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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 251 KB, 1170x1633, 1674506165613091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18848202 No.18848202 [Reply] [Original]

It's over

>> No.18848215
File: 2.12 MB, 2500x1667, 230123-maya-rudolph-se-1109a-c41e6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't like what the drawings have to say? Please listen to this Jewish witch, who you've only heard of because of nepotism, as she is in fact talentless.

>> No.18848222

Yeah your troon&m's, you can keep them (I don't need them)

>> No.18848224

LMAO it's fucking real!
I have no idea who that lady is but I assume she won't bring everybody together.

>> No.18848228


>> No.18848237

>We made some changes, we weren't sure if you would even notice
Fuck off

>> No.18848238

Nice digits.
I'm not really into boycotting stuff over a tweet because I wouldn't be able to buy anything at all by now.
I don't eat candy, though, and if I did I'd not eat M&Ms because they're overpriced.

>> No.18848245
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it's the kind of tired sleep can't fix

>> No.18848249

That old bitch? How fucking jewish is she to land a gig like that?

>> No.18848259

ive shit myself 6 times and smashed up my antique cupboards after hearing the news

>> No.18848268

her family name was Rudashevsky or something

>> No.18848272

Bro her dad started several synagogues and owned every Wendy's restaurant in Miami and she was on SNL. She's over 9000% Jewish.

>> No.18848294

Relax guys, this is a marketing stunt for the superbowl, they’re doing it on purpose because they know they’re tugging on how people tend to overreact on the internet, seems like it’s working

>> No.18848297

>”didn’t think anybody would notice”
>make several virtue signaling press releases and a whole advertising campaign about it
I rarely ate the vomit chocolate before but now I will go out of my way to avoid it

>> No.18848305

20 years of coordinated reverse racism in a bid to undermine the white American working class isn't a marketing stunt. Buy ammo.

>> No.18848310

they're only doing this so people don't take notice to the lead in the chocolate that was found a week or so before this pr stunt. the internet is so set to burn the world down over gender problems that this is the easiest smokescreen to hide the real problems.

>> No.18848316

>introducing a real spokesperson instead of anthropomorphized candies

>> No.18848318

It's for a super bowl ad, idiot.

>> No.18848345

>Candy companies virtue signaling to tell you to eat the tranny candy has NOTHING to do with eroding Christian values. It's just a cute marketing stunt!

>> No.18848346

You only need one bullet.

>> No.18848353
File: 23 KB, 442x330, BABEDD86-F724-408F-99FB-70529C7703E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This mindbroken by an obvious super bowl ad campaign that’s not meant to be taken seriously and poking fun at outrage culture
If the year was 2013 people would find this funny and go “ZOMG what’s gonna happen next”.

>> No.18848356

I can't believe we live in a world where an M&Ms mascot can be a hot button political issue. I fucking hate what people have become and then internet was undoubtedly a mistake, no I will not stop using it.

>> No.18848357

I appreciate the efficiency, but even a 30mm would slow down before it pulped anywhere near enough college-educated millennials.

>> No.18848363
File: 32 KB, 600x450, 2DF54B5F-CEBF-493C-B98E-B3CA7FE8B6F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See>>18848318 they’re making fun of that, is it that hard to understand?

>> No.18848365

I always thought she was hot
I just want to see her jewish butthole and long nipples

>> No.18848367

Whether they're making fun of that or not doesn't negate the fact that M&M mascots have been a political issue multiple times now. We are a terminally retarded society at this point.

>> No.18848376

>remember the rentals?
>now they're back in POG form

>> No.18848382

The lead in Mars brand M&M's hard shell chocolate candies is very much toxic btw.

>> No.18848383

Maybe tucker carlson shouldn't have said the m and ms aren't sexy anymore

>> No.18848399

>Implying that companies have any self awareness

>> No.18848412

That can easily be resolved, stories of mass food recalls after discovering something unsanitary is nothing new, I know the story btw so they’re already working on resolving that issue by preventing the machines that collect the Choco beans get lead on them

>> No.18848414

It's not a parody you dumb fuckface.

>> No.18848433

Ok Henry stop acting like a tough guy on the internet and focus on your schoolwork.

>> No.18848438

If that was true they'd would have Louis C.K. as the spokesman. This isnt a coincidence. It's a cohencidence and it's a pattern.

>> No.18848446

Ok Lauriette.

>> No.18848488

Ok still don’t believe me? Recently m&m’s signed up to do a super bowl ad, this is quite literally a teaser set up for the ad. The statement literally says how we didn’t think it would break the internet, how does that not point arrows to how this is something to laugh about. Remember how mr peanut was killed off, same thing, stop thinking everything is politically one big conspiracy theory and think for once.

