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File: 529 KB, 786x1488, B191AFC2-138F-4185-9FDB-13845A4A196E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18842898 No.18842898 [Reply] [Original]

I miss lettuce, eggs, and butter.
>doubled in price under a year
I hen will we start seeing breadlines for them?

>> No.18842902

I am vegan and unbothered by your perils. Maybe you should stop eating animal products

>> No.18842954

are people having egg withdrawls they go into seizures?

>> No.18842960
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>He didnt stock up at $1 per dozen.

>> No.18842969


>> No.18843013
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Never noticed because I buy the ones that cost 8.49 USD and eat two every morning

>> No.18843041

how do get in n out

>> No.18843477

>vegans don't eat lettuce

>> No.18843530

Not enough energy to be bothered.

>> No.18843540

People who think this is temporary and things will eventually stabilize post covid are hopelessly lost

>> No.18843545
File: 2.03 MB, 4032x3024, 20230104_211440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At 22 hens and growing

>> No.18843548

Since it can freeze i stock up when I can find really good sales. Nothing wrong with 2-3 packs of butter chilling in the freezer at a time

>> No.18843549

Bird in a bowl.
>Bird in a bowl.

>> No.18843552

That's the fun part, it's not post covid, nor will it ever be the way things are going.

>> No.18843563

I don't know why more people haven't taken the hen pill.
They will eat the bugs.
They will live in the pods.
And they will give you free eggs.
I only have 10 hens and I have more eggs than I know what to do with. I used to give them away but I started selling them by the dozen for cheap.

>> No.18843616

if you don't get your eggs from your friend or neighbor for 2-3 dollars a dozen no matter what, you're doing it wrong, very wrong
there's no comparison. not only are they cheaper but they taste WAY WAY better

>> No.18843651

Yeah, sure. All 8 billion people on planet Earth have a friend or neighbor that raises chickens. Especially in Europe, America or Canada.
How far out of touch with reality are you?

>> No.18843667

I live in Soyburbian America and my neighbor has chickens.

>> No.18843696

>I live in Soyburbian America and my neighbor has chickens.
And yet that's obviously not the case for hundreds of millions of Americans.
The last time I even heard of such a thing is when the neighbors pressured my great-grandparents to get rid of their "yard birds" in the late 1930's.

>> No.18843725

Egg prices didn't double where I am. They quadrupled.

>> No.18843745
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Maybe you should post your address in case I run out of other animals. Maybe we could have a vegan barbecue. Ya know... with, like... roasted Brussels sprouts and shit. Or whatever subhumans eat.

>> No.18843763
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>eh doesn't have an eggfren and afraids of everything
Not him but "you're doing it wrong" is goddamn right.

>> No.18843794

I am that friend and neighbor. And I made the decision to become that friend and neighbor and it barely had any overhead costs. Chickens are the lowest maintenance animal I've ever dealt with, and they are fun to have. They all have their own personalities, despite being functionally retarded. You notice little hierarchies, you notice that some are more intelligent than others.
All you do is let them out in the morning, throw em some feed and make sure they have water, and then after sundown go shut their door. I did have to put some old fishing nets overtop their little pen due to hawks, but aside from that it's just passive egg income. The eggs I sell for cheap to my friends cover their food expenses and leave me with extra money. Sometimes they molt though so I'll go without the steady source of eggs, but its better than paying 10 dollars for a dozen eggs at the grocery store that are a minimum of 3 months old.

>> No.18843812
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>afraids of everything
I afraids of nothing.
I even eat your Mom's pussy before I fuck her, and that's pretty brave.
"you're doing" WHAT wrong????
Almost no suburban Americans know anybody that raises chickens.
If either of you useless twats were right, there wouldn't even be an egg industry.

>> No.18843813

the girl in your pic is cute desu

>> No.18843819
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>a dozen eggs at the grocery store that are a minimum of 3 months old.
Reality Connection Status?
Confirmed: 0%

>> No.18843821

bro just raise chickens on the shitty 3x12 balcony at your apartment. i'm sure the other tenants won't mind if you toss a few eggs their way.

