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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18815792 No.18815792 [Reply] [Original]

I grew up vegan, and recently have been eating copious amounts of a wide variety of meats. I feel better with my mind, and my body feels better too. It just feels natural, if that makes sense. But a lot of vegans claim that we can get protein, fat, and micronutrients from plants. It sure doesn't seem like it, and veganism seems like a huge scam, but what if? Also what if our history is made up, and no information is reliable? How can we even trust science, or ourselves?

>> No.18815800

no shit dumbass

>> No.18815809

Bro lions will eat a zebras butthole while it's still alive. Life is chaos and consumption. Eat or be eaten.

>> No.18815817

>how can we trust science?

the popular scientific concensus is better than believing the fringe scientific ideas that haven't been accepted by the greater scientific community, and the popular scientific consensus is meat is fine for your health.

You should be skeptical of any unpopular or fringe "scientific" sources who try to convince people directly instead of convincing their scientific peers first?

You know why some quack scientists try to convince people on twitter and youtube instead of their fellow scientists? It's because they cannot convince their fellow scientists.

>> No.18815818

most all animals (even herbivores) are opportunistic omnivores. why even consider 'what if' when most nutritional studies were literally conducted on humans??? not a lot wrong with eating meat itself but the industry itself is net negative>>18815792

>> No.18815827

Good point but have you ever seen a lion or zebra or other climaxed creature such as these doing anything like this? Have you ever seen a human die? have you ever even turned a live animal into food for yourself? how can you say for certain that any of these things actually exist and that they are not fabrications of the media? Just because you have seen dead mice, crows, squirrels and rabbits in the city does not prove that these small animals are not robots with cameras.
Meat , for all we know could be human snot enginerred like coagulated and dyed and compressed into shapes...

>> No.18815830

believe it or not, considering humans are naturally adapted and designed to eat and digest meat, yeah its good for you

nature knows best, not r/veganism

>> No.18815849

I'm a hunter and fisherman. I've literally torn a warm quivering heart out of a deer. You zoomers need to go outside.

>> No.18815885

Yeah I want to do both of those things and make it my life style, I hate the city life in 2023 and I love nature. But unfortunately, going outside offers no advantage to me even in a west coast city in WASHINGTON that was wilderness less than 200 years ago, is now completely impossible to find any nature. It is bullshit life, honestly it's hardly worth living at all I mean remaining alive in the city in 2023.
I bought a gun and a slingshot to hunt my own food too but I don't know how to do it and don't habe any friends.

>> No.18816188

Vegans are the same cunts who think vagina healing crystals are a thing. Probably not the best source of information. Pretty much anything out of CA is going to be unscientific garbage designed to appeal to retarded fad-driven women.

That is not science. People's opinions belong in the trash. Science fact is repeatable and based in evidence, not opinion based. Just because 100 men in lab coats say X does not make X fundamentally true. X is only true when it is repeatable by anyone who knows how to do the experiment. Actual science has a severe reliability problem because fucks like you push "consensus", especially made up consensus, over actual evidence.

Food "science", especially the shit spewed in magazines, is not actually science. You can see this in how things like eggs and chocolate vacillate between being super-foods and just the worst things for your health. All of this shit is just hype and fads, because the "science" they quote is really just correlations, and correlation is not causation. And usually tiny as fuck correlations most of the time.

Even gov't sources are shit: because lobbying is a thing and milk, bacon, and bread ain't gonna sell itself right? You are being advertised to in all places: gov't, academia, and media.

tl;dr for meat: you need protein and minerals, and fish oils in seafood and whatnot. Vegans gotta supplement hard because plants just don't do what animals do.

>> No.18816202

Not being cool with having friends is the first step to obtain the lifestyle you seek. Move to a smallish town in the wilderness and slowly lewnr hiw to navigate that lifestyle

>> No.18816213

I want friends though, and a family.

>> No.18816227

Yeah I've been eating smoked salmon and natural beef. I like meat and feel healthier now, but are you saing that milk and eggs are not that healthy because they are just being forced onto the market by big companies? I have also been drinking a lot of organic grass-fed milk and feel like I get a great nutrition from 1-2 quarts of this per day.

