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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 146 KB, 1200x720, self-checkout-grocery-retail-Toshiba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18819396 No.18819396 [Reply] [Original]

I am paying to work for the grocery store now! I love it!!

>> No.18819407

I actually do love it.
>Pick a few heirloom organic carrots out of their package and put em in a baggie
>Ring up as $0.99/lb white trash carrots

>> No.18819432

Satsuma Mandarin is the new Tangerine, at least in as much as I will pay them. The cost savings to the establishment are orders of magnitude greater than anything lost to shrink, they simply do not care as long as the P&L's add up. Hence the reason they close down stores in the places where the ratio is, shall we say, unflattering.

>> No.18819443

>lots of items, go to cashier
>few items, go to self checkout
simple ass

>> No.18819499

Yeah how will that work out for you when there are no more regular cashiers left because self-checkout is cheaper?

>> No.18819509

just steal nigga
idk about other stores but at whole foods its a piece of cake
the wagie standing there doesnt give a fuck if you just pretend to scan something and throw it in your bag
the machine doesnt snitch on you either if the weight in the bagging area goes up either

>> No.18819512

I guess I'll just starve to death.

>> No.18819513

>muh slipper slope fallacy
Maybe go to another store that has no self-checkout.

>> No.18819520

Yeah a coop i worked at caught onto this and ripped out all the self check stations for good lmao. When customers bitched we told them its so "we can get more face time with customers!! :3"

>> No.18819523

Has slippy slope argument ever been wrong?

>> No.18819530

I refuse to use them, until they totally remove the cashiers.

>> No.18819534


>> No.18819538

What store? They won't exist

>> No.18819541

>I am paying to work for the grocery store now! I love it!!
I never use self-checkout. I heard the stores make fake accusations of theft ALL of the time and there's little you can do to dispute it. I'll keep the cashiers in the loop.

>> No.18819560

Yes. That is why it is a fallacy.
It does your heart no good to make up future scenarios where your misery only deepens. You should work on that negative self-talk, jimbo.

>> No.18819570

They have receipts. What the fuck do you mean there's nothing you can do to dispute it? If it was rung up, you paid for it. The real problem is when they try acting like you're obligated to humor them. The instant you've paid it's now your property and thinking they can stop you from leaving with your property unless you let them inspect it is a lawsuit in waiting.

>> No.18819575

>I heard the stores make fake accusations of theft ALL of the time
Where, here? Don't be stupid enough to believe everything you read online. Definitely isn't even remotely a common thing

>> No.18819582

You need to go outside more

>> No.18819592

Do your own research!

>> No.18819612

>Walk in, fill up a cart, lots of meat
>'excuse me where are the manned checkouts?'
>'sorry sir we are completely self checkout'
>'i see'
>Leave trolley and walk out

>> No.18819619

My sibling went shopping like 8PM with nephews at our vacation house location at a Wal-Mart and they forced her to self-checkout with a literal $600 cart of groceries. I wouldn't have done it. I would have said "open a register for us, or can put away all of these items one by one on your own"

>> No.18819643

all stores here now have self check-out
at the start 50% of self check-out terminals accepted cash
with covid that got reduced to 15%
today there's not a single self check-out that accepts cash in the entire region.

I suggest you read up on fallacies, dear wannabe philosophy bro.

>> No.18819651

This sounds illegal, you can't refuse legal tender

>> No.18819657

honestly no. ignore the other posters. it's all slopes and relativism. find me an example of it not happening.

>> No.18819661

You can if you put a sign up to inform the customer.

>> No.18819672
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Fine with me, I use self checkout whenever it’s possible so the cashier people don’t know I’m a manchild

>> No.18819685
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OP, why not shop online and press all the curbside or delivery buttons that makes the food just appear at your door or makes a wagie wheel it out to your car?
And don't tell me the only services you can find cost more money. It's obvious common sense that when there's a choice between someone else being hired to do menial work for you or not there's a tradeoff happening that costs money.

>> No.18819696

I’m miffed that the store in the town I just moved to DOESN’T have self checkout. Makes it much harder to steal shit.

>> No.18819714

i only use self-check out. why would i want some old roastie touching all my food and looking at me

>> No.18819717

This. I literally only hear old people bitching about self checkout

>> No.18819775

it literally has never been wrong and they're gaslighting you

>> No.18819865

There is a distressing amount of people in this thread who clearly have an IQ below 85, seeing as how they fail to understand the slippery slopes validity comes from increasing the likelihood of further development along a certain pathway, not that it neccesiates it.

>> No.18819871

oh no youre distressed? go to /lgbt/ sweety theyll take care of you there

>> No.18819891

please don't make fun of me

>> No.18819900

Why don't we get a discount on our groceries since we are doing their job for them?

>> No.18819906

Nope it's true 100% of the time, entropy is a law of the universe. Things will always get worse and decay over time.

>> No.18819908

they call it the "rewards program"

>> No.18819909

I love self checkout. Wagies are incompetent retards and always manage to fuck-up somehow by either taking forever, double swiping something, etc.
I can get done in less than half the time

>> No.18819911

I don't remember Walmart ever offering me such a thing.

>> No.18819915

Yea I'm essentially collecting a small salary because of all the shit I steal thanks to these

>> No.18819927

I love self checkout, especially back when I used to get panic attacks

>> No.18819931

>getting mad at the opportunity to make that a $300 cart of groceries

>> No.18819934

you're going to die

>> No.18819940

>I am paying to work for the grocery store now! I love it!!

You mean they give you a discount (stealing a few items) to work at the store. It's a fair tradeoff

>> No.18819966

imagine being such a lonely cunt you want to stand in line for multiple minutes just for a ten second interaction with someone who is forced to give you attention when you could have already finished your checkout with nearly no extra effort

>> No.18819976

>Self-checkout on the far end of the store almost never has any lines when it's open
>Don't have to wait behind multiple people with 50+ items a pop
>Don't have to risk getting stuck waiting for a slow-ass cashier to ring stuff up
>Can bag my own groceries to avoid the fact that cashiers are specifically trained to do it wrong

Not a bad deal, honestly.

