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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 289 KB, 641x571, chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18838285 No.18838285 [Reply] [Original]

Modern day hero, or a fool?

>> No.18838290

an explorer, to be certain. whether he is a fool or a hero is known only to god.

>> No.18838292

That guy sounds like such a bitch. I seriously doubt if he deserved those chickens.

>> No.18838297

Did he just eat the chicken, or did he try to do other stuff with it? That shit is good for a lot of things like tacos, soups, turning into croquettes, etc.

>> No.18838304

He claims he ate nothing but rotisserie chicken without condiments or sides for the entire period

>> No.18838325

As an autist that sounds great. Ive been eating the same things every day for years. I love cooking a big pot of something and eating it for every meal for an entire week.

>> No.18838345

He just sat out on a pier eating plain rotisserie chicken. Drew a reasonable crowd.

>> No.18838406

just a bad writer doing something stupid so he can write a bad article about it

>> No.18838478

Pathetic. 40 days isn't long enough to get sick of something. These people have no endurance.

>> No.18838520

If I buy a whole roasted chicken I get sick of it that day

>> No.18838558

>wears a hat
he's a slave.

>> No.18838562

>he doesn't know about the 21 day habit rule

>> No.18838566

Pretty sure body builders do this when they bulk, plus more.

>> No.18838654

I actually genuflect

>> No.18838677

I bought a christmas ham on sale, and ate it for a week, I still haven't recovered.

>> No.18838690
File: 46 KB, 720x480, penn-before-after-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's essentially exactly the same as the Penn jillette "potato diet". Which weirdly caught on because it has nothing to do with potatoes and the guy who put him on it, Ray Cronise just picked potatoes because he knew Penn liked them.

But basically the principle is the same. By eating only one thing for several weeks, it breaks your relationship between food and dopamine so that you're not eating for enjoyment, you're eating for necessity.

>> No.18838709

I think I read somewhere that the "potato diet" thing was tabloid horseshit. It sounds like it.

>> No.18838715

I can get this state by eating at a deficit for a few weeks

>> No.18838717

"Potato Diet" has been attributed to multiple celebrities including Drew Carey, whom I know for a fact denounced it in his book as bullshit that never happened.

>> No.18838734

It did get tabloidized to a degree and Ray Cronise was pissed about it getting labeled the potato diet, since it's not really a diet and potatoes has nothing to do with it. It's the first step in a weight loss / health program, basically fasting for fat fucks who have never fasted before. But it is only one step, and that's too much to bother fitting into a clickbait article so it gets lost.

That's exactly the point.

>> No.18838739
File: 330 KB, 1080x1440, 36903_v9_bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about Carey, but it worked for Kevin Smith. Penn actually called him out of the blue after his heart attack and offered help, so he did the whole program.

>> No.18838741

It is for unseasoned chicken without anything else every day.

>> No.18838832
File: 170 KB, 360x346, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read that as "I ate 40 rotisserie chickens in a single day" and that makes it funnier to me

>> No.18838942
File: 634 KB, 383x400, 1672431428543639.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> celeb personal call other celebe ! ! ! !
> they friend just like real life me and me friend ! ! ! !

>> No.18838957

>man does wacky thing!
Wow how wacky!

>> No.18839146

Are you brain damaged?

>> No.18839199

my brother eats tyson chicken patties every single day sometimes twice a day, my mom has actually gotten him on a much better diet with nutrients like apples and peanut butter, but he still needs 2-4 chicken patties in order to feel good every day. He's autistic yes but he's also slow and can't speak, so you're probably higher functioning than him (probably)

>> No.18839203

took me less than that to get sick of banging ur mom

>> No.18839215

Idiot. He defied every shred of Nutrition 101 and sacrificed his health. If he got a kidney stone from his high purine diet, good for him, but I doubt he would tell anyone about it.

>> No.18839449

It's propaganda, 40 chickens in 40 days is not THAT unusual. And I don't believe the heartburn story either. There's a limited amount of fuckery you can do to a whole chicken other than upping MSG and Salt.

>> No.18839470

Only genuine autistics don't get sick of eating the same thing everyday, I get sick of eating the same thing after the second or third day. I tried living on PB&J sammiches for like a week, and after the fourth day I was going insane.

>> No.18839508

>40 chickens in 40 days is not THAT unusual
The people on this site are so disconnected from reality

>> No.18839531

It's keto with 3000 kcal per day. Eat a vitamin tablet as well and you'll be fine, maybe a bit fat.

>> No.18839538

theres plenty of chicken in a modern chicken, its not the 'lean' meat from 60 years ago

>> No.18839542
File: 143 KB, 1080x1166, 1672688777592686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theres plenty of **fat**in a modern chicken
fat. fuck im retarded

>> No.18839556

Chicken has never been lean, that's the only reason you could live off chicken at all and not die of protein poisoning.
Rotisserie chickens are surprisingly small, I've eaten an entire one for thanksgiving along with all the sides no issue, alone it would be no problem aside from getting sick of it.