>> No.18816720

>vegans claim that we can get protein, fat, and micronutrients from plants
The vegans are right - you can get protein, fat, and micronutrients from plants. Unfortunately, the ones you get from plants are the ones needed by plants, with almost none of the essential amino acids, fatty acids, and micronutrients needed by animals. Somehow vegans fail to mention that bit, either because they are unaware of this themselves, or because they're too busy preening about "muh ethics" to be bothered with such inane details as health.

>> No.18817335

>feel better eating meat than not eating meat
theres your answer mate. do what makes you feel and be healthy. dont worry about what "scientists" or whatever tell you. here in australia we have a health stay rating that give more stars to corn dogs than unsweetened greek yoghurt. i bet the people that eat the corndogs regularly feel worse than the yoghurt eaters even though they are doign the "right thing"

>> No.18817365

How did you lose your friends?

>> No.18817764

I was a vegan, so obviously I was an insufferable cunt. Also, I would regularly try to get them drunk and suck their cocks (for the nutrients).

>> No.18817789

Do you eat vegetables too?

>> No.18818063

Even apes will eat bird eggs and bugs so chicken eggs and sea bugs like shrimp are good in my book.

>> No.18818076

I think milk only works if your body can digest most of it properly. Mine can't so I fart a bit from drinking 2 glasses of milk.

>> No.18818077

ive been vegan on and off for years and I don't really notice a different desu. i only ever buy ingredients, so the diet has always been generally good
i think the problem is that people are extremely conformist, and are easily offended by vegans because they do not adhere to the status quo. when you take out the societal expectations and psychology of it, omni and vegan are pretty much the same assuming you are not eating zogslop mass produced sugar fast food cheeto diet soda garbage

>> No.18818079


>> No.18818080

The dinosaur man said meat is good and I believe him.

>> No.18818127

Get boosted faggot

>> No.18818155
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yes perfectly fine and good for you but you need LIKE WITH ANY FUCKING PRODUCT buy and coooonsume it the right way.

99ct 8 pack of mystery meat mix chick mc nuggets ? from the dollar store ? na that ebt negro kibble

at least somewhat organic and local cut, with no sauce or preserves that make it last till 2035 etc?

Perfectly fine.

>> No.18818176

Veganism IS a huge scam. fries with ketchup, Chips, your hyper processed GMO pea power soy chem stabilized fake cheese and patty are vegan.

Vegan doesn't mean healthy by default, it just means doesn't eat xzy.

A mixed, balanced diet is king. Some stuff you need is better from meat than pills. But that doesn't mean a factory farmed meat leftover chem stabilized burger patty is better.

Mix it all up dont eat a 600g steak. eat deer, boar, pig, beef, chicken, salmon, tuna, carp, ostrich, buffalo, turkey etc. buy less buy better eat 150g and some greens, grains and roots.

>> No.18818189

Based and truthpilled. Verification not required.

>> No.18818815

if we were "designed" the designer should be shot.

>> No.18818823
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The amount of protein you get from plant is inefficient compared to the protein you get from meat and animal products.

>> No.18818825
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Fuck no. Literally not a single study ever done indicates it's good for you in any way. Not a single study indicates it improves any health metric, every single research paper ever done points to the opposite direction. Read all that again, spend however many hours, days, months, years trying to find a single paper saying otherwise if you want to. I'm not joking.

>> No.18818829

I mean except for all the ones that do.

>> No.18818836

Show me one. Go ahead. You can't. Let's see you try to switch proof of burden on me to prove negative which is impossible when all you have to do is post one single study saying meat is good for you in some way. Go.

>> No.18818837

I mean the inuit and eskimos eat almost nothing but and are very healthy. it's almost always raw.

>> No.18818848

Stop lying. They're known to have rampant heart disease and short lifespans as long as they have been known to exist.

>> No.18819036



only because they started to eat candy and junk.

truth hurts

>> No.18819041

They don't know that academic research has a reproducability problem

>> No.18819054

Dairy products are (probably) good for you if:
a.) your ancestry rewards it
b.) you can find raw sources
If you're just eating pasteurized shit from the grocery store then think of it like a snack, not nourishment, because they intentionally killed most of the good stuff.

>> No.18819057

You didn't post any proof that meat is good for you, literally just random links telling the opposite.

