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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.21 MB, 480x854, PovertyBolognaSandwich.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18823613 No.18823613 [Reply] [Original]

Why do Americans seemingly never put butter on a sandwich?

>> No.18823616

because i want a cheese salad sandwich
not a cheese salad and butter sandwich, im not even american

>> No.18823621

In most cases, it's completely unnecessary.
If we did, it'd be a
>do amerifats really
garbage thread instead of this one.

>> No.18823626

Because our bread is super fucking sweet and adding butter is too much richness for a sandwich, exceptions being greasy melts and grilled cheeses

>> No.18823630

We use mayonnaise.

>> No.18823637

I figured it was down to the bread. Must be like having brioche with everything

>> No.18823643

Where's da mayo?

>> No.18823649

i always put something else like mayo or bbq sauce on my sandwiches.

>bread is super fucking sweet
there are other breads besides wonderbread available in america.

>> No.18823662

Who the fuck puts sugar in bread?

>> No.18823666

I honestly don't know the answer. It's just not something most Americans would even think of. We eat bread with butter, and buttered toast/bagels/english muffins/biscuits, but the only time we ever really put butter on a sandwich is if it's on the outside and we're toasting it. We usually just use mayo and mustard for most things. It's not like we have inferior bread and butter; it's just not a thing we do. I lived in France for a while and one of the things that honestly surprised me the most was people would actually butter their bread before eating cheese with it. Like, holy shit dude, I know baguettes and cheese and wine are kind of your thing, but do you really need to butter your bread before adding that 2 ounce dollop of epoisses?

>> No.18823684

I have. Soft butter with warm ham or cheese is really good.

>> No.18823692

>It's not like we have inferior bread and butter
Buddy...We do. The best butter we can get nationwide is fucking Irish. The best bread we can get nationwide is goyslop versions of the real thing.

And don't even @ me about how you live next door to a dairy farm and an artisinal bakery or whatever gay shit. We're talking about average American vs. average European. Walmart vs. Aldi. And it's not even close.

>> No.18823707

Most varieties of supermarket bread in the US have more sugar, and most people just grab white or wheat to make sandwiches.

>> No.18823712

>removing the meat crust
>owning a microwave

>> No.18823735

that doesn't look at all like poverty bread

that bread is probably 5 times what actual poverty bread costs at the same store

>> No.18823747

That french sandwich where you just put ham on a baguette with butter is really good, whenever I make a ham that's what like half the leftovers end up as

>> No.18823758

>cheese salad sandwich

>> No.18823767

he probably means lettuce

>> No.18823771

Personally I butter my lips before each bite but that’s not what most americans do I don’t think.

>> No.18823773

>Who the fuck puts sugar in bread?
A fucking lot of breads. What do you think the yeast eats, retard?

>> No.18823781

Essentially a salad, lettuce onions tomaoes cucumber etc, with sliced or grated cheese added slapped on bread

>> No.18823789

>Why do Americans
Why do people from your shithole always obsess over us Americans?
Jesus fucking Christ. We're better than you. Get over it.

>> No.18823798

Both wrong
It's cheese with mayo and diced vegetables with lettuce
Close though

>> No.18823812

"the best butter we can get nationwide is fucking irish"
my retard in christ it's all just fucking cream and if salted, salt, you're not some butter sommelier going "mm yes i can detect a fruity aroma and a backsplash of hickory in this butter" cause sommelier are just as bullshit liars about wine

>> No.18823817

cooklet detected. quality of butter is determined by the percentage of milkfat. who knew inferior quality butter also tastes inferior? not you because you're a dumbshit

>> No.18823821

Americans keep their butter in the fridge so you can't spread it.

>> No.18823825

mmm yes i can really taste the walnut barrel this wine was fermented in, it really brings out the nutty aftertaste from the boysenberry and pine notes (it's boxed wine)

>> No.18823831

Its a genuine question unlike Muricans "hurr hurr hurr toast sandwich " troll posts

>> No.18823841

Mayo is more popular and you can do more with it to make different spreads compared to butter

>> No.18823844

Could've put it in an airfryer and gotten a nice crunchy bread with a bit of browning instead of a damp mess

>> No.18823845

>toast sandwich

>> No.18823859

Lurk more

>> No.18823866



>> No.18823867

Lurk more

>> No.18823878

>you're not some butter sommelier
howling @ this

>> No.18823888

I pity you. But your taste buds are too fried at this point from a lifetime of corn syrup and preservatives to be of any use to you anyway. Just go ahead and die already, honestly.

>> No.18823917

you're literally retarded, the only difference in butters is the fat content, if you are trying to argue that all that matters is fat content then you can't eat butter anymore, you have to exclusively eat ghee

>> No.18823927

A few reasons:
1) most Americans keep butter in the refrigerator, which renders it impractical for spreading.
2) mayonnaise is generally preferred and using both would be overkill
3) margari-I mean "plant-based butter" (srsly) exists and some will use that for sandwiches
4) "I'm good with whatever Subway and Publix/insert-supermarket-chain-here put on a sub for me, lol"

>> No.18823941

Because that's something stupid Europeans do

>> No.18823949

Because butter isn't s0y

>> No.18823957

if there was a heaping helping of wet, runny, canned beans on that toast sandwich, you'd eat it.

>> No.18823959
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>You're supposed to remove the edges.

