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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18813352 No.18813352 [Reply] [Original]

It's your first meal in Thailand, and this vendor asks you, "what's your order?" What will it be

>> No.18813354

Moneybags and pad thai

>> No.18813360
File: 5 KB, 250x174, 1604549466738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hear her talk
>boner lost
What an ugly language

>> No.18813362

This video is on the top of my youtube feed for like 2 months now

>> No.18813365

Chinese and Vietnamese do the same thing for me. Bug languages just at not pretty to me.

>> No.18813372

agreed, thai and vietnamese are the most unpleasant sounding languages
chinese isnt bad though

>> No.18813380

Mate you might have erectile dysfunction, you should see a doctor

>> No.18813393 [DELETED] 

She's wearing a mask outside, so yeah she's probably dumb enough to fuck a /ck/ dweeb. This was the implication right? Thai woman = sucky sucky. Haha good one.

>> No.18813417

Egg, banana, bit of carbs from wrap, and the fry oil.
Nutritionally seems almost the perfect breakfast.

But then she smothers them in sugar sauces :/

Gonna try egg and banana wrap though. Maybe with plantain instead, but thats difficult to get here in Finland.

>> No.18813420

If it's not terribly inconvenient, would you mind driving over a country and smacking the retards at fatshark for fucking up darktide? I'll email you a bitcoin, thanks.

>> No.18813427 [DELETED] 


>> No.18813428

I hate you nutritionfags so fucking much.
Does it taste good? Is it made with ingredients that don't actively harm you? Then it's good to eat, no need to even think about nutrition.

>> No.18813432

A lot of the youtube comments are saying she has a dick.

>> No.18813445
File: 52 KB, 480x480, 1634777465201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate you nutritionfags so fucking much.
You misrepresent me, you shiteating HIV riddled idiot whore.

I prefer a relatively fast to prepare, easy to eat, tasty, but also nutritious breakfast item. This seems to have all of that.

The core function of food and eating is nutrition, you subhuman niggerfucker. That doesnt mean that it being tasty doesnt matter, and ofc cost and time to prepare are involved.

Do you understand, faggot anuslicker?

>> No.18813447

Then why the fuck are you complaining about the sugar sauces? It's just food, same as anything else on the plate, except that it's sweet.
Nutrition literally doesn't matter. It's a secondary function of eating.

>> No.18813456
File: 130 KB, 1280x853, karelian-pie-and-egg-butter-finnish-food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then why the fuck are you complaining about the sugar sauces?
A) I dont want a sugar high/crash mid morning.
B) I prefer savory, to sweet. In my mind sweet is for deserts.
C) I generally dont eat sugar. There is no need for it except in small amounts, and primarily specifically for in deserts. Nor in this dish, as the banana is already sweet with fructose.

You are either a fat whore, or a fat homo.
Which is it?

>> No.18813474
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>Nutrition literally doesn't matter
You are a braindead moron.
The fact you dont understand the science of nutrition is no excuse for your inane conclusion.

The primary function of food is nutrition. That is why we eat. The primary function of your senses (as to taste) is an evolutionary result for detecting whether the food is spoiled, and to determine some of its nutritional attributes. Foods have a vast spectrum of nutritional content, sometimes quite surprisingly so.

But then there are niggeridiots like you, that because YOU DONT KNOW OR UNDERSTAND what is at issue, presume "it doesnt matter", as an excuse for the fact that you have subhuman IQ, attentionspan, and now knowledge of the topic.

Shut up and sit down, while adults are talking. You are a fucking embarassment to us all everytime you open your retarded fucking mouth.

>> No.18813483

No, the primary function of eating is to stave off the unpleasant feeling of hunger. Nutrition doesn't matter as long as you're not hungry.

>> No.18813485

Absolutely no regard for knife safety 0/10 would no bang

>> No.18813499

Chinese doesn't sound that bad at all, unless it's the Cantonese/southern dialects, which are much more similar in tone to the Southeast Asian languages.