>> No.18839585

Wife likes to cook something and then eats it for lunch and dinner four days in a row. Fucking makes me barf

>> No.18839640

So what are you gonna do about that, anon?

>> No.18839704

I just order something for mysef from uber usually when ive had enough

>> No.18839714

>"Afterwards, I felt like a hero. People came up to me crying. One person told me they had been in a hospital for behavioural health disorders and my flyer was the first thing they saw when they got out. They said the event really helped them heal."

>> No.18840170

>40 days straight
Does he talk about how his body odor turned to chicken?

>> No.18840187

I've been making these at work for like two months now, haven't had one and they barely register as actual food anymore.

>> No.18840200

How much money did he make from those 40 days of "work"?

>> No.18840206

Here, if we get bored of the thing in three meals in a row or less, it's because the recipe is not good enough and needs improvement.

>> No.18840250

>By eating only one thing for several weeks, it breaks your relationship between food and dopamine
>It's the first step in a weight loss / health program,
I imagine that unlike doing a complete diet+exercise plan right from the get-go, with meal planners and scheduling, and all this overly positive dialogue about how you're still eating delicious food when you're probably just feeling pissed off about spending hours preparing meals you don't even enjoy, that doing something simple plain and painful, for a concrete strategic purpose like that, is potentially a much easier prospect even for fat fucks who may in general feel lazy and unmotivated. Also, the initial weight loss may be so significant that it may also be motivational, as opposed to the gradual physician-tailored diets that are meant to strain the body as little as possible.

>> No.18840277
File: 10 KB, 350x262, chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course some famous people hang out in private, you idiot.
But I guess maybe you think anon would lie about having worked for Kevin Smith of all people. lmao

>> No.18841916

is this that same nigga who ate beans for 40 days

>> No.18841986

lmao this is just liposuction but they claim its rapid weight loss through diet and exercise
see: mike pompeo

>> No.18842747

>That's essentially exactly the same as the Penn jillette "potato diet".
No. Potatoes cause a massive leptin release, making you feel very full very fast despite not really eating much. Being full has almost nothing to do with the size of your stomach.

A full chicken a day is the sort of shit that gym freaks who actually understand the human body do. Hell I've done multiple days in a row of just a full cooked chicken and either spinach or broccoli. It ain't difficult and is good for you.

I doubt the writer of that piece at a single chicken, he just wrote some dumb clickbait based on his own preconceived notions of how it would feel.

>> No.18842883

idk sounds dumb lol

>> No.18842907

I'm just talking about how eating only one food for an extended period changes the relationship to food. The headline in OP's post where it says the last one tasted like leather was what I was referring to. Obviously one is meant as a step in a diet plan and the other is just a guy eating a chicken every day for the heck of it, but the end result is similar.

And a chicken a day really isn't that much for an active person if they aren't eating anything else. It's just super boring. Like eating nothing but potatoes.

>> No.18843101

>a chicken a day really isn't that much for an active person if they aren't eating anything else
I'm not sure you know enough about how the human body works to continue this conversation. You're aware that the human body stores fat to burn as energy, right? And that a pound of bodyfat is roughly 3500kcal, right? And that eating little to no glucose (as is the case with a chicken a day) means your body will have free access to its stores of energy, right?

>> No.18843119

I'm aware of that. What's your point?

>> No.18843120

Both, as is often the case

>> No.18843184

That saying a chicken a day won't give him the energy he needs is ridiculous.

>> No.18843300

> 3000 kcal per day
maybe a fried chicken. a normal baked chicken is like half that even if you eat the skin.

>> No.18843335

I wasn't saying that. I was saying a chicken a day isn't too much or a ridiculous amount especially if it's the only thing he's eating that day.

>> No.18843605

this retard probably ate morre hormones and chemicals eating these fucking chickens than the average zipper crothc pumps into themselves in the same time

>> No.18844656

>my "journalism" consists of being a retard and crying and complaining like a bitch about complete nonsense
>i'm like the 21s century jack keroac

>> No.18844713

>before: optimism and normality
>after: cynical and scrotum-aesthetic

>> No.18844730

yo cool it with the scrotum shaming all scrotums are beautiful

>> No.18844745

my nibba Penn Gillette ate so many potatoes he animorphed into a nutsack

>> No.18844758

unfortunately that's the alpha phenotype when you let yourself get blinded by fad diets you turn in to one giant ballsack

>> No.18844764

I'm gonna make a chorizo potato tortilla for breakfast

>> No.18844773

That's gonna be great. I'm spitting all over myself

>> No.18845565

as soon as I found out he has a girlfriend I disliked him

>> No.18845692
File: 874 KB, 250x231, hmmmmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even if you eat the skin

>> No.18845711

??I’ll eat a chicken while driving home from the grocery store. It’s a big snack unless from costco then it’s a meal and a snack
There’s no way I could live off just 1/day
(Yes I’m American, no I’m not fat)