>> No.18823995

of the bread

>> No.18824009

I would if butter came in a squeeze bottle

>> No.18824016
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go stand in the corner and think about what you just said

>> No.18824048
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>> No.18824053

>sneed oil
nice try

>> No.18824064
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Just use a heated knife

>> No.18824066


>> No.18824074

Usually a sandwich over here is either cheap shit that's heavily processed and doesn't need butter (cheap bread, bologna, cheese, mayo) or it's on the high end and doesn't need it because it has 15 other ingredients anyway. Personally, I just toast my bread using mayo for a sandwich, butter is reserved more for breakfast breads

>> No.18824080

I prefer to put a bunch of butter in my scrambled eggs

>> No.18824120

>We're talking about average American vs. average European
>Walmart vs. Aldi
I agree with you that most Americans don't have access to good bread, But if your idea of the "average American" is a fucking Walmart shopper I honestly can't take anything you say seriously. You might as well say that the average American lives in a trailer park.

>> No.18824147

>Some 95 percent of U.S. consumers shopped at one of Wal-Mart’s 4,700 stores or on its website in 2016, according to NPD. It was followed by McDonald’s at 89 percent and Target at 84 percent.
Sounds like a wal-mart shopper is a good use as an average american. Only 5.6% live in trailer parks though, so that's not a good one.

>> No.18824162

>95 percent of U.S. consumers shopped at Wal-Mart
My mom went to a Walmart a couple years ago to buy a can of AC charger. That's not the same as regularly shopping there, let alone for groceries.

>> No.18824185

I think there is some benefit in prepping sandwiches that could get soggy over time, like packed lunches or even like refrigerated food service sandwiches cut into triangles and sold at convenience stores or on trains. or preppy for like a shower or party as finger sandwiches.

>> No.18824203

That sandwich was made by midwestern hands.

>> No.18824308

2/3rds visit at least once a month.

>> No.18824327

>bologna on wheat
It seems like it's supposed to be a "haha, look at this low quality sandwich" video, so I can't figure out why they didn't use white bread

>> No.18824339

>citation needed
Furthermore show me that this 2/3rds stat actually does their grocery shoppi g there. I hate walmart but if its the closest store to me and i just need batteries or wiper fluid or some shit thats where ill usually stop. Never for fucking groceries though. Most people i know do the same.

>> No.18824344

who said transvestites can't cook?

>> No.18824356

I think you underestimate how well wal-mart is doing. Their customers are increasing. Their biggest grocery growth is currently coming from those making over $100k per year in Q3 of '22. Just view their investor materials and you'll see how well they are doing with middle and high income customers in the grocery sector.
Their customers are from a broad section of incomes, and are a large chunk of the US population. So yes the average american is a wal-mart grocery shopper.

>> No.18824440

Supposedly this was her favorite sandwich as a kid

>> No.18824467

imo its cause we keep butter in the fridge so its a pain to have it ready to spread on a whim

>> No.18824475

No one making over 100k a year shops at Walmart. Sorry, it’s just not true.

>> No.18824489

trump eats kfc and diet coke dude do you think rich people just have their own brands made for them?

>> No.18824566

My best friend earns well over $100k and shops at Walmart, Lidl and Aldi. I only go to Walmart maybe once annually.

>> No.18824671

So does everywhere else. You just work the butter with a knife into a spread, takes seconds

>> No.18824701

It doesn't have seed oils so americans don't like it

>> No.18824713
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>there are other breads besides wonderbread available in america.
Ok but there is quite literally not a single brand that doesn't have sugar in it. Pic related is the closest thing I've ever found, and it's 7 dollars a fucking loaf

>> No.18824716

I shop at Walmart all the time. Why wouldn't I?

>> No.18824719

I do, under the Vegemite.

>> No.18824742

I make 120, my dad makes a million+ a year. you’re actually retarded if you don’t shop at walmart. not for everything, but for many essentials you’re just paying more for the same product at other stores.

>> No.18824768

americans would rather use mayo made with sneed oil than butter made from milk

>> No.18824773

In Canada I feel like the idea that bread should be buttered by default is a British thing, mostly practiced by older generations.

>> No.18824788
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>> No.18824799

This is beyond the pot calling the kettle black, this is the pot calling the kettle the n word

>> No.18824828

whos making all the threads then

>> No.18824873

Why do they love sneed oils so much?

>> No.18824879

rent-free, eurotard.

>> No.18824882

Most people just don't know or care that nearly every single pre-packaged item is half sneed oil. Companies use it because it's an extremely cheap and tasteless filler that allows them to mass produce their slop more efficiently

>> No.18824904

Last time i shopped at walmart the self checkout's scale turned out to be broken so i couldn't buy most of my produce, and the poblanos turned out to have been sold by count rather than by pound which made them hugely overpriced so i told the lady to cancel those as well. The time before that, the site said they had vitamin d pills in stock but they weren't on the shelf. The time before that was the same problem but with motor oil, just a specific brand so nbd there.

>> No.18824917

Becouse bread they use is soft fluffy fake bread. It dosent need it. You use butter for real bread. Not to this american stuff

>> No.18824920

You put it to feed yeast. But americans over sugar everything. To fight communism

>> No.18824981

unironically the soybean lobby. the government pays farmers to grow unholy shitloads of them and they can only sell so much to china so they have to unload the rest on the public disguised as "food."

>> No.18825290

Corpos successfully convinced middle class white women that mayonaise(real mayonaise not miracle whip or whipped salad dressing) tastes like cum

>> No.18825299

This is something done in countries that think beans on toast is an acceptable breakfast.

