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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18826141 No.18826141 [Reply] [Original]

dont like many foods

>> No.18826151


>> No.18826156

So you're a vegetarian that hates most veggies. Wewlad.

Also how the fuck are you making yourself appear vegan (no eggs, no cheese, no milk) but you're fine with chocolate? Lol kill yourself

>> No.18826218

I would eat every food on this list.

I can't wroap head around how you can still be a picky eater as an adult kek.
Of course you will prefer some food to other, but to the point some food becomes uneatable?

>> No.18826247

lots of dark chocolate is vegan by default

>> No.18826917

I can’t eat onions or yellow beans I just gag everytime I taste them

>> No.18826929

Anyone who says they don't like onions is lying to themselves. Thin sliced onions dissolve in most soups and sauces, also onion powder is used in a ton of stuff. Most people like cooked onions and onion based spice blends, what they don't like is "raw" onions

>> No.18826976
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Here's one for you to try.

>> No.18826986

I'll eat everything on that list, though there are a few I'd rather not (Nutella, oysters, white """chocolate""").

I'll also contest the designation of chocolate and nutella as food.

>> No.18827101

never from a bottle or jar
>peanut butter
>ranch dressing
>Brussels sprouts
I like to watch them while they die slowly
I don't trust Asian health practices. I prefer my spices from reputable sources as well.
>Wheat bread
Only from proper varieties, milled mechanically (stone, water), kneaded and left to rise properly, without "bread improvers"
I'll make my own, thanks
>Pineapple, banana
I don't pay for slavery. Products that cost nothing to grow should be free, for all.
Only when it's raw
Taggiasca, Gordal - acceptable. Fuck the canned garbage though.

>> No.18827105
File: 356 KB, 800x914, Raw veggis are better than cooked veggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I added yellow to the options i have not tried yet, because i can not judge my taste of then without having ever tried them.

>> No.18827213

Mhmm, ok.

>> No.18827231

Would eat everything on that list, so here's what I haven't already tried:
Though I have had something that was still called "escargot" that was served at a French bakery. It was like a savoury scroll, but I doubt it actually had snails in it.

>> No.18827332
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weird list, was it made for americans?

>> No.18827641

I would eat everything on this list except for cottage cheese.

>> No.18827684

Yellow means it depends on the way it's cooked (I only eat those cooked and softened unless it's carrots). Raw fish I haven't really tried it, squiggles means I don't hate it, but still not a fan

>> No.18827686

Fuck white chocolate

>> No.18827688
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Forgot pic

>> No.18827702

correction: crab and shrimp I can eat, I just find it too rubbery compared to meat or fish

>> No.18827786

It's a good thing you remembered to post the pic because I was genuinely bewildered when you said "yellow". I was THIS close to taking a shower and putting on a movie, calling it a night.

>> No.18827932

oysters, raw fish, shrimp, snails, liver

>> No.18827957

Just Beets and vinegar but I'm not going to be a fucking faggot manchild and literally throw a fit if I have to consume them.

>> No.18828013

>Also how the fuck are you making yourself appear vegan (no eggs, no cheese, no milk) but you're fine with chocolate? Lol kill yourself
Aww lil' tastelet thinks milk chocolate is the only kind of chocolate.
Hey fag, stick your head in the oven and make your best meal, a dead you.

>> No.18828084

Just coffee, strawberry, and pineapple :3

>> No.18828107
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I'll eat anything for the most part

>> No.18828113

Not true since many dishes start with mirepoix and you crossed out an essential ingredient.

>> No.18828118

I figured the chart meant raw celery. Mirepoix doesn't bother me for whatever reason

>> No.18828179

Oh, OK. Now try this one: >>18826976

>> No.18828186
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just don't like em, simple as

>> No.18828223
File: 74 KB, 425x478, 20230118_201554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like living so yeah a few things I'm not the keenest on testing my luck.

>> No.18828228

Also bats are frens not food

>> No.18828260
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im a texturebabby

>> No.18828263
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Why does this board hate picky eaters so much? It's normal to have preferences and list of things you dislike as long as it's not extreme and you have a balanced diet.