>> No.18813506
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>Nutrition doesn't matter as long as you're not hungry.
Nutrition always matters.

Example: You can eat mud till your guts are full, to alay feeling hunger, but you will still be starving, dying and getting no nutrition.

Cooking and cuisine can rationally be said to be the art/method/science/practice of preparing nutritious food in such ways as to also be palatable, desirable and satisfying with the ingredients available.

You are a little child in your understanding of this, years away from realizing how much you do not know and do not understand about this, and how you are not mentally even developed enough to be able to process that.

You should shut your fucking mouth, listen and learn from your betters.

>> No.18813511 [DELETED] 


>Why would someone who works next to a road wear a mask outside?

>> No.18813514

>Example: You can eat mud till your guts are full, to alay feeling hunger, but you will still be starving, dying and getting no nutrition.
Exactly. That's my point. You can eat anything if it fills your stomach. Nutrition doesn't matter.

>> No.18813517 [DELETED] 

Please don't tell me you think masks protect you from anything.
The harmful particles from the trafic are too small to be stopped by something as flimsy and porous as a facemask.

>> No.18813521

just go away retard

>> No.18813525 [DELETED] 

You first. You know I'm right.
P.S. There's no proof that any nutrients even exist.

>> No.18813528 [DELETED] 

It does, you dumb fuck. If even thin clothing can shield your skin from literal sun rays, why wouldn't masks be able to shield you from inhaling airborne particles?

>> No.18813539 [DELETED] 

Clothing doesn't shield you from anything. It blocks and reflects some of the radiation but not all of it. The thinner and lighter-colored the clothing, the more radiation it lets through.

The mask is porous. The tiny holes in the mask are larger than the airborne particles. Therefore the particles can go through the mask. QED.

>> No.18813549 [DELETED] 

Thia guy's getting sunburnt underneath his clothing

>> No.18813550 [DELETED] 
File: 128 KB, 1010x650, 1640189588591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Caloric content is proveable by burning the food item. Its direct joule measurable output, as in degrees centigrade.

Mineral and vitamin content are demonstrable by specific various tests. Fiber is measurable, and clearly demonstrable.

You are a niggerfaggotwhorekikeretard that is too stupid to count as human.

>> No.18813560 [DELETED] 

Reddit spacing aside, you're a fucking imbecile.
Nutritional science (just like physics or chemistry) isn't real. You cannot prove that anything you cannot see with your naked eyes, and you can't see calories or carbs or vitamins.

>> No.18813566 [DELETED] 
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Probably to allay the concerns of paranoid vaxxoid customers.

Might also have been a legal requirement for street food vendors. Some Asian countries can have pretty draconian laws, and you dont fuck around with the cops.

>> No.18813568 [DELETED] 

Nigger, have you seen the difference in skin shade shade when it comes to tanlines? It isn't just "some."
All solid material save for pure metals are porous. That's a non-argument.
>The tiny holes in the mask are larger than the airborne particles
Also wrong and completely missing the factor that not all particles are the same size. Learning about how microscopic particles interact with solid objects isn't that hard.

>> No.18813575 [DELETED] 
File: 79 KB, 800x824, chinese-century-egg-10351147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. You are confirmed as a faggot, whore or nigger. No actual sensible human is as congenitally stupid, obstinate and retardedly egocentric as you.

I literally explained above the methods whereby all of that are proven.

>> No.18813579 [DELETED] 
File: 96 KB, 682x700, RE7Ep7z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18813582 [DELETED] 

Can I see a joule? Am I able to touch a single vitamin? No? Then they cannot be proven to exist.
I'm literally saying that no one, including myself, can know anything about the world other than what we can directly sense. I don't know how that's supposed to be egocentric.

>> No.18813591

yeah cantonese sounds ugly too

>> No.18813598 [DELETED] 

Why'd the faggot janny delete the only active thread on this dead board

>> No.18813617
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>> No.18813656

Seek help

>> No.18813945

did anyone watch the video lol? she sells crepes with chocolate and icing. It's a dessert cart.

