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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 262 KB, 900x900, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18828136 No.18828136 [Reply] [Original]

lets discuss our favorite food youtubers and why without a doubt joshua weissman has the most obnoxious content known to mankind.
>annoying zooms, shakes, transitions, vfx
>ear rapes you randomly
>uses cringe reddit terms "heckin chonker, big boi, nuggies, etc"
>here's how we can make this BUT BETTER + (ONLY 40 CENTS A SERVING) (uses ingredients that all come to sum total of 100$)
imagine being 40+ years old and genuinely looking up a recipe only for this fucking reddit tier editing to blast your face and remind you how ancient and out of the loop you are, kek

quite the autistic rant i have here but at the end of the day there is nothing worse than seeing an actually interesting cooking video, then clicking it only to realize within 5 seconds joshua fucking weissman uploaded it, and then i simply can't watch, holy fuck, dont even get me started on adam ragusea either, you can just tell that dude is secretly evil as fuck

>> No.18828148

i hate all of them
if theyre old then ill let them off

>> No.18828158

the only good food YouTubers are the lolcows who make absolute slop and pretend it's good. Cooking With Jack, Kay's Cooking, etc.

>> No.18828160

>but at the end of the day there is nothing worse than seeing an actually interesting cooking video, then clicking it only to realize within 5 seconds joshua fucking weissman uploaded it, and then i simply can't watch, holy fuck
hahaha literally me, i see his stupid ass face and i get angry, dizzy and immediately close and actually get upset he appeared in my results, i hate him a lot because of all the reasons you mentioned

>> No.18828169

yeah it gets annoying
also I tried that tomato + onion + butter meme pasta and it was boring
this is why I jumped ship to james makinson. he gives tasty recipes without the overhype

>> No.18828173

and a foreign favorite i've found because i have a pizza phase: marco montuori https://youtu.be/C3Gtsc6u5pU?t=259 i dont understand a word of italian but i can listen to him talk for days

all others are cringe
especially redditors like binging with faggot, he faggot in the OP, ethan chlebowski is increasingly pissing me off too with his shit and i appreciate adam ragusea a lot, but at the end of the day, he is a faggot too unfortunately

>> No.18828177
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they don't call him the king for no reason baby

>> No.18828188
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>dont even get me started on adam ragusea either, you can just tell that dude is secretly evil as fuck
cope he's just smarter

>> No.18828201

every time i see this faggot, i will post his cookbook

>> No.18828209

his comment was ai generated and it cut off mid way, based adam raguocean

>> No.18828211

>let's talk about ecelebs

>> No.18828215

it's weird how much respect he gives to bongs and always brings them up
on a cooking channel too...

>> No.18828219

Plenty of people have induction cooktops, those have a ceramic top and are fine.

>> No.18828279
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get out of here adam

based, was hoping this would happen in this thread

anyways, this is the definitive list

Kenji - basically the god of all foodtubers, a bit slept on cause he isn't as retarded and flashy, but lets be fucking honest, the rest of them copy him HARD and even mention him constantly in their videos

Ethan Chlebowski - i swear he just copies kenjis shit then slightly modifies it

Alex (French dude) - i dont know why i just dont like the pacing of his content and he is kind of annoying to look at

Guga - one trick pony. he should be grateful to even appear on this list

Binging with Babish - feel like he's running out of content and just pumps the same weird "food from [X] show!"

NOT ANOTHER COOKING SHOW - actually posts cool food and is chill as fuck

Adam Ragusea - over the years ive seen so many hilarious sperg screencaps of him like >>18828188
i wish i had saved them but im sure you can find them in a ck archive if you search him up. also just gives major narcissist vibes desu

Joshua Weissman - watching him is the equivalent of fucking up the captcha 200 times in a row

Food Wishes (Chef John) - entertaining to watch but why the fuck does he always end his lines in a high pitch as if he's asking a question? pisses me off sometimes

BORED - based japanese cooktuber who has an actually relaxing and super cool videogame editing style.

TheWolfePit - based and reviews goyslop for us so we don't have to

these are all off the top of my head, feel free to add to this list cause i definitely missed some

>> No.18828292

"youtuber"s are for 12 year olds who are captivated by the flashy colours and whimsical sound effects

the fact you are even within that frame of influence in life makes me repulsed to be of the same species as you

>> No.18828330
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Hai peepo an ahm back cooken agen

>> No.18828342

Brian Lagerstrom is basically Joshua but not cringe

>> No.18828349

What's wrong with Ethan

>> No.18828362
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Thoughts on Natasha's Kitchen? My mom loves watching her videos but I don't find her very interesting

>> No.18828376

Can Uncle Roger cook?

>> No.18828379

He thinks he is cooler than he is. Evident in every video he records, hard to give examples, but I think this video explains it well https://youtu.be/xpyZ7uVwacg

>> No.18828419

holy shit hahaha what a fucking loser. I never liked this smug retard. Complaining about elitist chefs while writing an unhinged essay about why he's right

>> No.18828444
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for me, it's mommy Helen Rennie.
why is she so underrated?

>> No.18828459

comfy thumbnail

>> No.18828468

Frank from Epicurious is always enjoyable to watch, he has his own channel now

>> No.18828470

The cringy reddit terms bother me the most about him. Especially when he says “cwispy.”

>> No.18828561

can any Bongistanis tell me what her deal is? Is she mentally handicapped, a meth addict, or is she just British?

>> No.18828572

I'd like to season her mouth
and give her my children

>> No.18828582
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Woah. Cool it with the antisemitism there, friend.

...but unironically I agree wholeheartedly.

>> No.18828595

Bruno Albouze. Watch him to see a real master at work who isn't a loser chasing after the YT algorithm and debasing himself for TikTok.

>> No.18828604

I unironically like Chef John

>> No.18828615

this guy would be a lot less annoying if he was blinded by eye gouging to be honest

>> No.18828616

Her blog has good recipes, had no idea she was even on YouTube.

>> No.18828629

I hate his shit because he makes these needlessly complicated and weird recipes when the best food I've ever had were small shops.