>> No.18825782

the average income in the US is like 65k a year. Everyone shops at Walmart.

>> No.18825792

Lisa isn’t an American, she’s a gook, brown people can never be true Americans

>> No.18825842

Why would you spread butter? Where I'm from we keep it in the fridge and just cut thin pieces of it and place them on the bread.

>> No.18825846

So the butter flavor is evenly distributed.

>> No.18825862
File: 14 KB, 559x423, 1673123363864327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is everybody in this thread in on a joke? Australian here, this is honestly the first I've heard of people finding it weird you'd butter a sandwich.

just spreadable butter is what absolutely makes a ham or ham + cheese sandwich. I don't want to bite into a big lump of cold butter, I want a thin layer across the whole sandwich

>> No.18825885

My dad works at Nintendo

>> No.18825888

You’re tradesman, you’re cut from the same cloth as the average Walmart patron. Braving the Walmart crowd simply isn’t worth it for anons like me. I’d rather pay a premium to be around more civilized people.

>> No.18825891

Butter is for toast and dinner rolls, nothing else with regards to bread

>> No.18825894

America is ran by commies just like the USSR. You need to purge the unclean souls of jews either spiritually or physically to fight communism.

>> No.18825895

Not American though

>> No.18825942

>cut thin pieces of it and place them on the bread.
That works well, but only if the bread is fresh out of the toaster. Otherwise, butter goes in the pan.

>> No.18825944

>just spreadable butter is what absolutely makes a ham or ham + cheese sandwich.
Seems odd. I'd much prefer mayo, or mustard, especially with horseradish.

>> No.18826188
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>Bread too sweet
>I don't know
I'm actually at a loss. How is a ham sandwich with buttered bread not a thing, it's the simplest sandwich imaginable and it doesn't have to be some french jambon du buerre bullshit, just sliced bread, ham and butter or even whatever margerine spread out of a tub.

>> No.18826195

Putting butter on a sandwich is quite useless. Just about any other condiment/sauce works better.

>> No.18826201

Are you high that looks like store brand shitty cheap bread look at texture and how floppy it is

>> No.18826210

Nah your dairy must really be godawful then, no wonder you're always going on about our stuff. Ireland is built on buttered bread and buttered ham sandwiches, mayo is ok but disappointing when compared. if you're saying mayo is better with bread and ham than butter then something is seriously wrong with your butter

>> No.18826222

We do. It is called a grilled cheese

>> No.18826228

I have only ever seen my great depression era grandmother put butter on a sandwich instead of mayonnaise.

>> No.18826242

Butter is for toast, mayo is for sandwiches.

>> No.18826249
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>Nah your dairy must really be godawful then
I didn't grow up as poor as you and didn't develop 3-world tastes in food.
Butter and ham, for fucks sake...
*shakes head*

>> No.18826252

What are some regular shopping chains? Walmart is pretty much the only one I've heard of.

>> No.18826265

italian, sourdough, and ryes all can be easily found with less than 1g of sugar. that bread is shit and is literally one of the most sugary loaves out there so well baited

>> No.18826268

Nah nigger mayo and ham sounds bad enough but you goblins get brought up on mayo and that dreadful bologna concoction so don't even try and have the nerve to make this about class.

>> No.18826295

>regular shopping chains? Walmart is pretty much the only one I've heard of
Do you live in a cave?
Here in suburban VA we've got Giant, Shoppers, Weis, Publix, Aldi, Target, and of course Walmart within 2-3 miles of my house.
The next town south also has most of these, plus Lidl, Costco, BJ's and Wegmans. I've also heard of Piggly Wiggly, Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Safeway and Sam's Club.

>> No.18826304

>dreadful bologna concoction so don't even try and have the nerve to make this about class.
Bologna is for poor people. I don't eat that shit.

>> No.18826348

Last time I shopped at Walmart I bought the new Pokemon game for my friend for Christmas and I had a nice conversation with the old lady working at the electronics checkout where I explained to her what Pokemon was and why it's so popular.

>> No.18826425

>Do you live in a cave?
Nah, I just don't live in America. Thanks, of those I've heard of Lidl and Costco but only because they have branches here.

>> No.18826491

>mystery melty slice
>mystery pink slice
Not sure if I want to know.

>> No.18826492

We're talking about staples you flaming homo not dickwaving our imaginary wealth, if you want to act like ham and mayo is somehow classier than ham and butter and that's why it tastes better then that's good for a laugh and all but if you can get butter from a cow that's seen a blade of grass in it's life then I assure you ham and butter is superior.

>> No.18826508

anyone else feel extremely angry after watching this

>> No.18826571

>>Do you live in a cave?
>Nah, I just don't live in America.
So yeah, essentially a cave.
Why do Anon's like you pretend your shithole homeland is normal, and not even bother to tell us where you live?
I mean, if you said "Turkmenistan" I couldn't go there and find you.
Seriously, where the fuck do live that has a Walmart but no other grocery chains?

>> No.18826573

>I assure you ham and butter is superior.
Sorry, still sounds nasty to me.
Stay mad though!

>> No.18826589

I never said Walmarts exist here, I just said it's the one American chain I've heard of.

>> No.18826676

because butter has no sugar in it

>> No.18826690

>Not being a buttermolier
Do you even cook

>> No.18826713

They put butter on hamburgers.

