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File: 391 KB, 500x672, glutten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18832469 No.18832469 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else have celiac disease?
I'm running on 10+ years of no gluten in my diet unless by accident. I get physically ill if it even touches my plate.
I am so tired of it bros. Having a faggy dietary need is exhausting.

>> No.18832473

You kids these days are so sickly.

>> No.18832476

I genuinely do not believe you, or that this "disease" is real. You are a just a picky eater.

>> No.18832487

>I get physically ill if it even touches my plate.
I refuse to believe thats a thing. I know someone that has to "decontaminate" cooking utensils, pans, and plates because she swears if a fork was ever used to twirl spaghetti 3 weeks ago it'll make her physically ill if that fork touches her food.

Gluten isn't some microbe that survives vacuum of space and will survive weeks at a time on ceramic or stainless steel. I think its more "look at me" gay shit kids partake in. Ever notice people decades ago never heard of celiac's? Because fuck you your tummy gets hurt if you eat bread. You deserve to get sick for being so fragile.

>> No.18832497
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My sister-in-law has it and it fucking ruins Thanksgiving

>> No.18832505

I've heard people say it's glyphosate causing this shit.
I got a biopsy that showed damaged cilia and had malnutrition. Switched diet and don't have problems unless I get cross-contamination.
My grandma has a friend who's in her 80s that has it and we've talked a bit. Don't really know what's up.
Now shit where people say the wheat grain cows eat transfers to milk so you have to buy "A2 milk" is absolutely insane. I can consume dairy just fine.

>> No.18832506

>Ever notice people decades ago never heard of celiac's?
People didnt really have the same level of information about health so easily available back then. But the people diagnosed with it would have heard of it.

>> No.18832515

>Gluten isn't some microbe that survives vacuum of space and will survive weeks at a time on ceramic or stainless steel.
If you cook with lots of flour often it will be all over your kitchen. That's why when bakeries ever offer a new gluten free bread it makes people sick and they have to discontinue it.

>> No.18832521

Sorry, man. I always offer to cook my senpai Thanksgiving but they always refuse. I just bring my own food to parties now or eat beforehand.

>> No.18832535

Thinking I might have it. Going for tests soon. Hope I don't have to act like a fag every time someone offers me food for the rest of my life.

>> No.18832545

You'll have almost no options for fast food.
At least restaurants can cater toward your needs. I hate it when a waiter feels the need to bring a manager over to the table and make a whole ordeal though. At least you can still drink whiskey (not beer though).
Some people find out they have it and try the diet for a while, but can't stand the trouble and go back to eating normally and deal with the pain of reintroducing it.
Good luck.

>> No.18832848

Have you ever heard of a prion? They're proteins just like gluten and they're similarly notoriously hard to decontaminate. Go ahead and use a PrPSc contaminated fork, I dare you.

>> No.18832854

>Some people find out they have it and try the diet for a while, but can't stand the trouble and go back to eating normally and deal with the pain of reintroducing it.
Isn't that pretty much guaranteed to give you dementia and destroy all your nerves eventually if you actually have celiac?

>> No.18832876

That's what malnutrition does to you and celiac causes malnutrition.

>> No.18832923

My kid just took an allergen test for kindergarten a few months ago and he's supposedly allergic to gluten (and other things) but we've noticed no issues yet. He eats pasta and burghul and roti and naan and bread and biscuits and cake and so on and he's fine. Not so much as a tummy ache or anything.
Before this experience, I'd have called you a fool, but now I'm not so sure you are.

>> No.18832927

Probably because the world is polluted as fuck and causing all these cancers and conditions in young people

>> No.18832937

I fart all fucking day if I eat beans. I eat them anyway.

>> No.18832947

I have CD, and I got around it by using pork and beef brains in my oat flour instead of using wheat with gluten

>> No.18833000

I'm uncircumcised and have a wheat intolerance. I eat mainly soils and stews.

>> No.18833034
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this u?

>> No.18833053

Celiac is to the food world what ADHD is to the mental health world.
Just a means for shitty kids to get attention and want special treatment.
I host a hiring event at my store and serve pizza, I don't hire the ones who will not eat. I fire the ones who refuse to pay any fucking attention.

>> No.18833054

If OP has dagnosed celiac, then that's that. There's a test, and it's final, and then the doctors put you on the diet. Then people started making gluten-free into a fad diet (along the same evolution of Atkins and other low-to-no-carb diets) and were claiming "Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity" or NCGS, which is a controversial phenomenon at best in the medical literature.

It's similar with keto, which is a legit diet that existed for decades as a treatment-of-last-resort for severe treatment-resistant epileptics (we're talking one step prior to cutting their brain in half here). Then, in the same line of genesis of low-carb diets from Atkins, it became reimagined for the general public as a fad diet, even though it has absolutely fuck all to do for the general population what its original intent was.

