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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.15 MB, 3264x2448, 16744667228248125594309610653510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18846282 No.18846282 [Reply] [Original]

Time for some cabbage and potatoes.

>> No.18846284
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Fuck, one of the potatoes got attacked. Must have been a wolf or some shit.

>> No.18846289
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Salt and water

>> No.18846290

potatoes haven't been very nice lately been a bad season for them

>> No.18846292

Very cool

>> No.18846294
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Nah man, pretty sure it was a gopher attack. They try raid my brotato stash once a month.

>> No.18846302
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Fuckin now we just wait I guess.

>> No.18846305
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I'll rock a young pre cabbage cracker

>> No.18846317
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You can boil 'em, you can mash 'em, you can have 'em with cabbage

>> No.18846322
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>> No.18846339
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>> No.18846342
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Smashed and buttery

>> No.18846347
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Fuckin beauty mate

>> No.18846353
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Bring in the brotatoes

>> No.18846360
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Give this puppy a tune up

>> No.18846364
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Now for the Pierre sister Renaissance

>> No.18846368
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As they say in Italy, violin.

>> No.18846419
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>> No.18846427

Beautiful job, my man.

>> No.18846429

Looks damn good. I would have added some horseradish and other stuff to stave off vampires and werewolves, to each our own.

>> No.18846430

Would be a fuel meal except you squirted fat goo all over it.

You can do better than this.

>> No.18846431
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>> No.18846438
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Fuck off noob. I've been fucking with cabbage and potatoes since before you had hair on your rasinet balls. Tuna on top is fucked unless it has a condiment and something in the mayo family works best.

>> No.18846440

cabbage and taters? What are you some Soviet prisoner?

>> No.18846446

I'm simple as. Usually I would not have the tuna and mayo, and instead have a pork shoulder chop.

>> No.18846447

>Fuck off noob.
No I don't think I will.

This is lazy bullshit. You can do better. All you did was empty a can out, slice up a bit of cabbage, and minimally cook a few potatoes, then sprayed fatguy shit all over it.

Stop samefagging your own thread and being lazy. You could have done something better with those ingredients.

>> No.18846450

What a fucking goyslop lmaooo

>> No.18846451
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This chick fil a sauce is pretty good on just about anything

>> No.18846452
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Soviet prisoners only get flour. Not delicious and nutritious cabbage and brotatoes.

>> No.18846454
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It's 11pm and cabbage and potatoes is one of my favourite meals. Stay mad kid.

>> No.18846455

It's sad, no more words needed

>> No.18846456

I'm not mad. I'm strict. And I expect better out of you, anon.

>> No.18846460
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Expect in one hand, and pee in the other. See which one fills first.

>> No.18846462

Bro you can be a chaos weirdo all you like.

I wish you wouldn't, though.

>> No.18846467
File: 173 KB, 1575x827, Park Hustlers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a chaos weirdo? You're the one who isn't down with cabbage and potatoes.

>> No.18846475
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I'm down

>> No.18846477
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, Cabbage King.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get down wood.

>> No.18846480

J-rock and the fucker who gets murked in mad max 3?

That's a fine way to identify yourself.

The food you posted was shit, poverty-tier, unskilled and rather sad. Are you happy now?

>> No.18846482
File: 192 KB, 754x396, Bugs_Bunny-Carrot_Eatin_Fun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be king of cabbage but you'll never be king of carrots!

>> No.18846485
File: 169 KB, 1436x621, Scar Tissue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Takes a wrong turn an Albuquerque
>The food you posted was shit, poverty-tier, unskilled and rather sad
Imagine being this triggered by a good old plate of cabbage and potatoes.

>> No.18846491

>good old plate of cabbage and potatoes.
that's not what it was.

I'm starting to think you can't do a good plate of cabbage and potatoes to save your own life.

pro-tip: no legit cabbage and potatoes requires pickles(?) and mayonnaise squirted all over it like some kind of gay fetish

>> No.18846500
File: 115 KB, 1463x823, sideeyechloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? I clearly stated that was because I added tuna. If there was no tuna I would have stopped at the point where I seasoned the potatoes with lemon pepper. YDKSACAP (you don't know shit about cabbage and potatoes)

>> No.18846502

>this dish is legit because I emptied a can of tuna on it

You're floundering. I keep saying you can do better. I know you can.

>> No.18846507

Who are you quoting? Damn this board is a special kind of retarded.

>> No.18846510

You really won't improve in any way unless you stop being so defensive and ridiculous.

It's OK, I won't give up. I'm here for you bro.

>> No.18846528
File: 46 KB, 529x742, 958a3d21d94913819550008f7fd7b5ab--bada-bing-the-sopranos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said anything about improvement?