>> No.18819984

I shop at Whole Foods and they don't have those scam kiosks.

>> No.18820011
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Anything that doesn't have a barcode is a banana

>> No.18820023

>specifically trained to do it wrong

>> No.18820047
File: 268 KB, 1152x2048, 47EDE9F7-89D6-46BE-AF4B-8ECBA9D00EF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self checkout works.
>go to Walmart
>buy a pound of wings
>walk around store eating them
>discard bag behind towels
Free wings every time

>> No.18820052

>order pound of wings from deli*
Damnit fixed

>> No.18820060

I like it. The less i have to talk to another person the better. I already park in the back of the lot to avoid other cars, I have no problem doing a little more to avoid interacting with other people.

>> No.18820096

Single mother?

>> No.18820121

Not him but ever since my store started charging for bags, what once took three bags is now 5 and double-bagged

>> No.18820122

I used to grab the cheapest pound of ground beef and then double bag it with lamb chops or veal or some shit, then scan it as just the ground beef. I was doing it very regularly by the last few weeks I lived in that area, just constantly doubling up meats - it was at a Publix with pretty good management so I don't know why I never got confronted.

>> No.18820126

Fake and gay.

>> No.18820132
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Did you bring your bag?

>> No.18820144

cry more

>> No.18820147

You'd rather stand in line waiting?
Also the cashiers are almost always fat ugly bottom of the barrel women and they truely look misserable behind their eyes.
I am glad I don't have to interact with these sub humans

>> No.18820150

I go to the fat ugly ones on purpose so I don't have Karen on the other side thinking of what her socia media post about me sexually harassing her by existing is going to be that night.

>> No.18820172

Must feel good to be an American

>> No.18820183

an argument be fallacious doesn't make it wrong. it only means that the argument is not airtight. the slippery slope *is* real... just look at how modern society has decayed lmao.

>> No.18820186

This is a cooking board. What the fuck are you doing here if that's what you eat?

>> No.18820199

Anything that causes people to lose jobs is based in my opinion.

>> No.18820207

i will pay money to skip the cashier's small talk. fuck interacting with humanoids

>> No.18820235

Haha good one! Have you ever looked at these threads? I think this board is mostly goyslop consumers

>> No.18820254
File: 90 KB, 1024x864, 1652607557220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i hate every single person that complains about self checkout.

first of all, it's nobody elses job to bag YOUR groceries. NOBODY should be a cashier. it's not a job. it's a waste of time. it's welfare that just wastes someones time standing there for 8 hours for no reason. i'd rather have all cashiers just get checks from the government and not be cashiers instead. at least they might clean their apartment or something and be productive in some small way instead of bagging YOUR fucking groceries.

because what are YOU doing? you are standing there with your fucking DICK IN YOUR HAND watching SOMEONE ELSE do YOUR work. the mentality of someone that's such a useless, lazy, careless sack of nigger shit that you stand there with your mouth open while someone puts groceries in a bag for you makes me hot. it makes me mad. i get fucking itchy seeing someone do something like that for me while i'm not helping. you worthless fucking non contributor to society. it's a one person job. just fucking do it, you NIGGER.

every motherfucking boomer retard and wannabe boomer sexless faggot that complains about self checkout should be thrown into the fucking coal mines with a pick axe. not a single god damned person on earth should be a cashier. there is zero reason for a cashier to exist.

also, fuck you to the people that snarky reddit say, 'oh i love it because i can steal'. you're not improving your life. you're not robbing an armored truck to start selling condos. you're just degrading yourself to the level of a fucking feral nigger. you're just making yourself less. you're trailer trash. just like the boomer faggot retards and their admirers that complain about having to put their goyslop in a bag to get it to their car, when they have literally nothing else to do while that's happening, while also wasting someone elses time by them being a cashier.

if this thread was an elementary school i'd turn it into a tiny graveyard, with an AR-15.

>> No.18820264


>> No.18820268

It's actually horrible when you have a half-cartful of groceries. First, the machines make you go really slowly because the cameras need to photograph your fingerprints while you're scanning. They freak out and start beeping if you go too fast. Second, there's simply not enough room. The bagging stands max out at four bags. When you start taking full bags off the machine freaks out. When you add your own new bags to the scale, or pull out a new paper bag (to avoid the draconian new bag taxes) the machine freaks out. I like to make the machine freak out multiple times, then pretend I'm an idiot so the self-check out overseer wagie must come over and scan all of my groceries anyway. I'm not doing this shit. Open human lanes, assholes. If the store is open, there should be a human checkout lane.

>> No.18820269

Honestly doesn't seem like it. Food, gun rights, video games, movies, health care, internet freedom, automotives, media, and more have all generally degraded.

>> No.18820277


gun rights have advanced a great deal in the last 30 years.

>> No.18820284


>> No.18820286

You completely missed the point of these bottom of the barrel "jobs". They exist solely so the client can feel good about himself, because hes not the sad sack of meat doing the menial task.

>> No.18820294

They don't charge you at the deli counter. They print out a bar code that you take to the cashier or self-check.

>> No.18820297

capitalism is a failure, then, simply because it tries to make people feel better about themselves, wrongfully.

i want to see americans subjected to communism specifically because they will be crushed underfoot and ground into dust until their souls are broken.

>> No.18820300

>slippery slope fallacy
the grocers used to carry your purchase out to the car for you, now we've got to scan the bleeding things ourselves. soon they'll have us stocking the food too and you can bet your ass the chattel will do it.

>> No.18820303

Stocking is a pretty ridiculous thing, anyway. Shops should just leave things on pallets like Costco does.

>> No.18820310

you SHOULD have to stock the fucking food, dog. you should have to unpalletize it off the fucking truck. in fact, you should be distributed rice in small bags and nothing else by warlord police stations under a brutal communist regime. that is what i want for america. brutal communist repression and starvation. that's what i want for you. you should be displaced like kulaks and made to eat molded rotten food for weeks just to survive. i want to see you weep in joy over an orange peel.