>> No.18819066

Can you fucking insufferable retard faggot really not post a single study which concludes like
>increased meat consumption demonstrates improved X
where X is any health condition? No you cant!

>> No.18819078

>hundreds of thousands of studies of all kinds on healthfulness of meat done all around the globe
>not a single one of those has shown increased health of any kind with increased meat consumption this far
>"reproducability problem bro"
Delusional and mentally ill.

>> No.18819086

Well at least we can all agree that alchohol is always bad for you.

>> No.18819125
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listen faggot, you are wrong and you need to prove that there are NO studies, because there are studies YOU just have to look for them.

biased much?

>> No.18819130

which facebook group did you find this epic meme

>> No.18819136


>> No.18819139


>> No.18819151






>> No.18819164

None of those says eating more meat increases your health. Or go ahead and quote the part for me. Of course you won't do that because there is nothing saying so. Fucking desperate mentally ill faggot fuck.

>> No.18819165

Did... Did you mean "being cool with not having friends"?

>> No.18819169

>if that makes sense
It doesn't. I'm 80% sure you are inventing all this anti-vegan bullshit just to troll.

>> No.18819186
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>increases your health

>> No.18819190

>rich countries consuming more meat also have better access to clean water, health care, medicine, overall better nutrition, and elder care
>it was the meat that increased lifespan t. beef magazine
Correlation is not causation. Retard.

>> No.18819195
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>Also, I would regularly try to get them drunk and suck their cocks (for the nutrients).
>see cawk
>body goes mad with lust, all it can think is MMMM BROTEIN
Kek, I could actually kinda see this happening to some poor, nutrient-starved little twink.
Welcome back to the human race BTW.

>> No.18819202

Yes. I know why it's so difficult for you assholes to provide just one actual research paper with wording like
>increased meat consumption demonstrates improved X
Because it's impossible, not one study like that exists among hundreds of thousands of studies studying healthfulness of meat. That's why you mentally ill fucks do that desperate link spamming implying implications. Like what the fuck, why are you doing that? Why aren't you either conceding the point or providing proof that meat is in some way, any way, demonstrated to be healthy for something the more you consume it?

>> No.18819209

Well one thing I think most 4channeldotorgers can agree on is that studies are not the only way to the truth. Too many confouding variables. You named yours, and I'd argue that the ones that show deleterious effects from red meat consumption are sloppy and do not take into account that the people in the studies eat awful diets.

What I want is a study that is tailor made to the diet question. Take a group of determined carnivores or vegans and put them in a Mars Training enclave building so that they can't cheat. How are they doing a year later?

We won't get it. We have anecdotes, though. Anecdotes and a lot of flawed studies funded by cereal companies.

>> No.18819211

Why is this even a debate? Our teeth are designed for omnivore diets. It's actually scriptural not to make fun of or mock people who abstain from meat. I think it's kindness not to mock people who are afraid of meat.

In the meantime, just stop wondering the why of it all, and eat right and balanced.

>> No.18819216

Now you're going full on science denialism when you had to admit there are zero studies showing eating more meat improves any health metric. Pathetic. Conversation is over and I am the winner with zero proof provided that meat improves health. kys, faggot

>> No.18819218 [DELETED] 

>Why is this even a debate?
Because of these people >>18819202 >>18819209 and they are not a small cohort.
>In the meantime, just stop wondering the why of it all, and eat right and balanced.
There are now political ramifications. You will not have this option in the future if enough people are seduced.

>> No.18819224

>"scientific consensus is SETTLED!"
>"n-no don't try to replicate my f-findings please...!"
Vegans are a fucking joke but uneducated retards like you are worse. Science is in a deep crisis of institutional legitimacy stemming specifically from this blind authority fallacy forcing unearned demands of legitimacy through bullying of scientific peers into falling in line with an oversocialization "consensus" with harsh career penalties for not religiously accepting the "popular" """consensus""". The current usage of the consensus buzzword is nothing but a blanket rejection of the scientific method. You should never screech in indignation at your hypothesis being tested.

