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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18844539 No.18844539 [Reply] [Original]

post the truth, don't hold back

95% of sauces are garbage condiments and anyone that puts big globs of sauce on their food should be shot in the teeth for having the taste buds of a toddler. If you like mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup, or any combination of those three sauces then I hate you and you're gay and i'll beat your ass with a wooden switch.
Very high quality barbecue sauce such as hoboken stubbs is acceptable. As is homemade cultured buttermilk ranch with fresh dill. If you consider chimmichurri a sauce, that's okay as well, provided you use good olive oil and fresh parsley.

Also if you eat hot pockets, there's a 90% chance you're either a skinnyfat autist, or a disgusting fat slob unworthy of love.

People that eat their high quality beef table steaks (new yorks, tenderloins, ribeyes) well done should be gassed. Medium well is cutting it close but should still be in a ghetto. Blued, rare, and medium rare are the patricians choice.

If you don't like IPAs or straight single malt scotches- you have the tastebuds of an autistic infant (if you judge people that do like these things to be "hipsters" or "pretending", you are insecure about your intelligence, and rightfully so). If you drink sugary alcohol you need to be smacked for dishonoring one of humanities oldest culinary crafts.

Of all the most common fast food places-
McDonalds has the best breakfast by a wide margin, Chic-Fil-A and Chipotle have the best lunch, and Five guys or Popeyes have the best dinner.

>> No.18844553

well thats just like... your opinion, man.

>> No.18844555

Another woman giving her opinion without anyone asking. Discarded.

>> No.18844561

>mustard bad, bbq and ranch good
oh no.....
>gets fast food enough to have involved opinions about different chains at different times of day
Ok, thank god, you're trolling

>> No.18844564

You seem to be confusing condiments with sauces.

>> No.18844567

you're not entirely wrong, even if you're likely just shitposting.
Sauces have historically been used as a crutch in the restaurant industry to make up for bland or bad tasting food, or to cover up mistakes like a burnt steak. This is why Escoffier and chefs of his day placed such a heavy emphasis on sauces.
I only go for their nuggets and fries.
>chic fil a
best fast food overall
overrated and overpriced. they're incredibly stingy with their meat which is always dry.
>five guys and popeyes
also really good. Five Guys makes my favorite burgers. popeyes > KFC.

My "truth" post is hollandaise > mayonnaise

>> No.18844587
File: 97 KB, 376x376, 1673273279176110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't like IPAs or straight single malt scotches- you have the tastebuds of an autistic infant (if you judge people that do like these things to be "hipsters" or "pretending", you are insecure about your intelligence, and rightfully so).
oh, waitress! *snaps fingers* come here, my poppet, I've decided on what I shall dine upon today.
Oh, and of COURSE! My apologies for not realizing that the hot sauce menu was a subset of the MAIN menu (albeit a separate pamphlet detailing the intricacies of each sauce, as well as pairing suggestions, would be a welcome addition (pass that along to your sauce monger)). I shall sample your in-house BEELZEBUTT'S 7,000,000 SCOVILLE HEMORRHOID HOLOCAUST NUCLEAR ANAL LEAKAGE XXXXXX FECAL FURY SAUCE; and, my sweet, mayhaps a bottle of it to go? Though I am yet to taste it, I am sure that my buddies at the barcade - yes, a portmanteau of 'bar' and 'arcade,' and YES, you can actually DRINK as you PLAY VIDEO GAMES, how AMAZING is THAT? - will be utterly TICKLED by the label your crew has concocted for that bottle!
*taps glass*
and another round of your hoppiest IPA, please!

>> No.18844601

you don't even know what a sauce is outside of store bought slop lmfao. jesus christ, what an embarrassing thing you are. the only thing you know in your life is shit from the frozen section of the grocery store and shit from drive throughs. nothing but shit.
now let's take a quick look at this. a fat faggot giving his regurgitated coping opinion on what makes "good food" "historically" going on to talk about his favorite places to get chicken nuggies. you have a child's taste.
get these fucking lardass retards their own board where they can argue about which chicken sandwich kills them the best so that we can have a board for talking about food and cooking

>> No.18844609

I'm not sure how people can hate on ketchup with hot french fries. Or ketchup and mustard on a burger. Mayonnaise on a sandwich. Sure there are better things but I find it baffling how people talk shit and claim it's not delicious or "for children". 2 3dgy 4 me I guess.

>> No.18844620

95% of cooking is wasteful masturbation. The fast food/frozen dinner industry is just as bad as fine dining - both use way more resources than necessary to complete a task that should be simple and instinctive. We'd be better off eating raw oats every day like horses. Or, cook simple meals with cheap, healthy, local ingredients.