From that list I don't like tuna, sea food, snails, liver, garlic and mushrooms (I like the taste but it makes me feel sick), raw tomatoes, raisins, eggplant, pickles and olives

>> No.18828313

Post the template

>> No.18828348

soylent green is people
You'll eat people but not raw celery.

>> No.18828403

why do you retards even post on a cooking board? this is not rhetorical, i genuinely want to know why you are here.

>> No.18828415

picky eaters are naturally incapable of cooking and are therefore lowering the quality of discourse with their very presence

>> No.18828441
File: 216 KB, 800x914, certified not picky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she can't google picky eater test and save the top result
what are you, an iphone zoomer?

>> No.18828485
File: 333 KB, 1135x1200, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because fuck you that's why

>> No.18828502

I'm fairly picky and I think I'm pretty good at cooking, my mom likes most food I make

>> No.18828504
File: 505 KB, 800x914, 1674052413257290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red is stuff I absolutely won't eat and orange is stuff I'll probably limit myself to a few little bites of.

>> No.18828511

I like food in general even if there are many foods I don't like. I want to get over this picky eating and make more recipes.

>> No.18828516

It's all orange

>> No.18828524


>> No.18828531

Why do you dislike peas and not beans? It seems contradictory to me.

>> No.18828540

based self-improver.
best piece of advice for getting over picky eating is to make a Chinese friend who can cook. Chinese food has lots of weird textures and unique flavours. Even if you are not interested in Chinese cuisine, eating some of it (not even the really weird stuff) and learning to make a few of their dishes will get you over picky eating permanently

>> No.18828637

It's crazy how people on this board get so mad that people don't like certain foods instead of accepting everyone has different tastes, apparently you must eat everything or you are a manchild who only eats tendies.

>> No.18828702

People on this board seethe over picky eaters yet they are disgusted by eating bugs.

>> No.18829206

>soylent green is people
Well aware
>You'll eat people but not raw celery.
Yep. Here's something even more head scratching. I'll swallow jizz but won't eat jello.
>inb4 you're a faggot
I like dick,does it matter my equipment

>> No.18829213 [DELETED] 

This website and the entire internet is made for Americans

>> No.18829300

Autism. But you're right, they're really not that different, strictly speaking. Peas just tend to appear in all the wrong contexts. It's the same thing for coconut, really - it's not inherent to the ingredient but it shows up where it shouldn't more often than it does where it should and so I associate it with bad experiences.

>> No.18829321
File: 437 KB, 840x930, no one will read this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're less picky than most furries i know, who tend to eat exclusively beige

>> No.18829322

Just liver. Also anyone over 18 with more than five should consider suicide.

>> No.18829331

i've never seen ranch dressing in real life but i don't really buy sauces and other stuff like that
when americans say "wheat bread" so they mean something with a bit of wholegrain in it or something? that's my best guess

>> No.18829335

i swear i typed "premade sauces" but maybe i missed a word

>> No.18829395

Why won't you eat liver? Try this one: >>18826976

>> No.18829538

I lurk here because I like this boards sense of humor, it's like taking a vacation from more uptight boards

>> No.18829593

OPs image is bitch made, this is some shit

>> No.18829633

I will NOT eat cottage cheese, and I've never eaten snails but I would try them. Everything else is literally unobjectionable.

>> No.18829636

>sopa de macaco

>> No.18829643

You have a proglem with cottage cheese out of all of these? What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.18829650

I have tried pickles multiple times and I didn't like them a single time, fuck you I will not eat them

>> No.18830833


>> No.18830906

The only thing on this list I wouldn't eat is maybe snails but to be fair I haven't tried them.

>> No.18831235
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If you want to get over being picky about an ingredient, eat good dishes made well that incorporate them and go light on the ingredient you're weird about. Learn to appreciate what it does for the dish and slowly work in more of it until you reach normal recipe levels. That's what I did with black olives, the only thing I really didn't like. Went to a greek place every once in a while and got sandwiches with them on it, and learned to enjoy them for the brininess they bring to dishes.

>> No.18831249

>canned tuna
I don't get it. I like white tuna, I like red tuna. I don't like shitty rotten smelling tuna. How does that make me a picky eater.