>> No.18828662
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>Food Wishes (Chef John) - entertaining to watch but why the fuck does he always end his lines in a high pitch as if he's asking a question? pisses me off sometimes
Because after all, you are the Charlton Heston, of sounding like you're asking a question.

>> No.18828668

Check this lunatic out. Jean-Pierre

>> No.18828684

I like him because he always reminds me that I am his friend.

>> No.18828808

quang tran, not another food cooking channel, h. woo lee
quang is more for entertainment than actual cooking tips though, his catchphrases can get annoying

>> No.18829500

is he a jew or a spic? or both?

>> No.18829508

Haha, you said "reddit"! VERY cool!

Take your epic Internet battle somewhere else tourist.

>> No.18829514

Jewsh Kikesmann is so so, but the diversity team he hired, that filthy poo and the fat blackman, and some coalburning whore, the spic, its just too much.

>> No.18829642

Why does nobody ever point out he talks in an inexplicable dumbass falsetto voice in his voice overs.

>> No.18829702
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I" thought we said no fags

>> No.18829727

I look up random baking recipes or methods here and there but I never watch yt personalities, unless it's from a thread and people here are complaining or there's discussion around it.
I still want to fuck Claire Saffitz, though. Bending that slampig over the counter and going raw on that ass while we wait for a cake to be done is something that goes over my head every night while I fall asleep. Why did the Lord make me innsuch a way that I'd fall for every jewess I see — I'll never know.

>> No.18829864
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For me it's Chinese Coochie Demystified.

>> No.18829881

her stroganoff is one of the few decent recipes you can find via nu-google

>> No.18829959

>Guga - one trick pony. he should be grateful to even appear on this list

based thread I hate all them clowns

>> No.18829961

He cant act, he cant cook, he can probably suck mean dick though. What afucking faggot I hate him. What I hate even more is the retards who like him

>> No.18830031
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>> No.18830049
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>Especially when he says “cwispy.”

>> No.18830053

Why do you constantly make viral marketing threads for this dood

>> No.18830068

Because they are both jewish

>> No.18830072

Wish I could shoot him but they are honestly all like that now. Used to like the French guy

>> No.18830084

I wish Joshua would sit on my face!

>> No.18830092

>bunch of spices drenched in sneedoils and zero skill to actually make food with it
>has an ugly gook insectoid wife
He is reddit incarnate

>> No.18830105

it wouldn't be so gross to hear him talking about his oily balls and big tasty meat all the time if he was a based black man instead
I wish he would tone it down...

>> No.18830123
File: 4 KB, 100x100, AB1FA75B-704D-4B58-87B4-BE8FD9CFCF6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me I just found out my all time favourite chef died
The guy was a genius and helpful and just extremy knowledgeable about everything cooking related

RIP Greg

>> No.18830159

>(ONLY 40 CENTS A SERVING) (uses ingredients that all come to sum total of 100$)
This one always pisses me off. It only works if you plan on eating that dish every single day for like a month.

>> No.18830168

>dont even get me started on adam ragusea either, you can just tell that dude is secretly evil as fuck
I like Adam Ragusea but his take on driving at exactly the speed limit is so fucking stupid it hurts and honestly makes me believe that you might be right.

>> No.18830174


>his take on driving at exactly the speed limit

What's this now?

>> No.18830175

NTA but something about Ethan just kinda rubs me the wrong way. Probably something to do with what >>18828379 said.

>> No.18830180

I don't take cooking advice from asians.

>> No.18830183
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>yfw you realize Adam Ragusea is the one who convinced Joe Biden to try to ban gas stoves just to spite this guy

>> No.18830186

He definitely flunked out of culinary school or got roasted by his favorite chef as a teenager or something, the way he gets so mad about "foodie elitism" is not normal.

>> No.18830196

I love watching Guga cover a wagyu steak in fucking lemon pepper seasoning and aging it for a month and then going "OOWAAAAUUUOOOWWW this is SO good!" before bed every night. I can hardly call him a youtube chef, he really makes content made for facebook videos (which is usually where I watch them) that just exists to take up time.

>Chef John
I really want to know what the FUCK is up with that cadence. I assume he just does it in his videos because people will always talk about it and it probably gets him more views, if he actually talks like that then he must have suffered the strangest head injury in human history.

>> No.18830202

smug ass ragusea vibe for a 30 minute video on whether low and slow makes bacon taste better or some shit

>> No.18830210


Look...just because he ends every sentence with ellipses....doesn't mean there's something wrong with him....maybe...

>> No.18830215

I was already mad when I saw this image but then I clicked on it and saw the fucking food sticking out of his lips. You've ruined my day.

>> No.18830216

awww yyyeeaaahhh gothic drink combos and nacho plates

>> No.18830221

I love Bruno. I wish he'd do more meal recipes again and less desserts though.

>> No.18830225

He'd be top tier if his speech pattern weren't a fucking sine wave.

>> No.18830240

is that onyo?

>> No.18830242

I swear he made some video a while back about how driving above the speed limit doesn't matter because unless you're driving huge distances you're not saving much time. Either it was him or I'm just imagining it was him and it was really someone else but I have the image of Adam Ragusea's face in my head when I remember the video. Hopefully someone else in this thread can confirm it was him.

>> No.18830247

I hate Adam Ragusea so much it's unreal.

>> No.18830250

Tasting History with Max Miller or James Townsend. Favorites personally.

>> No.18830253
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>next we have some herbs, the kind you cook, not the kind that will cook you

Is unironically one of the best no nonsense chefs out there. Not classically trained, but recipes are legit and accessible for the home cook.

>Not another cooking show
Equally good

>> No.18830307

Just a lower working class woman from the norf who lived her life on cheap instant made food from a tin that you just boil in a pan because it was cheap, and pretty much raised her son on microwave meals because it was cheap, now asked to make home cooking, all while getting older and older and having more memory problems

>> No.18830318


I like Chef John. His speech just doesn't bother me.

Kenji has good videos but he's such a fucking shitlib that never wants to offend anyone. "You can add carrots, or not" wtf bro. Are carrots good in here or not?

Ethan Polack is fine. Videos are too long for my taste. And he focusses on techniques instead of recipes. I know how to do shit, I just want suggestions for what to eat tonight.

