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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18814704 No.18814704 [Reply] [Original]

>is a local neighbourhood sandwich place
>the main guy is running around and screeching like he's Marco Pierre White

What's the deal?

>> No.18814777

the purpose of media, propaganda, and other corporate/state funded institutions is to sabotage young people by giving them an unrealistic view of reality. They teach you the things you arent suppose to do while presenting them as the correct way to do so so when you do them, you inevitably fail and fall into a spiral of self doubt, self hate, and depression.

see: incels.

>> No.18814791

i dont think you watched the show

>> No.18814886

That's literally the plot of the show, retard.

>> No.18814901

Any good /ck/ related shows? I've seen Whites and it was pretty good although it felt more sitcommy.

>> No.18814906

Ummm sweetie, 'incels' are called 'trans' now. Please keep up.

>> No.18814911

The shows about some Michelin chef that goes to take over a sandwich shop his brother owned because he died.
The workers are a diverse group of typical kitchen workers who think the white man is keeping them down.
He tried to tell them what to do and hoo boy they want no part of it (because he's white)
hijinx ensue.

>> No.18814993

Anything bourdain

>> No.18815007

But they drink water out of plastic quart containers. So authentic.

>> No.18815033

>He tried to tell them what to do and hoo boy they want no part of it (because he's white)
>hijinx ensue.
Then why did they listen to his brother

>> No.18815065

Party down

>> No.18815070

why are there so many niggers on my tv?

>> No.18815851

The guy screeching has deep mental illness. Realizes he is a nobody. His ego is messed up. He's trying really hard to do better than he can. And can't regulate his emotions.

When I watched it I was like wtf just make the food no one really cares it's simple.

But he has Perfectionism in his head and it's killing him

>> No.18816087

It's Chicongo, duh.
>entire staff is full of East-Coasters doing hammy caricatures of an accent that has been basically extinct for decades
Shouts out to Lin Brehmer though, made me happy they gave him a feature at the beginning of one of the episodes.

>> No.18816126

I enjoyed this program, and last night I binged The Patient on my Hulu streaming service! I could not stop! Time and time again Hulu keeps me entertained. Hulu.

>> No.18816147

>What's the deal?
its a television series. its not real.

However, in my experience, Chef's act up more when they're not very good at their job, can't deal with stress, and consequently work in shittier eating establishments. When I've worked in fine dining, the Chef's tended to be firm and efficient instead of histrionic/melodramatic.

>> No.18816320

I loved Tina bros

>> No.18816327

Is the patient the one with Steve carell? I tried to get into it but then it seemed to corny.
I loved the bear

>> No.18816364
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Very good question

>> No.18816382

Your a faggot

>> No.18816385

How do we stop the incel trooning epidemic?

>> No.18816530
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this might be the best post i have ever seen here

>> No.18816596

its ok to not be a perfectionist but to dislike someone especially a business owner for being one is pure retardation and a strong indication of how much of a failure you are.
you refuse to try because you know you won't be able to hide from the fact that you suck when you fail regardless.

>> No.18816829

>be set in a popular chicago roast beef joint
>mostly serve sandwiches
>restaurant opens at 3PM
such bullshit it's laughable

>> No.18816842

>set in a popular chicago roast beef joint
was it?
im sure it was some shitty restaurant that was basically just making spagbol and going downhill
all the customers where there for the competition no?

>> No.18816859

in all the scenes when they were actually in service, it was a pretty populated restaurant. the competition was just in ep one. most of the kitchen drama happens during 'prep hours'

>> No.18816869

other than the comp i honestly cant think of any other scenes apart from when theyre fixing something in prep hours that included the seating area :/

>> No.18816871

yeah its the seteve carell one, idk it grabbed me pretty instantly. it does have pretty jarring choices, particularly the sound track is just odd or corny as you said at times. the performances and writing are really good though

the bear is a better show, but i still really enjoyed the patient

>> No.18817191
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>> No.18817210

i love chef kino
i love prison kino
i love operator kino
simple as

>> No.18817211

>le diversity hire accidentally gives an amazing bur rejected test dish to a restaurant reviewer wow much cosmic coincidence
>reviewer writes great review for dish wow much plot
>le diversity hire forgets to turn off online pre-orders wow much happenstance
>restaurant gets smashed with a volume of preorders they are utterly unprepared for much unfortunate
>chef gets super big mad at her for fucking the entire place with her pretentious dipshittery wow so drama
>le diversity hire flounces out after saying it’s all on the poor bastard she failed to follow directions from
It’s shit. Too many coincidences and a bunch of people acting like retards because it’s the only way to advance the plot.

>> No.18817214

>>le diversity hire accidentally gives an amazing bur rejected test dish to a restaurant reviewer wow much cosmic coincidence
holy fuck rest of post disregarded after this braindead take. she did it on purpose out of spite/pride, it was obvious.