Arguably these medically-inspired fad diets have been a net good thing for society, as they have raised at least some bare minimal awareness for horrible diseases and the requirements some people need in daily life to live through them, and have made such requirements easier for those people to meet. And while the counterargument to that is that people cite gluten-free and keto pseudoscience to be annoying self-absorbed ignorant assholes, I'd argue that those people would be annoying self-absorbed ignorant assholes anyway. (The internet in general probably makes it worse, though).

>> No.18833057

my sister in law has it
you can get cheap over-the-counter medication that lets you ignore it for 24 hours
just get some of that and spend a day stuffing yourself with pizza and garlic bread

>> No.18833062
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>ill if it even touches my plate
I hope someone shoots you. That's not how celiacs works. You could have another illness, but you're probably a lying attention whore.

>> No.18833083

Are there any picky eaters that avoid gluten though? I thought they mostly eat dino nuggies, tendies, kraft mac, fish sticks, toast. I can't think of anything picky eaters stereotypically eat that isn't full of gluten

>> No.18833097

Those who eat tendies and dino nuggies are not picky, but blessed by the good boy points.

>> No.18833102

Do you have intense pain in your colon 6 hours after you eat them?

>> No.18833122

i've had celiac all my life but got officially diagnosed at 17

the latest conspiracy theory i subscribe to is that gliadin and glutenin arent what causes celiac, its the pesticides sprayed on gluten-containing crops

ps gluten free oats dont exist

>> No.18833129
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>be cook, server needs help since she doesn't know the menu allergens yet
>white lady in her later 30s... oh no
>I have CD, what sauces can you use without wheat or gluten?
>Sweet chili, orange sauce, and gastrique - I recommend [custom dish], I have some CD customers that come here regularly for it
>Why can't you make X, Y, Z.
>They have soy.
>That's okay.
>No, soy sauce has gluten, we don't have gluten free soy.
>Um actually soy is okay since soybeans have no gluten, what soy sauce do you use
>Yeah, Kikkoman is soy
>Is it for just diet purposes? Kikkoman doesn't have a lot of gluten and I can serve you in that case, but I wouldn't want to serve those house sauces to someone with CD.
>Um, are you a doctor? I have CD and use Kikkoman all the time
>No, I specialize soy sauce sauces and soy sauce dishes
>Soy is fine
>Okay, but our soy has gluten
>It's fine, thank you, I'll get X and Y.
I thought the gluten-free fad was over... shouldn't she be scared of seed oils by now?

>> No.18833322

My sister has it, she ate half a hotdog once and started vomiting for 30 minutes

>> No.18833328

Prions are barely even proteins, the beta sheet stack structure makes them incredibly durable compared to basically everything else

>> No.18834494

>Ever notice people decades ago never heard of celiac's?
The Coeliac Society was founded 50 years ago.

>> No.18835129

Exactly! The popular thing to do now is go to an allergy specialist to do that skin test with everything outdoors, then everything indoors, then food allergies and wouldn't you know every scrape on the skin gets swollen, irritated and red and people think they're allergic to everything. 90% of those just show that scratching your skin with a sharp object then introducing a foreign substance irritates your skin. Its bullshit and doctors love it because they pay a tech nothing to do it and happily take hundreds of your dollars to perform. Then you get a special little "look at how fragile and damaged I am" photo for your social media. Its 90% bullshit.

Your grandmother never did an allergy test. If eating garlic gave her a tummy ache she just avoided it and didn't make a big deal of it. Society today now holds daily competitions for victim or imperfection olympics. just eat bread, if it actually gives you a tummy ache stop eating it and move on with life.

>> No.18835132

Most of the time its another autoimmune disorder that is super hard to accurately diagnose, like lupus or the dozens of very similar overlapping autoimmune disorders. But its hip and trendy to think you have a genetic failure and require special food and attention.

>> No.18835139

This is the level of retardation of children these days. Utterly clueless but equally convinced they know everything.

>> No.18835141

retard its the cleanest its ever been in the industrial age. factories used to dump countless poisons into the environment with no repercussions. we're at the point of overlegislating with regard to certain chemicals.

>> No.18835152
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It's really not a huge deal to me anymore but I don't go out to eat much anyway just cook with the wife. The only thing I really miss is getting a cheap and tasty pizza. Gluten free pizzas are so dang expensive and making them from scratch takes a ton more time than I thought
Haven't had really any problems except a work potluck
Used to think sortof similar to this too until family encouraged me to get the blood test cause it runs in the family. Cutting wheat out got rid of so many aches and pains I just thought were normal. Dark circles under the eyes gone too
Overall life's better.

>> No.18835154

more likely due to children being sheltered from a young age, only being exposed to sterile foods and having to go through obsessive hygiene routines after being outdoors.
when you’re kept away from anything bacterial you don’t properly develop your immune system, meaning it’s more likely to attack itself or something harmless like pollen just due to confusion caused by never having to attack any actual threats.