(((Weisman))) is so fucking annoying. Hate the fucker.

Ragusea. I heavily suspect he is a jew. Smug cunt.

Howtobbqright. I want to like that fat fuck, but he always uses some proprietary spice mixture, which makes his videos totally worthless.

Guga. Fuck that bullshit.

>> No.18830394

I like Ant's Bbq Cookout, he mostly focuses on brisket though.

>> No.18830481
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>Howtobbqright. I want to like that fat fuck, but he always uses some proprietary spice mixture, which makes his videos totally worthless.

He's not as bad as ATBBQ, where they use a tonne of shit from their store that you can't get anywhere else. At least Malcolm's rubs are excellent.

The problem with howtobbqright, is I feel like I discovered him at the apex, and he's let me down since. He very rarely releases any new videos, maybe one a month. He seems to focus all his attention on that boring as fuck podcast.

I'm also wondering who is going to croak first, him or Heath Riles. They both look unhealthy as all hell.

>Picrel Malcolm catching wieners in his mouth

>> No.18830488

Generally my search order for recipes is Not Another Cooking Show, then Chef John, then Adam Ragusea. NACS has the issue of making recipes that are overly complex for little benefit sometimes, Chef John's recipes sometimes are just kinda a weird take on something instead of the actual thing, and Adam's videos are incredibly hit or miss + politics. Will say, I do like the occasional very useful hack from Ragusea like sodium citrate mac and cheese or "instant" demi glace.

>> No.18830505

yoooo anon >>18828468 btfo

>> No.18830516


You are a gentleman of good taste and character sir.

>> No.18830531
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For me, it's Sadia from Pick Up Limes
Her voice is pure honey

>> No.18830717

You mean the channel which is no longer making beef recipes because of climate change

>> No.18830718

>gas comes in behind modern, high-end electric and induction ranges in nearly every objective test you could device

>lifts pan 1 inch
voila no heat

>> No.18830745
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My man Alphatec https://youtu.be/--UAe9AsjfU
Makes food in the Japanese mountains and doesn't show his face much.
Peak comfy.

>> No.18830752


>> No.18830756

Joshua looks like a one of those geeky snob who you wanna punch his face

>> No.18830828

Sam the cooking guy is at least a fun dude

>> No.18830862

Oh look the faglovers arrived from r*ddit

>> No.18830880


You gonna cry about it cuntboy?

>> No.18830886

God what an annoying fuckwad. I can't watch him anymore. Plus he really showed how shit he is at cooking on the brothers green channel. Sits around all day on his ipad while pretending to
be organic farmer food man. Seems like he mentions mexico city at least once per video

>> No.18830915

What the fuck is your problem?

>> No.18830937

I really, really liked early Babish. It was so much better when he'd first make the food as shown in the clip and then re-make it but better.

The new format is so streamlined: pop on screen, make the thing, sponsorship blip, end.

Not a fan of the other videos either. Oh well.

>> No.18830954

>retarded australian dad boomer that makes gummies and 2 ingredient "desserts" but is extremely comfy to watch
>based canadian mommy with some decent desserts
Bonita's Kitchen
>chubby newfie lady makes wholesome recipes that would keep you warm during winter
Keef Cooks
>LONG EGG, pie, and his nice wife
Natasha's Kitchen
>beautiful angel woman makes delicious recipes
Brown Girl's Kitchen
>based Indian woman with amazing variety and output of recipes, great home cooking

>> No.18830968

Also I love when the chef has a good voice that doesn't make me zone out this woman's voice just puts me at ease and I like how she explains stuff

>> No.18830977

I’m straight but I find a well developed male voice much more attractive than a women’s voice idk

>> No.18830985

Maybe we just trust our own sex more I just don't like male chefs and usually avoid their recipes

>> No.18830986
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His vibes remind me of those fun late 90s/early 00s cooking programs like watching Emeril Lagasse back during the golden era of Food Network when everything was simpler and novel. I only just learned the other day that Jean-Pierre literally is a 90s-era TV Chef that got worm-holed Samurai Jack-style into the current era essentially unchanged:

>> No.18831026

Motherfucker went Hollywood.

>> No.18831041

I hate how they have to use the expensive chink meat for everything. These crackers can't even make a fucking meatloaf without putting A5 wagyu in it

>> No.18831065

>still watching cooking shows on Youtube
How's that addiction working out for you lot?

>> No.18831086
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So nobody’s gonna mention Chase Cuttin’ Kitchen

>> No.18831090

I know I need to stop but I'm addicted I eat food like three times a day. I have a problem

>> No.18831094

Me too, nona

>> No.18831105

Go back to your containment website 4chan women don't use that term

>> No.18831136
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>Frank from Epicurious is always enjoyable to watch, he has his own channel now
Neat, didn't know that. I always enjoyed his vids for Epicurious the most.

I can vouch for Lagerstrom. I made all of his macaroni salad recipes and they were outstanding.

Felt the same way when Francis of CookingWithDog passed along with 'Daddy Jack' Chaplin.

>This one always pisses me off. It only works if you plan on eating that dish every single day for like a month.
In fairness, if the recipe is good enough I enjoy eating delicious leftovers without extra cooking and messing up new dishes for a few weeks.

>> No.18831160

I dont want to get AIDS so go back to your fag parade

>> No.18831165

his videos give me headache, the edits are too fucking zoomer friendly and absolutely cringey to watch

>> No.18831174
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>> No.18831216
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>Francis of CookingWithDog passed

>> No.18831218


Are you literally shaking right now?

>> No.18831275

Glen and Friends cooking is probably the best youtube cooking channel honestly, He actually knows how to have really good production quality that isn't flashy.

>> No.18831288

>onyo bro
one of the few cooking youtubers that isnt an annoying piece of shit
hes wholesome but not in a cringe way
>chef john
basado obviously
his voice kinda annoyed me at first but not as much as most ppl as it seems i dont really mind it desu
>Bruno Albouze
looks pretentious at first but is actually really fucking good his voice is more annoying than chef johns desu lmao
luv me Jack chaplin
just a dish being cooked no fancy bullshit

im sure i forgot one or two but pretty much every other cooking guy should be fucking shot holy shit they are so fucking horrendously annoying (except for lolcow <3)

what do u think of this guy? Im sure hes only gotten bigger because he started to react to big cooking channels fucking up bbq
i actually really enjoyed some of his videos because his explaining stuff on a really low level while still bringing all of the important points across.

while i like guys like matthew matheson its hardly cooking imo its more entertainment than actual cooking stuff

>> No.18831402

first o'all we melt 10pounds a butta

>> No.18831417

This guy looks like people made fun of him for eating bugs, so he spitefully became a chef and now people make fun of him for being a chef.

