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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18841744 No.18841744 [Reply] [Original]

here's the spread

>> No.18841750

Why would you even post it here, 4chan is banned in China so no one interested in this will see it.

>> No.18841761

God I want some steamed fish.

>> No.18841763

Maybe he's Chinese Canadian. Or Australian Chinese.

>> No.18841765

how brown

>> No.18841768


>> No.18841769

Hah jokes on you I'm white but my extended family isn't
>inb4 /pol/ shit
Everyone loves it

>> No.18841773

That looks tasty as hell

>> No.18841774

Canada and Australia use Gregorian calendar though

>> No.18841775

>Hah jokes on you I'm white but my extended family isn't
Your sons will despise you and take it out on society.

>> No.18841778

Today might be a good day to get some rabbit food. Cheers!

>> No.18841780

bit fucking late, innit?

>> No.18841781

It's lunar new year which is recognized many places included wifemaking Japan and Korea.

>> No.18841784
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Werds fro da wabbit

>> No.18841788
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I have twin hapa girls
I got snipped
I'll never have a son
I don't care
my daughters will life on easy mode
seethe more
new years is at midnight

>> No.18841789

Doubt Japan or Korea would celebrate Chinese new year

>> No.18841791

Lunar new year is celebrated all over Asia
China just calls it chinese new year
it's really called lunat new year

>> No.18841792

Our tradition is making dumplings. That's what we did today
My gf is from china
Are you retarded?

>> No.18841793

midnight where? it's already been midnight at est.

>> No.18841794

China doesn't call it chinese new year. That's what westerners call it because chinese immigrants first exposed them to it

>> No.18841797

We made dumplings too
we had 12 people over
big groups you typically feed them

>> No.18841798
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What's up?

>> No.18841799

How's the long distance relationship working for you, must have been tough with all the lockdowns?

>> No.18841814

it is just called "new year", but there is two, spring fesival and one using regular calendar.
very nitpicky to point that out though

>> No.18841816

Civilized countries only use the gregorian calendar.

>> No.18841829

babymaking might be more appropriate, anyone calculate the number of babies made nine months out on this rabbit or any Chinese new year?
> September baby myself, that's nine months right from English new year

>> No.18841847

Better to have whore daughters than a school shooter son. Have fun.

>> No.18841890

That food looks good, and I congratulate your good fortune to enjoy it. Which dish is your favorite?

>> No.18841896


>> No.18841992

Looks very tasty, I have to admit.

>> No.18842282
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eating alone on lunar new year
of course, the prized traditional braised pork belly is very good. tender, but doesnt fall apart when you pick it up with chopsticks

>> No.18842287

I still have some steamed salted duck egg yolks crumbled up in a jar what should i do with em

>> No.18842318

rub on penis

>> No.18842335

how do you make it? been looking for some pork belly recipes

>> No.18842437

Cute and festive, although there's too many brown dishes on the table.

>> No.18842457

I dont like the chinese but that looks like a great feast, hope you and your family enjoy

>> No.18842556

Not for long

>> No.18842561
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>practices miscegenation then mutilates himself having forever cut off his ancient lineage
damn dude hardcore

>> No.18842565

>hover thumbnail
>it's not actually a monkey face

>> No.18842574
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>hy would you even post it here, 4chan is banned in China
Its not banned in Canada, where 65% of the population is chinese and 90% of the Real Estate is owned by chinese nationals.

>> No.18842689

65% of the population here is not chinese, you absolute fucking retard. Improve the gene pool by killing yourself.

>> No.18842691

Is it pushing 70% now?

>> No.18842698

sounds like Vancouver and scarce parts of the GTA.

>> No.18842702
File: 166 KB, 975x550, StopTheHate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you racist

>> No.18842750

She's doing her master's at a school an hour away from me so we see each other every weekend. She stayed at my apartment during her winter break. I guess it's technically long distance but it doesn't feel like it

>> No.18843020

Embarrassing meme, I hope you retarded niggers don't actually believe this shit

>> No.18843151

I believe >>>/fit/ more for medical information than any medifag, seethe harder.

>> No.18843168

> 4chan is banned in China
False. You’re retarded.

>> No.18843344
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what is this exactly? what's inside?

>> No.18843356

Thanks for the clarification Wong

>> No.18843728

Asbolute fucking retardation. An totally unintelligent subhuman.

>> No.18843731

mcfucking kill yourself

>> No.18843776

They have to be somewhat smart. They did come in and buy up all the real estate, drove all the prices way up then rented the rest out to the poor white minorities left in the country.
Weird having a landlord that doesnt speak english isnt it?