>> No.18819230

>Why is this even a debate?
Because of these people >>18819202. They are not a small cohort.
>In the meantime, just stop wondering the why of it all, and eat right and balanced.
There are political ramifications. You will not have this option in the future if enough people are seduced and do not resist political pressure against meat production.
You do not seem to be aware of the inherent flaws (and dubiousness) of studies, anon. In my 39 years I've learned that eggs are good, bad, good, bad, good, and bad. Wine is good, bad, and good, and bad, and good. The recommended food pyramid was basically upside down through the 80s and 90s.
Yes. I adamantly deny the sort of science that is lies, biased, political, and misleading.

>> No.18819229

You can literally "seduce me" to agree that meat is healthful by providing a single study that says something like "increased meat consumption improves health outcomes of <insert anything you want here>". Like you mentally ill assholes are not even trying to prove its healthy. You know it's not. All you people are doing is knowingly bullshit people. Why?? Incredible...

>> No.18819239

> In my 39 years I've learned that eggs are good, bad, good, bad, good, and bad. Wine is good, bad, and good, and bad, and good.
Well fuck then, if that is the case (it's not btw, you fucking retarded old piece of shit faggot), but if that is the case why why why isn't there a single study in existence saying increased meat consumption improves any health metric. There should be if the science has changed like that all the time, right? Well where is such studies? You deserve to be hanged and shot and pissed on.

>> No.18819246

See >>18819078

>> No.18819258

>The recommended food pyramid was basically upside down through the 80s and 90s.
This is pure lie, it never was upside down, and it's myplate now which has the same message as food pyramid.

>> No.18819275

The hylic knows only what it is told to know, for it cannot think for itself or utilize data and experience, as it does not have a functional subconscious. While I understand your belief that there is a broad and objective scientific basis from which we can pull facts, there is not. Studies require funding and so they are often implemented in search of a predetermined conclusion. Unfavorable conclusions are discarded. You will learn this as you grow older. It is part of growing out of the NPC programming. Until then you will believe that eating unnatural foods that did not exist through most of homo sapiens' existence are better than eating the foods that we've always eaten. Because you saw it in a study. Excuse me...(((study))).

>> No.18819283

I see you're still not posting a study showing meat improves health. Why not just concede that meat isn't healthy because there is zero proof of it being healthy?

>> No.18819294

>Studies require funding and so they are often implemented in search of a predetermined conclusion
There are literally thousands of meat industry funded studies on topic of meat, none which shows that eating more meat improves health in any way. Why the fuck would meat industry somehow predetermine result to be like that? You are so full of shit, you really deserve death and desecration of your corpse with shit and piss.

>> No.18819307

When you ascend to psychic or even pneumatic levels you will no longer need studies to justify peak health.

To be clear, I'm not advocating pure carnivore. Never tired it. Seems unnatural. We should identify where our ancestors came from and eat like that. Going mostly meat with mushrooms and a mix of other woods stuff has been great. If a study told me that I was going to die tomorrow I'd ignore it and live with my better mood, lower anxiety, and improved strength for at least 40 more good years without regarding it. Studies have no power over us.

>> No.18819338

I accept your capitualtion on zero proof existing that meat improves health in any way, and your complete withdrawal to 100% science denialism and conspiratory thinking. Which in turn raises the important question of why didn't you have that position initially? You started out pretending plenty of research exists showing it's healthy. Why?

>> No.18819348
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Well I *would* say that this is a nice change of pace from the usual "muh morality" nonsense, but we still have a malnourished redditor impotently shrieking at us because we're not dumb enough to join its silly little cult, so... Meh. Six o' one, I guess.

>> No.18819368
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>science denialism
Lmao, how many flags in the bio of this character you're playing bro?

>> No.18819480
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The studies provided either directly say meat is good for you or not bad for you.

some are studies, and some reference studies.

you are rabidly insane and are just raging mad that meat is and always has been good for people as proven by the fact that humans have been eating it for hundreds of thousands of years.

all you are doing is:

>nuh uh!

>> No.18819515
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>In my 39 years I've learned that eggs are good, bad, good, bad, good, and bad. Wine is good, bad, and good, and bad, and good.

same here. I can remember back in the 70's being told that one of my favorite foods (eggs) was bad for me. Same with many other foods.

I now don't pay any attention to any studies government or otherwise regarding what is or is not good for me.