>> No.18826745


>> No.18826766

Ham sandwiches get mustard and/or mayo, depending on who's making it. I've never once seen anyone butter a ham sandwich.

>> No.18826912

that's a type of sandwich a poor kid at school always had

>> No.18826924

>mayonnaise is generally preferred
Why is that?

>> No.18827048

fuck whatever that slab of meat substance is looks so fucking gross.

>> No.18827057

Why would anyone do that

>> No.18827509

Bologna and American cheese
Its clearly bologna

>> No.18827532

Sommelets, when will they learn?

>> No.18827533

Isn't sugar required for the yeast to ferment?

>> No.18827539

What? I always lube it up with mayo or else Id choke. I think I dont produce enough saliva.

>> No.18827744

>taking the crust off the meat but not the bread
What the fuck

>> No.18827746

because they eat shit butter.
If most americans knew about Plugra, we'd put butter on everything

>> No.18827834

>no mayo
Fucking stupid, you don't even need that much mayo to give it a bit of moisture.

>poor people don't use mayo
They sell it at 99cents store so yeah, they do.

>> No.18828498
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Mayo is for the gays,
the queers
the homos
the funboys
the zesty
the fruitcakes
the aunties
the marys
the artistes
the nancys
the poofs
the queens
the fags
the chickens and bears
the twinks
the batty boys
the arse bandits
the bum boys
the fairys
the bottoms
the butt huggers
the fudge packers
the cum guzzlers
the Elton Johns of this world

>> No.18828508

There's adequate sugar in the flour, but the fermentation is more rapid if you add sugar.

>> No.18829976

>meat crust
mmmm plastic

>> No.18829984
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>being this insecure you can't enjoy mayo

>> No.18831203

Is this cooking now?

>> No.18831211

Because why would you put butter on a sandwich? Fucking weird

>> No.18831212

....you think we don't buy largely Irish butter here? Lol

Euros are always so confused thinking the country with by far the world's largest economy somehow has fewer options then their piddly little state

>> No.18831221

mustard master race

>> No.18831227

>I agree with you that most Americans don't have access to good bread,

LOL case in point
Like there aren't 200,000 fucking bakeries in America lmao
Not to mention EVERY grocery store having its own in store bakery

Europeans just honestly can't imagine the plenty of America which is hilarious. Kruschev ass mfs

>> No.18831232

Is Irish butter better than French?

>> No.18831238

Good question since the two brands I buy are kerrygold and president. Pretty even

>> No.18831255

doesn't the butter melt and drip into your cleavage?

>> No.18831265

>not to mention EVERY grocery store having its own in store bakery
Yes, everyone has access to fresh bread. It's not like Americans eat nothing but wonder bread pumped full of chemicals and hfcs. But if you've ever had a baguette in France you would never buy one from a grocery store bakery ever again. We have a lot here, but good, fresh baked bread is still kind of niche.

>> No.18831267

You think we don't have French style bakeries? Retard lmao

>> No.18831272

We have everything if you look hard enough. But most people don't have access to them, which was the point. It's a niche thing, and they're kind of expensive.

>> No.18831293
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>anglos put sprinkles and butter on white bread

>> No.18831300

It's not niche there are bakeries in every town

You have to look for less for anything here because of availability of products in general is shockingly higher

>> No.18831306

That's a south American thing.

>> No.18831315

There are also hand-wash carwash places in every town. That doesn't make them not niche.

>> No.18831327

You're right an extremely not niche thing is extremely not niche re car washes

Holy shit do you live in rural Pennsylvania? There are minimum tens of thousands of mom and pop bakeries in America

>> No.18831346

I drive by a hand-wash carwash place almost every day, and while they do get business, you're fucking retarded if you think that's how more than a tiny percentage of people wash their car.

>> No.18831384

I do the rainwash

>> No.18831407

He's talking about availability, not market share.
Applied to bread, we all have the option of buying fresh-baked bread, even though most will buy a factory loaf of some kind.
Do you get it now?
Glad to help.

>> No.18831423

I have never seen anyone ask about why Russians or Germans or Indians or assuies or Romanians have a specific eating habit. You dumb losers are OBSESSED. Just live your fucking life without wondering what 340 million different Americans are doing daily

>> No.18831431

>we all have the option of buying fresh-baked bread
I've already conceded that point, but we're talking about good quality fresh baked bread. If you have a bakery within a 10 minute drive that makes half decent baguettes you're in a tiny minority. If you walk past multiple bakeries that sell decent quality baguettes any time you go anywhere you're in the 0.0001%.

>> No.18831435

Why would you film this and upload it online. As a child I made way better microwaved sandwiches but i still felt wrong doing it.

>> No.18831436

>t. totally not a larping euro
How often do people fall for this?

>> No.18831441

The fuck? Where do they shop? Meijer? You dumb fucking retard. Hope you waste your entire salary on retardedly expensive meme foods and can’t pay your mortgage or save and invest.

>> No.18831457

bro baguettes aren't hard to make
you're just an extreme flyover/hick

>> No.18831461

>there are people so young and flyover on /ck/ that they don't even remember a time when people didn't shop at walmart
This is honestly really sad.

>> No.18831468

>who cares if there isn't a boulangerie on every corner
>baguettes are easy to make yourself!
The goalposts have officially left the country.

>> No.18831474

>I've already conceded that point,
Didn't sound like it from your post, but whatever...