>> No.18844630
File: 136 KB, 840x608, Matt_Dillon-Dodge_City-Kansas-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got some target for that knife you fucking psycho? Someone will catch you and kill you, putting you out of our misery.

>> No.18844646

>now let's take a quick look at this. a fat faggot giving his regurgitated coping opinion on what makes "good food" "historically" going on to talk about his favorite places to get chicken nuggies. you have a child's taste.
get these fucking lardass retards their own board where they can argue about which chicken sandwich kills them the best so that we can have a board for talking about food and cooking
What's your point anon?

>> No.18844651

hehe i go against all your truths

>> No.18844658
File: 54 KB, 660x441, White_Castle_Frozen_Sliders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got your truth right here with some sliders

>> No.18844687
File: 622 KB, 1028x1508, Realaletwats1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more things change the .more they stay the same

>> No.18844717

>If you don't like IPAs or straight single malt scotches- you have the tastebuds of an autistic infant
i used to like IPA's man but all the breweries upped the hops so much it's disgusting. i live in a town near portland so im at the episcenter of the hops, and it's gotten so bad. nobody just makes an IPA anymore, it's all quadrupple hop fruitcake hazymeister whatever the fuck swill now. i dont want to feel like im eating pure grapefruit peels while i drink beer

>> No.18844760

it's the truth.

i'm more of a man then you will ever be, tranny.
also nigger.

I'm not trolling, you just have such shit taste you couldn't even conceive someone having a correct opinion.

you seem to be unable to read or unable to enjoy a nice dry seasoning mix

you are based, congrats.

you're a faggot bitch. i'm the opposite of an open mouth quirk chungus soyboy faggot. you are the thesis of one.

i am a professional chef and have been classically trained in french and italian cooking. i am hired because i'm actually a featured and reviewed chef. if I need a barbeque sauce for a rack of ribs, I make it myself from fresh ingredients. and yes I eat fast food occasionally and have an opinion on it. so what? you are probably turkish and a scumfuck. neck yourself.

ketchup is just sugar and tomato paste. it's for children who are too picky to eat real food.
mustard is vile. i don't have any reason for hating mustard. i just do. real homemade mayo is occasionally okay on an authentic cold sandwich, but people take it way too far with the mayo.

you're a retard. the world would be awful if it was nobody except versions of you.

it's a cheap carbon steel boning knife. i'm a butcher. it's probably the best purchase i've ever made. also if i were gonna kill anyone i'd just shoot them with my gun.

this comic details a very real type of person.
but since when is it a crime to enjoy things. to be a connoisseur? to be happy?

>> No.18844782

Enjoy life, I'm sure it is hard for you

>> No.18844792

>you are based, congrats.
Hell yeah thanks d00d.

>> No.18844793

Ketchup is sugar, tomato paste, vinegar, and seasonings.

In my experience, kids who are picky eaters don't like ketchup. I'm not a picky eater at all, and it's not my favorite condiment for french fries, but not only do I subjectively think it's pretty good on some hot fresh french fries, I think objectively it's good on them as well for science reasons.

>> No.18844797

it's easy for me to enjoy life cause i'm addicted to smack.

i date only the hottest women of which i've had many
eat only the best food
drink only the best drink
have a nice dog
and a nice apartment
and an awesome job doing my passion
i'm also drop dead gorgeous, tall and strong and virile

i've had more fun in my short time on this planet than most of you ever will

>> No.18844812

>professional chef, french and italian , make bbq sauce for ribs
stop lying leave, you are embarrassing yourself

>> No.18844816

okay buddy isnt it close to your bedtime?

>> No.18844826

nta but rather than ketchup, i find that i prefer my own "ketchup" of just tomato paste and either fish sauce or soy sauce. No extra sweetness or vinegar shit is needed if you don't dilute the tomato paste in water to begin with.

if you're a pro chef, may i ask for a recommendation for cake recipes? specifically a chocolate cake, a pumpkin cake, and a carrot cake if you know any.

And what's your opinion on this? When I roast a big meat roast such as a whole chicken, turkey, or a beef roast such as a rib roast or tenderloin, I roast it in the oven low and slow in the oven at less than 300F. My thinking on this is the meat cooks more evenly with a lower temperature, and browning is still achieved thanks to a convection roast fan. And if it still needs browning after it's done cooking in the oven then a blowtorch or reverse-sear on the pan does the trick.
Also I never add pepper to my steaks before I cook them because it burns.

>> No.18844856

I would take any number of different aiolis over ketchup for fries but I still think just plain old ketchup on good hot fries tastes good and I'd feel pretty dishonest saying that it tastes bad.