>> No.18813956


>> No.18813991

lmao have you ever heard chinese? no, you haven't

it's embarrassing to hear flyovers try to talk about langauges

>> No.18814034

I would take one look at the cheese and pay her the price of a few meals out of charity, probably pray for the Lord to have mercy on whoever actually eats anything from her stall.

>> No.18814045
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You are so fat lmao
>inb4 no i'm not
Yes you are

>> No.18814053

>There is no need for sugar

The human brain runs exclusively on glucose. Your body will begrudgingly process protein in to glucose (gluconeogenesis). It is true that added sugars should be generally avoided, however. You can get your glucose from starches and some edible muscle tissues (glycogen).

anyway ur fucking cringe d00d lmao for getting triggered like the stupid Falmer u r kek

>> No.18814185
File: 2.39 MB, 320x400, I LIKE THAT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More for me

>> No.18814204

>have you ever heard chinese?
of course he do. his parents speaking Mandarin at home.

>> No.18814209

thai booba

>> No.18814368
File: 2.85 MB, 480x854, แม่ค้ามะม่วง.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking coomer
at least post one that dress modestly.

>> No.18814529
File: 1012 KB, 500x250, YGDR.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking coomer

>> No.18814537

>that one chop at :08
kek almost got herself good. social media was a mistake

>> No.18814543

it's not like there aren't enough

>> No.18814561

If only she was still eight then I could consider sexual activity. I am not a geriatric fetishist.

>> No.18814598
File: 144 KB, 598x574, 66AED2F7-6C1C-4A9A-88DD-D6AAD48D71AF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d give her $50 to eat then stretch her asshole

>> No.18814606

20 years ago.

>> No.18814645

careless, reckless, dangerous, and alarming

>> No.18814658

Depends on the Chinese language, Mandarin sounds worse than Cantonese. But, I agree that tonal languages don't strike my ear well.
Probably why Malay is the best sounding language from that area.

>> No.18814673

Little girls speaking Klingon in the heat of it is best.

>> No.18814679

What’s up with all the fat whites guys walking around?

>> No.18814684

We conquered the world. Fuck off. Also the child sex almanac 2020 rated it #3

>> No.18814698
File: 102 KB, 720x960, DEE715AD-0830-45CB-8B5B-89F2005BFC9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my woman be jealous faggot eurocucks

>> No.18814707

The people that work these carts are they generally poor poor, or are they able to make a decent living for their area?

Also if I had to place an order I would order sum fuk long time.

>> No.18814711

>scrambled eggs
>chocolate syrup
Absolutely bizarre.

>> No.18814726

Whatever dialect of Chinese they speak at the Chinese restaurant I go to sounds like angry nails on chalk board, worse than any Thai or Vietnamese I heard.

>> No.18815035
File: 12 KB, 409x159, 1644032305343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see thumbnail
nice, cute twink
>open video
ew woman, cringe
>see first comment
ok now this is based

>> No.18815069


>> No.18815128

I found it interesting, that green dough is something I have never seen.
But are you all thinking the girl is sexy because you can see her belly and she isn't fat? I can't even see her face, how ca I think she's pretty if I could only see that cuck muzzle? Also, no butt, but that's common for asians.

>> No.18815169

Coastal urban rednecks trying to appear "cultured" by drawing from what watered down corporatized internationalism they have being sold to them on their street corners is the most embarrassing thing of all. Go out and live outside of your theme park, baizou

>> No.18815176

for me, it's mandarin and all the scandinavian languages. absolutely horrible.

>> No.18815178

>are they generally poor poor
the girl in this vid >>18814368 sale 20 baht coffee on street but she drive camry. it's cost $48k in Thailand (vat 300%).
but if your vendor is really famous like girl in this vid then it's not surprise that she have many luxury goods.

>> No.18815205

wait till you hear british women

>> No.18815222

H-how do they know?

>> No.18815250
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While we are posting comments, this is peak Live Love Laugh core. Jesus.

>> No.18815278

it's a dude

>> No.18815288
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>preferring the dubbed version of ong bak

>> No.18815299

Why did she cut a hole in the styrofoam containers?

