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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.30 MB, 320x568, 1674005633201712.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18824397 No.18824397 [Reply] [Original]

Only the most delectable foodstuffs

>> No.18824407

It certainly looks filling

>> No.18824426


>> No.18824443

And you killed the thread on the first post.

>> No.18824445

are these people just acting? Are they aware that their persona is a massive joke? what is going on? The way he just throws everything on the piss-poor looking piece of "bread" please tell me he's laughing his ass off.

>> No.18824460

These bugs are too fucking small just use crustaceans they're literally just sea bugs and they're way bigger. If you wanna eat fuckin' grass hoppers then put them in a salad or soup or stew not this weird rice cake thing. I don't get it it's an arthropod isn't it? Just use a shrimp!

>> No.18824462

Sadly, it's no act. There's a reason they're known as bugmen. They have no soul, no light within, just an empty void. They eat "food" like this unironically because they were told it makes them virtuous, not because they enjoy it. They can't even enjoy one of the most fundamental pleasures of being a human being.

>> No.18824481

>They can't even enjoy one of the most fundamental pleasures of being a human being.

>> No.18824483

Kek what's the point of lightly crushing them with the wooden spoon if he's just gonna toss it in a food processor? Really hope this whole thing is a parody

>> No.18824533

Was that fucking mealworms

>> No.18824538
File: 1.98 MB, 720x480, 1673213758075093.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love some mash.

>> No.18824564

>Has "cheese" in it
What is this fascist's name, he needs to be cancelled.

>> No.18824582

Let's not go assume gender identity and pronouns now comrade.

>> No.18824587

Of course, sorry my mistake. Xer needs to be cancelled

>> No.18824603

absolutely fucking disgusting just go vegan

>> No.18824625

Why is it always soiniggers

>> No.18824638

Think it's satire boys

>> No.18824726

This shit is such a scam. Someone posted some other cricket brand yesterday, and they're all weird fancy brands that cost about 4x more than just buying actual standard cricket brands.
People already eat those crickets and mealworms, so you can just buy those brands, but there's all these dumb ass hipster brands coming out ripping of people who don't know better.

>> No.18824934

That machine is vile. Imagine how hard it is to clean

>> No.18824937
File: 2.66 MB, 720x1280, GagworthySandwich.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MMMMmmm Delicious

>> No.18824943
File: 2.77 MB, 540x540, FuckingYankeesMakingSouthernFood.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18824947
File: 2.91 MB, 472x796, Auethentic mexican food.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18824949

that guy has his mouth open, doesn't he know the health risks?

>> No.18824952
File: 184 KB, 279x532, 1664110532284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their final flight..... godspeed bugbros. i am sorry you had to become a soymans poo poo....

>> No.18824956
File: 2.91 MB, 360x544, YummyYummyWatermelon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18824962
File: 1.26 MB, 270x480, Goyslop2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18824974
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, ThisDudeJustGotOutOfPrison.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18824983
File: 226 KB, 1200x675, fea2d3333ce2c2ffe042d2f381c45591.jpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of want to eat the bugs now that shit looked delicious

>> No.18825001


>> No.18825008

It feels necessary to post this now:

>> No.18825052

this is gold. and he's right. Watermelon is best on its own and pickled watermelon rinds are delicious too

>> No.18825084
File: 2.92 MB, 640x360, Wa La.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18825093

>My asshole after drinking too much vodka

>> No.18825123

probably a retarded question but, how can one encode a two minute file into a webm that stays below the limit? i want to make one of my own.

>> No.18825134

“Totally sustainable”
I get the feeling it might not be

>> No.18825140

Truthfully? I just use the file reduction sites and run it through that. Video quality is generally awful, especially if you have audio with it. But it's whats needed since gookmoot is a cheap bastard and only /gif/ and /wsg/ are allowed to have nice things.

>> No.18825180
File: 2.27 MB, 320x240, Fish soup _ Уха.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got it all figured it out. Thanks anon.