>> No.18835163


>> No.18835164

i saw someone on tiktok the other day say that after eating, a dementia patient took their cup (on accident) and drank from it. the girl then THREW IT OUT???? BECAUSE SHE HAD CELIAC??? if cleaning was that ineffective, why would we have so much reusable things? my mom and me have celiac and just a regular ass wash will do fine for getting gluten off.
> Ever notice people decades ago never heard of celiac's?
it's because people didn't give a fuck unless it affected them, but it did happen & children in the 70s and 80s did have it and did get diagnosed with it.

>> No.18835176

no you can't... she doesn't have celiac if she's doing that.

>> No.18835182

>celiac ruins Thanksgiving
...huh? Fucking how? Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce all have no gluten, nor do any of the veggies you might serve as sides. Gluten-free pie crust tastes good and wouldn't ruin dessert. So what's ruining Thanksgiving? The lack of bread-based stuffing?

>> No.18835185

die faggot. My mother and cousin suffer with this hard.

>> No.18835187

people dont get their mac and cheese and biscuits and go insane

>> No.18835201

>Your grandmother never did an allergy test. If eating garlic gave her a tummy ache she just avoided it and didn't make a big deal of it.
Whoa. Guy with the kindergartener here. Do you, like, know me IRL? Cuz my grandmother actually did avoid garlic, which is weird cuz she's an Arab. She'd cook with garlic for us, but omit it for her own portion.
But yeah, his mother and I kinda call bullshit on the allergen tests, likely because we're both immigrants to the US and people from our respective home countries don't seem to be as fucking fragile as Americans are. ffs, I had a vegetarian coworker once who had to leave work early because she /thought/ (she wasn't even sure!) that the vegetable soup she had at the deli downstairs was made with beef broth and it supposedly fucked with her digestion.

>> No.18835215

I think thats a known thing. If you're being a dumb girl omitting meat for no reason then try to eat meat again it'll fuck you up for a couple weeks simply because your body stops producing certain enzymes (along with the nutrition deficiency of not eating meat) so it can mess you up with a lot of meat products. Vegetarians are assholes too. Made up food avoidance then has that "get it away from me" attitude as if 99% of people in the US don't eat gluten or meat or whatever your "sensitivity" is.

>> No.18835233

the best tasting foods have gluten in it you retard

>> No.18835355

No. It's utter bullshit. If it weren't, literally every Christian in Egypt and the Horn of Africa would get sick on days when meat is allowed. They go 200 days or so in a year with no meat.
Also, and this is from personal experience, I was a faggot vegetarian for a few years in school and went back to eating meat no fucking problems. And for a bit of anecdotal evidence, I'm friends with one girl who was vegetarian for over a decade and a half. She called me out of the blue one day and said she's "going to break veg" and asked me where to go eat to do so. We went to an AYCE Brazilian steakhouse. Between the two of us, we must have eaten at least a quarter of a Galloway. She also had no problems.
The whole thing doesn't make any sense, besides. If it were even remotely true, then why don't people who've never had X, Y or Z food eat it for the first time and are just fine?
The whole illness from meat thing that vegetarians claim is bullshit lookatmeism at its finest.

>> No.18835387

Oh, well in that case it may as well be the end of the world.

>> No.18835408

>the counterargument to that is that people cite gluten-free and keto pseudoscience
No, the real problem is with companies marketing foods as gluten-free or keto-friendly despite not actually being safe for such diets. In the case of celiacs, it's gluten-free items manufactured in facilities full of contamination; for keto, it's keto-friendly items full of sugar alcohols known to spike insulin.

>> No.18835979

>my mom and me have celiac and just a regular ass wash will do fine for getting gluten off.
What are you getting up to with your mom, anon?

>> No.18835993
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>In the case of celiacs, it's gluten-free items manufactured in facilities full of contamination;
So I hear. Good friend has coelacanth disease and was diagnosed long before the whole gLuTeN fReE nonsense fad started. She's said that ever since, it's actually made it more difficult to eat out since lots of places will say something is GF because they'll use GF ingredients /but prepare it in the same area/on the same equipment of non-GF food/. She can't, for example, eat anything deep-fried or any food prepared on a flat top. As such, if she, her husband, my babymomma and I go out to eat, we go places we know won't have any problems because they never followed the fad to begin with IE mostly just proper Mexican places which serve only corn tortillas and rice as the carb component of the meal.

Pic related. It's her disease.

>> No.18835999
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People with food allergies should be put down.

>> No.18836087

sounds like you and your friend went to a nice restaurant. maybe the folks who decide to eat a greasy sloppy joe as their first meat in 10 years get sick. you guys remember Supersize Me? good times

>> No.18836109

I developed chronic diarrhea and food sensitivities due to an acute digestive infection from having a starbucks latte with milk steamed in an 8 hour old pitcher after having been on a course of antibiotics. Not really related to OP but I thought this might amuse some of you.