I recently had a checkup with a cardiologist and have had 2 angiograms in 8 years (because the doctors "saw something").

my arteries are squeaky clean and I eat a high salt high fat diet, avoiding sugar and most vegetables. My colonoscopies show good as well.

my secret?

lots of meat, don't over cook beef, fiber supplements, vitamin C, and avoiding sugar.

Fuck the other guy with his "prove meat is good for you".

meat is good for you end of story.

>> No.18819885

What the fuck are you trolling, extremely sheltered, or an idiot?

>> No.18819943

Reminds me of the study that proved that pickles are lethal since everyone who ate a pickle in 1860 is dead.

>> No.18820043

back to /x/, schizo

>> No.18820053
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>> No.18820178

Wait till you’re old. The no exercise, drink a case of beer a night and eat nothing but red meat guys are cripples in their mid 50s. Go ahead listen to fucking youtube experts. It will catch up to you. Moderation and self control.

>> No.18820197

Shill thread

>> No.18820272

Lived years teach a man about studies: justifications of socially acceptable addictions (wine and coffee are good for you! Trust me I'm addicted to both) or justifying a (((grant))) made to the institution that seeks an outcome. That anon should be old enough to have been alive three years ago when all the COVID-19 (((studies))) were justifying a worldwide economic and social upheaval over a flu, and then justifying an unnecessary but profitable gene therapy medical experiment. But the youth are young and I find no fault in someone parroting the only way of thinking that they've ever been taught. The modern clergy wear white labcoats.
>lots of meat, don't over cook beef, fiber supplements, vitamin C, and avoiding sugar.
I'm working my way toward sourcing healthy beefs so I can eat it raw. Heat does much damage to good nutrients.

>> No.18820301

It really depends on the specific subject. You can probably trust the cancer council of Victoria more than you can trust a prescribing GP, for example. Science is really just an approach to epistemology, and if you're using that approach you know exactly why it's trustworthy (saying you doubt science is like saying you doubt doubt). Posing the question like "how can we trust science?" is totally unscientific, you shouldn't have to trust whatever you mean by "science", you should only ever have to trust your own reason, intuition, and observations.

>> No.18820305

Both meat and plants can give you the nutrients you need. After all, said nutrients entered the animal via plants. Meat is just more nutrient dense so if your vegan diet wasn't balanced, you're going to feel better by eating meat. That's the actual science. It's being conscious of what you eat

For an example where switching from vegan to carnivore didn't pan out so well, look at nickocado

>> No.18820391

this thread is shill fucked on a whole different level

>> No.18820396

The talmud outright says that slaves should be fed grain like animals and that only the chosen people should eat meat.

>> No.18820419

I love sock-puppeteering

>> No.18820474

Meat is not the problem Suger is evolution was a plant and meat diet our ancestors did not hunt energy drinks and spearing wild trinkies on the plains of Africa.My church, community was mostly vegitarian health nuts and I could kick thair vegan asses two at a time but vegetarian in my church live about 10 years longer probably because thay dont smoke or drink eather Im thinking a small amount of meat is a healthy options if your body says it wants the savory flavored taste of beef your brobably not getting anough iron in your diet its comon fore a vegans hair to fall out from not eating meat.

>> No.18820504

I shot a deer in the face it was tasty I didn't find any gears or wires ill keep looking coppers is about 3 dollars a pound if I could drop a 300 pound buck how many pounds of copper could I collect I saving up to buy an exbox.

>> No.18820740

>I mention scientific methodology
>They go off on me pretending that I'm advocating for veganism and insult me and call me mentally ill. Just for pointing out that there's problems with reproducibility.

You're fucking subhumanly stupid, and you're far fucking dumber than a vegan. Kill yourself you brainless fucking tapeworm.

>> No.18820841

need the quote link or verse, pls and ty

>> No.18820968

I can't help my self you can tell if an animal eats meat or not by the length of its intestines not buy its teath .The hole teeth things is not a fact. Its evolution fantasy .

>> No.18820995

Thair not insulting you personally thair trols addicted to the adrenaline rush of insulting and hurting your feelings like a smokers how need to bum a smoke and your the victim just insult them back so thay feel mentally superior, in reality your doing them a favor.

>> No.18821029

lesbian crystals

>> No.18821329


>> No.18821341

>Have you ever seen a human die?
A few, including the one I hit dead center with a 40 mm grenade

>have you ever even turned a live animal into food for yourself?