>> No.18817217
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>> No.18817227

No, it was pure coincidence as she admits later she had no idea who he was.
I mean they probably cover 2000+ customers a week, what are the chances that the table she randomly gave the dish to was a reviewer?
This is Critical Drinker levels of ‘plot needs to happen’.

>> No.18817235

sounds to me like you are marginalizing minority lived experience. typical chud

>> No.18817240

she did it out of spite you sped, its clearly shown

>> No.18817260

Nah they open at 11 and close at 9, in a later episode le diversity hire suggests going to a split shift because everyone in hospitality lives those

>> No.18817264

She had no idea he was a reviewer you fucking spacker. She even says as much.

>> No.18817265

i thought you meant she accidentally served it at all, not that the accident was who got it.

>> No.18817268

go back and watch the episode again
fucking mong

>> No.18817269

I'm a perfectionist in therapy after getting top grades in my program in school. It's a destructive thing to have. You can harness it sometimes but it's always a razors Edge. :-)

>> No.18817270

oh yeah the patient is somewhat /ck/ related since the kidnapper is a food inspection agent, and has an obsession with food

>> No.18817275
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Right back at you you fucking imbecile

>> No.18817284

fake news

>> No.18817308

I literally just called up that episode from 17m20s to 19m and there is literally no evidence that she was giving the short rib to anyone but some fat rando who came in for a hot dog.
You are a fucking smoothbrain and I expect an apology shall be forthcoming.

>> No.18817319

>I expect an apology shall be forthcoming.
okay you might be very right
no apology though sucks a cock retard

>> No.18817482

Must you be so uncouth

>> No.18817483
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only when im feeling devilish

>> No.18817573

it wasnt popular or particularly busy, it was just well known and an "establishment"
Bear is constantly stressing that every service period NEEDS to do well for them to stay open, so they cant be generating all that much cashflow. Also the arcade game tournament crowd was a huge deal, so their average customer base probably isnt huge

In the second last episode they call out par numbers, showing that theyre stocked for roughly 200 covers. Not heaps, but not nothing.

>> No.18817599

>>le diversity hire accidentally gives an amazing bur rejected test dish to a restaurant reviewer wow much cosmic coincidence
bit of a stretch but hey, plot does need to happen. Secret critics are a thing and sending out something experimental to one isnt the most inconceivable thing to happen.
>>reviewer writes great review for dish wow much plot
if its good its good idk what you want shes also well trained well rounded and knows what shes doing why wouldnt i get a good review?
>>le diversity hire forgets to turn off online pre-orders wow much happenstance
has happened to just about every restaurant that has a food app i'd say, we've definitely forgotten to turn ours off for holidays and odd hours so again, not inconceivable
>>restaurant gets smashed with a volume of preorders they are utterly unprepared for much unfortunate
>>chef gets super big mad at her for fucking the entire place with her pretentious dipshittery wow so drama
the whole show is about how Carmy isnt as good as he thinks he is and how he cant control everything. the climax of the show is about his very wrong decision in the heat of the moment to do more than theyre capable of, and the downfall of the crew for his hubris
>>le diversity hire flounces out after saying it’s all on the poor bastard she failed to follow directions from
this is her character fault, which is shown beforehand and built up to

i dont get it anon you dont like that characters have faults or that plot devices exist in a TV show, what is it that you watch that is so meticulously planned out and only involves rational decisions and no coincidence luck, or timing?
>inb4 racist chin-dribble

>> No.18817652

If they don't listen, then they're unemployed. Feels like their life is pretty shit to just fuck things up working at some slop Sammie shop.

>> No.18818304

‘Bear’ is the name of the restaurant he wanted to open with his brother. Carmine or Carmy is the main characters name.

>> No.18818306

It’s okay, I’m not going to super freak Anon

>> No.18818322

>I dont get it anon you dont like that characters have faults or that plot devices exist in a TV show
I don’t like it when pivotal plot points and development depend on million-to-one coincidences.
>Secret critics are a thing and sending out something experimental to one isnt the most inconceivable thing to happen.
I worked a line for chefs like Matthew Moran, Anthony Musarra and Neil Perry. I spent almost ten years, much as a CDP/sous, and never once saw a single fucking reviewer. And you’re telling me that on one random day a reviewer decides to visit some greasy spoon sandwich joint and just happens to prop five minutes before a chef randomly hands a dish to him? Why didn’t she let the hands have it, or the other chefs? Why did she walk it to a table and why that table? And why did she say it was an ‘extra’?
Literally no chef on earth will randomly deliver a rejected dish to a customer. If it’s not good enough to sell it’s not good enough to serve. It’s a ridiculously unlikely contrivance used to move a constipated plot and it’s an insult to the intellect of the viewer to ask them to believe that such a ridiculous coincidence is likely.

>> No.18818347

i guess all the fields i've worked and hobbies i have kinda required it, a laissez-faire attitude is not conducive to competition

>> No.18818354

"Bear" is also Carmy's nickname