>> No.18836124

>maybe the folks who decide to eat a greasy sloppy joe as their first meat in 10 years get sick.
Yes, I would say this is it. If you're not used to meat and you eat some super greasy bullshit that's loaded with oil and rendered fat it certainly will make you sick, but decent lean meat cooked with minimal oil/butter isn't going to make you sick. Your body can definitely be unprepared to digest tons of oil and fat, though, and those vegan retards probably try to cut their teeth on double cheeseburgers or a pound of fried bacon.

>> No.18836130
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I misread that as "mineral oil" and WTFed pretty hard.

>> No.18836138

Suck less cocks. You seem american.

>> No.18836140

So say sorry.

>> No.18836145

lol wut

>> No.18836147

Anon, why are you posting homosexual images?

>> No.18836156
File: 66 KB, 439x600, Kuroshitsuji.full.108796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly to annoy you.

>> No.18836206

It's arousing, not annoying, and I came here to look at food, not hot anime boys.

>> No.18836207

Cooking meat in mineral oil would probably also make you sick.

>> No.18836227

Oh. Fair enough then, carry on.
Well I should think so, yeah, unless you're like part Goron or some shit.

>> No.18836487

What is up with women having it more than men?

>> No.18836495

Fuck off ESL retard

>> No.18836824

She literally does though?
She's lactose intolerant too so for years and years we had to eat the most boring shit for Christmas, but ever since she got those meds she can even have beer

>> No.18836879

>picky eaters can't have a little mineral oil because it'll make their tummy hurt :(

damn weaklings always wanting attention

>> No.18837359

It's the case with a lot of autoimmune disorders, even after controlling for age of diagnosis etc. 1995 affirmation study:
As to why, this is unknown. A review of possibilities:

>> No.18837425

not celiac but often accidentally gluten-free for months at a time, being whole food plant based. Your diet is very limited if you think gluten is difficult to avoid. Do most people eat nothing but fast food sandwiches or what?

>> No.18837485

It's not just kids. Most of my female relatives have some stomach issues.
And here I'm eating slightly spoiled food

>> No.18837495

>If OP has dagnosed celiac, then that's that. There's a test, and it's final
Imagine still believing in the medical industry after the past two years.

>> No.18837505
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>> No.18837526

celiec is pretty annoying as it basically forces you to use a different kitchen to make celiac safe foods, different utensils, different plates etc. since they can have residuals after washing

ridiculously small amounts of gluten make them sick

>> No.18837625

>its the pesticides sprayed on gluten-containing crops
wouldnt there be way more celiac people if this were the case?

>> No.18837627

"back in my day we just shut up and died" isnt the flex you think it is

>> No.18837632

Anon, your mother and cousin are fat.
Their claim to "disease" is just a cope to excuse their gluttony.
I'm sorry I was the one to tell you.

>> No.18837693

All you vaxfag neo-millennials can suck it. Kids these days think joining the army or violent gangs and killing bitches will prove to everyone they're a real man. Back in my day, you didn't officially transition into manhood until you survived polio. Got crippled? Oh well, I guess your legs just weren't man enough for the rest of you.

>> No.18837739

fuck i wish i could get polio, feels like im missing out now

>> No.18838195

>During the early stages of embryonic development, females undergo a phenomenon known as X inactivation, as depicted in Figure 1. X inactivation occurs in order to prevent the overexpression of genes as genes present on one of the two X chromosomes, in each cell, are silenced. In certain cells, the X chromosome inherited from the mother is inactivated, while in other cells the X chromosome inherited from the father is inactivated
Wow, I had never heard of that before. That's fucking wild.

>> No.18838200

No. If you have some made up space alien disease then I suggest consulting your doctor and not /ck, what's next you're from lizard people?

>> No.18838820

>Gluten isn't some microbe that survives vacuum of space and will survive weeks at a time on ceramic or stainless steel

Well yeah, microbes die to fucking everything
>it's too hot I'm dead!
>it got cold too fast I might be dead!
>it's too acidic I'm dead!
>Not enough water I'm dead!
>I saw some salt I'm dead!
>Ran out of nutrients I'm dead!

You know what happens to an protein in those situations? Nothing because it's an inanimate object. If you put a pebble on a pan are you surprised that it's still there a week later? How fucking retarded are you. It would probably be fine in the vacuum of space desu, you think it needs to breathe or some shit?
Admittedly gluten is worse than that because its whole gimmick is being STICKY

>> No.18838859


>> No.18838885

go full on keto, plenty of good grubs dont involve wheat

>> No.18838966

>having to go through obsessive hygiene routines after being outdoors.
I only do this because of Ticks, Lyme's disease is NOT worth it. (Lyme's Disease came from the US government makes you think)

>> No.18838968

>She's lactose intolerant too
I think that's where you are confused.
there are pills for lactose intolerance, but not for gluten.
there are some promising ones currently in medical trials but i don't think you can buy those yet

>> No.18839010

cry baby and let loose

>> No.18839018

Being allergic to humanity's primary staple foods like wheat and rice is nature telling you to kill yourself.

