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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 812 KB, 2075x2791, 20230120_101330~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18834821 No.18834821 [Reply] [Original]

This is my daily breakfast. Either ham, bacon or sausage fried with two eggs and cheese, then put on a tortilla and all that fried crispy in the grease, a little picante sauce and pepper and there you go!

>> No.18834851

breakfast is for fat people. good looking normies that regularly deposit semen into vaginal crevices who skip breakfast reporting in

>> No.18834854

fleshlights don't count lonely boy

>> No.18834892

I meant children.

>> No.18834896

looks good
but why are you telling us?

>> No.18834899

>looks good

>> No.18834900

Because I want more people to use the bacon and meat greases. One way to do that is soak bread or a tortilla in it and fry. It should not be discarded.

>> No.18834902


>> No.18834903

i only eat breakfast because my meds suppress hunger/appetite, so if i don’t eat in the morning i can’t eat until dinner and by that point i’m exhausted from not eating anything all day.

>> No.18834976

Can you use meat greases as a lube?

>> No.18834990

coffee, one cig, whichever pills im doing that day and then around noon i have some greek yoghurt, spoon or two of manuka honey, blueberries & some dark chocolate then I wait till dinner to next eat

>> No.18834997

Pills? You mean narcotics? Narcotics aren't food. Also fags aren't either.

>> No.18835031

>I'm 21 and now nobody can tell ME what breakfast I SHOULDN'T have !
You'll grow out of it.
Now I just have a big brunch once per month to quench the pain.

>> No.18835036

Huh? I'm 42. Why would it be unhealthy? A tortilla is less bread than two slices of bread. So it's better.

>> No.18835040

I rarely eat breakfast but today I made waffles. Well, one waffle and it was an epic fail, stuck to the waffle iron. I ate it anyways all broke into pieces. :(

>> No.18835042

I stopped eating eggs and meat.Eggs are colesterol and meat fat is very unhealthy

>> No.18835050

>he fell for the vegan meme
Holy kek

>> No.18835069

I wanna be Vegan,being raw vegan is healthy,you have many "Vegan" thing and food from factory and its unhealthy as fuck.But true veganism id healthy and good for you.

>> No.18835126

it does though
if i woke up with a hangover and someone put that in front of me id be pretty happy

>> No.18835128

Not him, but I disagree. I am on a meat, egg and dairy primary diet 85+% and that is the healthiest for me. Bread and grains are terrible and fruits especially and vegetables in moderation.

It's more work and prep time cooking meats and eggs vs. Cereal/bread but it's worth it for good health.

>> No.18835178

Anyone know how to pan fry ham without getting that sticky as fuck brown mess on the pan hard to get off?

>> No.18835205
File: 2.11 MB, 2329x3105, breakfast 1 20 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't usually eat the same thing for breakfast more than a couple days a week. Today it was,
>peanut butter and lingonberry jam on dill rye
>a pickle
>orange juice
Also this >>18834903
I need to eat something in the morning so that I can take my adderall.

>> No.18835224

>drug user

Anon... Stop.

>> No.18835264

oatmeal with berries and nuts is the breakfast of champions

>> No.18835321

Where's the meat?

>> No.18835332

Poorfags have convinced themself that choking down a bowl of gruel first thing in the morning is somehow "based", and not just typical poorfag behavior.

>> No.18835334

Post tits.

>> No.18835369

at dindin and supsup you dumdum

>> No.18835376

"based" is really not in my vocabulary. I just like a simple brekfast.

>> No.18835391

Too much bad stuff.

>> No.18835395


>> No.18835409

>drug user
Lol, what the fuck?

>> No.18835427

I mean, why put all that bad stuff in your meal right when you get up? Start off with something healthy and sneak in the bad stuff like breads, starches and grains with food later in the day in moderation.

>> No.18835431

oatmeal, nuts and berries are bad for you?

>> No.18835436

He said he was injesting a drug (a Schedule II controlled stimulant)

>> No.18835441

Taking adderall doesn't make you a "drug user".

>> No.18835445

Oatmeal oh yes. Nuts, not so much. Good in moderation, berries (aka sugar bombs) yeah... on certain occasions throughout the week but not daily or more than a couple blueberries or a strawberry.

>> No.18835448

Ok lol shut up you retard. I'm done humoring you.

>> No.18835462

Adderall is a prescription drug that contains two drugs: amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. It belongs to a class of drugs called stimulants. Along the same type of drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine.

So yeah... You're a drug user. If you feel like you need those things every day, you are most likely addicted.

>> No.18835473

>caffeine is a drug
>it belongs to a class of drugs called stimulants
>if you feel like you need it every day, you are most likely addicted
Wow, I didn't realize the UK was an entire nation of drug users. Have you seen how much tea they consume?

>> No.18835476

Yes. Caffeine is a drug but it is not a controlled substance dummy.

This isn't hard.

>> No.18835480

>if the government says something needs to be regulated it's automatically bad and scary
>if the government doesn't regulate something it's automatically good
You really aren't very smart.

>> No.18835500

And you are by definition a drug user and not the common type taken from food. Go pop some pills junky.

Sigh. It's just so tiring people who don't accept what they have become.

>> No.18835509

In any case, you've been off topic long enough.

>> No.18835522

>just so tiring people who don't accept what they have become
Wow, imagine someone performing at a higher level than they usually would without any addiction or detrimental health effects. They must totally be junkies.
>*takes another sip from his 5th cup of coffee today*

>> No.18835671

Sad. Dependency is really sad.

>> No.18835707
File: 1.91 MB, 640x358, 1674169617434046.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both of you are faggots and don't deserve those trips, but adderall users are druggies and i refuse to believe otherwise, not based on some retarded definition but the fact its literally mild meth

>> No.18835808

Aim what you said to the daily pill popper.

I don't mind drugs on the rare occasion to experience new things, but pharma junkies and daily users of any drug like that is no good and I was just imploring him to stop the cycle. I only had good intentions.

>> No.18835894
File: 2.65 MB, 3792x5056, _20230121_082739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one eggbro

>> No.18835933
File: 395 KB, 1600x1200, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice e taste!

Now rate mine!

>> No.18835940

Why are your whites so bubbly and cragged? What did you do?

>> No.18835948

I dunno. Not him, but I cook all my foods softly and slow to save power and make less mess.

>> No.18835951

fried them with ghee in a stainless steel pan with the lid on

>> No.18836000

>lid on

Good man. Can use much less energy cooking eggs that way and slowly cooks the sunny side up nicely.

>> No.18836334

He cooked them in too much fat over too high of heat.

>> No.18836367
File: 9 KB, 185x273, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peanut butter and jelly on seeded rye

>> No.18836373

Pic related is my typical morning meal.

>> No.18836374

I have either some bread, jam & yoghurt with a few coffees or, on occasion some cheese, cold cuts, bread and coffee, perhaps with a couple of pieces of fruit.

>> No.18836409

My man.

Or it's like a variation. Still, meat and eggs are the base with some type of cheese. Sometimes I will go really healthy and forgo the bread and maybe have a little homegrown but not often.

>> No.18838262

I like food

>> No.18838858


>> No.18839771

I like eating food.

>> No.18839807

You should give it a try. If you use quality ingredients a peanut butter and jelly doesn't have to be a bland kid's sandwich.

>> No.18839852

I love peanut butter and jelly. I just don't like putting it on bread for health reasons.