>> No.18831317

>he doesn't bulk on mattresses

>picky ass blithering
Picky eaters are objectively annoying little spoiled children. Rarely is there a valid, non-childish explanation for their preferences.
>muh texture uuu~ it feels icky wicky

>> No.18831322

Yes. Don't waste food, prissy little queer.

>> No.18831543

Would you eat bugs?

>> No.18831556

anon, if you're consuming modern factory packaged products, you already are consuming bugs.

>> No.18831567

>I like eating shit because it makes me look tough

>> No.18831655

image sez WILL NOT eat
I have a friend who absolutely refuses to eat beans or pickles. If a pickle is in his sandwich instead of removing it and enjoying the sandwich he will not eat it

There is an employee that works for my dad that I believe only eats cheeseburgers (no toppings) and fries
At a meal once I watched her stare at a plate in dejection because some hashbrowns came with onions and peppers

>> No.18831679

I don't like beans or pickles either (green beans are fine though), I can eat them in small amounts in a burger if they don't overwhelm the flavor but I don't like their taste at all

I like onions but I know a lot of people who don't my sister doesn't eat them because they make her sick, peppers I don't like at all, I tried eating some raw ones today and I still feel nauseous from them.

>> No.18831719

>Blue Cheese

That's all I don't like on here.

>> No.18831729

What an odd choice

>> No.18831848

Most picky eaters I've come to understand just think each thing is its own ingredient and to be eaten in a vaccum. Just eat combined with a meal and it changes the entire flavour.

One fuck I knew hated olives because he thought you just ate olives on their own.

>> No.18831864

I don't know what ranch dressing is but I'll eat anything on that list.

>> No.18831875

This is actually your average /ck/ poster.. I'm leaving this shit hole forever, bye

>> No.18831884

Do you have a problem?

>> No.18832681

> Why don't you want this blue cheese?
> Thank you, but it's not to my taste
> B-b-b-but I like it so you have to!!

>> No.18834228

Imagine eating cheese with literal mold

>> No.18834257

OP it's totally cool to have food preferences. Can you suck it up and eat stuff when it is served to you?

Within reason, I mean. Not if you're allergic or if it's like raw testicles or something.

>> No.18834297


>> No.18834314

You might wanna work on that. I imagine it's probably pretty embarrassing.

>> No.18834318

I almost never get invited and make food myself so it's not my problem

>> No.18834522

refusing to eat food is a childish behavior. I don't like grapefruit and tuna of that list. I'll still eat them if that's what's there.

>> No.18834657

Would you eat shit if someone asked you?

>> No.18836151

0 nigger
Captcha: N1G6ER

>> No.18836747

I am not a big seafood fan so I've not tried oysters yet and I am not keen on trying them either. Haven't eaten too much shrimp yet and I don't think I've had crab.
(Canned) Tuna and most fish is fine. Raw fish in sushi is fine too.
Probably will never eat snails! Blagh!
I don't like raw tomatoes. I like tomatoes in most other forms or raw in salads to some extent.
I don't like liver but other than that I eat everything on that list.

>> No.18837067

Are you from Africa

>> No.18837097
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even these five I'll eat if I have to and it won't ruin my day, I'd just never choose them over nearly any other option.

>> No.18837106

snails don't taste like much. the taste is whatever sauce they happen to be drowned in.

>> No.18837204

Do the other version then.

>> No.18837329

If we're being pedantic, if you research how fucked up the process for getting/harvesting cocoa beans are, an argument can be made that being against it would line up with the "Least Suffering" ideaology that Veganism is supposed to have. Then again the things suffering and being exploited are Humans and not "animals" (even though Humans are technically animals blah blah) so who knows that a random Vegan off the street would think about it.

>> No.18837365

there's nothing wrong with being a picky eater. it's called having preferences. eating anything is like fucking anything.

>> No.18837422

I'm not looking all those up, especially when half of them are inedible or otherwise retarded memes. at least post the one with pics and descriptions. but in general I'd try anything that doesn't have the potential side effect of incurable death.

>> No.18837480

Everything on there is edible.

>> No.18838324

who hasn't tried canned tuna

>> No.18838336
File: 162 KB, 715x801, 17392C6C-89FE-4C11-B36D-ABB620F72AD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only iffy one is canned tuna. I prefer fresh, but I’ll eat the canned stuff. Everything else is good