>> No.18839021

>get physically ill if it even touches my plate
Sounds more like you have an obsessive fad instead of the real disease, similar to veganism.
A very small percentage of the population actually have celiac.

>> No.18839588

That sucks
Isn’t there a drug can take?

>> No.18839618

>you most likely have a disorder that requires the same restrictions
>But its hip and trendy to think you have a disorder and require special food
do you have a brain disorder
why does it matter to you what the actual name of their impossible to accurately distinguish issue is, when they can manage it in the same way

>> No.18839636

I do not have celiac disease but I have lived with tourettes ever since elementary school. I have discovered the tourettes symptoms go away when I cut wheat from my diet, and they come back, measurably, when I binge on wheat.

>> No.18839646

>staple foods like wheat and rice
Staple only for the past <10,000 years. And mesopotamians were eatingthe selected wheat we farm today.

>> No.18839649

No, I have a pretty serious peanut allergy
I havent had anything with peanuts, or bought a single food that says "may contain" or "processed in factory with" in over a decade. I think it was 2009.

I know the feeling its pretty awful, its the only reason im /ck/

>> No.18839663
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i feel your pain because i had to follow the FODMaP diet for a few years which was very restrictive. i had to avoid all grains like you as well as anything that contained oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols, which are short-chain carbohydrates. very exhausting.

>> No.18839680

I ran a fodmap diet... with no dairy for a long time. Truly hell.

>> No.18839685

have you tried making your own bread?
you might not be allergic to gluten itself and more allergic to the unnatural process by which commercial bread is made these days

>> No.18839730

Same. Although fodmap doesn't make you avoid all grains, rice is fine, thankfully or I would've gone crazy.
I managed to gradually un-fuck my gut biome over the course of months and can eat pretty much anything again. Onions never tasted so fucking good. Never going to take antibiotics again unless the alternative is literally dying.

>> No.18839800

celiacbros I feel for you even if there's a lot of celiac larpers out there
it fucking sucks not being able to eat what you used to love
- crohns disease possesser

>> No.18839831
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>> No.18840855

my mother has it, its very real, you fucking idiot, sometime my mom doesnt even suspect the food has wheat and then got ill. Shut the fuck up about this, you have no clue about celiac disease.

>> No.18841120

This is a possible therapeutic connection. You should discuss it more with your doctor.

>> No.18841279

I just got diagnosed over the summer. A few people on my mom's side have it, so I guess I wasn't surprised to be added to the bad genes list. I don't really have symptoms, though, outside of some bad acid reflux.

>> No.18841734

that doesn't sound like it at all, are you sure they actually tested you for celiac?

>> No.18841748

Yeah. I have it. Diagnosed and everything. It's not the end of the world. It's super easy to live with.

>> No.18841813

Go out into the deep woods and live offgrid then, anon. See how long you last without modern medical science.

>> No.18841820

You don't do this. But you fantasize about it, and tell people you do it, looking for validation and to look #based on the internet.

>> No.18841838

I hope you spontaneously develop lactose intolerance, which can happen at any age, for any demographic

>> No.18841844

>rando genetic scientism gibberish
None of this horseshit is real. Literally doesn't exist. Its just an excuse for liberal weakness

>> No.18841848

You should have picked a different disease, now your bait is too obvious

>> No.18842098

See if changing out your gut bacteria does anything for you if you're really determined. L. plantarum is one of the most potent ones but with all probiotics you should get some gelatin enteric coated capsules to put the powder in, to survive stomach acid. Water or dairy kefir is potentially pretty potent too for adjusting how your immune system might react to things it sees in your gut

>> No.18842814

My wife is celiac and I lose my fucking mind when I go to all these chink markets in an attempt to get soba noodles because buckwheat is gluten free. There’s probably two dozen brands on the shelf but when I look at the ingredients for all of them the first listed ingredient is wheat flour. Seriously what the fuck those are not soba noodles that’s spaghetti with buckwheat in it, and I can’t find a single fucking 100% buckwheat noodle. I’ve had to resort to making it myself.
I’ve also gained a greater appreciation for rice dishes like pilaf and arroz con pollo since pasta is off the menu most times

>> No.18842829

>allergies don't exist
Are you retarded?

>> No.18842838


>> No.18842946

Such extreme food allergies are absurd. Personally I think if touching a peanut kills you, maybe that's a sign from god you weren't meant to live past 3 years old.

>> No.18842955

Many allergies can be overcome with tolerance building

>> No.18842967

It's all processed food and eating too frequently. Food puts your body in a temporary anabolic state. Eat all the time and you're constantly anabolic, ie. your body is building itself up. But your body needs time to break down old, dead, and damaged cells. This is one reason why intermittent fasting works well. Processed food is basically just poison. Don't eat it.