>> No.18846547


You could use some.

>> No.18846552
File: 22 KB, 568x540, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga thinks he's the cabbage commander. Lmaoing at your life kid.

>> No.18846553

I'm glad you're amused, but I'm missing the part where you did anything impressive with cabbage...

In fact I'm missing the part where you did anything that wasn't gross with cabbage.

You can do better.

>> No.18846569

Not him but
Why don't you whip up some cabbage and potatoes and show us how it's done cabbage commander

>> No.18846573
File: 38 KB, 617x347, aussieshitpiost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I'm missing the part where you did anything impressive with cabbage
Kek. This whole thread is a shitpost my guy. /ck/ isn't to be taken seriously, you cabbagelet.

>> No.18846577
File: 168 KB, 596x540, 1669470588736552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cabbage Commander

>> No.18846591

>his whole thread is a shitpost my guy. /ck/ isn't to be taken seriously, you cabbagelet.
That's fine for you. I'm here to be constructive. Problem?

>> No.18846595

Looks beautiful.

>> No.18846605
File: 3.07 MB, 498x278, are-you-not-entertained-entertained.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I constructed cabbage and potatoes, and have entertained at least 3 people with this thread.

>> No.18846611

I don't care who you might have entertained. I just think you can do better.

I know you can do better.

>> No.18846615

For me, it's cabbage and potatoes.

>> No.18846617

Did you just cut up cabbage, boil a few taters, throw it on a plate with a can of tuna fish and pickles, and spray mayonnaise all over it like a jizzing retard?

just wondering because there is like so much precedent for good cabbage and potato related food that isn't this lazy or shitty.

>> No.18846663

I don't know man, did I? Fuck I love cabbage and potatoes!

>> No.18846696

There’s also so much precedent for good posts that aren’t this lazy or shitty.

Appreciate the effort OP, nice cook along.

>> No.18846705

>There’s also so much precedent for good posts that aren’t this lazy or shitty.

Couldn't agree more.

>> No.18846710
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C & P Gang rise up!

>> No.18846714

>coopting a carnivore for your stupid vegan ingredient thread (cabbage and potatoes)

cringe af

>> No.18846719
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Lol wat? I used butter, mayo and tuna. Cats love bitter and tuna.

>> No.18846733

C & P Gang?

You think cats like cabbage and potatoes?

At least I hope that's what it stands for...

>> No.18848240

Damn I could go for some cabbage and potatoes.

>> No.18848262

I saw you made half the posts ITT trying and failing to get (You)s. But I'm feeling generous today kid. Take this fat envelope of (You)s and buy yourself somethin' nice, capisce? Run along now

>> No.18848275
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Based. Going to cook some chicken now. Wish I had some cabbage and potatoes to go with it :(

>> No.18848288
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Should probably have something with it

>> No.18848289

My cat loves those but I try to keep her away a bit.

>> No.18848296

Dumb esl poster

>> No.18848307

You're a funny guy.

>> No.18848311
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From butter?

>> No.18848332
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Have young coffee since it's still in the AM.

>> No.18848342
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>> No.18848358

dwarf hands

>> No.18848364
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Just fat hand bro

>> No.18848378
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Me fookin plunger broke

>> No.18848415

Be careful dude, you might chop off your little willy wonka

>> No.18848419
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>> No.18848429
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Fennel salt and pepper

>> No.18848434
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>> No.18848450

Three shakes is all you get, otherwise its for pleasure. Anyway that's what a couple friends who did time in prison tell me.

>> No.18848466
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Why not add some onions?
Onions need friends too.

>> No.18848473

Did you throw in that gross fucked up tater?

>> No.18848475

These brits and aussies missed that reference

>> No.18848482
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Yeah lol. I put it there to see if anyone noticed. Just need to get some rosemary and give it a young chop.

>> No.18848493
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Pork and rosemary

>> No.18848503
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>> No.18848518
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False alarm. It looks to be ok.

>> No.18848569
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>> No.18848595
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Garlic. Then some tomato paste.

>> No.18848602
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Can't forget the 11 secret herbs and spices.

>> No.18848617
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Tom Matteo paste.

>> No.18848633
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Chick pee and a can of Tom Matteo's

>> No.18848641
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Clickipani is having a young rest

>> No.18848646
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And a little bit of lemon juice

>> No.18848664
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>> No.18848698


>> No.18848712
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>> No.18848732

That's where you're wrong, bud.

>> No.18848740

Not bad. Better than the previous dish. Veggies are overcooked. Chicken looks pretty good. Did you use an air fryer? Would maybe brush a bit of oil or butter on the chicken next time.

>> No.18848759

>Veggies are overcooked
Wrong again. I used an oven.

>> No.18848824
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Time for breakfast