>> No.18825306

actually seems good

>> No.18825307
File: 2.91 MB, 480x600, 1649924941910.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are the exact same every time and it's disgusting. Can't you guys post something good for once

>> No.18825348

Did you think the bug looked delicious or did you find the idea of eating something you had a struggle to hunt delicious

>> No.18825372

I had to look him up. You son of a bitch it's literally a parody account. Kind of figured with the username but Jesus Christ sometimes I hate this gay world the line between parody and reality blurs more each day

>> No.18825383

I got round 20 proper webms I'm waiting to dump but not doing it when the thread starts with a lame meme video to set the tone

>> No.18825413

>Taking a uncapped frame from a hive before it's done to post something online.

Why anon, Thet the bees do their work in peace.

>> No.18825425

>smashes bee with the spoon because she needs the shot

>> No.18825456

I never thought there'd be a machine that mimics diarrhea as a result of a cholera infection but here we are.

>> No.18825472

>It's a Chink
There's your answer

>> No.18825473
File: 3.96 MB, 320x316, 1632798937110.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pack of grasshoppers is 10oz and costs $5.49 on their website btw.
A pound of ground beef costs less then what he paid for 10oz of bugs. He really is as retarded as he looks.

>> No.18825708
File: 7 KB, 300x168, download (3).jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually yeah you might be right, they don't look that bad though

>> No.18825736

Where is this 7/11? I bet these aren't much different than instant mashed potatoes

>> No.18825866

4chan tourists detecting obvious parody challenge (impossible)

>> No.18825874

imagine the mold

>> No.18825879

>caring about a spoonful of damage

>> No.18825951

Why do they always look the same?

>> No.18825959

WebmForRetards is there for people like us.
Although you have the set the file size a bit under the 3mb limit because it likes to run over on you.

>> No.18825978

I dont even know anymore these days, the lines have grown so blurry.

>> No.18825979

Me on cheat day

>> No.18825981
File: 204 KB, 730x490, disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18825999

It's a parody

>> No.18826414
File: 2.62 MB, 1388x558, wfr.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18826439


>> No.18826446

those two nukes weren't enough

>> No.18826449

>destroys a bees home for food
Not cool

>> No.18826481

wasting an hour of your time and energy making useless "food" makes you virtuous instead of volunteering or donating to a food pantry??

>> No.18826494

How much time would it take for them to fix that?

>> No.18826542

The use of the word ‘sustainable’ alone tells a lot about this whole video.

>> No.18826558

I'm convinced he's doing a bit to make incels like >>18824462 seethe at him doing the soy face and eating the bugs

>> No.18826561

The fuck is a sustainable?
And why go through all that trouble and still use American cheese?

>> No.18826568

Disgusting state of the machine aside this looks edible

>> No.18826576

Anyone got the webm of that Mexican food truck making nachos out of Doritos and cheese shreddings and gummy worms and other shit?

>> No.18826581

For those saying "it's satire/parody", what exactly is the joke? He's grinding bugs into a pathetic looking patty...but he's being ironic about it?

>> No.18826758

worst korea wasnt nuked yet

>> No.18826775


>> No.18826799
File: 1.22 MB, 1280x720, jack cheese.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>.webm thread with 72 posts
>only has 12 .webms and the rest is just /pol/tards who forgot which board they were on

>> No.18826882

Maybe taking that arm away was a blessing.

>> No.18827099

they didn't even try to make it look appetising

>> No.18827118
File: 72 KB, 236x203, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute cup tho

>> No.18827133
File: 88 KB, 458x588, this kills the bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18827144

ofc he is. look at the username.
niggas here love believing they some free thinking geniuses burdened by they intellect and everyone else is some braindead NPC incapable of critical thought.

>> No.18827200
File: 2.83 MB, 480x852, 1671249211437979.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor jack

>> No.18827205

"""""Great post"""""

>> No.18827221

His entire personality is owning the 'alt right'

>> No.18827243

So sad that this was confirmed fake

>> No.18827437 [DELETED] 

I wish an 18 yo twink would shit like this into my mouth

>> No.18827455

How much do they pay you to shill for bugs?