The world is nowhere near as bad as the grifters want you to think it is.

>> No.18842975

Peanut oil-based adjuvants in vaccines can cause your immune system to associate those components of peanuts with viruses and generate immune responses against peanuts in the future. It's almost like we shouldn't be injecting newborns and toddlers with mystery cocktails of a dozen vaccines when their immune system is still so barely developed.

>> No.18842988

It's actually quite well studied that beekeepers in particular have massively elevated levels of the part of the immune system that knows to treat certain things as low-threat.


Fun fact, the part of the immune system that treats things as non-threatening is also massively elevated in people who've undergone a certain medical procedure multiple times in the last year or two. On the plus side it means those people might not suffer from allergic reactions anymore. On the down side their body is more likely to treat real pathogens as if they're not dangerous lmao

>> No.18842991

>I get physically ill if it even touches my plate.
Can you drive by a wheatfield or does that also make you sick?

>> No.18843399

In all fairness, heat is pretty good at destroying complex organic molecules like proteins. You're right about the rest of it, though.

>> No.18843782

Eugenics based on withstanding the recently-created toxic shit of the industrialized world is folly.

>> No.18843835

Fuck I just realized I got this idea off a Louis CK joke. I still stand by it, unironically.

>> No.18844878

i do agree with similar sentiments here that the increase in foods marketed as 'gluten free' in a contaminated facility have made it actually more likely i will be accidentally exposed. and to disbelieving anons, just read the wiki article on it. it's very high quality source wise and if you don't understand the basic jist of it you need to read more. people have had this disease for centuries, science just was not advanced enough to understand why children with these problems would die all the time.
roommates cat has gluten containing food and i'm pretty sure it is what has been causing my classical symptoms returning. another annoying thing is how long the intestine damage takes to heal and absorb micronutrients. i had to take huge doses of folate since i had none detectable in my blood for most of my life.

>> No.18844889

we can eat rice retard. it was 95% of what i ate growing up, precisely because it is staple and gluten free

>> No.18844890

Tell that to my dad who had adhd in the 70s

>> No.18845079

>rice was 95% of what i ate growing up
I'm sorry to hear you were so malnourished, anon...

>> No.18845595

Yeah, my anti-TGM2 IgA antibodies were like 6x what they should be, and my gliaden test was high, too. Doctors have told me symptoms can accumulate with increasing villi damage, and I'm only 26 so perhaps symptoms would become more apparent with greater gluten exposure.

>> No.18845647

I genuinely don't believe you are real.

>> No.18845703

Yeah narcotics help me forget that having celiac fucking sucks ass but they haven't invented any drig to help with celiac yet

>> No.18846237

Gluten-free pasta is super available what? I eat pasta all the time. It's corn and rice pasta.

>> No.18846445

I haven't had that sort and I'm not that Anon, but i hear the corn-and-rice ones taste like poopshits.

>> No.18847045

>I’ve had to resort to making it myself.
How'd you get on with that? My understanding was they all contain wheat because actual 100% buckwheat noodles are an incredible pain in the ass to roll and handle.

>> No.18847070
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My sister was blind and had Celiac Disease and was ALSO lactose intolerant. Growing up with her was shitty as hell.

>> No.18847085

Greta is not your savior.
Andrew Tate fucks women consensually.

>> No.18847251

>My sister was blind and had Celiac Disease and was ALSO lactose intolerant
at least she is healthy now

>> No.18847643

>at least she is healthy now
Anon she died weeks before her 21st

>> No.18847710 [DELETED] 

>celiac disease

hello Goldman.

>> No.18847827

Tinkinyada noodles are just brown rice but they taste phenomenal. Hands down my favorite noodle. Regular people can't even tell its gf when I cook for them.

>> No.18847833

Shut up Kanye

>> No.18847892

yes its a desperate attempt at feigning weakness/disability as clout chasing

>> No.18847927

Cancer is a desperate attempt at feigning weakness/disability as clout chasing. Stupid fucking bald pussies
We all know you just naired your hair and lost 100lb for attention.

>> No.18847938

You are obsessed with trannies, Tate is a faggot, Greta is a shill, and big corporations who dump shit in rivers are all scum that deserve to be wood chippered

>> No.18847940


Proper English, please.

>> No.18847950
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>> No.18847953
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>> No.18847960

why so you can keep faking your fake disability

>> No.18847971
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>> No.18848035

Yes. It fucking sucks. Especially since I'm in the military and serving in a country where gluten free shit is hard to find and expensive as fuck. Thankfully some foreign NGO nigga has been sending me care packages, but still. I'm basically stuck living off of baked beans and canned pork when on rotation. Every time I find an MRE with dishes I can eat I ratfuck the hell out of it. Such is life in the zone.