>> No.18820311

it's food indexing which allows you, the loyal customer, to quickly obtain your desired products.
carting through costco with the white trash is quite simply too common for some of us

>> No.18820314

I don't know what a kulak is but I'm sure you'd fit in around San Francisco.

>> No.18820315

i agree. don't like it? find the fucking farm or factory yourself.

>> No.18820316

Not in Canada, haha.;_;
Devolved like thirty years in a span of less than three years.
Suppose the divide from red and blue states might be growing.

>> No.18820321

no, those faggots think communism will make people happy and equal and stuff. i know that it's the opposite. millions will die. everyone will have their souls crushed. that's the part i want. not the gay parts. just the part where you're starving and lose parts of your soul and you're abused and live in fear.

>> No.18820326

oh in america like the laws have been continually improving, completely, across the board, everywhere except cali and NY basically for guns.

yeah canada is fucked but what did you expect its canada.

>> No.18820330

We invented things like Uber and Doordash because we all knew we figured out automation back in antiquity. You can't have slaves anymore so these are the next best thing.

>> No.18820334

hopefully, black people become so undisciplined and feral that uber and doordash become impossible. not sure what the specific mechanism would be but i have complete faith in niggers ability to find a way to ruin things.

i'm hoping that fast food restaurants somehow stop being a thing too. i just want the joy and comfort to be ripped out of every americans hands.

>> No.18820354

no I didn't mean the communism stuff I meant the being a gay guy

>> No.18820389

Lmao the workers get paid the same whether you buy it or not. I actually liked doing go-backs

>> No.18820394

ohh, very nice. i thought you were somehow using the bag to repetitively get free wings

>> No.18820395

I had this same thought when I was pumping my own gas

>> No.18820427

My grocery store only has 2 normal checkouts the rest are all these garbage self checkouts. These faggots only hire 15 year olds to work the registers paying them 4 bucks an hour here so its not a money thing. Scan beer, "please wait while an employee checks your ID". So by having the self scan checkouts you need another cunt to check the IDs, who might as well just ring up your groceries the normal way. Scan couple items want to pay "please wait for an employee to do a random search". I hate these fucking fags so much its unreal.

>> No.18820479

it ain't fake I do this literally every time at Publix too

>> No.18820527

>go to hotfood bar
>load up a container to the fucking brim
>go to self checkout
>key in code for hot food and hold it on scale. Gently hook a finger under one corner of the container while it's being weighed.
>"Price/LBs @ $2.99"
>Press "Do not bag this item"
>pay a pittance and leave.

Get fucked self checkout.

>> No.18820715

Seeing as I am faster than a wagie and can properly sort and bag my shit, yeah I do like it better.

DESU I should try the fancy shit where you just scan the shit as you throw it into your cart and just pay and leave one of these days. Just don't want to mess with the phone app for it though.

OP, if you care that much, just order online and get a wage slave to cart/bag your shit for you. They supposedly bring it right out to your car for you now. Or skip the box store and let Amazon ship your groceries, no travel required!

>> No.18820724

This is actually true already in some blue cities, especially CA. Basically they raid trains and shit, and both them and rednecks just take packages right off doorsteps. That isn't counting the doordash people themsevles snacking and stealing shit.

>> No.18820752

>this thread
4chan is full of poor people and browns

>> No.18820759


Always has been.

>> No.18820821
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It's faster and I get free stuff.

>> No.18820877
File: 68 KB, 668x321, prison_school_18_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other posters are retards just unable to accept recent world changes that they don't like. But it's generally wrong in the long run, if it were true pretty much every conflict in human history would be on a specific trajectory over time and human ethic would be a distinctly linear thing. But in reality it's constantly spiraling back and fourth between various camps and trains of thought. The only thing that is truly linear would be technology and science advancing, but even that shit can be utterly fucked back in the other direction.

>> No.18821244

just live somewhere with a ton of indians, they dont mind working for $5 an hour because they are just happy to not be wading in shit anymore

>> No.18821267

all that crap yet you still bother with diet coke

>> No.18821269

>technology and science advancing

>> No.18821273

Because its way fucking faster. Surely you arent so anti social that you cant make 2 minutes of small talk

>> No.18821292

I would rather spend 10 minutes bagging my own shit than make small talk with a wagie for 30 seconds

>> No.18821366

I don't say a single word to the wagie other than thanks at the end. Do I look like a fucking jester? I'm supposed to have some 2 minute bit ready to entertain you during your work day? I'm already paying for your overpriced shit because I literally need food to survive, and now I need to go through a humiliating performance just for you to scan my fucking food? No, fuck off and do your job. We can acknowledge that each other exist but that's as far as I'm going to go with the relationship

>> No.18821393

>trash bags
>hot sauce
>and goyslop
everything a growing boy needs!

>> No.18821418

People dont drink diet anything to lose weight, it's the taste of it they like. I was at a BBQ once and all they had was diet coke so I ended up sipping a few cans and enjoyed the taste a lot, I can see how people get addicted to diet coke

>> No.18821647

Don't forget to give yourself an employee discount.

>> No.18821663
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Not really, look what happend when we tolerated and gave fags any rights.

>> No.18821669

diet soda is legit to cut calories while pretending to have fun with sweet drinks (or mix it with liquor like a fucking degenerate aka me)

the "i'll have a diet coke, 'cuz i'm on a diet" meme comes from gigalards ordering a diet coke with their daily ridiculous triple cheeseburger and fries lunches

>> No.18821671

When I saw this I just had to go out and find the Great Value Bacon Double Cheeseburger. They were almost sold out but I found some. Will post update later.

>> No.18821675

every store stripped out half of their checkouts to add even more self checkouts during the memedemic and now rarely have more than one cashier working
i think this was done because they know how many people are dying off nowadays

>> No.18821707

i am in your walls

>> No.18821741

Seething over the fact your mom is stuck bagging groceries for people kek just shut the fuck up and grow up. Maybe support her more if you are so upset by what she does to survive, and don't ask how she gets that bonus.