>> No.18827489

eating human food (especially meat)

>> No.18827494

they've been told their bugs and soy are environmentally friendly so they believe it without question

>> No.18827499

>burger is mostly rice
I'll gladly eat bugs as a novelty food but then at least let me eat bugs.

>> No.18827503


>> No.18827536

I love when my food flows right onto the table :^)

>> No.18827574

So sustainable!
>can't even afford enough to make a burger out of

>> No.18827634

Probably the best/most edible of these food atrocity webms I've ever seen.

>> No.18827652

no wonder why grasshoppers are so expensive here in mexico

>> No.18827667

He probably still thinks this is how people should eat.

>> No.18827669

>not even an actual burger
I'm not gonna debate whether this is ironic or not, but how fucking broken and demoralized does one need to be to make this kind of shit?

>> No.18827735

what's the point of descaling the fishes if you're going to cook them into a mush and then drink the strained broth

>> No.18827760
File: 109 KB, 1080x1356, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18827767

Scales gonna shit up the sieving process by blocking everything

>> No.18827774

It's a parody account

>> No.18827842
File: 13 KB, 185x251, 1373960369439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would risk botulism for this

>> No.18827879

>This makes conservatives shit their pants in laughter
This isn't comedy to be laughed at, it's affirmations of the beliefs of the audiebce to which applause is expected (ex the domain of hack comedians like Carlin, Chappelle, Colbert etc)

>> No.18827916

It's amazing how Jack fails at using every kind of gadget imaginable. Truly an astounding buffoon, I don't know how he even survived this long.

>> No.18828028
File: 502 KB, 976x850, 1664215872622279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks it's cleaned

>> No.18828067

>he thought NPCs was a meme

>> No.18828131
File: 2.57 MB, 488x720, 1650473725686.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18828189


>> No.18828202

>literally trying to hold back the spoon

>> No.18828206


>> No.18828299

Maybe in your timeline

>> No.18828518

he's facing the other way retard

>> No.18828520
File: 1.00 MB, 504x500, 1666220513594651.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18828594

more Jack webms PLEASE

>> No.18829130

Best guess is Singapore.

>> No.18829162

I hate vermin so much. Once I killed a rat by stepping on it. It screamed a lot.

>> No.18829175

Nuh uh the bee lands on the spoon, and tries to pull the spoon back but then fell face first into a honey hole.

>> No.18829191

After my set bed time my.phone turns everything black and white. This WebM reminds me of those old NIN videos based off the Broken EP.

>> No.18829202

Do you retards have any idea how many bees get smashed to take the frames out of the box? Not to mention how many are killed by pesticides. Grow up

>> No.18829210

They're fucking bees.
They're way more expendable than you think. The real concern is when entire hives get sick and die.

>> No.18829240

They're fucking bees you retard

>> No.18829248

is that just a bigass fried chicken n biscuit sandwich?

>> No.18829255

>eat the bugs
I’m going shitpost here hoss

>> No.18829294

What's with all the cheetos in these webms?

Are pringles sold in the spice section in the US or something?

>> No.18829301

hearty kek

>> No.18829381
File: 2.78 MB, 386x400, 1667337494795260.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18829491

Society disgust me. We are at the point where humanity should cease to exist.

>> No.18829492

Serial killer detected

>> No.18829498

Too bad the guy who hoards the snack table at a swinger's party has no say in what happens to humanity.

>> No.18829573
File: 475 KB, 699x633, jack_attack_DNA_test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jack is whiter than most of everybody on /ck/ or /pol/

>> No.18829582

I haven't even killed one human yet
I don't have a car to move the bodies

>> No.18829586
File: 2.90 MB, 350x620, Cooking freshly caught fish on a fire _ Приготовление свежевыловленной рыбы на костре_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18829592
File: 2.92 MB, 350x620, Meat _ Мясо _ Эт.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18829625

I think he is sicilian so the results make sense. his actual surname should be Sclafani but they probably messed up at Ellis Island and became Scalfani

>> No.18829750

Trolling is a art.

>> No.18829901

Is jack like incompetenceporn or something?

>> No.18829915

How is everything so green, yet frozen

>> No.18829928

He literally has “soy” in the name, he couldn’t be a more obvious parody if he had a giant glowing neon arrow sign pointing at him saying as much.