>> No.18831485
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Holy shit that intro just transported me back to childhood. My dad used to watch the food network all the time before it went to shit.

>Decide to check food network's schedule today
>It's a marathon of Bobby Flay's reality cooking competition

>> No.18831504

I remember when angus beef was the big beef trend. Now it's wagyu and every video about beef has a fucking $200 steak in it.

>> No.18831518

>if the recipe is good enough I enjoy eating delicious leftovers without extra cooking and messing up new dishes for a few weeks
I can only do it for like a week, maybe two if I'm just REALLY enjoying the meal.

>> No.18831544


>> No.18831548

>Chef John
the fact that his voice hasn't stopped him from having success proves he's really great

>Bruno Albouze
Basically everything you said. It feels like he absolutely should be insufferable and pretentious, way worse than most other youtube chefs, but he's not, he just really enjoys cooking and is really proud of what he makes. Very based.

Kinda the same thing as Bruno Albouze, but instead of being thinking he should be pretentious it feels like he should be as annoying as Joshua Weissman. So far he isn't and I enjoy his videos but I feel like there's a pretty good chance that as his channel grows he could get more cringey and his videos could get really meme filled, hopefully that doesn't happen though. He's really good at breaking down the science of BBQ cooking, especially brisket.

>> No.18831576

In chef John's old videos (i mean like 10+ years) he spoke normally but at some point he found out if he started speaking like a goober more people would discuss his videos and share them. He talked about it in an interview once but I can't find it

>> No.18831585

That's cause his day job is making stock stock footage and cooking videos for movies and big corporations. He's a filmmaker first and a home cook second.

>> No.18831586

Jack is love
Jack is life

>> No.18831677

Imagine Guga's strange but soothing voice in Chef John's cadence.

>> No.18831694

Now when you talk at home. You don't have to speed up and slow down your sentences. But you can if you want to. Because after all. You are the Stephen Curry. Of your head injury.

>> No.18831697


I made myself talk like this. It wad my choice.

>> No.18831721

That was a blow yesterday, I was really glad he came back a year or 2 ago. Bought one of his books in honor. Hopefully someone puts together all of the techniques and recipes from his videos and Quora somewhere.

>> No.18831769

what do you think of wawawa

I used to watch a bit of binging with babish and he seems fine, but don't really watch a lot of cooking YouTubers.

Also watched a chef Jean-Pierre video and he seemed cool

>> No.18831790

For some reason this just makes sense. I'd like to see one (1) and ONLY one video where he does this.

>> No.18831839
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Hey somebody actually mentioned channels I haven't heard of. I'll check them out thank you anon.

>> No.18831869

Thoughts on Slightly Crazy Vegan (Emily Walsh)?

>> No.18832036

I wish Brad from Bon Appetit would leave and start his own channel. It's probably too late now though.

>> No.18832141
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Massive faggot. What man prefers to be called "Bri".

I feel he's getting a little too kooky. Needs to get back to Just a Dash, works better with a team instead of just him. PS do yourself a favor and watch the Bear.

Looked at his channel. I'm never going to make fucking Confit Duck Gizzard Salad. Or Tournedos Rossini. Pretentious fuck.

Didn't he kind of meme himself out of popularity with his wourder bullshit? Looks like all he does is hunt now, not sure if he still has online cooking presence

>> No.18832164

>Bruno is pretentious just for being a better chef than you

>> No.18832195
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>Bruno Albouze
His poundcake looks like shit. It shouldn't have that crack on top.

>> No.18832199

If you watch a channel with more than 500k subs, congrats you're a fucking pleb

>> No.18832202

Jesus Christ that's comfy. Incandescent with relaxation.

>> No.18832216
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>see shill fagtuber thread
>apply seasonings to my post
>hide thread
ez-pz anons

>> No.18832326

I used to do some of his recipes but after his chili video where he basically said "FOOD HAS TO BE BLAND AND SUSTAINABLE YOU SHOULDNT LIKE IT" I wrote him off fucking entirely.

>> No.18832364 [DELETED] 

Fuck YouTube.
After waves of censorship the only people left on the platform are shills, they'res no other way to fund producing everything.

You might argue that some people paid by external platforms like netflix aren't shills, but the point still stands.

>> No.18832387

As a YouTube content creator it does feel like the algorithm and the platform in general are pushing us to behave like clowns, debasing ourselves with humiliating thumbnails in order to generate what amounts to sugar water entertainment and nothing else.

>> No.18832398

do we like pro home cooks

>> No.18832399

post channel so i can heem your comments

>> No.18832401

I only watch Chef John. He's the only one that's tolerable, because he's not a millennial faggot who films himself.

>> No.18832405


jesus christ I hate this guy

>> No.18832410


>> No.18832432

I also have poorly fitting glasses and this image has convinced me to do something about it.

>> No.18832439

All hail Featureman, the literal king of kino

>> No.18832486

Kenji is literally a virtue signaling faggot. He’s a queer that refers to the audience as “folk” and paints his nails like a fag.

>> No.18832518
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You have literally never watched him if you think he's Japanese

>> No.18832524

>Same formula for over a decade
>Only a couple of dad jokes, no obnoxious humor
>No condescension or moralizing
>Nothing particularly fancy going on
>No retarded gimmick subseries, just recipes
>Fucks up all the time and keeps it in the video
God he's so based it's unreal.

>> No.18833052

you are gay

>> No.18833188
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Onyo king is best

>> No.18833201

I know, hence why he actually knows how to make videos that are actually amazing quality instead of fancy junk.

