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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18840436 No.18840436 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there so much differing opinions on this guy, on here? Adam Ragusea, is he shit or is he good? Like one guy says his recipes are shit, because they don't look good, another says it's fine for everyday cooking. I don't get it.

>> No.18840497

Adam, like Kenji, have no background in food. Adam was a journalist and Kenji went to school for architecture.
Both of them have no innate concept of food, they can only parrot, or brute force their way to finding a somewhat palatable dish.
"People" like Kenji and Adam because they apply the scientific method blindly to food and purport their way is correct because of some arbitrary "science" they applied.
In reality they are both paper skinned navel gazing faggots, who have such a huge chip on their shoulder because they know they're both in positions they do not belong, nor ever will, so they will explode on even the slightest of criticisms.
They are both also huge virtue-signaling idiots.

I send them both detailed emails every time they release a video telling them every single way they fucked up. I know they read it. I know it bothers them. I know it makes them angry. They have never responded directly, but have brought up my points in subsequent videos, letting me know I got under their wafer thin skin

>> No.18840524


>> No.18840534
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>> No.18840553
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>being so triggered by a youtube personality you watch each video to send them an angry email each time

>> No.18840561

does anyone have that screencap of him going absolutely apeshit over someone telling him he should use a gas range?

>> No.18840564

Some of his recipes and tips look like they can be decent, but his cooking style just comes off as soulless min-maxxing that is just tiring. He's the epitome of this newfound obsession with science that you see a lot in fitness as well where it's all about studies, chemical compounds, protein structures and other bloat that is just unrelatable and useless, unless you're a pseud STEM-tard who watches Rick and Morty.

His voice sounds like it's perpetually on the verge of cracking and his "comedy" is just acting like a pompous faggot so there's that as well.

>> No.18840588

Insecure beta male faggot who tries way too hard to sound intelligent.

>> No.18840600
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Ask and thou shall recieve

>> No.18840604
File: 143 KB, 840x747, 1674349904628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh theres more

>> No.18840612

Buy an ad Adam you ugly bloated retard

>> No.18840615

Thanks anons, Internet Shaquille chiming in and telling him to chill out is the icing on the cake.

>> No.18840618

> no background in food
Stopped reading. Kys you elitist piece of shit.

>> No.18840646

>Like one guy says his recipes are shit, because they don't look good, another says it's fine for everyday cooking.
More like "One guy makes all the Adam Regusa threads, and everyone else tells him to fuck off and buy an ad."

>> No.18840659

I agree with you about the "min-maxxing" thing, hobbies are supposed to be fun. Why make it this neurotic, high strung endeavor? I wonder how many food-related spreadsheets Adam has on his personal computer.

>> No.18840696

at least kenji's recipes actually come out the way he says, and he does care about food. ragusea is literally just a video essayist and not even a cook. his videos are just inspo for guys who can't cook but want to eat healthier and save money and don't care about the slop they're eating.

>> No.18840699

Yeah, cooking is art and art is about soul. I really dig Bourdain and Mario Batali because the way they talk about food is loving and poetic. It feels like they respect the history of it, myths, traditions and even the misconceptions included.

Adam in comparison feels like such an autistic poser sperg who lacks any larger understanding and just lectures on about whatever salt is best for his home-kitchen recreation of NY-style pizza.

>> No.18840725

if you want a long read on the subject, the definitive takedown is here (scroll down): http://adamcadre.ac/calendar/17/17832.html

>> No.18840730

Fuck Adam Faggotusa, I'm sick of the shilling.

>> No.18840746

not an argument, kenji/adam.

>> No.18840757

Agree, no background in food is not a valid argument. You can criticize quality of their videos, recipes and techniques but stating that they have no background in food is irrelevant.

>> No.18840789

The relevance was expanded upon if you feel up to reading more than one sentence in one go.

>> No.18840791
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Here's a better version.

>> No.18840796

He's the best, me and my bf will watch his episodes together and either try to make what he made or the episode will give us ideas to make something different, and then we have a fun grocery store adventure together and cook dinner!

>> No.18840805

You know the difference between correlation and causation?

>> No.18840806
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He is/was a 4channer as I recall.

>> No.18840817

>I send them both detailed emails every time they release a video telling them every single way they fucked up. I know they read it. I know it bothers them. I know it makes them angry. They have never responded directly, but have brought up my points in subsequent videos, letting me know I got under their wafer thin skin
Everything you said was based up until point

>> No.18840833

thanks adam for making videos but
>r*ddit science

>> No.18840911

I like his recipes. They are pretty cheap and easy to make, but his personality seems annoying, and he makes a lot of useless videos with mug cooking science.

>> No.18840913

What was funny is when he moved into his new house funded by youtube bux, he begrudgingly admits in a few videos how convenient it is to be able to instantly adjust the heat level

>> No.18840925

His recipes are OK, but if Chef John has a version of the same thing (and he almost always does), it's typically way better
Raguseas eggnog recipe was garbage

>> No.18840969

Get off the internet Adam, it's past your bedtime.

P.S. will you let me cuck your hot wife pl0x?

>> No.18840976

>P.S. will you let me cuck your hot wife pl0x?
you want some too?

>> No.18841006

>Raguseas eggnog recipe was garbage
I really like the Washington's Eggnog featured in tasting history with Max, who manages to be less of a faggot than Ragusea despite being married to another man.

>> No.18841007

I don't want some of her, I want ALL of her.

>> No.18841028
File: 110 KB, 628x438, 8976907890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I gotta see more of that Adam malding lmao
I mean that does make sense, it's more like mass produced stuff that Adam makes, but true art isn't what Adam is.
Damn this is fire my guy, with quotes like these, he's killing the guy
>I’m looking up a cooking video, doesn’t it stand to reason that “what I want to do” is cook?
>“my goal with these videos is to give you a sense of how the food should look and feel as you’re cooking it, rather than give you a refined formula to reproduce”. I can verify that the formula he did offer was indeed unrefined.
>“back when I had no children or real responsibilities, I spent months trying to make perfectly smooth macarons”. ... the resentment is palpable ... cooking is still a hobby we like, and we have plenty of free time to devote to it! It’s not a career we’re stuck in because we made the decision to have a bunch of kids we now need to support!

>> No.18841045

>No innate concept of food
>Their almonds aren't even activated

>> No.18841065

Yeah man, people over think this shit. It's just fucking dinner!

>> No.18841078

Yeah the Washington recipe with a shitton of booze is my go-to. I'm mostly just annoyed I wasted a quart of cream and like 8 eggs on Raguseas version

>> No.18841093


>> No.18841146

Fuck off spamming this garbage.