>does not prove that these small animals are not robots with cameras.
Owls are robots

>> No.18822024

veganism isnt meant to be healthy. it is meant to stop you from supporting modern farming practices that cause immense and unneeded amounts of suffering towards animals. if you dont really care about all of that like most people then keep eating meat and animal products. if you feel bad for the animals then dont. in the end, no matter what you do, animals will still be treated with brutality but if everyone used that as a reason to not oppose those practices then nothing would change. i don't vote, tip, or practice abstinence from animal products but i get why people do. artificial vegan hate is a tool used by (((them))) to foster hatred between us and continue maximizing profits in the meat industry at our expense (antibiotic overuse, lower quality products, etc).

>> No.18822975

in the end the sun will expand and engulf the earth in a few billion years, so nothing matters anyways.

fuck you
fuck the cows
fuck the planet
fuck the universe

>> No.18823186
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>if you feel bad for the animals then dont
>empathy for animals you've never even encountered
Comparative neuroanatomy would like a word with your virtue signaling ass.

>> No.18823256

>Is X good for you?
If you're lacking what your body can gain from it and it's not poisonous then yes.
What a stupid fucking question.

>> No.18823259
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>Empathy is ONLY mirror neurons and not something that grew out of that feature
>Sympathy is not a thing
>Ideals are not a thing

>> No.18823263

>In a billion years the sun will swallow the earth
That's not a good reason to set it on fire now

>> No.18823369

with the bullshit going on in the world? hell have you been to pol?

>> No.18823391
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With that faggot attitude you may as well just off yourself. Make the world a better place for everyone instead if shitting it up more.

>> No.18823983
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>> No.18824134

I was vegan for like a year because my dumbass girlfriend convinced me it was a good idea. When I went back, I could feel a major change in my brain, as Joe Rogan as that sounds. My emotions became more intense, I can only describe it as a more intense energy than before. However, the benefits are only for the mind. The shits I took as a vegan were superb, but as soon as I switched back to meat the IBS returned full force.

>> No.18825016

>How can we even trust science
You don't. Science is a tool to practice the combination of skepticism and rational empiricism. If you mean the scientific research publications; they are beyond fucked by corporate interests and will continue to be fucked until the central banking system dies.

>> No.18825664

>until the central banking system dies

How do you feel about the Jews, anon?

>> No.18825671

>But a lot of vegans claim that we can get protein, fat, and micronutrients from plants. It sure doesn't seem like it, and veganism seems like a huge scam, but what if?
you really have to mind micronutrient intake for these kinds of "feels"

>> No.18825853
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Troop size, retard. You're not capable of connecting with more than about thirty other animals enough to genuinely give a shit about them. You're not a Science(TM) denier, are you? Of course not, you're a GOOD person! Now go change your flag and filter to whatever the Current Thing became five minutes ago. Wouldn't want to fall behind, after all.

>> No.18825860

>unneeded amounts of suffering
Efficiency is profit.

>> No.18826145

Sounds like you apes are a mediocre design that needs improving. Too bad most of you are sub-sentient freaks who are ruled by naturalistic thinking.

>> No.18826194

I've also skinned a deer myself, yes there is meat inside.

>> No.18826747

Quite. Unfortunately, though, the only way to advance beyond that "naturalistic thinking" is through the advancement of science and technology, particularly biotechnology and other augmentations to basal animal nature. Until then... well, I think Tanya from Youjo Senkai put it best:

>> No.18826757

>Cows spend all fucking day eating if they can, as a testament to the nutritional value of greens
>Applies to pretty much all grazing animals
>Humans are not grazing animals
That's why vitamins exist if you absolutely have to be a vege

>> No.18827601

A big piece of fatty meat with heaps of fibrous vegetables and some fruits is the optimal way to live. If you can get that fatty protein to be fish with olive oils, greens, colorful veg, and fruit then even better.

The Mediterranean diet is the optimal diet. Barring this, paleo with a little customized nutrition plan for your genetics. Most of the time the dietary issue isn't meat consumption. It's lack of nutritious fiber with too much bread, salt, and cheap fats.

Everything I wrote is based on modern research resulting from generations of study.