>> No.18848054

Nigger I have a fucking autoimmune disease. Do you think I enjoy not being able to eat normal fucking pizza? Do you think I like paying 5x as much for shit tier bread? I've almost fucking snapped and thrown hands with idiot boomers like you over this brand of shit. I'm still mad COVID didn't cull nearly as many of you old cunts as we were told it would.

>> No.18848055

What country do you serve for? Did you find out after you joined? I wanted to join the US Air Force as a kid but apparently celiac disqualifies me from any US military branch.

>> No.18848065


>> No.18848071

Don't get mad, he's just a troll. Anyone that says celiac is for attention is just seeking attention themselves. I've stopped telling people I even have celiac for the most part. It just leads to a conversation where I have to explain it all and then they usually just say oh wow if that happened to me I'd kill myself and then I spend the next 15 minutes contemplating suicide. Its usually better to just say you aren't hungry and leave it at that.

>> No.18848075

Ukraine. Knew well before I signed up lol. Just decided to fucking deal with it. I'm not sure if it would disqualify me because the medical screening here was incredibly half-assed and I decided to just not volunteer anything that wasn't explicitly asked during the process.

>> No.18848077


>> No.18848081

Imagine being delusional enough to believe this. I bet you think fluoride in the water is a myth too.

>> No.18848082

I used to work private security contracts for the feds and it would come up whenever pizza for fucking ordered. "Oh are you some kind of liberal teeheeheehee." I fucking hate boomers so goddamn much.

>> No.18848086

Oh shit. Stay strong brother. Wish I could send you a package but obviously you can't dox yourself here. Best of luck slaughtering those vatniks!

>> No.18848092

>clout chasing fake sick faggot goes to fight for nazis because CNN told him Russians are subhuman
was it worth the reddit gold?

>> No.18848093

Ah yes the work pizza parties. I don't know why they make me so depressed. I guess its the social isolation aspect of it. The worst ones are when/if your boss goes out of their way to get a gluten free crust at the pizza shop and you still can't eat it so then they are mad at you and you feel like a complete asshole.

>> No.18848102


>> No.18848107

>muh gluten
>muh china virus

>> No.18848109
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>> No.18848119

>Chasing clout by posting on an anonymous Malaysian carpet weaving forum

I did this because I was bored with my life and thought that war would be entertaining. I was right and don't regret coming here at all.

I appreciate the sentiment anon.

>> No.18848123

There's multiple people in this thread unironically using the term clout chasing? That's even more pathetic than samefagging.

>> No.18848132

get with the times, grandpa

>> No.18848133

>no it is everyone else who is out of touch

>> No.18848135

i have it, it sucks

>> No.18848181

Gluten is a meme. You can't convince me otherwise.

>> No.18848189
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>> No.18848191

no you don't

>> No.18848193
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>protein is a meme. You can't convince me otherwise

>> No.18848198
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It really does. On the bright side it makes us way better cooks than 95% of the board. Post some delicious gf sloppa you made.

>> No.18848199

>gen z starts in 1997

>> No.18848207
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>g-gen z starts i-in 1997

>> No.18848210

>be sheltered millennial that got gaslit into not eating anything with flavor
>mogged on by zoomies that eat whatever they want

>> No.18848230
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Kek. Post something you cooked.

>> No.18848233

>that wrist

>> No.18848246

take your meds schizo

>> No.18848255
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>no food
Are you lost? This isn't /fit/. Let's see that mealprep fatty.

>> No.18848260

>he hid the wrist this time
lmao even

>> No.18848264
File: 2.25 MB, 1408x1210, Screenshot 2023-01-23 at 5.41.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some gluten free deep fried spare ribs

>> No.18848270

worst part about limp wristed millennials is they don't even have the advantage of being able to be twinks or femboys

>> No.18848271
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>still no food
Cooklet confirmed

>> No.18848273
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some gluten free fried chicken fingers.

obviously ive made pasta and stuff too. this is just the stuff i made for parties

>> No.18848276

>he says, posting images from 2020

>> No.18848278

>admitting to being a zoomer
You retards are the only reason I'm rich. You "quiet quit" jobs like crazy even at the career level. Lmao lazy troons.

>> No.18848283

King Arthur has good recipes

>> No.18848284

>fake disease haver is also proud of being a wageslave

>> No.18848285
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Those look delicious. 10/10 would come to your cookout. I'll bring stuffed mushrooms. Don't have a pic but they were a hit last Thanksgiving.

>> No.18848292

Post food

>> No.18848300

King Arthur gf bread mix is the bomb. I made some last week and it was the best I've had since diagnosis. A little pricy but if you have an electric mixer its well worth your time. Unfortunately the box says it doesn't come out good if you kneed by hand

>> No.18848308

I'm not the same guy retard. Of course zoomies can't tell kek

>> No.18848314

Imagine being a grown man proud to be unemployed. This is the new normal for zoomers

>> No.18848315
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glutenlets will never know how good fresh dumplings are

>> No.18848326
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Its kind of hilarious how none of them have any food they cooked.