>> No.18829987 [DELETED] 

when the day of rope come you and your autistic kind will hang. I promise you that troon. Your whore mother should have taken less nigger dick and cum and spend more time educating you but she is probably typical low class female. your fag father definitely enjoys cuck shit and cleans his bull with huge enthusiasm.

>> No.18830038

most sane 2016 reddit tourist

>> No.18830051

what did he squeeze through the small sieve before putting the gelatine sheets in?

>> No.18830093

I want to give this man a wedgie and carry him by his underwear to the bathroom so I can then try to waterboard him with his toilet.

>> No.18830116

What I find amazing is that it solidifies from the diarrhea consistency it had as it was shat out from the machine.

>> No.18830127

I tried to catch a rat I had in my house under some tupperware to release it outside or something as I didn't know what to do with it.
I ended up guillotining its spinal cord and having it screaming as I kept pressing harder hoping that it would die sooner.
Took a while.

>> No.18830139

is this how a neovagina is made?

>> No.18830145

This type of people are called white devil

>> No.18830152

>Marinate 24-48 hours
>Exact same color coming out as it went in
Well I'm sure that was all worth it.

>> No.18830154

If he's sicilian, why does the test say european?

>> No.18830219

Imagine calling Carlin and Chappelle, two of the most legendary comics of all time, "hacks". That's how deranged these fucking people are.

>> No.18830260

I understand that this is just a small serving for the average american but for a chink? Just why?

>> No.18830285

Especially since a guy sent his dog's saliva to that company and sent back an ancestry profile for a person.
If they think you're racist, they intentionally fudge the results to make you come out as a mutt.

>> No.18830320

You are supposed to clap when Carlin/Colbert says conservatives/Christians bad, or when Chappelle says LGBT bad. You are not supposed to laugh. You only watch these "comedians" to have your views affirmed, which entertains you because feeling right makes you happy.
Jack has an Americanized Sicilian surname and you think it is a conspiracy he has North African ancestry in him? Really?

>> No.18830341

>you think it is a conspiracy he has North African ancestry in him?
No. I'm pointing out that they do that to /pol/ or stormfront guys. Or they'll say they're <1% Khazar.

>> No.18830353

>invasive honey bee that sucks absolute dick at pollinating compared to native bees gets smushed
nothing of value was lost

>> No.18830367


> I said "fuck"

Yes, truly legendary.

>> No.18830372


How can they tell someone is a "/pol/ or storefront guy" from a sample with a random name on it?

>> No.18830381

They're autistic enough to call about the results and imply they're really concerned about how white they are.

>> No.18830398

>read this post
>go outside
>random niggers asking for free shit
>mechanics trying to overcharge me
>remember this post
You are wrong and gay.

>> No.18830493

They have started using the soy boy name as the blacks did with nigger

>> No.18830594

i love bees, fuck you retards

>> No.18830604

You think people trying to overcharge is proof of your genius?

>> No.18830609


>> No.18830646
File: 38 KB, 914x1091, 1674054826220748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you

>> No.18830682

Imagine being so physically incapable of independent thought that you refuse to even acknowledge the existence of comedic talent outside the lens of your own political bias one way or the other.

I swear, conservative NPCs are just as bad, if not worse than their liberal counterparts, the only difference being that liberals happen to be in power at the moment.

>> No.18830708

I called both Chappelle and Colbert hacks that aren't really comedians. I don't know what you want.

>> No.18830863


>> No.18830882

I can't believe this post exists

>> No.18830902

I was mostly talking about the other guy. You're just a contrarian dipshit that nobody takes seriously, because you once read a book about stoicism or something and thought it made you look intelligent, but in reality, you're just plain unlikable. Probably autistic.
Like and follow if that was in the ballpark, champ.

>> No.18831215

This dude just got out of prison you think you would hold back because you're some civilised human bean?

>> No.18831251

>gook lesbian
one of americas worst creations. im so sorry bros, i dont know what made us do it

>> No.18831308

pretty cool, he have a youtube channel or something?