>> No.18848529

Literally the least talented cast member of late-90s SNL. Honestly I turned off every sketch she starred in to switch to MadTV (though at that time I always switched to MadTV except during commercials anyway, since it was far superior). I think the only long-term cast member who irritated me more with their persistence despite lack of talent was Fred Arminsen of the late 2000s. (Why in the fuck did they tolerate his utterly atrocious Obama impression for so long? And why did they fire the much more talented guy who finally replaced him?)

Whatever. Aside from a few gems, SNL has been a shitshow. Contrast MadTV, which aside from a few shit sketches, was honestly mostly really strong pieces or outright gems, even with the lower-tier cast members.

>> No.18848578

I unironically think she's funny, and would stuff her muff

>> No.18848588
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>> No.18848594

Transgender ideology does not belong in our society so they will never belong

>> No.18848603

Pear Milling Company Candy Pellets

>> No.18848618

Back in 2008 people wouldn't stand for a candy company making fun of them. It's hilarious watching how spineless the modern "man" is. Nobody cares what vapid epic meal time 420 1337 elite haxx0r reference they're making. Speak like a human with some self-respect, you're representing the face of the company.

>> No.18848638


>> No.18848647

See now this is actually entertaining and has a purpose that isn't just trying to piss of your customers. Watch and learn shillbro

>> No.18848675

Aw sweet, more schizo ragebait

>> No.18848696
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So am I buying ammo because of the chocolate company or because of what the chocolate company is going to "make" you do due to misrepresentation of the brand?

>> No.18848707
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>> No.18848722

The more you hate it, the strong get it gets.

Just go eat some adult food for fucks sake.

>> No.18848723

remember ronald mcdonald, the hamburgler...heh those were the days.

>> No.18848739

real shit man

>> No.18848742

lmao I forgot about these lil niggas

>> No.18848753

You're buying ammo because Jewish bankers have successfully sewn enough discord and used every form of media to disenfranchise and undermine every institution. Look into how often the phrase "racism" appeared in American newspapers in the five years preceding occupy wall street and the five years after. They're using candy to keep everyone pissed off at each other so you can't cooperate and do something about the fact that your wages haven't changed in 40 years. This is not to mention how good it is for corporations to have Americans that no longer have family values and community. One commercial is one thing, but this is no longer a joke. They're making us hate each other on purpose as a distraction.

>> No.18848788

this but unironically
I've been warning about gay mafia for years

>> No.18848822
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Just when I thought things couldn't get stupider we get the most popular show on cable TV talking about THE OBESE PURPLE CANDY MASCOT BEING TOO WOKE.

>> No.18848831

Wait, Tucker Carlson is jewish?

>> No.18848833
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>> No.18848853

i want to see the Sony Spider-Man e-mails about these character designs and their gestures

>> No.18848860

i remember in the 90s there was a 3-way poll, maybe coinciding with the olympics, about which color m&m they would include. you had to cast a vote by a phone call, I was maybe 6 or 7 and I voted for purple.
blue won
fuck blue

>> No.18848879

>Stockpile ammo or the M&M's are going to kill you in your sleep
You should probably stockpile meds instead

>> No.18848881

RIP tan m&ms

>> No.18848887

No one cared

Thing was a meme because dumbass reditors were laughing at the 1 guy who did care or was trolling hard

>> No.18848901

I am never eating M&Ms again

>> No.18848903

Who the fuck is Maya Rudolph

>> No.18848911

a hook-nosed brown chick I recognize but can't place. probably was on SNL

>> No.18848920

Fuck you... she was a terrific First Lady and an amazing whore.

>> No.18848938

lol goyslop

>> No.18848940

what the fuck is a maya rudolf? a south american reindeer?

>> No.18848956
File: 295 KB, 800x1200, p_800x1200_AMC_Idiocracy_11022019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go this is her.

>> No.18849176

>Dax Shepperd wifed up Kristen Bell

I'm not mad, I'm seething

>> No.18849240
File: 620 KB, 498x272, FD61DD09-E183-4A4A-8291-A7297EED3036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Itt /ck/ is having another M&M’s meltdown over a viral super bowl ad campaign and is now instigating people into buying ammunition for the so called boogaloo
Probably the funniest thing I’ve seen on this website in a long time, the crazies just keep on coming

>> No.18849262

It’s okay she cucks him and his mush brain thinks it’s hot. Truly cursed.