>> No.18848327

Looks like a sloppa shit

>> No.18848336
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I stand corrected. Those do look good anon. I tried to make gluten free dumplings once but the dough was completely unworkable.

>> No.18848343
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You don't like steak? What are you, vegan?

>> No.18848458

I'll keep an eye out, thanks, and ask my GF friend if she's heard of them.

Pretty sure that was the joke

>> No.18848737

>Pretty sure that was the joke
It's weird how he knew that my sister was dead though. It was a suicide not from any of her complications.

>> No.18848763

Sorry for your loss anon

>> No.18848791

Thanks anon.

>> No.18848983

Christians only pass on meat on Fridays and certain presabbath days. Wtf are you ranting about?

>> No.18849012

>The lack of bread-based stuffing?

Yes. Stuffing is the best part of Thanksgiving. Gluten free stuffing sucks.

>> No.18849143

No, but I have rheumatoid arthritis, and gluten aggravates it, along with dairy and a bunch of other stuff.

I'm trying to go carnivore.

It sucks bro.

>> No.18849195

I tried carnivore when I first got diagnosed with celiac but its not really sustainable. Can you have rice or potatoes? That's what I have with all my meals pretty much.

>> No.18849934

I make some pretty good cornbread stuffing and gluten free cornbread is super easy to make.

>> No.18850254

this hit me straight in the feels - same here last 7 years - i've found i've got to keep being creative with my cooking and substitutes - at least there's an increasing array of gluten free options these days

>> No.18850860
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Any celiacs been to auberge la fenier? It's my dream to visit one day. Its a hotel in France that also has the world's only Michelin star gluten free restaurant. Might go this year for my birthday.

>> No.18850943

>I tried carnivore when I first got diagnosed with celiac but its not really sustainable.
What exactly is unsustainable about carnivore, in your opinion? I've been on it for years with no issue.

>> No.18850988

Its expensive and gets boring fast. I also started to feel malnourished again, like I didn't have enough energy for the whole day. I also just enjoy q nice baked potato or some pasta. Even plain white rice adds a lot to some pork or a teriyaki salmon. The texture is nice and cuts through the richness of fatty meats. I also feel much better (less lethargic) immediately after eating a meal with vegetables than I do eating one without them. Looking back it was just a way for me to avoid learning how to cook gluten free meals. I was so frustrated by the dietary restrictions that I chose to reject it entirely and just eat meat. I'm a lot happier now that I know how to replicate nearly every dish I like with gf ingredients.

>> No.18852424

Gluten has PUFAs and those are bad for you. I love bread but we weren’t really evolved to eat bread so I try to avoid it now

>> No.18852453

>Gluten has PUFAs
Protein molecules do not contain fatty acids, retard.

>> No.18852456

If this is real why has nobody ever had it until the last 5 years

>> No.18852462

Coptic Christianity, you absolute mong. Y'know... Christianity... from goddamn Egypt? Like the post fucking said? Yeah. That. You fucking moron.

>> No.18852473

All bread containing gluten also has pufas fuck off

>> No.18852475

That's massively different from gluten itself (a type of protein) containing PUFAs, because bread is not the only food which contains gluten.

>> No.18852478

Seemed obvious to me that she'd died (you used the past tense) and that Anon made light of it ("at least she's healthy now," as though blindness, celiac and lactose intolerance just go away on their own some day). Since it seems so obvious to me, I'm sure it was obvious to others.
Also, >>18848763
I have three dead brothers and while one died before I was born and I was too young to remember much of the other two, I know that sort of thing affects families in ways only people like you and I understand so I truly do sympathise with your loss.

>> No.18852692

If sepsis is real why hasn't anyone had it until the last 5 years?

>> No.18852708

fucking retards in here. it's 100% real lmao

>> No.18852716

>Polyunsaturated fats, also called polyunsaturated fatty acids or PUFA, are good fats. They are a type of fat that is good for your heart health.

>> No.18852734

False, saturated fats are protective of cardiovascular health and PUFAs are damaging.

>> No.18853168
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Chud moment

>> No.18853219

Why is that?

>> No.18853225

That's badass.
Badass and checked.

>> No.18853322

Because PUFAs are the least stable fatty acids and most susceptible to oxidization and related damage which causes problems throughout the body, while saturated fats are the most stable fatty acids and least susceptible to oxidization and related damage which means it's less damaging for your cells since they don't have to deal with oxidized fats and can utilize those more complete fats more efficiently.

>> No.18853363

Interesting. I had no idea. I don't really have any desire to live a long life but if I did I would probably try to limit my intake of those. Life with autoimmune diseases kinda sucks ass though so a heart attack sounds kinda nice to be honest.