>> No.18833246
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>Jewsh Kikesmann is so so
Isnt he of german descent? Doesnt look jewish to me and weissman is popular surname i think. That ragusa guy and (((french))) Alex look like (((them)))

>> No.18833261

Also Sam the (((cooking))) guy

>> No.18833268 [DELETED] 

YouTube is very much an ad and propaganda platform to the developers, and I'm not even complaining - I know some of these guys, I think what they do is impressive. Unless you're an already established legacy, or produce content that aligns with Alphabet Inc. culture and politics, you're just making ads for them, simple as. It pushes you towards whatever sells that you might be convinced to do.

>> No.18833281

Gotta say good most recent compilation vid is based af

>> No.18833292


>> No.18833464

Alex looks as French as French can be

>> No.18833479

I saw his cutting instruction video, for someone who once worked at a 3 star michelin restaurant I was very disappointed. It didn't seem to have the quality I'd expect.

>> No.18833530


Townsends is one of my favorite niche cooking channels, I want to try some of the recipes but I'm not sure how much I want to drop for some nutmeg.

>> No.18833724
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How has no one mentioned Clara

>> No.18833743

I usually defend Kenji because the snoy is usually limited to the beginning and end of his videos and thus can't detract from the actual cooking content but fuck if those nails aren't a constant annoyance now.

>> No.18833774

This guy is the real deal and his pastas are the best.

>> No.18833777

>french guy
>acts very very italian
>find out he's from southern france, which is close to italy

Are southern frenchies basically italians?

>> No.18833842

I usually see people here mention ANTI-CHEF in these threads, but he doesn't seem that great. It's nice to see someone attempt a lot of the recipes in a book. I like that format. But his stock didn't even gel up. I'm not sure why. Also, he couldn't stomach aspic jelly. Nor had he even heard of it before that.

>> No.18833847

the face of a child groomer and monkeypox superspreader

>> No.18833857
File: 628 KB, 3920x2204, 1672309384774639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's the best female food youtuber

alex is the best male food youtuber

>> No.18833862

No. Some parts of southern France used to belong to Italy though (like a portion of Piedmont) so i guess there are "italians" in those places. Southern France is very large, only a tiny bit is connected to Italy.

>> No.18833881

I think the fact that he took his wife's last name and added/hyphenated it to his own is the biggest cuck sin. I mean could you imagine?

>> No.18833901

There are a few foodtubers in here who I tolerate or sometimes watch, but this guy I actually love and recommend to other people. Just peak comfiness and cooking joy with no gimmicks or 2020s garbage.

>> No.18833915

Holy FUCKING shit I hate Guga.

>> No.18833941

Based Clara appreciator

>> No.18833980

He's OK for basic cooking tips

>> No.18833981


>> No.18834008

based and good taste pilled

>> No.18834056

I wanted to take my wife's name entirely when we married, but mostly out of spite for my family. Fuck those people.

>> No.18834061
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molly's new show has good recipes, at least the ones I've tried. liked the chorizo and chickpea carbonara especially.

>> No.18834161

I don't care at all for his cooking abilities, but I have a somewhat primitive and animalistic desire to have him sit on my face and to eat his ass for like 2 hours.

>> No.18834189

Anti-Chef is one I watch currently. He hasn't flat out annoyed me yet so he's alright.

>> No.18834191

For me, it's Jack Ovens. Can't hate anyone who loves garlic as much as him.

>> No.18834193
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>> No.18834201
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*blocks your path*

>> No.18834204

Yes, and?

>> No.18834214

Remember when a fucking autist tracked down his phone number and started texting him in the middle of the night that he was pronouncing something wrong?
He was seething about it in one of his vids

>> No.18834219

Yeah like a tranny on a rope

>> No.18834222

I unironically use some of the Depression-era recipes he's made videos on (such the orange-ade video, although I usually do it with lemons).

>> No.18834237

You can do better than him

>> No.18834246

I would show her my chorizo and would love this chickapea in my mouth

>> No.18834263

"italian". so both.

>> No.18834276
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These two.... Enough said

>> No.18834284

wow is he really that short? jesus i never noticed

>> No.18834288

>hey guys what if screaming like a retard 24/7 was a personality?

>> No.18834294

the only food youtubers i like are the comedy ones. all these guys that take themselves so seriously rub me the wrong way. for me it's entertainment im not trying to watch some "youtube personality" "teach" me how to "cook".

has anyone posted the sausage guy yet?


>> No.18834303

It was Adam. It was a video of him seething over people calling him out on his shitty knife skills. His cope was that it didn't matter that he wasn't that fast, because he only cooks 4-5 portions at a time and that it would only really matter if he was cooking at the scale of a restaurant where he would need to make 10 times the amount of food at once. He then used the speed limit as an analogy, saying that for relatively small distances, driving 5 miles above the limit doesn't really do much, in comparison to driving 5 miles above the limit when driving large distances. Or something like that. Haven't seen the video in years.

>> No.18834308

fuck this guy

>> No.18834323

The "will it blow" parts are my favourite. It was even better before he moved, because 1) the things he grinded up gave better results and 2) he had no backdrop to his stove, so you knew it went all the way down the back wall.

>> No.18834339

His Babish roast will forever be based as hell.

>> No.18834343

He was good in The Bear.

>> No.18834368

I forgive him, he taught me how to make delicious bagels. He also has that wild yeast ginger beer recipe I want to try make

>> No.18834374

>TheWolfePit - based and reviews goyslop for us so we don't have to
thewolfepit is based. he's not a good cook per se, but he's trying to perform a service and secondarily entertain. white trash poverty meals are pretty interesting and some of them look good.

you forgot about brian lagerstrom, too. he's an autistic robotman but besides the cringey slang his videos are straightforward and well done. I've learned some useful baking tricks from him.

>> No.18834379

link plz

>> No.18834382

she's good. nice recipes and a pleasant lady.

>> No.18834389

Are you retarded? Chef John isn't for entertainment, he actually got accessible recipes that you've got to make. Kenji Lopez is worse because instead of focusing on food and recipes he does a faggytime vlog format

>> No.18834395

she can be pretty cute but she is very hard to listen to, really tiresome. living with a woman like that must be hell lol

>> No.18834397

he doesn't even put his face on camera, unless you count reflections in the metal bowl. normally that's kind of a death sentence for the algorithm, but he's committed to focusing on the food. he just teaches you how to make cute recipes he came up with and keeps it light. so comfy.