>> No.18821767

>posting this shit with an iPhone
Literal cooonnssuuummer meme.

>> No.18821876

Its really not that bad. Last month at the main place i go the lady gave me some cookies she made for the holidays
You must be so fucking miserable

>> No.18821896


>> No.18821898

i am the walls

>> No.18821921

How come the mutts always try to give the bongs shit over what they eat when this is what they have?
I passionately hate Americans.
Hope Xi and Putin vapourises them

>> No.18821936

We have real food too you know

>> No.18821943

I do this with vegetables. I throw my car keys on the scale, then select all the different vegetables that i'm buying. and pay for some 50 grams per vegetable.

>> No.18821952

I used one for the first time just before Christmas because I can't stand the annoying cashier. I discovered that if you accidentally scan something twice you can't remove it without staff assistance. Have used it a few times since. No option to steal anything as there aren't any weighing scaled in Tesco Express.

One thing I hate is it sometimes won't scan my club card or debit card.

>> No.18821953

oops forgot to scan my pears! :) and my pack of water hehe!

>> No.18821960

What's the sauce, is it for your kraft dinner?

>> No.18822061

You might be a good wagie Trainer/consultant for stores

>> No.18822079

This, why the fuck would you not upgrade yourself for free?

>> No.18822122

>I passionately hate Americans.
We don't really think about you at all

>> No.18822160

I'm legitimately trying hard to think of an example but I just can't, although I'm probably too young to be any sort of authority on the matter

>> No.18822177

WF doesn't use a scale so it's easier. They do have cameras and folks watching so I'd just make sure whatever I'm accidentally moving into the bag is concealed by another item I'm purchasing. But in a way that I could always have plausible deniability; like placing a pack of gum in a fruit bag would be sus. But you can plausibly pickup a box of cookies from your basket, and accidentally at the same time be grabbing a small bag of peanuts or a packaged cookie underneath it in the same hand. And end up accidentally just scanning one but placing both in your bag at the same time. It could help if you accidentally strategically arrange the items in your basket beforehand.

>> No.18822265

I'd love to watch you nervously organizing your cart for double grabs an isle away then spill your spaghetti in front of the monitor when you try out those "accidents" kek

>> No.18822273


Or you can just not be the blackest of niggers and pay for your shit?

>> No.18822276

>hot sauce isn't goyslop

>> No.18822277

only boomer ladies who take 30 minutes to pay can't handle self checkout

>> No.18822301

Bongs eat garbage that tastes like shit while mutts eat garbage that tastes good (as long as you don't eat too much of it).

>> No.18822519

As long as there's alcohol on sale there will be regular cashiers.

>> No.18822528

warm stuff shouldn't be touching the cold stuff

>> No.18822607

It's hilarious that people think this is such a hot comeback when the main thing you're known for is being incurious and oblivious. Like, we know.

>> No.18822782

This. I never use self-checkout because I don't go to the grocery store and not buy alcohol.

>> No.18822788

But you're buying groceries at Walmart. Everybody already knows you're a manchild.

>> No.18822810

Saving this for a new copypasta

>> No.18822824

If it means I don't have to wait 20 minutes in line to get to an unemployable retard with a fluoride stare take twice the time to do something I could do myself, I'll happily use self checkout at a grocery store.
I've leveled up to the point of submitting non-grocery store orders for in store pickup. You WILL pick, bag, and have my merchandise waiting for me when I arrive, wagie.

>> No.18822837

i like buying beer and shit at the self checkout, so i can stare at a cashier eye to eye while they're ringing up another customer and they stop what they're doing to walk over and check my ID.

>> No.18822870

post body

>> No.18823022
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>waiting in line
>people are checking out with cart filled to the top taking for fucking ever
WHY DO THEY DO THIS. I like the self checkout when I'm just grabbing one or two items but it would be so much easier to throw you cart full of grocerys onto the treadmill and let the cashier bag it all quickly.

>> No.18823028


>> No.18823030

I would be so fucking embarresed to walk around with this cart even if you paid me to.

>> No.18823037

>take expensive vegetables
>ring up cheap options
in my country there is always a wagie assigned to self checkout who just peeks over your shoulder to see you don't do this

>> No.18823268

>gets rotten produce and fruits and the oldest milk on the shelf on top of his $20 convenience fee
Congrats anon you beat the system

>> No.18823283

I once purchased $130 worth of groceries at walmart and the machine bugged out before it processed my order

I just walked out with everything and no one stopped me

>> No.18823307

You can. You only have to accept tender for debts and such, not transactions. It's perfectly legal for them to not accept cash, unfortunately.

>> No.18823325

Found the grocery store manager who ends up on a cash register when people call in sick LOL

>> No.18823326

lmao wagie bagging
what are you going to do while the wagie is swiping food?
might as well bag it yourself
desu I never encountered stores where cashiers bag your stuff, you have to do it yourself

>> No.18823330

>I am paying to work for the grocery store now! I love it!!
I actually do, in this way I don't have to maintain eye contact or answer the questions of the cashier

>> No.18823333

>excuse me sir, please slide your items all over me
>go ahead and just stuff my bags with your items full as you want big boy
>yea, now select how you'd like to pay by pushing my buttons
>ya, now stick it in me
>wait dont stop wait hold on....

>> No.18823348

>find the fucking farm or factory yourself.
But I do.

>> No.18823370

I don't use self checkout. Even if I'm just getting a few items it's more convenient if someone can scan my stuff while I pay. It's more efficient to do it in parallel and takes less time. By the time I find my card, they've already scanned everything.

>> No.18823373

Looks like my cart. Except regular cola.