>> No.18831343

a single bee deserves more respect than your entire family combined
your lard ass is expendable

>> No.18831350

you're the vermin

>> No.18831479

go back to your reddit sub of choice

>> No.18831490
File: 2.89 MB, 576x1024, 1663364460315505.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeahcrate we posting swedish excellence in this yarn

>> No.18831618

Is this like spam and a bunch of veggies and potatoes boiled together?

>> No.18831705

i once trapped a rat and left it without water long enough for it to die
you are fucking grotesque

>> No.18831718

I don't know I think yours sounds the worst of the 3, at least he stomped it and killed it quick.

>> No.18831725

he is grotesque because it involves blood, viscera and shit from a sick animal

>> No.18831726

shut up

>> No.18831778

mad incel

>> No.18831795

And you like starving them to death for days, so what?

>> No.18831822
File: 328 KB, 1080x2032, Screenshot_20230119-175914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most, not all
as long as he has mutt hair and eyes he'll always be worthless. Too bad he survived both strokes

>> No.18831826

>everything has been mass produced and individually packaged for shipping to his door

>> No.18831833

i didnt like doing it
i didnt want the rat loose in my home nor did i want it sneaking into the home of a neighbor and much less it reproducing and creating more rats
letting it die in the trap was just the easier and safest way to deal with it

>> No.18831840
File: 1.91 MB, 640x358, soy cafe.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18831866

Nigger, Carlin is literally in the comedy hall of fame, and Chapelle is well on his way, and made one of the most profitable and still quoted shows comedy central ever released

>> No.18831876
File: 515 KB, 1024x765, 1673542909833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Nigger, Carlin is literally in the comedy hall of fame, and Chapelle is well on his way, and made one of the most profitable and still quoted shows comedy central ever released

>> No.18831887

>makes a perfectly normal facial expression until the primal soy takes over and forces is maxillofacial muscles to contort into the bugman expression involuntarily right as the picture is taken

it would be funny if it wasn't depressinf

>> No.18831897


>> No.18831974

I didn't think anything would happen here lmao hahahah

>> No.18831977

really easy actually, its just a plastic bag with a nipple on the end and when its empty you just swap it out

>> No.18831988
File: 1.31 MB, 1440x1684, Screenshot_20230119-234312__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandad once set out rat poison at one of his garages and once a drowsy one can out into the open he started beating it with a broom. He wasn't strong enough to kill it so I had to take over. Felt bad man

>> No.18832025
File: 2.80 MB, 400x400, 1499666998353.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18832048
File: 1.98 MB, 640x800, beer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18832056

"pandasakha" on YouTube

>> No.18832144

i think he gets the wrong end filled

>> No.18832169

Someone get this bitch a straw.d2jmhv

>> No.18832259
File: 2.97 MB, 402x720, baking.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18832264


>> No.18832280

It's probably some extreme food challenge thing. But Anon gave it a bait filename.

>> No.18832286

It's as fake as a very fake thing. Baking a potato for 4 hours is going to produce charcoal.

>> No.18832305

Lemon, I think.

>> No.18832317

so glad this faggot is dead

>> No.18832324

>jack is whiter
Only you care.

>they intentionally fudge the results
[citation needed]

>> No.18832335


>> No.18832345

What no

>> No.18832360

What a little fuck up. I hope he's a NEET. No business being in any field or even on the highway

>> No.18832361

I'm not even against eating bugs but they should be significantly cheaper than vertebrate meat if only for the fact that bugs do not taste good. Even when companies make bug protein cookies, crackers, etc whatever it is always has a slight musty aftertaste like you're eating old shrimp shells you found in the attic.

>> No.18832370

Well you know what to do with yourself then

>> No.18832374

I'm going to summarize his entire career in one run-on sentence, bro:

>> No.18832392

skinny people who do mukbangs don't swallow. they usually cut and spit into a bucket beside them. stupid people don't notice.

>> No.18832409

you never took a xanax while already drunk? he's doing pretty good

>> No.18832415

they reminded me of the bugs in Emperor's New Groove. animation always makes food characters eat look delicious.