>> No.18834401


>> No.18834410

Tasting History is so well done for youtube infotainment. he dials back the gay as much as I think he is physically capable of, too, which I appreciate even though I don't hate gays. he just focuses on the history and not making himself the focus, and the modern recreation of the food is kind of just in service of that, too.

Townsends are pretty based. I personally recommend the baked onyo recipe. I wanna try the asparagus bread, too kek.

>> No.18834415

i just started watching this guy and i find it pleasant enough, and i did weirdly get vibes that the dude is some sorta gay. but his shit is really fucking good it's like something you could see on tv.

>> No.18834416

Max feels like he's somehow literally the idea of "just a regular, upstanding everyday dude who simply happens to be gay" personified that people tend to use as a strawman in their "how can you be homophobic, just look at this guy" examples.

>> No.18834419

I had no idea he was gay

>> No.18834427

I feel weird shilling for him but he's ubergay. I think he literally played disney characters and sang on disney cruises, and then worked as a writer for disney or something before he started his channel with the pandemic. it's probably hard to be gayer than he is which is why it's impressive that he can keep from being too in your face about it and just make good history segments.

>> No.18834428


>> No.18834433

>it's probably hard to be gayer than he is
I mean, he's not lisping, wearing weird fetish gear or constantly bringing up sex unprompted, so he could be a LOT gayer if he really wanted to. I have no idea how he is outside of his videos, though.

>> No.18834450

checked. he probably does all those things off camera kek. idgaf, though, since he isn't inflicting it on me.

>> No.18834457
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"Sam The Cooking Guy"
I can't fucking stand this dude or his sons.

>> No.18834471

The food he makes is generally great, but I very rarely make it through a video without skipping ahead.

>> No.18834481

he seems stressful to be around. one of those rich guys who makes you feel like he's doing you a favor by talking to you. the people I know who watch all his videos are the kind of guys who just buy trendy shit and cook with expensive ingredients just to make bougie versions of goyslop dishes.

>> No.18834486

his mother was italian

>> No.18834489

lmao wouldn't you be? if you uploaded some videos of your hobby and some 4chan autist found where you lives and started ummm aktuallying you?

>> No.18834502

I'd call his tastes shit and my tastes superior.

>> No.18834507

I very strongly disagree. I feel like his food is fast food version of cooking. He has no background in food, BC of his San Diego residence he makes a tonne of Mexican inspired shit (yes we all know about not not tacos) and his most recent cook book was literally sandwiches and wraps and burgers. His $4K backyard cooktop gives impression he's a good chef. Also when the camera is off I feel like he's a huge fucking asshole, few times you can see it come through when talking to Max.

>> No.18834560

Literally goyslop recipe channel. His fucking crunchwrap video or whatever where he uses an entire jar of melted cheese product for 2 servings was absolutely disgusting. I felt ill even looking at that "cheese". Do people really eat that?

>> No.18834566

There’s a old cowboy guy that cooks outside, he’s fun

>> No.18834614

basiert und rotgepillt

>> No.18834621

How about fuck YOU!

>> No.18834624

>Brown Girl's Kitchen
Can confirm her vids are pretty great

>> No.18834641
File: 396 KB, 1080x1247, Screenshot_20230120_163525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Mirza Nišić. No talking, kino cinematography and cool traditional-ish recipes. It is mostly roasting meat and braising cabbage and peppers but that's just what Bosnian cuisine mostly is tbf.

>> No.18834856

Yes thank you, that was it. Jesus christ, what a stupid faggoty take. I mean sure whatever about the knife skills, I don't cut fast either and in the end your cutting speed really only effects you, but his take on never driving over the speed limit was fucking awful. It went into truly cringe territory when he started trying to make himself look morally superior by claiming he's being a safe driver when in reality the safest way to drive is to go with the flow of traffic, regardless of what the speed limit is. If the speed limit is 65 and everyone else is going 75 then you need to be going 70-80 mph, going 65 would actually make HIM the one driving dangerously and putting everyone at an increased risk of an accident since everyone is either changing lanes when they otherwise wouldn't have to to get around him or are piling up behind his dumb ass congesting the roads. I usually like Adam's videos but the more I think about that one video alone, the more I feel like everyone hating him on /ck/ is right.

>> No.18834885

Didnt he have a great kebab recipe?
Shame he removed it

>> No.18834886

Yeah I get that exact same vibe from him. He also seems like the kind of guy who would ask you to do something and you'd do it slightly wrong, or maybe just a different way than he would do it and instead of just asking you to correct what you're doing he'd get really mad about it act like you're trying to sabotage his whole day or something.

>> No.18834966


>> No.18834981

Does she still put mayonnaise in every food she makes?

>> No.18835089

she's american so....

>> No.18835206

Ha ha! Well meme'd, friend!

>> No.18835468
File: 103 KB, 640x640, mussel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like mostly the ASMR stuff. Everything from the US is pretty terrible.


Fine dining stuff:
the mise en place series from eater

>> No.18835763

I use chef John videos to anger my little brother when his playing on his phone.
While I am focused on the recipe and all that he only hears the annoying pitched sounds.

This guy YSAK is funny from time to time:

This guys have the cool song:

I don't own a kitchen yet.

>> No.18835862

I bet molly has a cute butthole

>> No.18835915

What happened to Chef John?

He used to speak in complete sentences. Now he does his dumb uptalk voice every 4-5 words. Weird.

>> No.18835935

yeah its true i also cant stand his videos lately. i used to find his stressful demeanor charming but after hearing him farewell his audience as "guys gals and non binary pals" i got tired of now i just get annoyed by everything he does, his bare feet in every video, his breathing, so fucking annoying

but still nothing beats this video and i still watch him occasionally https://youtu.be/9OVNG7JpnJA

>> No.18835943

imagine if you were allowed to see it live irl

>> No.18835974

fuck that indian bitch for ruining bon appetit. does she even do anything anymore, besides getting tossed a bone by foodtubers occasionally? the old test kitchen crew was comfy, they all seemed to be legit in their own unique ways and kept their urbanite cringe to a minimum. it seems like all diverse retard zoomers now -- and then brad.

