371

Just saying, we're not doing some scientific study for your sole purpose. Do your own research you fucking cunt yet you call me the tard? I'm not the one asking others to do research for me, you are.

>> No.18850372

Looks perfect, great job

>> No.18850374

I use flavor-neutral coconut oil and think that it tastes better (meaning it adds no flavor).

Also just my personal opinion but I do think canola oil is bad for you, after cutting out bad oils I started feeling better overall, especially my joints.

>> No.18850377
File: 30 KB, 188x150, stewie_retard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes people know more than without having to do research, it's called a discussion. if anon uses coconut oil because it's on hand and for no other reason that's a perfectly acceptable answer. but since coconut oil is not nearly as common as canola in the typical home sometimes an anon might have a good reason (i.e. they may bfind the thermal mass to be better, or less smoke, or more neutral flavour, etc).

fuck sake this board is for discussing cooking

>> No.18850379

>(i.e. they may bfind the thermal mass to be better, or less smoke, or more neutral flavour, etc
I know what flavor you like, that's semen you fucking fag

>> No.18850382

Total fag detected at >>18850377 especially with the i.e., etc and thermal mass.

>> No.18850387


>> No.18850394
File: 9 KB, 185x269, overconfident_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let he who is without sin cast the firstt stone anons

>> No.18850397
File: 342 KB, 780x1040, 20230124_025813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonus content!

I made popcorn with some of the leftover oil:

>> No.18850399
File: 354 KB, 780x1040, 20230124_030007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does taste the slightest bit beefy, although I'm not sure I'd notice if I didn't already know the oil was used to sear beef with.

>> No.18851112

reused the oil? dunno if I would do such a think

>> No.18851187

Any specific reason why I shouldn't? It didn't smell or taste bad or anything. Didn't smoke.

>> No.18851850

idunno I just think popping corn in steakjuice isn't particularly appetizing but that's just me.

plus I'm just renting my house

>> No.18851854

WTF is a "London Broil"?

>> No.18851856

>popping corn in steakjuice
how does that not sound good again?

>> No.18851863

It's a top round cut. Very lean and beefy. Rather unforgiving and easy to fuck up.

>> No.18851878

Renters can't pop corn?

>> No.18851891

Damm this looks nice

>> No.18851900

How did you make the peppers side? Saute them on the pan a bit?

>> No.18851908


Why London Broil? Nothing like that exists in London and we don't "broil" anything.

>> No.18851918
File: 212 KB, 778x787, 20230120_222944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mini sweet peppers, onions, and jalapeno.

>> No.18851920

I suppose you need an expensive license for a broiler?

>> No.18851923
File: 332 KB, 778x903, 20230122_000920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sauteed them in the pan after the steak, so it picked up all the fond. They were pretty good.

>> No.18851928
File: 267 KB, 780x1040, 20230120_230920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is the wrong photo here is the right one

>> No.18851938

I dunno why they call it that. Classically, it would be cooked by broiling, which is not as good as a reverse-sear in my opinion. And it was probably a cut made famous by someone in London?

>> No.18851943

I live in the good ol' USA it's like the wild west out here we do have regulations but they are mostly ignored!

>> No.18851959

Nice. Looks simple and also good

>> No.18851975

Nope, doesn't exist in UO. Neither does broiling.

>> No.18851982

"Broiling" doesn't exist.

>> No.18851989

You don't have anything that can apply direct heat from above?

>> No.18851992

>simple and also good
Not that I'm so great, but if I had to give a single piece of advice to anyone starting out learning how to cook, it would be to keep things simple and not overcomplicate things.

>> No.18851995

Ultima Online?

I'm so confused.

>> No.18853729
File: 2 KB, 94x102, 1370462463206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renters can dispose of spent oil in the guilt-free of ways