>> No.18843825

t. walmart manager

>> No.18843829
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>i'm sure the other tenants won't mind
Another anon not living in the real world.
Have you ever smelled a chicken coop?
Besides, doing the math, you're "paying" yourself less than a dollar an hour to raise your own eggs.

>> No.18843837
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>MFW newfags
lol this

>> No.18843856

you're not standing in the chicken coop all day, chickens do their own thing. the more you have, the less bored they are.
plus i feed them my leftovers all the time, they're like garbage disposals.
the only inconvenient part is buying feed once a month, but the wagies will cart the bags of feed and load them into your vehicle.

>> No.18843857

I have the room for them, I just don't eat eggs enough to really care. Neighbor already does that. I'd have to be concerned they don't get nabbed by the hawks, eagles, foxes and other predators we have roaming about. I would like to grow them as roasters, but the whole cleaning process is a mess I'd rather avoid, especially when whole birds are like 10 bucks. Eggs have a good ROI, but I doubt growing them for their meat has a good ROI.

A lot of this self-grow shit has far less ROI that people claim, and is a serious time sink.

>> No.18843861

I went to 5 grocery stores yesterday and NONE had ANY free range eggs.
They want you eating the new eggs they injected the Vax into. I refuse.

>> No.18843862
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>t. walmart manager
Jesus, just google it.
>By law, an egg can be sold for up to 30 days after the date it was put in the carton.
>And farmers have up to 30 days to go from when the egg is laid to the carton.
>That means thosesupermarket eggs can be two months old by the time you buy them.
2 Months MAX, NOT 3 months minimum.
Try living in the real world, get a real job, and just spend 0.1% of your annual income on eggs, even in this post-apocalyptic world. I remember when it was a tenth of that.
All anime posters must hang.

>> No.18843865

the answer is to build communities around the farmland and have our best sovcits guarding them round the clock. the legislators and business leaders can quit it with this faggot shit and let us get back to L-I-V-I-N or they don't get their precious corn.

>> No.18843875
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>all day,
That's a strawman.
Just do the math, or have a grown-up help you.
You'd "save" more money per hour begging for change on the side of the road.

>> No.18843876
File: 52 KB, 1024x576, cceb73ef345f7633db756a6a379475273368b3cd_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking based, despite probably being female.

>> No.18843880

>eggs they injected the Vax into
Oh wait? You're serious? LET ME LAUGH EVEN HARDER.

>> No.18843889
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>must hang
Public school, huh? Tragic.

>> No.18843928

I rest my case.

>> No.18843954

Ok, I'll bite it, what's the deal between america eggs and these prices, are those made with gold or some other shit ?

>> No.18843965

A fake bird flu epidemic led to the destruction of a huge percent of animals. Prices rose to reflect this. People bought eggs at those prices. The farmers, distributers and grocers have no reason to reduce the price until there's a surplus.

>> No.18843995

Why exactly is it illegal to bring in cheaper eggs from mexico and canada? Because it cuts out the middle men/jews?

>> No.18843996

can't they just... I don't know... stop buying them?

>> No.18843999


>> No.18844018
File: 68 KB, 394x604, u4eMZj2jbUQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the most complex bit of phraseology you've carried off without a hitch in half a fucking century, huh? Now go tell your Mexicans to park her in the shade when they're done. Let's not keep your son waiting any longer than we have to; the poor boy can hardly stand it.

>> No.18844035

Monopoly profit lol, “capitalism” at it’s finest

>> No.18844070
File: 80 KB, 749x744, gtj9wdE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just gibberish.