>> No.18835995

So many guys paint their nails now it barely even registers to me. You are out of touch.

>> No.18836233
File: 1.08 MB, 940x788, sneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its:
Kent Rollins, That Dude can Cook, and KWOOK (for some zoomer inspiration. Plus a few other wholesome channels).
Rest of them I despise, except some of the older chefs.
aCooknamedMatt needs to be deported immediately !!

>> No.18836264

Why does speed of cutting matter? Only the end product matters. Anyone I've seen that goes super fast sacrifices quality. If you've seen them cutting vegetables in a 3 star kitchen it's slower because they want a consistent even product. It's not super slow though, I haven't seen the videos maybe he cuts like a moron. However, speed isn't the quality I'd look for in knife skills. It's the quality of the end product.

>> No.18836309

Doesn't make it right. Kenji and that other beta faggot Babish can continue to suck each other's dicks with their painted goddamn nails.

>> No.18836337

Sohla? Yeah, she's doing YT videos for NYT Cooking, and before that for History Channel. Gutter-level.

Fake-ass cowboy. Second only to New Hampshire "Cowboy" Lenny McNab. Kent was on Cutthroat Kitchen once and it was painful to watch.

>> No.18836486

I hate seeing what they've become. Luckily Brad is going solo this year.

Kent is the fucking man.

>> No.18836516


He just copies other people's ideas and gives them no credit. He became popular by calling out other food tubers in his video titles.

>> No.18836734

10/10 in bongland

>> No.18836797

I don't even think Kenji is bad at cooking but god damn is he such a gigantic virtue signaling faggot. His mouthbreathing when he's cooking without talking and his bullshit grifting are so annoying that I can't take him seriously. I don't even care that he has opinions, I just think the way he deals with anyone speaking against what he believes is wildly obnoxious.
>Noma is... LE BAD!
Rene all day, get dunked on faggot.

>> No.18836942

wtf I love ragusea now.

>> No.18837188
File: 169 KB, 370x338, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loving wife and kids
>purges half of a company's POCs

>> No.18837203

Based wolfepit enjoyers

>> No.18837206

Yeah, I've yet to hear what dish can't be made on electric. It's just elitism.

>> No.18837209

That's a big plus. I wouldn't want to eat dinner with most the people on youtube.

>> No.18837231

I like Sonny Hurrel from Thatdudecancook.

>> No.18837254

Are you serious? Try using a wok on an induction oven.

>> No.18837337

>I'm not a chef. It may not be the best but it works for me. A lot of people arent going to have gas ranges and they will have to make due with what they have, it shouldnt stop anyone from cooking. Thanks for your comment.
Is it really that fucking hard?

>> No.18837338

Just use a flat bottomed one. Don't act like you're doing proper wok stuff on a residential gas stove.

>> No.18837503

fuck you

>> No.18837519

Well it's true. Even people with gas stoves get a separate wok burner if they're serious. I prefer to use the wok outdoors anyway. So no regular stove is ideal for this purpose. So yes I'm serious. No one has a dish that's objectively better on a home gas stove compared with electric.

>> No.18837609
File: 159 KB, 900x900, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I highly doubt this.

Picrel is the GOAT

>> No.18837704

I'm pretty sure Kenji saying you can omit an ingredient means feel free to omit it, it'll still taste good. There's way too many people with a phobia of deviating from a recipe that I think he adds these disclaimers for those people.

Cooking is pretty free form. Chances are, if you aren't making like a carrot cake, carrots aren't needed in the dish.

>> No.18837816

wort thread, kill yourself

>> No.18837822

I liked Quang but then he got pussy whipped by that Vietnamese chick. Hasn't been the same since.

>> No.18837853

Just like Mikey Chen. Gets married channel goes to absolute dogshit.

>> No.18837941
File: 1.40 MB, 2048x1109, 1674292391799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ragtag group of young guns work at a bunch of top rated bbq places around Texas
>all come back with gained knowledge and open their own place
>disregard all "rules" and "traditions", do their own thing
>get ranked #1 bbq in Texas by Texas Monthly
>answers basically all questions, no secrets on how they make their stuff
>boomers mad
video quality isn't the best but they're very chill and informative. going to try smoking my own brisket soon.

>> No.18837975

congratulations you are retarded. The entire point is so the flames can lick the sides. "you can't do this on a residential gas stove" lmao

>> No.18837981

That's right. You can't. Both electric and home gas stoves are inadequate. Why do you think high powered wok burners exist? Neither is good for it. Flames licking the sides? What are you using a mini wok?

>> No.18837983

pro-tip. flip your burner upside down. wa-la. wok stove.

>> No.18837990


>> No.18837996

There's a similar idea already I saw mentioned for small gas burners that don't have enough flames up the side. Use a blow torch. Torch hei.

>> No.18838016
File: 1.35 MB, 1400x1400, image_2023-01-21_021343038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine you have a gas range stove that looks like pic related
flip the grate upside down and then put your wok on the fire.

>> No.18838022

I like his simple but effective recipes, they're a good way to learn how to cook.

>> No.18838027

you're just a liar lol

>> No.18838045

Italian food is pretty mediocre they just act like uppity niggers about it

>> No.18838053
File: 584 KB, 750x563, 1647184442221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18838063

you are functionally retarded if you think that's a good idea. kindly fuck off from this thread or kill yourself.

>> No.18838068

Still doesn't change the fact that a typical home gas stove isn't powerful enough for proper wok usage. That's why people come up with all these hacks.

>> No.18838104

Same, until I saw some post here mention it and I checked out his second channel. His beaner husband is so fucking extremely gay.

>> No.18838107

hate ethan cherblobski
- manlet
- stupid moustache hiding incel philtrum
- smug

>> No.18838121
File: 333 KB, 512x512, 1665078704000742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just explained to you how to do it three times in this thread. you intentionally avoided my advice because you are a dumbass. It's entirely possible and I do it every weekend. in a way that an induction stove top would utterly fail. you are a moron baka.