>> No.18832419

You literally tortured that rat. You just go drop the little faggots off by the nearest body of water. They'll stay there or get eaten by a predator. I will say this though, killing that rat saved hundreds of future rats that's you would have had to kill anyone. Kill one to save a hundred.

>> No.18832427

Quit that wasting, you filthy hussy

>> No.18832442

Actually I almost died in Ybor City outside of Tampa Bay Florida. I drank so much liquor but was NOT keeping track of the 2mg doses of Xanax I was taking. It was an OD for sure but not a fatal one. 18 total mg. Should have been much worse.

>> No.18832479

i took no joy in killing that rat but i wouldnt have saved its life knowing it will risk disease for other humans
i could just have stepped on it but why? it sounds nasty and i could have been bitten
i dont owe the rat anything, killing it this way was convinient for me

>> No.18832507
File: 1.54 MB, 220x244, hurricane-america.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could possibly be one of my friends...just not sure which one because they've all learned that lesson

>> No.18832536

"Comedy" show where most people are clapping instead of laughing half the time

>> No.18832764


>> No.18833208
File: 402 KB, 600x450, guy-eating-in-n-out-like-a-maniac-was-staged-1-video-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18833217
File: 2.99 MB, 294x228, 1535770082889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that if one of your friends ever says anything like this to get the fuck out before they wind up in jail.

>> No.18833452

how he do that in 10 minut???

>> No.18833465

i think theyre kinda hot dude

>> No.18833507

>bussin or disgustin

>> No.18834162

This kills the /ck/poster.

>> No.18834210

the and "right" 's personality is based on owning "the libs", even if it harms themselves. both sides are retarded.

>> No.18834218

No, 'owning the libs' is more 'own the 'alt-right'' projection garbage

>> No.18834249

i believe it's real, and that's all that matters.

>> No.18834252

sure bud

>> No.18834261

It just so happens that 'owning the libs' means acknowledging reality. Women don't have penises, I don't say that to 'own the libs' but to simply speak objectively

>> No.18834264

Doesn't matter. What matter's is what it symbolizes.

>> No.18834277

>chinese making a spam concoction
>retard thinks its american
man youre even stupider than the americans

>> No.18834290

im not talking about that, but the retarded decisions like people who where on medicare voting against ObamaCare (same thing) so they can "own the freeloader libs", while they also loosing their own medical support in the process.

btw trannies aren't people.

>> No.18834293

Obamacare was 2 decades ago you mentally ill tranny faggot

>> No.18834317

>missing the whole point

this is literally you >>18827221

>> No.18834331

Yes yes you batshit crazy leftist the 'alt-right' was really big back when obamacare was passing lmao

>> No.18834345

this actually doesn't look too bad, guarantee it makes a huge damn mess out of the table/customers though

>> No.18834361
File: 2.92 MB, 240x332, Infinite hotdog.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18834363

i feel like this has been around forever and i never understood the point of it
>hey man we're gonna film a video of you eating like a slob for the internet, the theme will be that you got out of prison
>just eat like an idiot in public
>"ok so what's the punch line?"

>> No.18834377
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If you are at a high altitude or far enough north there is a permafrost layer underground which stays frozen year round. You can add ice to a cellar which is dug into this layer to have cold storage during the summer.

>> No.18834434

That's really cool

>> No.18834440

Extreme gluttony, eating like his life depends on it

>> No.18834454
File: 1.84 MB, 640x640, Average :ck: employee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you is this

>> No.18834463

urge to murder rising

>> No.18834469

>[citation needed]

>> No.18834682

Obamacare wasn't just expanded healthcare. It was a government mandate that you must have healthcare (punishable by fine and men with guns) but that if you under a certain income bracket you could go onto Medicare/Medicaid.

>> No.18834719

i hope you at least were smoking a cigar while fucking stumbling around
>t. family near there

>> No.18834777

the secret ingredient

>> No.18834822
File: 12 KB, 246x205, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*teleports behind you*
>Finishing move: Soiface no Jutsu!
>Heh, nothing personell, kid.