>> No.18823377
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give me one reason besides "MUH NIGGERS" as to why stealing from grocery stores is not based

>> No.18823381
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I'm a fat fuck that just gets by doing only one meal a day and going on a maelstrom of eating every 5 days and even when I do that my cart has actual fruits and ingredients to do stuff(outside the cakes ofc) the fuck are you doing buying frozen pizza and burguers and shamelessly posting that on a cooking board?! Do you have any idea how fucking easy it is to do any of those?

>> No.18823386

>plz dont remind me of my nigger behavior
youre increasing prices for honest people and eventually if losses get high enough they'll just close shop
you are a nigger hurting your community, as niggers do, nigger

>> No.18823435

You might just be a retard.
>First, the machines make you go really slowly because the cameras need to photograph your fingerprints while you're scanning
Not just a retard, a dumb fucking nigger. How stupid can you unironically be.

>> No.18823459

You can shortchange on item count too provided you keep them out of eyeshot of the camera and don't set down your items on the scale.
I only bother to do it at whole foods because they're a joke and they bought out my local chain that wasn't shit.

>> No.18823466

Pretty sure most of the banana and double scan LARPers are just that, just to get some dumbass here curious enough to try it and get thrown out or hauled off

>> No.18823473

Slippery slope isn't a fallacy.
On top of that pointing at labor eliminating automation that's been the trend since the industrial revolution and saying "there well be more of that" isn't even the slippery slope.

>> No.18823476

It’s a fallacy if you have no evidence and are just assuming but look at what happened when we gave fags rights they keep going farther and farther expecting us to just sit there and tolerate it

>> No.18823494

>You can’t just not pay the jew it’s le bad why? It just is okay?

>> No.18823562

"continually improving"
there was a time where you didn't need a permit, didn't need to register, didn't need to tell the government what firearms you own and in what quantity, you just bought one, carried it, and nobody asked because they assumed you weren't a criminal. "advanced" my ass.

>> No.18823665

>there was a time where you didn't need a permit, didn't need to register, didn't need to tell the government what firearms you own and in what quantity
you don't need to do any of that to buy/own a gun in the US
stop getting your news from twitter and /pol/, its rotting your mind
I can think of several very valid examples of gun rights declining in the past decade off the top of my head, but you failed to mention a single one of them which tells me that you neither own a firearm nor ever attempted to actually purchase one in your life. either that or you live in a commie transplant state like CA/NY, in which case, my condolences.

>> No.18823745

its not though.
they need 1 staff member per 4 machines to help all the retards/boomers who break them constantly and to do ID checks for alcohol, then there's the IT guy/repairman who have to come in a few times a week to fix the machines, he charges $90/hour.

>> No.18824515

based slop enjoyer

>> No.18824527

yeah its pretty easy. all you have to do is pass an FBI background check and that's the dealer making a phone call. in my state pistols have a waiting period unless you have a CPL - which, again, all you have to do is pass an FBI background check
its piss easy to get a gun still, even in a liberal state like mine

>> No.18824542

>getting mad at things that aren't even problems

>> No.18824550

enjoy your ass cancer, or heart attack. whichever gets you first

>> No.18824645

>Can't even stop using theirs speech when trying to bait post.

>> No.18824659

Yeah they switched them all out and now the cashier weighs them at checkout. Shit sucks

>> No.18824980

>flour+cheese again

>> No.18825053

The one near me does

>> No.18825202


>> No.18825303

because there is literally one cashier working, anon, and there are four people already in that line

>> No.18825349

everyone is calling you retarded but you're right but only when there's no bagger in the fucking store. if i fucking see you standing there fondling your own tits while i'm ringing your shit up i'm letting it get crushed against the railing and you can go fist yourself if you wanna get that shit replaced

>> No.18825379

>How come the mutts always try to give the bongs shit over what they eat
Never happend dude. You eat fish and chips and I'll eat my fries and tendies. We're not so different you and I.

>> No.18825407

Based moderate

>> No.18825428

wait there's people bagging your stuff in america? also you have to smalltalk with the cashier?

okay that sounds like cancer

>> No.18825511

It's started with giving women rights actually. Feminism is the core cause of such a rapid decline, especially second-wave. But first-wave is just as bad for getting the ball rolling. Now we have the insanity that is third-wave feminism.

>> No.18825518

The only, and I mean ONLY thing in that cart that can be considered actual food is the hot sauce lmao.

>> No.18825523

Honestly, doing to soulless corporations is pretty based. Doing it to Ma & Pa shops is Omega nigger tier.

>> No.18825533
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Absolutely not actually. Trends may slow but they never stop.

>> No.18825617

>youre increasing prices for honest people
lmao you think that shoplifting is the reason stores increase their prices?
>eventually if losses get high enough they'll just close shop
Based anon making multinational corporations go bankrupt through petty theft

>> No.18825621

Yeah, I'm sure businesses don't adjust prices to compensate for loss. This is the intelligent view that only cucks would disagree with.

>> No.18825655

I realised yesterday that the machines misweigh things and require staff logins so much that if I fill up the scale with groceries I could just start scanning stuff and putting it in my bag and then act like it's doing it's usual thing when it starts kvetching about the item not being in the bagging area.

>> No.18825717

Calling something a fallacy doesn’t make it one. In fact the slippery slope has been, and continues, to be proven real.

>> No.18825718

Hey about the supermarkets don't be the most long nosed of jews and pay for cashiers

>> No.18826367
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Jannys cart, the hot pockets are essential i get that but how can janny afford all that other shit on his current salary?

>> No.18826374

What a miserable way to live

>> No.18826496

The government wants me to sort trash for them?
Nope, it all goes in whichever bin is closest to me the day off.

Im expected to self checkout? Nope, I will always go to cashiers.
Im not some slave bitch, YOU serve me.