>If you have a bakery within a 10 minute drive that makes half decent baguettes you're in a tiny minority.
Sounds more like you're just a snob.
I can see not settling for grocery store baked bread, but have you ever heard of Panera?
There's 2000 of them in the US and Canada, and they make awesome bread.
And that's not counting the thousands of Mom & Pop's.
No, I suspect 90+% of Americans have ready access to great, fresh baked bread.
Most will never take advantage of that, so we're back to availability vs market share.

>> No.18831488

>ever heard of panera
Yikes. You're like those people who come into every rice cooker thread and starts shouting about how everyone is an idiot and you can make perfect rice in a pot. You're both ignorant and very confident.

>> No.18831492

hence the point that has been MADE REPEATEDLY

>> No.18831508

Enlighten me, anon. Where is this magical town in the US where people are walking past boulangeries wherever they go? I've been around, but this isn't ringing any bells.

>> No.18831526

So confirmed, you ARE just a snob.

>> No.18831532

literally any upper middle class area lmao

>> No.18831546

I've lived in mostly affluent areas my entire life. Name an actual location.

>> No.18831554

How the fuck is that being a snob? That's like if someone asked you if you had an Italian deli/grocery near you that sold Italian subs and you said, "yeah, I have a Subway a few blocks away" and then you got mad when everyone started laughing at you.

>> No.18831574

Mostly affluent areas are usually right next to the other side of the tracks

>> No.18831581

>and then you got mad
Except that I'm not the one getting mad, and nobody is laughing.

>> No.18831594

>>>18823616 >>18823621 >>18823626 >>18823643 >>18823684 >>18823712 >>18823747 >>18823771 >>18823789 >>18823821 >>18823941 >>18823949 >>18823959 >>18824074 >>18824185 >>18824203 >>18824327 >>18824344 >>18824719 >>18824773 >>18824917 >>18825299 >>18825792 >>18825891 >>18826222 >>18826242 >>18826491 >>18826508 >>18826676 >>18826713 >>18826912 >>18827048 >>18827057 >>18827539 >>18827744 >>18827746 >>18827834 >>18831203 >>18831211 >>18831435
>Why do Americans seemingly never put butter on a sandwich?

We generally reserve it for butter sandwiches.

Though many people I know add butter to their submarine, roast beef and other sandwiches.

>> No.18831606

I hate you all.

>> No.18831631

kek, thumb up bro

>> No.18831670

My Dad puts butter on hi PB&Js.

>> No.18831690

I put butter on every single sandwich I make. Americans are weird.

>> No.18831704

I just used Walmart because it's available nationwide. But the quality of its products are on par with other average grocery stores. You have to get into like Whole Foods territory to get much better. You sound like you live in a bit of a bubble, honestly.
>Not to mention EVERY grocery store having its own in store bakery
Yeah, and they make goyslop bread, not real bread. It's full of preservatives and dough conditioners and god knows what other shit, not to mention made with awful flour. You would know this if you ever ate a piece of real bread in your life.
More like an American who went to Europe for a while. You on the other hand, don't even have a passport.
What you're saying is verifiably false. You're making an ass out of yourself in this thread.

>> No.18831706

>But the quality of its products are on par with other average grocery stores.

they aren't, walmart is a tier below anything decent like publix, harris teeter, trader joe's etc

they have large amounts of fewer products and they stock more trash, like walmart will have a fucking 13 foot section of oreos. at decent groceries they carry less of that.

also hilarious the ultra super mega walmart near me has a smaller produce section than any average publix i can go to around me.

>> No.18831720

Well I don't know about any of those stores, but Walmart's quality is around the same as Kroger and Aldi here where I am, and that's all we have.

>> No.18831724

Kroger and Aldi are both considered average or lower-level stores. Kroger varies a lot because there's more of them than anything else at this point.

>> No.18831733

Sucks living way out in the suburbs. I miss Whole Foods and Trader Joe's.

>> No.18831734

I haven't tried the kerrygold, I get the Isigny butter. I know kerrygold is cheaper, wondering if it's worth a try.

>> No.18831750

trader joe's is dank as fuck. i actually go to whole foods some esp if i need like, leeks or some shit like that. or some quick sushi

last year i went to trader joes and everything i picked up had soybean oil in it. this month i went back for the first time since then, and all those products now have sunflower oil or back to canola or whatever. i'm glad they quickly realized people will not go to trader joes to buy fucking soy food

>> No.18831853

>Walmart's quality is around the same as Kroger and Aldi here where I am, and that's all we have
Didn't you just say I live in a bubble? I've never lived in an area with Kroger, but Aldi is literally where homeless people go to shop. You're the one who lives in a bubble.

>> No.18832220

>call American's fat
>make fun of them when they're not being fat
What the fuck?

>> No.18832240

It’s bread. Stop pretending “French baguette” is made magically delicious because it’s in France.

>> No.18832253

French Baguette's are underwhelming, so much hype and they're just okay. They fucking turn into a brick if you wait too long, too. Cuban bread is better.

>> No.18832256

So you shop at a corner store or Kroger/food lion/whatever your regional grocery store is congrats. Why are such a fucking elitist over supermarkets? God I hate this fucking board so much. Stupid retarded smug niggers.

>> No.18832273

I’ve been in both and it’s the same shit that’s at Walmart dude. Different packaging. It’s not even that much more expensive.

>> No.18832275

I honestly feel sorry for you if you think "bread is just bread". It's not better because it's in France; it's better because they take their bread a lot more seriously and people would riot if you couldn't buy an amazing baguette on any street corner for a euro.