>> No.18835477


>> No.18835537

I love black women so much bros

>> No.18836695

lol oh shit

>> No.18837113

Someone post the vid of carrots repeatedly getting shoved up a thanksgiving turkey's ass

>> No.18837165

Instead of me killing a thread, just answer me in here.
I have 10 lbs of 80/20 ground beef that I thawed and have been meaning to cook.
I have 15 lbs of 97/3 ground turkey that I just picked up really cheap because it's a week from expiring.
I want to cook all 25 lbs tomorrow and also not have to fill up a big "not my problem" jug and just throw out the fat from the ground beef.

I really like lean meat like the ground turkey but it can be hard to cook well, I don't cook much.
I don't have much of a cooking setup and was just going to be pan frying burgers while baking other burgers on a lipped pizza pan with tin foil in the oven.
Should I cook packs of turkey in between rounds of beef in both the pan and the oven, to help it cook better and to soak up some of the extra grease and just balance the whole cook?
Or will that mess up somehow?
Or should I mix the two together pre-cook? I don't really want to because it takes more time but it might taste good.

Only seasoning I'm going to use is some garlic powder, I'll add whatever else I want later on when I eat them, I'm freezing most of it.

Or is there a better low-effort way to cook them that doesn't require me to go buy special equipment?
Also what temperature/how long should I cook the oven ones for and should it vary for the beef vs the turkey in beef fat? I was thinking of just laying the turkey ones, or a whole pound of ground turkey at a time, in the pool of beef fat to soak it up and stew in it when cooking, and then just alternate back to beef.

>> No.18838178
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>> No.18838256

No. I will not answer you, and frankly I won't even read the rest of your post. Make your own thread, freeloader.

>> No.18838260

I can agree on Colbert being a hack but good lord have you seen a Chappelle special?
The delivery is ridiculous. It has reached a level wherein other comics need not apply. Nevermind the obvious circular plot like nature of the story told during the specials themselves that elevate the specials to the closest thing that we have to a modern Iliad, the timing of the oj Simpson stories in the first comeback special before the mutilated genitals hit the fan was nothing short of brilliance by chess standards.

>> No.18838452

Hello newfriend, welcome to 4channel!
Just a friendly reminder that all posting is to be done in English, unless the boards topic suggests otherwise. This means that posting in Pidgin and other non-english languages is not allowed outside of >>>/int/

>> No.18838548
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>> No.18838581

you're just jelly that it's not your cum she's farting out

>> No.18838642

Honestly the chili crab instant soup next to it is probably great, otherwise looks kinda vile

>> No.18838851

That video is clearly filmed in Yakutsk. That said, I was thinking that our town is free from electric stoves. Everyone I know has either gas or induction. Turns out I was wrong.

>> No.18838988

>Comerica Park
Detroit has such a rich and culturally vibrant food scene

>> No.18839003

>ck poster from yakutsk
well if anyone appreciates a good warm meal it'd be you. Favorite local food?

>> No.18839152

I love diversity, empowered boss queens, the government, and the nation of Israel.

>> No.18839174
File: 197 KB, 700x419, VY8bw6WMsV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fan of local food but stroganina (frozen fish sashimi basically) is delicious

>> No.18839179

mentally ill american cuisine

>> No.18839195

ffmpeg, -b:v and play with the bitrate to make it below limit, usually between 20-40kb works for me

>> No.18839196

Isn't rice production really water intensive?

>> No.18839200

>friend asks her whatsup
>she makes joke
>friend leaks pic like prostitute
never blindly trust people is the lesson here. eternal lesson

>> No.18839224

>Sadly, its no act
The dude is literally an amateur comedian, and he has several vids on his tiktok page where he makes fun of soi memes.

>> No.18839243

>how DARE you be considerate and not kill a thread!
Fuck off

>> No.18839276

Why do people film temselves committing crimes?

>> No.18839298

looks nice

>> No.18839801

Niggers hate you, hard to realize?

>> No.18839804
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>> No.18839916

That's a man

>> No.18839988

inb4 anons on /ck/ are the only people incapable of taking a little joke at face value

>> No.18840057

This is me making a full grown adult male his buttered popcorn at 2pm in the afternoon

>> No.18840123

Clearly a disciple of Robert

>> No.18840207

Clout, attention, getting off on "fooling" people.