>> No.18826569

>Im not some slave
then why do you live off the corporate nipple

>> No.18826605

ur a little bitch

>> No.18826622

answer the question you pussy

>> No.18826633

>he doesnt understand how crime drives poverty
>he thinks crime will kill the evil megacorp when itll actually just kill off the little guy
ha ha what an absolute retard

>> No.18826645

I would use them exclusively if they had the same counter space as the manned checkouts, but they don't which means it's impossible to bag shit, so I don't use them

>> No.18826772

The Walmart by me no longer has a single register open and the lines for self checkout are now wrapped around our into the main aisles. A rage is growing within me

>> No.18827303

i would never steal from a local business, but are we really going to pretend that I'm affecting a Walmart in any way if i pull some self checkout shenanigans?

>> No.18827304

You're right, I would give anything to be able to go back into the matrix and eat the steak.
But living with your eyes open does have it's benefits as well.

>> No.18827324

Not as an individual, but the aggregate effect of collective action can amount to significant detriment.

>> No.18827334

I prefer self-checkout because Im faster and I dont like interacting with people

>> No.18827338

Walmart loses more product between the factory and the shelf than you could possibly steal

>> No.18827361

Have fun and good luck, but be very, very careful of the cameras. I have two friends stuck working grocery places, Walmart one and a local chain the other. Both monitor the self checkouts heavily but don't bother with the odd thing here or there. What they watch for is people who do it consistently and they're told to wait to catch them either being on camera stealing small things multiple times or wait till you try something bigger. The goal from head office is to get shoplifters on more serious takes so they can come down on them harder.

tl;dr, when you ring in something wrong and didn't get caught in the moment, don't assume no one noticed. Always be careful, always.

>> No.18827369
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You're paying not to wait in line, dumbass

>> No.18827391

Only if you get in early. The self-checkout line ends up getting huge because eventually every scanner gets clogged up with doddering old idiots.

>> No.18827441

that existed decades before self-checkout

>> No.18827478

>all these people claiming they steal

It must be completely different where you live because here they have people whose entire job is to sit and stare at you. I tried to steal an apple once just to see if I could get by with it and some old lady came up after I paid and was like "HMMMM I THINK YOU FORGOT SOMETHING" and I had to be like "OH HAHA MY BAD :^) "

>> No.18827519
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>slippery slope fallacy
>in [current year]+8

>> No.18827836

I only go to the section with the xanax ridden goth chick who looks dead inside, and I look her in the eyes every time, she is terrified of my goblin face.

>> No.18827893

i've heard this retarded boomer line since i was like 7 and it's never been true. they can refuse to accept whatever they want, they don't even have to let you shop there.

>> No.18827939

>Yes. That is why it is a fallacy.
Begging the question fallacy.

>> No.18827992

He's right, the slippery slope doesn't exist. It's a slippery cliff.

>> No.18828029

>Use manned checkout
>Wagey puts the cleaning products with the fresh fruit/veg

>> No.18829153

>go to the cashier
>wait 20 minutes in queue because there's only one cashier and like 5 old people in the line
>go to self checkout
>5 free stations 0 waiting time
A hard choice there, guess if your time is worthless you can just wait in the line for the cashier.
Out of all the things to complain about in the modern world you choose to complain about self checkouts? Really? Personally they've been a blessing for me, no more waiting in lines ever and on top of that I don't have to interact with the cashier.

>> No.18829158
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ok i dont live in a shithole where i need to wait in line for more than a minute

>> No.18829466

Legal euthanasia has never led to suicide booths or mandatory death. Abortion has never led to legal post-natal euthanasia. Legalising prostitution does not lead to all women becoming commodified, and actually reduces the extreme end of degeneracy in the industry. Chewing gum doesn't lead to widespread drug abuse.

>> No.18829516

Aww man, almost a day and some idiot (you) took the bait.

>> No.18829645

honestly? based

>> No.18829652

This. They monitor self checkout heavily though, especially the AP guys (who typically walk around plain-clothed). Just always make sure you're ringing up a similar item so if you get stopped you can just say "oh, I didn't know they were organic heirlooom black krims, I thought they were beefsteaks".

>> No.18829663

Canada literally has suicide booths, not the joke kind in futurama but still. They have COMMERCIALS for it.

>> No.18829681

Yes and you can scream and seethe all you want, you can’t do anything, nor do we even care

>> No.18829690

you can literally kill your baby up until the moment of birth here in CO, abortion limits and acceptance of any reason to get one have both expanded a great deal since it was first legalized. you’re talking out of your ass

>> No.18829800
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>> No.18829806

>everyone starts using self-checkout

>no more regular cashiers

>only one or two staff on-hand to help customers

>store starts offering a subscription service for priority help

it's coming

>> No.18829893

With that much groceries, you are bound to make mistakes at the self checkout ;)

>> No.18829914
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>so people don’t know I’m a manchild
everyone knows

>> No.18829926

what would possess anyone to buy frozen cheeseburgers that aren't white castle?

>> No.18830094

you know how easy it is to steal from those things? that alone makes it worth it. i have gone and got 3 racks of baby back ribs, paid for only 1 by stacking them up
gotten 3 or 4 ribeye steaks only paying for one by stacking them up
even if they watch they can't tell. and the weight sensors are fucking retard tier since the person overseeing the self checkouts literally will just hit the button to override it every time without question

>> No.18830099

all you have to do is say it was an honest mistake and they won't press charges or anything anyway. literally just say 'well, i'm sorry i'm not a cashier and thought that it went through'

>> No.18830103

>they're told to wait to catch them either being on camera stealing small things multiple times or wait till you try something bigger
ill take unproven urban myths that wont go away for 200 please

>> No.18830107

n...no mom im not going to buy this stuff its just to trigger these people on a japanese cartoon message board

>> No.18830126

how do you do this?

>> No.18830165

You can get away with a lot of shit on these check outs and one notices kek

>> No.18830296

>diet coke

>> No.18830325

As an autistic sperg I fucking love self checkouts. I always hated having to force myself to talk to some normie when I wanted to buy something. It's awkward, I don't give a shit about them or what they have to say and if they attempt small talk it just makes whole situation much worse.

I'll gladly do their job if it means I don't have to speak to somebody.

>> No.18830330

I'll never get this complaint. It's basically like-for-like for your average tastelet and it replaces an insane amount of calories with practically zero. Do you want them to have the full sugar to be ideologically pure or something?