>> No.18832282

Europeans are very aware that they have little happenings in their countries, so they pretend they're better than everyone to compensate.

>> No.18832293

I wish you weren’t such a faggot. Like being a normal person is so easy but you insist on being a fucking psychopath. I have been to France. I ate a baguette. It was okay. It tasted like bread. Stop being some overdramatic woman.

>> No.18832339

According to my boomer dad, butter was the default for a sandwich when he was growing up in my grandparents’ home. This was a conversation spurred by an incident where my grandmother was fixing me a roast beef and cheese sandwich and asked if I wanted butter on it. I was confused but said, ‘no thanks, just mayo, please’. It was not how I grew up. So, I dunno, apparently butter on a normal sandwich is a thing for some people, James May’s YouTube channel would have me thinking it’s a boomer and earlier thing.

>> No.18832809

When I was drunk I toasted some bread and made a ham and cheese sandwich with butter. It didn't taste very good

>> No.18832813

I started doing this after I went to France for the summer a few years back. Butter and country ham, delicious.

>> No.18832827


>> No.18832861

>Why do Americans seemingly never put butter on a sandwich?
I eat open faced butter sandwiches all the time.

>> No.18832916

If we're putting something fatty and spreadable on a sandwich, it's usually mayonnaise. Butter is only for grilled cheeses and spreading on bread by itself

>> No.18834251

There are less than 10 000 independent bakeries in America.

>> No.18834253

you don’t need to add sugar for that to work silly.

>> No.18834807

honestly putting butter on bread with instead of mayo, cheese meat and veggies just sounds like a poor people thing.

>> No.18834818

Ya know, just run the bread through a toaster real fast and skip the nuker

>> No.18835157

just say you are american and dont know other countries exist.

>> No.18835160

>supermarket bread in the US
do bakeries not exist in america?
like just a normal bakery that makes normal white bread fresh everyday.
i have one next to my house, cost the same as store bought bread too.

>> No.18835166

because america is a live action cartoon.
it is the entertainment of the world.
everything in america is so over the top and CRAZY to most people on earth that it is a legit question to ask
>wait do americans really____?

>> No.18835177

butter is fucking gross
margarine all day every day for life
butter is only used for like cooking or baking
it should never be put on sandwiches or toast ever.

>> No.18835208

Why would Europeans put butter in a sandwich? It makes much more sense to use a rich vinegar-based sauce for max flavor. In America the default is mayonnaise.

>> No.18835245

because butter is cheap and useful for flavor and moisture
a loaf if hard bread is pretty tough to get through or even be enjoyable at all to eat.
but tear off a chunk a slap some butter on it and you got yourself a meal.
butter is just milk and even the dirt poor would have a milk cow or know someone who has a milk cow that would be milked every day.
and not only is it super easy to make but depending on how you store it it can be stored for a decent while.

also butter is far more versatile than any other sauce or whatever.
so the use of butter comes from tradition more than it actually being the best possible thing to put on bread.

also for the most part butter doesnt have an overpowering taste.
so when combined with other things on the sandwich it enhances the flavors or the meat or salad while also making the whole thing easier to eat.

>> No.18835284

Yeah this was an odd thing to find out. Not dissing Americans for it (the 'do americans really' thing is overplayed), but it was just a surprise is all.
Typically people here (UK) will use margarine, dairy or other oilbased spreads (utterly butterly, I can't believe it's not butter etc) on sandwiches since they spread straight from the fridge.
I got myself a butter dish a couple of years back though, if you're expecting to have sandwiches then it's really nice to just put a bit of soft butter on the bread.
I've always thought of 'bread and butter' to be like the default, like the standard thing for a sandwich no matter the filling. It's like the 'sandwich liner', like the food equivalent of primer. Like the idea of just having dry bread seems weird.

>> No.18835303

>I have been to France
Did you go to the one in Las Vegas or Orlando?

>> No.18835308

>sandwich liner
We use mayo for that

>> No.18835351

>do bakeries not exist in america?
Yes, tons of them.
But if you're a Europoor trying to look down your nose at America, your case is stronger if you pick on our shittiest bread.
And, desu, I have gotten some fairly good bread at the grocery store. Some pretty nasty stuff too.

>> No.18835354

>mayo and vegemite
oh sorry
>mayo and anything
mayo is gross and you are gross for even thinking of using it for anything.

>> No.18835361

French baguette has been dead for 2 decades already.

Sadly, is correct. Everybody has joined the American "cut quality, raise prices" garbage mantra. Proper quality which was available for everyone 2-3 decades ago is now reserved for the top 1% exclusively. I'm not talking truffle or caviar, I'm talking tomato, lettuce, plain food. Clothes, housing and furniture.

>> No.18835372

aussies have no business arguing about food with anyone

>> No.18835374
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>my retard in Christ

>> No.18835383

australia has better food than the entirety of the american and african continents combined.

>> No.18835396

in florida you are never beyond walking distance of a publix, so having independent bakeries is impossible here because of their monopoly on any kind of food.
shit I counted one day and I pass 8 publix stores on my 15 minute drive to work
fucking EIGHT

>> No.18835405
File: 64 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Braving the Walmart crowd simply isn’t worth it for anons like me.
You are a rare and delicate flower Anon.

>> No.18835410
File: 12 KB, 236x278, 382e66488d48f1dbce18ee6e00c4d7d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was right, huh?
I mean you used a lot of words and tried to shift the focus to our behavior, but ultimately, you're just saying what I already did.
You're obsessed.