>> No.18849295

>tranny candy
I’m buying a pack of m&ms just purely to spite you

>> No.18849307

Soifaces are gay and for faggots

>> No.18849321

You're going to feel cathartic for buying candy because of an anonymous post on the internet. Congratulations.

>> No.18849330

I think I’ll get the peanut ones, I always did like those

>> No.18849361

Why is the spokepxrson a w*men?
Th*y should use a gender neutral pxrson instead...

>> No.18849365
File: 10 KB, 225x225, images (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are Jews Hispanic or Irish?

>> No.18849369

I for one am all for having Beloved Thought Leaders representing our corporations instead of creepy little cartoon mascots

>> No.18849379

the candy white genocided me

>> No.18849467

they're whatever the FUCK they decide they are in that sentence and can be retroactively changed

>> No.18849498

okay boomer

>> No.18849502


>> No.18849519

This. nobody under 40 watches snl

>> No.18849548

>the Super Bowl will air an ad with asexual candy coated chocolate candies before a weed commercial
The absolute state of America

>> No.18849549


>> No.18849556

I kept calling in blue over and over. Haha.
However, I will never eat M&M's ever again, let alone buy them. Make candy, not politics. Fuck them.

>> No.18849562

I love that in response to the chuds that got all weird about the sexualities of cartoon candy now get rawarded by getting to watch a jewish woman instead. It's almost like they have you idiots figured out.

>> No.18849646

theyre fully irish but instead of fight they picked flight.

>> No.18849647

irony the post.

>> No.18849654
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>The candies were too fuckable so we got Maya Rudolph
Kek what a burn

>> No.18849656

It's almost like they've been figured out. For the 110th time. Again, not their fault.

>> No.18849661
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>> No.18849719

Cheap fuckers got rid of tan to compensate because they didn't want to pay for an additional color.
Also they probably rigged the vote to just pick whichever one had the cheapest dye, or whichever one had the best revenue-minus-expense yields from consumer testing. Or even far more likely, they already knew from focus groups which color would win, and just did the poll as a (admittedly decent) gimmick.

>> No.18849741

I like her. And she has like 5 kids with Paul Thomas Anderson, which is interesting. Half white, quarter black, quarter jewish kids. Weird combo.

>> No.18849771

They obviously had some "viral marketing team" post about it online to claim there was "controversy" for more ad coverage.

This isn't new.

>> No.18849777

I can 1up that. I don't even watch TV. I haven't seen an ad in over 10 years. I learn about what to be offended by solely from 4chan. It's a good system. It's working out really well for me.

>> No.18849783

trips speaking the truth

>> No.18849785

You see, while be warned about why something sucks far before ever getting the chance of real world exposure I am become immune to it. 4chan contrarian autists gatekeep my mind from shitty things. Thank you, nerds. I really mean that.

>> No.18850504

Death to america

>> No.18850515

If this is how RaHoWa starts then so be it

>> No.18850521

half this, half that, quarter this. the solution? just go FULL auto.

>> No.18850522

This time those seething chuds will definitely buy our product. It hasn't worked in any other industry so far but this time they'll totally buy.

>> No.18850525

this is what the american dream has led to. is this a result of giving way too many rights to women? i feel like we've gone 50-50 instead of keeping it at a healthy 60-40.

>> No.18850723

Mocking retards is nothing new.

>> No.18851045

What is a church? Like a Chad and a Stud? Is it this Jon Oliver lookin fella I've been seeing so much of?

>> No.18851072
File: 28 KB, 352x500, 51aGF85MhmL._AC_SY580_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a CHUD is a Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller

>> No.18851081
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I liked her in MacGruber

>> No.18851242

>heh, you dont like us? how about this nigjew as our new sponsor!
do leftist ever wonder why every single corporation has their same views?
anyways, M&Ms are chemical tasting dogshit these days.

>> No.18851249

Nobody has given a shit in a year
Why would they even address it?
Not only did they address it, they bent the knee.

Are they stupid?

>> No.18851289
File: 63 KB, 500x530, stop being a faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine giving a shit about some corp's advertisement characters.
You're literally giving M&Ms free advertising right now.
This was all part of their plan. Quit acting like a sheep.
I feel bad even replying to this because it bumps the thread and I don't know if saging still does anything anymore.

>> No.18851292

A church is a place where retards are made.

>> No.18851304

Yeah noticing things haha means they win!!!