>> No.18844090

I spend less than 15 minutes a day total on my chickens. The only annoying part is opening and closing their coop on time.
I'm a male but i'd rather raise chickens than go hunting
You're right, that was a mistake. Eggs last about 3 months from conception, but I know the ones you get at stores are at least a month old. I can wipe the shit off an egg and make a fried egg straight out of a chickens cloaca, still warm, and it definitely has a better quality. You'd only understand if you owned chickens. The eggs in markets are goyslop. Full of hormones and vax shots.
this is true
i did

>> No.18844121

Can we ban the homosexual posting boy pics?

>> No.18844158
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>egg smuggling
reminds me of russian cheese smuggling few years back lmao

>> No.18844253
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, explaining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I spend less than 15 minutes a day total on my chickens.
That's 1.75 hours a week. Based on my salary , that's the equivalent of $934 per year. Even with the current outrageous egg prices, that's like 186 dozen eggs a year, or 3.5 dozen per week. And that's assuming you can get grocery store prices for your under-the-table, unregulated bullshit, which you can't.

Oooohhhhhh... you're that guy. Opinion discarded. Sorry I wasted the time doing all that math.
>vax shots.
Oh Jesus, it just keeps getting worse.
You DO understand you're completely out of your mind, right?

>> No.18844438

epic bait

>> No.18844628

I live in Philadelphia, one of the bigger cities in America, and my neighbors have chickens.
It's not possible if you live in some big high rise but you just need a small yard. Most people just think it's impossible without a farm.

>> No.18844950

that anime sucked balls, and not in the good way

>> No.18845524

>Most people just think it's impossible without a farm.
That's a straw man. Nobody said "impossible", just that it's nearly unheard-of.
Plus there's zoning boards, neighborhood associations, etc, etc.

>> No.18845660
File: 135 KB, 736x952, e2602352b79a498b3b22f4912758ce27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lel, did you watch it on my recommendation/because I keep posting it?
>Soyence(TM) truster
>can only think in terms of Monopoly money
Big oof I guess.

>> No.18845688

You're right, but there's also nothing wrong with owning chickens. It's actually pretty cool. My wife grew up on a dairy farm and also had chickens and pigs so she wants to get some hens and a rooster when we move. Our gay town doesn't allow roosters right now.

>> No.18845719

Assuming your money will be worth anything during supply chain breakdowns or civilization collapse/decay is what's ridiculous about your perspective. Did you miss the last three years? You're actually insane now. You're that far removed from common shared reality. You should set up some system redundancies because you're very foolish. Just trying to help you out.

>> No.18845738

you spend more time refreshing 4chan in a day than I spend on my birds (chickens ducks and geese) in a week
Enjoy your goyeggs while you can

>> No.18845802

no i watched it as it aired. i'm an og fujo

>> No.18845812
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americans have less eggs than a woman over 30

>> No.18845877

So sorry you can't do math.
Face it, you're a failure, a disappointment to your parents and society in general.
You'll never wake up next to any woman better than a truck stop whore, never know the joy of having kids or grandkids.
The world would be a better place if your mother had strangled you in the crib.

>> No.18845883


>> No.18845906

i'm tired but you're edgy
tomorrow i'll be awake but you'll still be edgy

>> No.18845939

back to plebdit for you

>> No.18845959

Blame the greedy businessmen. Those are the ones raising prices for their own profit. They cause the inflation, inflation is LITERALLY raised prices, and then bullshit that it's everyone else's fault.

>> No.18845971

I've raised chickens and had an abundant supply of eggs for 15+ years, always gave surplus away to neighbors, before it was like I made them take them. Now they come over asking for them, If I have them I give them

>> No.18845973

I eat min 0 to max 12 each day. Fuck your routine.

>> No.18845976

you're like the 20 year old girl in the tick tock saying money is just paper. you're like a stupid roastie.

>> No.18846045

Go to bed, Churchill.

>> No.18846058

Sleepy joe's price hike..many such cases

>> No.18846065
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22 cents for a free range egg here. feels good to not be american

>> No.18846116

>Free market

>> No.18846209

I wish there were butter smugglers in Canada, I'm paying $22 for 250g.