>> No.18843784

You will NOT silence a whole nation. I know it hurts losing your majority stake, but we run things now.

>> No.18843800

Me and my chinese gf are trying to decide where to go for supper. The kitchen sink is clogged and I can't seem to get it unclogged and I and NOT touching the plumbing cus there is a leak

>> No.18843801

WTF? You are completely batshit insane. Kill yourself, shithead.

>> No.18843804

>telling someone to kill himself, while using a slur
This is not /b/, It will not stand.

>> No.18844015
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>> No.18844671

Uninformed dumbass

>> No.18844849

Yeah it does look pretty good, hopefully it's on a lazy susan table, the rotating ones. Those are great so everyone gets access.

>> No.18844857


100% straight

>> No.18844863

That fish doesn't look too happy and I'd put it on the outside, that's why you need a lazy susan so people aren't reaching all over the place to get a bit of fishe.

>> No.18844864


>> No.18845661

looks good and you have some sexy hands too

>> No.18845680
File: 822 KB, 2592x1936, 76A25138-5CAF-42D8-8D9C-B141B2E48197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poo poo and caca

>> No.18845835

What are you a Cantonese pregnant woman?
That's moon month food

>> No.18846155

That one is a supposed improvement on my mom's recipe, which was passed down from my late gran.
The original recipe calls for: chilli pepper, garlic, salt, sugar, msg, and coconut water.
That's it. It's the prepping of the meat that takes lots of time. The pork belly is washed, patted dry and seasoned with chillis, garlic, 15-20 sugar : 1 salt in a basin. Then let rest under direct sunlight for a whole day. (remember to use food wrapper). Then just cook under VERY low flame in 100% quality coconut water until the water becomes deep brown like a demi-glace.
What to expect from this dish? It's sweet, balanced with some salt and msg. The fat is almost translucent (thanks to sugar). It should be able to hold the meat together.
My recipe calls for extra steps in preparing the meat: The meat is seasoned and let rest like the OG. But then it is blanched from cold water with ginger until it sets its shape, then wash it. Dock the skin with whatever tool you have, and apply generous amount of salt, rub it, then pat it VERY dry.
Deep fry meat: fat, skin face down in just right amount of oil (only fat is fried). Once some of the fat is rendered, remove the deep fry oil and sear the meat on all sides until lightly brown with some scorching. Then, steam the meat on medium for 3-4 hours. After that, collect all the juice and fat and reserve meat in fridge. You can even smoke the meat by putting some smoking wood into the steaming water, and letting the water evaporate and burn the wood soot on purpose. I recommend having a dedicated steaming basin for this because it will get decimated.
Make coconut demi-glace with chilli pepper, garlic, salt, sugar, msg, and coconut water until thickened. Mix with steamed meat juice.
Pour demi-glace on meat, steam and serve.
The result from my recipe should be: less fatty, have a nice smokey flavour like how people in the countryside have it.
thanks lol

>> No.18846160

i want those fingers down my throat

>> No.18846443

From the look of it, it's Vietnamese LNY food.
Source: t.Vietfag.

>> No.18846521

Pew pew pew

>> No.18846567

It's Lunar New Year, you uneducated savage.
Half of asia celebrates that, not only china. Does CCP even allow you to still celebrate anything else than Xi's (emperor foreskin) birthday?

>> No.18847098

Mixed kids have more genetic problems lol

>> No.18847735

chuc mung nam moi, friend

>> No.18847979
File: 1.26 MB, 220x220, rip-bozo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and has sex

>> No.18848333


>> No.18848400

>tfw jannies killed that pasta

>> No.18848427

my chinese friend shows me photos of her family meals on wechat all the time. chinese food looks so dark, so cold, so bland. ill never eat it

>> No.18849277

Take the panties off the table before shooting food pics, man.

>> No.18849304

Happy Chinese New Year God bless looks amazing

>> No.18849415

Everything looks good except for the Malibu Express. That shit is like syrup.

>> No.18849497

What's with all the old Chinks shooting up the joint lately?

>> No.18849575

its a spring roll or bean curd roll. even though its beancurd, it doesnt taste like some vegan crap. could be vegetarian or meat.

>> No.18849579

>chinese food looks so dark, so cold, so bland. ill never eat it
tell her that

>> No.18849711

Most of Japan's new year traditions were ported over to the Julian calendar.
You've basically got a formerly ritualized winter version of spring cleaning left in Japan.

Dunno about Korea.

>> No.18849905

chinese new year is also applied to other east asia cunts. in korean it's 설날
t. korean