>> No.18815319

Probably to help vent steam

>> No.18815407

Thanks bro

>> No.18815424

For the flies to get in, for more protein.

>> No.18816237

depends on which region of Vietnam. Have you heard nortern vietnamese? It's like the british of english. North vietnam sounds sophisticated as fuck

>> No.18816553


>> No.18816558

that is a manlady, as stated in the first comment.

>> No.18816613

absolutely hate mandarin too, grew up around tons of mandarin people, constantly talking in their loud ugly language with heavy emphasis on some words that sound like they're gonna cough up phlegm. I also never met a decent mandarin speaking person too so that's a major contributor to my hatred of their language

>> No.18816614

Your body

>> No.18816636

this is supposed to sound sophisticated to you?

>> No.18817008

Anon, I...

>> No.18817084

i remember there is some southeast asian girl with huge breasts who does cooking on youtube in shirts that are practically lingerie. then she talks and its the most high pitched horrific language ive ever heard. its thai, vietnamese, cambodian, something like this. tried to find her but couldnt.

>> No.18817151

pong? if so that's vietnamese

>> No.18817339

pong? if so that's pongese

>> No.18817579

When you guys are reading things online do you hear them in your head as your voice?

>> No.18817612

oh yeah her. see look, see thru top with huge breats but listen to this fucking language


>> No.18817741

salted pork rack... with extra peanut and hoisin sauce

>> No.18817811

Cantonese is shit but mandarin is goat.

>> No.18817818

Which dialect retard?

>> No.18817821 [DELETED] 

Absolute retarded bitchnigger.

>> No.18817822

Retarded faggot.

>> No.18817970

urban areas have huge immigrant populations though lol wtf are you even getting at.

>> No.18818002

I don't mind cock, but the man's voice ruins the deal

>> No.18818049
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man... im trying not to fucking coom and you post this? jesus christ

>> No.18818068

I want to pafpaf.

>> No.18818222
File: 131 KB, 410x289, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh just a banana, thanks.


>> No.18818254

chink mad

>> No.18818400

Imagine her yelling out you while you stand there nude.

>> No.18818445


>> No.18819176

Which self-isolate into their own communities, you aren't getting any actual cultural exchange by talking to the Philippines at your fast food counter. You are just as sheltered as any of your strawman ideas of more rural areas (who generally have more community integration of their immigrants).
In short, you are the redneck.

>> No.18819252

And they work outside of their communities. And you end up working alongside them, and becoming friends, and hanging out, etc., you fucking idiot. It's also a hilarious tell that in your mind the only way you could possibly interact with an immigrant is if theyre working a service job. You're just showing off how sheltered and clueless you are yourself.

>> No.18819273

One hambagah please

>> No.18819342

someone post the one with huge tits that spits in the food

>> No.18819345

For me, it's yelling at Cambodian women while they're nude

>> No.18819353

Y'all got hamburgers?

>> No.18819416

Traveling is fun, isn't it

>> No.18819423

How about a whammy bar too?

>> No.18819729
File: 115 KB, 573x944, yeal3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but Thai, Vietnamese and Cambodian sound like cats trying to speak a human langauge.

>> No.18819922

>wong wong pang pang bong bong wong bong pang dong wonogong bonogong pang pang yong
Heh heh heh funny

>> No.18820141

one large serving of panang curry please

>> No.18820155

Pad krapow gai with curry fried rice

>> No.18820168

Mandarin doesn't sound like ching chong chung shit. It sounds robotic and weird, but it isn't like the cat-dying sound that Cantonese/Vietnamese/Thai people speak.

>> No.18820192

My enduring memory of food in Thailand outside of restaurants is everything being covered in flies.

>> No.18820333

Spent christmas in Thailand.
Banana pancakes were pretty fucking great.

>> No.18820387

Japanese and Korean are the only Asian languages that doesn't sound insectoid.
Filipino is funny though

>> No.18820543
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Can I hab hamburga pleasee?