>> No.18835424

sorry i forgot you fags cant actually read so you just stare at words until you get angry and then use speech to text to reply with a load of cope and seethe, with a touch of dilation sprinkled in.

>> No.18835440

I'm not the one coping or seething.
And I can read well enough to know your "you fags cant actually read" is pure cope.

>> No.18835454
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You have to understand, Anon, we're their entire world, and it fucking kills them inside. Our Navy guarantees their free trade, their movies, music, and fashion all come from America. Their disgusting women obsess over our celebrities. I see bongaloids wearing Yankees caps and shit all the time. They use our inventions to access our Internet to whine about us. They ineluctably pick up our lingo and use it as their own. In short, they live on planet America, and they hate it, but there's nothing they can do about it, because the only culture that has any chance of meaningfully colonizing space is... America.

>> No.18835460

They call oat water milk, they call rice waiter milk. And you wonder why they never use margarine? Which they call butter?

>> No.18835483


>> No.18835526

>french baguette has been dead for 2 decades already
What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.18835604

americans are stupid, that's why
>t. american

>> No.18835638

In the 80s ciabatta was invented. By 2000 everybody realized its clear superiority to the baguette. So from then the baguette was unloved for having no further use.

>> No.18835641

butter becomes liquid when warm

>> No.18835954

>I have never seen
Do you speak Russian, German or Hindi and frequent message boards visited primarily by those nationalities?

>> No.18836393
File: 27 KB, 600x338, D431_18_119_0004_600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ciabatta replaced the baguette 20 years ago
Anon, I know a lot of people make things up on the internet, but it only works if there's at least a grain of truth to it. "I personally like this kind of bread more than this other, completely different kind of bread" isn't an argument.

>> No.18836462

So Europeans and Jews simultaneously are trying to kill us, interesting....

>> No.18836469

Because they have fantasies of a 56%er plowing their wives or mom

>> No.18837486

Once you take the margarine pill for spreading on breads you can never go back. It tastes better AND costs way less to buy

>> No.18837535
File: 55 KB, 615x466, 0_Aldi-olive-oil-spread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its

>> No.18838136

>It tastes better
It tastes like fucking plastic.

>> No.18838143

because adding like 100-200 calories to what is basically 200 calories is retarded when 50% of our country is obese

>> No.18838150

Microwaving a sandwich is a horrible thing, get a toaster oven

>> No.18838368

you mean a grill?
dont all ovens have those already?

>> No.18838454

But if you have no other choice, you should wrap the sandwich in paper towels.

>you mean a grill?
>dont all ovens have those already?
Do you really want to heat up an entire oven for one little sandwich?

>> No.18838476

its good tho

>> No.18838485

Americans will unironically eat something with 900 additivies all made from chemical fuel but will call you a peasant for buttering your bread.

>> No.18838522

Their bread is already 50% fat and sugar and doesn't have the texture to stand up to a buttering without tearing.

>> No.18838573

>but will call you a peasant
No, Europoor.
We call you a peasant because you're inferior.
The buttered bread thing is purely coincidence.
Now tell me all Euro's eat additive-free food.
And you all hold hands, braid each-other's hair, sing Christmas carols all year long and pinky-swear to be besties forever.
Jesus, can none of you just live your lives without being mad at your betters?

>> No.18838681
File: 80 KB, 643x729, MC101-Dometic-oven-grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entire oven
what? the top compartment of this image is a grill that has totally separate gas burners.
do you not have one of these?

>> No.18838828
File: 59 KB, 680x1020, jambon-beurre-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans will never taste a proper jambon-beurre. They don't even have decent butter.

>> No.18838840

>do you not have one of these?
I've never seen anything even remotely like this.
But you knew that already, you disingenuous bastard.
Just address the point. Who is stupid/wasteful enough to fire up an actual oven to heat up a sandwich?

>> No.18838860

>Its clearly bologna
im not american we dont have super processed crap like that here.

>> No.18838862

Oh nooo, we'll never get to eat a ham and bread sandwich...

>> No.18838866
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1475509143455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hour long argument about how everyone has access to quality bakeries
>have you ever heard of Panera?

>> No.18838870

I prefer salad cream

>> No.18838886

>Who is stupid/wasteful enough to fire up an actual oven to heat up a sandwich?
no one.
what are you talking about? you are arguing against a point you invented
a toaster oven and an oven are 2 different things and heating up a whole toaster oven and a whole oven are 2 very different things.

>> No.18838906
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, pinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>have you ever heard of Panera?
Panera makes wonderful bread.
Pretending otherwise just proves what a pretentious asshole you are.
Tell me, do you hold one pinky out while you swallow your master's cum?

>> No.18838921

Jambon-beurre is just a fancy version of a bologna sandwich. Boring, dull, insipid. For fuck's sake, even putting fucking iceberg lettuce and some shitty yellow mustard would liven it up a bit.

>> No.18838923

>heating up a whole toaster oven and a whole oven are 2 very different things.
My point all along.
Read the thread:
>Microwaving a sandwich is a horrible thing, get a toaster oven
>you mean a grill?
>dont all ovens have those already?
>Do you really want to heat up an entire oven for one little sandwich?
Read the thread, THEN tell me where your claim makes the slightest sense.

>> No.18838930

I like bologna sandwiches. You're way off, though. It's more like a picky eater's ham sandwich. Bologna is way different than ham.