>> No.18830357

What are you people saying to cashiers besides "Hi" and "Thanks"?

>> No.18830363

I think it’s rather sad honestly. How long until nobody talks to each other at all? I like to make conversations with people at self check outs. Ask them how much they’re paying for their food and trying to get them to actually socialise instead of turning into mindless robots. My job is to try and talk people into buying things as they’re walking past in the store so I don’t feel any awkwardness at all.

>> No.18830364

NTA but the people around here are all pretty pushy with the smalltalk
>haven't seen you in a while!
>ooh what do you cook with that?
>got any plans for the weekend?
I don't mind most of the time but sometimes you're just not in the mood.

>> No.18830369

Self checkouts are great. I don't want to talk to or deal with wagies. I also don't want to sit in line.

>> No.18830375
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>> No.18830431

i just dont want to interact with the begga-i mean baggers

>> No.18830439

Ok that sounds miserable actually

I'm glad I live in a big city where cashiers won't speak unless spoken to

>> No.18830440

what the fuck is wrong with all of you? i can't even picture the average 4chan user anymore. you're so completelty and totally retarded that I can't conjure the image of a human who is as fucking dumb as you lot anymore. are you actually all brain diseased aliens from planet stupid fuckin idiots?

>> No.18830452

Something tells me you’re a gentle kisser when it comes to animals and stuff

>> No.18830546

Oh I'm very sorry you aren't able to harrass and brutalize gays like a fucking nigger anymore, truly we've fallen far from grace.

>> No.18830560

Jesus Christ watch the language bro that wasn’t called for

>> No.18830584

Luckily u mentally ill faggots have a very high suicide rate. Nature always finds a way to balance things out and correct things.

>> No.18830706

Don't worry, those rates are affected by the shit gay people have to put up with from subhumans like yourself so the more you are forced to be a decent person things will work themselves out.

Do go ahead and keep yelling about how you hate gay people, it helps their cause in many ways.

>> No.18830736
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>He thinks its just the mentall illness that kills them
U faggots are as delusional as ever. U got ur monkeypox yet?

>> No.18830795

>between 24% and 90%
Stopped reading. What a meaningless stat.

>> No.18830819
File: 54 KB, 680x636, 1622105448027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fag cope
Many such cases.

>> No.18830836

Yeah I'd tell you to fuck off and mind your own business.

>> No.18830866

it's faster than standing in line

>> No.18830883

This. I found out Walmart specifically trains receipt checkers not to be aggressive, and they have a policy against them being aggressive. The ones at my local Walmart screamed and got in front of you if you avoided them so I contacted corporate and they got rid of receipt checkers at that store entirely.

>> No.18830893

4011 on weighed items

>> No.18830896

I'm not a mindless robot. I'm busy with many thoughts. Your platitudes are mindless robotic babble made to distract yourself from noticing how little is going on in your brain.

>> No.18830981

Lol shut up loser

>> No.18831015
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Good goy

>> No.18831040

Self checkout sucks
>not programmed with some product info/scan something and it's not in the system (happened to me at circle k)
>weight thing near the bagging area so can't buy more than a few bags at a time, can't put them in your cart before paying, impossible
>need my id checked anyways for certain purchases
>moving belt and large bagging area is better for my household's grocery shopping so I don't squish or misbag anything

>> No.18831066

I only shop at places where the checkout girls are cute. I need this and you can’t stop me.

>> No.18831075

I never use it because I always look for items on sale and if one doesn't register I'd rather make the cashier take care of it instead of standing at the self checkout with my thumb up my ass for 20 minutes waiting on a manager. I also have no interest in stealing anything.

>> No.18831092

I usually only buy some produce, fish and dairy, and self checkout takes about three minutes unless the machine fucks up, which is pretty rare. Don't see why I should have to stand in line behind multiple people with carts packed to the ceiling. Express lanes don't exist in my area for some reason.

>> No.18831338

Lol fag

>> No.18831519

Hey like I say, have fun. Just be careful. Or don't lol.

>> No.18831536

>7th day Adventists and imaginary stats

I read part of the act article and it was highly entertaining. Leave it to hicks who believe in a false demigod to give their hand-wrining opinions on them eeeevil gays.

>> No.18831572

that's not food, it's finely processed garbage

>> No.18831588

You can't refuse legal tender for DEBTS
It's literally written on your money

>> No.18831663

That's why actual cashiers exist for people who aren't triggered by social interaction.

>> No.18832062

Shameless samefag cope

>> No.18832346

>59559955% of faggots have seven BAZILLION gay fucker faggot partners!
anon youre the biggest faggot on this board

>> No.18832450

I always felt like this works just as well as gay recruitment as it does gay hate.
>lesbians abusing women: based
>fucking 1000 different strangers: based
>dodging monogamy and (((marriage))): based
>several dozen sex partners per year: based
>being """mentally ill""": based
>serial killers: based

>> No.18832461

Self checkouts are so good. Not only am I paying half price for my groceries on a good day, I also don't have to deal with a wagie, and it gets done faster because I am obviously way more proficient with literally everything than the $8/hr register cuck. I literally do not understand why anyone would want to go to a regular checkout.

Maybe if you're the kind of brainlet boomer who bitches about uscans you're so physically slow that having some brain dead 35 year old burnout do it for you is faster, or you're so starved for attention that having somebody pretend to like you for 30 seconds is the highlight of your day, or maybe you're too stupid to operate the machine yourself. Still, it's hard for me to see the problem even though I somehow actually read this entire thread.

>> No.18833311
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>> No.18833321

Greedy boomers should have just paid their workers lel

>> No.18833423

Greedy boomers can just increase prices to compensate for losses like this. They are unaffected pretty much.

>> No.18833486

only brainlets and boomers hate self checkout

>> No.18833493


>> No.18833567

that's a good thing

>> No.18833633

Stay mad comic boy.