>> No.18829173

I am autismal and get food hyperfixations where I'll basically eat the same thing every day for weeks to months, and I barely notice a difference in my body going from one thing to the next. Pasta, deli meat sandwiches, bruschetta, grilled steaks, birria tacos, etc. The only thing that changes is my weight depending on how much I eat vs how much I exercise, and I've seen differences in my poops but I haven't been able to pin down a pattern to that.

I think food science is mostly a meme after you finish puberty. Maybe consistent consumption over a lifetime will have proper consequences, but I think that's just another domain that genetics rule over - a family history of heart problems is probably going to fuck you over way more than your diet.

>> No.18829251

100% this is just some bullshit written by an antivegan

>> No.18829274

Scientific authorities are often very invested in defending the way things are. It's what they learned as young men and what they worked with and taught themselves all their lives. Many great scientists went to their graves defending false positions.

If a theory is true and can be shown to be true it does not need the consent of any peers. No matter how many learned men argue against the theory, it is still correct.

Basically, scientific consensus is bullshit. At best it serves as shorthand for the lazy or those outside the field to evaluate a claim. For a subject you know yourself the opinion of peers should not matter.

Eat more organ meats and less starches.

>> No.18829537

Oh yes, the scientific research occurring will naturally disinfect the idiots living in the nearest city of stupid.

Or were you suggesting using genetic engineering to improve human cognition?
Are you completely ignorant of the fact that there's laws against human genetic modification? Or that a lot of the fucking idiots out there would refuse to let these technologies be used by anyone, let alone fixing their idiot children with it?

The current political climate makes it impossible to kill off the stupid, or even improve their offspring mentally, so everything is fucked.

Are you genuinely so autistic that you can ignore all this? I hope you're just trolling.

>> No.18829546

>I feel better with my mind, and my body feels better too. It just feels natural, if that makes sense.
Fresh meat is packed with nutrients. Eat liver once a week, and eggs every day, and you'll never have to worry about any deficiency for the rest of your life.

>> No.18829548

>Grow up vegan
Imagine forcing your meme belief unto your children

>> No.18829577

>Also what if our history is made up
sounds to me like you've got mad cow disease, anon

im calling you a retard

>> No.18829721

>the popular scientific concensus is better than believing the fringe scientific ideas that haven't been accepted by the greater scientific community
The doctor who first proposed that washing your hands might prevent disease was thrown in a mental hospital and beaten to death by the guards.

YOU should be aware of just how complacent and paid off the entire scientific world is at this point.

>> No.18829966

I fucking hate humans. Such a retarded species of apes shouldn't be allowed to exist.

>> No.18830033
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Wasn't saying that it could or even should be done, BTW. If you go back and reread that post carefully, all I really said was that such self-directed evolution would be the only way for human cognition to detach itself from your "naturalistic thinking" bogeyman.
Personally, though, I'm firmly in the Jack London camp.

>> No.18830040
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Oh shit, are you talking about that one gynodoc who figured it all out like a century before Pasteur or some shit? That is fucking wild.
And you call *me* autistic, kek.

>> No.18830089
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Yes, meat is good for you. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a dried out skinny sinewy looking mess with brain fog.

>a lot of vegans claim that we can get protein, fat, and micronutrients from plants
The quality of protein you get from plant and nuts is the lowest quality protein you can find. I don't remember exactly how it works, you can look it up for yourself, but basically for every gram of protein you ingest through most of the usual foods vegans eat something like only fifth of it actually gets used by your body. Eggs are the best source of protein and I think it's like 50% of it actually gets used by your body.

>Also what if our history is made up
It's safe to say a good portion of it is probably either misrepresented or outright fabricated, but it's still all we've got to go on and still likely mostly accurate.
>How can we even trust science
Less and less these days
>or ourselves
You feel healthier in every way when you eat meat despite your retarded parents raising you to do otherwise, that's your sign that you can trust yourself. You should still probably stay away from fast food though, which I imagine you have been if you grew up vegan.

>> No.18830108
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Eggs are one of the healthiest, most nutritious things you can possibly eat. Ignore any retard who says otherwise. Vince Gironda would get ready for body building competitions by restricting his diet to solely steak, an insane amount of eggs, and water for months at a time. He lived to be 79 and looked better than 99.999% of the human population for a good portion of that time.

