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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18828033 No.18828033 [Reply] [Original]

Convince me to become vegan

>> No.18828040

Think of the heckin' animalarinos. That's my best attempt at convincing you

>> No.18828043

you can be an even bigger faggot than you already are

>> No.18828044

i have more respect for furries than foot fags

>> No.18828045

you are clearly already in the pipeline

>> No.18828046

Now eat your proppa sloppa.

>> No.18828057

Can you fucking anime trannies PLEASE stay in your fucking containment boards?

>> No.18828079

I was for 6 years. Health-wise I didn't notice a difference. I got bored of it though, it's harder to socialize when you don't eat normalfag food

>> No.18828093

inb4 “anime website newfag”

>> No.18828096

You can pick up vegans who don't date non-vegans. They are extra thirsty for attention because it's annoying to hang out with them.

>> No.18828097
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Who doesn't like seeing a cute anime girl every now and then

>> No.18828111

>t. furfag

>> No.18828116

i stopped seeing someone because they literally thought i was a furry. i was so insulted i just started being rude

>> No.18828126

Be a vegan and you will get big bouncy tits like your animu girl from all the soy

>> No.18828165

she looks ready to be mating pressed by me

>> No.18828170

Anime website newfag

>> No.18828176

what a shoddy edit

>> No.18828227
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its a contradiction to say you love animals and to eat them. that would be like saying you love dogs but kill and eat them. and if being an animal abuser or a hypocrite bothers you, or you want to behave morally, then you should go vegan

also, vegan foods are really cheap. beans, rice, peanuts, lentils, tofu, fruits and vegetables. only expensive parts are the UPPER END replacement meats like beyond meat. there are mid and low range replacement meats that vary in taste quality that are cheaper. so one could be cheap and tastes pretty good, for example

also, meat causes cancer and meat eaters have the highest rates of obesity out of any dietary group, so if you want to reduce your likelihood of getting various cancers, going vegan is a great step forward

also vegans are the skinniest out of any dietary group, so if you have extra pounds, statistically speaking, you will lose them simply bu not eating meat or dairy

you also save animals from horrific amounts of ruthless suffering, which they'd probably appreciate if they were capable of understanding what you were doing

t. vegan of 5 years

>> No.18828312

get your dirty feet off my screen, whore.

>> No.18828417


>> No.18828418

>its a contradiction to say you love animals and to eat them. that would be like saying you love dogs but kill and eat them.
There's a difference between pets and non-pets. You make it sound that meat-eating is about eating pets.
>you also save animals from horrific amounts of ruthless suffering, which they'd probably appreciate if they were capable of understanding what you were doing
You vegans somehow believe that wild game are tortured daily by humans or something, or that farmers do it. Yes, some factory farming is bad but generalising that all meat consumption causes "horrific amounts of ruthless suffering" just goes to show what a mental illness that veganism is.

>> No.18828455

it's cheaper, the meals are easier to prepare, generally speaking it's better for your health, and you don't have to worry so much about cooking temperatures or accidentally poisoning yourself

but you shouldn't really 'be' a vegan anyway. you can make diet choices that mostly align with minimizing to eliminating animal products but then still do a burger at the company cookout or whatever. vegan purity is kind of silly and actually actively harmful if you're not managing your diet right to make sure you get all the necessary vitamins and shit. I don't have the patience to do that so I'll pop some eggs or fish into my food maybe once every couple of weeks so I know I'm not going to die of some easily preventable deficiency.

>> No.18828458

I like plants but I still eat vegetables.

>> No.18828475
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>> No.18828493

nah I don't want to

>> No.18828526

pitiful ass burger cuh

>> No.18828545

Nah. Eat locally available meat, not crap from 1000+ miles away. Idk what it's like elsewhere, but finding a farmer to buy 1/2 or more of a cow or pig is easier than hell in the Midwest. Tastes better and typically ends up being the same price or cheaper than the shitty supermarket

>> No.18828565

*shrugs elaborately* Become vegan... or don't, I don't care

>> No.18828601

It's a bubba burger. The first time in probably a decade that I've bought frozen burger patties instead of just getting ground meat. Can't really say it's worth the inflated price tbdesuhonest.

>> No.18828727

>big tiddies
>child bearing hips
>thicc thighs
>loli face
>that shitty ass hairdye that's so common since like 5 years ago even real live Japanese girls are still doing it
And you "complain" about footfags? Dude, I think you're in the closet if that's what you take away from this picture. It's such a common "fetish" too , you don't even need to feel ashamed.