>> No.18844941

>Your grandma was a bad to mediocre cook and you only remember her cooking fondly due to a combination of nostalgia and love

>> No.18845009

>if you're a pro chef, may i ask for a recommendation for cake recipes? specifically a chocolate cake, a pumpkin cake, and a carrot cake.

okay sure brother.

for chocolate cake I usually do em tiny, spongey and layered. look into a good sponge cake recipe and modify with cacao solids and cocoa butter. if you make a ganoche and coat the chocolate cake it develops a soft, almost leathery shell after you pop it in the fridge. retains moisture good and is very tasty. top with pistachios.

i've never made pumpkin cake but as far as flavors go, i'd spice it heavily with anise, cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon, and mace- i'd recommend you make it denser as well, nice and moist. use less eggs and only the yolks to achieve this.

carrot cake can actually take a lot of cinnamon, I recommend you make it somewhat moist, and coat the edges of the cake pan with butter, and brush maple syrup on. this makes the cake moist but not dense due to the formation of a caramelized shell on the exterior

>And what's your opinion on this?
That's a decent technique, but my process for doing what you're trying to achieve is to sear and then flambe the meat with liquor in a very very hot pan very fast, and then cook it low and slow. The reason for this is the sear locks in the moisture when you're doing it low and slow. You can control the moisture of the "crust" by basting with either it's own juices, or with a sauce made by deglazing the pan you seared the meat in with a complementary wine.

>Also I never add pepper to my steaks before I cook them because it burns
Sometimes I do if it's coarse, fresh ground pepper and i'm massaging it into the steak prior to cooking, but typically I add it to the pan toward the end of cooking the steak, because the heat opens up the flavor of the aromatics, and it's less likely to burn.

Hope this helps. I'm actually getting featured by the university that contains the wine and beer bar I work at. Starting to get notorious.

>> No.18845038

>I'm actually getting featured by the university that contains the wine and beer bar I work at. Starting to get notorious.

i lol'd

post your food or stfu

>> No.18845074

this is all wrong and sick and twisted and insane and I believe OP made this as a troll thread

>Of all the most common fast food places-
>McDonalds has the best breakfast by a wide margin, Chic-Fil-A and Chipotle have the best lunch, and Five guys or Popeyes have the best dinner.

This is where OP fucked up majorly and broke the illusion and ruined their own troll thread because in the first half of their post they pretend to have standards that are absolute, but then admit to eating at fast food restaurants.

>> No.18845097 [DELETED] 

People that eat their high quality beef table steaks (new yorks, tenderloins, ribeyes) well done should be gassed. Medium well is cutting it close but should still be in a ghetto. Blued, rare, and medium rare are the patricians choice.
it's fucking raw and you will likely get illnesses and parasites from it

>> No.18845138

>People that eat their high quality beef table steaks (new yorks, tenderloins, ribeyes) well done should be gassed. Medium well is cutting it close but should still be in a ghetto. Blued, rare, and medium rare are the patricians choice.

it's fucking raw and you will likely get illnesses and parasites from it

>> No.18845178

>Post the Truth

You are worthy of love.

>> No.18845188

>the sear locks in the moisture
this is actually a common chef's myth. in theory, it would work if you think of it like cauterizing a wound stops bleeding, but in practice the moisture definitely is not locked in during cooking sear or no sear.

>> No.18845200

>Hope this helps. I'm actually getting featured by the university that contains the wine and beer bar I work at. Starting to get notorious.

kek. so a guy that cooks food for drunk university students is schooling us all on what the best fast food is. never change /ck/

>> No.18845202


>> No.18845222

i don't take pictures of my food cause i'm not a faggot/woman that needs your approval

>> No.18845230

you have made a mistake including that last part. now we all get to laugh at you.

>> No.18845233

it's a nice place and i'm the head cook.
it's also not the first industry job i've had.

I used to work for the most expensive old folks home in the state, I designed the menus, picked out the groceries and cooked custom food for half the residents. A lot of them never had good food before I got to em.

I was also a butcher long before I was a cook. That's really where the majority of my skills lie.

>> No.18845256

I get wayyy too much respect for my cooking skills to let any of you retards' opinions get to me.

Most people on this board couldn't even make creme brulee if you held a gun to their head.
I can make literally anything. I've made perfect souffle while so drunk I couldn't have taken a piss properly.

>> No.18845383

>Guys I worked at an old folks home and now a college bar!!!
>why wont you take my opinions seriously!!!!!

>> No.18845418

I support this in general, but in the OP's case, I'm not so sure.

>> No.18845502

>I'm a food snob and look down on people's food choices
>I also eat a lot of fast food
Every time

>> No.18845512

the fact you're posting this is testament to your insecurity and jealousy.

have you ever even gotten laid? lol

>> No.18845522

Defending an alcohol to that extreme is for edgy man children that touch themselves when thinking about Tates weak chin.
Also sauces are flavor. Do you hate flavors?