>> No.18830115

this one time, a guy had a different idea about something and was not listened to. therefore all science is bunk!

nice argument. did you captain your high school debate team?

>> No.18830119

You should correct the problem. Start by ending your own existence, retard.

>> No.18830187

I'm not a human, retard
suck my otherkin girlcock

>> No.18830365

>He lived to be 79 and looked better than 99.999% of the human population for a good portion of that time
and he was on roids and large amount of PEDs too (he didn't obtain that look eating eggs), dont forget that but yes eggs are good for you and you should eat them.

>> No.18832342

>Muh monkeysphere
Monkeysphere has to do with conceptualizing people as complex minds, you're not literally only capable of caring about the pain of exactly 3,000 creatures.
>lol what the fuck are ideals what the fuck is sympathy

You seem mad at science, is that because you flunked it?

>> No.18832893
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>being so comically mad you can't even numbers

>> No.18832897

No meat = No meal. Simple as.

>> No.18832993

Without meat you're just eating a snack.

>> No.18833023

It's interesting that not a single person in this thread has mentioned B12 yet.
This post doesn't even mention it. Prove me wrong. You can't.

>> No.18833049

I know that in moderation is a tired cliche but it still is generally true for an omnivore. We've got humans from across the dietary spectrum in history and I do not know of any severe difference in health/survival rate as long as you were getting the essential nutrition. I do know that in looking at mummies from Egypt, Meso/South America and the Arctic regions they found just about the same levels of heart disease despite the highly varied diet (and near exclusive meat consumption to the latter). Leading to a conclusion that heart disease is kind of just an inevitability of age.

>Well, the same research team did another study, broadening the the analysis to include mummies from three other preindustrial populations: 51 ancient Peruvians, five Ancestral Puebloans of the U.S. Southwest and five Unangan of Alaska's Aleutian Islands. They also included 76 more ancient Egyptians.
>Ultimately, calcium deposits signifying atherosclerosis were not hard to find across the four different cultures. More than a third of the 137 mummies showed signs of probable or definite hardened arteries, with 25 cases of calcification in the walls of preserved arteries and another 24 along the expected course of an artery.

I prefer beef but I will concede that pesco-vegetarianism with chicken/chicken products is likely the healthiest option. But the only reason to go vegan is pure emotionalism. And in terms of red meat the more smoked/processed shit is not as healthy for you but it's also not going to kill you if it's in moderation. You look at the nutrition of bacon and you'd have to eat a stupid amount to actually really be unhealthy.

>> No.18833191

Define moderation. Is a pound of steak per day every single day considered moderation?

>> No.18833205

Post body.

>> No.18833207


>> No.18833210
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>> No.18833211

I know what I wrote

>> No.18833235

Meat's fine, but you'll get a lot of truly ridiculous advice about how much of it you should eat, advice which is based entirely on an unquestioning adherence to convention. I'm not a scientist or anything, but I'm also not brain-dead retarded, so I go by the recommendation of the Cancer Council of Victoria: Three servings of red meat a week, where a serving is roughly the size of a deck of cards.

If you're butthurt about this, don't be, simply either accept you value your enjoyment of meat more than you value your health, or change. Either way it's fine. We're all entitled to do our own cost-benefit analyses as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.18833984

Anon, everything that was ever discovered to be true was at some point in disagreement with the entire scientific consensus.

>> No.18834909
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>Three servings of red meat a week, where a serving is roughly the size of a deck of cards.
This is an average DAY for me, WTF?

>> No.18835267

Seethe fag

>> No.18835357

Really wow you're so unique and quirky thanks for sharing.

>> No.18836032

>Veganism IS a huge scam
Veganism is an ethical stance. How can an ethical decision be a "scam". That's like saying being pro life is a scam. Wtf is that even supposed to mean?

>> No.18836041
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Aww, you're so sweet Anon <3

>> No.18836397

If veganism were advertised as an ethical stance then I would not have any objections to it. What comes out of the ex-vegan interviews is that many vegans get into it for health and many vegans are perfectly happy to oblige the fantasy that is is healthy. As their hair and teeth fall out, their friends tell them that they need to do a fruit fast to heal. That is evil.

>> No.18836402

Meat is the food, the other things on the plate are simply there to support the meat. Without meat you're just having nibbles.