>> No.18840228


>> No.18840244

how severe is your autism that you don't recognize this ais an obvious bit holy shit

>> No.18840350
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>> No.18840384


>> No.18840440


>> No.18840641

>gas stove
Fucking poser, the gas cant kill him fast enough.

>> No.18840697

error 502 bad gateway for me

>> No.18840776

It's just boiled meat.

>> No.18840832

They hate sleep so much they require extremely powerful intoxicants just to sedate them enough slip into slumber

>> No.18840987


>> No.18841056

Notice how all of the shots are of him putting the food in his mouth but he doesn't swallow in any of them. He must be spitting after each bite, because I can't possibly fathom eating that much garbage at once.

>> No.18841119
File: 446 KB, 1280x720, 1610866150693 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 "that's not how you cut cucumbers"

>> No.18841175
File: 247 KB, 1609x2048, Fl5-dYQakAAtl_d[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly based

>> No.18841177
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>> No.18841199


>> No.18841212

Those types do not care about "catching a charge" as they call it.
His victim complex probably got triggered over some mundane thing so he probably has convinced himself in nanoseconds that he's the victim and justified in doing that.

>> No.18841910

Do you have the version where he escaped?

>> No.18841936

Way too much butter for my liking but still incredibly based. Jimmy Kimmel had him on his show via video link and got him a gig dishing out popcorn at the Emmy's.

>> No.18841951

Yes, not spam but cheap sausage

>> No.18841955

Got you to reply though

>> No.18841967

the heat of the rectum cooks the cucumber

>> No.18842121

KEK wtf

>> No.18842127 [DELETED] 


>> No.18842137

this came out of jail

>> No.18842257
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>> No.18842306
File: 2.46 MB, 1280x720, 1638989223794.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taking any form SSRI

>> No.18842355

my dad catches them in live traps then ties the trap to a rope and tosses it in the river

>> No.18842550

This has to be a /pol/troll

>> No.18842557

>not knowing the difference between a benzo and an SSRI
And these ignorant retards are always the loudest fucks, trying to browbeat you into their way of thinking.

>> No.18842562

The problem is never personality, it is always education. If this guy knew how nutrition worked, he would never call this a meal. He is just so fucking ignorant it's dangerous, and the solution is always education.
Who knows, maybe he'll actually come up with "sustainable" yet nutritious alternatives, when he actually knows how the fuck things work, and food actually CAN be replaced with delicious and sustainable alternatives to factory farming shit we have now, but it all starts with fucking education
Lack of education gives us starvation and bugs mixed with rice, and people will fight to their death, sacrificing their own life and the lives of others because they dont know better

>> No.18842596

Was he eating the 2 dogs' parents

>> No.18842601

fuck why'd I laugh so hard at this

>> No.18842620
File: 2.69 MB, 853x480, 1638987635790.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heh...Im actually taking another pharmacutical drug thats not considered as an SSRI, so take that!
Im i suppose to laugh or feel pity toward u faggot?

>> No.18842637

You are supposed to have a bit of introspection.
Its fitting you would continue to clamor about "muh pharmaceutical drugs" when you this stupid.

Par for the course.

>> No.18842652
File: 2.47 MB, 640x360, 1577398460263.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im sad so im gonna swallow a bucket of pills.
Have tried going outside and touching grass u pathetic worm.

>> No.18842866

wait, what?
Every time I see a webm of this guy's cooking it's something that's either not cooked properly like >>18842652, or it's something that's just pure fucking disgusting.
But this >>18842620 actually kinda looks alright.

>> No.18842926

>And these ignorant retards are always the loudest fucks

>> No.18843323

>I have to cook 25 lbs of meat how do
What the literal fuck

>> No.18843574

What's the point of 1h freeze?

>> No.18843646

prevents the cheese from steaming and blowing up in the fryer

>> No.18843737

good to know

>> No.18844213

Nah serial killers are less likely to kill someone they personally know. You should do the opposite and try to be the best fucking friend they've ever had for safety