>> No.18845539

so extremely jealous of the head "chef" of a college dive lmfao

>> No.18845540

People with an H addiction don't do a god damned thing but nod of and beg for cash for their next fix. Next time do a little research before you larp

>> No.18845545

He asked for cake recipes not what mommy puts on your cake

>> No.18845548

So you've cooked for drunk college students and old people that have lost their taste? Jesus Christ my sides are in orbit

>> No.18845553

>hates on sauce
>is an IPA hipster
>promotes fast food chains as his only actual food recommendation

>> No.18845671

>People with an H addiction don't do a god damned thing but nod of and beg for cash for their next fix. Next time do a little research before you larp

you are apparently ignorant of what heroin actually does to most people. cause i've been doing bth for 10 years starting july.

I first tried h when I was 13, started out using daily around when I was 14, doing mostly oxys, opana, dilauded- but then I realized h is cheaper and better and less likely to kill you when you smoke/shoot it and less likely to be fent. So I started doing only h. h is not as addictive as most people consider it, it also is a very subtle feeling compared to most other hard drugs. I also used to use meth and do speedballs all day every day, I've only begged for money about 3 times when i was homeless and actually needed food money.

But plenty of people are very wealthy and use heroin. For example I know a couple guys who work at an investment firm and make 6 figures, and have used heroin every single day for twenty years. Plenty of soldiers use heroin, cops, I know a librarian, etc... My old dealer is a grandfather, a vietnam vet and a good guy.

it's actually more of a rich person drug nowadays, all the fiends and homeless people are either doing blues or fenty powder nowadays- time was you could trust your heroin dealer not to kill you on accident, but that time has passed.

Yeah i've done about a pound give or take a couple ounces of heroin. Thousands of oxy 30s, op40s, dillies, vics, and fentanyl patches, actiq, etc.

Yeah I went to college using, have had jobs in food service, hospitality management, manual labor jobs, the cannabis industry and many more.\

I've had a really awesome life actually. I'm not a thief, an adulterer, a beggar, a whore, or a bad person.

Expand your worldview dude- the only reason you think of heroin users as losers is because
a. you are one
b. you're a narc so nobody with a brain would inform you they are one
c. you've been brainwashed by society

>> No.18845915

okay junkie

>> No.18845977

fuck yer mudda

>> No.18846024
File: 429 KB, 220x124, haha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you judge people that do like these things to be "hipsters" or "pretending", you are insecure about your intelligence, and rightfully so

>> No.18846062

You call people toddler for eating the wrong sauce or alcohol, but you eat enough fast food to rate them down to the meal? Lol ok

>> No.18846096

enjoy your future OD/Suicide

oh yeah and pics of food or you're a lying chode... unless it's your first day you really should know the rules

>> No.18846128

Even if you're not larping, I genuinely hope you and your loved ones don't wake up tomorrow you tremendous faggot.

>> No.18846162

I was with you until you disrespected Hot Pockets. Liking IPA’s only confirmed to me you are, indeed, a faggot. Maybe wait until someone asks for your opinion about anything before you post this garbage.

>> No.18846190

What leads you to believe that Escoffier thought sauces were a crutch to cover up bad food? A lot of the dishes that call for sauce also call for fresh and well prepared items. That might be true in some cases but I'm not sure it was true for haute cuisine. Do you have any sources for this? I didn't live back then obviously so I don't really know.

>> No.18846773

I could no doubt kick your scrawny faggot ass.

Little dicked chud

>> No.18846962

Stopped reading at IPAs

>> No.18846966

Truth itself exists and is objective.

>> No.18846970

>ranch is good
Every opinion you have on food or flavor is invalid

>> No.18846971

>doesn’t make his own mayo
>only uses french’s yellow

>> No.18846980

>Differentiating lunch from dinner in regards to fucking fast food
>Hating on mustard

Look out, a retard escaped its handler

>> No.18846982

>ketchup AND mustard on a burger
Your kind will swing from the gibbet

>> No.18846990
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The truth is OP is an infantile faggot. Who gives a fuck what other people eat!?? There are men out there who lick shitty assholes and you're worried about someone using a dipping sauce, lmao. Grow up faggot.

>> No.18846992

Why do I feel a strong need to dispose of these bagels?

>> No.18846997
File: 179 KB, 1160x2134, 61B57817-34DC-4A22-A582-24058D4630BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i might not be head chef but at least i dont do heroin; and i dont work at some greasy spoon college dive bar lol

btw in on my day off to teach new prep guy how to open. do you like my basil faggot

>> No.18847003

I don't understand, you are a circumcised american, who are you to make such claims? Go kneel for another dead nigger or something.