>> No.18828772

cp is vegan
which is convenient for most vegans

>> No.18828859

So you're a passive-aggressive closeted furfag.
>He thought this anecdote would save face

>> No.18828893

Cope harder footfag. Feet nibbas like you are the lowest of the low, right next to scat and brap fetishists.

>> No.18828922

Oh no! Anyway... What tickles your dick anon?

>> No.18829103
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>every now and then
>every now and then
>every now and then
>every now and then
>every now and then

>> No.18829181

I won't, because vegans are faggots usually
but i will convince you to eat as few animal products as humanly possible.

animals are sentient beings that feel pain and fear. meat on an aesthetic level is just disgusting. think about the pure beauty of a stalk of celery. just plant fiber, water, cellulose

then think about a big bloody fatty slab of meat that was cut from a murdered innocent and sweet animal after it was pumped full of antibiotics and kept in a small cage in a warehouse before he was killed by a rusty out of date machine by some mexican
the only thing that will truly convince you though is to cook good vegan food. but don't look up vegan recipes, you're just going to get garbage health food.

just recreate recipes of shit you like but substitute the animal products. with time, you'll learn what tastes good and what doesn't. if you're in the US you can find a good vegan substitute for anything except for cheese, vegan cheese is usually fucking disgusting.

in the end, it's the morally right thing to do. any "arguments" in favour of eating meat are very easily dismantled. anyone who doesn't eat meat has heard all the broscience, cope, mental gymnastics and cognitive dissonance so many times

if you love animals, you wouldn't support what's being done to them

>> No.18829192

do you realize how many OPs can be up at a time?

>> No.18829209
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containment website, back

>> No.18829639

Sippy bippy

>> No.18829656

>talks like an autistic child

>> No.18830356

You came to the wrong place for that

>> No.18830383

Extremely based

>> No.18831918

okay furfag
no one respects you

>> No.18831961
File: 314 KB, 3840x2160, TrollFace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the one diet that will trigger the most people. So if you enjoy some IRL trolling, become vegan.

>> No.18831995

God I’m so lonely

>> No.18832002

Eating a vegan diet, especially one rich in greens and legumes, results in very smelly and abundant braps. You will shock yourself with how pungent your ass gas becomes, and how abundantly it flows. This alone is enough for any brap connoisseur to go vegan.

Veganism: Imagine the braps, imagine the smell.

>> No.18832027
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Why these are great lil morsels ,just try a bite

>> No.18832395

>anime trannies
> PLEASE stay in your fucking containment boards
you first fuckface

>> No.18832407
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Vegan food usually tastes nice.

>> No.18832730
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Vegetables are incapable of consent. So it's okay to eat them.

>> No.18832904

You're a fucking retard for preferring bestiality to human bodies. Fucking absolute cuck

>> No.18832966

but reddit loves anime, haven't you heard?
so fuck off, twat

>> No.18834239

As a vegetarian: No.

>> No.18834835

>dirty screen
>paper plate
>discord tranny
>messy room
Going to eat a veggie burger in your honor.

>> No.18834839
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>> No.18834857


>> No.18834867

Don't become a vegan. It's bad for your health.

>> No.18834875

>>He thought this anecdote would save face
lmao no i just thought it would be something to get replies
worked with you didnt it retard?

>> No.18834891

just go with like a pescetarian diet instead tbdesu.
you get the health benefits of not eating red meat, but still get the benefits of fish/poultry protein while eating a vegetable heavy diet.
also, you’re not restricting yourself from eggs and dairy like you would on a vegan diet.
if you get your food from local farms that avoid using shit like neonicotinoids and antibiotics then your diet is both healthy and environmentally responsible.

>> No.18834905


>> No.18835795

this guy thinks his hamburger was a wild majestic ox, and not a bloated mutant meat sack being force fed soybeans

>> No.18837257
File: 54 KB, 500x689, bz (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm vegetarian (meatless). Eggs, cheese, milk are ok if an animal didn't die for it. It's arbitary but dems my rules.
Vegan is a maxed out veggo but I can't do that. I tried though.

>> No.18837327

you can fuck my bussy if you do.

>> No.18837347

id bet 100 you're one of those weird american teens who says twat because you are terminally online

>> No.18837351
File: 861 KB, 700x1000, 1017528-illustration-anime-cartoon-The-Melancholy-of-Haruhi-Suzumiya-mangaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back lol

>> No.18837391

no they dont
i've interacted with a lot of them they all think anime is gross