>> No.18833705

Man I wish I had self checkout where I live. I live in a small 60k California city and none of the 3 big grocery stores in town have self checkout in fucking 2023

>> No.18834100

>because they will be crushed underfoot and ground into dust until their souls are broken.

This is perfectly achievable in the service industry

>> No.18834113
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>between 24 and 90%
Why even put something that weak and vague as your first statistic in that image? Is this a psyop to get people not to believe anti-gay infographics by headlining with something retarded?

>> No.18834115
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>More fag cope.
very sad

>> No.18834123
File: 51 KB, 960x540, 1667359939138733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you take a stat seriously if it ranged between 24 and 90%? Honestly, would that not give you pause in some way, and make you question the methods they used to collect that data if it varied so much? If you saw any other stat with that range in an infographic, what would your first thought be?

>> No.18834126

anon stop trying to reason with a teenage troll
he's way past logic, he's just gonna keep spouting buzzwords

>> No.18834129
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>One stat looks iffy
>heh might aswell dissmiss all the otherones and live in ignorance
Its time for u to face the music faggotry is not normal and not natural. Nature wouldnt have punished u with such horrible stds like aids and monkeypox. Fucking degenerate.
>Muh logic
Like ur 150 genders right?

>> No.18834134

Yeah that's retarded and just cuz I'm bored I checked out the source as well and a lot of that is equally retarded... linking to a book for sale on Amazon or some guy's blog. Imagine posting that unironically.

>> No.18834136
File: 1.03 MB, 179x290, 1625194770760.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>might as well dismiss the other ones
Never said that, are you honest enough to admit that stat looks bullshit at least? If there was a stat that said "24-90% of anti-gay organizations were abusive to employees" or some shit would you not think it was bullshit? You had the balls to say "iffy," do you have the balls to say "bullshit" about any stat that ranges that much?

>> No.18834139

>all the otherones
all the other ones are also nonsense
I hate faggots as much as the next guy but that image is just fucking retarded

>> No.18834141

Not really, i would say that 90 % is pretty accurate.

>> No.18834146
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Anon, please think critically here. If 90% is pretty accurate, would 24% be?

>> No.18834149

I think its pretty fair to say that almost all faggots have been diddled as kids. After all its how faggots reproduce.

>> No.18834157

i really really like scanning and bagging my own things. i hated doing it as a cashier for other people
there's even a couple publixes that have now added in self-checkouts and it's great. i've waited in line far less since these things came out, i'll eat the 15 calories it takes me to bag up my basket if it means i save 15 minutes while the fuckface in front of me is trying to pay 3 different ways, the old lady can't find the right card to use and then needs help using technology that's older than her, and the single tattood mom who has to bitch about her WIC not being accepted

>> No.18834158

then how did the first faggot get made

>> No.18834166

Yeah, I love self checkout, and if a grocery store doesn't have it I'll go somewhere else. I hate having to deal with a cashier, especially now that I'm used to self-checkout.

>> No.18834168
File: 43 KB, 540x540, 1463881106135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask poltard to think critically
>incapable of doing so or answering the question about his shitty infographic
as expected

>> No.18834169

white castle frozen cheeseburgers suck because of the cheese. the hamburgers are much better, add your own cheese after
the bigger ones like in that pic take a couple minutes of micro-managing so that the bun doesn't get too done while the burger isn't hot all the way through, but they're cheaper than mcdonalds.

>> No.18834196


>> No.18834231
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>Le polman living rent free in my head
>>think critically
Even better than that, i rely on instict and logic.

>> No.18834258

>I use logic ackshually
Logically, if 90% is an accurate stat for the occurance something, 24% wouldn't be. Fucking retard.

>> No.18834275

Or, they can make their items free because they never paid a dime for any of it. Grocery stores come with groceries in them, and greedy fucks go "Oh boy, Capitalism time."

>> No.18834291

then how come there are multiple threads a day along the line of
>why is british food so bland
>why are all british chefs hacks
>do british people really eat this?

>> No.18834654

>rent free
says the guy having faggots living rent free in his head, faggot.

>> No.18834780

>store is busy as shit
>only 1 (one) regular checkout lane with a staff member open
>has a line a mile long
>5 self-checkouts also backed way the hell up with people ringing out entire families worth of food
>only 2 of them have belts with space to leave your shit while you scan
>the no-belt self checkout assistance lights are all flashing because they're not set up to let you bag entire carts full of items
>plastic bags are banned here so you have to bag your own shit with your own bags anyway
>nobody is available to come clear the "you're a thief" flashing light alerts because the self-checkouts took away all their jobs
>lines get longer
>expect this experience every single time i go to this store and get it because it's the only decent store near my house unless i want to drive 3 more miles
when will this end

>> No.18834836

As long as you have your receipts on hand and don't appear trashy/ homeless, there is NOTHING they can do. Employees are not even allowed to confront shoplifters unless they caught them red-handed.

>> No.18834855

If you promote taking jobs away from your countrymen you should be tried for treason.

>> No.18834871

Imho your countrymen should be doing something productive, not standing there scanning barcodes for 8 hours. Cashier should not be a job in this day and age.

>> No.18834972

Boomer brained retards will never understand this, they think anything that you get paid (minimum wage) for is inherently Productive even if it accomplishes literally nothing.

>> No.18835037

you're a brainlet. what about the jobs required to program and maintain the machine you aren't creating by resisting replacing one (1) cashier?

>> No.18835278

this man knows how to do it

>> No.18836062

>aggregate effect of collective action can amount to significant detriment
Theft of grocieries has a net effect of recapturing wealth for the poor and working class; because there are more of them, and more people in those classes bother to do it instead of just paying. The benefit of a theft goes entirely toward the person that does it. The cost gets split among the employees, shareholders, and executives. But if the working class employees are the ones stealing, they're tending to recouping the value of that loss and then some.

If we're gonna build some ethics around it, it should be to avoid stealing if your family is already comfortable and financially solvent in the foreseeable future; and avoid doing it at small businesses.