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18831672 No.18831672 [Reply] [Original]

Check it out /ck/. Pristine untouched freshly opened peanut butter jar

>> No.18831675

I stopped eating peanut butter and lost like 20 pounds. That shit is poison.

>> No.18831684

I'm a lankoid so I need the calories

>> No.18831685

Put your dick in it

>> No.18831812


>> No.18831845

go on OP

>> No.18831849

Please don't do it....

>> No.18831870


>> No.18831879

But microwave it first, so it gets creamy and warm.

>> No.18831885
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>> No.18831888
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>> No.18831903

After I got out of the service, I got a bit doughy and started focusing on calorie-density to maximize how much I could eat for the least amount of calories. Shocked to find out how calorie dense peanut butter was. I knew it was healthy and full of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, etc. But a couple of tablespoons knocks out about 10% of your entire day's calories. It's more than a whole can of non-diet soda.

>> No.18831915

Different glycemic index. Complex carbohydrate and fats do not affect you the same way 250 calories of liquid simple sugars does. The two are not comparable

>> No.18832125

make sure to pee alot so you dont get a UTI

>> No.18832170

>smooth pb
OP is a faggot
Shit probably has added sugar too unlike my superior chunky.

>> No.18832490

Is palm oil good or bad for you? My peanut butter has palm oil in it

>> No.18832496

shelf stable peanut butter like that has a ton of sugar in it, it's part of what makes it shelf stable

>> No.18832539

>not comparable
They are certainly comparable in terms of caloric intake and weight gain. They are different in terms of how your blood sugar responds in the short term and other details, but for what he's talking about it's an appropriate point that he's making.
OP, if you don't fuck that PB, someone else is going to. It isn't going to sit around, virginal and innocent, waiting for you forever.

>> No.18832579

You are a retard

>> No.18832620


>> No.18832628

based, fucking do it OP

>> No.18832985

Peanuts are high in omega 6 fatty acids (linoleic acid) which causes cell inflamation and has been linked to obesity, among other negative health effects and diseases.

>> No.18833340


>> No.18833354

Peanuts are one of the reasons people in Loma Linda CA will live twice as long as you.

>> No.18833369

Not particularly bad for you but bad for the planet. Tons of areas of forest and natural habitat for wild animals and biodiversity is destroyed to make huge monoculture palm oil plantations. I'd try to avoid it if you give a shit about the planet

>> No.18833376

eating a couple spoonfuls of peanut butter with a glass of milk is almost like eating a meal, and you can do it really quickly.
it's usually my go-to if i'm running late for something and need calories.

>> No.18833437

OP here I'm not gonna fuck my own food

>> No.18833481

When i worked in kitchens from time to time we'd have virgin coconut oil in a jar. I'd carve out a dick shaped hole, put the lid back on, then show anybody nearby unscrewing the lid and saying "not anymore!" big laughs every time

>> No.18833501

>freshly opened peanut butter jar

>> No.18833523
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Not worth it. The feeling is okay upon first insertion but there's no pressure to do anything with it. If you try to apply some pressure, peanut butter just squeezes out the sides all over the floor and your thighs. You can use saran wrap to make a slit so only some of it comes out, but it won't do the job ultimately and you'll end up just jerking off with peanut butter lube - which feels nice, but the smell is extremely strong and distracting. Afterwards in a room that will reek of peanuts for the rest of the day, you'll asses the mess that is your floor, lower half, and the desecrated remains of a perfectly innocent jar of peanut butter. You'll try to forget, and you will, but the memory will always be there in waiting.

>> No.18833540

Forgot to add, there's an insidious bit to it as well. Since you ruined the jar, you'll have to buy another to return your pantry to normal. However when you open it again you'll wonder if it was actually that bad, maybe there was something more to it. You'll try again, you'll regret again, buy a new jar again. You may end up wondering again - this is called the peanut cycle.

>> No.18833546

If you get that far, it's best to buy a new jar and immediately make something to eat with it - a used jar of peanut butter is way less appealing than a fresh one. Still, even after you finish that one you may have to be wary of new jars of peanut butter for the next couple months. Stay safe.

>> No.18833580

Anon what the fuck. Just buy a fleshlight if you are so desperate. its like 20-30 bucks for a good one these innocent peanut lives cannot be worth the mental agony.

>> No.18833598

Imagine the smell

>> No.18833601

>female coworker gets down to get something out of low boy
>"while you're down there....."
Kinda cringe looking back

>> No.18833637

I eat like a child and would rather have a PBJ over a black pudding or eel pie lmao. Brits eat some nasty shit