>> No.18838122

bussin' ong

>> No.18838142
File: 113 KB, 800x1040, Guga_CreatorPhotosHoney4_3ba2f104-0cba-41e8-8652-310ac83e0d25_800x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating my man Guga
I will find all of you, kill you, cremate your bodies and send Guga your ashes so he can use them as a dry rub for his next wagyu steak.

>> No.18838155

even if oldfashioned, pretty good, analytical and comfy

>> No.18838171

Italian food is 90% ingredients
If you have good quality meat, tomato etc. it'll taste good, if you don't it will be bland since you lack the sauces and techniques used in other cuisines.

>> No.18838201

If you think his normal videos are bad, try watching some of his shorts. It's genuinely shocking.

>> No.18838219
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>> No.18838254


>> No.18838488

Uncle Roger is the only food YouTuber of worth.
I do have a soft spot for the history bits of Tasting History though.

>> No.18838555


>> No.18838652

You could get the same result with a flat bottomed pan. I guarantee it. You have nothing special.

>> No.18838658

Roger is a boring fucking retard, hell no.
>Herro frens! Wite man bad!!!

>> No.18838682

I already told you. Fuck you!

>> No.18838695

I know you like to think you're superior with your home gas stove and learning you can cook the same thing another way is shocking but try to calm down. You could try getting a dedicated wok burner and then you could achieve results that are much better.

>> No.18838788
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>> No.18838893

seriously, why would you learn cooking from people with no culinary backgrounds? adam ragusea, babish, ethan cheblowski. it's maddening that they're so successful.

>> No.18838897

>seriously, why would you learn cooking from people with no culinary backgrounds?
Their incompetence makes them more approachable and non-threatening.

>> No.18838929
File: 3.83 MB, 2470x1284, Screenshot 2023-01-21 at 11.45.31 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true, adam made me feel more comfortable and validating my shitty knife skills. he literally did math and ostensibly did research related to the claw grip to justify his inability to apply himself and learn proper technique.

>> No.18838932

you don't "need" a lot of shit

>> No.18838938
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>actually cares about your safety and health

>> No.18838944

he was better when he just had SVE and it was a small channel doing funky experiments. Now he's all wagyu this, dry aged alligator that

>> No.18838947

BASED. Love her.

>> No.18838956
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Love Kent. I wish he was my Grandpa. Him and Townsends are the twin pillars of comfy.

>> No.18838959

I'm so fucking glad I'm not the only one who knows this. I discovered him through his video on "improving Adam Ragusea's crispy fries", which is propelled Adam's channel. If a foodtuber does something original, Ethan will be there and try one up it, and all the while he thinks he is the hottest shit there is. He has no fucking identity and it pisses me off. And no, a moustache doesn't give you an identity, it is just fucking gay.

When he changed his endings to mimic Ragusea's abrupt endings too is peak. Now, only 2 foodtubers end their videos abruptly, Ragusea and Faggot Chlebowski. Unoriginal faggot.

>> No.18838960

Biggest fag ever.

Why are all foodtubers so gay? Why do they all think they're so fucking cool for toasting nuts on a skillet? Why is it like this? When did it become like this? I hate all these faggots. No one has a genuine, authentic identity. They all think cooking will give them one.

>> No.18838963

Ok now this is based.

>> No.18839007

I'm so happy there are other Jean-Pierre stans out there, he is the best. Based emotional support butter enjoyers.

>> No.18839025


>> No.18839041

He's decent but his bro was cooler. Now his show is mostly product placement and doing whatever he can for shekels.
He's also the type of food tuber who can never honestly critique any of his dishes, it's all simply extremely high quality in his mind.

>> No.18839044

But thats actually correct. I drive a lot for work, and whether I drive 100 or 140 saves at most 5 minutes.

>> No.18839053

>Trusting a woman to do anything

There is a reason almost every top chef in the world is male.

>> No.18839060

She's becoming more relevant by the day.

>> No.18839063

She's like your childhood friend's mum who's really nice to you, so you fantasise about her falling in love with you and cucking her husband. Perfect doughy MILF body.

>> No.18839075
File: 42 KB, 720x406, 2lusegdu-720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>315 replies
>not a single mention if Hot Thai Kitchen
Palin is hot as fuck and her recipes are based and delicious.

>> No.18839210

Roger is a fucking """comedian""", not a cook, you fucking idiot.

>> No.18839225
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love this fat retard. turns out he's a state trooper that did a hit and run with in his boat kek

>> No.18839230

>that'll make a turd

>> No.18839242

Yeah idk, I guess the guy Adam was replying to was saying real chefs cut food quickly. I don't really care about how fast anyone cuts up food, the subject really didn't deserve its own video but maybe there are people who feel discouraged from cooking altogether because they see people say things like cutting slowly means you're bad at cooking and that's why Adam responded with a video dedicated to the subject to let them know that's false. I feel like he probably took it personally though, which is funny, and him equating driving to cutting food made him look way dumber than not speed chopping like a professional chef.

>> No.18839284
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I love her, she looks like she has very puffy and dark vulva

>> No.18839289

Please watch a Ched Jean-Pierre video? It might restore your cooking channel faith.

>> No.18839397

>Out of touch for noticing faggot behavior
Just because you're a fag doesn't mean everyone else thinks it's normal.

>> No.18839484
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>Why is it like this? When did it become like this?
I blame Anthony Bourdain.

>> No.18839517

>Doesn't value his own time enough to think 5 minutes is worth saving
>Doesn't respect other people's time enough to go with the flow of traffic and avoid creating congestion on the roads because he's scared of going an extra 5-10 mph as if getting into an accident at 65mph wouldn't likely kill him anyway

>> No.18839528

Everything he cooks looks fucking awful.

>> No.18839532

>Doesn't respect other people's time

>> No.18839557

>Doesn't respect the social contract of citizenship enough follow simple rules
You retards are why public transportation is so pushed, because the only way to solve your stunted behavior is to take all control away from you

>> No.18839567

be honest how many vaccine boosters have you got, lil guy lol

>> No.18840121
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>> No.18840142

I thought jewish people weren't supposed to eat bacon

>> No.18840177

Jewish people don't actually respect or believe in any of that religious crap. As long as you're one of them you're in the club