>> No.18838937

>Microwaving a sandwich is a horrible thing, get a toaster oven
based nothing wrong with this
a grill in an oven is just an inbuilt toaster oven. its the same thing.
the oven and the grill/toaster oven are 2 separate entities in the same unit.
im agreeing with him saying yeh just use the toaster oven in the oven that is not the oven and does not heat up the oven.

how are you this dense?

>> No.18839009

>just use the toaster oven in the oven
Why are you pretending this is a normal thing?
Before this (possibly photoshopped) post, I've never hear of such a thing:
I'm pretty sure you suck the weenis.

>> No.18839032
File: 311 KB, 1500x869,  ̄-_(ツ)_- ̄.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, but they're pretty common.

>> No.18839042

i have never been in a home that doesnt have one.

>> No.18839148

because Amerilards eat butter directly out of the tub with a spoon.

>> No.18839926

My point was that Jamon-buerre is boring. How could you miss my point so completely?

>> No.18839935

It’s collagen casing, not plastic.

>> No.18841169

we put mayo on everything, dude. "ranch dressing" is just fancy mayonnaise. tthere's mayo on mcchickens. in a lot of places you have to specify you want no mayonnaise on your sandwich
that being said i use it sparingly on like a sandwiches and shit. i'm more of a spicy brown man

>> No.18841238

Ham is already fatty enough. Why put more fat on it jfc

>> No.18841242

I am middle aged and have lived all over the United States and have also rented houses in Europe and have never seen an oven like that before.

>> No.18841321

its a british thing.
also australian.

>> No.18841397

Seems like a waste of good oven space. Can you still fit a whole ham or turkey in the larger area?

>> No.18841413

Yes, obviously.

>> No.18841506

its just a full size oven with full size toaster oven/grill on top and then a range/cooktop on top of that.

>> No.18841513

mayo is preferred around where i live

>> No.18841634

That bread sucks asshole.

>> No.18841698

Panera?? The frozen dough place? LMAO. Swine.

>> No.18842811

>It’s collagen casing, not plastic.
When I was a kid, the deli near my Grandparents would just slice up a loaf of bologna without pealing back the wrapper, so you had to remove the orange plastic ring from each slice.
Fucking nasty.

>> No.18842815

>we put mayo on everything, dude
My roommate uses it on the outside of grilled cheese instead of butter.
Works pretty well.

>> No.18842824
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>How is a ham sandwich with buttered bread not a thing, it's the simplest sandwich imaginable
What about just mayo on wonderbread?
Part of Alabama culture, just like fucking your sister, or becoming an alcoholic in middle school.

>> No.18842831

>its just a full size oven with full size toaster oven/grill on top
All ovens fit into the same sized space.
If you give up some of that space for something, the main chamber is going to be smaller.
Duhhhh... Your first day in this universe maybe?
unless your oven is a Tardis?

>> No.18842857

>All ovens fit into the same sized space.
guess we have bigger oven spaces where i live cunt.
>but the whole world is [insert wherever you live here] !
no it isnt.
like i said, everywhere i have been where i live has oven/grill/stovetop combos that are more or less the same size and the bench height is more or less the same height
sometimes i have seen the orientation flipped so its the same dimensions but with a plate warmer/ keep food warm tray on the bottom, especially in wall mounted units, and then have the stove top and grill installed in the bench someplace else in the kitchen.

>> No.18842970

People don’t fuck their sisters you twisted fuck. That just sounds too midwestern and it is. However getting head from your cousin is completely ok. And my grampy was raised on mayo sandwiches, had a gun before he had shoes, and drank a pint of scotch every night. :)

>> No.18843014


>> No.18843021

>I don't understand geometry

>> No.18843025
File: 85 KB, 600x511, 1456359669354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People don’t fuck their sisters you twisted fuck.
Yeah, some people do.
Your grampy sounds like he fits the demographic.

>> No.18843043

Because we don't make shitty sandwiches that need added butter.

>> No.18843964

I'm going to say it and before anyone asks, no I'm not Mexican, Asian, or Latino.

But to answer your question, it's quite literally ONLY and SPECIFICALLY a white people thing here. They even coat the outside of the bread in mayo and toast it. So mayo/mustard inside and mayo outside.

>> No.18844057

>ONLY and SPECIFICALLY a white people thing here
That's racist.

>> No.18844953

>i dont understand not everything in the world is not the exact same size.

>> No.18845978

This anon knows. Maybe the average individual Walmart shopper isn’t over 100k salary but I think may U.S. households make that.

I’ve noticed Walmart has more grocery stuff that I would have to get at Target or Whole Foods. I wouldn’t make it my main food store but if I want a snack or need to pick up something last minute Walmart is sometimes the best option. Just avoid the goyslop or accept that you’re not going to get your pasture raised eggs in a pinch.

>> No.18846307

So from reading this thread do bakeries just not exist in America?

>> No.18846644

If you read the thread you'd know they do.

>> No.18847221

>Jamon-buerre is boring
Not with a sourdough baguette, raw milk sel de guerande salted butter and some artisanal jambon cuit superieur.

>> No.18847408

Get a loaf of this faggot

>> No.18847764

Yeah but it doesn't seem genuine, just feels like Amerifat cope

>> No.18847774

they mostly use mayonnaise instead
butter is for toast

>> No.18847782

because they don't have any butter left after putting it in fucking everything else

>> No.18847785

that feels like non-american cope