>> No.18851372

i don't know who she is but i would slam her till she couldn't walk

>> No.18851551

that's default male behavior, but it has repercussions like reinforcing her beliefs and making her talk more.
sometimes we gotta restrain our constant boner for the greater good

>> No.18851616

Incorporating their brand into your personal mythology means they get what they want, yes.

>> No.18851630

Yeah having another reason to hate jews is just them totally winning lmfao

>> No.18851638


>> No.18851885

>the myth of all advertisement is good advertisement STILL persists despite all evidence to the contrary

>> No.18851936
File: 2.68 MB, 720x720, 1643337853794.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chill, Agent Ted. You're already getting nearly daily mass shootings this month. You don't need to try recruiting more useful idiots here over candy advertisements.

>> No.18851951

Mass shooting statistics don't support your memes thoughalbeit

>> No.18851970

They’re just gonna bring the mnms back whenever it’ll make them even more money, you’re all being played and sucking it right up, like you do with everything else. Jews and their advertising.

>> No.18851984

Total m&m genocide is something I can get behind

>> No.18852067

Not just whenever, almost straight away. The entire campaign with her will probably be Red and the rest trying to get their jobs back from her. People here have a terrible sense of irony.

>> No.18852081

I want to cry when I think about how fundamentally different the collective attitude of society was just twenty years ago. There was SO MUCH optimism about the present and the future. Things were great and felt like they're were only going to get better. You lived in the best country in the world and you were happy about that.

Now look at us. Everyone is so fuckin angry, depressed, paranoid and confused. No one knows what the fuck is going on, what anyone is doing, and where anyone is going. Everything around you is worse than it was a year ago and it seems like it's just going to keep getting worse until you die. Something fundamentally broke and no one knows how to fix it to return us to the times that made anthropomorphic M&M's possible.

I feel sick.

>> No.18852092

Sorry you had to look down from your ivory tower bro. That must be so hard for you.

>> No.18852093

Things were always that way, it's the internet that let you hear the opinions of randoms you'd never meet 24/7. Everybody is collectively effected by being always connected to anybody.

>> No.18852105

Maybe I only speak for my corner of the USA, but I agree with you so hard, bro...

Everything made sense, everything taught was logical, and equal, and fair...

It really does feel like they stirred things up on purpose and set us back decades as far as understanding of individualism vs generalism, stereotypes, and hatefulness is concerned.

I took a course on multicultural appreciation in the early 90's and was taught that it's wrong to judge any individual in any way other than as an individual. Wise teachings that were soon lost.

>> No.18852145

Nonsense. The Internet has been in over half of American homes for more than 20 years now. You had discussion boards and comment sections before social media and the discourse was nowhere near as batshit as it is now. A massive brand/corporation doing something like this was unheard of then.

>> No.18852166

I meant it as they've had their echochambers so long they're proud to spread it elsewhere rather than seek backpats and confirmation in their hovels, they feel welcome outside of their spaces

>> No.18852180
File: 91 KB, 500x500, 1672898910259875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We live in a society of lies today, where EVERYTHING is fake.
>The KFC isn't KFC anymore
>The Coca cola doesn't have sugar
>The meat is made of plants
>The standards of beauty are Botox and breast implants
>Criminal rioting with fatalities are mostly peaceful
>Men are women
Everyone is lying about fundamental truths at all times. That's why everybody is getting angry.

>> No.18852270

I would if it was Idiocracy-era Maya Rudolph but she looks like a bleached Halloween witch today.

>> No.18852379
File: 140 KB, 680x280, ralph6809C5913AC-1795-4386-940C7F6D06703F08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yesterday I was on /ck/ and looked up that cool guy from Wayne's World 2, Del something. IRL he married a massive hooked-nosed gypsy negra.

>> No.18852404
File: 294 KB, 404x399, 2152147C-9ADC-410F-97BD-BAD27A1A938A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinly veiled pol thread
>131 replies

>> No.18852879


>> No.18852891

They've figured out how to make people dislike their product and refuse to buy it?

>> No.18853504

blah blah blah this is all because Mars had chocolate contaminated with cadmium and lead

>> No.18853511

>100 years of obscurantist racial rhetorics in a bid to undermine working class people everywhere
fixed that for you

>> No.18853600

Monkey pawed

>> No.18854300

Go ahead useful idiot cause i'll spoil the m&ms from my walmart, deep inside you you know how stupid you are lmao.
Remember me for the last week before sleeping

>> No.18854348
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>> No.18854360

i genuinely have no idea what this thread is about

>> No.18854407
File: 10 KB, 250x250, bb778b01-c678-45ab-92fb-633b8cec689e_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CEO of Mars is a literal soijack

>> No.18854418
